Most Painful Experience of My Life

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what do you know about pain [ __ ] i'm not talking about any weeb [ __ ] from naruto i'm talking about true genuine agony excruciating life-altering pain like some [ __ ] out of hell razor what do you know about that because yesterday i posted a video the hot snacks tier list and in it i experienced the most painful moment of my life and it was captured all on camera we were ranking hot snacks starting at the most mild [ __ ] like here's a jolly rancher that somebody at the factory sneezed cinnamon on and ramped all the way up to a 6.4 million scoville dr benorium's psycho serum which was an actual roller coaster of death so in the tier list what you see is a cliff notes version the spark notes of a 40 minute battle of life and death and i'd like to show you just a little bit more of how this went because i do mean this with pure sincerity it was the most painful thing i've ever experienced in my life i've broken bones before emotional pain none of it can even come close to what i experienced on that day for a brief moment the universe truly did experience its heat death in my [ __ ] mouth there was no charlie there was only dr benorium left there was no god it was now dr benorium's world and i was suffering in it so let me first show you the preparation phase because psycho serum isn't meant to be taken straight out of the jar it actually looks like the things xenomorphs are born from you're meant to use it in something so we of course chose noodles and i'll show you how that went because that in and of itself was already a [ __ ] disaster dr benodium yeah he's known for his mad science yeah yeah it says use extreme caution as a cooking additive only so we're making noodles you know it'll be crazy if it stains the pan and next time tiana goes to make pasta it's just [Music] what does it smell like we smelled it bad we smelled it when we got it it smells absolutely [ __ ] awful it just smells like fire oh my god that it that's probably like narcan like the [ __ ] that wakes you up i guess a drug overdose is just i ask him to just let me go back down and smell like that uh what a yummy sauce pasta water and psycho serum pasta water is great oh oh i don't know how much to use like jesus christ how much do you think give me a spoon or something i'm not gonna let's destroy those hairs i thought what do you mean by destroy you just wash it off no psycho serum can never be washed off it's like in naruto with the amateratsu flame it just constantly burns until it's target is dead i don't think i put enough for that much pasta no that's very nice what you should do is try one if it's not you don't get anything then add more you could just put more if you want that okay oh my god oh it's on the floor it's ruined it's the move out now no we're going to be sitting there and it's burning a hole through my leg what did that smell your house burning down my leg oh it's on my hand that's the number one thing it said where it should be dr byrne what are you bernorium you should have listened to him it's probably good it's smelling kind of strong there whip oh okay it smells like gasoline we're professionals why are you doing this matt what the [ __ ] i'm not meaning to and you just turn your faucet and spray the floor with it i don't remember where the noodle i don't remember where the noodle landed so i'm trying to just well that's a new i was talking about the first one why did we so easily brush over the fact that you just it was like a shotgun to cover as much area as possible make sure just wipe wider be careful over here when you walk by that made a mess oh my god all right wait let's let's i think talk did two noodles maybe you can debate with it and it won't be a tough two two noodles you need to make sure it's not a fluke what's two noodles you think like that one you've gone mad you've become dr bernonian dr bruno bernarium all right we're going to cheers it are we swallowing no [ __ ] way that looks like he you can't just spit it once it starts getting hot you got to get the whole flavor i usually give it like a good 25 seconds if i'm not going to swallow it all right you ready yeah oh my [ __ ] god this actually smells like the most painful thing of my life your neutrals are cold hell oh i'm not falling no it's only been suckers choke baby oh did you get enough in there oh my why god that exist oh my god this is the most painful moment of my life [Music] [ __ ] you guys i think i'm having a heart attack there you go ah i get so much [ __ ] worse why did they make that ah oh the only time i'm feeling good is when i'm swallowing the milk you're gonna make yourself cute just from drinking so much milk [Music] i'm literally crying i can't live without milk in my mouth charlie's not leaking as much as i thought he was going to so where are we ranking this one yeah charlie's lost his ability to talk actually probably one of the most painful moments of my life i'm not joking that's up there with kidney stone i'm just hoping it's coming down oh i feel like we've never been closer there's a [ __ ] laugh this is the kind of bond that soldiers in war feel you remember the game army of two it's gonna be us after this imagine like the most painful thing you could possibly think of danny and then stretch it across like 10 minutes it just doesn't stop oh yeah i believe it adam that that almond was hurting me i think this would put me in the ground it doesn't stop 18 jokes but i can't get them out that should be your jeep real flavor i'm starting to come back to the levels of pain where i can interact with you oh that was honest to god hell i was trapped in my mind everything was getting fun everything went blank in my head it was because at first i was like haha this is funny and hot oh that was honest to god some of the most pain i've ever felt in my life mm-hmm oh wow wow everything i thought in my head that the bump up would be from the last dab sauce was different that wasn't a fun holy [ __ ] i'm on fire i'm gonna cry and die that was just like i felt like i was actually in trouble that's how charlie feels every time you eat something hot yeah honestly panic it was the word i was thinking of my ear was twitching you looked at me and said i think i'm having a heart attack and you were smiling and that's the last time i saw you smile that was nuts all right putting that second drop in there was a bad call that was absolutely nuts oh my god it's still so hot it's so i feel like i'm now hitting last dab levels but i feel like i'm better there was a moment there where i started to try to talk to you and i literally was like i need a doctor that pain is so immense you guys should try well you should try yeah that will change your life yeah that'll put some hair on your balls i'm definitely gonna try that ah [ __ ] i spit in my eye by accident it's still so hot this might just be the normal state of our mouth we're just sitting at a cool million scoville for the rest of our lives and you know what i'm okay with that it would pay a lot of money not to go back to that place with dr bernardium you kiss monique when you get home it's like one of the old climations just goes everywhere after roughly 40 minutes it was finally completely clear well close to completely clear and mouth returned to normal state in ph levels like it was truly an experience unlike anything i've ever had before and i wanted to share it as you know as i'd like to do i like to share these kind of things so we invited two friends over to have some psycho serum with us i'll post that video some other time this week but one of my friends we only chewed two noodles for like 25 seconds and spit them out one of my friends ate 20 noodles literally ate the psycho serum covered noodles and i actually was convinced that i was going to lose him that day so i'll post that video at some point this week this psycho serum was the gift that kept up kept on giving if i'm being honest so i just wanted to share this and just talk about it because i've never had a moment where it was like pain of this degree where you always hear of somebody who like has like this kind of crazy life-changing moment like our experience with some like near-death thing and this is now mine so i just wanted to put it all out there again and let you know that there's going to be another part to this where my friends do it so you can see how we reacted versus them and yeah that's really about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,327,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 550k83q4HG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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