Colby Lets Sam Pick His Girlfriend: Sam & Colby | Bestie Picks Bae

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I am a hunter he's been hunting days but not for 22 years I'm cool and although I've never had to use it I do know how to hide a dead body some people think I'm a real life more meat so what's up guys it's sam and colby i'm sam 22 i'm colby i'm also 22 and i'm here to pick his bey go centres we are ghost hunters on YouTube YouTube yes what's up guys it's sam and colby it just got cold something just passed in front of me okay whatever we just saw in there is here I am a Bay hunter yeah he's been hunting bays but not for 22 years so we're band nerds crushing on a senior girl couldn't talk to her so he decided to talk to each other yeah he's the best wingman of all time thank you pretty good one number one and number two women in the world yo side well I like confident adventurous loving caring nice friendly outgoing someone that can listen to me and let me men on the shoulder if I ever need to cry alright we're looking today for someone he can cry with I cry a lot I cry at least once for a couple of hours mm-hmm I have the apartment right next oh no I can hear them sometimes it's pretty sad honestly end of list the only trait we need is someone he can cry with actually I really like Ariana Grande really or Demi Lovato she's pretty cool you have never wins the quiz Stefani oh my god I love once punished even knows I'm crisis eautiful if Sam can't pick me obey I'm quitting Sam ago V it's just gonna be Sam and you better do good you better find me a bay I'm great fine you wanna Bay all right let's get [Music] [Music] hello my name is Rosina i'm 19 years old and some people think i'm a real life mer me because i'm from the beach Uruguay South America hi my name is McKenna I'm 21 and I was chased by a bear when I was 10 or 11 years old because I was at sleepaway camp and I shouldn't have run from it in the first place having fought a bear but honestly that bear lost like I obviously outrun it granted like I'm here today hi my name is Pamela I'm 21 I'm originally from Ohio and I love to play volleyball basketball and I like to sing hi my name is Lanie I'm 19 I've injured my hips four times playing softball track and field and twice at a concert hi my name is Andrea I'm 20 years old and I have five exotic pets my landlord does not know about I have two rabbits I have a mouse I have a rat and then my cat threw in there because she's really weird a rabbit's exotic the vet bills are expensive so they're exotic hi my name is Julianna I'm 22 years old and I have a secret website where I write all the crazy weird stories that have happened to me before like getting chased by a car on foot I was just minding my own business at night at a park probably about time to be there but this random car pulled up started screaming at me and then started chasing me down like a hill luckily my friend lived nearby so I ran into her house hi my name is Tiana I'm 21 years old I'm a southern country girl from Louisiana and I can move my ears warm layers yeah hi my name is Imani I'm 18 and I once drove a car on top of a hill and almost hit a hole hi I'm Izzy I'm 19 I have opposable toes a morbid sense of humor and although I've never had to use it I do know how to hide a dead body gotta go actually I am Natalie I'm 21 I'm a photographer and I can picture you and me together oh there's definitely some winners here I don't pay for me there's gonna be a baby but they're gonna have to fight for it oh so I like people that know how to hide dead bodies and are also mermaids all right ladies I've got some questions for you let's get started first question cuz you guys say that you know us when is the last time that you watched a salmon Kolby video honestly I haven't watched your videos in a while but I'm always looking for hunting scary thing so I can watch at night and your videos are always like my top 5 right I didn't know you guys were gonna be here today I'm surprised but I was binge watching your videos last night almost like it was meant to be mm-hmm so the last time I watched your video is with Ian and JC and after that I kind of got scared cuz I was worried about you guys getting possessed again so just you know I don't want to see that again so let me just understandable I'd say the last time I saw your video is probably about like a week ago um it's not a frequent watcher but I am subscribed hey that's what counts so I'm not like a really frequent watcher but I remember I don't remember if it was you printing a whole bunch of pictures of Colby okay maybe printing a whole bunch of people pictures of Sam yeah but that video sounds good so the last video watched me guys was probably like two days ago and I saw the one of you guys going in like a slip and slide and this like abandoned tunnel Oh which I would have totally been down for like hit me up time I did next time I watched your videos four days ago I watched the video where you guys were at the hotel and you were talking to the front that's lady about the creepy stuff that went on and there was like lady in black yeah I went on the tenth floor and you had two other guys so the last video of you guys that I watched was probably five days ago and I watched the Biltmore Hotel one yeah and also the one where you guys went into the woods yeah those but I love you thank you so last night my roommate when my roommates was like oh my gosh Sammy Colbert in New York oh my god so I was like oh I should like watching the game because I had been watching and kind of fell down like a rabbit hole of older videos that I missed when I was in college so I watched like coyotes coming out cuz I'm like oh yeah coyotes are so the last time I watched your videos was probably about a week ago and I went on like an exploring I'm cool with dating a fan because like think about it I wouldn't want someone that's not a fan of me to baby alright ladies so Colby always says that he likes to date fans so people that have watched our videos the least frequently I guess were around here but I think you were saying that you don't even remember the last time you see the video no I said a couple mountains a couple months so a couple months in a couple of months I'm the mermaid [Music] I could eliminate it first because I haven't watched their videos recently which makes me sad because i DM them once and he didn't answer so I could have stopped watching them but it's fair maybe I go back home and watch them he's gonna find many fans but he's never gonna find a mermaid all right ladies bays future bays what is your scariest ghost experience if you've ever had one okay I actually went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras a few times and one time that I went down there we did a haunted hotel tour and ever since then I've been like with chills we went on one hotel tour and I just felt this entity around me kind of scary don't know yeah so my scariest experience is when I went back to Indonesia with my parents my grandparents lived there and they're really into like spirits and everything and so when I was doing with my grandparents their kitchen doesn't have a door so when you enter through it so I was in the bathroom which is next to a kitchen I heard a slam but there's no door so the kind of freaked me out and I had to sleep with my bare hands yeah imaginary doors that's very scary too my childhood home was like definitely haunted with the ghosts that I named Peter so like we're cool now oh yeah but like growing up my bedroom was at the end of the hall and I could like see the stairs coming up and my bed was positioned like right at the door and so I like felt like I saw a little thing moving up the stairs and then I started drifting off and it's printed up into my bedroom and like screamed and it was really terrifying I didn't sleep for the rest of the night and yeah we don't Peter are not cool not cool but like we were you were we were many scary homies anymore nacho so one time me and like all my friends were in one of my friends his basement and we were playing with the Ouija board because her basement is creepy like stuff falls off other places and like it's just creepy in there and we asked the Ouija board there was someone there it said yes and we were like do you want to hurt us and it said yes so I was like I gotta go yeah so I was in Missouri and my friends took me to this place called zombie Road I don't know if you've heard of it but it's closed at night it's like a regular party palagi and during the day so we walk like two miles I literally was shaking like almost crying just because I can't handle anything and nothing had even happened yet but then this like I don't know if it was a deer or a man on all fours something walked up to me and like its eyes were reflective and I I was not okay we had to walk two miles back I almost called the police on myself like I did not did not want to be there I'm also really dramatic so maybe that was that too so you saw this like thing crawling at you in a park yeah you're not supposed to be there at night so I swear I was in high school I was home alone and I was doing a snap video and in the snap video there's this black like figure in the background and it's moving while I'm talking on snapchat and everyone's like what's that what's that and I'm like oh it's my shadow but I have hair and the thing the shadow didn't have any hair and it was moving in the opposite direction so I freaked out I lose my mind I call my cousins and like come and get me come get which I was showing it to a ton of people that like we don't believe in ghosts at school and I'm like look look look look look look look and then it just deleted itself out of my phone and I don't know where it's at still but that was that was that was terrifying and we put salt on the front yard because in Louisiana like when there's girls you like put solar on the ground so my mom started like putting salt everywhere yeah I went upstate with my friend and she's really into which it like witch stuff so she brought like salt and everything and then like her candles and stuff like that so it was really dark and we were in the woods and she was doing like a spell she said and then we just heard like noises all around it didn't sound like an animal it didn't smell like they didn't sound like it sounded like someone was saying something nice like they said her name and then she started to run away from me she just left me there and I was like oh wow like really Wow yeah nice we're so cool okay so when I was a kid I kept having these weird dreams about like this little girl who like wanted to kill me for some reason and then my friends and I were on like a ghost hunting website it was like and the exact same girl from my nightmare was just on the photo so I was like ok what and my mom went to see like a medium and one of the first things she said is you know your kids like gifted right like you shouldn't have had to come to me cuz she can like sense things so I've been to like haunted places like the Lambert castle that I don't even know her haunted and I just stand there I'm like did someone die here or is this place haunted so it's like okay kind of sensitive to spirits there you go so a few years ago I was sleeping over my friend's house and we're all outside playing manhunt it's middle school it's a cool thing to do and we're all playing manhunt outside and we all end up coming inside and you know you're knocking outside and I'm like well who did we leave outside so if someone goes outside to check and she doesn't come back for a while so we all go outside to go look for her come back in and someone's name was written on the wall like some man's name was written on the wall and we didn't know where it came from it was really strange and we never slept over her house again so yeah yeah yeah damned if they've had zero experiences right here I hate doing this but it sounds like you guys all had experiences so I can't go on who didn't have experience so my reasoning is just who had the most specific or who didn't have the most specific so I'm gonna have to go with you I'm sorry maybe was cuz your first we just know everyone had a very very specific story [Music] I just got eliminated guys and I don't know how I'm feeling about it but we're here now and I don't know he's missing out on a great girl a great time let's just go for like a coffee or something I can't do it the ghost stuff I really can't so my question is what is the most embarrassing thing has ever happened to you or that you've done when I was younger I was at a holiday party I was walking and me and the dog intersected and I flipped and did a whole 360 oh nice when I was like eight I was at a Halloween party at my aunts house and I thought I saw my dad from across the room because he was wearing scrubs for his costume because he was like a real-life medic so I ran over and I was like super tiny so I just gave him a hug around the waist and I looked up to say hi dad and that was not my father Oh terrible so every so often I cut my own bangs and I tie my hair and I do all these things and for my senior year portrait I dyed my hair black well I have it now but it was a traumatic thing because I was blond I dyed my hair black and I cut my bangs way too short oh God and I was just for the Fisher here yeah cuz I was like oh I want my kids to see this at some point oh God so I like to think I have a high tolerance for embarrassment but when I was 10 years old we were playing cops and robbers and it was like everyone in the neighborhood and I was a cop so I'd like a little plastic water gun that was like that and this kid threw a huge like workout sized ball at my face and it cracked shattered and then like dug a hole in my face so then I had to get stitches and he shaved off my eyebrow which is one of my best traits okay I went with my friends family to their church and they taught in Sunday school that married three and had a baby so I went home and I was like I'm pregnant I'm French and I'm pregnant I was like six I'm saying I'm pregnant my mom's like you need to stop saying that why do you keep saying that and so I know I'm gonna have a baby and it was while they videoed it so now it's like the most embarrassing thing because when they want to clown they're like oh my dad and he told me to go out to the car to get his wallet or something so I went out and then I saw two cars that looked exactly the same as my dad's car so I forgot exactly where it was and I went into the other car that was not his car so I was like pulling at the car the whole time like it's not opening so my best friend and I were watching like a community high school was doing a production and we were needed somewhere unexpectedly last minute so she's like oh my god you know swearing she's like we gotta get up we gotta go so I'm like okay be quiet I don't want to disturb the performance and I forgot there were stairs and I tripped and fell on them and the worst part is everyone stopped they were doing including the people on stage to look at laugh at me but I was laughing enough as I was getting up and like I'm good I'm good so I like laughed it off and I'm like I stole the show Oh God I felt so bad for the performer who that's rough so when I go to work I saw the person get out I was like okay like they're cute so I was trying to be old-fashioned I was like let me leave a note on their car so I go and I leave the note on their car and you know I don't hear back I put my snapchat on it whatever and leave the knows and I see who added me on snapchat and it's some old man that works in my store and I'm like no that's not what I they're comfortable being humiliated mm-hmm then they'll be comfortable with anything cuz I humiliate a lot of you yeah this is purely based off my opinion of things that I would deem the least embarrassing out of all the stories but I'm probably gonna have to go with the carpooling story was embarrassing thank you [Music] I mean I've had a lot of embarrassing stories but that one was the first one that came to mind so I just said that one I don't think they made the right decision because I'm a pretty good girl but he's missing out on all of this so this is scenario you have to live on an island for a year you get all the food you want you get all the water you're fine but you're gonna stay there for a year what's the one thing can't explain why but what's the one thing you're gonna take I would take my camera my dog alright my bathing suit there you go my cat okay dad I would take pictures of my memories that I do have so I actually do have one of those like swimmable mermaid tails that you put on so I'd probably take that if it's a tropical island to like you know swim in the ocean has ever made because what else are you gonna do if you're stuck there the great is I'd definitely take my pet rabbit with me rabbit yeah what about like a lifetime supply of Chipotle there you go see that's the unique answer you know I just got if they answer different yeah then you know they're cool but if they just answer lame you gotta kick them off there okay yeah it can be anything that's cool I'm thinking going for like the most unique type of answers and I know cobia who loves mermaids too so probably gonna have to go with the swimsuit [Music] thank you so I just got voted off for wanting to bring my bathing suit to a tropical island I know it's weird to say but like I don't want to mess up my good pair clothes and like what if the water has animals in it you know I want to wear my bathing suit kind of bummed that they didn't pick me but I mean there's always next time so Halloween is coming up we want to know if you were to be on a date with Colby for Halloween what would your couples costume be so I would choose a devil an angel so cold we could be the devil and I could be the angel because my middle name is angel okay that's pretty cool we definitely do Beetlejuice and Lydia Deetz it's a power couple in the film in cinematography I guess sounds good I was thinking we could have an out like a costume that's conjoined either like hot dog or like Siamese cat so we just bother people just being like the width of two people okay maybe like a hospital people like IV a nurse he be a doctor bloody like you know I don't know what you call that procedure gone wrong just bloody mess it's pretty scary I think anything like superhero or super villain related and I do know how to do special effects so I'm really good with makeup he would definitely have to be a cop and I would be a robber because I'm trying to steal his heart so you know her with the Lions all right she's taking stabs alright for Halloween me and my BAE wanted to you know do it like a powered do a couple outfit it would definitely be like the Tomb Raider girl and Nathan Drake if anybody knows what I'm talking about maybe I'm just doing nerd all right again no offense I'm just going purely on the most cliche costume so I'm probably up and go with the devil an angel [Music] at least it's over now I was a little bit nervous being up there so my question is who is your favorite social media star don't tell me why just give me a straight-up answer my favorite social media star is probably david dobrik my favorite social media star is probably the kid in lady because she saves kittens shane dawson conspiracy shane dawson all right sounds good either pink stylist or made you look ilex all right my favorite social media star is definitely Pavlov the core game oh all right are there James Charles phones especially after that James Charles picture on Twitter think about that daily I didn't know three of the channels but then out of those three channels two of them were animal channels gotta love animals so the only channel I didn't know that wasn't animal channel I'm really sad that like I didn't you know when because I think that we haven't had a lot in common so if they ever need like a ghost hunting buddy hit me up I mean I do know where to hide a body I hope you'll never have to use that but you're also missing out on like a cool mermaid so so my question is do you believe in and follow like horoscopes and astrology stuff like your sign so I do believe in them I do follow them it's not like a religious thing but I'm aware of it like I I'm in areas and I think I'm in areas like I get that it makes sense okay so I definitely believe in horoscopes like a medium degree because when you think about it we were all born at a specific certain time on the minutes and maybe the moon and the ocean and something plays in effect to who you are as a person okay okay I'm a very spiritual person so I do believe in horoscopes in the beginning I didn't really that much but over time everything seems coincidental or ironic how certain people fit together with other people and certain people don't and it's creepy but you can't say you don't believe in it because the facts are there so yeah I'm a Libra I do believe in horoscopes but I don't necessarily follow them all the time if I do see something about you know me being in areas I will kind of not admit that it's true because being in areas is being stubborn so you know it's kind of like a catch-22 I just don't like people that are like oh you're a car's who yeah you're gonna be this person this person be compatible is like look at the Stars no you don't alright so sad to say you guys all got the answer wrong we do not believe in horoscopes Kolby hates horoscopes with the passion so I'm gonna have to pick from the people that believe in it the most so I'm thinking you guys and we're talking about compatibility and you were pointing out a lot about compatibility like you can't view certain with certain people and it just doesn't work out so I'm car gonna have to say that's the furthest away from his answers [Music] thank you I don't think they made the right choice because I feel like had I been had if I wasn't so afraid to like just be flat-out cuz everyone was saying they believe in horoscopes I was like well they're all hunty and into ghosts so maybe I should just say I believe in horoscopes cuz that's the spiritual ghost thing but nope don't judge a book by it's cover I'm not disappointed there's millions of people in the world population there is somebody the next question is let's say you were not having a good time with your boyfriend how would you break up with someone the most creative way it's probably gonna win it by looking for standout answers I mean I guess I'd be like really honest like brutally honest got pointing out flaws or a whole presentation all right a presentation so I'm not the best at confrontation and I don't like to hurt people's feelings so I would bake a cake and in the cake when you cut inside it there's a note that just says it's over and then you can enjoy the cake while you're sad I'll be sad somewhere else and it should work yeah yeah so there's this website where you can send someone an eggplant with a note written on it so I would probably send an eggplant and it also matches my shirt so it's you know it's it works out it's a win-win I have never heard of that before again this is this is for Colby and he's a big fan of eggplants he is honestly was a big fan of food in general but not much of a fan of school presentations so I'm probably gonna have to go I thought that out of the other answers it was like the harshest so it made sense that they eliminated me it's not their bad I didn't think I was gonna make it that far honestly but it was fun all right so the final question is you just have to convince me why would you be the best BAE for my bestie Kolby Brock so I think I'd be perfect for Kolby because I like to have a lot of fun and do weird random things we can maybe go find an adult-like ball pit or like go on some rides like talk to random people I don't know do something odd sounds good sounds good I think it would be a great day for Kolby because I'm super adventurous I love dad jokes so you'll never be under entertained and I'm also great photographers so I'll hit you up those good shots for the gram both good answers again it's a big moment this is the big moment I don't want anyone to take offense to this I am only sticking out for my friend Colby and I feel like the needs and the once that he wants would be best fulfilled thank you not you Anna he's always in need of more Instagram pictures because it's [Music] I honestly have no idea why I was eliminated they were laughing at things I was saying so I don't know I thought I had a chance but it's okay on to the next I'm pretty disappointed they both seemed like really cool guys and I wanted to get to know them a little bit more besides knowing them from the YouTube videos first impressions I like the hair we're matching I like your style very cool shears on the hall that dad jokes the dad you're a photographer too [Music] honestly I feel like she's the most like me so I feel like we're compatible so I feel like baby are you trying to tell me something I know my best he picked my Bay today I was very surprised to see sama Colby today it was definitely a great surprise I am a fan not a huge fan like a super crazy fan now more of a fan okay there are definitely a few times where I thought I was gonna be eliminated for sure definitely the question about the Halloween costumes cuz I didn't know if it was gonna be too cheesy or if it was gonna be appreciated which one was that which one did you do the one with the the cop and the robber okay I think she's awesome glad that she was the bay that my bestie picked my best he picked MAME that's a true statement I think she's cool she's awesome I like her hair a lot she's cool I'm glad she's a photographer cuz I need those Instagram pictures today yeah yeah she's cool so I was bummed when the girl that could hide the dead bodies was eliminated against you you know that's pretty awesome that's the skill you need to have the hardest part was honestly the entire video I was painfully awkward every second of that and I felt horrible I just literally had to tell 9 girls that they are not good enough for my best friend that was a horrible I feel so bad so sorry they're all great this will be by far hands down the hardest video but of everything we've ever done because I could go hunt ghosts but seeing these girls getting the life sucked out of them was this most sad thing I've ever seen in my entire life I'm gonna think about that every night it was an interesting experience know now that you've done this would you ever do a dating show maybe if I was the contestant it was a weirder position in my sit and just not be able to like see or talk to anybody it might be though yeah I'd if I could tell them go home yeah yeah guys thanks for watching we actually have a haunted series called stranded can we get on snapchat very soon also be sure to subscribe to 17s YouTube channel down below is they have an episode a spooky version of this bestie coming out next week
Channel: Seventeen
Views: 5,710,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seventeen, seventeen magazine, seventeen youtube, 17 youtube, colby brock, sam golbach, sam and colby, sam and colby haunted, sam and colby prank, sam and colby exploring, sam and colby dating, colby brock girlfriend, sam golbach girlfriend, sam and colby bestie picks bae, i let my best friend pick my girlfriend, bestie picks bae, seventeen bestie picks my bae, sam and colby girlfriend, i let my best friend pick my boyfriend, my best friend picked my girlfriend
Id: -HEhhfMKGP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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