using every block in bedwars to defend my bed

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what's up everybody welcome back to solo bed Waris contents here today we're doing the kind of a challenge but kind of not a challenge um I'm gonna be trying to use like one of every block in the game and I'm gonna try and do that as a layer of bed defense so at the end I'm gonna have like eight layers of bed defense it's gonna be such a great video guys how do I think of this amazing stuff the best part about daily uploading is you can just upload whatever crap you want and and if it's bed you know eventually it'll get washed out of your most recent videos and nobody will ever see it again there is a there's a thunderstorm going on outside by the way so if you hear any booms don't be alarmed it's either the weather or this video crashing and burning probably the second one I don't know for sure though I guess we'll we'll find out later on I will start off by breaking yellow bed they have minor fatigue oh my he was able to shoot some toxicity my way as well how rude of him alright if I could just get above this guy and smack him down should I be toxic he's gonna run wait he's no he's coming back okay they have a more minor fatigue they rush to do let's go can I go scout one more time I can should I say bad now he tried his best that's that's all that matters okay I'm gonna go mid and try and get some obby because that'll be my first layer of bed defense um I see I could do like the very top layer of what I'm gonna have for a bed defense as obsidian however that would be ridiculous I have seen comments on my videos where people are like you should try the stack of obsidian challenge or you should try to do like 10 layers of obsidian it's like what's wrong with you I'm not first off I don't think a game even lasts not like even if the game lasted its maximum amount of time I don't think it would last long enough to get me that many emeralds so gray is gonna start coming my way that's no good I'll have to fight him I think otherwise he's gonna hit follow me back to my base yeah that's fine I have heals lobby mod wings let's go okay I guess I'll go in for the fights if I die here I lose a thames which is really bad for my challenge I'm trying to get the stack pubs or not stack of obsidian and trying to give my one layer of obsidian okay that works you can do that if he wants but either way is that really what what you guys want a view on my channel stack from city and challenge where I sit in mid just collecting Em's and when I get the stack of obsidian what do want me to do with it like my bed's gonna be gone at that point once I get 64 M's it's already gonna like the game won't have lasted long enough to go to bed break automatic bed break it's like what did you want me to do explain anyway now I just need gold and iron and I should be able to finish this bed defense so let's go ahead and grab the obsidian to start as the first layer and then I'll do the second most expensive block which is glass as the second layer I think I need 20 if I if I recall correctly I think I think it's gonna be like 18 I could be totally wrong by the way I'm just kind of free ball in here okay yeah look like it looks like it's 18 for the second layer third layer I think I'm gonna do n stone that's the next most expensive block so I guess I'll go with that he's probably looking my bed defense really confused as to why I have obsidian and then glass over it because obsidian itself already resists any explosions also why is he building up does he have a diamond take on him he might actually he might I guess I'll build up to if that's if he wants to have a build war here okay don't break my glass by the way thank you actually no thank you he's messing up my bed defense grit wool will not be this layer okay you're jumping the gun here you can place your wall around my bed later once it's once it's time for wool how dare he okay well now I have some glass on my bridge here thank goodness so water girl 16 is on aqua team it looks like they're doing the same challenges me so I'm this is super cool they're holding a fireball please don't throw it at my base or me I'm just I would just ran over here to grab the iron I needed it oh they threw the fireball it looks like or it sounds like but where do they throw it at my bridge I don't know if forty eight enough but we're gonna do that as the next layer so let's go ahead and try this um eventually my bait or my defense will get too close to my base where I won't be able to place any more blocks I'm just gonna pretend I can so it's not gonna be a complete top layer unfortunately okay yeah this was enough this was more than enough all right now I grab some wood so this will be the next layer so let's go ahead and place this down okay this is almost enough however I need two more pieces of wood which really sucks I guess I'll go ahead and spend on another 16 blocks even though I only need two of it okay there is that and then very top layer I'm gonna do well because wool is just super cheap and easy all right so I finished the wool layer now so the wood and wool layer are both down I guess very top layer since technically it's a block we're gonna do ladders so even though I never buy these I'll get a bunch of ladders he's coming over with TNT which if he blows up my bed defense I guess I'll replace it please get out don't do it stop please no no not my defense he probably has more than one he definitely is more than one hopefully I'm keeping it away from my bed defense because I know when to just fire balls no stop no my defense please have mercy jihad oh he dropped that was like it was all of his health and fall damage why did he do that okay um that's fine we're gonna go ahead and replace everything he actually didn't do that much damage to my bed defense I was catching all of his T's I've reached the limit I can't place any more blocks so I'm just gonna throw a bunch of ladders down here I probably gonna end up missing a block but what does it matter I was close enough the good news that I'm doing here is the gray team who built this insane bridge he's gonna have an easy way down like he can drop onto my bed defense and not take any fall damage because of what I'm doing so you're welcome grant all I'm doing is helping me out here and you're here just trying to blow up my bed defense funny enough if he comes back and he tries to blow up my bed defense again he's just blowing up all the ladders which all that's gonna do is make it so he takes fall damage so if he doesn't blow my bed defense I mean he has a better chance of not taking fall damage and so I'm just helping him out alright I think I'm just missing this part here I'll go ahead and toss the ladders down yeah that's just about everything I don't know if I'm missing anything um he is coming back it looks like but he's coming from the other side he just keeps switching sides on which ways attacking so I have ladders um is he going inves nope no no no this is so upsetting hang on I got a rebuild I got a rebuild I'm on fire now oh my god oh he is in biz always 100% into his hang on hang on hang on oh he's right here ha he has the diamond picking everything get out here no he says no yes now he has to buy a new diamond Vic yes diamond arm which kind of sucks he also had magic milk which kind of sucks wait did he no I just didn't have a minor fatigue he must say yeah he already came to my base and used it okay so what it it's that and then some more ladders okay I think my bed defense is done I just gotta have a little bit of rebuilding over here where he threw that fireball unfortunately man what a struggle what an absolute struggle okay I think that's everything yeah it's not looking like I can place any more ladders so I think I win I think I win this challenge super enjoyable super entertaining challenge okay I think I have everything I need to go break a bed I still don't have diamond armor which he does but I'm not too worried did you just fall in the void he did oh my god I'm not even doing anything he's just struggling to get over to my base but I guess I'll go take him out um we still have aqua team here water girl sixteen who still hasn't left her base it seems oh wait a minute no she definitely did there's a part of the aqua bridge over here but maybe she collected some things and like blew up her bridge on her way back could be they're gonna fire ball throw it oh my god okay I'm gonna leave water girls aggressive hey man you're back I guess I'll kill this guy one more time he has much better gear than me but I don't think that really matters let's head over to his base I'm hoping that in the meantime Water Grill 16 doesn't get a diamond pick and then rush my base and then breaks my bed I mean I have a strange feeling that's not gonna happen I feel like water girl is pretty passive here I'll do them that one aggressive fireball oh I missed dang it dude all right well I'll just uh cool I'll wake him back and then he'll own the void yet again this guy's about to quit the game I swear like he's not even gonna be able to I'm not even gonna be able to get a final kill on him he's just gonna leave no he how did I predict that he already left he already left the game okay well I have minor fatigue but doesn't really matter okay well there goes his bed he's out of the game the bed defense is far too overpowered we all know this we all know this obviously this teaches you the more layers the better okay just keep adding layers to your bed defense can you pull me oh so water goes has been hoping for death this whole time okay nice I will never win it's so sad water girl not with that attitude I just got to give some inspiration I mean I'm still gonna nup killing water girl here but seconds good never settle always aim for higher I'm just being so inspirational here with water girl this game couldn't be gone any better I swear to God dude thanks no problem if water girl really wants to die then I won't get fireball although I feel like I may need a fireball hey get down from there okay cool water girl fell down unfortunately she became aggressive and started trying to fireball me but that's okay I have some tnt's here alright and I'll place two more here one of these is gonna knock water girl off isn't it okay maybe some fireballs as well oh there she goes I'm just bullying at this point this is so upsetting you did good I'm proud of you and you will only become better hey stop hey stop hey your bridge saved me I would have fallen off the map there okay cool and that's the end of the game let's go okay I was in the middle of Brown's thinking of what I should do to continue this video seeing as that challenge went so smoothly and I realized I forgot clay I was very upset um believe me I'm just as angry as you are about forgetting clay I'm sure my comments sections already littered with people being like you forgot clay you idiot you didn't do the challenge so we're gonna redo it I'm sorry it has to happen I'm gonna try and go a little bit quicker though red actually fell in the void which helps so let me head over there and yeah so I'm gonna just immediately go mid for Em's and I will go from there is read they disconnected so that totally works I'm gonna actually head over to this diamond gem mainly because I want onion forge hear me out iron forge it's gonna be a struggle getting the amount of iron that I need because I need glass and stone clay and wool all from iron the only thing I need em for is a B and I only need gold for wood so it's pretty much just a matter of collecting enough iron which is more difficult than you think but I don't know if they're planning on doing that uh I'm gonna go ahead and buy iron armor I know I need the gold for wood but what isn't I'm just gonna tell you now is not gonna be a problem cuz I'll get plenty of gold and again for gold gets you sixteen wood so it's pretty cheap actually I do have to take out gray unfortunately they they came over towards me so they they forced my hand okay I didn't want to have to do it but I have to do it okay I can possibly do this let's find out I'll break I have minor fatigue so I'm just gonna run up here and if he follows me up he's gonna die if he doesn't follow me up then I'll just wait till minor fatigue wears off he followed me up perfect all right let's head back he called me kid oh god no he didn't use the aged insult he's a just how dare he I'll place that block there and with my back against the wall I might be able to kill him close if I wasn't so low on health you'd be dead I just need to make sure no greens coming this is bad this is real bad let's go he does have sharp so this is gonna be rough I'm just gonna tell you right now this is gonna be rough if I don't know how I'm gonna be able to pull this off I guess the question here is is gray still planning on rushing me quite possibly but I'm gonna have to push green because they're not gonna give up they also have sharp which sucks they're gonna be dealing extra damage to me because that is what sharpness is I can hit this guy down is he he's still alive which actually is alright I guess it gives me a little bit more time to get to his base I don't want to throw these ends off I can probably get their bed here since he's gonna go into his gen can I somehow kill him as well I can okay let's grab this and I'm just gonna get a trap just in case he's at my base I'm gonna get Ironforge as well because Ironforge is overpowered let's get an avoid okay we actually have great team here he fireballed my bed so if I die I lose my bed I didn't die so we're totally fine white could leave at any moment and then I lose the challenge sure I win the game but I lose the war you feel I was planning on going quicker to try and do this but I was dealt difficult hands okay people just kept rushing me it was out of my control let me get these M's and get back to my base okay I don't know what this guy's doing but I'm gonna hit him off the map um I kind of just want a little bit extra time before he he comes towards my base okay I have the MS perfect let's get back to my base let's get the I'll be down once I get I'll be down then I'm pretty safe as far as like losing my bed it's just a matter of getting enough iron before white disconnects because like or I mean there's always the chance they could get really really stacked and then just kill me with a diamond pick and then they can't get my bed and here they come for the first attempt at breaking my bed um they're building up at the moment I can oh my god I missed okay that's fine they're dead let's get the I'll be down I need the I'll be down right away the Hawaii I don't lose my bed okay perfect okay so I have the I'll be down let's get glass down as well here and then I'm gonna start putting down the N stone I'm not gonna have enough for a full layer I think I need 12 more so I'm pretty close okay he's back he's back stop that get down from there dang it I guess if he wants to sit up there he can he I'm guessing he doesn't have a diamond pick or he would have dropped an already attacked so I will start going with my next layer I understand there is a player at my base however I'm not worried and I'm just gonna keep building my bed defense well I see him right there I don't know if he thinks he's sneaky or something but collecting my general right that's all I want oh he's come in ah wait server leg okay we're fine that was very close im gonna start placing the clay I don't I think I need a little more but we'll find out now okay the clay layer is done we are so close we have wood layer now and then wool layer oh my god this is a massive bed defense I don't really know how much what I'm gonna need probably a lot and I haven't seen the enemy in a while so he might actually be collecting m's which is really bad for me umm and then yeah actually I bought too much wood I thought I'd need more but hey whatever um okay that's everything so far I need a layer of wool now if I lose this game I don't really care I just need this completed bed defense that's what I care about okay wool layers done I still haven't seen this guy in a very long time I'm gonna go ahead and buy a trap I think I have one diamond on me up okay I just want to know when he comes to my base if he has magic milk then good on him he most likely gets my bed but for now I want to do whatever I can time to place down as many ladders as I can I'm just gonna try and cover every block if I don't whatever okay he's coming back he's still not in viz does he have diamond armor no he steals iron armor what is he doing why isn't he stacking up it was a while since he went came here last time I guess I'll go up after him I don't know what yeah yeah he's gonna die he might have more prot I really don't know what he was going for where's my shears okay so he's dead again he gave me two more M's what is he doing eventually I'm gonna get diamond armor now he has given me four okay I think that's everything let me just go over this one more time take a look let me know if you see anything in the comments let me know if you see any holes of me not placing ladders also I won't be able to see the comment so sorry about that okay cool good enough and let me place like a little thing of wool actually this sucks now whatever I'm gonna do it anyway alright let's do it water down final layer of my defense I'm getting out of my base this is ridiculous this is hope oh god it's disgusting get me away please well the defense is done now just a matter of taking this guy out I'm pretty sure I used everything I mean the water what was this got about the tnt jumping at me whoa ouch see ya okay cool I killed him again and I'm in mid with pots because he gave me so many apps yeah for real I mean there's someone m's and mid still like if he just all you had to do was collect some M's and he wins but now he loses because he just didn't want to stop rushing me maybe he has aa B - actually I should he might have Bobbie I'm not sure he does oh that explains it that explains what took him so long okay I almost got hit off the map but that's fine I'm gonna buy another speed and jump here just so I can get away from him when I gotta I'm also gonna buy up some of that and we have to fight one more time hey sir did I hit him off nope hope they don't die here that would suck we're good I'll break some obby and I should eat a gap as well hey you don't wanna come back he probably does and it's probably a good idea if he does as well oh is he giving up perfect let me drink some speed oh he says gg he understands I mean after looking at my bed defense I don't blame them for giving up no don't pull off here ouch whoa whoa dude I thought we were gonna be friends for a little bit apparently not alright well that's the end I was gonna have him like come take a visit towards my base also sixteen kills one one alright well that'll be it for me defending for a while I'm gonna go back to rushing if you enjoyed smash like and sub we'll see in the next video bye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 2,492,647
Rating: 4.9489055 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, bw, gb80, leaderboard, challenge, solo, doubles
Id: puTXcGuLGBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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