5 Of The Best Death Korps of Krieg Moments in Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl the death core of Krieger one of the most beloved Guardsmen regiment within Warhammer 40K now yes that doesn't seem to reflect very well on us as a they very much give off World War One Vibes and not in a pleasant way chemical weapons and whatnot and B they are pretty cool about violently dying one may even mistake them for being suicidal but they are cool as hell and that trumps all else but with them not really having unique characters they're specific key moments and exploits can be difficult to recall so I thought why not shine a spotlight on some of their best moments to figure out why they are so goddamn iconic before we get started another day another major mini launch this time we have the Napoleonic warlord of death a stunning centerpiece in your army to lead your weimarc cosplaying mattresses straight into enemy gun lines if it looks familiar then it is because it is inspired by the classic Napoleonic artwork and I think it suits beautifully model has been scaled appropriately and already comes mostly assembled so all you really need to do is remove the supports and it's ready to paint international shipping comes to only ten dollars we collect vat at checkout for our European customers so no Customs [ __ ] and if you spend over 70 dollars shipping is free if you can't tell I'm really trying to make this easy for everyone link to the major minis website and dozens of other models produced by me is below today we'll go over the best death core of Craig moments from the lore to give these boys and girls the love they deserve oh let's get into it before we get into their many exploits involving a lot of Overkill let's do a quick rundown of who the death core of Krieg actually are and where they come from how do they become so badass well Krieg actually used to be a bit of a paradise it was a highly Advanced Hive world with an extremely powerful economy and Military it had a shitload of natural resources and the population to match it also wasn't this totally polluted [ __ ] either like it wasn't a lush verdant world but it wasn't that bad however their Aristocrats and planetary Governor were extremely paranoid about external Invasion so they invested a fuckload into planetary defense orbitable defense private armies and the like it had become one of the most fortified worlds in the Imperium for no real reason since it wasn't on any front line or the target of any Invasion feeling overconfident and being sick of paying a tithe to the distant Imperium the planetary Governor revolted against the Imperium declared Krieg independent then captured and killed most of the Imperial loyalists on the world the Imperium was like well [ __ ] the cost of retaking Krieg is so high that it's not even worth trying so instead of sending a fleet or the Estates the Imperium told Colonel yerton the commander of the few surviving loyalists on Craig that he had complete and total authority to wipe out the Traders at any cost yurtin was like sure thing buddy boy and using a secret stash of nukes bathed the entire world in atomic fire killing most of its population the previously outnumbered loyalists fared a lot better than their Trader counterparts as they were able to prepare for the nuclear Firestorm whilst the Traders were taken unaware the odds had been evened for the next 500 years Krieg would be one non-stop war zone as the surviving loyalist and Trader elements engaged in brutal trench warfare on a barely livable world the Imperium could have swooped in but since Krieg was now a death World there was quite literally no point in even trying so they just let Craig kill itself after those five centuries the Loyalists finally achieved Victory killing the lust of the traders that 500 years had changed them for Generations they had been born to kill and die they felt no fear as they were brainwashed as children to believe they had failed the god Emperor and the only way to atone was to die in battle a bit of a sweet Viking Valhalla Vibe going on there as soon as Krieg was back in Imperial hands they immediately re-swore their oats to the emperor and gave as many soldiers to the Imperium as it wanted straight away these soldiers were powerful as [ __ ] their skill was only matched by the Canadians and their resolvers probably unmatched they immediately begun exceeding all expectations and the Imperium began recruiting and relying on the death corpse above nearly all else you may be wondering how the [ __ ] does an irradiated death World produce so many soldiers after all they literally crank out more soldiers than most Hive worlds well that's because Krieg uses a highly controversial and actually somewhat banned technology called the Vita worms artificial wombs deep in the bunkers of Krieg they basically just churn out soldiers like [ __ ] robots it's not exactly confirmed if the soldiers of Krieger or clones or are just randomly spliced together from existing stable donors but it doesn't really matter they all look the same with the gas mask they are often very young when they're deployed to battle with their gear hiding their true age so now we've got their Vibe and they're pretty [ __ ] gnarly Origins what are some of their best most badass or coolest moments well I'd be a disgusting piece of [ __ ] if we didn't start this off with the siege of racks long story short chaos was able to create the most [ __ ] fortified City imaginable and a lot of [ __ ] went down the Imperium knew no other Guardsman regiment would be able to withstand the brutal onslaught of racks so they sent millions of krug's men and women for 17 years this Siege raged As Time After Time the Deathcore charged gun lines with nothing but bayonets and a can-do attitude it's theorized that many of the death cause charges fail due to the size of their balls weighing them down as Rax went on and it got more and more [ __ ] you know chaos Marines demons fairies all that messed up [ __ ] yet the death Court took it in their stride and pushed on after losing 14 million soldiers vrax was taken and the Heretics purged necrons are pretty bloody difficult to deal with nearly all engagements against the necrons ends with either backgrounds having a decisive Victory their necrons having a close Victory or Space Marines having to make big sacrifices to beat the necrons but against the death core the necrons are just another Tuesday the orphean war didn't start so hot the Orpheus sector got sodomized by Chrome boners known as the mainek dynasty within 100 days half of the sector had been clapped the Imperial commanders were able to get their hands on a few regiments of Deathcore and threw them into the meat grinder to their absolute astonishment the kriegsmen were the only Imperial combatants that were not only able to repel the necron attacks but successfully counter-attack and destroy the necron's primary base on one of the embattled worlds this is because necrons really rely on breaking enemy morale to win if you know that there is a 90 chance that your atoms will get flayed apart by agonizing Gauss beams you probably aren't going to ban that chance towards them kriegsmen have no such issue and are happy to give it a whirl despite this the sector had to be abandoned as if only a small fraction of your army is achieving success then it's not really a winnable War the kriegs red regiments did end up preventing the necrons from spilling out into other sectors so overall a great showing this next moment is a bit of a meme and serves to remind us that Grim Darkness can be quite hilarious and Overkill in order to maintain control of their empire the Imperium makes vicious examples of Traders no example highlights this more than when the high vote of dorondis withheld their taxes and told the Imperium to eat a bag of dicks in response the death core of creeks surrounded the primary Hive City with artillery and begun bombarding it anyone who tried to leave the city was shot as day in and day out shells rained down after five years of non-stop shelling the rebels offered their unconditional surrender it was rejected and the city was bombed for another three years by the end of those three years Krieg Scouts determined that the city was completely and utterly devoid of all life no [ __ ] but you could ever be too thorough so the city was bombed for another two years I don't think there was even a [ __ ] Speck of bacteria still alive there this seems like Overkill and it is but what better way to send a message to potential Traders than to spend 10 years manually atomizing an entire Hive City the death core of even saved the legendary commissar came on at least one occasion after his ship was shot down the death Riders of Krieg wrote to Kane's rescue they then worked with Kane and the reclaimers Space Marine chapter to repel the tyranid invasion of fecundia not the spiciest bit of law out there but cool to see them interact with the base Sigma Chad that is Commerce Arcane the Orcs quite like the death core umis that stand their ground and fight without fear however they are also quite unnerved by them and their Grim determination during the third war for Armageddon there was a lot of really awesome Wars that took place within the war one was the siege of Hive Tartarus where the death course showed off not just their borderline suicidal resolve but also their tactical Brilliance using artillery to great effect after repelling an orc attack the kriegsmen used their signature shelling to pin the Orcs down as they then bayonet charged in and carved up some mushroom stew they didn't care about getting ripped in half or crushed by orc girth no they stood their ground Point Blank blasting on fully order until the Orcs decided that this [ __ ] wasn't fun anymore and fled it takes a lot to make an awk run so credit where credit is due The Siege was over there have been multiple occasions where krieg's regiment have willingly sacrificed all their lives in order to buy time for other Imperial elements to escape on tarsis Ultra the 393rd Krieg stayed behind to hold back the tyranid Swarms of high Fleet Leviathan on dusk four Krieg regiments charged through and purged a nogalite mutant Army after winning the battle this view survivors then went straight into new and bloody war zones Armageddon still stands in a huge part thanks to the blood of the men and women of Krieg but they aren't the suicidal depresso expressos they are just so [ __ ] Brave and Relentless that they value Victory above all else they are also incredibly selfless being the ones to constantly volunteer for suicidal missions in order to spare other more human Guardsmen they are immune to The Temptations of chaos hence can be used in those more wacky War zones are they all [ __ ] in the head sure after all they are really proud of the fact that their ancestors were the ones to Nuke their tits out of Krieg but this is why I'm a 40K if you aren't [ __ ] in the head then there is something wrong with you the Imperium finds the death core of Krieg so valuable that they let them use Tech heresy to produce their armies and they declare anyone who tries to [ __ ] with the Recruitment and production of Krieg Warriors as traitorous extremists thus stopping some of the more Puritan inquisitors or boring Tech priests from interfering oh yeah and they ride genetically modified horses with gas masks the horses have reinforced bones lungs muscles and inbuilt Drug systems so that during a death rider charge the horses feel absolutely no pain or fear making them a near equivalent of a [ __ ] tank did I mention that kriegsmen will often put grenades on the tips of their Spears to create boomsticks if that hasn't convinced you of how awesome these dudes and dudats are then I don't know what will the cherry on top most Creed Guardsmen haven't even seen their 18th birthday if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up the Napoleonic warlord of death the latest and greatest major mini hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more suicidal content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 287,087
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: D2A0z4vLPRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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