I Method Acted As Jared Leto For A Month

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there is currently a war raging in hollywood to see who is the coolest guy who is the biggest alpha chad who slays the most puss the war is obviously a very close race between machine gun kelly and jared leto they're both filmmakers they both have amazing style they're both certified rock stars and well mgk likes emo girls [Music] and jared leto likes anime girls you sound like my type of my type of fox they can both agree on their love for teenage girls i'm counting down the days until she's 18. i'm not waiting till she's 18 i'll go now but the one thing that jared leto has going for him that mgk will never have is that he starred in the most successful movie of all time morbius so far morbius has made 352 trillion dollars at the box office and it has a 203 percent rating on rotten tomatoes numbers like these were previously thought to be impossible but this should teach everyone a lesson that you don't underestimate jared [ __ ] leto jared leto also played the greatest joker of all time in the movie suicide squad his joker made joaquin phoenix's joker look like an in-cell loser leto's joker is a giga chad who wears grills and [ __ ] [ __ ] phoenix's joker is such a pathetic incel loser that the only way he can get a girlfriend is by making one up in his mind which do you think is cooler dancing around your apartment shirtless looking like a scrawny weirdo or laying down in a pile of knives leto's joker is objectively cooler in every way only a [ __ ] badass would get the word damage tattooed on their forehead now you could say that walking phoenix's joker is better because his movie had better acting character development plot world building script music directing and cinematography but if you did say that i would know that you're a pathetic film nerd who will never slay puss like jared does jared has now starred in the greatest dc film of all time and the greatest marvel film of all time he's also won an oscar but obviously only film nerd [ __ ] give a [ __ ] about that now you might be asking yourself how does jared leto play such iconic roles in every single movie he stars in the answer method acting some shitty actors like tom hanks only act when the camera is rolling but good actors like jared leto stay in character for the entire filming process always staying in character like this allows leto to become the characters he plays once filming begins he is no longer jared leto he has become michael morbius jared leto is so devoted to the roles that he plays i've heard that he actually killed all of the actors that morbius kills in the movie that's what it takes to be a truly committed method actor method acting always leads to better results there are absolutely no downsides to method acting oh but if you take method acting too far you can destroy your body and mental health first of all mental health is a lie made up by psychologists to steal your money second of all an actor's body is just a tool and sometimes if you want to get the best performance you're going to have to destroy your tools it's just like when you're doing some tough yard work out in your garden sometimes if you want to get the job done you're going to have to break a few hoes destroying your body while method acting is like breaking hoes sometimes it's necessary but what if the other actors get uncomfortable with your method acting during suicide squad jared sent the other actors rats and used condoms that is just too far they're actors this is what they signed up for people should know when they choose to become an actor that they're gonna get sent a few used condoms at some point during their career that's called show business you don't get to have boundaries when you're an actor since this video is about jared leto i decided to attempt something that has never been done in another commentary video ever before with most commentary videos the youtuber just chooses a topic and then gives their opinion on it but if i'm gonna give my commentary on a method actor then i need to truly get inside of his mind just like he gets inside of the minds of every character that he plays so this will be the first method commentary video of all time i will attempt to do everything that jared leto has ever done and by living life through his eyes i will be able to give the definitive commentary on exactly what type of man jared leto really is let me take a second to tell you about today's sponsor aura do you know what the fastest growing crime in america is for years now the rate of this crime has been on the rise and it's affecting millions of americans and no i am not talking about jaywalking i am talking about identity theft imagine trying to log into your email one day and noticing that your password has been changed hours ago and suddenly you start getting notifications from your bank your credit card your roblox account that's why i am so excited to partner with aura who has sponsored this video aura is identity theft protection fraud monitoring a vpn a password manager and an anti-virus software all wrapped up in one easy to use app aura monitors the dark web for your emails passwords and social security number and then sends an alert right to your phone if there's a data breach when it comes to fraud every second matters so connect your bank accounts and credit cards to aura and get notified four times faster than aura's competitors i was shocked that aura found my email and password leaked on 12 different dark web sites leave a comment below if aura finds any dark web breaches with your information their vpn allows you to stay anonymous online and their anti-virus software will block malware and viruses from infecting your devices protect you and your family from america's fastest growing crime try aura free for two weeks and see if you or your family's information has been compromised start your free trial today at aura.com mr beard thanks again to aura i thought one way to get inside of jared's mind would be to replicate some of the things he has done for some of his most iconic roles so i bought some condoms and a dead rat from a reptile food store unfortunately i didn't have any other actors that i could give these to so i had to give them to my girlfriend instead [Music] baby i brought you breakfast in bed thank you what is it it's your favorite rating oh my god oh my god get out get out what the [ __ ] is that ryan in the movie morbius the character of michael morbius is extremely frail and physically impaired so whenever jared leto had to use the bathroom on set he had a crew member push him to the bathroom in a wheelchair in order to replicate this for the past month i've been having my girlfriend push me to the bathroom whenever i need to [ __ ] or piss chloe i need to take a [ __ ] chloe chloe yes ryan i need to take a [ __ ] so could you please push me to the toilet it's the third time today you don't need to go again you know that i have overactive bowels and sometimes i need to [ __ ] multiple times let's go and it's honestly kind of ableist that you're complaining like this [Music] don't touch my keyboard shut up okay there you go go what do you mean there you go go i can't walk yes you can i am physically impaired so you have to carry me to the toilet this is the last time okay you're being very ableist right now and i'm very offended giving my girlfriend a condom rat and forcing her to push me to the toilet definitely helped me start seeing the world through jared's eyes but if i wanted to fully transform into jared i would need to go much deeper recently there have been some disgusting false allegations that jared leto runs a cult these allegations are complete and utter [ __ ] just because he calls his fans the echelon and he gets them to tattoo illuminati-like triangles on their bodies and he's been accused of texting a bunch of teenage girls and he invites his fans to his private island where he dresses up like jesus and he makes them all dress in white and he's sold merch that says yes this is a cult and he's tweeted yes this is a cult doesn't mean that it's actually a cult it's clearly meant to be a parody of cults jared's just a bit of a prankster texting teenagers from your private island is a classic hollywood prank the triangle symbol that jared has tattooed on his body and he tries to get his fans to tattoo on their bodies is a symbol associated with his band 30 seconds to mars 30 seconds to mars is an alternative rock band that came to prominence around 2010 one of my favorite moments from their music videos is when jared looks super sexy while committing war crimes at the end of the music video a bunch of tanks and helicopters fly past jared's head and get stuck to this giant triangle now if you remember the triangle is also the symbol of jared's fandom the echelon in my opinion the message behind this video is that the only way to achieve true world peace is for everyone to join the echelon but again this is not a cult you can get this echelon symbol tattooed on you if you visit jared's private island mars island jared also once told his fans that they could have a chance to be in the music video for the song do or die if they got lyrics from the song tattooed on their body while chanting i am the echelon i am i am i am i am the yes i am nothing about this is cult-like behavior they did this all of their own free will no one forced them to get the tattoos they just did it because they love jared so much look if you're not a part of the echelon then you just wouldn't understand the band's logo is a cross with the echelon symbol in the middle which to me seems to be implying that jared sees himself as a modern day jesus this is supported by how he'll regularly dress up like jesus and i think this is cool as hell because the jesus in the bible is honestly old news at this point and we've all been looking for an updated jesus and i think jared fills that role perfectly [Music] what are you wearing this is my outfit as leader of the echelon what is that smell just rat and condom stew jesus [ __ ] cries as part of my method acting i wanted to get this symbol tattooed on my body but my girlfriend told me that i shouldn't permanently alter my body for a youtube video so instead i just covered my entire body in the symbol with marker while chanting i am the echelon i am the echelon i am the echelon i am the echelon i am the echelon something about covering my body in this symbol while chanting i am the echelon filled me with an insatiable desire to devote my entire life to jared but just because i have the urge to give all of my money and time and attention to jared does not mean i'm in a cult i can leave at any time i just don't want to while covering my body in these symbols definitely made me want to devote my life to jared i still hadn't become jared i had to go deeper a big part of method acting is how actors will make their bodies look like the bodies of the character they're playing unfortunately though my body doesn't look very much like jared leto's body honestly i look a lot more like paulo gucci the character that jared played in the movie house of gucci jared leto is 50 years old but somehow he still looks like he's in his 30s but i started asking myself how does jared look so good for his age and then i noticed something in this picture a trail of red leading down from jared's mouth and i realized what if the character of morbius isn't a character at all what if jared leto has been morbius this whole time and he's been drinking blood for years and the blood is what gives him his youthful appearance maybe if i start drinking blood it'll make me lose weight and get in shape and look like jared so i went to my local butcher and bought some blood unfortunately it was the most disgusting thing that i have ever tasted and it didn't make me lose weight or look any younger it just gave me diarrhea jared regularly holds festivals on his private island which for the reasonable price of just a few thousand dollars gives his devoted echelon a chance to get closer to jared jared once made a very funny joke about how everyone at the camp should leave their doors unlocked because at night they might get a visit from jared everybody check out their rooms or their tents okay make sure you leave your door unlocked and no this is not creepy this is called being fun and flirty with your fans don't forget to leave the door unlocked cause i might come [ __ ] you you better sleep with one eye open cause you might get [ __ ] sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite also i might [ __ ] you in your sleep jared's willingness to have sex with his fans truly shows how much he cares about them there is no greater act of love on this planet than giving someone your penis also in 2013 30 seconds to mars held a contest where the top prize was the chance to spend a magical night in jared's bed most bands just give away [ __ ] like merch or concert tickets when they do giveaways but not jared jared always makes sure to give his fans special experiences and by special experiences i mean his penis in order to become like jared i asked my manager if i could also hold a giveaway like this hey how's it going hey what's up ryan what's going on man i've been thinking about setting up a giveaway with my fans where the winner gets to uh sleep with me wait what'd you say i want to set up a giveaway where like the top prize is like they get a chance to you know have sex with me ryan that is literally the worst idea i've ever heard and you pitch me ideas all the time but this one definitely takes the cake as the worst you you can't do that why can't i do that well your career will end first of all second of all you literally have a girlfriend okay well i don't know why my career would end i'm just literally showing how much i love my fans and second of all it would be acting you know in movies they have sex scenes all the time this would be basically like that i don't even know how you come up with this stuff give away money why don't you give away i don't know a free face time i don't know something like that that is not the way of the echelon that is not the jared leto way carol is not even that good of an actor i don't even know why you want to met that okay all right i think our our professional relationship is gonna have to come to a close if you start saying [ __ ] like that jared leto's not a good actor well i'm sorry have you seen morbius it was terrible okay all right too far too far man all right well i'm gonna go find a manager who actually cares about the fan base and will allow me to sleep with them bye good luck bye well i guess because of my lame ass manager i can't hold a contest where one of you gets to have sex with me but uh just in case to anyone watching don't forget to leave your door unlocked tonight because you never know what might happen [Music] sorry i'm just trying to practice getting jared's joker laughed down [Applause] one thing that everyone loves about jared is how he always asserts dominance in any interview that he does with women so much i just noticed how perfect your hair was it's so perfect you have like skin poking out here and there's you know whole thing happening yeah none of it do you always kind of get so sexed out when you're on your interviews no he always makes sure to touch women and give them compliments even when they act like they don't want it because deep down he knows that they actually do want it don't let go that's my trick that's my don't let go like what do you expect him to do read women's body language and pick up on their verbal cues that they're uncomfortable so he can respect their boundaries what are you some kind of simp the only way to be a true alpha male is to ignore every signal that women give you to get better at treating women this way i decided to practice on my good friend nick is not green hi nick how's it going what's going on man what's what's uh going on with your little get up i don't know what you're talking about nick but i just wanted you to know that you're looking really good today i'm you're saying i'm looking good have you been working out recently what's with the hair the beard you look like a spirit halloween jesus right now you look like you smell really good i appreciate the compliments but i just don't i never noticed how pink your lips were before you ever notice how pink my lips were yeah it looks like a little puppy's a little puppy's belly area your hair looks like a delicious bowl of black noodles how soft is your hair on a scale of i don't feel i don't want you to talk about my hair it's it's a it's an eight but i don't want to talk about my hair right now your eyes look like beautiful dark chocolates that i just wanna whatever whatever you're doing here it's creepy it's weird it's not okay you can't just call people you can't just go up to people and compliment them out of nowhere i don't care that you just keep saying compliments you think i'm just gonna suddenly feel good about myself yeah that's what i want i just want you to feel so good i want you to feel as good about yourself as i feel about you yeah i'm not i don't feel good about it i don't feel good about it i feel like i want to stop talking about this has anyone ever told you that your teeth look like beautiful elephant tusks that's not a compliment what part of that makes you feel like i'm gonna feel good about it because ivory is a widely sought after luxury good listen dude i'm not i don't want to do it anymore this this [ __ ] is just stressing me out i don't like it okay well if you're stressed out then we could lay down have a nice cuddle no i'm not i'm not talking about it anymore i'm going bye bye i'm hanging up okay bye while that technique may not have worked on nick i promise that it will work on women especially anime women i love your character is so cute and your outfit is great too lowness looks like a gucci outfit it's uh very very nice wow he learned something new every day he sounded like my type of uh my type of fox do you have a tail or is that your hair in the back hair and a tail wow the best the best of both worlds this clip comes from an interview for morbius that jarrod did with a japanese v tuber named fubuki you can clearly tell that jared is very comfortable and in his element in this interview once i found out that jared's type of girl is anime fox girls my type of uh my type of fox i decided to watch eight straight hours of fox girl hentai and by doing this i learned much more about my own sexuality and much much more about the anatomy of foxes but jared isn't only attracted to anime fox girls he's actually attracted to everything what turns me on i would like to answer that by asking a question what doesn't turn me on any kink that you can possibly imagine jared has that kink and this is actually very smart because you can't kink shame a man who has every kink and not only does jared have every kink he also believes that everyone is trans in the movie dallas buyers club jared plays the role of a trans woman and when he was asked in an interview how he summoned his inner transsexual for this role he said it's inside of all of us our inner trans so according to this everyone has a transgender person inside of them if you're a cisgendered woman you have a trans man inside of you if you're a cisgendered man you have a trans woman inside of you don't try to deny it this is just how the world works once the echelon ascends to power and all wars come to an end we will all be trans and i think we can all agree that everyone being forced to be trans sounds like a perfect utopia to all the people who keep labeling jared as problematic you need to realize that jared is actually the most progressive person in existence he has every kink he believes that everyone is trans and he realizes that age is just a number this is something that both jared leto and jared fogle have in common baby please just let me text one 16 year old no please jared leto takes 16 year olds so if i want to ascend to the full level of method acting as jared leto i have to text a 16 year old that doesn't make any [ __ ] sense you are not texting of course it makes sense are you an actor you don't understand i'm not gonna do anything weird with the 16 year old okay i might just say hey you want to come to my private island nothing creepy i do have a private island because i am jared leto no you don't and that doesn't even matter why are you doing this because this is what method acting is method acting isn't easy method acting requires sacrifices and you're not willing to sacrifice for my art i want you to stop ryan okay i'll stop if you let me text the 16 year old yep that's the deal don't even hate yourself right now yeah i hear myself i hear a devoted method actor jesus christ no fine then i'm not jared leto okay i'm not i'm just mr beard oh look it was mr beard all along [ __ ] you i'm here [ __ ] you thank you well since my girlfriend hates method acting i wasn't allowed to text any 16 year olds so i wasn't able to fully transform into jared leto so this entire video has been a massive failure what truly goes on inside the mind of jared leto i'll never know because of people like my manager and my girlfriend and nick is not green holding me back you know what the joker was right when he said that we live in a society we live in a society we live in a society that chooses lies over truth maybe that's why people hate method actors because they're the only ones who are willing to tell the truth maybe if i want to truly become jared and truly ascend to the top of the echelon i need to cut them all out everyone that's holding me back i don't need them all i need is only jared only the echelon only jared only the echelon only jared only the echelon sorry guys i i think maybe um drinking that blood and and the fumes from the boiled rat and the markers might have gotten to me um i do not recommend becoming jared unless you want to be a narcissistic [ __ ] who only cares about themself and not about the ways that your actions hurt others but hey that's what hollywood is all about so if that's the type of person you are then why not become jared leto go for it i uh i hope you enjoyed this insane video just so you know the blood was fake and we bought the rat from a reptile food store that my girlfriend's sister buys rats from to feed her snake so the rat was already dead and it was gonna be fed to a snake regardless i made sure to follow all of the american humane society's guidelines about the ethical treatment of animals and i've linked that below everything i said in this video was obviously completely sarcastic and satirical and if you take any of my advice genuinely you are stupid a huge thank you to everyone who supports me on patreon because you make it possible for me to make these videos that are more in depth and have more moving parts because they take longer to film also i've been doing some live streams on this channel recently so stay on the lookout for those i have been loving making content recently so i'm just gonna keep the ball rolling hopefully there'll be another video soon i'll see you then [Music] you
Channel: Mr Beard
Views: 204,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jared Leto, Commentary, Funny, Satire, Cults, Thirty Seconds To Mars, The Joker, Morbius, Mr Beard, Ryan Beard
Id: lOqWhOvRqkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 46sec (1786 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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