The Effects Of Living Water! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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I want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the book of John the Gospel that has been recorded by John chapter number 4 John chapter 4 if you do not have a Bible the scripture will be seen on the screens and so your homework will be to get a Bible by next Sunday hey John chapter four and it is there that the Holy Spirit is highlighted for this context of Scripture now I will endeavor to deal with this whole story today but for the sake of time let's begin reading at verse number 25 John chapter four verse 25 the woman says unto him I know that the Messiah is coming which is called Christ when he has come he will tell us all things Jesus says unto her I that speak unto you am he and upon this came his disciples and marvelled that he talked with the woman yet no man said what are you seeking or why are you talking to her the woman then left her waterpot and went her way into the city and says to the men come see a man which told me all things that ever I did is not this the Christ then they went out of the city and came unto Him fast forward to verse number 39 and many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman which testified he told me all that ever I did so the Samaritans were come unto Him they besought him that he would tarry with them and he abode there two days and many more believed because of his own word and said unto the woman now we believe not because of your saying for we have heard him ourselves and know that this is indeed the Christ the Saviour of the world I want to thank this text the effects of living water you may be seated in the Lord's Church one of the goals and missions of the church or more specifically all that the church endeavors to do is reduce to two specific things number one glorify God number two respond to ministry through the needs of humanity worship meets God's response ministry is in response to human need and when we do ministry ladies and gentlemen it is not always about what we can do in bulk while we endeavor to make a large impact while we endeavor to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to as many lives as possible while we endeavor to seek the Lord Jesus Christ under the leadership of the Holy Spirit to impact lives for him transform lives for his glory and engage many others in the work of ministry and the advancement of his kingdom in church the reality of the matter is ladies and gentlemen ministry is always reduced to one life at a time sometimes if you can just reach one person you have fulfilled the assignment and call of God on your life we we worked in mass to have a mass effect but oftentimes reaching and impacting the life of one proves to be even more effective than trying to reach many at one time Jesus here proves to us once again through his own itinerary that sometimes you need to gauge your route and schedule and agenda just to gain one John's gospel clearly ladies and gentlemen is written to try to give us evidence data undeniable proof that Jesus Christ was not just the Son of God but that he was God the Son that in him was God and that everything Jesus did was reflective and indicative of everything God can do if it is the goal to prove that Jesus is God then we need to gather data that showed that Jesus could do things that God can do and only Jesus could do things that God could do and each account each event each story each miracle in John's Gospel points to this one theme that Jesus is God that means nothing to you unless you look at this thing comparatively Matthew wants to say he is a king but another man can be a king mark wants to say he's a servant another man can be a servant Luke wants to cast him as a social activist who is interested in the least the lowly and the left out another man can be that but John says he's God no other man can be there and thus the content of his letter is unique and exclusive to point to this one point and thus the question arises today how is this encounter with this anonymous woman support the theme and thesis of John's gospel would you walk with me to share this context in verses 1 through 15 Jesus Christ decides to go to where he should not have gone Samaria there is a historical hostility between Jews and Samaritans because Samaritans are half-breed Jews Jews are thoroughbred Samaritans are breeds their parents one of their Jewish parents made it with some non-jewish person and now they are the breed children who are ostracized who have not been permitted to partake in the Abrahamic covenant because they are not thoroughbred Jews there's historical hostility there and Jesus does some specific things that John documented for our understanding that that that makes this whole text tink you're discovering verses 1 through 7 the first thing Jesus does is tell the disciples that he has to go to Samaria but in the process he dismisses them to go to the store go get some things from the store while I go to Samaria and then after he dismisses them he doesn't go anywhere in Samaria he goes to a specific city called Sai car he doesn't just go anywhere in sight car in Samaria he goes to a specific spot in Sai car and Samaria called the well it doesn't just go to any well in sight car in Samaria he goes to Jacob's Well it doesn't just go to Jacob's Well at any time in psychosom area he goes to Jacob's Well in sight car Samaria at the sixth hour sixth hour ladies and gentlemen is a timeframe between 9:00 a.m. and noon because at the sixth hour at Jacob's Well in sight car at Samaria he's gonna meet this woman he knows her schedule he knows her eye thinner area she's gonna come to Jacob's Well in sight car in Samaria at 12:00 noon and there Jesus is going to meet this woman the first thing we learn about Jesus is his omniscience he knows when to meet us where to meet us how to meet us and he knows who to get rid of so that it would not interrupt the meeting I can't get no help here he dismisses the disciples goes to citecar Samaria at Jacob's Well at 12 noon cuz he knows that's the time this woman is going to be there and why does John document all of those details he documents all of those details ladies and gentlemen because this woman is coming to draw water from Jacob's Well because if she's half Jewish and Jesus is Jewish then they both respect Jacob as their forefather and thus Jesus understands that if evangelism is going to be effective we first got to meet people on common ground [Applause] see ladies and gentlemen let me help some of you super spiritual tongue talking rolling on the floor people you will never win people walking up to them talking about I'm blessed and highly favored and got favored the Lord and I'm going my way to heaven and I'm so glad about it no you got to meet people on common ground they don't speak your language they don't understand your spirituality they don't understand church language they understand Street language and sometimes church you got to come off your holy high horse and meet people not where you are but where they are if you so spiritual you can't talk about a basketball game or a football game in the barber shop you'll never win anybody if you so spiritual that you can't discuss things that are just natural to everybody in the salon or in the supermarket you will never win anybody Oh if you so spiritual you had put on your judge men hat and judge other people just cuz they don't talk like you and walk like you and act like you you will never win anybody you got to find some common ground that the church say common ground be careful who you send the hell cuz they just may meet you in the same place [Applause] don't reach somebody got to find some common ground never got any help here he knows her itinerary she's coming at noon to Jacob's Well in saikhan in Samaria and he knows that he's got some racially prejudiced disciples but would impede and interrupt this moment of ministry cuz they are not ready to go to Samaria cuz they have not received the Holy Ghost I thought I had some Bible students around here somewhere Acts chapter 1 verse 8 you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you to be my witnesses in Jerusalem in Judea in Samaria and in the uttermost parts of the world see ladies and gentlemen it's hard to win people when you ain't got the Holy Ghost because it's hard to win folk you've already condemned in certain places you need God's spiritual leadership in order to be effective and effectual of reaching different kinds of people jesus said y'all go to store go buy your McDonald's or something I'm going over here to Samaria because there's a specific person I need to meet at a specific time in a specific place for a specific purpose it gets there and that woman sees him and verses 7 through 15 the subject matter of their discourse is water if they have both showed up to Jacob's Well then they have a mutual interest water Jesus didn't show up and say I'm God he just said give me something to drink Jesus didn't show up being spiritual he just said give me something to drink he didn't show up in his calling his cross he just said give me something to drink he didn't show up criticizing her he just said we're both here because we're both thirsty might I pause and tell you ladies and gentlemen it is a contradiction for water to be thirsty I'll try one more game because you didn't hear me you can't beat water and thirsty at the same time so since Jesus can come to see and while you higher than him if Jesus can condescend the people to reach them on their level surely you and I ladies and gentlemen can bring ourselves down they're both there at Jacob's Well and Jesus says just give me something to drink she looks at him and says sir you being a Jew already no we don't get along you shouldn't have asked me for any water because you already understand Jews and Samaritans don't get along Jesus looks back at her and says lady if you knew who was asking you for water you'd be asking me for water because you need drinking water and I wanna offer you living living wrong might I suggest you ladies and gentlemen that you piqued your face in this pass is one more time and understand the historical truth of living water ladies and gentlemen Samaria had no rivers living water in 1st century Judea and Samaria was any running water that was associated with Springs rivers and rainfall Samaria had no Springs had no rivers which is why the woman is coming to draw water from a whale they can't get running or living water so she got the jar from standing water Jesus says lady I want to give you living water y'all slept so hard if living water is water from Springs and rivers and rainfall I'm trying to tell you that lady I am living wall because I come directly from heaven and if you trick off the water you drawing from you're gonna get thirsty again but if you drink of me ladies you will never be thirsty again cuz the god I have to offer you is a fulfilling God and once you receive him that will be a while springing up inside plus he never runs out he never gets tired he never depletes his own resources he is eternal and permanent and you never run out of that which is eternal I'm trying to offer you me because I'm the only one that can satisfy your need permanently [Applause] ladies and gentlemen might we replace our temporary warts with permanent need this discussion is water because that's what she needs at the moment and Jesus is saying I am what you need I am living water the fact that you act this well and you can only get from me what you can't get from the city you have found what you've been altom utley looking for that's not the point of the text his first discussion with her was about water and then out of nowhere he changes the subject of discussion to her wickedness out of nowhere verses 16 through 19 she finally says give me this water so I won't be thirsty Jesus says I'll give it to you as long as you go get your husband and bring him so he can get some - she looks at Jesus and says I don't have a husband she said he said to her that's nice you being accountable and honest I appreciate that you are telling the truth you don't have a husband as a matter of fact you had five and the one you went now is some other woman's husband I didn't make that up this in verses 16 through 19 jesus said you had five husbands and the one you with now is not your husband now let me straighten this matter out because elder Whittaker historically we have not been fair to this woman if y'all read the Bible and read it correctly she was not a woman that was in a lifestyle of adultery she was only in a moment of adultery cuz Jesus says she had five husbands which means she was in a legal holy matrimony with five men it's just the one she went now I've tried one more time she does not have a history of adultery but her marriages have failed and she has now compromised because right is no longer working right so she resulted to wrong okay since y'all still actin funny she was in adultery and went to church [Applause] plus when you read the story she says sister since you telling my business sir I do go to church at mount garrison because we are the Samaritans and we believe that God is gonna bless mount garrison and that's where we worship let's peek let's peek our face into this one more time she does not have a history of adultery she is caught in a momentary moment of adultery because she has compromised right for wrong and watch this at the time when she's in adultery is when she met Jesus come in church she has shifted from morally correct living to morally incorrect living and that's where Jesus met her now listen y'all don't want to testify cuz you don't want nobody telling your business but just nod your head if you know I'm telling the truth the truth of the matter is most of us met Jesus when we was doing something we had no business doing now you didn't meet Jesus in church you met Jesus getting high you met Jesus in the club you met Jesus in the hotel because when you walked out and didn't have a disease you said thank you Jesus when you walked out and didn't crash your car because she was drunk driving you said thank you Jesus anybody I'm here grateful I didn't meet the Lord in the church I'm in the midst of doing wrong and he kept me in my wrongdoing would you touch her name until your neighbor gets ain't a good Sunday to be faking holy at the same time you got to read real about it you need to thank God that you met him while you was doing something you had no busy okay y'all still don't know where to get happy if she is in adultery watch me Church if she's in adultery and get caught she's gonna be stoned to death I'm gonna try one more time for the slow fever right along here if she's in adultery and get caught she's gonna be stoned to death that's the Levitical law but she met Jesus before her seeing killed her you don't know when to get happy do I got about 50 people in here who are faint God that God met you before you see it killed you okay grab one person tell them neighbor I know I'm in church right now but I used to be the most professional sinner you ever want to meet in your life no no you came out seeing me no no you can outdrink me you came out out Club me you can't do none of that but thanks be to God before I die in my sleep I had an encounter with Jesus [Applause] thank God I met the Savior before my sin killed me I don't know who I'm talking to but I'm gonna give you 30 seconds to thank God that he caught you in between your disobedience and death I said he caught you in between your disobedience and death [Applause] because you were doing something that warrants death he said the one you with now he chose that's some other woman's man and listen to her response Barbara Harris listen to her response after Jesus called her out she said sir I perceive you a prophet [Applause] you don't say this is what else he said watch it now she says feel we worship in this mountain mountain garrison y'all missed it she just got called out a bottle of sin and then she turns around in response to get called out about her sin and says well at least I go to church [Applause] I'm a tried one more game here's what she's saying mother eat she is saying you're right you've called out my sin but I ain't that bad at least I go to church y'all don't know when to get happy so I shot myself she is saying y'all I don't have everything together but at least I know where to go lord have mercy in here today I don't do everything right and I know is some stuff I do I'm not supposed to do but at least I know where to go to get my spirit checked and here's the real problem here's the real problem Jesus has addressed her water and her wickedness but now he's addressing her worship he says to her lady you go to church but you don't know what your worship can say what he's saying her he's saying you are religious but you're not saved who like many of us today go to church but still haven't met Jesus what's the proof and sign that you've met Jesus the first indication that you've met Jesus is not pleased but the first indication that you've met Jesus is a conviction and confession of sin cuz when Jesus shows up he is God and your sin is own in the open when you're coming to the presence of God because God is holy and that which is unholy cannot have alignment with his presence and thus the first thing you come to realize I am a sinner undone and I need God's blood to wash me I need his water to cleanse me I have to face myself and when I have to face myself I come to grips with the fact I have not met up to his will and way but thank God he let me in know anyway she says now you're religious but you're not saved because you haven't met God you haven't had an encounter with Jesus Jesus says to her you worship what you don't know what but salvation is of the Jews listening what Jesus is saying at the Church of Samaria you all got excitement with no essence at the church in Jerusalem we got essence but no excitement how about we take your spirit put it with my truth and called it spirit and truth cuz the church that shouts all the time and gets no word is not worshiping correctly and the church that gets word but ain't excited about it doesn't worship correctly put your spirit with truth and putting together and that's who Jesus is looking for Jesus is not looking for people who get the word and just sit there like they listening to silence and not excited about the word and Jesus is not satisfied with the church who shouts but does not receive the word either we've gotta put truth with spirit and that's who Jesus is looking for you can't be a giver and don't praise and you can't be appraiser and don't give I knew you weren't gonna say nothing then you've got to put it together and Jesus says God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit that means be excited and in truth that means don't be excited and have excited ignorance but be excited cuz you know something and because you know something you excited he says that's where your worship ought to be directed might I pause and tell you parenthetically ladies and gentlemen that that word worship and the Greek is the word proskuneo it means to have reverence and homage by kissing the hand or by laying prostrate well if if Jesus is talking to a woman that has been with multiple men she's familiar with kissing and laying down his argument to her lady is that if you got all that energy and affection for a man who didn't die for you but when it comes to God you want to sit still keep your mouth closed don't want to lift your hands don't want a bachelor you are worshiping a man who did not save you and you value a man over God but when your worship is right vertically your affection will be right horizontally God deliver us from any man or woman who values what their pastor says over what God says God deliver us from people who exalt people instead of exalting God God deliver us from people who only want to come to church when their pastor there you don't worship a man you worship God he woke you up this morning he'll Joe Potter he has met you need Tessa might something get your worship in order get your worship towards God first that's who you ought to be showing your heart to but first I think they got the idea that when you come in to worship God this is about how I feel about God about what's going on in my life right now it's all gonna be put to the side because when I walk into the room with God he gets all my affection he gets all my heart he gets all my mind they that worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth I don't know who I'm talking to but if your private moments with your significant one is quiet it ain't that good [Applause] it can't be good and quiet don't y'all act fake in this church just cause it's Sunday morning some of y'all just climbed out of this last night if if it's good it can't be quiet and if God didn't go to you you are not to be quiet but you're off with your mouth [Applause] just remember time he'd been too good to me for me to be quiet he's been more than I could ever Express and I can't come into the room with him and be quiet [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I got so much to thank my god for [Applause] listen what Jesus saying there y'all I'm not trying to rob you of your affection and energy I just need you to put it towards me first and here's my promise seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all of its righteousness and all other things will be added unto you he deals with her water then he deals with her wrongdoing then he deals with her worship and after he deals with her worship something clicked in her something clicked in her ROI some strange about this guy I've been talking to he's giving me something that'll meet my need eternally he convicted me without condemning me he helped me to understand that my worship needs to be towards him and not a place something's going on here white all of a sudden she starts remembering her Sunday School lesson I don't know well she says a man the Messiah is coming Jesus says I Who am talking to you I am the Messiah and when he addressed her water Cheryl and her wrongdoing and her worship she's now getting ready to witness I got them parallel points popping the day boy they pop pretty good they probably pretty good you ain't got Tim I know you ain't got to he's so arrogant I studied that's all [Applause] see when you study you can stand confidently cuz you've been doing your homework that ain't arrogance that's confidence she's getting ready to witness field who's gonna read me dog around here it's getting ready to witness and the first thing she does and her witness Roy is leave her waterpot who gets him out cause he gonna think I'm lying Tech says when she figured out who she met she left her waterpot cuz whenever you encountered Jesus something ought to be left [Applause] their result there is up there is a pattern in the Gospels that whenever people met Jesus they've left something Jesus stopped by the Sea of Galilee and recruited some fishermen to be his first disciples the Bible says and they dropped their nets and followed him Jesus stopped by the tax collector's office and recruited Matthew who pulled him off his job and put him into the Cyprus band and the text said he left his office Jesus stopped by on the Damascus Road while Paul was in Saul was in process of trying to kill the Saints and the Bible says he had official letters to do so but when he ran into the resurrected Christ and changed his name from Saul to Paul he left the letters and left his history because when you've had an encounter with Jesus something ought to be left behind and she's on her way to go tell the men of the city which means spies if she takes the water pot it's gonna slow her down [Music] it's heavy and if water is in it she can't move as fast so Jackson she got the set-aside the thing that's so easily beset sir I can't get no help in here ladies and gentlemen you might move a little faster for God if you just dropped the thing that's slowing you down and the thing might be a person her witness is indicative Jefferson in what she released but her witness is also indicative in what she reported listen to what she said she said hey fellas come see a man told me everything I did is this not the Christ two things we won't deal with it I'm done when we finally get to verse 28 and 29 it reveals the whole point of the story Lord holds a boy right here Jesus never encountered this woman to expose her Jesus encountered this woman to expose him they still slow ran so let me help you when she first met Jesus she called him a Jew then she called him Sir then she called him prophet but that time she finishes she says he's the man named Christ I thought I had some Bible folk around here that when you meet Jesus it ain't really about exposing you it's about him exposing himself until you finally discover that you will have an encounter with God then she says I'm done she said come meet a man told me everything I've ever done then that's a lie because Jesus did not tell her everything that she had done Jesus only told her that the man she was wit right now was not her husband that's not everything that she's ever done I didn't make it up this in the text come see a man who told me all things I ever did that's not true he only told her one thing but Val her conscience told the rest cuz see when you meet Jesus your whole life flashed before you he only addressed one thing but the conscience inside of her made us see her whole life he didn't tell you everything but you had such a strong conviction you felt everything is he not the Christ cuz when you encounter God God is a mirror that will make you see yourself the stuff you've kept secret the stuff you've kept hidden the stuff you've been able to mask it all comes out in front of God's presence is he not the Christ all right well let me go ahead on get in trouble the text specifically says John says she went to go tell the men and then go ahead on get in trouble I didn't make that up y'all same verse 29 and 30 she went to go tell the men of the city and Hudson if she went to go tell the men of the city then though then it is highly probable that the men she went to go tell work what were some men she were with cuz if it's the whole city then five of them Joker's been with her and the evidence that she's been changed is that she is leading them into faith without laying them in her flesh you don't want to say man so I shot myself the evidence that you've been changed is how you typically would have handled the situations you handle them differently because you care more about people getting to Jesus than they do to you and what was different about this whole matter that's it I'm done for real that's the second lied and told in this one here's what was different when she met Jesus that was the seventh man [Music] ya'll must have been in the math class she had five the one she with that six and then she met Jesus Jesus was the seventh man and seven in the Bible is the number of completion [Applause] cuz after I meet Jesus I'm complete and when I get with the eighth man they not go get a broken person a hardened person a mean person but a complete person in Chryse one standing there is living water available for you and God's not trying to condemn you he is trying to convict you because conviction brings change he's trying to get to you before your sin kills you and he went out of his way to get to you he wasn't supposed to come to you but he did it anyway he put himself in harm's way god I wish I had some help here just to save one person and what he did in John chapter 4 he did it again in John chapter 19 outside of Jerusalem there's a mountain they're called gal Gotha made in the form of a skull and Jesus got itself in trouble to get other people out of trouble by hanging on that cross shedding his blood from his side quit blood and water to baptize us and the watchers of our sins now we're all evangelistic the go tell other people what the Lord has done that's the effects of living water I want to offer that water to somebody in here the good news of the text is you don't have to be perfect to worship God's secrets got issues a join the club but thanks be to God he's got grace I said he's got grace for all of us
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 24,400
Rating: 4.8662615 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Rev. Tolan Morgan, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Pastor Morgan, Rev. Morgan, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, FBBC, Warner Robins, Georgia, Pastor, Pastors, Preach, Preacher, Preaching, Water, H2O, Live, Living, Effects, Affects, Whooping Preachers, Preachers in Georgia, Preachers in Warner Robins, Tolan Morgan Preaching, Tolan Morgan Preaching 2019, Baptist Church, COGIC, AME, Apostolic, Penecostal, Sanctified Church, Expository Preaching, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 30sec (3270 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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