2012: The Most Disaster-est Disaster Movie Ever

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i love disaster movies there's something just neat about everything being destroyed the disaster genre occupies the same space in my mind as kaiju films with a sprinkle of world box and city simulators both of these involve cities being obliterated by forces of nature beyond anybody's control most of the time disaster movies are rides they hold very little substance and are all about the spectacle i feel like this is a way to equally describe director roland emrick the man responsible for well all of this i have a soft spot for all three emeric disaster movies originally i wanted to talk about these movies at the same time in the same video but it was incredibly long and i realized nobody probably knows who this guy is but they sure do know what he's made the peak of the genre the most disaster of all disaster films that has ever been disastered was 2012 a premise entirely around a myth that circulated in the late 2000s and never again according to the mayans the world will end on december 21 2012. you lure them in with humor and then you make him think having a movie around this premise really kind of ages it worse with time the 2012 apocalypse really only lives on as a nostalgic joke kind of like y2k i would have paid to see a disaster movie where y2k ends the world that said having this movie revolve around 2012 is not a critique i love that such a strange and unique apocalypse scare has kind of been time capsuled for us all to remember as well unlike those history channel specials some people actually re-watch this movie a decade later like me so how actually is this movie is it good was it ever good sorry why giant boats [Music] while the plot of 2012 revolves around the entire world coming to an end and frequently mentions how the ancient mayans predicted it all that wasn't actually the reason this movie was made roland emmerich wanted to make a movie about the biblical flood what if the literal flood just happened in the modern day that's why the boats are there oh wait i'm sorry uh arcs the main problem he had with the movie though was how do the wave actually happen you can't have god just send another flood don't want to break continuity though it is kind of hinted at in the end product gee i wonder if this scene is a metaphor in any way a crack a divide if you will between man and god can't imagine in the slightest what the symbolism in the scene might be suggesting to me so emmerich is now stuck with an urge to make a movie about a big wave but he doesn't really have any good explanations luckily emmerich came upon the pseudo-archaeology book fingerprints of the gods a book that proposed a secret civilization once existed on antarctica in that it's spread out to the rest of the world now you might be thinking well how did civilizations like the maya egyptians and others spread from antarctica to the rest of the world well according to this book they didn't antarctica moved itself and 12 000 years ago it moved from the center of the atlantic ocean all the way down to the south pole continents don't have to move slow they can move incredibly fast it turns out all you need is a theory called earth crust displacement theory a theory that suggests if magnetic poles shift then entire continents can move along with it or to sum it up this book doesn't know how land works that was the inspiration for 2012. roland emmerich really liked this book and used it as the basis for the entire plot professor charles named it earth crust displacement albert einstein did support it and to be honest it makes it better i mean i don't know honey i just feel like there's something pulling us apart 2012 begins in 2009 dr helmsley a scientist learns from his colleague that the uh well the sun's just cooking the earth from the inside out activating the neutrinos it can't be prevented it can't be stopped the sun's gonna just cook the earth from the inside and break the crust this is how science works the matter becomes suddenly urgent and dr helmsley alerts the chief of staff who upon reading one piece of paper goes from dismissive to entirely believing in this guy forever in fact everyone believes this guy the world as we know it will soon come to an end like it's it's over can't debate that the world's ending just pack your bags everyone we tried like go home the whole constant back and forth between our nations it's over now this guy said so what was written that fully convinced everybody that it's all ending a hundred percent dear god this is where you kind of just realize this is a cartoon world and it's not a bad thing i love cartoon logic [Music] because it's stupid and comedic and they leap past all the stages of grief landing right into acceptance so here's something to think about what if he was just wrong like of course the movie wouldn't happen but what if this guy believed the neutrinos were getting cooked and it was gonna end the world and everyone just went along with it billions and trillions of dollars put into making arcs and he was just wrong like whoops sorry everyone i'd want to see that movie most of the movie isn't just spent on this guy though it's spent with john cusack i'm a dead man i mean sorry jackson curtis real uh crazy name change movie jackson is down on his luck he's a published author who didn't sell many copies and patreon doesn't exist yet so he's reduced to working as a fancy uber driver for a russian oligarch curtis you're late good morning to you too a fate that will befall all creative people one day his wife left him because he spent all his time gaming forced to watch as scott the waz bangs his ex-wife why don't we make a baby sex and his children begin to love scott more than their own father jackson takes his kids on a reluctant journey up to wyoming to uh camp i guess they travel like 850 miles in a limo only to stay in yellowstone with only a tent could have probably just went to a park or something on his journey jackson comes across a federal site and as any responsible father does he brings his children into a restricted zone don't you see the signs it's there that his family is deported by the feds back to where they came you're not by any chance the jackson curtis wrote farewell atlantis right [Music] the very same later that night jackson runs into charlie a beautiful man who lives out of his rv and runs a conspiracy radio show speaking of how the end is coming and the government knows all about it this movie just put alex jones in the film and made him a prophet did trump charging into a goblin's nest to not get some goblin vomit slopping blood on him right daddy i don't think so a protagonist if you will a hero charlie tells him of how we're in the end of days and only the global elite know ready to escape the earth on spaceships man a future that we certainly are not heading towards at all i love how jackson just kind of plays along with what charlie's saying like he's not even genuine at all boom [ __ ] nobody could keep that big a secret charlie it's like when you talk to a really drunk friend at 2am and they want to tell you all about the wonders of crypto unlike that friend it turns out charlie was right and literally the next day la sinks into the ocean just like alex jones foretold it's a cgi mess don't get me wrong but i still genuinely love this sequence it has a lot of you know moments but the absolute scale of this destruction is just well it's still pretty special to this day the sequence in many ways is why i say it's like a cartoon this is such levels of destruction that it isn't even feasible what's science that's boring i only understand cartoon logic can you ever imagine being in this situation it's so stupid it's beautiful anyway back to the movie curtis and his family including the boyfriend gordon take a plane away from the crumbling shelf so he goes to find charlie who is awaiting the inevitable world-ending eruption at yellowstone one day i wish to be this man yellowstone erupts i have goosebumps jackson almost dies over a map and he's saved by bad green screen they land in vegas where jackson's oligarch boss happens to be at i know that's a stereotype the russians are drunks but uh i mean come on get my voice as fast as you can it's russia i'm gonna guess he was swigging a few uh a few vodkas himself they all take off just as the yellowstone ash cloud reaches them and everyone on the ground proceeds to i guess die my favorite is this aircraft controller who for some reason despite a volcanic ash cloud coming right towards him in his last moments needs to tell the plane that it doesn't have clearance to fly gee buddy i sure hope that was worth it everything actually died except for our cast of characters the ash cloud engulfed america the president announces that the world is just [ __ ] and the giant waves overtake the world and with that jimmy we're only about 50 through the movie oh boy cody does that mean that the rest of this film is just as action-packed you silly jimmy no there is certainly a disparity in entertainment between these two halves jax and the gang overshoot hawaii and end up crashing where the plot needs them to be by literally moving china a thousand miles east the gang proceeds to break into the futuristic yacht club with a tibetan monk in his family and end up jamming the doors of the ark they break into probably by poor gordon getting his mangled bones crushed between the gears like he wasn't even that bad of a guy your lucky man jackson they really just killed ned flanders off so jackson could get back together with his wife who by the way doesn't really seemed bothered by gordon dying at all where have you been all my life did you wipe gordon from your mind did the poor man even get a funeral or is his corpse still stuck between the gears anyway the waves subside and everyone has a happy ending surviving an event that is so unscientifically accurate future generations will probably doubt that it ever happened oh it also turns out that of all the continents one was spared the entire african continent several thousand feet and it likely never even flooded ain't that the darndest thing i'm guessing from the filmmaker's perspective they were seeing africa as like the garden of eden they really didn't think that through apparently there was even a plan to turn the african colonization plot line into a tv show but it just sort of fell through i wonder why [Music] you
Channel: PointlessHub
Views: 3,673,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2012, 2012 PointlessHub, 2012 movie, 2012 prediction, 2012 meme, 2012 movie review, disaster movie review, rolland emmerich, moonfall review, moonfall, pointlesshub, 2012 the most disaster-est disaster movie ever, 2012 disaster movie, 2012 los angeles, 2012 yellowstone, 2012 retrospectve, disaster movies, emmerich, rolland emmerich movies, roland emmerich, roland emmerich disaster movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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