Meteor Facts for Kids!

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hey guys mr. DeMaio and what smell one big meteor burger pick it up no not meteor like more meat I'm talking about those like giant space rocks I slaved over a hot stove all day and this is how you repay me what happened to us anyway today we're going to learn about me e pours so let's do it so what's the plan well about 25 million meteors enter Earth's atmosphere every single day and most of them come from the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter so I figured that would be a good place to start wait asteroid belt is in this video about meteorites well meteors are actually much smaller than Sun so it's a space rock [Music] alright step let's just agree to never play that song ever again you hate it now but you're gonna be singing it later so what's the difference between a meteorite and an asteroid well to understand that you need to know the difference between a bunch of terms that have a lot in common roberta do you know what I'm talking about I know very well what you're talking about yes as I said before an asteroid is a large rocky body in space in orbit around the Sun next is a meteoroid meteoroids are much smaller rocks or particles in orbit around the Sun after that is a meteor media ROI enters the Earth's atmosphere it becomes a meteor which you may call a shooting star and lastly is a meteorite if a small asteroid or large meteoroids are lives its fiery path through Earth's atmosphere and ends on Earth's surface it is then called a meteorite interesting so they come in stages first is a meteoroid then a meteor and last a meteorite when a meter maid I mean a meat-eater I mean a meteorologist I mean a meteoroid is headed right for us uh-oh duck why you guys so scared of a little baby duck oh can we say chicken this time I'm allergic to duck we are gonna die I got a better idea [Music] ask him if he brought us any presents this video is supposed to be about meteors not stupid presents that you want oh but I want a Nintendo play box that's not even a thing he's right you know you just combine like three video game systems I know what I did are you gonna get it for me or not no but I can get a meteor to blow your spaceship to bits will it be made of a Nintendo play box No then I don't want it fine let's see if your planet wants a little meteor action then okay bye mr. meet speedo wait if you're not made of Nintendo Play boxes then what our meteors made of well meteorites are usually divided into three categories stony meteorites or rocks mostly made of something called silicate minerals next are iron meteorites these are made of metallic iron and nickel and last are stony iron meteorites these are meteorites that have a large amount of metallic and rocky material so they're like rocks AHA in space yeah but I don't really see what you're doing with this [Music] wait can I see that CD that you're playing that song on yeah it's right there well so that thing can turn anything into anything Wow yeah pretty much ooh turn me into a CD that plays that song space rocks hey can we just get off with this video already good idea so I know a ton of meteors enter Earth's atmosphere all the time but where do they go well most of them burn up in Earth's atmosphere and turn into dust only a few actually make it through and become a meteorite how many around 500 meteorites reached the Earth's surface every year but of those only around five ever make it to scientists for study still 500 is a lot but I've never seen one land near me where do meteorites mostly land well since your planet is mostly water it lands there what about on land is there a place where more meteorites fall because I'll make sure I never go there ever meteorites fall randomly all over Earth but they're usually found in places with low precipitation meaning rain or snow these places preserve the meteorite for a while in the most meteorites on land are found in Antarctica why would a meteor want to land in a place like Antarctica duh the cute little penguins everybody knows everybody well actually the most meteorites are found there because they're easy to spot in the white snow and they like seeing them little baby Peggy's we know yeah whatever hey I know the whole thing about asteroids being bigger than meteorites but you're like huge what's the biggest meteorite to land on earth well the biggest one to land on earth is the whole of a meteorite this meteorite was discovered in Namibia Africa 1920 the hobo meteorite weighs roughly 119 thousand pounds Wow hope a meteorite is so big and so happy it has never been moved from where it was found Wow looks like a giant brownie you look like a giant brownie real nice my great-grandma was a giant brownie and she was a saint I know what'll cheer you up a Nintendo boy box how are you even playing that song I destroyed it like three minutes ago you don't play the song you gotta feel it in your heart we cannot end this video fast enough speaking of fast how fast is a meteorite meteorites are crazy fast meteorites enter Earth's atmosphere at speeds up to 160,000 miles per hour Wow a meteorite traveling that fast could probably cause a ton of damage if it was headed towards Earth hmm you just gave me an idea you won't go to Antarctica and see the pain keys no you want to listen to space rocks again no I'm gonna head to earth and cause some massive destruction I wonder where he's headed why am i sweeping the oh oh no not again [Music] [Applause] [Music] a joint brownie be honest I don't really know I don't ask a whole lot of questions so on I'm gonna say winchestertonfieldville iowa that's an actual place you just made that up didn't you yes well did I at least destroy anything when I landed well you almost hit this weird gray-haired dude but he got away I mean he sprained his ankle over there but he got away who needs an anchor I'll turn it into my snake I'm kind of glad you landed cuz I've been stuck talking to that guy for like four weeks so what you want to do you want to get like a manicure pedicure catch a movie eat some space brownies for the last time I am NOT a brownie I'm gonna eat you anyway [Music] erver Herbert Herbert [Music] [Applause]
Channel: undefined
Views: 809,382
Rating: 4.7772737 out of 5
Keywords: meteor, shooting star, meteors, asteroid, facvts, learn, learning, lesson, school, children, kids, education, fun, funny, mr. demaio, demaio, astronomy, outer space, science
Id: wyQYAafnbn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2018
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