the weirdest youtube shorts i could find

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Impressive_Impress65 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone welcome back to my second channel this is the second best channel on all of youtube thank you for coming back for another epic video today we're going to be looking at this guy paul vu tv's youtube channel i've gotten a couple dms telling me to check this guy out and it looks like he's got some pretty interesting content i've watched like two of his youtube shorts and uh it's kind of like a new a brand new genre of youtube i'm not really sure how to describe it the first weird thing about his youtube channel is if you click on it it says this channel doesn't have any content which is not true this channel does have content because if you click on the videos tab suddenly you will see all of his content i'm not really sure why they don't show up on the home page i think it's cause like the vast majority of his youtube videos are youtube shorts which is like a new thing and so maybe youtube doesn't know how to put those on your channel yet i don't i don't understand how that works okay the only video i've watched of his so far is this one called the husband let pizza guy do what to his wife and it was super strange so i'll show you guys that one first i guess how's it going are you sure yeah no hey here i'll take the pizza this is all for you go ahead and cut wow how are you doing why don't you unwrap me so his youtube videos i guess are like skits that are like kind of trying to seem like real i don't know like hidden camera footage or something like so hard to tell if he's trying to pass these off as real or just be like this is kind of a funny scenario right it's not real but is this kind of a funny scenario the description doesn't really tell us anything more about it either the title is husband-led pizza guy do what to his wife and the description is husband let pizza guy do what to his wife anyway yeah they give him scissors to cut through her wrapping paper i love how awkward this is she's just standing there like before he even gets there when did you say the pizza was coming oh yeah it's not gonna be here for three hours three hours he's really happy about it i feel like i mean like even if you were like the most horny guy on the planet don't you think that this would just be like a weird situation i feel like i'd be too like weirded out to to enjoy this with this this guy standing over your shoulder smiling why is he in a suit he's in a man's suit and she's in her birthday suit literally i made a good joke because it's got balloons on it so she's literally in a birthday suit good joke danny you did it he's wearing an i love jesus and pizza shirt it should say i love naked late i love naked women and pizza that's what it should say anyway let's see what happens when he cuts it off this is very interesting he deserves man he's just savoring the moment dude he's not even doing it fast he could just tear it right off but he's using the little scissors they gave him commenting all along the way this is really nice i really do he's enjoying this so much we love your pizza shop oh well i'm glad you guys do i'll definitely this right here yeah wait oh wait what happened i looked away for one second and all of a sudden she's in different wrapping paper they try to make it look like he cut off this balloon wrapping paper and then underneath was this wrapping paper but she's holding it up i don't understand this at all also at the beginning of the shot he's like biting his thumb like he's just trying to restrain himself so hard isn't biting your thumb at someone wasn't that like flipping someone off in like renaissance era time i feel like that's in a shakespeare play isn't that in like romeo and juliet yeah romeo and juliet quotes placing a thumb behind your front top teeth and flicking it out is a symbolic gesture similar to flipping someone off maybe that's what he's doing he cut off all of this wrapping paper and was like there's more wrapping paper [ __ ] you go [ __ ] it yourself i love jesus and pizza not these games i don't like waiting and then it just ends you see what i mean when i say like i don't know what genre of youtube video this is it's unlike anything i've ever seen before i feel like and i want to watch more but unfortunately this channel does not have any content so goodbye this video is dope now okay let's watch another one of his videos i think we should go to maybe his most popular videos this one is called she became a nurse and got away it says most popular video holy [ __ ] dude it has 145 million views what the frick right off the bat i'm super curious as to what the setup is so there's like a criminal in the hospital is this like a hospital a jail hospital he's in jail and he's in the hospital i guess like if you get injured doing a crime they do have to probably bring you to the hospital and you're also an inmate i was thinking he got arrested in the hospital maybe and now he's in hospital jail you were getting better fast enough now we're gonna lock you up put you in solitary confinement how much better that gets you and he's being guarded apparently by the swat team he's in like a totally regular police outfit except it says swat on his vest they brought in the swat team to watch this guy what did he do all right let's watch this video okay so it's seeming like this person is going to be the one becoming a nurse and got away okay we're 13 seconds in and this video is a minute long is this whole video just gonna be this guy staring at this girl's butt while this person gets away if so why the [ __ ] does this have 145 million views oh yep all right oh it's a mask i mean i knew it was a mask but i wasn't sure if we were supposed to know that it's a mask you know look at this guy good god dude this guy has complete tunnel vision he's so entranced by this bud swat team they should put him on a smack team the only thing he wants to swat is some butt is a butt that was not as good as my birthday suit joke i like that she's just a normal clothes under her prison jumpsuit do they really do that i'm just picturing like a like a tough guy in a like orange jumpsuit and he takes it off to get in the shower and he's wearing like a suit and tie underneath yeah i'm actually an accountant i'm just in here for tax evasion and fraud okay she's taking out a nurse outfit okay i'll see you guys shift did not stick the landing honestly what the [ __ ] was that last bit of the getaway she could have rolled off the bed this way and just straight up walked away instead she was like hey i just want to make sure you notice me leaving and you see my face and you see that i'm leaving also my pants are literally falling off as i'm walking away i'm surprised this guy didn't notice this [ __ ] animal her mask is still sticking out from under the pillow what is the premise of this video how did she get in jail in this mask was she arrested in this mask and the doctors at the hospital didn't realize that it's not that that wasn't skin on her face that it's a latex mask what kind of hospital are they running here dude who is this guy paul vu tv from his profile picture i don't think i've seen him in either of the videos we've watched so far who is this guy does he have any videos that aren't like youtube shorts if i go to the oldest videos on his channel double one-handed rubik's cube world record okay this is like the only video on his channel that's not a youtube short oh [ __ ] okay is this one real he's really about to solve two rubik's cubes with his with one hand [Music] god damn dude that was impressive you could just do this for every video and i would still think it was impressive what an interesting character dude there's another wrapping paper video here she surprised her cheating boyfriend with a gift what are you wearing oh my god what are you wearing man the chemistry here it's uh [Music] well there is none honestly can i hug you what am i i don't know what to do should i unwrap me i'm okay um okay okay should i tear it what do you think it's gonna be under there is it gonna be the other woman do you think she's gonna be kind of like grabbed on koala style who's this honey yeah who am i honey are you what are you wearing there's something underneath yes no maybe i don't know he just wants to make sure there is something underneath you promise i don't like looking at naked women except for my mistress okay okay okay god damn dude these videos could be like 16 seconds long but instead they're 6d seconds long why does he spend so much time unwrapping the wrapping paper most of this video is just him uncomfortably peeling away the wrapping paper what is that what is that some kind of paper some kind of paper with writing on it what is that no i mean the dress what's it where'd you get that it's cute what are you talking about i didn't show you anything and then it just ends i guess you know what they say always leave them wanting more just end the video right as the conflict begins actually you know how in movies they have that like plot structure and the conflict supposed to be like the inciting action this ends right there that's supposed to be like the beginning of a story and they're like no that's the end actually i know you cheated on me credits that'd be like if the movie up ended with the guy's wife dying oh no she's dead and then that's the end you leave the movie like why the [ __ ] was that called up this movie about a guy's wife dying it was really sad it was called up but it got me feeling down okay let's keep looking at his most popular video he took that prank way too far this one's got 56 million views okay they're making a really cold kiddie pool the girl behind the camera is losing her mind she thinks this is the best thing she's ever seen gosh [Music] come on what no way dude so they just straight up made this guy think that this is his bed okay hold on i guess we got to watch the whole thing first before i start ripping it apart maybe they'll explain it was like no i was always sleeping on a kiddie pool it just wasn't filled with water before oh that makes sense yeah okay that actually makes a lot of sense they really cleared that up oh i'm just wondering what his bed looked like where he wouldn't have noticed that i mean it's so obviously fake kind of anyone could pick holes in it because it's fake but look at how this guy gets into bed not a gentle sit down after a long day ah it's butt first into the center of the bed not even like sit on the edge of the bed and lay down just so we're clear this is how he was going to land on the bed regardless of what was underneath the bed this is how he was going to land on the bed it's only about here that things start to get hairy and not how he expected them to turn out now he's trapped and he gets all tangled up in their blankets and he drowns and it's all funny he gets tangled up and he can't escape and he drowns and his friends film it he posted one three hours ago called when the homeless veteran sees the money the homeless veteran the us finally got us down to one homeless veteran that's crazy you know always been saying they should treat veterans better and i guess they finally did they got us down to one makes you wonder what's up with that guy right homeless by choice perhaps okay let's find out what happens when the homeless veteran sees the money ah you can tell this guy's rich because he's wearing a suit i like that just like in the other video where the guy was uh unwrapping the girl's dress the other guy was wearing a suit that's how you knew he was rich people who give away lots of money wear suits that's why mr beast is wearing a suit in all of his videos this is a fact we know this so this guy the homeless vet the homeless vet i guess i could see him not noticing the trash bag did he not notice this guy set up the tripod with the camera right here in front of the guy starting to think these videos are fake man what the hell [Music] what is he doing this is obviously fake so i'm not really making fun of a homeless person right now i'm making fun of this dude poorly acting as a homeless person what is he doing he's just taking trash out of his bag crumpling it up and setting it on the ground like so gently is this what homeless people do or sorry is this what the homeless person does sits on the ground and puts trash on the ground oh he's got it again why are these why are these videos so long that's what i was gonna say but then i also started laughing at it jump cutting to later in time and now he's got a ton of trash on the ground like he's been at this all day this guy's been standing here for like three hours while this guy slowly crumples up trash and puts it on the ground wow i wish we could have seen a little bit more of that reaction that was about 58 and a half seconds of a guy crumpling up trash and half a second of him crying also kind of [ __ ] up because like this is one that didn't need to be fake you know they could have just given a bunch of money to a homeless person also i've noticed the comments on like every single one of the videos being about how the people in the video don't notice the cameraman so the cameraman has an invisibility cloak where does your cameraman get those invisibility potions i need some they're like all about him having an invisibility potion i don't know who was the first person to make that joke but everyone is using it now on like every video if i just click on a random video watch this okay well maybe i clicked on the one video that doesn't have it kind of embarrassing okay wait no this video okay this video was posted like three hours ago so that's why it doesn't happen how about this one doctor gets busted let's take a look at the comments them doing their thing the cameraman drinks invisibility potion told you told you i wasn't making it up all of the comments are about invisibility potions okay let's see what this video is doctor gets busted is the doctor supposed to know there's a camera in this scene dude look at the look at his eyes looking at this camera this man thinks no he knows he's about to die that's what's going on here this is the only good acting i've seen so far dude holy [ __ ] this guy is absolutely petrified i came as soon as i as soon as i heard oh my gosh um okay wow i didn't know you were back for someone who's trying to like stay still and not make noise he's moving around an awful lot i gotta be quiet i gotta be quiet i gotta be quiet oh of course yes yeah just okay okay he's leaving the room what's he gonna do why did he even hide in the first place he's a doctor he's supposed to be in the room it's not weird for him to be in there it's only weird if he hides because if he sees him down here then he knows something's up if you were to just go from being on the bed to standing next to the bed there would be no issue he'd just be like yeah well i'm the doctor so what i'm tending to your wife she got in a horrible accident someone was trying to unwrap her with scissors and they stay and they broke right through her skin okay well let's see what happens i can't do this i just can't do this anymore he's proposing why is her rose petal did he toss those before he started proposing maybe to pull the ring box out that's always kind of an awkward moment in the proposal he started he like threw rose petals at her face yeah and then while she was kind of like stunned and disoriented he pulled out the ring box could be a trick he learned in the military i don't know give me that hey that's my ring will you marry me what is good oh my god i can't do these videos are kind of funny i got to be honest i can't tell if they're funny in like the way that they intend to be or not what am i supposed to feel when i watch these i don't know i mean maybe they're just funny videos i kind of like them no i don't really they're too strange i think they're a little too strange for me and way too long you'd think a minute isn't that long but that somehow these videos make a minute seem like a full-length movie where the only thing that happens is a guy cuts wrapping paper off of a girl for two hours all right let's watch one more what do you say well a lot of these are like cheating and military related she cheated in front of everyone there's a guy in a military uniform military husband catches cheating white is this target demographic like paranoid married military guys this is what they watch overseas guys our soldiers are just watching these videos being like i [ __ ] knew it she turned rich and go in it's a command she turned rich and go in no you need to go you need to go okay i can already tell you the next 45 seconds are about to be this girl changing into a fancy outfit can i play this on double speed just to prove my point please thank you there she goes and she's changed and we'll go back to normal speed why'd he just stand there seems like it didn't work dude seems like he's not even noticing it what if that's how it ended she's like holding the briefcase and he's still like he just doesn't even look at her she's like oh hello and he's just like what go away i'm a platinum member of this bank what is taking so long i need to go inside you not see that's kind of [ __ ] up that banks will turn you away just for looking homeless makes you wonder what happened to the homeless vet after he got all that money maybe he wasn't even able to open a checking account all right well you know what i feel like that was some pretty strange content thank you for watching bye
Channel: 2 Danny 2 Furious
Views: 2,800,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, dannygonzalez, funny, skit, vine comedy, vines
Id: arcUfhhOcSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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