This Guy Doesn't Seem To Like Women At All...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar in today's video i'm going to tack on with a little sponsor call please don't follow whatever words you hear in this video i usually have to bring that sponsor on when you're about to hear some really outlandish stupid things what you're about to hear in this video that i'm commenting on from another person is some of the most insane [ __ ] that you have ever heard do not follow any advice from the individual you are about to see because it might land you in some hot water and throw you down a rabbit hole that you don't want to go down now tick tock like most social media you know crackdens are filled with uh individuals like pickup artists you know people who have the grasp on the female mind and i i hate to use terms like this but we're gonna have to look into it like in cell stuff later on so today's video is women are not real now i this blows my mind like an m night shyamalan movie okay it slaps me harder than my dad does on report card day uh because i used to think that women were like you know the other half to make it making me you know my mom was a woman apparently she ain't real ladies and gentlemen this is an 11 minute affair i'm only gonna cover what i think are the main points and uh beyond that we're gonna move on and talk about the actual issue at hand women are the physical manifestation of sensory perception and in the same sense that when your senses are overloaded in any particular way whether they're overloaded with pleasure or overloaded with pain if your senses keep receiving that same stimulus over and over you are not going to have what the [ __ ] what is this what it's like ladies and gentlemen i had to play 20 seconds because the introduction i swear to god i swear to god i've listened to it like four times it's like when a pseudo-intellectual comes out and tells you you know it tries to act smart by using buzzwords i have no idea what they're going with this whole entire word salad didn't really make a lot of sense in this same sense being that women are the physical manifestations of this phenomenon that is why women's value must be preserved they can't be trusted to handle anything of greater responsibility anything of greater importance than daily household chores and taking care of babies not taking care of children taking care of babies whoo that's a that's gonna be a hot take right here so you heard it right here apparently the women that are watching this apparently according to this fellow right here the only thing you're good for are basic household tasks and taking care of babies not children taking care of babies why not children let's figure it out because once babies turn into children that's when the psychological development comes into place which far exceeds the capabilities that women are able to provide for the child oh man here we got the psychology degrees coming out i've watched enough of this content to kind of understand that when psychology is brought up it's so haphazardly used that it's not even funny so yeah according to this guy women when those kids grow up just beyond baby mode when they stop screaming and crying and they can walk and run around at that point the the the ability for you to raise them it's out of your psychological control again i don't know if these people believe that women are just like pot people or something but it almost goes against like those traditional roles that some of these people espouse too so it's it's a weird situation hearing it but yeah ladies and gentlemen i think at this point you can probably click off the video and realize yeah we're in for some [ __ ] but going back to the value preservation women's value has to be preserved while a man's value has to be created women are born with inherent value men are born with no value or next to no value ah you hear that women you're born at the ascribed status apparently according to this guy men no value whatsoever you're born with now i want to see him say this to some saudi prince with oil money i wonder if that would go across well i mean that person's born with value that's for sure but no in general i look at this entire argument and it's very easily debunked because if you have some semblance of real world experience you'll know that when anybody's born they usually have no value when you grow up when you go through your teenage years especially into your adult years what you achieve with your life or how you you know present yourself is really what you're achieving right like this whole alpha grind set this whole like beta sigma [ __ ] that these kind of terminologies derive from i like to think that anybody who wants to be an alpha or somebody that's beyond the pack i guess so do these people claim it doesn't really require you to be born with anything if you wanna if you wanna be attractive to anybody beyond or or you to have any value to the world you have to earn that value okay whether that's achieving something in your studies or making yourself look better or having a bunch of wealth i think that's the general idea anybody can get that if they put in the hard work and the effort for it and of course there's a bit of luck involved as anything in life but in reality this idea of like men you have no value look i'm gonna say no one has any value okay you have to earn your value it's how the world works you're born with the potential for value that's why when you see a young woman who hasn't done anything with her life nobody's going to look down on her if she doesn't want to go to college or if she doesn't want to work nobody's going to think less of her for not wanting to do those things whereas they definitely will look down on a young man who doesn't want to go to college and doesn't want to work and doesn't want to improve himself you mean meat dog i'm i'm sure no matter what gender you are if you're somebody that just sits around at home wasting away the days people in society are going to look down on you there are probably just as much women right now who are doing [ __ ] all with their lives probably being looked down upon same way as guys are okay if you're a dj that contributes nothing to society people will look down upon you okay women are born with inherent value it can't actually be increased in the same way that a man's can men's value is based on what they've done and the type of person that they've turned themselves into what kind of value they've brought into the community in which they're living or into the larger society but a woman's value is not based on that the reason a woman has inherent value is because her value is based on her fertility to put it bluntly that's what it's based on women's value is based on their fertility that's why it's in the best interest of a woman not to waste her inherent value and try to lock down a high value man or a man who looks like he's on his way to becoming high value ah you hear that ladies apparently according to this fella your fertility is what just derides all of your value men i was making this point like a minute ago basically i was telling you about how much your value derives from what you bring to the table now i have to imagine this completely discounts the fact that women go to college university get careers you know do something with their life basically as i was stating earlier it kind of treats women like they're [ __ ] pot people at the end of the day with no greater thinking than making babies it's like the weird it's like the worst take that you can ever make and completely discounts the the mental faculties of an entire group of people like what where do you end up who hurts you this bad that this is how you end up thinking come on now like i said the more experiences whether positive or negative that a woman goes through decreases her value because women cannot handle the stresses or the pleasures of life the more stress she goes through the more she sees the world as nothing more than a negative place ah the more stress that woman goes through the more she sees the world as a negative place see the more stimulation you provide apparently in this person's eyes to a woman the less inherent value she has i'm gonna have to jump in and say hey guys if the world is [ __ ] jading you and giving you a [ __ ] ton of negative emotions guy or gal or anything in between you're probably going to have a negative [ __ ] perception of life i'm just saying what it is all right god damn it's like i have to understand like this does this person have any respect for who their mother is like at the end of the day or is their mother also another pod person that's only service in the world is to clean up the house and give babies like is that is that what's going on here like the entire perception these people have of literally 50 of the other human race is [ __ ] baffling dude if something doesn't excite them enough then it's not a good thing if something stresses them out too much then it's also not a good thing everything has to be new everything has to be fresh everything has to be exciting all the time 100 of the time otherwise it's bad wait you're telling me people crave new experiences every day people want something new people don't want to slip into mediocrity i don't really get the point that's trying to be made over here like why is it that only women want new experiences i'm pretty sure guys themselves also want new experiences as well you know it really comes back to that point that i made earlier when you like look at this entire when you look at all the points these people bring up they can very easily be applied to human beings in general i think everyone craves new experiences i don't think anybody likes slipping in to mediocrity or the mundane they interpret the quality of reality through the type of sensory input they're receiving that's why girls don't work out you ever wonder why the vast majority of women don't work out they just they're fortunate enough to be born with a nice looking body and then it just wastes away they don't work out they could preserve their body a little bit by working out but that's why it's because it hurts working out hurts and since women only interpret the world through sensory perception anything that hurts is a bad thing they can't handle it they literally can't handle working out oh man dude we are getting baited this whole thing is bait this guy has to be a mega troll ladies and gentlemen where's the scientific analysis over here yeah you hear about that most women don't have to work out have you been to a gym lately dude it's just as many women in there as there are men people work out the body can waste regardless of your gender okay look i don't work out as much as i should i'm wasted away i'm a fat chubby indian all right my at the end of the day people work out or they don't i've dated people that have worked out excessively i mean they look good but that's because they put in the hours that they have to just so they can look that good the idea that women are born just all hot and like all skinny and all like you know all built and you know they just they're the perfect figures is kind of a little baffling at this point this [ __ ] has to be trolling there ain't no way i can this has to be bait ladies and gentlemen come on where is the science here where is the actual logic his whole pain argument kind of falls flat onto itself if you've taken like a fourth grade biology class because you have to realize for him and me to be existing on this planet and all of you you know our moms have to go through a significant investment of pain to make that happen now as a guy i am thankful every day look i praise god every day that i don't have the ability to go through that because i'm be honest with you i don't know i don't understand baby fever like i get having kids is a very rewarding experience but that amount of pain that you have to sit through that amount of pushing that that just that entire moment is something that i really i i don't think i could do man i mean bottoms up to the ladies out there if you're able to go through that or you have kids that's a significant investment of pain and you yourself are disproving this guy's statements right here when a woman goes through too many negative experiences she's not able to renew herself because women are not as connected to god they're not able to refresh themselves psychologically they're not able to detach themselves from the material world and don't let their astrology fool you either all these crystals all the chakra the healing [ __ ] there's no such thing as chakras there's no such thing as crystals you know lighting incense all of that is still sensory there's no divine presence there it's still just because it makes them feel good doesn't mean that there's a divine presence there ah your fairy tales are more real than my fairy tales is all i heard in that scenario so ladies and gentlemen this whole point i wanted to include because it's really one of those situations where this guy goes off rail like he derails his entire point now to understand these kind of videos are built with just hopping from bs point to another bs point and hoping that the person watching will eventually start believing in whatever bs you're spousing so i have no idea why the divine is brought into it i think that there's just as many guys and girls i think there's just as many human beings that are into the divine as they are not into the divine i don't think your gender has anything to do with your connection to the lord above but i guess you know we had to find a point out somewhere right god damn but in the same sense that negative experiences traumatized them in a way that cannot be recovered from so do pleasure experiences if a woman has the best sex of her life with a guy she will never be able to enjoy another man again it has to stay at that high level you ever wonder why i do oh no no no no i think we've i think we found the needle in the haystack there nostradamus uh yeah if the woman has the best sex of her life oh she's gonna want that for the rest of the day somebody broke this person's heart somebody broke your heart my friend i'm sorry for that uh you know it's one of those things where like this is another big aspect of this type of like culture where i guess like immediately in their head is like big apparently you gotta have a certain amount of inches to be able to pleasure okay i'll be honest with you buckos all right i'm a small guy all right in every capacity yet i've never had that problem in my life i can fully freely admit it i mean at the end of the day i can't be 13-inch muta okay i'm comfortable being 13 millimeter muda and that's pretty much where the story is gonna lie down okay all right at the end of the day it don't really matter but i mean hey listen i have to imagine the heart got broken somehow somehow some girl left this guy for another individual and that's pretty much where it ended and i'm gonna just say what i say to every other guy there are plenty of fish in the sea homie you're only like 20 years old from what i see in this video you have an entire life ahead of you don't let one bad relationship sour the next several relationships okay divorce courts favor women it's because the objective is to maintain the woman's lifestyle no attention is given to the man's lifestyle nobody gives a single [ __ ] about man okay just for you guys actually this is the only point in the video that i will absolutely agree with so he talks about divorce court now he talks about how unfair it is yeah if you've ever seen divorce court it is the most unfair [ __ ] imaginable like for [ __ ] sake if you've ever seen like alimony payments for like celebrities like [ __ ] i think so i think i think it was brendan fraser that had to pay like a crap ton of cash like i think it was like eight seventy thousand dollars it could be a little bit more than that some obscene amount a month just in child support and alimony payments which are far beyond what you need for a kid and i mean [ __ ] if you're just the general breadwinner in that entire relationship like you make the most money and you go to a court like that and you get divorced and the argument is against you in your favor yeah trust me it's gonna be terribly financially for you and you know in this situation it's like yeah a broken clock is right twice a day or something right like you can totally understand that i've heard even if you get like prenuptials or like paperwork signed that can even be an all to an extent like at the end of the day getting married is like really scary okay like you really better trust the other person because if it goes south that [ __ ] goes south and i do mean hundred you guys don't realize how utterly abundant women's sex options are most women's sex options from even for average girls are through the roof and it's because of the dynamic men are the ones who are supposed to approach the women therefore women are naturally going to have more options it just makes it seem like that that's why women's egos are through the roof that's why the moment they don't get this attention they go [ __ ] nuts because it's been that way their entire lives that's why women can't acknowledge that they do have it easier in life that's why women can't acknowledge the privileges they have in life because it's been a part of their life their entire lives ah so you understand that ladies and gentle women you just have way more options out there this is one thing that i honestly fail to understand like i'm a fat ugly indian guy all right you know how many times i've been on dating apps and every single girl that i've ever messaged is probably so used to hearing the words bob's in vagueny and remove cloth that my dating options online are pretty limited and in reality or online i can still manage to make things work guys i'm gonna be honest with you if a fat chubby indian guy like me an ugly looking dude like me can make it work you can make it work too the idea that like yeah maybe it's a lot easier for women to go out you know maybe that does exist i will i will definitely say that to an extent maybe that is sort of a thing like i guess if you haven't seen the world socially you're conditioned to believe that guys go out first but i'm going to say from personal experience it happens both ways sometimes i've went out first sometimes girls have approached me i'm gonna tell you right now too there's been plenty of times where i've rejected girls too okay this whole notion that like these people come across and find somebody new in their life or they come to them or whatever vice versa these entire scenarios play out the same way there's plenty of rejection that goes on either side the key to the entire rejection angle is not letting it determine the rest of your belief set in life now i'm going to leave that where it is i'm probably going to cut out a chunk of this video simply due to the fact it's gone on for way too long but this is like where it gets into like intel related culture and like i hate using the term incel uh because i think like the issue is a bit more nuanced than you would think so anyways all right skipping all these definitions and terminologies aside i think the real thing that i want to talk about in this video is like guys gals okay it's easy to make fun of these people right hundred percent thousand percent this guy's take was the worst take that i've ever heard all right one of the worst takes and this is why i don't really jump into these kind of tick tocks or youtubes and i even hate covering them due to the fact that there's so many of them and they're so full of [ __ ] it's not even funny but when you look into situations like these it's easy to laugh at these individuals and make fun of them and you know just just walk away from that but genuinely i've seen a lot of people just like constantly jumping in and constantly doc piling and what happens is you just sort of reinforce their shitty behavior like yeah sure you can laugh at them and throw them off and get them banned off platforms but then they're just gonna come back and be ten times worse than before i think what we really need to talk about is this idea of like in-cell culture or the idea of like people who have just inherently less self-worth than they really should because at the end of the day every time that i see this i literally see poor self-worth these people are so focused on superficial aspects and they're so focused on using these psychological like [ __ ] you know throwaways in order to basically explain away anytime they've gotten rejected any time they've gotten their heart broken look ladies and gentlemen okay your heart's gonna get broken relationships aren't gonna work sometimes when you go out and manifest the courage to ask a girl out she might say no all right she has the right to say no but you know what happens at that point you write that off you chalk it off and maybe the next day is more favorable to you okay like i said in the beginning like i said throughout this video there are billions of people in this world billions of women in this world who are illegible to go out with you yes everyone has a right to reject one another i like i said i've rejected plenty of people from time to time in my life and i would hope to god that i haven't created an incel woman in some capacity someone who got rejected by me and decided to hate all men because of it and the same thing can be said for you guys it's [ __ ] embarrassing when you get rejected on or you get shot on or someone cheats on you or someone breaks your heart look it sucks it happens i've had my heart broken i've been cheated on and at the end of the day the reason why this topic sticks out the most to me is i would say years upon years ago i felt that i was jumping down into this rabbit hole for a second and i immediately have to slap myself in the face and get my [ __ ] together all i can tell you is if this is how you feel in life you have to stop you have to stay away from finding somebody you have to learn how to treat yourself with respect get a better perception of yourself do something successful in life and in that turn it'll be a lot more healthy and better for you than turning into this kind of a weird pre-misogynist or sorry in this case i would say a [ __ ] full-on misogynist and ruining the future of your life in some capacity so yeah this is where i'm going to end it i know this video got kind of a little heavy at the end of it but this is a topic that i've always had festering in my head and i feel like i wanted to have the perfect moment to finally get it out and i think this guy's video was the true catalyst to that so hopefully it made you laugh hopefully it made you learn something ladies and gentlemen this is me moody and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 474,027
Rating: 4.9310741 out of 5
Id: Q6qmm6NkLwY
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Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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