Minecraft Lifesteal SMP Season 3 Is Not Going As Expected..

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hey guys we've got new merch related to the life seal season 2 finale we're only selling 500 copies of each so get yours before they run out who's giggling i guess and with that lifesteal season 3.1 has begun all right i see prince zam and pengy i really want to kill them okay go do it i don't want to i don't want to seem so innocent you've got a lot of blood on your hands ah that's just from season one i don't have that blood anymore [Music] i know better now don't laugh like that that's weird don't get blown up bro row row hello hello guys clown pierce guys what's up did you see this massive cave over here bro there's a huge cave over here wait what there's actually like right over there huge crater it's me oh oh oh my god it's like a meteor hit the earth right here i'm not gonna oh my god he is he is okay what's up spoke i [Music] oh village village village where where let's go this way this way no i'm not let's go are you are you sure you're coming with us bro this way this way this way do you see me yeah yeah wait this has been looted what already already they're right there get them terrain okay that's i think i think we should just we should just you know yeah i don't even know chill for now yeah this goes pretty deep oh i almost hit you oh my god that would have been embarrassing yeah it would be like scaring him you guys just turn hostile i i did not get that reference yeah these are the diamonds i've had all right we have the first two diamonds guys oh oh my god wait wait wait wait i have the i can't make it in jenny cable i see red crap hi rick rap oh my god you scared me for a moment i thought you already cripped me up really i'm gonna take revenge oh oh my gosh i'm gonna take revenge no wreck oh god oh wreck oh wreck get him parent i'm in tears there's so much gold i know there's a oh he's dead he's so dead yes it's over call me minecraft curios because i just got revenge spoke spoke which avenger would you be oh can i be thanos no too bad i'm already photos i'm thanos i think you'd be low-key you always make a getaway i like uh okay whatever el bozo i need help bro i'm getting chased by five people okay bro on our way yeah i was i was basically talking to wreck i was talking to wreck and then they appeared out of nowhere bro 70. are they still chasing you row kind of they're like oh i'm at the village i'm at the villa i'm yeah i only have a stone axe just no it's an ash clutching bro this is a free fight yeah this is a free fight bro you have nothing i know that's fine he can he can hang back he can hang back yeah i can hang back all right yeah we're in like this into the village all right there's a chance for parts bro where how's it going how's it going where are they i don't know i'm trying to like block my shield and make it look like i'm fighting but they they won't come huh no dude you need to watch out for subs bro do you think they're stalling do you think they're stallions actually let's rush that's right three there's three there's three there's fresh fresh okay we're good we're good guys stay back here go run to the village right to the village we're jumping them got it go through like the middle area go through the middle area they stopped following me across the river for some reason okay um okay they have a boat that's why they they're getting a boat oh god it's gonna be bad are they catching up to you yeah they're they're on me come to the village come to the village in my village dude if you come to the village we we turn this fight around easily yes you're trying i'm done you guys are stacked oh my gosh i'm dead i'm dead what all right we're going we're going go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go get the stuff you know which way you were it was like blocking going into the village like only at the left it's the left with clowns right here all right we're avenging you bro we're avenging you oh oh [Music] okay you guys are in the spruce area i assume i mean catching up to them okay we're heading more north now we're heading more north right like 750 negative 600 okay here i'll pick a boat put on the ice put it on the ice put the boat down put the boat down okay okay okay i'm where are you guys where are you guys this way this way this way bed where's the portal where's the portal um it's at like oh oh i see him i have a bed i can try to bed bombing we should do that if you can cobweb bed bomb it's over [Music] i also have the portal trapped right now but do you guys have the cores but what are their what are their chords negative what these have stuff bro i have not much i have an iron helmet and a chest plate and a bag okay that's what i found i did a lot of damage to clutch i don't even have a way where is he where is he where's clutch clutch yeah where is fudge where is that kid wait you guys have the chords in the board wait spoke where's clutch it killed one person and then i didn't even stop to like oh dawn turns here stomps here where where in another right here can we take them should we two one yeah i don't have flint and steel i don't know it's right here guys for me there's so many there's so many don turn i'm sorry man i like you this is the deadly assessment bro oh my gosh spook we are dead spoke wait why did that are you still with me bro bro i am so dead i am so sorry bro i am maybe because someone's here maybe because of power okay i'm bowing guys guys mapic has a power five okay [Music] be very careful now they're running away from okay you're getting two and you're getting two oh my gosh dude mapix bow did seven and a half parts oh god that did a lot of damage i i got a good crit i got a good oh my god [Music] is like chasing me [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go good good good on this way all right nice nice nice walk to bed i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead no yeah we can't take this oh my gosh ah yeah yeah yeah mapic has his bow out dude i'm killing train is that okay okay yeah yeah go for it go for it he's going to jump and he's going to take he's going to say no i think you have the hearts no one can we're strained where's the clown what happened to your armor [Music] oh my gosh is oh my gosh get away i'm at 10 hearts i'm i'm i'm satisfied right you're right you're right you're right yeah [Music] guys what are your chords what are your chords yeah here's a power bow oh no the rest of them are here just run just run what are your chords dude how big is that team bro it's enormous it's like everyone except off okay okay go go go yeah i'm heading back to mainland do we just ride yeah yeah go go go let's go you guys near village okay clown what's the plan what's the game plan here honestly honestly every man for himself get out of here where are you guys all right i have i have i can breastfeed to help you uh i'm i'm 700 minus 120 700 minus 120. i tell you where to come yeah you're negative 700. no 100 700 plus where we are 1400 blocks away bro okay i'm looping around looking around all right i can't i can't i can't meet with you i can't actually do this i'm i'm smelting up like steak and stuff i have food for everybody i can't loop around oh yes i can yes i can that's right and pick off one person there's oh they're all here they're literally all here they're literally all of them who's this farm i'm not spawning keep staying together issue they got my boat they did okay bro where are you at i'm at spawn i'm with spoke everyone is on i found a lava pool i'm gonna create a portal we're going through it and then we're going to bed bond now okay okay 100 or 700 100 does anybody have blood and steel i don't have anything i can make for these guys yeah try wood lighting oh this is going to be tight this is going to be really tight okay are they here dude this needs to light all right minus 300 minus 300. you can light it here right right right look up look up look up the mountain okay okay right here this is the portal this is we don't have any stuff no no no okay again okay um [Music] do you guys have beds do you guys have beds i have beds all right i've been coming ready yeah yeah come on get rid of there come on get out i'm trying to go okay yeah they probably won't come through they're not going to come through walk off the bottom or the other side all right yeah okay do we go where are we going yeah all right let's go here we go let's e-ready real quick that's what um e-ray oh and oh yeah yeah and three ray yeah no bastions all right let's start heading oh right crap more like radar too yeah you're supposed to come back should we head towards zero zero i think we should go for bastions i think i think we should go i think we should go away from zero zero we should gear up we should go let's go then let's go somebody lead the way i'll just follow dude that that was so sick i know that was insane yeah i'm not gonna bore you with the footage of us raiding bastions and nether fortresses but eventually i ended up alone in the nether while traveling back to spawn i decided to try and make a little clutch you know something that looks cool in the video well splat and right as i'm going back to get my stuff this happens while looking for my stuff i realize i can check my recording for the coordinates i find the place where i died but sadly my items were gone in a little lava ravine further along i found a cluster of items though i carefully made it down with my last resources but it was just a bunch of food a furnace and some bone blocks this was probably the lowest i'd ever felt on lifesteal i was in the nether with a bunch of uncooked food at two and a half hearts i had eight total hearts now since dying three times in a row the first time i had ever been below 10 but then i met a few people hello clown pierce hello what's up guys we're the people of gallantry clown look behind you people's gallantry uh [Music] what's up bees guys how are you doing you look like you're a better mistake yeah um i guess are you guys rocking netherrite are you guys rocking nether right right now now that i just played another right we're not we're not here to kill you we're not here to kill you okay uh are you here you know there is one person we are here to kill um and it's them we don't like it i think i think i think we might be able to come to an understanding here leo okay i think so too um you know you got a hog one right next to your buddy uh i i am i'm taking i'm taking care of it don't worry don't worry about it yeah oh there you go nice yeah well um yeah are you are you guys uh are you guys like uh uh like a night order that's kind of the vibe yeah that's that's cool i like that that's good we're the pog where people get under here oh yeah oh my god okay now i don't even want to associate anymore at this moment i i have food that's like the one thing i have okay what do you need uh anything gear that pickaxe uh you know in a bit of a tight spot here have some dot and then uh some of that yeah all right thank you all right well yeah we should buy materials that's all we really got though i was back in ireland but i was still far away from diamond army but then i spotted one of the people that had hunted me down before [Music] oh my god are you kidding me and all of that just within the first day i know this season is going to be very interesting i'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: ClownPierce
Views: 71,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, Parrot, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, Technoblade, HermitCraft, Grian, I Destroyed an Army on this Minecraft SMP, ClownPierce, Minecraft Hardcore, minecraft 100 days, minecraft revenge, minecraft mods, pvplegacy, deadliest smp, deadliest minecraft smp, last life, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival
Id: SNLfCnxq3sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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