sweaty saturday 50 (3 hours of bedwars sweat)

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what's up everybody welcome to sweaty Saturday episode 54 this episode I did one game for every episode that I've done so episode one was with unseeded so I recorded one game with him episode twos with blundell so I recorded one game with him so pretty much there's 49 games 1 through 49 to make up episode 50 anyway hopefully you guys all enjoy this I haven't edited the video yet so I don't know how long this is gonna end up I'm guessing for me like 3 or 4 hours so uh ok let's get right into it so this is gonna be the first round of sweaty Saturday episode 50 oh my god so what I'm trying to do I don't know if I've explained is I'm trying to do one game for every episode so he's so hard it is so I've gotten a hold of the few people that I've already like kind of quit like I got Luke cape to come back I got salty hobo to come back people like that yeah yeah so you'll be in this one you'll also be in the third round with me you and 30 virus those are the two yeah and it's gonna be like a really long episode I think I rushed I rushed for 32 so how skyblock treating ya oh my god it's a grime so what are you what are you going for in Skyblock like we're just kind of trying to like get resources at this point yeah everything Chaz is only going for a high mining level I think he's not really going for resources I think he's mining level 22 or something sorry to me to take that it's okay I'm on alone oh my god there's this old better is old can you believe it the first sortie Saturday was like March no no not March it was in April of 20th 2008 teen that's insane we've known each other for a very long very long time I think I have I see you that screenshot above like September 2017 or something in a party yeah I don't know if I have any screenshots of it but I I know you or like one I think that that was like a random just speech okay I think I don't know if you're on leaderboard probably not I don't just go around they take nice response of every party I join just some people know like I'm not not that weird every every part of you join you have to take a screenshot of the screenshot it like a collection just in case someone someone gets famous yeah yeah I was in a party one time I oh I every I rewatched the first episode of so decided in it was back when I still used Wi-Fi and not and I don't Ethernet and the entire time I was just complaining about lagging and I'd heard it's so annoying the first ones so low right I can't remember no the first one was me and you oh really yeah Wow why Holy Cross I mean I remember doing it with 30 I didn't remember the one I did with you holy crab yeah it was the very first one we kind of just talked trash about a lot of bed Wars players I think do you remember sweaty yeah yeah I remember that you were like dude I played those already and he's awful now I'm just really bad and it's really awkward every time I trash talk someone I know I'm words oh these guys have a bed stuff I was not expecting that I cannot kill green guys down that mine fatigue on okay that guys down they don't have my nephew I should be able to get it oh my got it I know I don't know oh my god upset he's so annoying yes break that this is oh my god that's so dumb okay both greens are dead finally all I had to do is get into their base there we go okay then there's one guy there base yeah and then I think one was coming my side are bees oh yeah the other one is at pink okay all right what a game I don't think that there have been anything more annoying behind this team okay I got that red he is still at red bass says the tracker yeah he's got he'll pool he's not leaving he's going up okay I'll try and see ooh we get a fireball oh you just jump away okay this is round two of sweaty Saturday 50 and Blundell's my boy what did I say it was in the unmix bed where as I'm like I'm playing with blood right now and blood was my boys so so yeah yeah I brought wood there hey me oh wait Reds Reds here kinda yeah okay I got him don't worry okay also also a mute he looks care he has yeah he did seem pretty scary episode 2 was like hey do you have tea four months ago no oh you bought wood instead oh I wonder which one was the better decision there oh nice ok I think I stalled long enough over there are they're coming in ok killed we killed each other um you should be able to get their bed if you have tea and tea GG good job then I probably I don't know how about to kill one they all do came in that's all right yeah it should be all good as long as they don't have a bed I see as urn wasn't too bad the his teammate didn't do a whole lot but standard on his base yeah yeah now that one has a stone sword oh wait you might be able get in both actually wait no other beds are gone what alright I decided to go the guy with health and that took a lot of damage all right well as long as he doesn't buy a gap oh we bought a gap that's alright I should be able to get this guy got him okay I should you clay like you know like all of the videos that I recorded fifty-two clay like clays all right on lighthouse and like rooftop because you get fast iron now unfortunately great team as a cue in their name and that is making me disappointed you don't like keys only if their I like I don't mind cues as long as you're not replacing A's and it's replacing a name yeah why did I place that TNT it was glass that's fall that's okay so if I change my name and switched out the e4q would you like that no that that breaks every rule you can't you can't you can't break that many rules wait said wait just run past gray to try and kill me did they team as grain white seemed possibly yeah you can't do that so don't don't become Blundell with a cue instead of a 7e yeah that would make much sense you should change the game boy oh they are teamed oh oh they're at they're actually teamed they're standing I was wondering my white ran past gray on a bridge to try and kill me and it's because they're there at the same base touching each other right now oh no they're holding hands they're holding hands I didn't think crossing was the thing anymore but apparently so I'm just kind of stalling here waiting for you to rush from the other side wait he's bridging up I'm gonna fireball him down he okay nevermind he jumped back down we're about the year I'm above their base check kind of just showing I don't have seen teens with gray gray is right he's him no all right here I'll jump down and try and oh I think I was white they just point blank yeah that's alright we got him chase dev is in this game who's that I don't know buddy how's my skin in our team now oh no and see if they worked out if there's a person missing oh well this was episode three of sortie Saturday this was when unseeded hit 5,000 wins 6,000 wins I don't know fix that and I thank you you hit some milestone in two miles yeah I remember that I guess we were uh nicked at the time so we're doing it again but three threes is broken so he gets uh oh yeah it was like so I couldn't talk oh I do also kind of remember that and I had this crazy block clutch I freaked out about silently I don't have enough blocks long train just go to I went back to get a nice oh wait I thought there were five of them and I'm like wait a minute too many did I keep my game sounds way too low I'm gonna end this past blue I think but there's blue people incoming so just don't worry we're both here yeah be ready for that and okay so I just ran right through him there bed one should be I got the other don't worry all right he's out of here okay let me head down shoot that was done with me I was really dumb good call no it was oh they definitely know it is oh oh no oh no okay oh wait green was there with me okay cool Oh do we have it to me I don't think no no I don't know why who stopped on the bridge to try to kill me he didn't ever bed okay yeah I don't know so you can't screen you with them did he ask her screen name and I think so it's just zoomed II would all I know is he apologized for his teammates actions and okay reminds me when you when you hit a thousand stars I was in the middle of my challenge thing and all this randomly in like the middle of the night I see capers D that was your those are so low and so yeah yeah he threw a fireball in there man that was a long time ago dang it's been like how long has it been like ten months almost that type 4k is it still right now someone else beat him I think that Records 180 now that's on fat like I can't even I could see it happening I can't even like see that happening but I if I prepared a little better I probably could have did that but I did it and I leave like barely broken hundred I don't I don't know me play like I don't know I even if I played my best I don't think I could hit a hundred and eighty when solo ends in a day that sounds like I've seen the problem is that the bed wars environment has changed that's true nons are better nons are better yeah so back then if I had the skills I had now I could have definitely gotten 200 but now it's just not the same this is Round four which is episode four can you believe that when we recorded sweaty Saturday for it was May 12 2018 that's that is long that is a long time ago I can't believe him um I think it was back when my goal with sweaty Saturday was to not cut the videos at all because I was what I was watching through it to give us things to talk about like referencing back to this video and there's this like awkward 15 to 20 seconds silences in here normally I'd just cut that out but no no I guess I was just I was not feeling like cutting at all I'm freezing up right now this is Oh new for my computer okay it's slowly moving I'm at about point three frames right now it's alright one of the Blues is afk and I got the other one I'm stuck on the screen where I got a message from P Papa P man oh nice what are they saying here long time no see man dude oh god he used to talk to people who man a lot oh you're gone you disconnected I'll hang out here oh you're back I have that for you at the very beginning we started talking about the food we were eating you said chicken and rice I'm pretty sure yeah ants and ranch that's right I rent with the orange chicken deer do that no I just yeah I was wondering like do you still eat chicken and rice or was that just kind of a of course fat at the time or you know it's it's I eat it religiously actually oh very good I'm happy to hear that yeah I looked through the comments semi green left two comments on this one saying you should play the semi green he's pretty cool and and then you commented on his own comment saying please don't notice that I liked my own comment and I just thought that was hilarious and then the comment didn't even have any like so he must have liked it left that comment and then also unliked his own comment yeah or semi green oh yeah they're they're both going away or no okay I found a both nice this feels it's just really weird I'm not gonna lie yeah I use this but I did actually manage to speak Brits so that was kind of cool nice yeah speed bridging is just like riding a bike you know once you know once you know how to do it you'll know how to do it forever alright I got a white team because one leg though very good I think both grades are still chilling above this base I don't get it that was running okay one is I should be able to kill one right now the other one is one setting that's heading to great yeah yeah all right oh I should be able to get them there we go Oh Break aqua bud oh oh they're both there they're finals yeah what's up what's up we're just kind of looking at each other what a good game oh my god yeah we don't have to Nick that's Nikki makings for losers all Russia that's okay okay you can either do wool or N stone or wood I guess if you really want okay white team has and stone down oh I hate leg back you should have been extremely dead um actually I might be able to get it let's find out okay got him you are so i but a pic yes that is talents no is that yeah I'm gonna go take out white and probably had two pink after that no way it's gonna go take out pink for me or die they're probably going for a sweet obsidian really young biscuits a Nick oh yeah sneaked in here pink beds gone I am I'm glad at least some Knicks runner detect now back in back when they first came out they were instant detection yeah yeah pretty quick you're able to easily tell which ones are Knicks and which ones aren't pink stop running at least now I have to second-guess myself [Music] Boris yellow is oh never mind I need this Kinect oh yeah alright I'll give my quick kill is that oh wait standard base database end of is invisible in visitors see where is he where is he he's right here there we go okay good I was like swinging my sword in every direction I couldn't find him all right so yeah gray is probably a bigger threat than blue but at the same time if you think leaving blue is gonna have them break our bed don't do that say you're okay that's one of the greys then I see the other grey right here okay both Grey's are responding all right just some great are you like keeping that day yeah that rhymes all right I want one ones that they're diamonds and the other one is responding at their base okay I can actually go to grey right now yeah only one person's there they're not they're not too bad no one be one but they've been to be wanting like the entire guys block trapped in nice free bed um they're minor pink on wool so it might because I can I think respawns I'm gonna be enraged oh then no the other ones running middle from Red Team yeah all right sweet Yugi good stuff I'm doing Skyblock with Chas right now but we're not really going for gear we're going for levels Oh white white nose and I'm level 20 foraging so we're not really going for that but anyway this is round six so so yeah and someone apparently knows it's me and they're gonna kill me cuz I can't hit them I got one of them nevermind I got both of them all right oh what a god it's not like I've been playing this game way too much today I haven't I've recorded more better today than I have like in any other day just cuz I've spent from like noon today till now just finding people and then recording with them and then finding people hundr pretty good time to try and make this video it's gonna take you a while yeah people people don't think I can do it but I think I need to prove them wrong man are you crossing with green yeah alright that's okay we block that's the you never it's it's blogging or sorting shifting the universal team symbol everyone knows this it's this it's step one of knowing how to play minecraft just know that if someone blocks their sword at you that means they want a team okay it was really weird because I just killed like a really good NIC player right and then you message me and I was freaked out and thinking it was you oh wait why would you free oh you'd freak out in a good way you'd be like heck yeah well you just just got destroyed you got to 600 dead Congrats never never enter 700 600 that looks so good got a little red prestige I want to go back take me back a thousand extra hours look at my prestige 20 I've never seen that one before I'm that one I want to go back to when when you nicked you could enter you could be like level 300 but it's still a non prestige I'm saying do you remember that so a while back when you nicked there was a chance of it giving you like a 300 star Nick oh but but it wouldn't give you that procedure would leave you at stone prestige so I'd walk around lobbies being loved being level 300 but a stone stone prestige it it was beautiful but now they changed it so you can't get over 100 level hundred Nick that's a shame all right well this guy's a block here so I'll just kill this guy you want to find all oh he can hit again I'm gonna die wait no I'm not Gigi jumps to the void oh that's right hang on here it takes 16 wool and all the audition yeah today I've just been trying to get a hold of everyone and record games of them and loads of fun red is throwing wool around so all I had no blow might be able to get it so nice you just go okay all right got it both I guess I'll go for barros next to white pink is there without a team Oh both blue and green seems sweaty as well all right you want to go to pink yeah okay I'll go too I'll go to blue are I mean green one green sets blue I might be able to get in before they realize yep I got one as well ah new Polacks one green is making an escape op1 afk he's back well thanks for the sharp very kind here aqua Neos would they're both over there okay I might be able to get aqua bit actually I think one aqua still over at yellow okay see all right that guy's down caught doing a trap oh the other guys back no I'm gonna die to him no he's he's so laggy okay oh wait we're missing are we missing Pinker do you know he is all right ideas him okay no he's I'm guessing both both yellows are gonna kill oh wait he made its middle you hit him too far what is he bridging no stop okay I got them both yeah both yellows are at aqua and just killed aqua they're both half health it looks like and then I think we have way better gear than them I don't think they have any diamond upgrades so you should be able to get em both nice there we go hey I leveled up one 167 GG oh yeah episode eight okay and it was also the episode that I hit 17k wins so that's that exciting um so you haven't played bed words in a few months yeah or what what game have you been playing has it still burn on hypixel or has it been something other than minecraft or I mean I complained like high tech so just different games okay yeah oh these scours for like the warm-up for bed Wars and that's about all but yeah we did a few rounds of skywars before this to warm up and 717 stars were you were or were you 19 17 okay yeah I'm only 14 which not 14 is pretty good and I still think it's alright for Abed Wars mean yeah it's alright I mean I did check your um stop stop I do I you're nice I'm very happy with that I mean I'm happy to say that cuz I I remember way back when I first like started hypixel I don't this is before they even had bed wars I would be just playing skywars and sometimes I'd like stay after school and like use the library computer and I'd be playing hypixel skywars but I'd lose pretty much every game to the point where when I win a game I get super excited remember that feeling yeah because not now it's if I don't win I get upset but previously back back when I was just just a little old newb it was when I win it was so exciting it's like I finally won I mean I wouldn't know that feeling I've always been bad so yeah skywars is that is that what you're meaning now or yeah so I was pretty much I love with off by so is skywars leveling the same thing as bed Wars leveling where's this it's the same every time it's a lot different I mean it's the same yeah okay you need 10,000 experience you get one experience Paco and ten Pawan um but so every star is the same amount of experience you need though correct okay so it's similar in that sense okay yeah I kind of like the fact that in skywars leveling up give or getting kills helps you level up and this it has no impact which is why the leaderboard is how it is right now like I'm just imagine of final kills impacted stars how far of a lead cuz I don't know if I don't know how much you've been because you haven't been playing much bed Wars so I don't know if you've been keeping up with the leaderboard at all but I so I got recently got passed as the number one star but because of the final kill leader or the final key leaderboard nobody is even close to me on that still so I don't know I I would kind of like kills to impact the amount of stars also just to get the lead bag man final kills are great I'll buy some sharp for ya oh it's only pink clothes no prot - are you that white bass yo all right I'm going to yes okay I'm gonna wait I'm gonna let you do it I'm gonna let you break their bed assuming you don't fall in the void but right now they're both staring at me I mean they're like wait a sec someone was at her base and broke our bed huh I'm getting combo'd by this person okay great they're so laggy they got him let's see alright you know no pressure oh you draw he dropped on me GG that's a that's a good game no no it was your you did the TNT jump you deserve that final welcome to the very first solo round episode 9 was my very first solo sweaty Saturday that I ever did although just for the sake of time and my sanity I'm gonna make this round count for both 9 and 10 because both round 9 and 10 were solo sweaty Saturdays so I'm just gonna include I'm just gonna make them both into one round here oh it looks like gray is rushing me I don't think so alright very good episode 9 was called bed wars is one year old it was uploaded on June 30th so in this is uploaded on the 22nd so in eight days a week in one day bed Wars will be officially two years old I don't know what that was great seem disconnected so I don't have to worry about them it seems that blue was speed bridging and placed down a TNT instead and then slipped off their base I mean I'm okay with that I mean it gives me a free chance to go to their base but bed Wars becoming one year old that is that is absolutely wild it means I've been playing bed Wars for two years now I'm okay with it actually despite what most people think just because bed wars has treated me very very well as far as I don't know meeting friends having a good time doing well on YouTube I guess that's the main thing I I'm just very I'm very happy with bed wars it's a great thing I'm sad to see a dying cause of Skyblock I'm hoping it's just temporary but that's what it seems right now let's see is white rye and white pearl to me they've they bought a pearl fair enough I guess now I'm pretty sure this person has a fireball I don't know for sure but I'm gonna I have a pearl so I'm ready to profile too although it seems what are they doing oh they're gonna try and cut me off there okay go yeah go over there nice you did great I just need some way of getting to middle um that was my goal seems that's the it seems I was able to do it and now we can fight again I don't know what your plan is but I have way better gear than you and you're dead okay I guess I'll just fight fire with fire here and pearl over to his base is heated to me all right and going in now let's just pray that I don't under a pearl that's my only fear okay good what did he do okay he threw a fireball and that actually worked a little bit for him he doesn't have minor fatigue so that's a free bed I'll gap one more time and I should have an easy kill here that's a good game what I mean pearl rushing that was a smart play but he just wasn't able to finish okay GG okay so this is round eleven six - how long has it been since you've done minecraft last a while it's been like two months I think really so I know you've been keeping active on YouTube but what are you uploading is it more for tonight really didn't know I honestly I can't upload for name because of the I don't have like my graphics card is too low I just do I just do like random songs yes dude I love the songs honestly I'm pretty sure I've listened to all of them I went through your song playlist and they they're all they all make me laugh they're so great six you're the best thank you so yeah what inspired you to write the song we are going were you liking the car going somewhere no honestly I was like I was like you know let me just make a kid song oh it's so good not but my favorite song that I've recorded was I'm twisting every listen yes I have it actually sounds really good yeah and then I got a new song coming out cool I'm excited to hear it all right I'm sorry but okay no problem you were saying something about you were bored one day for night emotes making the songs yeah I was bored one day and then I was like so happy and I was like this beat sounds amazing that I was just singing we testing good it turned out great soccer ball go in yeah so I'm not familiar with fortnight really at all so the emotes play like music in the background of it right yes and you turned that music into the songs yes saying that is creative that is really creative so you haven't played much hypixel you've more been playing fortnight and everything yep nice I feel like I want to come back for high tail you know high tails come in yes we think possibly yeah we should they hyped it up and then they're like we're just gonna go away for half a year I don't know what I don't know I don't know how to run a business like hypixel does however I feel like that's not a great business strategy - yeah heip something I haven't yeah like at this point I'm thinking it's just a fake game it's not real I'm happy to see minecraft is kind of coming back as far as popular you saw that I was like whoa my chest coming back I better come back to you yeah there's been so many youtubers who have came back and like Target 3d gaming came back yeah somebody and he and his channel is exploding right now mm-hmm is crazy exploding well it's obviously always been exploding my channel has been doing better now than it's ever done before and it's steadily increasing over time so I'm very happy with that yeah other than like the very first month where I exploded I feel like after that it's just been steadily going up but are you excited for like a hundred thousand subscribers they're like about to hit it so I'm not ready for a hundred I don't know I'm guessing it's just a couple days like it's not gonna stay this way but the past couple days I've gotten like 400 to 500 subs each day which that's like more than really I've ever gotten before I can't blow through it um so that means in like a month I'll be at 100k and I'm I am NOT ready for that you're gonna get that plaque yeah apparently it takes a very long time to get a pie like there's like a six month wait or something so I mean my birthday's in a month no I think it's like half a year I mean imagine the amount of plaques they have to make and they're not like cheap plaques like they're actually really nice yeah yeah I mean I just imagine what they're going through at the plaque shop plaque Factory oh my god there's another one just constant orders coming in for Pike's I don't know my birthday's in Mays I'm hoping oh I think if I hit 100k in like a couple months maybe I'll get the plaque very close to my birthday and it'll be a great birthday present oh there oh okay cool um I got I actually I won och was missing oh okay all right we have a trap though I'm gonna just void no I'll probably go middle and just hope to find as I'm Elias site my favorite disease I'll get a tracker oh oh there we have obsidian thanks to me earlier when you disconnected I figured I'd do something productive I got him sit in so I just voided I should be able to kill this great he's running he says I can't handle this and then the awkward guy were still missing all right yeah I'll grab another trap that was actually a really good game for my first game back oh yeah Oh [Music] I'll head over there to to the next welcome to round at 12 episode 12 was solo sweaty Saturday looking back at all my sweaty Saturdays I'm surprised I did 9 10 and 12 all solo I try to space out the solo ones just try to mix things up but it seems a mess I've been lacking to get people to record with me for these few weeks because I did a lot of solo sweaty Saturday which is okay I mean it's not a bad thing well I've kind of has been running on my bass but I realized that there's a red at my base now I probably shouldn't have just I don't know I bought a stone sword I I bought some tea and tea I had three more gold I've just been chillin I guess but all of a sudden there's a red of my bass he's gonna toss some blocks around but I don't think it's gonna be enough as long as I can hit him away there we go and that's him wait I just realized I'm kind of dumb for realizing this now but isn't level I thought well let's panda was spelled with a Z is this a fan or is this him I thought he was band I'm pretty sure he's band this says this has to be a fan I'm pretty sure but no he's gonna go middle and probably run towards my base I guess I will avoid catch him hopefully cut him off here where's yet alright he is he's just standing there we should be good well it seems yellow when went to aqua instead of me I'm not gonna complain I'm very happy with that I will chase aqua around though and try and get this final kill let's see what's he doing get off Oh No okay I think I can still kill him yep W tap Opihi fronts and throws his Em's off oh he got me so good I still do have invisible I'm planning on using to kill yellow um yeah he's right there I'm gonna go into his just because I don't I don't know yellows skill level I'm just gonna play it safe and make sure I can create him a few times then I should be able to kill him let's see what his plan is umm just chillin the gen for now crit crit crit thank you in vis he's gonna try and do that well I don't know what is what he's doing right now but it's pretty cool nice the more blocks you place the better you look so at least you have style points that's what matters right and should I void again I'll show you rush I'm gonna void pink we'll probably make it to my base first well I'm not gonna buy blocks I'm actually have to buy blocks this is so stupid of me I didn't I built straight up at the very beginning let's see if he has T and T I'm screwed it doesn't have T and T let's see what happens I'm not gonna be able to get him all right come on drop down alright I figured you're gonna do something like that well he had shears if he just dropped immediately on why did he go for me first he would you definitely would have gotten my bed if he just jumped for it but I guess he felt like killing me before breaking my bed personally I would prioritize a bed over a kill okay so pink is running towards gray I think I'm just gonna try and bridge to pink and see where pink is okay Pink's gonna try and catch me up here I'll to see that again I'll drop on him there we go jump right off that's the way to do it actually I have a lot of diamonds if I end up dying and not breaking his bed I just want to make sure I spend these first okay about prot - and haste so I have zero diamonds on me now you still at his base nice now I can make it on over with some prot how are you doing Simon bored I'm just gonna okay I guess that just brought me to your base quicker so thank you now you would be out of the game if it wasn't for this minor fatigue God dang it anyway I'll just wait for him to respond should be a quick win here are you disconnecting b8e yes yes I am be 80 I'm be 80 no don't kill me how did he know is it cuz I'm toxic mine man 80 if you can do that that's kind of insane because that's a lot of it it's a lot of editing it's the main issue is there's been so many people that have like quit the game like yet from I don't know like salty hobo I don't remember him he he left 7xr left luke ape left I got luckily Luke Abe came back and did a game with me thankful for that anyway how's the husband girl how's the bed Wars grind oh I'm not gonna get it oh oh it's tiring man oh yeah I'm trying to you know try not trying to get 1k stars before I tell comes out well you're in luck hightail is they - up and they just stopped and stopped doing anything with hightail no I feel like they just thought my tails not gonna work let's just make sky look exactly what we expected hot tub dude that's actually what I've been saying I'm like hightail is not a real game yeah they just wanted to hype us up for height for sky block it was just a sky block trailer yeah trailer with some really nice graphics you know like some absolutely you're doing mostly doubles or you just try to block travels but kind of like going in between doubles and fours so it doesn't get stale yeah that's the way to do it are you close to the winds or finals leaderboard do you know I'm like I'm 40 just about to hit 40k finals so I'm somewhat oh yeah they're really close cool yeah I'm probably just gonna be on doubles leaderboard and that's about it cuz I don't know I don't think many people grinds that are on the finals anymore though so yeah the bottom of the final leaderboard is pretty pretty empty of people grinding yeah yeah the doubles leaderboard is a good one to go for I mean unbiased it's the best leaderboard so especially young number 141 damn everyone that's your time I meant full time in full that's my bad oh yeah fourth yeah it's pretty cool now I have I'm not familiar with leaderboard but I'm gonna go ahead guess that's you oh how did you know how cool I am just a guy yes hey that's you he will monkey okay you have tools I don't know neither I broke the wrong block oh just just uh you know just keep going sat down is it n stone oh no - - would you know what you just do you think oh you leg back all right I'm jumping in the void I love your name by the way thank you monster inspired me he inspired this name oh yeah thank you ooh just be careful there's a there's a diamond armored white player in middle I know he's white tall bat three four six six or is it Talbot his tail bad a word or is he saying tall bat and only had one L these are all I think he left one ll out because we're about to take it oh good point you know wait you all right you want to break the better to kill people or one more why not both yeah all right I'll drop down they have no idea that I'm here all right I'll just I think I left them both on myself oh if you anywhere from a loss you have now lost I just got a spam kappa GG even what what has been your main game as of lately and League of Legends League of Legends I think yeah I think that's what's salty hobo is playing a lot - really yeah I'm pretty sure I should try it out a game I gave it's kinda hard like takes takes more than it takes like a lot of practice and strategy yeah yeah I figured it's like it's kind of a team game you can't like solo against the the team it's kind of hard okay okay I should look into it it seems fun I'm into strategy games I think of that as a strategy game ah kind of kind of but the thing is there is so many toxic people in there like too many is there not here I mean not as bad our worst thing here gassy now that's insane like if you play a few Mick come on one bet play they're gonna flame you and they're you know everyone thought hypixel was bad but the toxicity nothing compared to League of Legends yeah man oh you just suicided me oh hey Tier one killed quest oh yeah I'm paying yeah that's my main thing because I think Suzanne is an American server yeah where does hypixel located I don't think I ever learned this you can't stick on named MC though they like sides allocation like we're exactly yeah alright got a kill Oh red those alone wait the game is over yeah and greens alone as well I can break the bed not enough time I probably won't be able to kill them but Maddox um if I get hit like three times never mind I guess there we go oh do you always a pleasure gold and tie with tape on the back what is it what is a symbol on the back it's like a gear you know I really I don't really know if you wear a cape with like a bloody gear on it on the back of a three-piece suit yeah I'm pretty sure if I was ever going to a party like that was formal attire with suits I'd wear a cape as well cuz I want to have that like superhero Thanks hey can everyone throw their iron at me so you know he's good I guess that's the reason without it it's a source of this power it's like Iron Man you know wait is our team a gonna be able to do something wait oh he's going diamond tickets if someone wants to someone once they get wool for me all right well you should just toss down the wall around this glass and don't don't put don't toss the TNT around the glass that's not so I'd say the entire thing make it a three layered defense like a fabulous idea all right that's good defense there goes green bed now let's go break some heads thank you our teammate wants to go fight green wait who broke the bed blue broke green okay lovely all right so I'm gonna leave green alone so they don't have a bed I just I'm watching you read players I got it Lu and touchdown wait using the triumph effect to just show off my finals and beds oh yeah yeah I'm a thing I'm at 84 oh that's right I'm getting close to that and subs as well so I'm gonna try and stream me passing my final kill count and subs that's good and then and then I'll make people or I'll have an excuse to tell people to sub I'll be like if I keep getting finite if I give final faster than subs and I'll never stop streaming oh that's not what we wanted that's not what we wanted to either that's not what we wanted either gone Oh actually blues coming to our base holding should I be worried I died okay so I mean I'm low at their base and I don't wanna die - no the one in seven sad times sad oh wait my teammate or is it a teammate kill them yes very good okay well this is 16 bundle they have your topic generator okay ready it's gonna right I'm gonna rush green okay don't worry about it um so I did a video on nirach space which is like a German bed or a server a long time ago and just recently I got a comment from someone not from the next race Network saying we got you to brink on your accounts so but they gave it to my alt they gave it because I played on my alt on the head server now I have a uiview to bring all the whoops I rushed Irish green and stuff yellow yeah breads ready ready you sweaty but um Glossop no one help me with a thief okay I'm here with you bags kind of actually this is pretty bad isn't it I got them they're gone wait there's one guy blog there's one guy walked in here actually alright I got them all I got them all I don't think big chunga's that's me I'm big hummus two three four ones do imagined on alright alright come down this way I'll get the thread bed right here yeah I wish I weren't even I wish I'd of firebug side chuck it over there as heck okay I'm I'm gonna leave you guys with red I'm not gonna does yellow only have wool and something else just I think they do - the white because we're not to the turn you to be - okay that didn't work I think got one no oh my going down now yellow here running I should be able to get yellow bed well there we go okay they're rushing yellow yes head over here red Oh ones that one wants a one tap thank you there we go two bucks five final welcome to around 17 of sweaty Saturday this one yet again is solo now apparently Mario guy and striking and cheddar both very obsessed with the Thanos skin in this game but then again who is in obsessed with Thanos we have all the chat messages perfect for a solo game of bed Wars now I like to keep my subs in the top left or my sub count for a few different reasons first I like knowing how many subs I I'm gaining so like if I'm out if I'm playing for an hour so I can see how many subs I've gained in that time it's really fun I love I love keeping track of that as well as I like to have it up there for when I record videos I like to be able to go back to my old videos and see like okay so I recorded this when I had this many subs it's like a way of keeping track you know just going back to old times cuz some older videos I'd I'd have recorded out like I was out like 30 K subs at the time and it it's like dude I was that far back I don't know it's just a way of keeping track which videos I recorded at which amount of subs I really enjoy it and also every time I look in the top left I get all happy inside so it cheers me up if I'm if I'm ever getting absolutely destroyed by somebody well it seems green disconnected right as I was about to get their bed they were over here fighting red team now is a great gonna go for red or or they kind of just teaming up having a blast speaking of having a blast I place a tea and tea and tea and tea jump no I never mind okay as long as I kill gray here I'll try and break gray bed and then jump in the void to try and save my bed I doubt I'm gonna be able to save my bed there actually got grey bed can I kill gray as well I can I'm voiding red please don't be at my base oh I was we're supposed to say have no idea where red is but he's just chillin here in middle I'm guessing he avoided that's probably why he went back to his base or he just slipped off the edge either one I'm just gonna toss he's off the edge because if I die I don't want to read to get him he says GG and left what come on man we could have had a better fight than that anyway well that was a good little round so I rusher do you wanna rush you should probably rush okay don't throw me your iron cookie chain game you know I'll throw you that and then do you want to get a TNT and just like 16 mole of course and then just throw a twill around her bed and follow me in oh yeah so Amazon is you can't rush with 32 but you can rush with like 36 I'm pretty sure okay as long as you don't build up Alcala is going to our okay yeah wait wait there actually I'll try and kill cookie chin it's gonna shank gaming who has the blocky glitch the afk teammate of cookie Chen they're both gone oh I fell too hmm something about our speed bridging is not working today hey that is alright I'm gonna make sure blue is chillin all right I got one aqua see hey I got both Aquos just really good I'm bed Wars talks a guy I'm gonna shout L know let them know that is always a good plan are you good with uh yeah one of them oh one of them is hiding in here I guess we overestimated the the people of the parties that joined together yeah I thought they were gonna have an idea how to play the game one of them was eating sushi so and one of them was small and they were the one that decided to hide from me after I broke their pet they thought they were small enough to hide then white team is the team that disconnected you got him with your mind you're that good yeah my toxicity yeah so intimidating that they're just like you know what I don't even stand a chance oh nice intimidation okay I am now at pink all right and one pink is not looking nice xx PvP got xxxxxx whoa great she must have been afk of something cuz pink are awesome eagle nine eight eight four kill both of them without taking any damage I killed I killed that guy well this game I don't think could have gone much better yeah pretty much just team wiped around the entire map of course oh well I've just fell off speed bridging please kill them both oh you want a bridge middle from whatever base you're yes actually I feel like are they mid you know they both just made a middle so they're on the red side of middle they are the LG twins yeah Kevin and Julian leaf I think that sounds for leaf green probably I don't think it could stand for anything else yeah other than maybe life's good oh yeah that's right they make make washers and dryers yeah maybe they both work for life's good yeah maybe that's maybe maybe they were paid to advertise dalchi products I want to do that I'll change my name to a company title if it means they'll pay me money I owe mr. LG smack him God he fell a little bit over here he made it back up he did that's inspirational you fall you can get back up of course and they get killed sorry Oh how's the yo gabba gabba skin do mm no but I remember the that party in my tummy song that's all that's all I know from the show I think I remember what maybe I watched that episode I definitely didn't binge it I definitely bench Dora Dora was good I guess because of his muscular forearms and bronzed skin of course he was a home I can't I can't deny mmm I guess but I'd I'd go up one I depression know what I think he is I killed his teammate right in front of him all right I'll put him out of this misery and actually I probably won't this guy's good gear I'm gonna all right I got him all right let me know if you're on top with Graeme think I'm spreading Oh did you kill Graham they love you oh my god Here I am trying to kill them though every time I click on my channel I just hear hi camera girl ad hi game where it's not so few V exceed yeah I don't know how I got this name I think I'd only take my Knicks from somebody in a lobby like somebody with something similar to this I just modified a tiny bit and use it as a Knick yes cuz I'm not creative at all I don't know wait what is yello doing here why green you idiot you could have killed yellow again with unseated was really bad too I think it's it's almost exactly the same as this like one team that I'm going for is very stacked and I'm struggling to do anything and then unseated steam had obsidian and now that's the same thing your team has obsidian my team is very stacked and I can't do anything because they both just double team whenever I get to their base it's a repeat I've no question that we're gonna win it's just a matter of time seeing as this team won't leave their base we will Simon okay if I hit that guy off I should be fine okay oh my god why is the base like actually so far away I have to go I got it hey Gigi I'm in their bed right now well that doesn't sound right oh my craft game routine why is it there's no way Jean craft gamer 5 is taken there's no way maybe they just each pick their favorite number hey is it John cuz I see it's a guy's skin now I don't really care however I feel like Jean is a female name could be I could be wrong no is Jean a female name oh yeah is he shooting at you you cowboy him g-g-gee actually I remember okay so this is around 20 so I remember a long time ago crypt was a map that you beat me on yes it was you and Mama cam I'm pretty sure yeah I remember it very vividly I my eyes are still red from anger good times no yeah I think we were both nicked so that's why we ended up joining the same game now you aquas speed but not speed for doing their slow bridging however they do look like they're about to rush can I get there I can okay aqua is down oh no said zero um is range okay I don't know if Grey's any good they did take out red pretty quick maybe they're cheating who knows you never know nowadays oh they're hiding very good hiding spots nice they're gone I am cross mapping gray right now I don't know if that's the best call but I mean they just got another bed so guessing they're half decent at the game okay that was almost really done with man okay great bed gon gonna fight rainbow blaze he's that one of course oh well there goes gray I didn't know where he was oh wait seven seconds for another diamond and then white I think his two e-girls just chillin at their base so should be an easy easy enough when I see gray was trying to bridge over two whites and fell alright what are the odds of white team has a fireball probably pretty dang good well one of them did the strat where they build way up into the air and then when I show up to the race they jump down and take a lot of fall damage just one of those strats I'm not even gonna be able to get the bed oh you're fighting one I can nice oh I'll get the bit here if only I had an axe it would have been much quicker oh yeah for real I think I can get both there we go nice all right not too bad of a game so this is round 21 so we're about we're probably halfway through because I think all my solo Saudi Saturday's I'm not gonna include just not you gotta play solo game every time I mean I could it's only like ten solo games but I feel like that would just it would get boring it's more so it's more sort of like featuring everyone that's that's been a good side that I've played with you no no so you're doing me twice yeah yeah you have to be in it twice oh no defense this time Jake oh you're right I was gonna go get obsidian oh now let's go there's no defense no defense this game all right too late that was defender number one but once you start defending you can't stop I can't stop the grain Hey look up yeah yeah are you gonna jump on me all right whoa we like back ok I'm sure to help don't worry you wanna break the better today that's mine you're not getting up all right whoo 3 3 - 8 - Congrats thanks you don't need like three one right I only have like you like back again I can't get up guys still did I get that one oh good at least you got one at least I got one you ready eat them don't you and you front I mean I want to get 200k so yeah yeah just like subscribers yeah what what why hit actually no cuz I'll definitely have 100k subs before so before finals assuming you crossed have you crossed subs in finals yeah no I'm getting really close I'm at eight three nine one nine in subs and I think I'm just over 84,000 in finals so I'm getting really close hey I should I'm going to get 100k subs first unless my channel dies which is always a very good possibility I know but yeah I guess if I start grinding like 300 to 400 subs a day I'm sorry 300 to 400 today which I mean that's what I'm getting right now so so but that maybe maybe if I am somebody it's not mine but I mean maybe their sub bottom yeah I don't care whatever until I'm getting back to a base with a Emeril's nice I'm here I have no blacks the entire base oh that's unfortunate hey what if you save me what if I help you out all right for ya thanks pal number three bed was clear helping out the number one there's a couple blocks for you you know who's the number one now for fight Issei era I I should go to fend for fatty Sierra yeah she's you know she's she's much better in stars Eagle skill yeah I was first to a thousand by a multiple months so I'm okay with us a full obsidian there we go only the best bad worst players get obsidian pinions skill is a deadly combo yeah pinging cooking yep just like starters but it's nothing compared to what uh uh uh can do wait does that mean it stars equal hit ping I guess if stars equals skill and ping equals skill using the proper what property is that I forgot a plus B and B equals C a equal C yeah yeah just like one of the loss of thermodynamics is what profitable property is that I remember learning oh you fell thermodynamic thermodynamic equilibrium that's what it is in thermodynamics isn't it called like the transfer property or something i I don't know either I remember I feel like the properties you learn one chapter in like elementary school and then you never learn it again yeah just like the states yeah that's true I remember I remember in elementary school they made me learn every state and every capital and I spend like a long time studying it and I did well on that test nothing not to flex my elementary school grades or anything but you know I gotta got A's in home entry school Wow very cool well yeah I remember for like one test you had to know that and I don't think I've ever been questioned on knowing the states and capitals ever again it's kind of just something that people expect you to know here in the US it's like you're lucky you know I got questioned the other day because I didn't know Mississippi was a state I thought it was just a river I love my Amazons my favorite country as well and then it's also my favorite over yeah that's then to the game cool that's it that's end of this round goodbye welcome to round 22 episode 22 of sweaty Saturday man steampunk is so great I got 64 blocks but it's still not enough to make it over here well-read thank you for bridging the rest of the way for me I don't know why you did that but you did thank you I mean I was expecting to have two T&T jump which would have been pretty cool but if he bridges the rest of the way for me I don't get to look as cool however I do I do get the easier path to his base so I guess it evens out okay so yellow just took out green and then blue disconnected so blue is out of the game too I guess I'm just gonna run from green to yellow I mean I do have a free path I don't think yellow knows I'm heading over here either so yeah I should have a free bed then I'll probably buy a shark trap the usual stuff and then jump in the void because I don't know where this guy is all right it looks like the yellow guy I made it back to green it looks like the yellow guy decided to come to me instead of having me go and find him thank you for that I appreciate it man steampunk is such a bad map I know personally like if I lose my bed like I'll just hide in middle and then someone will come middle and I'll just run right past them to their base there's just so many hiding spots here in middle like it's different on the lighthouse I guess and I don't crypt there's it's just more of an open middle a smaller middle there's less places to hide that's what that's why I hate maps like this and playground too it's just so big you can find so many places 208 pink to know that you can find so many places to hide and that's when games get alderaan oh it's and you know the bigger the map the more time people have to get a be bigger maps suck dude I mean bigger maps are good if you yourself are trying to play really annoying which I mean I've done before I've told thee I've told the chosen playground and then it got AA be in a Punchbowl and just kind of chilled the entire time so J Lopez M 415 has a pretty cool strategy I don't know what that path of wood is leading to maybe it's a diving board into the void don't you're gonna TNT jump to me well you're gonna blow up your own bed that to it and then you're gonna run up the stairs up the ladder that is funny are you gonna go on your diving board wait stop that you have a knock-back stick now this is wild okay I guess I'm good now GG episode 23 with let's panda but he's kind of band right now so I'm just gonna skip this one yeah okay okay so this is wait a sec episode 24 which was the bed horse tournament yeah and we're back and we're back it was great we did our amazing amazing the first day and then when it got to be like 5:00 a.m. for me I just couldn't play anymore yeah we slipped off the edge of few times but we went on a pretty decent win streak the first well the first day I think we won 10 games without losing any oh my god okay yeah it's like a for like ten hours a day and got on the top hundred I don't do like late but yeah I still have like maybe a half your time yeah well well over half my time I don't tell it if I grinded it you would have been 100% green team has rod in their name so I'm concerned all right that's okay that's okay I don't want it I wanted you to have it wait what is that the rotation item er are you kidding okay okay I think I think they were yeah I think they were considering doing Robb's the rotation I don't know although it's only like a temporary thing I wouldn't enjoy it personally but yeah I'm here aswell Blundell if he ends up killing you oh I think both losers are dead now all right cool initially five old my face yeah he point he point-blank to you not that breaks the bro code oh no Jordan rod squid all right are they both dead okay leper games they both have weapon oh and they play games I'm going in really well I'm going in vision they definitely didn't just see me go into his yeah TV pretty well wait did they actually not see me going to is great I did it on their bridge alright I'm gonna kill one of the rod kids I think wait no I'm definitely not wait yeah I killed over one rod kid I died oh I see the rod kids were the only people decent on this team oh no big chunk s comes in I died of leper games wait really back you were 27 or 28 nice oh they like a hundred points behind you I was like 60 something I think yeah I think yeah I think flubber games is shifting out his base at least that's where I died to him last time it is pretty sad oh yes he sold his base but people never stay at their own base sorry of Leppa games history said GG okay this is around 25 of sweaty Saturday 50 and this was episode 25 I did it solo now I don't know I don't understand on my cape like you can see me too peeking in from the right side thank you I was kind of expecting more for my cape honestly but anyway whatever Oh green turned around and decided to go for me instead lava Lord over there can you bridge a little bit quicker gonna drop on me or what are you doing you're gonna drop on me okay we're good there we go all it takes is a little bit of outplaying let me head up and is okay white isn't rushing me from that side and blue decided to not make it all the way to the diamond Jen I was hoping blue would rush green and help me out I almost missed that jump here we go and got him is it wool it is I should be able to get it just fine uh-oh lava Lord your bed you're leaving your base blue and you probably shouldn't be her red is there he's gonna buy something don't buy anything I have a stone sword in you don't although you're getting crits and I'm not oh he gaped and has a sharp iron ow and he's just gonna stay in the Jen so I can't combo all right I got him anyway okay um I don't think White's rushing me yet still go go go go yes that works perfectly I need to get red bed and try and get back to my base it's not white no what's that gray okay that's good I know where everyone is white has jumped in the void don't kill me this is not good I'm gonna end up breaking his bed and kill it and then dying as long as I can kill this guy then everything will be great yes okay I'm voiding as well awesome because if I broke his bed and didn't kill him he would definitely just be going for me the entire game but now that I was able to take him out and come back to my base I can focus on taking out white okay I just bridged over to white but White's kind of bridging over to me as well second I get him no it is not a guy I guess we have to fight well I thought that was gonna be a little bit more challenging okay he says Alex nub more like Alex just destroyed you and as I was saying before he says Alex nub i I just I'll underestimate everybody being the MIR alex skin that I am I think you're G ba t I don't understand how like I've been recognized people just assume but I don't understand really how like it's happened multiple times today recording these solo our solo rounds that people are like I think you are gamer boy how like what leads you to that point that is what I'm wondering can I win cool wait no I can't I didn't kill him I thought I killed him oh no don't don't hit me off there we go we're good GG okay so this is this will be around 26 of this sweaty Saturday I'll rush I it's only a rush I waited too long yeah okay what team is brush someone on I'm good oh yeah that's fine aqua is not any good one of them is Russian diamond Jen cool the other ones afk just the team I like to go up against so have you ever broken a bone you have any horrific stories as a child actually I just came back from my graduation party right okay and so I was like in a fire camp with friends and they're like yo can you open this file for me and I didn't have a bottle opener so I been like I'm just gonna use this other bottle to like compensate for not having a bottle opener and I like stuck the cap into my nails so now I have like a huge hole in my knee oh oh [Music] yesterday except for that I have fallen to a fire when I was younger oh my did you get like silent some kind of burn do you have did you get like some some degree burn or I would say ii ii really young oh I remember but I wouldn't say it like stuck like obviously if you look at my hand you'd be like I think you've burnt yourself in the past yeah I mean you're absolutely right but like I remember the day like it happened basically we were at a party and I tried to do a backflip but I landed on like a burning metal rod oh wow it was like just a huge line of gray and black on my hand and the like next morning my hand just peeled off completely um Green is also they're both trying to rush us me to come help you yeah if you could do we have a trap do you know I think I bought us one okay no I think you got used or something or I'm not I can buy a trap right now but I'll deal with okay that's oh that's oh yeah I killed that green other green oh nevermind okay no well you can get a trap if you want but I'm not concerned anymore Green loss to red alright that is quite I think yeah green I was just kind of defending for a while both greens were constantly rushing one would come from the side and one would come from middle so I couldn't do much let's see should avoid okay we honestly might lose our bed here and green is rushing us we do have a trap but they have TNT you would um no don't Boyd alright okay I'll get us sharp just in case okay oh and never mind the green left okay good um no I was gonna say I've never actually broken a bone I'm guessing you've never broken a bone and then since you just talked about that finger no sorry those were more painful surgeries like I've almost broken a bone it was like I move it for two months or else it would cracked really well yeah like yeah I was going to a meeting and I just like ran because I was excited but uh yeah be up here and visit us I figured that's fine we can win this where is this guy there is I might actually able to kill him oh my god yeah thanks to minor fatigue I was able to put blocks back around our base but hey you know we have another one now we have another guy incoming who is it it's one of the blues hey blue I can get their bed action I killed the one guy incoming alright alright sweet and I am missing the green yeah so I've never broken a bone um I have chipped my front tooth twice oh the same front tooth so as as a young child I think I was still in elementary school I was playing chicken on the balance beam which dunno what chicken is it's kind of like you just try to knock the other person off but of course I get pushed backwards and I like turn around and I go like face-first into the metal balance beam and it was not a good time and yeah so that's the first time I shut my teeth and the second time was a little bit more embarrassing than that I kinda I was playing tennis and I just kind of whacked myself in the face with my tennis racket and chipped my tooth but yeah I've chipped the same tooth twice it's kind of ridiculous at this point yeah so I am I know uh I have a fake tooth as there's a 20 year old so that's great it actually wasn't too painful it was more so shock and fear I'm like oh my god I just shifted - this is so terrible welcome to round 27 of sweaty Saturday 54 tchen Utley the YouTube API is blocked and I have to restart my game that's no fun although I give you all a challenge even though you can't do it this game try and figure out what order I played games and based on my sub counts that'll be difficult because my subs are I mean they're going up like one by one right so you can figure out I recorded this game before this game because I had like five less subs or you can do something like that if anyone can do that perhaps to you but also don't waste your time doing that there's really no point at all I didn't record these in any specific order I just kind of went completely randomly you bought an iron sword okay you weren't playing the game though alright it's okay although I'll give you a hint I recorded all the ones with other people first and then I've been doing all my solos in order so like I did episode 25 and now I'm doing episode 27 like back-to-back well we already have iron armor I guess I would have iron armor too if it wasn't for freaking whoever red team buying their iron sword I'm just gonna head to pink they're going for Em's are they going for me though that's the question no there's bone trims there they're strictly going for hims they don't care about other people right now all right sweet I like this now it's just a matter of killing him even though he has much better gear than man looks like he's going to my base I guess that's fair time to void I man I love voiding with my like 0.5 KD see where's he going looks like he's going to read to probably spend his emeralds don't do it just give me your emeralds please he's gonna probably diamond armor that would make sense no yeah diamond armor it's alright I should be fine wait you have the blocky glitch oh man poor guy give me your two M's that you have left and I will let you live okay actually he gave them to me anyway thank you there's only two teams left in the game it seems aqua is just chillin at their base it seems blue is showing over at green base so I think everyone's kind of is trying to give me the win I don't know if they're actually playing anymore but a free bit over at blue who jumped in the void I don't know why they jumped in the void and did they want to feed me themselves cuz I'll take it I guess Wow did you just I have fall damage hey aquas here shoo that didn't work in fact they just made him take fall damage and also it's giving me slowness wait why can't I run yeah I don't know why after you throw a fireball it makes you stop running for a while it's it's a little strange but whatever I guess I killed them too good they left their out they gave up I'll take it Gigi yeah should we do it should we do a some our bed wars no can you get closer to your microphone Hey hey fancy seeing you here in this bed was game on waterfall ok ASMR helped us kill Green Team I can't confirm that's true actually I think if you whisper you play better sometime yeah sometimes when I'm really focusing I'm just playing on my own I start whispering to myself like you know I'm like telling myself what to do things yeah sometimes I whispered to myself but it's so like the other team can't hear me oh yeah that's sure that's true if I talk to out and you know someone's gonna know what I'm saying they're gonna know my strats that's what I'm saying they're a bunch of free finals over at white I think so nope just one free final in the cast piece let's say it did I get that there we go pores I got that of course you know I believe so that's good yeah yeah kill steal kill secure you want to make sure that the kills are good secured for the team yeah yeah I'm securing them for us wait gray is bridging over to me I'm just gonna take this path over to them then piece left sorry good oh wait someone broke my bridge and I've boy it on nice void nice void strategic strategic thank you don't worry pink don't go for me he slips he's there good times yeah well I'm out on the blocks and this is bad maybe if I could just drop down and kill that guy and then also kill this guy that's a good spot for the TNT I think got it bean gaming eighty all right while you're at it no I didn't get it anymore heck yeah I got two beds yeah yeah that's all all right what were you gonna say well I'm killing it you do you what were you gonna say or you the same as I get red but oh no well you're taking out pink and gray any chance I could also take out the others yeah I mean like since like you're not doing yeah yeah we are a team after all I know I'm not really caring my wait if I don't get rid that's what I'm saying also I'm missing pink so they're probably gonna break our bed soon I've never liked that yeah I didn't want her bed anyway beds are overrated actually in bed wars you know cuz once you lose your bed then you like feel free and stuff you're like yeah that's right I lost my bed I'm free to roam around the map that guy was about to kill me but guy warped out by his teammates how fancy who buys knock-back six Red Team probably something very some way someone out there way says a knock-back stick all right I'm going for we're probably gonna lose our bed too pink like I was saying earlier I was gonna kill and then I died again I'll just try and break her bed before we lose our bed that's my favorite secretly avoided and I'm actually out our bed right now okay I killed a guy with a knock-back stick I hope you're happy I really am yeah he no longer has the knock-back stick oh okay you go over there first try you just get it I've been this entire game it's okay well there was only one guy at their base I also strategically avoided right there oh I see you went to the diamond Jen yeah yeah yeah it doesn't it doesn't go all the way middle it stops but knowing me an amazing spree pretty pretty sure I have three big to go English is actually so hard for me then sometimes speaking is pretty difficult I don't do it very often so when I do it doesn't go so well ask me how many languages I speak I only speak American what are you how many languages do you speak yeah I only speak Wyatt I bought trekker I found him do you see him look at this man he is under me what to do a quick drop okay one two ready drop on him drop on him oh my god oh you got him I think yeah I'm pretty sure he ran off on his own though you probably don't sorry you totally deserved credit for that alright so this is around twenty nine then for me yeah so have you been still playing high Pixlr are you not super active anymore yeah I'm like riding anymore I'm still recording for YouTube okay nice yeah are you still meaning bed wars yeah yeah I'm playing Scott look with no because just got to leave oh Skyblock how are you doing that pretty well I'm rich are you are you going for gear are you going for levels or already really looking for on Skyblock I mean I'll already if like I'd have everything already in Skyblock saddle good boy I mean I did all my quest and everything you actually can do inscribe lost everything Colleen okay okay yeah I just jumped off the edge super great right there's one okay you already had enough cool yeah I this is kind of off topic of it from Skyblock but I'm one sub away from 84,000 so we'll probably get it in this in this game mm-hmm this isn't the tape you can behave Kate it'll be amazing thank you very much Oh rip just keep the team afk hey always together big I'm gonna leave you with the red and gray I think you'll be fine yeah okay rat it's doing the work for me so that that's always great hey that's the best thing to do in bed Wars just have all the teams take out the beds for you you go in for some final kills and then this guy's on five hey getting toxic at all easy that's right my nickname is toxic bed [ __ ] player gg so oh it fits we can we can shout l after this game so how's the YouTube channel doing is it um so you pretty much only upload bed oars or dude mess of things I mean I just uploaded a Skyblock video but my main oh yeah sky blowing okay yeah yes sky block I can't believe that it is doing better than bed Wars I'm not sure if I want to do a series of about advice just like for one video thing yeah I've debated doing a series on sky block but I just don't see myself being able to make it entertaining at all yeah so I don't I don't I couldn't I might stream it once or twice just cuz I don't know it's a popular game mode and it's and it's fun yeah I think the future we're doing like really great SSO like a few scallop feeders on channels like they only had like 300 subscribers and they had like 10,000 fuse yeah I think if I'm able to make some sort of tutorial video I feel like I feel like I could get a decent amount of views on it I mean if people are playing if people are gonna watch it it's just kind of how I go um I just hit 84k yes yes GG hey I was one sub away for a while someone kept on subbing Andrey subbing I think I just kept going down to eight three nine nine eight and then back up to eight three nine nine nine and just back and forth a bunch you're all by sharp for us rock was just staring at me it was scary hmm just staring me down Oh waiter not even at base but nice Oh does that mean they're coming for us that's possible he was playing a white guy thing yes I don't see any pink blocks yeah I don't want to lose this fight Oh what there's another one no fireballs okay I have pretty much all the gear I need wait I'm going yeah just pretend that you meant to go the wrong way middle I wasn't running their own okay okay it's that way oh my god I'm smart no no you were going the right way you're just collecting more M's oh yeah that's true can do it yeah I'm just gonna sky reach over to them oh it's coming up for me Dean you can you can get it sounds good I think I was the wrong place actually no that's it that should open it alright and I think you got one of them too yeah yeah there we go man there's so much minecraft even there's there's so many minecraft events going around like keemstar is doing his minecraft mondays wish I I baited signing up for it but at the same time I don't like large events I'd be far too scared to do any of that and then there's also the Bayesian Canadian Hunger Games tournaments and if I didn't work all day Friday I would have participated in that but I worked all day so I couldn't participate in it but I'm very happy to see Minecraft making their their comeback after being gone I heard Bing what people will consider dead for a while it was never really dead but the player count did decrease I guess as far as hypixel goes the player account decreased oh man you just bought in stone you're like oh time to go place more bed defense and unfortunately I was already there alright well I have bad news this game pink is most likely going to rush me from that side as well as yellow is going to rush me from this side well the yellow fell in the void pink don't bridge to me don't Oh God so yeah yellows right they're trying to kill me pink is in that tree I believe trying to kill me Aquaman aqua aqua you gotta save me I'm getting sandwich really bad okay well the yellows incoming pink isn't incoming quite yet so I'll try and kill him quick okay I got yellow I don't know where pink is are they are they still in the tree or did they jump down oh I found pink okay pink come here no don't don't go up don't do it yeah of course okay get out see ya I am still getting sandwiched aqua aqua you have all the time in the world go to anybody and yellows back oh just joy what a joy did he really just hit me off like that are you kidding me okay I didn't by minor fatigue so he obviously did really well okay well I guess I don't have a bed so does go middle I mean this game is very clutch about I can beat both of these guys the problem is I just couldn't save my bed because I kept getting sandwich from both of them I guess my only fear now is either failing my speed bridge or getting fire Baldauf which both are very very possible here although I shouldn't have too much trouble crushing my guesses aquas just been running around middle this whole time Oh Pink's here pink you don't we don't have to fight you can go somewhere else right are you gonna chase me he's gonna chase me there's just there's no point in chasing me there really isn't whatever let's do it Jen you're gonna do that either fight or don't fight well make your make your choice oh he's going over there okay I'll take it as long as you're leaving me alone wait a girl and pink were fighting I swear but they both fell on the void I don't know why I guess since yellow broke my bed I'm gonna go to yellow I didn't know I don't really know if I should go to yellow or pink but I'm gonna go to yellow and just who they broke my bed I really can't make a better decision than that okay at least yellow beds gone oh wait they're coming back to fight me I guess I guess we'll fight I don't care why were you staying back there just a combo I should I should win this fight I think all right there we go that was actually much closer than I imagined yeah he had praat and I didn't that's why he was so close okay so both pink and aqua right there let's see his pink gonna get aqua bed yeah okay and then probably kill him too aqua didn't seem all that good okay so pink took out aqua is there a bridge to pink there is pink jumped in the void I'm actually very okay with this so what I'm gonna do is jump in biz I'm gonna go to their base and then since they're here too I might as well just kill him while I'm here yeah free free win did someone say free win I think so Gigi unfortunately got Sanderson lost my bed but everything works out in the end so this is gonna be round 31 of the sweaty Saturday cuz that's the episode I very clearly remember what went on in this episode where we recorded a nice solid hour and then and then I ran out it ran out of storage and it decided to corrupt the save file thanks computer yeah it took us yeah we luckily you were available later on that weekend saw simply going off next weekend but I I recorded the Isola one right after this just right right after it corrupted in order to like at least get something up for Saudi Saturday and I just recorded myself being really angry it was kind of depressing I didn't yeah I regret I regret making that should've been like yeah whatever anyway anything exciting happening in your life oh well not really like my last day of school today and able to play with it have you done more Skyblock or not really I played like one game and then I got completely bored nothing like one game like ten minutes yeah yeah when he got released and everyone was so hyped I was like okay let's give it a shot and then I got completely bored because like there was a projective to talk to kind of village er the very way Grey's are a grand the roof alright I just saw a nametag look it's so good that is so good all right I'm heading middle with you Oh one's leaving it looks like one's heading out the Diamond Jim yeah oh it's only one yellow and one aqua great not too bad for the first game on today while you've been just doing like questing around hypixel yeah how would I do that okay yeah I was recording at like very late last night and now it's kind of early and I'm recording it and that's gonna work oh god these paths this week has been really really busy because of this stupid I see a yellow because of this episode oh I already did that I'm not doing it ever again yeah yeah thank you it's it's got a lot better no we have minecraft Steve it aqua team he placed water all over aren't that back away okay I got off yellow I was gonna kill they disconnected okay I'm gonna head middle now I believe hey there we go yeah what what a great game good okay yeah like three minutes get your officer yeah and you are if I find anyone that's anything slide into quick slash wdr okay okay it's kind of grown in Skyblock because it's fun this guy like is good for a while I was averaging about the same amount of players as bed Wars now it's like doubling it and I don't like that like sky black is a fun game and there's no denying that but double doubling the players of bed wars no no I'm not ready for any game to take over those yeah I can't tell if it's going to continue being popular if it's gonna die well sky block has been like a popular game on most it has as long as I keep updating it yeah they keep adding to it yeah because I've been playing and I have been really enjoying it but I see how I can get old pretty quick with yeah with just kind of grinding out the same thing over and over yeah I think they went I ignore the white I'll head to yellow got the bed but I'm blinded so I can't really fight them that's all my live that's what someone with a negative attitude would say I don't know how I love that though letting me kill them for free nice it's cuz you're a police officer they can yeah they can't say no team just kind of fought me for a second but I got him oh that was great oh there's like no one at their base oh this is easy and got it okay nice oh hello you were dead alright we're not gonna lose our bed officer police we might lose our bed we probably will honestly I just had like twenty eight gold so I'd spent it all on TNT in gaps okay well I'm gonna try and fight the guy that's entering our base okay I'm like three bases from them why you gotta hit him at I hit him congratulation yes oh he was envious okay that is Bucky II all right let's see if there's a new weekly item maybe can I can I be honest a weekly enderchest okay I'm like the portable energist it really isn't all that helpful here in it there was like the strength thing which was really broken I heard about that I never had the chance to use it I don't think it'll come back it's so broken or it'll be nerfed eppley but they don't often my cats bring back all at once all right yeah I am I could I could just like TNT jump over to them I don't that is a great idea see I'm not really familiar with the placement pattern to do that you're such a task I'm just gonna jump it in break their bed here okay I hit him down oh there we go perfect I mean you should jump in the void as well if you could there a guy went in vision is heading to our base most likely if you run into Jen we should be able to split there we go get it nice okay nice hacks nice hacks what does that mean hey he's right here his invis rune out oh he jumped yeah he he knew he was under arrest he gave him yes he stopped running they go to mine Jill welcome to episode 33 we're well on our way we're over halfway done with this episode 50 man this is tiring to record and edit believe me okay well poor aqua they uh they slipped and fell in the void I should have a free bed I'm just gonna play it safe and go up on this no they didn't disconnect TNT down sorry aqua I had to do it and PvP time oh wait this guy's really laggy that's okay there we go alright so here's the plan right I'm gonna do I'm gonna wait for him to come middle this is gonna work out perfectly believe me all I did is run around a tree it's all it takes to beat these bed Wars players GG tonight that that did not just work ah it was all planned every last second of that hey yellow showed up I don't think so I'm gonna purl though their base because I want to just kind of brush this game I was thinking of buying diamond armor instead of instead of a purlin ninjas but I got to do what it takes to get some quick beds quick kills I'm gonna die to this guy are you kidding me hey he called me a hacker Oh yellows in middle now yeah their leg and they're kind of just teleporting all over the place I should be able to get him Nia there we go yeah he was already pretty low on health gray red blue okay red and blue I'm guessing are gonna fight I'll go to gray then which gray hasn't left their base either they're kind of just hanging out defending their bed way too much for solo what up gray let's do it I can't believe I can't believe you're defending your bed this much I mean I guess and maybe you find defending your bed fun like that's the only reason you play solo and just to defend your bed the whole time like if you're gonna do that play doubles and then just hope you get a teammate they can rush I don't know I don't I can't put myself in the mindset of someone to defend all game I've never done it in my entire life oh I see red is over here killing blue oh I'm sorry red I had to do it though I know you're just a mere Alex skin hanging out in your Jen just surviving I'm not proud of what I've done but it had to happen for the sake of content okay now it's blues turn I'm gonna I'm gonna use some inves I had some M's I figured why not let me just quick spook blue by throwing a fireball they'll get all freaked out and nope that didn't hit him off don't swing don't swing okay should be a free game GG that was a that was a pretty quick one yeah well no not really I was five minutes so we recorded February 2nd of this year so that was like four months ago yeah it was a long time and then you haven't played much minecraft since then actually played survival nice did you ever do any 1.14 or was it all like 1.13 survival okay he's going up I'm just gonna try and go past him I guess he's just chillin over there I think you go wow one one tap and I got sent flying oh my god okay it's not the same with you yeah so home G chasm oh wait a sec I I don't always a fan of Kasim that's alright alright Geoff C&C nice ok I'll be following you in here alright one's half health sweet let's do this I'll just quit this guy out nah I can't okay ones half all the ones three hearts okay so I wasn't stalking your disk or anything but I saw you were playing League of Legends oh is that your new main main game yeah nice I have never played it am I missing out nah it's just um it's just that I played Minecraft for so long I need a new game so yeah I kind of feel that I I did a lot of runescape a while back and OH yellows here too sorry I'm in your way this is pretty bad yeah that didn't do anything he's got her bed okay I think we got this don't let's just go ahead and look at sharp for us I need blocks to have any blocks Thanks so yellow beds gone yeah a lot of people that I haven't spoken to in many many months I'm trying to get for this episode and and most people are like oh dude haven't played in many months like oh good should be a great time okay I'm gonna go in and fight this guy okay I guess it's time to go for some in biz so you see yeah okay all right so I don't know last time actually remember I I kept making like weird noises before I'd like I'd like every time I talk I'd be like and then it actually like when when I went back to watch my own videos like oh my gosh I don't I don't remember that I feel like if it was a really loud and annoying noise I'd probably start getting annoyed while editing the video I didn't notice that I see oh my gosh I guess I'm the only one I feel like you everyone's harsh on themselves then then they should be like it's I don't know both yellows are currently middle Oh fraud you have iron armor yeah okay do you need anything if you have a lot of gold I'll take iron armor but not that's not it no that's alright did you go back to these I am right behind you so I can head there now oh yeah as far as bed Wars goes I feel like the games are slowly getting more challenging because the people that like the people that swept by doors are staying and then the people that don't really sweat by doors are moving to other games so it's it's kind of like what happened a fortnight I didn't play much for a night but my brother did and he he said how like the game was really easy for a while because there were just so many terrible people playing but then those bad people will move on to other games and then only the people that really sweat the game will stay so every game was becoming more challenging yes trough ok I need you oh wait ok I'm gonna go into this here nice I'll go break their bed ok as long as I don't fall ok I should be good with their bed oh whoops I'm dumb are you ok yeah I'm good alright cool me too be careful oh I think the rest of the game is right there I'm coming back oh yeah both yellows are down there they have silverfish tell me you get them Oh as if as if that works his fireballs wait okay wait you might not Joe Brewster hey there we go oh wait that's right we win oh shoot wait is this like this is a to come final death GG I don't care so it's 49 rounds I'm guessing it'll be like three or four hours so yeah it'll be a lot this will be episode 35 so it's getting towards the end of Saudi Saturday less people are watching you know so yeah we need to say whatever we want all right so how's the sky block been going sky blocks going alright so are you is that pretty much your main game now on hypixel yeah confident I'm the number four Islander right now and I felt number four island in what like money on unique minions oh okay okay yeah is that hope people show progression and sky block just the amount of minions they have well you could also go by collections like max collections oh yeah yes yeah um how many minions do you have I think my land is like fourteen to eighty something um you when you upgrade it it counts as a unique minion that's why oh yeah yeah um how many minions do you have on your island you know I had a nineteen cab only nineteen thing okay yeah I think my island has fourteen or something so when did your summer starts three weeks okay does it end September then August yeah mine started early May but my nose I also go back early August so um since you're at our base can you take a peak towards yellow and see if there's someone incoming yeah I saw white ones coming White was bridging over there oh wait they stopped at aqua all right cool Oh in pink I Reds bed nice he's okay he should be trapped at the damage in here all right all had the pink then all right after getting a trip for us do you have any diamond upgrades we don't I will get sharpness or I was a believer trip Oh pink seer boys pink you okay you know what mining level is Chaz is because I know he's been grinding yeah Chaz is mining level 23 Jesus I know so he do you have you heard about the gravel right yeah so the grass gravel is completely broken and then now he's like Giga drilling cobble cobble yeah he says that gets him about 20k an hour XP yeah you told me he's been playing like 14 hours a day he's been playing so much Chaz has lost his life for Skyblock uh okay see you I am individuate now but I'll turn around and kill this guy you get their bed yeah okay minor fatigue but I'll be good yeah yeah I'm kind of standing right next to this guy okay oh we're gonna lose our little should should be fine though I think it's one guy we're good okay if we get prods I can buy that right now okay great try and get diamond arbor in divisional envision no he's at the middle part that I forgot what it's called oh okay okay you're he's crazy oh he's going home oh oh nice all right uh all of my gears for nothing all right TG o for what what time is it for me yeah it's 4:00 a.m. right now it's alright I also have work at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow so let's get some recordings done and let me go to bed because I have to record of you and then I'm also recording a piggy call right after this and then maybe if I can get a hold of someone else right now I will but probably not I'm going I'm going to try I'm going to message him and say hey be available tomorrow and then see if he's available ha ha wait no I got the bit alright it's very good I'll probably end up leaving the bunch of swear words in coz seeking shadows said a couple he's got you know he'd catch himself after everyone would be like oh wait for some reason he keeps a nervous nervous even though he knows it's just a bunch of 10 year olds yeah I guess I mean I feel the same way though like I feel like I'd get nervous or around any larger youtuber even though I wouldn't consider myself a large youtuber yet but I mean I feel like any any large-ish youtuber like you're getting viewed by thousands of people on there there's things to be nervous about but ignoring that is the challenge and then once you can ignore it and just try and be yourself then it's it's good that's key some great advice from Naima bully from the big chunga's two three four one two I cannot wait my dog isn't making plump lumpy yeah Pompey the Bulldog she was making noises I think she wants me to give her yeah my family calls her Daisy like that's a real name but i call her plum cuz plumpie is a much better name they just want to accept the fact that we have a dog named plumpie I think Oh che come back yeah are we losing our bed okay nope new mime in one near my oh there's my Luger there's another green behind you oh okay I met her base now I thought I had that guy about know let's see oh I was jumping always jumping whoa okay let me do this are there near bases they're not boom I just spilled my drink all over myself mmm yeah now's not the time like you can clean it up later first you have to win some bed wheels yeah well it's going to stay stains will go away bed wars losses will not you cannot go wait are you wearing like a white or do something pink pink is rushing from the other side I killed him we're good next we have obsidian down I don't know if you saw that but okay wait hey pink what's up pink was a final one okay you want to beat the better should I oh yeah okay you break the bed okay what is going on with this guy I'm liking I'm like it's definitely the server or it's this yeah okay one guy is a one tab nice no it's okay yeah if the server wasn't legging I probably would he kill them both well killed that guy at least the server started freaking out thanks sky block ruining bed wars like I literally started minecraft Skyblock but did you really yeah oh I had no idea it was guy block yeah and this one's just boring I like try and they gave up after two minutes yeah the sky block isn't I mean I haven't I think I've done a tiny bit of sky block but not enough to really know anything about it but I feel like the skybox way difference it's more of yeah cuz like your island is full of minions and that's like the main thing you use for progression yeah yeah shadow keeps talking to me about minions you don't like what yeah I guess it's hard to explain to someone who hasn't ever tried it but yeah pretty much you upgrade minions and then the minion progression is how you show how far you are in Skyblock it's really strangely yeah that's so weird well I'll break this bed oh my god okay I'm good wait no I'm not good I think I think I can still get there but yeah I should be able to do as long as I can find it there we go where are they I see one of them I think I got him the other guy's gonna stand right here no over on this side come back he's doing a thing I fell alright I gotta move there we go that was really good and that's a good Lotus map so this is episode 37 right now that we're on um so in this one we talked about hightail a lot this was the one where the comments section wasn't so nice cuz it was a lot of it was the one-sided dialogue kinda which I'm still I'm now becoming more and more confident with my theory that hightail isn't real it's just it's all a prank it was just it was for Skyblock it was hyping stuff first all right and then you said your favorite map is pernicious in Orchestra yeah the orchestra's up there yeah I love Orchestra as long as I'm nicked if I'm not nicked I hate Orchestra cuz oh yeah it is so easy to go through middle so any news on hightail well most of the news nowadays from the community and I made a lot of people oh wait so you did you did the community thing right they're like ranking your list in a lot of people didn't well not a lot of people a couple people were kind of salty about it I mean I think that happens with every tier list and so you still have like mostly support because I think that's what you go for yeah there's mostly support on that but I mean most of what I do isn't controversial but that definitely was yeah yeah I mean I'm not gonna name any names but they were about to be able that and kind of problem with it but like one of them was actually agreeing with me but they were still kind of like hey the other person was just well very unhappy wait pink side Twitter rants and oh yeah I feel like when you make it to your list you immediately put yourself in a place of like I'm I'm at a I'm at a higher point than others i I don't know the original plan was for me to not put myself on the thing yeah I guess then when I was recording I was before to see where I am I'm dumb that's what yeah like here's the thing about tearless is I feel like if say the common one fast-food tier list I feel like making that that can't really get controversial someone could be like oh I just disagree with your opinion but whatever yeah but I feel like say if I went ahead and ranked a bunch of bed Wars players yeah I feel like that was inherently flawed when you decide to rank people yeah but you tried to spin it that it's the community and like what the the group stands for and not a particular person yeah yeah so it was a it was not the greatest idea but I'm not dead so I'm not dead yet that's what we can focus on so a red beds gone oh they're both coming at me I'm gonna get comboed and back to you oh the only ones left are red and I'm about to meet up on the other side all right I got him nice gg that was like a two-minute game that was three minutes ten seconds because it starts out diamond - it starts at six minutes so welcome back to another round of solo this is round 38 episode 38 was a solo sweaty Saturday as always we have someone saying I'm a 12 star as if we can't see it already and also asking if anyone is good I'm good I'll just let him know I'm I'm alright and gray says okay what is that supposed to mean huh does that mean you're gonna target me does that mean you're gonna hire other people in this game to target me I see blue is doing some pretty wacky bridging I'll try and take out yellow quick enough to go back and fight blue all right yellow how's your bed coming along oh you're placing down wood see ya for yellow I do kind of feel a little bad for the people that are just just chillin defending their bed and I'd just ruin their entire day they're like ah finally a fresh layer around my bed and immediately it's gone no man okay I'm at blue now which blue was fighting red this whole time yeah I can kill him there we go I'm really low I don't like being this low but if I just he's gonna try and buy something yeah don't do it we're just gonna crit each other and I'm gonna lose yeah okay wait Blues gonna try and go for me now this doesn't make much sense well wait how'd you survive that well he's gone now very interesting okay awkward is felt in the void all right we got a few people left in this game hopefully they don't all go for me but that's probably what's gonna happen I am kind of right in the middle of everything and I also said that I was good in the beginning of this game so maybe they're gonna be like wow this guy's good we should probably target him okay red wait what's going on they're gone mmm is aqua ATS where's aqua they just made it over to the base next to mine don't avoid I probably should huh yeah I'm probably gonna lose my bed here unfortunately minor fatigue please coming clutch it's dead oh thank goodness okay I did I slash Elden and I rejoined also I bought too many stone swords sorry I'm under a lot of stress right now and the more stone swords the better gray is running around middle that's not good let's see is this grey guy gonna let me do the same thing probably or I mean aqua guy not grey guy let's do this again baby okay I'll drop a TNT this time he only has a wool so there should be a bed it should open over here yeah there we go now you're sharp though got him anyway I'm gonna void I don't think graze near me yet let me see if I can find them gray gray gray it is quite unfortunate there right now I cannot find gray for the life of me so I'm just gonna go for their bed and hope that they're somewhere around there and hope that they don't have obsidian or a lot of gear which I'm guessing they have both they haven't really done anything I'll game except to collect Em's and diamonds they are at their base though that's actually reassuring so I know at least there I know that they're not at my base um I did take a lot of fall damage are you just gonna just go let me break your bed they do have obsidian could I just like hide here dude are they gonna find me oh yeah they're gonna find me okay I should probably not be here okay maybe I was gonna bridge to red but instead I'm gonna do this and see if they find me again there's no way why do you run yes I tricked them I ran temporarily and then I came back they have no idea that I'm back mining their obsidian right now I think I'm actually getting pretty close please he puts on water come on just a little bit more time don't hit me yet I got it g-gee you thought I ran but that is not the case are you gonna hit me once you're shifting okay well that was a good game GG well this is half half fun nicked you seducers the chest it's a good way to start no I was wondering what he was searching the chest oh man yeah so what I remember from our sweaty Saturday which was hanging no I have to check the KY episode 39 you were nicked his bra underscore bra oh yeah oh yeah yeah I was wondering do you bra in real life too or is this like a mindmap mind man only bra it's like a it's it's kind of like I brought a little arrow oh just yeah just look okay okay there's a lot of there's a lot of mm you know oh you like you that's okay oh you died I died like we're right away yeah there bit okay I mean I didn't see their bed hmm yeah it's hiding under the wood it's pretty secretive did you play the hungry games tournament today I didn't you did of course you suicides me at me did you did you do well or not really I got an 11th place and 10th place was like the cutoff for winning money yeah top ten when won money I heard all I heard about it is Pikachu won and fruit berries got seconds yeah I think Alvin one on like the commute community way it's not actually done yet but okay your jump down and try and rake the wood all right and I'll see if they both focus me please focus me yes okay there we go that's all you yeah yay all right we need one more one more diamond and we can get some epic sharpness that's really good I've played one bears game in the past week hey actually it's like riding a bike you play one you have played them all oh that's nice that's nice there we go who's gonna rush us red maybe yawns getting some team T okay I'm gonna go to red because they did kill you Ray but all right we're the only team that's actually taking out a base yet so we're in a really good spot watch a run out Diamond armor yeah everyone as a group went to middle amazing he got this he got this I dunno why is he he's running to the other base yeah well grey is still alive I'm know he's focusing gray more than the person rushing their base but nice got their bad okay TNT really works he put three on one on one their wool always a good strategy alright there's some brats no he took up gray by himself and it's got it gone he is a Nutella sandwich after all yeah his skin - no he's a Nutella jar all right wait aqua yellow red letting what we said they're both they're not going for each other oh wait or do you want help with red or no I think I might because he is enchanted with iron armor is he heading towards us oh no he's at it great space but okay we we are we have sharp and peratt's we just don't have the iron armor part and the godom let's go easy easiest game dude absolutely I was like fearing the fact that you weren't nicking oh yeah Knicks aren't needed I'm surprised nobody shouted anything or targeted us maybe they just didn't notice and Ted you do have the three-letter name it's pretty small it's hiding from everyone yeah yellow has oh that's not good okay so both yells are at their base with obsidian all right okay you're a Ford diamond so okay brought two of the grades all right yeah well I guess it's time for me to go middle and see if I can get some M's what's both attacks ones based at the same time yeah if we could both going to yellow that would be preferred because y'all is obscene I don't yeah pink hasn't left their diamond Jen area let's see maybe if I can just spawn kill one yellow long enough yeah this guy's just getting a ton of emeralds yeah that's what I fear how many pieces of gold do I have pretty much zero hmm okay how many Em's got him oh he had eight okay I'm gonna head over here and buy a diamond picking oh is eight yeah I just accidentally put into you realizing all right I'm good let me buy haste so I can break you quicker are you over there distracting kinda or worried yet yeah I'm just staring up this guy good he was mesmerised okay Prosser base isn't destroyed yet yeah well it's only a pink team left and it still looks like they haven't left their damage in so I'm not too worried yeah wait where's all that where did the other yellow go how do you disconnect it yeah well you have to teammate that died yes hey I'll let you get the final hold the sword Lal oh oh he's gotta run away okay he almost made his escape I'll just go straight to pink yeah I have ten seconds I can't even see okay oh god oh wait you got both of them what GT I was so good also we took what we took a break after that round is owed to you know we're back totally immediately after the second okay oh wait wait where did the old clay defend hey pink was in last game but episode around - it's the night slash guy but with a cue that I was complaining about he's back I'm gonna come back and buy prot all right oh I see bell trills yeah we could be careful of like the pink side rush cuz uh pretty scary that is pretty spooky I'll just buy more blocks so I got a pretty I got a pretty important question yeah yeah ask whatever what's your Halloween costume for this year hmm do you use leg bag yeah I saw that I saw you come back nice hey you actually getting one thanks to the TNT Oh wicked wicked my Halloween costume probably I'm trying really hard to come with a Mimi answer but I can't thank you I don't remember the last time I dressed up for Halloween I don't know I'm not I'm not festive enough I just I'll probably just end up working on Halloween because Halloween is notoriously one of the busiest days at Domino's every year really I don't I don't understand why but it's it's Halloween because everyone probably just sits at home handing out candy and they're like oh I don't want to cook so you don't beads instead you know I'm saying that I mean that's my only reasoning as to why that would happen tnc jump it didn't get cross map yellows trying to cross me up yeah so I'm gonna go for them yeah yeah Halloween Halloween I sang it not how you would say it I say Halloween you're like ha wait hello hello like your your greeting somebody Halloween yo yeah Halloween yeah oh really i I've always said Halloween like like H oh hello like the map the bed wars map Halloween oh okay are you going for them yeah yeah okay I'm gonna keep an eye out for white actually cuz white took out pink and they're also sweat so they might come for us next so just make sure nobody's he rushes us cuz I'm gonna come back and get us obsidian yes hey don't don't swing em okay sorry rods and a trap there we go 9 yeah is there anyone near a base cuz I'm drunk on P and T down right now pancake waitress AT&T yeah I meant obsidian same difference I'm on actually Michael was like you know something bit funny actually am I going my sexy nurse outfit that I bought last year for my graduation now all right send pics [Laughter] it's a bit Thai isn't that the point of a sexy nurse outfit like you want it to be really tight fitting really show all of your curves sorry I mean number what style you like what you like Karen it's not as it's not as impressive saying carrying number four bed force play yeah I still think it's impressive in my books he's going in oh my god this is insane alright I got him all right we have another trap - yeah I just grabbed Emmys okay oh wait you have in visit aqua or where yeah yeah aqua yeah I think this guy's gonna try and kill me don't don't do that well I got hit I'm smacked I'm smacked don't ah I died you should have a free bed though wait where yeah yeah oh I see a cool I had to put up which takes 30 said yeah takes a couple minutes I think one of them is still trying to run to us so yeah you got the one at their base yeah we got we got a lot of diamonds that game so and they only got enough for sharp so yeah we were kind of golden wait oh you got them both Oh Oh JEE JEE okay so swear to Saturday 41 is this one this will be very late in the recording it'll be something pretty much nobody watches yeah so say whatever you need where should we rush red Green's going to middle so yeah I doubt we shouldn't worry about them well that might be a reason to worry about them yeah if they're gonna purl on us or something yeah our pearls is loud like so low in doubles I don't know pearls are allowed in every every game I think just chill okay yeah red red just isn't really doing anything they're just they're just hanging around okay kind of having a good time goodbye red all right that's the entire team gone that's the recipes for red team I'm going to middle from red wait yellow lost their bed - I didn't even realize and I just I'll go to green you can finish off never mind you'll is it oh all right I finished off yellow let's go to green I'm gonna run right through this guy no okay no I think I can get this bed yeah you can yes I have something I want to tell you and what is that very good thank you for telling me that you will protect our bed indeed wouldn't it be cool I could you probably know be more annoying there's like a cuz you know there's hay yeah in stone and like silverfish in stone yeah cost a lot more yeah welcome to round 42 of sweaty Saturday 50 we are less than ten games away now from finishing this episode believe me I'm just excited to finish it as you are shoutout to anyone who made it the entire way through without stopping and also why anyway I only arrest with 48 even though it takes 64 to make it to their base I was just hoping that I could find someone who would bridge partially for me and they did thank you very much red icy aqua and blue are fighting right now so I'm just gonna leave them be all head over to pink could see if I can take them out that way if aqua and blue keep fighting I almost missed that jump if aqua and blue keep fighting I'll have the entire game to myself pretty much I think daya fall damage he didn't that's okay I would use my fireball but I don't think I have to so I'll just save it for now I'll jump over here and there we go just kind of I was trying to wait for his spawn trot to wear off aqua aqua gave up they disconnected they're like I tried my best I can't do any better I'll head over to blue then and let's see if we can take them out um they might be trying to place down obby I know they got M's oh yeah they're absolutely trying to play sabe but lucky me I can just break your bed because you were not paying attention now it's just a matter of making it over to a hunka base to win the game all right I'm fireball jumping wish me luck oh my god fireball jump here we go oh heck yeah nailed it I think it's gonna be really close the bed might break on its own before I can actually get over here never mind I got it GG okay so this is so or this is around 43 I have no way of judging how many minutes it's been so far I'm guessing we're about like two two and a half hours in looks like I do okay oh wait never mind not needed well they're both gone okay I avoid nice I'm gonna head I'm gonna grab the Diamonds and we can get proud immediately I did the disconnect reconnect trick except I didn't use accept no macros cuz that's been able exactly we don't do bountiful things we do other than team goofing oh yeah we love jam slam 84 knows it's alright I'll leave you to taking out pink sounds good so how is the Skyblock treatin ya oh you know exhausting yeah I mean I feel like you're grinding as hard as I grinded when I was going for bed or bed or stars oh yeah they'd mind if the james-lange plan oh yeah I played around 10 to 14 hours a day is that that's a boat yeah that's about what I did I was I was either doing that or working or college right that's what a lot of people don't realize a lot of people are like you've wasted your life playing bitters and it's like sure I definitely cut out like social interaction for a bit but I don't like I was still working and in college while grinding it's not like a completely gray come on it's not like I just completely stop doing everything to grind that wars right so yeah yeah school about weekend a bit ago and I have basically this week and a couple days next week to grind it down to do free tone yeah but other than that I've been enjoying my time grinding those five o'clock in the morning grinds where it's just like utterly boring yeah that's the thing so yeah I don't know how much everyone knows about Skyblock but there you get a certain amount of experience for breaking blocks and stuff so there's you there's like a gravel pit that it went every time you break a piece of gravel you get four grout like experience and like four cobblestone and netherrack if you break it you only get one experience but for some reason they left gravel at for experience so you're like gaining XP at four times the speed and it was completely broken and then they nerfed it recently right yeah they realized that people would be smart yeah I don't understand drill through it oh wait Reds back okay oh yeah so you're probably the highest mining level at 20 almost 23 I'm hoping to get the 24 23 by tonight and then I'm going to estimate it'll take me three days to get the 24 if I get to okay yeah and then I'm gonna how much people know about sky blog so the max level is 25 so like they mate I'm guessing they didn't make the game expecting people to max out a skill in a week yeah but Chaz is proving them wrong indeed I have I've been I've been grinding even near as hard but I've been doing a lot of foraging which is like cutting down trees oh yeah so I would just spend hours cutting down trees I think I'm almost level 20 in that but that's still yeah that's still a ways away from getting 25 because it goes up by more experience every time yeah absolutely are you going are you going to get team 3 cool yeah I'm gonna describe okay I might be able to get at rat take it minor fifty you know I just have a really slow axe nice I should be able to it one but this guy's gonna be low Zeff five seven okay yeah man he's run into mid he wants to fight is he running straight to you it's like killing dead alright alright this is around forty four but I'm also gonna include 45 I did two solo sweaty Saturdays in a row so I'm gonna so this is gonna be 44 and 45 I'm almost done recording and I'm about to lose my sanity okay yellow oh well you got nervous that's unfortunate I see that this purse yellows name is unbidden x' and then whites name is unlovely so we kind of got a couple people with matching names in this game I don't think they're I don't think they're actually teaming but it's funny that they have matching names alright what are you planning on doing fighting running middle whatever it is didn't work okay so I took out unbidden it only makes sense if I'd take out unlovely - who's over on white I'll take out the unbrotherly a coffee place that a Midwestern thing I don't know anyway time oh well thank you windows got their bed all by sharp Pratt's trap I should win this game once you have the the essentials like sharp and prot you kind of you kind of have the game on lock oh and oh it completely destroyed pink I was hoping that they'd both end up very low so I could take both of them out but no white absolutely destroyed pink um as long as I get up here I should be able to drop and there we go see ya wait he's already just mean blue well that was quicker than expected I guess I'll go through middle this is gonna be like a three minute game nice and solos I always hope for like less than four minutes but having three mini games is really good blues over at gray right now they do have minor fatigue so this might take a minute or two or three or four there we go and then yeah I see blue heading over to gray Oh race to the top of the staircase me and blue okay I win GG okay so this is episode 46 now back with hi John Myers I think this was the first episode after the fireballs got that really terrible nerf oh yeah and we thought you talked for a while about that and how silver fish now are like they were the thing they were but now that fireballs got a hit why did I do that now the fireballs got a huge buff they're most likely better than silver fish dog for sure just yeah I just keep going oh okay oh I recognize that guy oh do you yeah from what I remember he's pretty good um trying gets a TNG or or sure's either one I might like never use the indeed I don't know why I think that's a good thing wait I think I get them both okay I never and I got it I'm talks I'm just toxic boy bed wars shout no it fits fits the it fits the persona the persona if you're going back he's that half health shouldn't be too bad okay I don't have any blocks said soon because I really can't go mmm he's got Blackledge poor guy oh man oh I don't have enough blocks yeah seems to be my problem right now because I rushed shears and I'm just like oh yeah on on some maps you're just you never have enough blocks I feel like playground plague playground and and steampunker - yeah I feel like crypt I struggle for blocks a lot Wow I had a whole stack and it was still not enough and I fell by accident alright let me kill white team what is that well I was gonna kill white team until I hit him like four times towards the edge you just need to walk through it he's thinking with hightail yeah so explain that so there's like separate servers so you can play with people in your country not do a ping or what is it yeah you can play with people that are near you and that means that the relative ping between everybody will be a lot lower okay I really about to punch n stone to break a bed no you got it [Music] yeah so a game earlier that I didn't record and i'm i meant to record it too but I didn't and I'm so angry some guys shot off or someone was standing on the edge of a base and shot a fireball at me and I hit it back at him and it hit him head-on but it launched him towards me and off the edge and into the void it was the strangest thing I've ever seen and I I'm so mad I didn't get it on recording but like I yeah I've returned a fireball back at him and it shot him forward it was it was beautiful same thing happened to me I think it was yesterday I was supposed to do a double team see oh I did a double TNT jump but I want to flex on red if I can get there in time probably not you're probably already there pretty much see I gotta get rid of blue and then jump to red you know what I got red you already know sorry I'll leave one red alive so you can double TNT jump I've done diagonal ones but not head-ons you you might you might just have to kill him easily great you you might be the one to kill him he might be at green base oh I could be wrong do I get another chance oh I see him wait a sec Green is coming to us oh there is okay I was he killed yup blue and there's a bridge Oh what does happen oh he's teleporting to us he's out of race I see him oh yeah he had 400 ping wait he must have placed a TNT on his screen but it didn't register in this careful I don't know all right welcome to round of 47 this is the final solo episode and then we have 40 and 49 which are both doubles wait no 49 is 4 before us and then and then that's everything unfortunately this game has three different mix in it and it also has a couple people that have really sweaty names I'm guessing this is gonna be the sweatiest the sweatiest sweaty Saturday yet white just fell down which actually gives me a brilliant opportunity to break their bed and I need to take advantage of this because this is going to be a sweaty game Wow ok they're very low on health I'm gonna just head back immediately without buying anything they'll probably get blocks or something although they need to buy a gap which that wastes their gold alright they threw wool around but I think I should be fine yeah I should be able to get there red - he gave me an L oh man okay so one Nick nice sweg was a Nick they're down um red took out blue pretty quick so I should probably head to read next okay a quick defense and then I'm gonna head middle if red leaves me alone actually I might to go for obsidian I'm just cuz free Eagle horse is also a Nick oh they just lost their bed okay I'm sitting isn't looking too bad right now oh wait red is gonna leave me alone actually I'm gonna go I'm gonna go for the best best of both worlds here I'm gonna try and get red bed and also spend some MS to get diamond armor that way I'll have better gear and a bed under my belt okay I'm gonna head over to blue to spend my MS because I'm pretty sure Reds gonna be able to kill me they have better gear than me right now okay I'll buy that as well I guess that's all I really need don't do it they bought sharp that's really good for them not me at least I was able to kill them pretty easily let's head over here and build up I guess they disconnect no they didn't they're still here oh my well okay scratch these plans I don't want to take out red bed stupid green why'd you have to go for me okay well Red's gonna chase me around middle until I'm dead most likely um I guess we'll fight one more time never mind I don't want to do that I don't want to fight you I'm just gonna run hey Green's here - yeah Reds gonna go for me not green sweet yes you guys fight very good I'm guessing greens gonna chase me - actually no I think I'm just gonna go for green bed he's green actually gonna leave me alone they are very good so I can take them out and I have more MS to spend so I'm able to buy some in vis or some I don't know yeah probably invisi is the best call or a diamond sword knowledge by iron there's no point in spending it on anything else right now I guess we'll do a fireball and some more block now one thing I am missing is sharp so I'm gonna try and go to this diamond Jen without failing my speed bridge hopefully without getting fireballed off okay the three sweatiest people I think are still in the game although white was pretty sweaty I just took him out pretty quick so yeah this will be a fun little ending here oh they fought oh one of them's gone okay good okay Red's not their base but they have prot and I don't want to deal with fighting prot so if I can just make my way around them that would be much preferred I'm gonna inves here and see what he does he's gonna run back to his base okay that's not that's not too bad um he's just gonna wait okay so I don't know what my plan is here actually I'm guessing if he has an alarm trap I could be in trouble but I don't think he does I'll toss that down he does have minor fatigue not a problem okay got it okay I should be able to kill him 200 he got me pretty low hello oh he gap - I got him that was really close oh what a good game actually okay so this is round 48 so this is the second to last round so nobody's watching so I think you can say whatever you want hey stop give me all the gold I don't want it oh that's that's unfortunate yeah so earlier today I tried to snipe target 3d gaming he was streaming how'd that go they got in his game when I lost my god I didn't I didn't die to him but I did die in the game to some random I I died to some random who was probably also trying to snipe target the game oh that's you placing blocks you said not me all right well you're gonna go you're gonna go ahead again and fight too sweaty names could you jump down and break the bed no they had they had no defense when he got here she just kept bridging all right trihard taki and get good long why did I drop I didn't believe in you for a second I didn't either I got really lucky mmm I mean the 74 two for finals say differently it means that you are not lucky you are skilled yeah that's not a lot of finals for my star what star you oh good question almost 300 okay oh we both don't here okay oh wait the more bridges the better as all the bed wars nan say so you yeah I'm the best bed where's nan wait are we both all right we're both collecting M's were both trying to get some you embarrassed that man he embarrassed me can you kill him didn't get my rules he's so low come back and got him all right that's the end of shock that's all eight should I run to Aqua and try and toss and I'm gonna end up dying they're not good they're not gonna let me get over there you're not good enough for that all right Jake come on come come middle and I'll just get some blocks I have 44 blocks in to tea and tea would you like the TNT no coz aqua has one layer of glass and that's healthy all right that's everything so the ents are not useful actually it might be blow them away cuz uh well no cuz now they have a layer of clay over that and I don't have a pick so I need some way to break the clay so you're gonna do this again for a hundred sweaty I don't know I don't know what my plan for sweaty Saturday a hundred is it's definitely not this or I'd have to do not ninety or ninety eight rounds cuz I can't really repeat fifty unless unless forty Saturday a hundred I'd go one through 49 and then I get everyone for episode 50 again and then go I go 51 through 99 I sounds like a good idea that would be great that would be absolutely good so how long you been doing it every week and but you miss I've missed like three or four or five I don't remember all right yeah so somewhere on there Oh Jake's gone I was confused why nobody was talking great I think you like that that is just what I wanted wait oh he got the Obsidian down at least okay cuz I gave him ATMs and and eight diamonds I'm guessing he spent everything and then lagged out and died or just like that it's still so season the call but I cannot hear him at all that around alright well I don't see myself losing this game Oh Jake's back Jake Jake how is the Wi-Fi very good you can tell you never left the call which is cool but I didn't I grabbed the ten diamonds you head and I'm glad you got the obsidian down before you like don't know someone here oh no I'm just I'm just glad you didn't lose the ATM song shame like as long as I had a times I didn't really need a teammate it's kind of what I was going with all right I see hmm what would you rather have in a doubles game a teammate or a layer of obscene oh definitely a teammate I guess it does not depends on the teammate but a layer of obsidian is I mean it makes me wonder if which one I'd rather have I mean obsidian is really good sometimes better than a teammate hey do we have a trap yeah well no actually I don't think so oh no we don't that's okay oh wait you're over at White's where's whites Oh whites it our base Oh what no this isn't true white definitely was at our base there's there's a white bridge going to our base oh they they broke a piece of wood and some we had Albion ran oh this is so sad and this is why I rather Bobby than a team so okay okay so white side gray hi die Thai that's his name tie-dye tie-dye have you ever tied I have once wonder do you want to kill their Gigi wait there's another team uh yellow rug on behind bug on hi there you would when there's a bridge toy base that was faster to run across the bridge not sure I made to the gen before you did therefore I made the proper call all right but you have an extra death on your stats that's true I think I have more final kills than I have no wait I have more deaths than I have kills yeah people do I think yeah I'm guessing most people do just because avoiding is the thing yeah okay I think I have like a point 7 KD the stat that everyone cares about everyone loves looking at the KD I think they're doing a no hitting challenge maybe I mean he didn't hit me there either alright I blocked in okay bud gone wait are they doing no I just got hit by this guy alright you want that guy I'm just I'm hiding I mean I'm in the bed with them I'm in their bed I know he ran off alright nice it looks like there are probably two parties in here a new topic yeah yeah paper boys without topic paper boys the people that deliver newspaper yeah do they still still exist with because now they just drive around in little little van things and they've just put in your mailbox they don't throw it at your door paper boys about that Oh agriculture so yeah I pick agriculture already okay I guess we'll go read first you why does he know that GB probably because they can it's easy to tell if someone's Nick and it's you guys so yeah what this this is this is 20 III weighted someone behind me at red or no um oh yeah we should probably all go red I think what flavor that I think I can actually get it here I'm so stupid I couldn't get off my bridge okay I got one of them as well oh one of them disconnected oh no this isn't episode 20 something this is 49 so this is like this is the very last game of the sweaty Saturday so nobody's gonna watch this is what I'm getting at the end you're pretty cool hey to be a very nice pulls friend oh man that is a pretty good way he did say very he had complimented my bed work skills okay is that that's blonde okay Blundell I'm leaving you with yellow okay it's two people and it's a Steven and Alex oh wait you're actually gonna be able to get cream okay I figured it figured they were gonna sweat Oh Leila fly ball all the way dude don't let the Steven Alex kill you who were the last ones middle I think why oh wait I see him I see him too yeah I probably save him for you he's trying to kill me he was shifting at me oh good I probably showed up I got yellow nice alright well that was really good that was very quick
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 1,229,964
Rating: 4.8474255 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, gb80, sweaty saturday
Id: 7a4RD7cUfXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 13sec (10633 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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