Returning to Queen Mary Room B340 | The Night That Changed Our Lives

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b340 is literally on time magazine's top 10 most haunted places in the entire world you guys are speechless being back here this was the place that literally changed our lives and made us believe in the paranormal for the first time that demonic entities are just watching us right now like they're back they're [ __ ] back oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why is he walking us in wait that's the key matt's i'm sure seen on youtube videos he's seen haunting movies we've seen all that but actually being here and having that [Music] we have to make sure that this stuff is actually real and what was it trying to tell us yes i'm right over there i swear to god that they just started going fast there's no ac working on the ship it's three o'clock you guys there are things in this room that do not want to be filmed wait wait wait wait what conversation again about a 30-minute conversation we have never had that happen is heaven real does god exist [Music] [Music] with blindness through darkness i walk with you when time's up when they find us i promise why do we have chipotle for our last meal of our lives no what y'alls if something sketchy starts happening me and matt are out of here really just jumping ship and swimming yeah no pun intended so after getting yelled at by the security guard we finally made it got this place to ourselves we're doing this alone for the first time ever no one aboard the ship and the thousands of ghosts on this white i'm about to find me a ghost boyfriend does sam know about that you're looking for a danny phantom bro let's get some danny phantom twins on here that's what i'm i can't believe we're back i brought something in case if i poop my pants extra boxers oh smart smart and if i poop my pants again then i don't have anything else oh no just use your hands you got one shot who tooted queen just like stale like old ship yeah it does smell like oh [ __ ] let me [ __ ] mr mosby knows he's gonna get haunted later no running in my lap [Music] what's up guys it's sam and colby today we're back got a friend matt here girlfriend katrina and our friend amanda who is a medium if you guys recognize from our conjuring movie and tonight we are here at the infamous queen mary oh my god i know we said we would never come back multiple times multiple times in four different videos in multiple videos but we had to for hell week we don't mess around for a week and as you guys know this is one of seven videos leading up to halloween all for you guys we're only doing the best of the best possible this is the biggest thing the sam and colby channel has ever seen ever so if you haven't seen any of the other hell week videos go watch them right now what makes this one different than any other time we've been here to the queen mary so we have it all to ourselves as of right now the queen mary is closed down to the public because of the repairs and damages people are thinking it might even sink but so it's going to sink while we're on it hey you could don't say that you got to think it's positive you guys can swim right you guys are speechless being back here actually though i've like never seen you guys like this this was the place that literally changed our lives and made us believe in the paranormal for the first time well you told me the experiences when you're at the conjuring house it was insane i can't believe i showed up yeah i can't believe i showed up you guys remember a very very long time ago when we were only doing strictly abandoned videos we happened to come across this article that said b340 the room on the queen mary finally opening up after years of being closed down due to its hauntings from that night on we started doing haunted because it changed our perspective on religion and the afterlife that's what we want to come back for because we heard that this might shut down for good and so we're like hey we have to know one last time what was that that we talked to that one night and the best way to do that is to bring a medium here to actually see so with this entire ship to ourselves let's get started let's do it here's the queen mary so we just said you guys are usually not allowed to go in here as the regular tours aren't allowed to go in here but if you look away i can open the door pretty much is what he said so we get to go inside and you remember climbing that way back in the day guys on top of this second tower right there there's an explore sticker at the very top he was like this is probably the highest you can get i was like we've been higher we've been definitely a liar whoa i can barely drive a car i couldn't imagine this drive the ship amanda this feels just like a sonic like warm wood you're a small hormone before no oh she has what what no i ain't going in there you can go in there i'll go okay oh amanda's going for it no one's coming in you're on your own dude so this was kind of like the titanic yes exactly like the titanic except that this one was better because whoa it was better it was bigger and so it went back and forth from england to new york new york whoa first class front desk whoa so first class would be like the elite people would stay on the richest of the rich the rich ones yeah hold on let me get in yo let's go yeah they're getting started yay tonight wait what natural oh that was my phone has just been doing that all night weird somehow what what wait this phone just went off by itself that wasn't like a text message or something no is that like your ringtone though yeah what the [ __ ] are you not doing that is it already taking energy so that you can talk to us later i don't know hopefully what if it recognizes us yo wait that's a good point we've been here a lot oh my god well i felt really good until we got to this floor and then i got a headache well i've seen this place a lot but never when it's empty like this is such like a different feeling than usually because it's silent and no one's here it's like what it's scary and this phone keeps going off and his phone keeps going one of the demonic entities are just watching us right now like they're back they're [ __ ] back or they're just nice spirits like john is that why that guy's phone is still going off amanda you guys were driving up you're telling us a story about someone coming to you today i know about the queen mary because like i like live near here obviously yeah famous so i know about a guy was crushed in door 13 this guy john came through to me and sometimes it's not a clear conversation like it is with you guys where i can ask questions back and forth like i'm literally having a conversation with the person john was he was like my age when he came through i looked it up later he was 18 when he was crushed indoors 18 yeah but john had some crazy stuff that i felt like was a lot for you guys because of what you experienced last time you were here so what do you have to say john was pretty tight and we're definitely gonna see him tonight we're gonna get some good content i can like i know so you want to know something crazy we've been here for the past like four years right yeah nobody has ever mentioned to john and we had just learned about who john was today really he was the first person that you said no yeah john came to my house today and sometimes they come like if they know i'm going to a certain place but i've never had somebody come through like as clear as day where we were asking him questions back and forth back and forth so i'm super excited to like when we get into that and if john comes through and we're able to communicate with him tell you guys what he has to say because he was a talker he's a nice guy though right i loved him we got the nice nice spirits phantom my danny phantom where is he taking us oh where are these rooms yes super cruising always tiny holly just looks horrifying dude oh my god actually i might be going to the room that this happened to us b340 no way are we actually going there first i'm getting i don't know man this is the room right here oh it's open it's fine oh my god oh my god that's that's b340 yeah in there the room is open the room's already opened yeah he said all the doors have to stay open because they like don't have power the batteries will be dead and the thing so all the bedrooms are open every door is open right now yeah what if we get locked in there's no power that would be crazy if you go in the room and you guys just like close your eyes dude i gotta get like that's weird bro holy [ __ ] that's the room that's the room you can feel it i know i felt it like actually like i didn't think i was gonna have like some physical reaction but like looking at that i was like almost i'm not gonna sit i mean we haven't seen the inside of that since it happened to us yeah the last time we walked out of that door it like traumatized us yeah we were running we didn't walk out that door we ran out that door i like walked past all the other rooms and like i'm just like all right just keep going keep going and before you guys even said i was 3 42 and like i didn't even read it i just like stopped i was like like thinking like something's gonna pop out you got a weird feeling from that room and you didn't even know what it was right that's where we're going like i'm actually getting like short of bro i have like a slight headache but oh [ __ ] dude uh yeah okay guys we are gonna find a home base and take a tour but obviously one time tonight we are going back to crazy yeah it's very hot it's hot but good thing i got the sam and cool to keep me cool [ __ ] those nice pants speaking of we have exclusive hell week merch out right freaking now get it right now is the best time to get it all right guys before we do this whole tour we want to give you a brief history of queen mary because we realized the last couple videos we actually didn't tell you where queen mary originated and like why it got here too long we got better at filming these videos a little bit the queen mary ship is named after queen mary of england who christened this ship in 1934 so it's almost 100 years old like we were saying earlier upstairs this was basically a transatlantic better version of cruise ship taking people back and forth now it did that for a long time but since it was like right before the world war got changed into a military ship carrying almost a million military personnel throughout its entire career so you could only imagine how many prisoners of war stayed in the isolation ward and ended up dying there the oh my god a minute did you see her leave i didn't see amanda leaving that she walked through the door there were literally like 800 000 soldiers that were taken back and for the atlantic until eventually it wasn't a warship anymore and it docked here permanently in long beach california we never knew this before but apparently on the single day that the queen mary took their first voyage a psychic named lady mabel said that the queen mary would know her greatest fame after she never sails again and stops taking paid passengers aka now now because paid passengers could mean when it was in use for the hotel right now it has not traveled in decades and finally this year it has stopped taking hotel guests if this psychic is right this might be the most known that queen mary ever is and that's why we needed to come back tonight so as you may or may not know queen mary is literally on time magazine's top 10 most haunted places in the entire world which is absolutely nuts and the room that you may or may not know that sam and i got traumatized in b340 is known as one of the most haunted locations in the entire world like that room so much so that again they had to close down this hotel room for years decades even and just used as a storage clause because so many people were complaining about things happening in that room and we know that firsthand me being a skeptic like oh yeah sure let's go visit this haunted room let's go see what it does like whatever i don't really believe in that sort of thing cool but after that night hearing the conversation we had for 35 plus minutes back and forth with what we deemed to be a a evil entity i literally like had a full-on change of a perspective on like religion and everything like that and we have not gone back into that room since that was three and a half years ago it was the first time we ever experienced something that paranormal or that demonic whatever you believe in you guys can tell that that affected us so much because as you saw ever since that moment our content switched for three years into haunted because we're so interested in it because of that night after the years of not being in that room i'm also very curious to see like what it actually was of course like we have on camera that something was knocking back to us but there's still that like slight there's like that little voice on my head that's like could it have been something else since we are the only ones on the ship everyone who's on this entire ship is just right here we will 100 know that if we capture anything it has to be paranormal and we have somebody that can literally see if something's in the room seriously so yeah we're gonna go visit a bunch of the other places that were haunted and then tonight we'll make a return to b340 the only thing that comes close to an actual murder would have to be an altercation between a cook and his crew in the kitchens the cook was pushed into most big industrial ovens and he suffered some injuries that would later take his life what did you ask when you guys were getting set up um there's a guy over there in the corner right now not anymore i don't really know but um and he didn't even say anything that's my room oh my god he was in the corner and i i asked you if you'd been lit on fire like that's just kind of what i was like seeing was like like burning like flames he was right there while we were saying all that [Music] okay so this is the first class swimming pool eh apparently haunted by this ghost named jackie that light is flickering right there what you see that to the left it's up on this ceiling barely yeah so no one's allowed to go in here because apparently structurally the flooring is gonna break down and literally like kill people if they walk on it so we can't go to there but between here and the other pool there are people that have drowned on the ship that apparently haunted the ship imagine drowning on a ship oh god now we're going to piss them off god bless moving [Music] wait was this not open was it open it was cracked what's in there do you see anything guys and obviously we just said the entire ac of the of the building is off so it wouldn't be there's some weird pressure draft thing but what'd you see like it actually opened up i just i just watched it just like opening i don't know if it was closed or already open but i just watched it just but it was just a little bit open and then it opened way more well look how heavy it is like see it stopped now yeah it was like slowly it was slowly opening right as you said you laughed at someone for dying honestly you guys were right my bad just debating how i'm gonna get out of here one way and one way out does not look like something you've seen in like your dream no way you did not say that i remember last time coming here saying that exact same thing saying like i've dreamt about like this type of food before yeah the first time we came like four years ago okay so this little space that we're in used to be a part of the grand blonde which was the first class restaurant where all 815 first class passengers could have a meal this is huge we've never seen this before you give us a little dance grandma on here oh yeah do you like that smell i do kind of i don't think we've been in here either so the real majesty of the grand salon is actually whoa whoa oh my god dude this is inside a ship this is a different side of queen mary we've never seen this is beautiful actually wow what just happened to me what oh my god oh my god that actually kind of scared me oh my god freaked me out get pranked going to the prank war wow see that hatch right there not the first one but the second one over so that hatch when the crew was docked they'd be loading up all of their supplies equipment food obviously we had freezers right we also had deaths on board so naturally you wouldn't have a morgue because you didn't anticipate people passing away she did not go in the freezer yes they did no yeah that was actually where you would have the ice cream in the dead body so you would like just have to move like a handover just to grab your blue bunny ice cream real quick 4d how'd they get the extra d well you know you know what i'm talking about i don't know i don't know i didn't even realize this place had a theater there's a first class pool and a second-class pool once the first class pool got to be able to use by everybody they turned the second-class pool this one into a theater finally check this place out i gotta push oh my god oh what oh my god holy [ __ ] two months yeah what are you talking about yo wait this is actually a really nice theater yo this is dude this is what we need in our house forget amc oh so it scorch you from your behind right here yeah that's all right yeah that pokes you the you know they have the little whippy this pokeshoe whiptail whoa wait okay so not only a movie theater but like an amazing movie theater that has all these movie theaters it's pitch black in there so like when i'm standing here like you cannot see anything yeah except that exit sign except that exercise it looks did you just hear that what was that what's that it sounds like something's rubbing up against the [ __ ] dude that sounds like something i was just in here alone you guys for a few seconds and nothing was happening i was dead silent until you guys came in that's really loud i remember something we researched though called the growling ghost apparently people just have rumored to hear all around the ship something sounds like a growl could that be what they were talking about maybe wait what whoa [ __ ] oh what the hell i've never seen this oh my propeller gosh they say that the propeller is super haunted because you never have the queen mary did another ship the vows and then if they didn't die on impact they got stuck in the propeller oh so basically what amanda was talking about is there was a shift that the queen mary ended up running into called the carousel a lot of people think it was only like 250 people but honestly the numbers vary depending on where you look all you should know is that they smacked that ship and it sunk and it killed everyone hundreds of people hundreds of people drowned because the queen mary accidentally hit this other ship okay yeah wait so matt and i just literally have the same experience we were walking down here we just both looked at this guy right here right and that's it and then i had to turn on the camera because we both noticed that we both looked at this specific person you know no it just feels like [Music] i wish i was just filming but since we were just walking we both walked by and we just stopped and we both stopped and looked at each other and then we were just like did you see that too he's like looking at you yeah yeah out of all the photos like here there's a lot of fun there's a lot we walk right past all of them you guys didn't even realize that that was queen mary this goes to show you what we were talking about earlier literally thousands of people who use the queen mary to go back and forth oh my god they look like sardines right there oh look at this one wow anyway guys right now we're gonna go down into the engine room one of the most haunted places besides obviously specific hotel rooms why that is a lot of accidents happen down here amanda saw this guy who died in hatch 13. that's gonna be around here there's also an engineer working down here in the engine room that accidentally when he thought he was taking a shot took acid a swig of acid and it killed him from the inside why are they handing out acid randomly do you think that tasted worse than the moonshine we have with those boosters though ah definitely not that anchor fat boy that anchor is almost as fat as my uh your uh love for the queen man she was a big girl big girl gotta lock her down i mean no you gotta let her yeah do what you want down we go last time we were here we were playing hide and seek oh this brings back so many memories oh we just missed it it's right there hatch number 13. was that you guys that pushed that and went huh yeah no i heard that too there was a girl's voice i'm actually getting chills right now well we were back here further we didn't hear it yo i thought there was a door there so i thought somebody tapped it we all turned around this door right here shut in enclosed john the engineer the one that you talked to this was the spot right here yeah this feels fine is he around right now i haven't seen him earlier paranormal evidence around here the sound of someone running and whistling okay i don't know what what we heard was a whistle it sounded more of like a yeah like almost like a squeak spots of grease that look like fingerprints bro right there oh literally right there it was like a drill it's what was like the story a water tight drill so all the alarms were going off and the young engineers used to play chicken and kind of like jump through the doors trying not to get crushed you know whatever maybe i don't know i would assume like that would be the game of chicken and some people say that before he was crushed in the door they saw him running around asking if he had seen it's basically a wrench but when i talked to him today my mom asked were you looking for a wrench he goes i wasn't playing chicken i wasn't looking for a wrench but i don't remember what i was doing that i was stuck in the door i remember being stuck there but i don't remember how i ended up there there was a man standing behind you pretty young um looks like john right now he was on the other side of the door what like in between the two red things oh [ __ ] right there yeah like he was like peering like seeing what we were doing yeah like no he was just standing here like he's not all upset like this is where he died he goes i don't know how i ended up there i don't know why i ended up there but like that's like he was supposed to die at that point it was going to happen somewhere he told me that was the worst of any of his deaths and i go what do you mean deaths plural because i don't believe in reincarnation right and he goes like that wasn't my first step so i asked if he had multiple lives he said he had almost 20. and i asked are all of them good or all of them bad like right some people destined to just have kind of crappy lives and some people are always gonna make it and he goes like it's not like one life i was a pharaoh and the next i was working on the queen after world war ii i've had other psychics like say that too like you know you live multiple lives yeah you know we have been told like an old soul yes 20 lives in the lingam hotel somebody told me that when you have deja vu do you feel like you've done something before but you're like i haven't done that before let's say it's your past life yeah or you're seeing something from your past share experience from a past self [Music] we're not supposed to be filming this part i can't tell if that's all mold or what huh oh oh oh what oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait did they just do that they just [ __ ] did that huh oh no wait what the [ __ ] happening dude i don't know this this like wait come here dude come here come here what in the [ __ ] it's them [ __ ] what they're [ __ ] with us huh they disappeared why are you doing that was that you there's a movie what is this sticky we do tell me if anything sticks out walk over there oh my god is it that one what happened this right here that's the first thing that i see once that's over there is that queen mary too god she's scared why she's sticking out before about 1960s was like the best way for celebrities to go back and forth because of such a luxurious cruise ship bob hope winston churchill even like walt disney ended up taking this ship queen mary so we're about to go to winston churchill's suite where a lot of famous people stayed fashion designer christian dior christian walt disney was right here audrey hepburn alfred hitchcock liked this place so much that he used to like work his travel schedule around the schedule the queen that's creepy that's the weirdest the most important historical figure of them all zendaya right wow oh my god she's a smoke show she's dating spiderman [Music] what are you looking at over there is nothing wait uh there's a like ac over there right that thing's not just blowing wildly well then why isn't the other one blowing i swear to god that thing just started going fast is there ac right there but probably not on now you said there's no ac working on the ship correct i got that on camera 100 percent no no i see that i 100 i do i saw it on camera it was it was flying back and forth that's what i walked into that way because i thought maybe all of us walking past it i was gonna say it it would no it was dude look unless this just like turned off and maybe just i dude why would it turn off right as we walk past i want to like look back on the footage there because that's that was like wow i hope it wasn't too far where you couldn't see it no no you could definitely see it flying we're asking all spirits in the queen mary good and bad for permission to film to catch you on camera any evidence and now i'm calling out to the one by the caution tape in the hallway if you're able to move the caution tape again you can you can take energy from our phones you can take energy from the lights in the hallway and you can put that towards moving the caution tape no nothing dude that's actually genuinely freaking me out what would have caused that and why wouldn't it happen again all right let's continue on he's like no wait no wait look look look look look as we go further away it gets faster that doesn't make any sense you can see it there you go and as we get closer i bet your anything will slow down dude it's slowing down it's stopped now it stops wait okay i'm gonna do something this doesn't make any [ __ ] sense yeah keep it there keep it there there it goes is the reason for that what the [ __ ] is that is that because like a draft maybe as we're walking this way it just pushes air backwards we have a lot of doors but it wouldn't happen if we were over there but as soon as we come back nothing guys physics majors or anything like that if you know why let me know that's just a good sign that something's about to happen tonight also just wanted to say in world war ii when they use this as a warship they initially named it the ghost ship the grey ghost this is the grey ghost aka queen mary [Music] you guys hear water dripping yeah water dripping look in the bathtub that's oh my god that's all rust rusted over oh [ __ ] dude so go to the churchill room and apparently we don't have the keys something closed the door there's someone the room is open except for this one the one that we were trying to go to so where to next this is the windsor suite this is one of the biggest rooms this looks like where we took uh keenan there was a little kid behind like this wall oh my god yeah yeah so many mirrors facing each other vortexes on vortexes everyone get in for a quick picky hopefully does anybody even post us on instagram i don't know we'll see what they can do that's kind of sad place busted wow petty post she was uh she was near piano wait what she literally just said that there's a woman in white here i haven't seen her in a fat minute though no woman in war like when we i've seen her twice once it was when we first got on and i'm trying to think of where the second one was do you know what she was wearing i just saw white i saw the long hair and i saw the white and she kind of walked by why do you ask there's this really famous spirit here called the white lady she seems to like roam the entire halls and stuff and she's supposedly a first class passenger they've seen her dancing in the ballrooms that's why i was like oh [ __ ] you've seen her i this was that yeah what's happening you guys heard something over there yeah did you see something i didn't see anything yeah yeah i heard like all three of us right heels i don't know man it sounded like loud tapping so how you feeling so far i only got like a little lightheaded when we were around the 40 feet was that the boiler the engine room the engine room but like i don't feel too bad this phone's going off again yeah there's something in there though did you hear like it was almost sound like keys right i thought that was new yeah how you feeling matt i keep hearing stuff over there but like overall feeling pretty good so far i mean good a little uneasy yeah it's like that eerie feeling or you're just kind of waiting for something to happen i just feel like there's so like much built up stress with our group in this place it's like oh my god and the fact of being here alone just makes everything creepy because one little sound is like what's that if there's demonic entities here and we're one of the last people to ever visit the ship wouldn't they want to attach themselves to get off oh my unless they cling onto any life force they can possibly it won't be coming with me that's for sure why i have a necklace this time i'm thinking like something i gotta guard the halls when going e3 oh you want to stand outside no no i don't want to but like you know somebody has students and out we go oh this feels so nice out here let's go [Music] he's a really good skipper right so i'm feeling good now it's like i can breathe again man [Music] oh that's actually a nice view downtown long beach oh here we go so this is the isolation word this is where prisoners would be kept if they did naughty things or someone was super sick what oh he's actually oh oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why is he locking us in well he actually looks like he wait that's the key he's just locked wait why don't we all say okay dude why did [Music] this was the room that shane dawson shane dawson slept in this that one was for shame pain for shame so where do we think this guy is i don't know should we run away have this place by ourselves oh so what's happening what's going on i feel really bad about it but like i was so so hyped this morning to like film this and like the entire day and feeding up to it even in the car i was like this is gonna be a banger like i really wanna film this since it's gonna be but for some reason as soon as we stepped on the ship it was like you even saw it in the intro yeah i almost couldn't think of what to say i could tell from the get-go that like something was off you guys are speechless being back here actually though i've like never seen you guys like this for some weird reason i feel like like immediately drained all day i was like fine during a full-on [ __ ] energy drink and had dinner before okay it was almost like as soon as i saw the ship like it was like i almost got pissed off the light switch it was almost like oh [ __ ] i don't know because i actually definitely felt like sick walking past b340 i know we said that for camera yeah but like i haven't had that before yeah i don't feel like sick at that point i feel weird vibes i feel sick the more places we're going to it's like the more we're actually more sensitive to like this feeling but we just want to be so honest with you guys this was the vibe we're trying to figure it out but it's not like we're not gonna have a good time investigating it's just like the entire vibe is like like whoa like type of vibe it's not funny it's not like yeah let's do this it's like oh [ __ ] like we're back even though it doesn't bode well for the happiness of the group like this vibe kind of makes me feel like something's about to happen all right guys we are beginning our investigation we are entering the ballroom right now where apparently the white lady is seen to be drifting around here dancing sometimes which is absolutely terrifying most active areas are where the most people and the most energy usually is and this is the grand freaking ballroom salon this is where everyone like 800 first class like passengers that come to me every single day everywhere this has the power the most energy also completely alone now which is good our guide has to stay like within distance to where they can like hear us but he's gonna be like hiding in front of us pretty much before introduce all the equipment and what we're gonna be talking about just wanted to say thank you so much for watching this is on hell week right now and we're posting every other day all the way up until halloween so do not miss out subscribe right now if you're enjoying these videos leave a like as well if this gets 300 000 likes then we'll come back and come back all right man so we totally forgot that you have never done one of these investigations before you take on a lot of adventures have a conversation with a demon oh demon that was a scary noise see i'm on edge now obviously we have amanda here so we're just going to try to see if we can communicate but if we can't we have things like emf readers that detect energy we have this music box here that will detect motion this over here rim pod it will detect any sort of like motion any change in temperature then we'll also just take turns asking questions see if we get some responses last time we were on the queen mary it was all about knocking did you guys not hear the knock over there what as we were talking about yes it's right after you're talking about the rem pod and right before you talked about the knocking again maybe something's ready to talk to us aim this over here [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] they're ready to get started when you guys are i'm calling out to the spirits of the queen mary it was a past that's a present i'm trying to open a line of communication calling out to good spirits nothing negative only those of light can come contact us can come communicate with us we know you're here three times you're welcome to make yourself visible to me you can also make your presence known by this device behind kobe to my left the red light over behind me in the corner of the room i just got like the whole left side of my body there's a light behind cat and eye you can go up and you can touch the light we're now opening this communication so you've never done one of these i want to call out to the spirit john i have seen and spoken to you on this ship any other spirits are welcome to pop in but john i'm speaking directly to you john if you're here you can make any of these devices go off to confirm your presence do you think a room can be so big that it just like makes noises because it's like old and kind of spacious i i believe in like home settling and stuff like that but we were in this room for a while earlier it wasn't until we sat down and we opened the line of communication that we started hearing the taps is he yeah that's where he walked by us a minute ago wow thanks for coming going there's a man in navy blues standing over there who just walked by that tree dude this is kobe and i's third or fourth time spending the night here on the queen mary did a lot of investigations here we just want to know if you recognize us or any else anyone else in this group and please make some sort of sound or sign if you want to talk to us previously we've been talking to spirits here on queen mary through a series of mocks if you want to reach out that way as well can you please give us some sort of knocking sound right now can you give us a little knock if you don't want to talk to us were you about to say if you don't want to talk to us make a noise yeah you know how to communicate with us you have the music box you have the rem pod you have the e2 meter and you have me okay that was not a normal creep that's not settling no no no no no no [Applause] is that you that just made that noise right all right so we're calling out to the spirits of the queen mary past and present we want to hear your story and call out to the man in blue who is in the corner of the room you know i saw you i know you saw me to the little girl who just came in no no no like it might be me like you're not activating the stuff cause me not believing no no no just i don't know i don't know i was like gotta remove some factors and see if like you know i don't know i was like i just kind of felt like okay well what if i left and then stuff started happening i'd be like shoot it was me or you know it's like i don't know you know i'll just like see shadows or something no that's the crystal that just fell in this bag oh and this is how i'm holding it i haven't moved nothing's gonna come out of this even if it's upside down and just fell out okay because it fell onto the floor how is that possible do you know what this is quartz someone sent it to him isn't that what the pool is supposed to be made out of i gave you my rose quartz that i brought for you and that's the only other quartz set i was holding the bags top we are back at the main first class pool right here this is where all you guys saw this door open by itself right in front of here and this again is the pool where jackie got drowned and she apparently haunts this that was the place that was definitely a growl that was weird that seemed like something was dragging yeah if the spirit of jackie is here you want to talk to us please let us know you can come near the red light and between colby and i you can walk in front of that open door we saw you move the door earlier can you do that for us again open or close the door jackie my name's amanda i'm able to see spirits like you i heard you had a tragic accident in this pool i'm so sorry that happened but i'm here with my friends sam and colby and they're really interested in communicating with you did you hear that whistle whistles yeah yeah whistles well this hasn't gone off that hasn't gone off we have concluded queen mary is not haunted time to go [Music] the real reason why we came back to the queen it's right now this is room b 340. you can tell because they had to take off the markers they stopped using this as a hotel room due to so many complaints by the guests inside injuries murders we'll get into it but this is where everything went down i have less like oxygen flow up here already i mean the first time we went past this i was getting like nauseous looking at it that's why i'm looking the other way because i don't want to look at it we're about to be inside of there in like five minutes just for old time's sake i mean you go in there just ourselves for two seconds right now [Music] we're going back after uh three years and we told ourselves we'd never ever ever enter this room again this is it um there's good spirits there's bad spirits and then there's demonic spirits i'm happy to let you guys know like what is what obviously yeah are you guys gonna want to cut it off if it's demonic but not dangerous or do you want to keep going as long as you don't think it's like super dangerous okay i think we came here with a mission that's what i figured good luck oh this is what made you feel sick earlier huh i almost feel like bad or even bad we promised this thing we wouldn't tell its story and we shoved it out to millions of people and we said we would not come back and now we're going back it's like we're doing everything that we said we would not do okay right here the water faucet the water floss it turned on somebody left their [ __ ] toothbrush over that that noise that is what happened last time exactly what happened and the shower faucet turned on i can remember corey's face he was absolutely terrified there's so many new stains like there's that black stain right there it almost looks like someone was in here oh yeah these don't these look like super messed up this light was shaking and like turning on them this is what i think is the most [ __ ] up part of the room as they literally give you stuff to play with in here holy [ __ ] did you ever actually think we'd come back here seeing this again is like freaking me out we saw you guys comments saying there was a white robe in here that moved on its own i can't believe we're back this is like a weird surreal dream but like you said when you first came in here pillows messed up right there look at this it looks like the bed was like slept in on this side you can't tell me it looks like somebody was laying right there ouija board of course and guys now that we're in here without anybody else they're being quiet i'm remembering what it sounded like having all those just tiny knocks everywhere around us and i'm not hearing anything right now it just goes to show it was actually something there but nothing happened until we tried to leave last time just like i can't stop thinking about if it knows us i bet it does you know whatever's in here me and colby are back i promise you would be back this might be one of the last times anyone ever gets to be here so we want to prove your existence once we do that legit we'll never be back here we understand that whatever is in here if there's multiple of you in here you could be upset with us because of what we did but just hope you understand our intentions behind it again all we're asking for is for tonight we have our friends coming here as well we just want to talk one last time before the queen mary is shut down forever the actual last time we were in here like changed everything yes this was like it's like actually bringing back memories it's like a literal deja vu moment i remember cory and jake and aaron all in here with us and like the energy of our group and it's like a weird like lost last sort of memory and time that like will stay with me forever but it's just like i i just feel like i'm still there in a way this literally changed my life in the way that i view everything religiously but then also in our career like this is the spot that made us want to become ghost hunters so with that being said let's prove that this is a good reason why we started holy crap wow i felt my head a little dizzy for a second it does feel heavy like i can't what you're saying i didn't really understand before but like now that you're in you're like it does feel like heavy yeah like i don't it's hard to explain it's really hard to experience it oh no spooky all of these are quotes from people of experiences they had in this room out of the corner of my eye i saw a person walking by so i turned to look it was a lady in a powder blue dress she was solid but unfocused and hazy she never looked at either of us and suddenly she just walked behind a thin pole which we had a clear view of and just disappeared that was in here yeah so then pull this looks like a dimple my family and i were up on the bridge looking around and i wandered off by myself into the chart room i felt someone tug at the back of my shirt just above my left shoulder and i turned to see if it was one of my family members i felt a chill and realized that there was no one else in the chart room i left that's that's exactly what the knock sounded like i left the room immediately this was the first time anything like this had ever happened to me i was doing my rounds outside of the ship when i noticed that a normally secure room was unlocked i looked inside and saw a little girl standing in the room she looked at me stretched her arms out towards me and then disappeared from the room b340 is one of the staterooms reportedly haunted on the queen mary soon after queen mary opened as a hotel in 1971 the front desk began getting complaints from guests in the room claiming that someone was knocking on the door in the middle of the night and the bathroom lights would come on by themselves the hotel maids began complaining that they would enter the room and find the bathroom water running even though the room had not been occupied for several days that is what happened to us one maid became hysterical when she changed the bed covers one morning and left to get fresh towels when she returned all of the covers had been pulled off the bed and were laying in the middle of the floor in a heap the ship's log reads third class passenger burgess subject found dead in cabin b226 cause unknown it was later discovered that cabin b226 was later changed to b340 they actually closed this down so that nobody else could rent this room for 30 years they didn't want to be liable for how many people were dying or getting injured in this room this room was only open for three years and then randomly the queen mary is shutting down for good just doesn't make any sense it's like all the bad energy got let out or something to give you a rundown real quick of what happened for us we all sat down five people in front of this table here a couple years ago we got five people here again today called out we weren't getting that much what we did get is later on that night the faucet turning on randomly us running to it and we seeing water everywhere then we started our seance i think what we should do right now is try to perform the same sounds we did three years ago and see if we can get knocks back in the same fashion this was our room we're gonna stay the night foxy nothing happened until we decided to like get up and leave [Music] just put a new battery in what happened remember how i came down before we walked in b340 and changed the battery yeah that means it was like a 90 when we started the scene and it is completely what completely guys we're setting up to do our first estes method seance we just did yeah like a 26 minute clip whatever right there these batteries last like an hour and a half minute no way no [ __ ] way it did not delete our footage no [ __ ] way wait wait wait wait what i'm going to cry did it delete all of that it just deleted everything that entire 30-minute clip right there it deleted all of that everything it deleted all of that no wait nobody's going to believe us though no one's going to believe anything oh my god did you delete the footage no [ __ ] way you're kidding me that was the best clip we got all night 30 minutes conversation with this music box i answered every single question what that's never happened to us are you sure it's not there like i know but there it is because yeah that's us literally reading everything getting up walking over wow everything it just deleted everything [ __ ] you can't be oh my god oh [ __ ] dude are you kidding me oh my god [Music] film what i'm turning this off [Music] oh my god i know it sucks now but like that's like one of the biggest things we've ever captured you're not going to believe any of this [ __ ] about um we're shaking and everything this is insane this music box just went off for 30 minutes we had a long ass conversation again another 30 minute conversation that was not recorded not recording no it was recorded and then something deleted it this camera again new camera is not malfunctioning whatsoever we just did 15 like videos on it boom like completely cuts out and then deletes a 30 minute clip out of nowhere [ __ ] pissed it was to a t where we would literally be like do you want us to do this and it went ding ding ding stop like he would answer us questions yes or no questions just like the knocking way back in the day we sit down here we're getting ready to set up the esses method we look at the camera it's gone that's never the camera it shut off the camera and then deleted it i told you earlier they didn't like being filmed i didn't feel like it was answering what what the [ __ ] we have never had that happened before ever never that's why people are not going to [ __ ] they're not going to believe that oh my god but it's see now it's not even no no no watch me shut it again holy no this is well this is what happened this is how it started was we were shutting the door and it got mad that we were shutting the door should we switch sd cards or something just so we have all the footage that we have now everything else except for that clip worked i know so that's that's why i'm like like let's just start a new slate yeah okay okay i'm gonna change sd cards real quick this has never happened to us before ever but i don't think we can just be like upset about it just sucks you can still make a video but oh my god that was so good it was like perfect 30 minute perfect it was like that's what we're like signing up for when you're like dealing with something that doesn't want to be filmed when we walk in to b340 and finally get [ __ ] it's like no i know no one's gonna believe us but we literally just had a 30 minute conversation with someone right in front of us after debunking multiple times trying to explain it there is nothing we turned off the camera we filmed other clips like how do you explain that like obviously for us like we just saw that happen but like this has not been working all night this music box has not been working all night and then it goes off like that when no one's standing even 10 feet from it and then we talk to something back and forth never once happened in our career it shuts off and deletes multiple clips off an sd card it didn't corrupt the entire sd card it selected the clips after we talked to it exactly like it it wants us to know that nothing's there it wants us to show there's nothing but then boom like what the [ __ ] [Music] i don't it doesn't make any sense [Music] does that make you believe in anything more yeah i mean you know like i knew there's something but you know when you like really see it like that and really sucks that like the footage is deleted because then you know if people saw they'd be like oh okay you know yeah it it'd almost be too easy for like people to believe that's not the weird part you know it's like right when you get the stuff that makes other people believe because then everybody everybody will believe and be too easy dude the only reason we caught those knocks the first time we were here is because aaron pulled out the boys without anyone else no anybody noting i think whatever stays in this room does not want to be filmed at home will do everything that i can to stop it and that's what i'm afraid of like this other sd card like i don't even know if this you guys will see this footage right now you can see how much pain we're going through right now please like this video subscribe because we need all the support we possibly can this is the second time queen mary has [ __ ] us there are things in this room that do not want to be filmed this is like essentially what happened for 30 minutes except it would actually answer us yeah i think it's not answering because it's mad now yeah oh no we pissed it off what the [ __ ] wait so like that is aimed there it will not pick that full thing up room could be an igor as well maybe a place isn't haunted but so many people so many like beings have been yes yes yes yes yes inside of a place there's so many paranormal investigators all putting energy into one spot that it becomes haunted because of that energy when the door is closed that's when it goes off the most when we have it open there's like a flow of energy and it's able to escape look how much is going on it's going off a ton and don't forget for a full hour earlier it did not go offline at all until it's never gone off is now it's freaking out every time it sees something that's when the light goes off if it was just constantly standing there or there was something in the way it would consistently go off energy can create spirits so there are spirits of past people who are like you and i we are energy not created or destroyed we continue on but the energy that you put out hatred light love all of it usually it happens to be hatred can manifest into poltergeist this can manifest into and you know it's stopped now since he stopped talking about what this room was oh my god it's going to delete this footage but poltergeists can manifest into energy so if there's enough like you said people coming into this room i believe just like we did dude three years ago all of us sitting around trying to summon something so i bet you anything if i close this door right now it's gonna go off like crazy but that goes to prove it like there is nothing right there whatsoever there's nothing what's over there that's where the water faucet turned on and see sometimes it's off too it's not like something's in the way or something's not in the way it's just pissed off [Music] what we're gonna do as the last method is called the esses method basically matt you haven't seen this before it's pretty much sensory deprivation so you'll have headphones where you can't hear anything also wear like a little blindfold but it's hooked up to a spirit box which will flip through channels basically it sounds like static and you'll hear words every once in a while i'm gonna be saying those words while everybody else is asking questions i won't be able to hear what you guys are saying we might have a conversation pretty much oh [ __ ] that's so loud oh you got to turn it down it's like piercing my eardrums just to make sure you can't hear our questions let's ask them like this in this town so i'm going to start us out again with i want to open a line of communication specifically and only with the spirits that reside in room b 340. i'm reaching out to stuff i'm ready i'm reaching out to skills positivity are there any positive spirits here are there any negative spirits here this is just yeah i wrote only just so you guys know only yeah again are you the spirit that we've been trying to communicate it's me not me it's me are there multiple spirits here behind i just saw something behind the camera how many spirits are in the room with us right now the darkest i know you're not the darkest spirits because i've come across darker it was me are you the spirit that resides here in room b340 not alone yes he's here but he's not alone were you the spirit that deleted our footage i can me can something else in this room delete the footage i tried you're next what are you trying are you responsible for the tragedies in this room the deaths the murders ship so maybe not in this room but on the whole ship something just touched my foot did you just touch my foot get me off do you need help leaving no are you stuck on this ship eternity no way no way these are the clearest answers you've ever gotten yeah this is like perfect and there's no eternal hell here were you ever a human soul get out we don't want to get out what if we don't get out do you recognize us turn it off and then the [ __ ] thing so it went over there oh this just turned off i just turned it off because it went over to the music box and turned that on not a single time that music box went off so many of the things that you said i wrote down yeah like at the same time did you tell what we were talking about i can't hear any i couldn't even hear what i was thinking there were some times where like you know how it stops when it says the word hello and then goes back it would stop but it would just be like rouse or some [ __ ] how do you feel man no you know should we call it like we don't know y'all y'all go you don't wanna be here anymore if y'all keep going i'll probably chill with fernando are you gonna stay cat i'm gonna try to stay i just got like really sick feeling yeah oh me too my stomach hurts way back you want to try it sure no pressure to stay mad you don't have to do anything you don't want to do brother who wants to walk me to fernando i'll walk you through so i feel like i'll be going into different rooms alone i feel bad for matt yeah dude i mean like think about it this is his very first time experiencing anything like this he wished he went to the deep end i mean remember when stars like how stars was acting after the country this is like his his conjuring this is our first this is our queen mary for him again like i don't blame him at all like we were petrified and matt i know you're watching this now we just want to say first of all we love you so much thank you for coming with us i know like it was a lot to ask but just think of it as there's something more out there because that's what really helped me get out of that like negative headspace as being like there is something more out there and that's dope there is something more up there and it said yes right there that's i'm sure seen haunted youtube videos he's seen haunted movies [ __ ] but actually being here and having that yes yes he's a scary movie guy he's like yo i love these types of things he does all these other like adventures with us not scared at all this was so much to handle you have to realize that being here is actually like it's like a living this stuff is so real that it really like affects people and i know to you guys this is just a youtube video for the people that are here in b340 right now it is real [ __ ] life we only have a very very limited amount of time left and this might be the only time we're ever back in 3 40 for the rest of our lives the reason why we came back here is to prove that whatever we talked to three years ago was worth it to send us on a three year long paranormal journey we have to make sure that this stuff is actually real and what was it trying to tell us maybe those should be the next questions you guys ask does anybody in this room look familiar can you recognize anybody right here yeah we are right here we've been on this ship for a couple hours and there's a few of us you probably have seen before do you recognize anyone in this group are you the same entity that talked to sam and colby three years ago if it's the same entity over here don't look don't look where where don't you want us to look it showed us don't look in the bathroom you were the one that turned on the faucet last time huh become the music box is going off way more now than it was when you were weird yeah way more i'm gonna ask again are you the spirit that sam and colby talked to three years ago in the same room me are you the one who turned off the camera for you to decide lost the footage oh my god are you the spirit responsible for all the tragedies that have taken place out do you want us out meet me where where can we find you look up i was looking so funny because i wrote this hello look up last time it was knocking it'd be boom boom wall wall behind us in the closet are you over by the door holy [ __ ] [ __ ] is there any other sign you can give us that you're here last time you knocked you can touch the rim pod right in front of us the red light you can touch the red light uh maybe we're talking to first of all we want to say thank you for talking to us but do you like playing games with us do you not want us to be here at all you passed so what do you want from us do you want to talk you just want to play games do you want us to leave please leave no because this is what i wrote stay are you the entity that sam and colby talked to three years ago it is believe me i'm you're what i'm part of the part of like the group that we talked to because there was multiple of them i want to ask you a question that one of my old roommates asked you a long time ago and it was woohoo is heaven real does god exist you didn't have to ask what the [ __ ] because you know do you know god yes i have oh dude my body chills yeah and you're on his side right i'm right over there do you know who we are and do you know about the video that we posted in this and more seniors what i heard are you upset that we did that i know we made a promise not to but i hope you understand why we ended up posting it in my head let's prove it did you delete our footage earlier tonight a little bit just a little bit too close is it because you don't want them to stop investigating this kind of thing yes did you know it would lead us to the future we have now yeah i got like a horrible stomachache and i kept seeing things in my eyes and i know there's playing tricks on me but i had to like stop are you okay yes i feel like really sick do you need to go outside [Music] it's a lot of red okay what the [ __ ] the lights are flashing too over there the lighting's flashing with the dude everything's going crazy yes everything's going off it tries so hard to get us to stay here i'm gonna turn it back this is officially your last chance and thank you already for all the answers you've given us tonight and a couple years ago it's freaking out it's free was that how it was last night heard you it's like tapping tapping are you trying to get out are you by the door no i think it's trying to do everything i can let me out [Music] are you still here just stopped all of a sudden i think uh you switch it to am fm try that are you still here with us same thing was that you that just made that creek yes we haven't heard those creeks all night that was the first time it's 2 55. are you tired of talking to us nothing nothing nothing everything has stopped not a single word has come through maybe we'll try it one last time at fm can you give us a sign that you're here we just want to talk oh my god she's breathing in her hands and it sounds oh that was really [ __ ] scary where did you go can you tell me tapping did you hear what i just said you literally just said can you tap can you tap the wall just like you did before like this [Music] oh switch it what what it just came through like this horrible noise like it sounded like a growl and now it's just no dude dude that was so like that was perfectly on time boom you went [ __ ] immediately bad came through what if something bad came through so everything else left i was literally opening my mouth to say if you want sam and colby to stay alone turn it off and as soon as i stand up to turn on the camera it turns off yeah and that's it's three o'clock you guys look on the dot three o'clock whoa dude that rim pawn never goes off ever i got all that same thing dude right as we're talking about leaving do you guys want salmon colby what the food no the rip-on never works ever ever do you want us to stay we're kind of doing what we did in the conjuring house if you guys saw that samurai are pretty much gonna do this us two around this time last time we were in here this was when [ __ ] started hitting the fan so i think we should just go for it and see what happens and then there were two although i feel like we did get confirmation that whatever was in here was the thing that we talked to a couple years ago i don't know if we'll ever really understand what really started everything yeah but i think that's kind of like why we want to do it i think that mystery is what started this entire three year journey and what makes me want to continue there's a few things i want to say about this who knows if what we talked to three four years ago is still even around there's so much mystery with spirits or demons whatever you believe in with what we captured with the estes method we do believe we were talking to at least one or two of the multiple entities that weren't there three four years ago second thing i really want to say it just validifies all those knocks that if you guys watch our first queen mary video the night that we talked to demons queen mary's we've been in here for hours and there's not a single knock whether or not we got the knock version we got so much other evidence that now our friend matt hardcore believes in the stuff i know matt and i know that like eventually i think he'll come around to be like that was a really cool experience in the end and i hope a lot of you guys do too to understand that like between everything we captured everything we talked to on the esses method even for me i think the coolest part about this entire thing even though it sucked is that we had the best evidence of the night be deleted we asked did you delete the footage and i think it was you it was just like a little bit i think it just goes to show you guys that like as a paranormal youtube channel when we do paranormal stuff literally every single week in our traveling every single month to the most haunted locations in the world that not every single place is going to give you an exactly crazy perfect scenario sometimes some of the best most perfect things you can capture get deleted you'll go missing because some things don't want to be recorded i think that's one thing that i've noticed about b340 this is most definitely gonna be our last time here because they're closing this place down if they don't get the money we've came back to the place we never thought we'd come back to got enough confirmation to know it's better to keep looking than keep returning to places exactly even if they were to find the money for the queen mary and open it eventually i think this might be my last time asked like a youtuber coming back here maybe he'll come back for memories in the future we have a lot to be grateful for because of what happened on this couch in this room this room started our old paranormal careers like you guys wouldn't be watching hell week right now if it wasn't for b340 we wouldn't be meeting some of the friends in our lives or changing other people's lives like stars smash so many people that will take on these adventures that will forever be like wow you guys weren't actually bullshitting we were proven so dumbfoundedly like oh my god this has to be real that now like our mission is to prove there is something else out there for all of you guys that were skeptics just like us leave a like all right let's go say goodbye to the ship it's officially 4am thank you guys for enduring that long night of sadness i hope that wasn't too traumatizing yeah i hope it will be all right all right the conjuring video coming out on halloween make sure you're down for it and if we got exclusive hell week merch and only one dollar for explore club until halloween one dollar with code hell week right there join we are going to go to bed because we are tired so we'll see you next time adios [Applause] we are here at what is considered the most haunted forest in the united states there's something out there thousands of actual sightings seeing this devil looking creature you're going to see different roads oh cool let's try it don't sounds like every turn is a wrong turn every turn is going to be a new adventure the trail the trail's gone the trail just ended what the [ __ ] is going on we have no idea where we are like legitimately we are actually lost there's a ritual that we can do where we can literally summon this ghost right there i've never seen that before i have a bad feeling something's gonna happen what the [ __ ] get out of here some [ __ ] just went down [Music] jesus christ
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 20,530,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, treasure hunting, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock
Id: Oej8jDlMmpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 57sec (5097 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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