How Cyrax & Sektor Turned Into Cyborgs Scene 4K ULTRA HD - MORTAL KOMBAT

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i understand there are benefits to the grand master's plan but his plan goes against the inquiry principles we are lin quay cyrax we will obey the grand master's commands it means giving up our free will our souls it will turn us into scorpion your inferior clan is dead soon you will join them my clan may walk the earth once more a challenge scorpion versus cyrax and sector your obsession with sub-zero ends here scorpion wins will have my revenge but i will not kill sub-zero will not or cannot you you ouch despite my efforts my vision has come to pass an unfortunate end he once defended earthrealm from the nether realm armies of shinnok and quanchi scorpion will pay for this sub-zero's fate is his own doing his own doing the lin kuei have a history of making ruinous choices such as the cyber initiative i am among those speaking out against the grand masters plan surgically transformed the lin kuei into glorified robots it kills our intuition our instincts did you speak out against the lin quay's participation in this tournament you were invited by shang tsung he pays you to kill earthrealm warriors betraying your own realm i expect better even from an assassin my loyalty is to the grand master victory for shang tsung means the end of earth realm and the lin quay what are you doing i am not here to fight you i i'm assigned to kill johnny cage shang no longer has me of you what do you mean he is terminating your agreement and you cyrax wins i need to have a talk with your master ah this fight is not over you mean to finish me you couldn't even stop the actor now this fight is over shang tsung has turned on me i need to find out why sector we need to talk our hosts tried to have me killed you were speaking with the thunder god your indiscretion has jeopardized my plan cyrax is link way he will complete his task we shall see the next match will be cyrax versus johnny cage what me all right then not everyone gets to rumble with a celebrity ready for your beat down sunshine here it comes cyrax wins that should shut you up i won't kill him oh you were commanded to kill johnny cage you disobeyed i eliminated him from the tournament he didn't need to die you have broken your oath i used my judgment the cyber initiative will eliminate insubordination we are not machine sector i chose to serve the lin kuei but i will not surrender my free will tell the grand master i am finished no one leaves these no one in outworld or earth realm could stand up to you well done you may tell your fellow black dragon that i am very interested in your merchandise shang tsung i'll take care of him no charge one dead lin kuai in a dick stay down i would have words with your associate tell me what you know of sub-zero's death what despite his failure at my tournament a wager he was more powerful than you lin quay assuming his form will not give you his skill shape-shifter let us see if smoke can freeze now answer me what do you know of sub-zero what smoke you have disobeyed your directive you will return with us to begin your transformation you actually did it you're a cyborg i will never submit a pity you could not have cooperated you are ordered to return to the linguai temple for assimilation cyrex i am lin kuei unit lk4d4 i will face the link way when my task is done not before shal khan i challenge scorpion the murderer of my brother you will bring him before me no one makes demands of the emperor [Applause] reptile but that is not my purpose here your followers hold you in high esteem warlord they fight and die for your amusement my brother participated in this folly i do so only to face his killer and you shall what is are not this i am his family and clan i fight for his honor he had no honor and you will die as he did for my brother who now interrupts the emperor's tournament sub-zero no you cannot save him stay here they will take you as well and what do i gain from granting this bold request the linquay's royalty and service very well he is yours the flow of time has been changed i spared smoke this fate only to watch this new sub-zero fall no i will not be turned katana how is it that earth realm ninjas brazenly appear before me when my daughter princess of outworld was sent to intercept them father begone continue katana's faith is a slender read bent before the storm if it can be uprooted altogether sure let's go ruin someone else's life sub-zero you have great power indeed cabal wait you're the lightning guy you helped striker striker is he is safe he has joined us in the fight against shao khan we would welcome your aid also that which made him sub-zero no longer exists he is my friend what they did to him it is hideous you're right we gotta help him if we can that's it here goes nothing this will work hell no i've never done this before sub-zero can you hear me you should sub-zero yes how do you feel what is it i remember the things i have done for shao khan he cannot be allowed to merge the realms heyoka how can sub-zero best help us i do not know my attempts to alter future events have had negative consequences sub-zero should never have undergone this transformation enlisting him may only further divert the flow of time we need intel right let's send them back to outworld undercover they will be unaware of my defection i could deceive them he should have been saved for interrogation he was formidable i had no choice follow me we must lead a new mission tool your neural modulators have been recalibrated impossible the experience has been deleted from your system remove your access panel your artificial enhancements are no substitute for the human soul thank you santorum well now what standing around here won't do us any good wait the linguay so much for standing around attack [Music] mere speed and skill will not win this war cyrax you are no match for the power of the perhaps even you can be saved so your hearing is failing sub-zero i recognized your footsteps hanzo with segador i will not let him threaten my clan again the old cyberlinquay factory was defunct buried beneath this quarry until the time disruption now sectors returned and reactivated it he's building an army by processing lingua warriors kidnapped from my temple i can see why you need me we could enter through that tunnel but a frontal assault would be bloody needlessly dangerous there's another entrance less populated and the rest of your plan we get help on the inside nice we'll avenge your clan cyrix is your inside man he was converted against his will if we disable the behavior inhibitors that control him he will turn on sector all cyberlinkway are linked to a common network cyrex can shut them down from within who is the woman i don't know focus on disabling cyrux he's the key we require additional candidates for cyberization once delivered how long before the next generation with sektor he corrupted the lin quay you corrupted our clan when you make peace with this shirai ryu filth with kronecker's help i will restore the lin quay's honor keep cyrax alive we need him there is no future in which you are fit to lead the linkway you always doubted me sub-zero held me back chronicles my true potential you deceive yourself frost help cyrex i'll discipline your former people i should have killed you the day sub-zero invited you to our temple you tried and failed not this time now you've died sub-zero can decide your fate so you're nothing but pawns we act to secure the linguay's glory in the new era take the others you've been enslaved cyrux first bisector now by cronica it ends today you will be freed i'll deal with cyrex [Music] never again no one should be a slave hurry before we face more cyber linguist you'll need a moment to initialize sector show yourself recognize me little brother beyon yes it you always mimicked me but you make a poor grandmaster i uphold the lin quay principles i thought you shared we share blood we are not brothers i've beaten your brother before vengeance without him you are weak my strength is more than vengeance [Music] no he ripped out my heart made me a machine your soul is intact cyrux trust me i speak from experience is that you you look so old we'll explain later for now know we share the same goal the cyber linguist destruction we need your help cyrax i can disable their communications network it will shut down this factory and every cyberlink connected to it frost warned me that you two become allies i did not think you're capable of such dishonor sub-zero sector is mine i've taken your head once sector i will do it again the past you know is no longer set the cyber linguistics new era the cyber lin quay are finished i'll stop sector help cyrex you started this fire selling out your clan so quan she would slaughter mine he should have killed you as he promised now i finish what he could not for satoshi i'm in i'll reformat the system drives and shut us all down goodbye it is not the end i will find a way to restore you anything is possible hanzo and i are living proof please don't bring me back his machine i can't live like this machine or man you have a war your soul as long as i am grandmaster the lin quay will welcome you until we meet again they've escaped our lady cranniker will get all the service she needs but i can't quite defeat until i know the job you will see can you restore him there's some frame damage circuitry looks good it looks like someone did a software wipe fixing that won't come cheap once he is repaired can he be replicated hundreds of times thousands that's a tall order but anything's possible with the right help serve chronica and she will provide take the deal trust me otherwise who can you trust you weren't kidding it's like a mirror reflecting the past how about that over 50 and still a ripper there's still the matter of our fee we get paid in the new era kronecker will make sure the black dragon come out on top not only in the black market in every market right then let's get to business [Music] uh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] you can play [Music] send another extraction vehicle you won't be online long enough for your friends to make it tinhead johnny cage cyrax defeated you when you were younger and stronger as i am his superior i am yours you're forgetting the time i beat shinnok mano amano oh wait you were dead when that happened go back to the 90s who's next let's go get them anyone else hear that beeping have i arrived too late you're back in the nick of time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MKIceAndFire
Views: 1,799,927
Rating: 4.8752384 out of 5
Keywords: Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat Scene, Mortal Kombat Cyrax, Mortal Kombat Sektor, Mortal Kombat How Cyrax & Sektor Turned Into Cyborgs, Mortal Kombat How Cyrax & Sektor Turned Into Cyborgs Scene, How Cyrax & Sektor Turned Into Cyborgs, How Cyrax & Sektor Turned Into Cyborgs Scene, Mortal Kombat Cyrax Scene, Mortal Kombat Sektor Scene, Cyrax, Sektor, Cyborg, Scene, 4K, 4K Ultra HD, HD
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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