The Day After Tomorrow: Yesterday's Now

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oh hi I didn't see you there no please huddle around my fire like I get it it's brutal out there there's snow everywhere millions are just left stranded to the elements but you know that's just Texas in the winter the day after tomorrow also known as global warming the Blockbuster is a disaster movie from director Roland emmerich a man we all know and love who has never made anything terrible ever I have a strange obsession with Emerick movies like one of my biggest videos was about 2012 and the other one was about White House Down I was even going to talk about his most recent Masterpiece the Korean romance drama moonfall but then I didn't really have the best winter because God help me if this state can handle the thermometer going below 30 degrees [Music] The Day After Tomorrow is one of my favorite disaster movies and it's probably because it's the only one that actually scared me as a kid most things in movies don't scare me but from the age of eight to ten I was petrified of tornadoes really just storms in general and I think this movie is the reason why like it either started that fear or fed into it I've never figured that out but I think when you're afraid of something you're also almost fascinated by it too at least I was like tornadoes scared me to death but I was obsessed with the weather I wanted to learn everything about it and that Fascination made me even more enamored with this movie like this wasn't just aliens destroying a city or an asteroid this was the climate itself Day After Tomorrow is a movie that isn't perfect but it's always been close to my heart and I want to reiterate the it isn't perfect part like that's that's very important global warming it's an issue one that people talk about and they were starting to talk about it in the early 2000s I assume the furthest extent of my environmental Consciousness back then was just cleaning up goop in Super Mario sunshine did you know that this movie came out two years before Al Gore Is An Inconvenient Truth which means that for a lot of Americans their first major exposure to climate change wasn't old gal pal Al I have ridden the mighty Moon worm it was well this tomato just came and erased the whole side the Hollywood sign is gone now when it comes to this movie we could probably just chalk up what happens here to being Hollywood entertainment it's not like it's trying to be scientifically realistic this movie isn't suggesting that it's possible that gigantic storms could create a new Ice Age in under a week I mean it's not like anyone was out there suggesting that that was going to be a possibility the coming Global superstorm is a 1999 novel by paranormal broadcaster Art Bell and horror novelist Whitley Schreiber in it they suggest that global warming may lead to the collapse of the Gulf Stream and it would create a series of storms which would bring on a new Ice Age like that whole woolly mammoth thing the thing about it getting Frozen in the ice that was directly from the book in fact most of the things that go down in this movie are based on the book so what is this book it's made by two fiction authors so is this just a hypothetical is this a work of creative fiction monkey nope the official Amazon store Page the climatological nightmare portrayed in the motion picture the day after tomorrow isn't just a fantasy scenario global warming is about to cause the North Atlantic current to drop to a more southerly route sending Arctic air barreling into overheated temperate zones sudden dramatic changes in climate all over the world the most severe blizzards in history 100 mile per hour winds shocking death rates if you watch my 2012 video then you might be familiar that Roland based that movie off of another crackpot novel Fingerprints of the Gods is Roland emmerich just finding these novels about insane theories and using them as inspiration for his multi-million dollar disaster movies yes yes he is I figured out your scheme Roland the gig is up what the [ __ ] God I want to talk about moonfall so bad now I don't think he's doing this because he actually believes it or is trying to Red Pill the general audience he probably just finds this stuff entertaining as hell which who can blame him I want to rename this the tin foil hats Cinematic Universe now this movie was kind of hated on by nerds for being scientifically inaccurate but to me I don't care it's pretty clear that the main purpose is to just have crazy weather destruction I think an actually a realistic movie about the effects of climate change wouldn't it be the most visually interesting like have a disaster movie where it's just combing through years of climate data or just have people screaming on a sunny day because it's week four with no rain but instead you know we're stuck to watch this type of Disaster Movie the boring one with tornadoes in floods if you're into that sort of stuff [Music] you can divide the day after tomorrow into two parts the first half has this tense and foreboding atmosphere the storm is getting bigger and it all culminates in this giant flood the second half is sitting in a library people huddled around being cold for an hour I always forget about the second part every time I re-watch this movie I only recall the neat interesting stuff the destruction and then after that tidal wave it's just an hour of this yeah this movie has a pacing problem now I think about it a lot of Emerick movies have a pacing problem like the most exciting part of them the thing that gets you into the theater is always the initial 40 minutes and then the rest of the movie is just people sitting around until things kind of just end now there's nothing wrong with slowing a movie down and focusing on the characters but this is an Emerick film these people only exist to react to CGI effects nobody ever says they like this movie because this guy is such a stellar character or they like the banter of this bickering pretentious couple please mitchi was a chauvinist Pig who was in love with his sister the exceptions to this rule are Independence Day and moon fall but only because moonfall just goes right off the rails at the end our Journey Begins as all serious films do with bank Gothic now as generic as this font is today being used by every serious action movie The theme has no right to be this good [Music] and it certainly carries the weight for a lot of the major emotional points it's so strange that the composer Harold closer never made something comparable to this again he just kept making generic soundtracks for Emerick and who could forget the hit film Rudy the Rudy Giuliani Story the main protagonist of our tale is Dennis Quaid or as I call him jack [Music] Jack is a paleoclimatologist also known as the one guy who is specifically qualified for this exact situation I want to make a film where gigantic alien muffins are Conquering the planet and it's up to our protagonist with a masters and baking science to save the day unlike everyone else Dennis Quaid knows what an ice age is he saw the entire series they made way too many sequels he even escaped the jaws of a glacier he's just that good Jack travels to the other side of the planet only to be ridiculed and got fought at by a bunch of old politicians this is so we can have our payoff at the end of the movie where our protagonist is reluctantly proven right a lot of inaccurate things are just reality in this world like how the Turks wear fezzes for some reason it's kind of like showing a modern day German and they're wearing a pickle Hub this isn't World War one no it's 2004 aggressively 2004 our main antagonist outside of the weather I guess is the vice president oh my God it's Kamala Harris now I'm just kidding you know who it is so this is kind of related turns out the guy that Jamie shot directly in the face on that hunting trip like 15 years ago just recently died of natural causes it's not like he was just suffering for almost two decades I just found it hilarious how every media site reported his death like imagine being a lawyer a real estate developer and playing a key part in Texas politics your whole life and you're just forever remembered as the guy that Cheney shot that's a fate worse than death right there anyway liquid Cheney is a big old grump and more concerned about the economy than the environment our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment little does he know that things are happening in the Atlantic beeps are beeping and lights are flashing Roland loves to use this in his movies something beeps on the computer that shouldn't have and some expert goes up to the screen and is like my God in fact that's Jack's specialty but not only does he have to balance the VP in beeping computers he has to balance his home life as his neglected son Jake Gyllenhaal is going off to New York City to compete in a quiz Bowl and it's all for a chance to get with this one girl who's really into the stuff is this how honors students hook up I wouldn't know I was a solid C Plus student real Prime YouTuber material Sam is one of those nerds that thinks he's better than all the other nerds and he probably is but for the first half of the movie he really doesn't seem like he wants to be there it's a tried and true dynamic the trio of the white guy black nerd and girl it held up the world of 2000's media the scene with the turbulence has stuck with me and will always replan my head whenever I'm in a plane can I have my hair back she just Smiles it off if I was on that plane after that I'd be running up and down the Halls like pan gets bonked by Falling frozen water Los Angeles gets wiped off the map by Twisters it's the worst Storm of the Century and La still doesn't get rain for some reason I've always remembered the St Louis Arch being involved in this movie like it must have been a deleted scene or something I tried looking it up and I couldn't find it anywhere I thought I was in a Mandela effect situation but after asking the internet somebody immediately knew what I was talking about apparently I was thinking about the cheap knockoff film of day after tomorrow Category 6 day of Destruction maybe I should have talked about that movie anyway the royal family tries to fly Britain before things get worse but it's too late and their Choppers get obliterated by Mr Freeze Mr Freeze in recent years had become an avid supporter of Irish Independence so what's happening here is that the storm is sucking air from the upper atmosphere all the way down to earth so fast that it doesn't have time to warm is that scientifically accurate No is it cool as hell yes wait [ __ ] that wasn't meant to be a pun in the back of my mind I knew it wasn't really possible to happen but there were times while standing outside I would just look at the flagpole just waiting for that [ __ ] to freeze because this movie has extreme pacing issues we've reached the most interesting part of the movie The Flood I always thought this was supposed to be a tsunami or something which doesn't make much sense since there's no earthquake turns out that it's a really big storm surge a storm surge that never goes away and becomes a glacier water effects still look great it's all very wet and miserable like the real New York honestly the only thing that really takes away from it are the people who just can't help but look back every chance they get what was I running from again oh yeah the rest of the film is Jack and Friends walking through a snowstorm while salmon friends wait to be picked up at the public library the most they do is just go onto a boat to try to get some medicine for the nerdy girl she was complaining about a cut on her leg a few days ago I didn't think anything of it what took you so long idiot after an hour of this Jack reaches his son he made it to New York [Music] says there are survivors oh our film ends with a monologue from liquid Cheney now president of the United States after liquid Bush died in the blizzard so we're told the American government had to flee to Mexico and this humbling experience made Cheney realize how foolish he had been he gives a speech that admits his entire ideology was wrong we operated under the belief that we could continue consuming our planet's natural resources without consequence [Music] we were wrong in a movie of Mega Twisters storms that span the globe and a new Ice Age starting in three business days the most unrealistic part of this movie is a politician admitting their mistakes [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: PointlessHub
Views: 2,199,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Day After Tomorrow, day after tomorrow, disaster movies, day after tomorrow pointlesshub, 2012 pointlesshub, the day after tomorrow yesterday's now, day after tomorrow new york, pointlesshub, pointlesshub transformers, roland emmerich, moonfall, moonfall disaster movie, moonfall review, day after tomorrow review, day after tomorrow retrospective, video essay, funny video essay, funny review
Id: AIrDb5ASfJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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