Alpha And Sigma Males Are At War And They're Both Losing

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@ 14:36 Alpha douchebag: Technically nobody wants to be a beta— I’m gonna tell you what not to do in order to not be a beta. Danny: Speak for yourself, dude… I’m trynna get dominated. 😳

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/abpat 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey greg a couple days ago i saw this tick tock and i knew i had to make a video about it so go ahead and check it out my sigma mills are more attractive than alphago stay tuned [Music] welcome to the anthony spade channel so i saw this tic-tac and i immediately knew i have to watch this video my first thought was oh my god i need to watch the rest of this video actually i think my first thought about it was there's no way this is actually the real intro to a real human being's youtube channel i thought maybe whoever posted this tick tock added in the wolf and the tiger onto this to make it even funnier than it already was but nope they are in the actual video this is part of the actual intro to this person's youtube channel the video is called why sigma males are more attractive than alpha males which is really funny because if you watch the intro you'll see that this dude calls his army his his fan base sigma nation so he considers himself like a leader of the sigmas and he's making a video called why sigma males are more attractive than alpha males you might as well have just titled the video why i'm so goddamn hot why i'm hotter than you what's up guys welcome back to my channel today we're gonna be talking about the top 10 reasons why i'm so [ __ ] hot reason number one because i said so reason number two because i'm high and reason number three [Music] any questions so now i am dying to figure out why exactly sigma males are more attractive than alpha males but first i'm not exactly sure if i know what a sigma male is don't get me wrong i know that they're high way hotter than alphas and way cuter than betas but i don't know if i know what they are i know i know alpha males in beta males alpha's defining traits are being confident and calling everyone else beta and beta males exist for the sole purpose of being called beta by alpha males but i feel like i need a quick course on what a sigma male is because i feel like i've only heard about them recently within the past like year that must have been when the sigma males were invented i think that's around when everyone was lining up outside the mail store for the new mail luckily this dude anthony also has a video called what's a sigma mail so we can learn real quick and then we can find out why they're so hot i should mention before i get into this though that the whole like alpha and beta male thing is based on a theory about wolves and dominance that was debunked a long time ago so these categories aren't like scientifically backed at all as far as i can tell it's just a fun way for guys to label themselves i've heard some people describe it as astrology for men so interpret that how you will we about to get into the sigma nation so everyone see it says sigma mill you got all these videos you can go watch on sigma mail a good one to watch is is right here the one guy no girl could resist okay is that like the defining characteristic of a sigma male being just like the absolute hottest [ __ ] around no it's not because look at the other look at the other videos about sigma males these ones are just like five habits of the sigma male what is the sigma male but the one that he really wants you to watch is why girls think sigma males are so sexy seems like he has a very distinct view of himself as a sigma male the truth about sigma mills that's another good one but we're gonna go down to google all right we're going to start off with what's a sigma map so now that we know sigma male is a real thing all right let's go ahead and understand that right now before everybody come up in here okay i didn't say it wasn't i don't know i'm not sure why he's so defensive right off the bat now that kind of makes me feel like it's not a real thing dude i'm part of segmentation dude you don't have to tell me that they're real we have just a knowledge google is the smartest person in the world google has recognized sigma male is a real male okay weird wording google is the smartest person in the world but i'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he doesn't think that google is actually a person a human being this next video is like what's up guys today we're going to be talking about why google is actually the most attractive male on the planet also i don't think you can just apply that logic to anything that if google has a definition of it that that means it's real for example i could google who niennab is and google could tell me that nyenna was a celested male arms dealer and smuggler who joined the alliance to restore the republic during the galactic civil war does that mean niendub is real and not just a character in star wars no obviously not nian nub only exists in star wars and my nightmares are men who are riding off into the sunset on their horses without much more than their name in a pack on their back they don't need things from society the way other men do is everyone seeing that why do i get the feeling that the person who wrote this definition was one a sigma male and two thinks sigma males are the absolute coolest people on the planet in fact why do i get the impression that this definition was written by this guy is everyone seeing it anyways there you go that's what a sigma male is they're kind of like alpha males but they define themselves as being like less driven by material possessions and like success in a traditional sense they're a lot more independent they don't need other people's approval they don't need to be the center of attention so they usually don't do things like wear flashy clothing buy really expensive cars or i don't know make youtube videos trying to convince you how hot they are now that we know what a sigma mail is we can find out why they're so beautiful [Music] welcome back to the anthony spade channel before we get started i want you to watch the entire video if you liked the video press the like button at the end press the subscribe button at the end and press the notifications button at the end unusually complicated instructions for the beginning of a video hey guys before we go ahead and start the video go ahead and watch the whole video that way once you finish the video we can start it smash the like button at the end of the video obliterate the like button midway through the video and come back to comment on the video three weeks from now let's get into it today we're gonna be talking about why sigma mills are more attractive than alpha male now a lot of people didn't even know that sigma males existed until last week a lot of guys didn't but a lot of guys did know that's true i didn't it's almost like it's just kind of like an arbitrary collection of personality traits that people made up to make themselves sound cool so we're having this debate in the manosphere about alphas and sigmas he's right we are kind of in in the manosphere we are kind of having this debate if you're not a man like me or if you're not like a really manly dude and you're not really involved in like the manosphere you probably didn't know that but yeah but yeah we'll have weekly town halls and we'll just have like a casual debate about you know whether or not sigma males are in fact the hottest male we'll talk about like you know if you had to make out with like a male would it be a sigma and why and why would it be a sigma why would it definitely be a sigma so the first part of the video is just him kind of explaining what alphas and betas are no matter if your alpha no matter if your sigma your beta omega delta zelta wherever these mindsets are midtown red pill blue pill it's all mindset he says it's all about mindset you know like a beta and an alpha can both be like a rich attractive guy it's all about mindset every man can have money and still be weak every man can have women and still be weak alphas their one main priority according to this guy is that they need to dominate they need to dominate specifically other men alphas are known for lions for a reason because lions conquer everything around them when it comes to the beta male the alpha conquers the beta male and uses the beta male to get ahead this is what women are attracted to they're not attracted to their money they're not attracted to their looks they're attracted to their dominant mindset alpha males use beta males they dominate them they conquer them and they use them and that is like apparently their whole mindset in life is to just like conquer weak people and use them which to be honest sounds exhausting and awful i guess i don't know enough alpha males personally but do people really think like that like are there people out there that are just constantly focused on domination there are people that are just sitting around like i gotta make sure that i'm dominating people at all times i need to when i go to work today i gotta make sure i'm dominating my co-workers and when i go to the bar later tonight i better be dominating my friends dude and now he's gotta be looking over my shoulder to make sure no one's coming up from behind to dominate me like why not just live your life and sure like don't let people take advantage of you obviously you know don't allow yourself to be dominated i can see that but who goes around thinking like hmm my co-worker brian seems like a pretty beta kind of guy i wonder how i could dominate him and use him to my advantage some alpha males thrive off the concord ship but then you have strong individuals which are sigma mills sigma males gain their power off of loneliness oh oh my god that sounded so sad are you okay dude i kind of see what he's saying though i mean like i i'm pretty introverted and i like my alone time does that make me a sigma mail does that make me hot i don't know i just don't really understand the point of putting labels on this stuff i don't really i mean especially such broad labels i feel like people are very different this kind of sounds like somebody who is shy which is perfectly fine but someone who's insecure about how shy they are trying to make their shyness sound cool so they made up a cool name for it called sigma males like they got called a beta one too many times and they were like what no i'm not a beta dude i'm i'm a different thing i i'm a sigma we're shy but like in a in a cool way in a dominant way you don't want to [ __ ] with me dude i will die i will shyly and quietly dominate you oh you like this you like this domination do you feel dominated right now i bet you do you [ __ ] beta oh sorry sorry i got scared you're a [ __ ] beta [ __ ] dude if someone told you you could not be born to alpha you cannot be born a sigma they're right everybody's born a beta hell yeah dude babies are so beta all they do is get absolutely dominated by their parents this dude has other cool videos like this one called how sigma males act around low-value women to repel low-value women stay tuned see this is this is why i don't like this type of [ __ ] because there's a very clear hierarchy in saying there are like sigma and alpha males and then there's beta males it's just kind of like giving yourself reasons to feel better than other people and if that wasn't super obvious from the titles alpha and beta i guess he goes ahead and spells it out for you a little bit better when he's talking about women there are some women that have very little value welcome to the anthony spade channel before i get started i want you to watch the entire video next i would not be talking about all women even though it feels like it and if you haven't subscribed to my second channel who is anthony spade wait wait what what you can't i feel like you can't just say that i would not be talking about all women even though it feels like why would it feel like you're talking about all women if you're not talking about all women can can't you just change how you're talking about women then to make it more specific to the women you are talking about today what we're going to do is i'm going to be explaining to you how to put off an alpha vibe to repel low value women so the purpose of this video is to teach sigma males how to put off an alpha male vibe when you're around a low value women to try to get her to not like you so much because i guess in his eyes women are so turned on by sigma males because they're the hottest thing in the world and all women know this and all women think this and by all women of course we mean not all women even though it feels like it the only way to throw them off your scent is by pretending to not be a sigma male but to be an alpha male holy [ __ ] sometimes i may talk pretty low about women anyway that's pretty much that whole video he's also got a video where he's sad that an nba player wore a dress [Music] [Music] wow dude that's interesting not very sigma of you to be like so upset about what some other guy is wearing it's kind of beta of you to let him dominate your mind like that i mean if you're a sigma male shouldn't you be like off in the woods making moves by yourself dominating yourself okay now here's where things get interesting as you can probably tell by the that video about how to act around low value women sigma males or at least this guy seems to think that he's a little bit above an alpha male in the in the pecking order this is a problem for alpha males because before sigma males were invented alpha males used to be like the top dog and now these sigma males come out of the woodwork saying we're so hot we can't be dominated we have to pretend to be your ugly asses when low value women come around and honestly it seems like this is kind of shaken the alpha male community there's a student named alpha m who's pretty big on youtube and tick tock he does videos offering fashion life dating advice to dudes who want to become as alpha as him you've got to make sure that you're exposing a little bit of tricep proper way to tie your sneaks your age divide it by two and then add seven so if i technically was single i'd be like yo you're 28 sorry you're too young 29 yes please this is a feminine way of sitting i've seen this dude's videos plenty of times before and they've always seemed very like hacky and fake to me a lot of times it seems like he's giving really simple solutions to complicated problems that take a lot of effort to overcome if you want to be more confident walk with a nice medium pace like he has a tic tac about how to make you trust people more psychological trick to make other people like you more and his solution is to wear blue wear blue he also has a tick talk about how to make yourself more attractive where his solution is to wear red research has shown that when a man wears the color red something crazy happens psychologically to his sex appeal i wonder what he thinks about wearing purple so yeah all of his videos are basically just like hacks to make you more desirable to women one of the things that you must be able to do as a dude is change a flat tire you might see some spicy a senorita stranded on the side of the road and you're like excuse me mrs spicy cindy rita can i help you change the tire and she's gonna be like oh my god thank you when you're done let's make out in the back of my car it could happen but it can't happen if you don't know what to do if you got a flat tire yep that's right if you ever want to get a girl dude you got to learn how to fix a flat tire step one to fixing a flat tire open the hood that's word though that's where the wheels are anyway he's got a youtube video called 15 signs you're a sigma male and is it better than alpha and i think it gives a really good glimpse into how alpha males feel about this new category of man sigma now there's a sigma what the sigma what's up gentlemen yeah i think it gives a pretty good glimpse about how they feel what the [ __ ] i'm gonna run through these 15 traits of the sigma mail i'll let you follow along decide whether or not it's you or if it's not i don't care but what i do care about after i'm done is telling you what you need to know and what you need to do to be alpha sigma or even beta because technically nobody wants to be a bait i'm going to tell you what not to do in order to not be a beta speak for yourself dude trying to get dominated so he reads through the traits of sigma males and seems to get confused by a few of them they have an ambiguous morality which i have no idea what that even means they have rusty social skills also not sure they can fit into friend groups but don't rely on them they tend to have small but close friend circles wait i thought you did so i didn't need a friend's circle sort of being like what how could this person exist the person who doesn't doesn't need a bunch of friends someone who's kind of a loner what how does everyone not want to be the center of attention all the time that doesn't make any sense apparently sigma males don't really care about their appearance they don't care about brand names they don't care about what they wear and this is something that i have an issue with it doesn't matter how amazing you are if you're not taking pride in your appearance it doesn't matter how badass sigma you are you are not going to have the opportunities that you need in order to be all the things that a sigma is supposed to be it's really weird here it's like he it doesn't compute that someone could be like a successful driven person without being like super interested in brand names and like hyper focused on their appearance it's almost like he wants you to think that you can only be fulfilled in life if you follow his own fashion advice wear blue there's nothing absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to look good and look sexy right you got to take care of your grooming because if you're whack and you stink people aren't going to want to hang out with you no wonder you're alone it kind of feels like the existence of this new term sigma males is just like crumbling his his world view in front of our eyes like i said i don't really see the point in likening yourself to a wolf or a tiger or whatever you want to call it but i also don't think that you can deny that there are like people who like to be more alone that are successful or people that don't care about their appearance as much that are successful i don't know just kind of feels like he's trying to sell you his lifestyle and he built his whole channel around the phrase alpha male because he thought that this was like the only cool type of man and he's now finding out that there's like a different cool type of man and he just can't handle it gentlemen people form opinions about you in the first three seconds upon meeting you and if you want to have the most opportunities you possibly can you've got to pay attention to your style your clothes need to be good your accessories need to be straight gentlemen if you want to check out the baddest ass most affordable amazing sunglasses out there on the market okay yep well i don't think it can get any more obvious than that that whole video was like i don't really know if sigma's exist i kind of think that alphas are the only cool type of male and i'm an alpha male and if you want to be an alpha male you've got to buy my sunglasses needs to be straight so yeah there you go that's that's kind of the the eternal battle between the sigma and the alpha male let me know in the comments if you're alpha sigma ligma and with that being said it is now time to talk about the sponsor of today's video which is actually not that guy sunglass company it's current this video has been sponsored by current thank you to curran for sponsoring this video current is a great sponsor for this channel because not only do they support my channel when they sponsor me but they also support you guys by giving you money current is banking entirely on your phone they're not like older traditional financial institutions that are always trying to hide information they've got 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Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 4,688,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Id: iO8la7BZUlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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