Computer Illiteracy Issues (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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what is the most computer illiterate thing you've witnessed we hide a guy for software testing we gave him a word document that was basically text and screenshot about the application he was supposed to test I left him alone for 30 minutes he finally came to me and told me that he could not login to the application I asked him what the error was and he said he could not get the login prompt to accept any text well he did not have the application up he only had the word document up he was trying to log into a screenshot on the application I couldn't help but laugh my ass off I used to work tech support for a few Isis I once had a customer calling he had just signed up and received his modem but couldn't get online after a few minutes I discovered that he didn't own a computer I worked for a telecommunications company doing installation of high-speed data and cable we had an elderly woman callin to set up new internet service and she asked our call center rep do you supply a modem or will you use mine our rep stated that we will supply her with a modem when I got out to her house I asked where she would like it set up and she pointed to a monitor and a keyboard on a desk I looked around but didn't see her PC tower and it went like this me where's the rest of your computer her you guys said you'd bring the modem me yes I've got it right here but where's your tower her I threw it away you said you were bringing one she thought her PC case was a modem and tossed it thinking we will be supplying her with a brand new computer at least five times a year I have to deal with my computer froze up so I grabbed two double-a batteries go over to the employees desk and place the batteries in the mouse voila you should ask the company to stop buying wireless mice once I went to an office where the client was complaining that her computer broke at ten o'clock every day so I aim to get there for nine thirty ten came and went and not a single error to report so I go and find the owner and tell her it's all okay she asked if I could stay on and just check the system over for her she offered me a cough which being a computer technician I obviously accepted so she reaches behind the computer pulls out the power cord and plugs it into a small kettle by the computer she then points at the screen and screamed look it's just gone off again me okay highlight the sentence and right click she highlighted the sentence then typed the word click so a while back at the company I work at there was this senior VP in the legal division as a patent attorney this guy was one of the best patent lawyers at our company at the time really intelligent and a lot of people looked up to him and there were instances where the fate of the company was in his hands when the company was young and smaller now this guy has to deal a lot with patents and contracts right reading them editing them approving them and so on so were these documents that are typically around 20 pages but sometimes are up to 50 there is a lot of that involved the editing process for this guy however was slightly different you see he didn't know how to copy and paste so what does he do you ask Jiri types every single contract and patent as it comes through even for just slight edits 3 types the whole frickin thing 20 pages with every single document he gets he does this for 2 years before someone finds out and introduces him to copy and paste one of my favorite workplace stories I guarantee you this was actually part of his success if he was forced to rape type an entire document he'd have to process it in his own words explicitly which would help him truly understand what was going on and ergo provide the best suggestions for editing the patent but this sounds like an interesting albeit tedious method to truly learn and understand something a co-worker of mine asked me how much it costs to email Canada from the u.s. back in the early 90s we were using pro comb to support users remotely they just had to have a modem install the software and give us the number anyways most of our clients were small nonprofit outfits typically staffed by older folks and one of them was having issues we tried and tried to connect got nothing ask them repeatedly do you have a modem is it plugged in turned on is it attached to the phone line is it attached to the computer et Cie et Cie all yes so eventually we decided we'd have to make the two-plus hour drive to their location to help them in person the modem was duct taped to the side of the monitor with nothing connecting it to the computer except the tape I once spent nearly 20 minutes walking a user through copy paste and save as in Word by the end of the call I was sitting slumped over with my head on my desk muttering into my headset I'd try to write up a transcript but my mind has long since blocked the details of that memory this must have been around 2003 I was working an IT at a big ad agency in NYC I was doing a database project which dealt with financial data I went down to accounting to sort some things out with one of the users when I got there I looked over the woman's shoulder while she was working and I saw that she had an Excel spreadsheet open but the sheet had had a column of numbers along with some other data I then watched as she manually added up the numbers on an adding machine sitting on her desk and then typed in the total I was floored it turned out the entire department worked like this I tried to explain to her that Excel will do that automatically but I was unable to get through after a couple of attempts I just gave up and went back upstairs fold a woman using the address book on her computer her how do I send an email me click on mail in the doc double quote her clicks on mail where did my address book go me it's behind the mail window her looks behind the monitor the biggest problem is that people who are computer illiterate incorrectly assume that their machine is smarter than them and that's why they don't understand how to use computers but in actuality computers have no idea what you want them to do if you don't tell them in the few ways they understand things the second biggest issue is impatience and reluctance to read instructions if you were looking for your keys in your house you don't immediately give up if they don't show up when you say where is my keys best line I've heard that summarizes this a computer is a fast idiot I taught a university class with another instructor which requires students to install a bit of software to help them I recorded a screen capture film of the installation process with my voice over my co-instructor was not very computer proficient so I played it for him to see if he could follow the instructions we got to the end of the video and he says great work that was really easy rather pleased with myself I prompted him to try and stalling the software what do you mean isn't it installed no that was just the instructional video what do you mean what he watched was a video of how to install the software it didn't actually install the software did something go wrong with the installation best response when you watch an infomercial about a new stain remover it doesn't in fact remove the stains from the clothing in your dirty laundry basket I can never change the homepage in my mom's browser from Google or she can't use the Internet to the Internet is gone also if she minimizes a window it's gone forever I also administratively locked the doc on her Mac because things kept disappearing aka she clipped and dragged on accident and removed Safari from the doc haha I've also had the internet is gone as you but also because the Internet Explorer icon had been deleted this isn't my story but my dad's he had his own little business for a while doing computer repairs he got a call from a middle-aged woman complaining that every time she tried to reach the icons on the right side of her screen her mouse would fall off the side of her desk my dad replied have you tried lifting the mouse up and moving it too left her oh thanks my dad ran into someone once that would place the literally take the mouse and place it on the screen to move the cursor their accuracy was subpar since they couldn't see the cursor underneath their mouse a few years back a guy brought an office 2007 and a sega dreamcast asked if we could install that on this my dad double clicks on links every time but he's been using computers for 30 plus years and is pretty much the go-to tech support at his company of 20 plus employees he's fairly normal with everything else that one thing just bugs me woman I can't copy this file me all right where is it woman with my files me could you show me where it is let's work this out woman oh pens Microsoft Word goes to the menu and hits open the file in question was some database file so it doesn't open woman see me but let's go to your desktop and open my documents woman closes word back to the empty desktop and proceeds to open word open dialogue woman I can do this normally opens a document file save as Network drive save me I'll rig it go back to your desktop now click on the icon that says My Documents woman word is my documents me please mom let me show you I grab the mouse exit word and teach her that my document exists outside of word and that you can drag files to save as them that day we figured out why that department had been asking for so many recoveries I worked for an old guy who had no concept of opening files from Windows Explorer if he wanted a word doc he would open Word and then open the document same for Excel the funny thing was if he didn't know what application the file was in he would open each one in turn looking for the file used to work at a library with a public computer lab so I've seen it all my personal favorite guy who has probably never used a computer before sits down and then proceeds to pick up the mouse and point it at the computer screen like a remote to try to select but he was actually a time traveler from the future and couldn't understand your library's primitive technology me how can I help you her yet um I know um you can um get bugs in your computer how do I stop that from happening me wait do you think you have a virus or something oh no bugs me I'm not sure what you mean her well when I went to pum move my computer today there were these little bugs under the desk and I wanted to know if those um are the bugs that get in your machine me silence her are these the bugs Ivan had to explain to her that the computer bugs are not actual insects it's a nice throwback to why bugs are called bugs I worked phone tech support during dial-up days needless to say I have a lot of stories like a guy using his mouth like a foot pedal a woman who couldn't get her computer during power outage and a woman with horrible static on their phone line caused by an electric fence to keep the Bears out but 99% of phone calls went like this caller I can't get online me what does the error message say click click caller it says no dial tone me too standard power outage fix me ok sir go to your microwave sir err okay me switch it on sir it's broken as well me phone your power company click I saw someone once take a digital photo of their computer screen then upload it back on to their computer to be emailed bit ashamed but I've had to do this back in my Windows days my installation was all nuts and buggy and would not print screen' among other things also do this if I kill my bootloader or some other crap during boot oh hi there command-line login mine is pretty short my grandparents asked me to come over because their computer wasn't working what was happening was they couldn't hear any sounds from the computer i unmuted the computer and turned on the volume at my last job my boss was fairly proficient with Excel and he loved to use it he made a spreadsheet for just about everything and even had some knowledge on using formulas but every time he wanted to save progress on something he was working on he would X out of the window and click yes when the pop-up came up asking if he would like to save his document he would then open the spreadsheet again and resume working on it drove me absolutely batshit crazy when I was working helpdesk a long time ago CAD engineer thought rebooting her machine was turning the monitor off and back on my mother accidentally deleted some icons on her desktop she called me up freaking out that she deleted AOL yes she still pays for AOL and all of her emails and email addresses were gone forever my ex's mother screamed bloody murder at her daughter for signing out of her email she thought if you weren't signed in you didn't get the emails I swear to god she was absolutely freaking out and she's a CPA my dad drove me all the way out to his office so I could fix his computer at work in his words he did something to it and now it was not working when he shows it to me the first thing I see is the loose dangling cords for the monitor keyboard and mouse fathom I used to work for the civil service some managers working remotely would ask their secretaries to print emails and post them to them because they didn't feel comfortable using email in a similar thread a few months ago someone who worked at a computer type place had a customer who would come in a couple times a year to buy a new laptop battery the fellow didn't realize you could recharge laptop batteries I once saw my mom trying to drag and drop a file across to laptop monitors you have to use an external mouse for that plugged mouse into one computer right-click select copy unplug the mouse plug it into the other laptop right-click select paste you have been visited by the money frog he says frog money to get $200 on test treat if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, illiteracy, computer, funniest, computer fails, computer illiterate
Id: N67Ur0e3vcw
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Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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