Total Solar Eclipse Explained for Kids!

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hey guys pretty soon a really rare event is going to happen I'm not getting married right oh gosh I haven't even picked out a dress no man I'm talking about a total solar eclipse oh yeah I have no idea what that is you know I can hear you right oh yeah of course I did I had no idea he could hear me anyway a total solar eclipse is a really big deal it happens every couple of years in certain parts of the world but this year on August 21st 2017 it's going to be the perfect conditions for certain people in the United States to see it it's the first time happening here in 38 years here look at this map this map shows where the eclipse is going to be visible as you can see there's a dark line across the center of the United States these are the places where the total solar eclipse is going to be perfectly visible what does the total solar eclipse even look like here check out this you when this total solar eclipse happens people who live underneath that line that I showed you in the United States are going to see the world go from a normal sunny day to have it being pretty dark outside what if you're totally afraid of the dark I mean I'm not but I have a friend who is don't worry if you live in part of the United States where that line is going to be crossing it's only going to be dark for a few minutes level so crazy you want to see what one looks like of course I do show me this is video footage taken during a total solar eclipse from a few years ago it took place in Australia ad it speeded up a little but as you can see it's a normal day when slowly the eclipse occurs and it gets dark out here check it out now the million-dollar question what's for dinner we have pizza because I'm kind of craving it is that really your question maybe but I guess the real question is what causes a total solar eclipse do you mind if I use these things to show you this big orange guy is the Sun this little grey guy is the moon and this blue one is the earth as you know the moon is orbiting around the earth it goes through different phases as it goes around us you can check out a video about that up above but as the moon orbits around us we orbit around the Sun well a total solar eclipse is when there is a full new moon and it passes between the Sun and the earth there you have it that's a total solar eclipse eclipse I've been calling it egg lips what our egg lips they're people who has big for their [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 415,026
Rating: 4.7238607 out of 5
Keywords: total, solar, eclipse, lunar, science, learn, learning, lesson, school, education, demaio, astronomy, kids, children, explained, cause, sun, earth, moon
Id: O_ATuYNxutY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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