Great Wall of China Facts for Kids!

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this video is sponsored by Kiwi Co check out the end of the video to see one of their coolest products you know Andy of all the things built by mankind the Great Wall of China has to be one of the most amazing yeah does it sell chicken pot pies no well then consider me not impressed so basically you're telling me you are only impressed by things that sell chicken pot pies yes well I don't sell chicken pot pies and I'm not impressed by you you shocked or something whatever so where are we northern China but the better question is when are oh nice maybe they're bringing us chicken pot pies no Andy they're coming to invade us let's say let's stop them but I don't even know who they are it's not them are its they are they are what no you said them are what it should be they are are you really giving me a language arts lesson in the middle of my history video just tell me who they are well in order to know that we need to learn the history of the Great Wall of China the Great Wall was thought up by the first emperor of China Qin Shi Wang in the year 220 BC that is the weirdest looking guy I've ever seen oh no I'm sorry carry on there were already a bunch of walls that existed in northern China so he came up with the idea of connecting and extending them to keep nomads and barbarians from getting into China this version of the wall was over 3,000 miles long the builders of the wall were civilians soldiers and even criminals [Music] imagine that you go to jail for a parking ticket and end up building a wall for the rest of your life what this early version of the wall was made of things found nearby like dirt and stone not much is left of this version of the wall today but over time other Chinese leaders helped to make it even bigger and better so in order to keep out invaders this wine guy connected a bunch of walls seems to me like there was an easier option like what chicken potpie stands one of those at the gates and boom no more angry invaders well over time they made a lot of different changes to the great wall that are a lot better than a chicken potpie stand don't lie to the kids there's nothing better than a chicken potpie Stan yeah the wall was not exactly perfect in fact one of the most ruthless men of all time and the leader of the Mongol Empire actually got through it two different times his name was Genghis Khan Genghis what now Genghis Khan he was the leader of the Mongol Empire and a big reason why the Great Wall was built to keep him out man imagine not liking someone so much you build a wall to keep him out did he smell or something was he a close talker no no he actually killed millions and millions of people what millions and millions they need a chicken pot pie stand they need flamethrowers battle axes crossbows mech suits rocket launchers energy swords blue shells the whole nine relax the wall gets even better the great wall was improved and expanded upon for many years but a century later the Ming Dynasty stepped up and made the great wall that we know today the Ming version of the wall consisted of stronger walls made from stone dirt and brick with watchtowers anybody know where the bathroom is beacon towers he just say bacon tower forts yeah still haven't found the bathroom or the bacon and even barracks to house the soldiers okay I think I found the bathroom but I'm not exactly sure if it was a bathroom but it's a bathroom now it's close to 200 years to build is over 5,500 miles long and it's believed that over a million soldiers guarded this wall during the height of the Ming Dynasty Wow the great wall must be huge it really is when you count all the different parts throughout the many different dynasties the Great Wall equals over 13,000 miles Wow that's about five times longer than the distance between Los Angeles and New York how do you even know that LA has great chicken pot pies I went there last weekend with Steve took us a few days but totally worth it huh and that wasn't 13,000 miles on flat land the Great Wall weaves through all sorts of terrain even mountains the thickest part of the wall is 30 feet and its highest point is 26 feet today the Great Wall is still recognized as one of the most impressive creations in human history hey random question but when you went to LA with Steve whose car did you take hey I'm not sure if that was the Great Wall of China or not but I totally just destroyed it yeah I'm sorry who's driving this car what are you doing well I knew I couldn't walk the whole 13 thousand miles of the Great Wall of China on my own so with this hands-on project from Kiwi Co I was able to make a little friend here check him out oh that's pretty cool looks like you I know he's so cute he's a little mini mr. de Mayo yeah and I made him all by myself what Roberta I would never besides Kiwi Co has six different crates and they deliver them monthly I'm gonna make a ton of cool stuff I think I've actually heard of them before they make learning about science engineering and maths fun plus they have those monthly crates for kids ages 0 to 60 hey what if I don't know how old I am because my mother lost my birth certificate I'm not gonna lie this stuff is awesome for kids of all ages and the best part is the instructions are super easy to follow and you can make stuff like that in no time so these crates come with anything like a birth certificate or something huh actually they do each crate includes an educational magazine my project supplies and detailed instructions written for kids so no birth certificate great this is better than a birth certificate Steve these projects aligned to the next generation science standards that means teachers can use them to teach things like engineering electrical energy friction and hey where'd my robot crawler want to get your own robot crawler like the one on Roberta's head well do I have a deal for you go to kiwi backslash to mail to get your first month of any kiwi KO subscription you can also get a discount on anything in the store including the classroom packs with the code de Mayo just visit kiwi backslash de mayo to check it out and of course this video could not be made without the help from my patrons on patreon they picked this topic for me to cover especially creative Devyn and Zach T Austin and Lissa Avery mrs. Brown's first-grade Eisley and Jude Siegel Henry and Walter Gavin este Breton Gavin mighdal Elisha Robert Norah see Felix Allen Dean scandal akos Chris F senti sook Seri you Grayson Kristoff Nadia and Hanna win and Ian Pirtle Jack Declan Paige Jack oh boy Lorenzo C Jamil panas I Myka Jordan and Maya Elsa and Ivor Audie and Riley Bailey Ethan G Aria and Kieran Kai Kim Marley and Lennon Kimsey Carrie Billy and Maura Lennon McCartney Jones Paige Avalon and cash Matthew in James Mondeo Oh Evan Lee Amelia Murray Michelle and Conrad Wesley see and zeno the shark signing up for my patreon can get your name in a video and more check the description box for a link also I have a bunch of quizzes and worksheets for my videos too you could check out my teachers pay teacher's site for that there's a link in the description box and last check out some of my cool merchandise like this Roberta pillow what is pants shirt and more also I've hidden the secret coupon code in this video try to find it it's green and as a hashtag symbol before it you can use it to buy cool stuff in mighty spring store check the description box for a link [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 331,181
Rating: 4.834537 out of 5
Keywords: great wall, china, great wall of china, mr demaio, mr. demaio, demaio, learn, education, lesson, facts, school, educational, safe, history, social studies, genghis khan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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