Bermuda Triangle Facts for Kids!

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hey guys mr. DeMaio and today I'm going to talk to you about the Bermuda Triangle oh yes the permute a triangle not to be confused with a Kentucky rectangle the African rhombus Tibetan oval the Portland octagon an invert let's just do this thing already what are you doing this is the last of one of my favorite drinks hi-c ecto cooler they don't even make it anymore man it'd be a shame if somebody came along and hey yellow dye in this stuff it makes me crazy Lord that was the last of my ecto cooler they don't even make that stuff anymore where we gonna find it right I know a place that just might have it Papa John's wait don't you mean Papa John's that's what I say Papa John's this video is supposed to be about the Bermuda Triangle not Papa John's oh yeah let me do that again the Bermuda Triangle oh I've heard of this place before a ton of spooky stuff has happened here like that [Music] I can't get something by him my butt downhill what you know what I doubt we'll find anything useful in the Bermuda five bagels he said the Bermuda Triangle it's a mysterious area of the ocean where many ships and planes have disappeared and you really think in the middle of this thing there's gonna be a ton of hi-c ecto cooler to quote the late Albert Einstein's there's a ton of ecto cooler in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle huh Albert Einstein definitely never said that how do you know did you ever meet him no he died like thirty years before I was born so take my word for it a man loved his ecto cooler so Roberta how big is the Bermuda Triangle well the Bermuda Triangle covers five hundred thousand square miles that's about five times bigger than the state of Wyoming five hundred thousand square miles this is the Bermuda Triangle shouldn't it be triangle miles anybody tell me what's wrong with this picture so why is it called the Bermuda Triangle Wow it doesn't have an exact location the name comes from the triangle shape the area covers in the Atlantic Ocean roughly between Florida quad Rico and Bermuda Wow I always heard that this place was so mysterious I wish I could find out why well if you're so curious about the Bermuda Triangle why don't you ask who [Music] okay all right go ahead who are you that's funny I asked myself the same thing every morning in the mirror yet it cuz I'm depressed it said anyway have you seen my glasses around here or anything but you're not even wearing glasses oh yeah dropped him to the bottom of the ocean hey yeah I heard you're curious about me I am can you tell me about someone like the famous disappearances times when boats and planes like disappear okay sure it's not like I was busy or anything uh let's start with the USS Cyclops in March in 1918 a Navy cargo ship called the USS Cyclops disappeared in the area of the Bermuda Triangle hmm I wonder why this ship is called the USS Cyclops did somebody say sack claps oh yeah now I remember the Cyclops had the ability to send out a call to other ships that needed help but the ship never did it just vanished out of nowhere very quick call for help okay okay okay but only after this song Key Largo nothing from the ship washed up on shore anything what's even weirder is in 1941 two ships that look pretty much exactly the same as the USS Cyclops also mysteriously disappeared very close to the same location there you go kids if you get a bad grade on a spelling test and don't want to show your mom and dad throw it in the Bermuda Triangle those aren't the only time someone has gone in there and disappeared there are a bunch of other strange stories where someone has gone into the Bermuda Triangle vanished on December 5th 1945 five u.s. Navy Avenger bombers mysteriously vanished while they're on a training mission follow me everyone I know a shortcut the flight was led by lieutenant Charles Taylor who kept in contact on the radio until all of a sudden the radio went silent and he was gone a favorite movie of all time it's Air Bud yeah but to have buddies pair buddies to last time lieutenant this is for emergencies only I wasn't talking to you I'm talking to that squirrel over there later on another rescue plane was sent out to look for them but it never made it back either more and more people kept looking but disappearing and in the end a total of 27 men disappeared without a trace great and we're smack dab in the middle of this thing relax people fly over the Bermuda Triangle all the time nowadays you'll be fine you say that but so many people have gone missing inside you oh here's the deal yes people have gone missing inside of me but scientists and historians agree that the same amount of people go missing in other parts of the ocean - it's just the kind of thing where I get blamed for everything yeah I hear you on that one times in chicken parmesan went missing in my mom's refrigerator and my dad still blames me for it I really hate it though he doesn't know he doesn't know you want to know who sells chicken parmesan ooh Papa John's so how many planes and boats have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle the scary thing is we aren't even really sure your pet microwave is right right no one really knows how many boats and planes have gone missing inside the Bermuda Triangle and the even weirder thing is no one even knows what caused these things to go missing well what are some of the theories that causes stuff that goes in the Bermuda Triangle to disappear egg what did he just say egg what is a are you crazy come on okay let's try this again what are some of the theories on what causes stuff that goes into the Bermuda Triangle to disappear egg no I'm just kidding I really said egg before but here listen to this the truth is there are a bunch of theories on what causes stuff to go missing but scientists know aren't a hundred percent sure I'm going to invent a cheeseburger plant shouldn't we be working on the berm you never mind some people blame aliens sea monsters pirates the magnetic rocks at Bermuda is made of or even electronic fog most of that stuff is totally fake but the leading theory involves compasses compasses help people figure out which way is north well it's true that in certain parts of the Bermuda Triangle accomplices get messed up this may have caused people to get lost and crash but still the most likely thing to happen all those missing boats and planes is either bad weather or accidents speaking of accidents walking for some ecto cooler we accidentally lost and figured if it was gonna be anywhere it would be in the Bermuda Triangle [Music] where did you find all that some weird guy gave me it but who would give you water balloons hey I know I haven't seen you in a long time water balloon guy but where's Andy to pass the last tab there's nothing like some fresh cooked Papa John's hey look it's a bunch of triangles cuz it's a Bermuda Triangle facts anyway do you think you know your Bermuda Triangle facts test your knowledge in mr. de Mayo's Bermuda Triangle quiz on his teachers pay teacher's site he has a bunch of other quizzes and worksheets for his other videos there too check the description box for a link also I hit a coupon code for mr. de Mayo's t-shirts in this video try to find it it's in red and has the hashtag symbol before it good luck you can use the coupon on mr. de Mayo's t-shirts like this cool bird shirt shirt shirt roberto pillow and more you can check out all that stuff on mr. mails teespring check the description box for a link and last special thanks to mr. Newman's patrons on patreon they made the creation of this video possible special thanks to Harry Nadia and Hannah Wesley see Chris F Cass gunner autumn and Ainsley mrs. Brown's first grade Arya akhirin Michelle and Conrad Dean scandal akos and Zeno the shark do you want to become a patron on patreon and help this channel all contributions go towards the creation of more videos for kids signing up gets you a chance to see videos early see behind the scenes pick mr. de Mayo's next topic and more check the description box for a link [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 617,152
Rating: 4.7526932 out of 5
Keywords: mr demaio, mr. demaio, demaio, learn, bermuda, triangle, bermuda triangle, mystery, learning, lesson, fact, facts, kids, children, education, science, history, social studies, flight 19, uss cyclops, ships, planes, disappear
Id: KdIMWdbITpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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