The Film Where Mel Gibson Gets Taken Out By the Deep State

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forces are at work in the shadows behind the scenes controlling everything do we truly know who's in charge who could be the Mastermind behind it all it's uh it's me I'm the Puppet Master theories of conspiracy they're even older than you might think and thanks to social media the world is now an open Wonderland of crazy people screaming belligerent nonsense into the void imagine your average mentally ill poster on the internet all they do is spout off the most insane ramblings to their followers online now think about this what if that random internet user was right what if that crazy person ended up being the protagonist and main character in their own movie because the feds are trying to shut them down and to top off all of that what if that conspiratorial nut job was played by Mel Gibson well that's the plot of the 1997 movie Conspiracy Theory oh he's one of they he's one of them I mean for sure they them [Music] I think Mel Gibson's a pretty good actor I like him in a few things Mad Max signs the Lethal Weapon series I think he was that chicken and Chicken Run and hey I even enjoyed the Patriot as much as that film makes your local historian want to blow his brains out but it also can't really be left unsaid that Gibson has voiced some opinions over the last few decades some spicy takes you might say I'm not gonna repeat what he said because I have a feeling the YouTube overlords would beat me with the rusty pipe of demonetization so give that a Google before he did all of that though he was in this movie and hear them until they've already gone you know [Music] conspiracy theory is a film about Jerry Fletcher a taxi cab driver no relation and crazed loner no relation who spends his days ranting to unsuspecting writers about his multiple theories such theories as my theory is that they are the UN troops or his latest theory that NASA is going to kill the president using an earthquake Jerry is a lovable relatable intellect who in his off Time watches Julia Roberts without her knowledge this is the protagonist of our film so it turns out that Jerry frequently shows up to Julia Roberts work the justice department he saved her once and because of that they have this nice friendship Dynamic where this government agent pretty much tolerates a mentally ill loner I guess this is just their Dynamic Jerry bursts into her office speaking in tongues and she just accepts it with a shrug so what does Jerry do in his downtime he gets to work [Music] I absolutely love that while this man is typing out deranged rants about the Deep State and Shadow governments the music they use is an absolute Bop I dare Hollywood to remake this movie and keep the same exact tone so why is Jerry doing this well of course he has a newsletter and what better name for this publication proclaiming to the world the deepest conspiracy theories then conspiracy theory Jerry's creativity funnels into his rants okay it's a good life foreign he rants to strangers and in his nights he rants to strangers and spies on women he really had it all until Patrick Stewart arrived [Applause] uh-oh Jerry's in trouble it turns out he hit the nail on the head with one of his conspiracies and he's paying the consequences come on Jerry it's time for your entirely ethical time in Guantanamo for some big Grand conspiracy I'm surprised that the leader of the shadowy organization is just doing the torturing himself you couldn't find anyone else to do this you're the leader of this whole thing and you're just showing your face to the man you're torturing and you know movie has to happen so of course they'll let him get a full view of Patrick Stewart before biting his nose off and hobbling his way to Freedom [Music] the only question now is who are these people which conspiracy did Jerry get right were they with NASA who knows this man of schizo ranted so many times he doesn't actually know which shadowy cabal is trying to kill him and I just find that beautiful so our two Compadres make their way back to Jerry's bachelor pad we get to see how he lives man [ __ ] you live like this Howie locks up his own fridge to make sure nothing was poisoned this man would fit in so well with the denizens of the internet and yes that does mainly mean failing to talk to women but if there's one thing Jerry doesn't fail at it's being prepared the feds tracked him down and I guess just shoot a [ __ ] rocket into a small ass apartment that's pretty subtle everything begins burning down but it's not because the feds use an explosive on a residential building it's because Jerry rigged his apartment with explosives inside a residential building this man had everything prepped to burn at a moment's notice in New York City his extensive collection of Catcher in the Rye Goes Up in Smoke you know Catcher in the Rye that book the guy who shot Lenin read Jerry just has to compulsively get any copy he sees are you starting to get the personality type of this man I don't know why am I but I am whenever I see one this man is a 4chan poster that wound up as the main character of a political thriller his crush even sees the mural he made to her in his basement that's that that was here when I moved in I just love that she looks at it and obviously is concerned that this man she barely knows has a poster of her and Jerry's just like ah don't worry about it he doesn't really take too kindly to that but don't worry it doesn't really last long you know how most movies have some sort of romance plot between the main hero and our love interest conspiracy theory has that but it just so happens our hero is as socially awkward with women as you would imagine okay you will yeah if you want me to I would I don't know what to say I love you what Jerry does or says something creepy to Julia Roberts that any reasonable person would cut him out permanently for what are you talking about huh are you watching me yes but then Jerry does some cool [ __ ] that makes her immediately forgive him like bamboozling these feds by connecting their car to a hot dog stand and that leads her to just kind of forget all the cringy [ __ ] he's done and the cycle repeats until the movie sort of just ends this results in probably the strangest love Dynamic I have seen in a Hollywood film you don't love me right here he holds cops hostage and he gets away with it he gets hunted by black Choppers in the night it was at this point that I started thinking is this in Jerry's head is this like American Psycho because halfway through the movie It's revealed that this whole newsletter that Jerry writes it has five subscribers the feds are trying to kill a man who has the 90s equivalent of five Twitter followers despite having a corrupt Shadow government come down upon Him Jerry somehow gets away and outsmarts everybody this man has not only been Vindicated of all the crazy rants he's ever said he's taking down the powers that be that commit them this is the Black Panther for flat earthers spoilers for anybody that wants to see this film alright you gun okay Jerry was a part of MK Ultra that's the conspiracy Jerry was a brainwashed assassin who kind of half retained his memories and that's what made him the way he is and not only is Jerry an assassin he killed Julia Roberts father in the movie not in real life I know me using her real name is kind of confusing imagine if Mel Gibson method acted so hard he head-shotted Julia Roberts real-life dad just to commit to a movie that got 57 on Rotten Tomatoes anyway to get back on track Stewart admits to her that Jerry was the one who killed her dad so how does Julia Roberts take it when the villain of the movie admits that the protagonist killed her father does she doubt it at all nope she just wholeheartedly believes him like 100 she runs back to Jerry and leads the bad guys to him before it's revealed that shockingly Patrick Stewart lied wow who could have saw that coming honestly I think they should have committed to Jerry killing her dad it would have led to a more interesting Dynamic I don't know in the end Jerry admits that he was supposed to kill her dad but he didn't he saw Julia Roberts on a horse and just thought she was so hot it broke his conditioning if there's one thing that can break MK Ultra mind control it's [ __ ] turns out it was the Deep state that killed her dad the entire time and not Jerry she was just an idiot who got fooled I guess [Music] in fact the the whole second half of the movie Julia Roberts is just ping-ponging off who to believe until finally landing on I love you I do complete an utter Devotion to this man she barely knows Jerry really did get the girl he's been creeping on to fall in love with him after taking a few bullets from the deep state I'm sure a few of you wish you could go out like that in conclusion Patrick Stewart is waterboarded to death and Jerry doesn't actually die but he fakes his own death I bet you wish you could do that too and while all the secrets are out and about and our enemies are defeated NASA really was trying to kill the president the entire time the president the area only moments earlier and is currently safe in Germany again the quake and Southern turkey measured 7.3 on the Richter Scale thousands are beard missing are dead they're still out there and they're gonna strike again [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: PointlessHub
Views: 779,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PointlessHub, Mel Gibson, Funny mel gibson movie, funny movie, the film where mel gibson gets taken down, mel gibson pointlesshub, theory movie, theory 1997, mel gibson con 1997, mel gibson 1997 movie, funny movie review, pointlesshub sharknado, mel gibson conspiracy theory movie
Id: hz2Br2VMkEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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