The Creepy House - STORY TIME

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel so since halloween is coming up I figured I could tell you guys a creepy story of something that happened to me um when I was younger so creepy storytime let's say so whether you believe in like ghosts or demons or whatever just try and keep an open mind because stories are more fun with an open mind so pretty much when I was around 12 and 13 I lived in Paris and I lived in the suburb sorry my stomach keeps rumbling I'm really hungry I lived in the suburbs and this like fancy suburban neighborhood that was like very quiet very residential very chill so we lived in this three-story house and it was a three storey house and then it had a basement under so it's talking to like four floors but anyways a series of very strange things happened while I lived there now I don't know if it was haunted I don't know what the deal was but weird happened so the first thing that happened that I remember was that my pets kept dying I know that's like super morbid but pretty much I had a guinea pig called Ralph Vito and he died and when like we just brought him to the vet like a week previous and just because me too recently gotten him and we just wanted to make sure everything was okay he said that it was in perfectly good health and he wasn't like a baby either so he wasn't like pretty early prone to anything so he just randomly died and there was apparently no cause for it because we find that after he died to see if there was something to figure out nothing so okay after that I also had a dog called lucky very original I know and lucky was I think like 1 or 2 years old at that point and just like the sweetest dog ever honestly my first dog and lucky died randomly I think like two weeks later and I was like what the so obviously I was destroyed I remember I went to sleep over at my best friend's didn't even want to be in the house like consider that lucky wasn't there anymore and we actually got lucky checked after like it was horrible to think about but I wanted his insides to be cut open so we could figure out like what the deal was and apparently lucky had been poisoned you know what's interesting nobody lived on either side of us like both houses were empty at the time so and those were the only people like that shared walls with us and aside from that we didn't bring lucky outside often because we had like a huge huge garden lucky was small so that was more than enough room so that was very weird and note we didn't have any like rat poison or anything in the house we didn't even own anything like that so that was very weird quite devastating okay so that happened then I had a babysitter because my mom obviously worked and she went on trip sometimes would be away weeks at a time so I would stay home with this babysitter the end up staying with us for like eight years and she even moved to China with this and her name was Isabel so I was just doing my normal thing going to school coming back whatever and every so often Isabel would have like a really strange expression on her face and I was just kind of like a first I just figured something might have upset her that day or like she was just tired so most the time I didn't want to pry too much and at one point I was like II Oh like what's going on and she was like I've been seeing things and I was like what does that even mean because Isabel wasn't particularly like a believer and she was a particularly spiritual so it was extremely random like note that in the 8 years I knew her even after this happened she'd never brought up anything like that and at that point Isabel had already been with us for a couple of years already so it was very weird so she said that and I was like wait what what do you mean like you've been singing things and she was saying how sometimes she would look out in our garden and see the vision of like a man and I was like so there was a man in the garden oh no it was a vision I was like well how can you tell like what's what and she was like she was saying how he looked kind of transparent like he was there but you could also see through him slightly and I was like okay whatever you know like I didn't necessarily believe it I was just like she's just trying to like play tricks on me but then what happened is that another day I came home and she looked pale as and I was like what like what's going on and I just come home and I passed like through the gates and like come towards the house and she was like you didn't see him and I was like no and she was like the man was standing right next to you as you were passing through the gates and I was like so that really creeped me out um but again I didn't really make too much of it I don't know how I did but comparing him in his focus if someone told me that like today I think I would never sleep again but whatever little me was a lot more badass than older me apparently so the last thing that I want to talk about and that can do a part two because there are a lot of little stories here and there was the phone call so since our house was three floors we had a phone on every floor you know so obviously at least if you were on the third floor and if like - down to the first floor to answer the phone when when people still had home phones that wild thing and the cool thing was that I from the ground floor could call like Isabelle's room on the third floor so it was cool it felt very technological at the time so one day I was home alone Isabella went to visit her family and my mom was gonna be coming home soon because I think she was gonna get home like 1 or 2 hours after I got home so I was just like at home chilling and um I'm on the second floor because that's where my room was and I get a call from the third floor I still get really freaked out thinking about that now of course maybe wires crossed like I don't know I don't know there anything about technology but I got a call from 3rd floor and it said because it said like call from phone three Isabelle's room where no one was there so I remember just staring at the phone for a second and I darted like like ran down the stairs and I sat outside on the porch till my mom got home I was so freaked out by that anyways as usual let me know what you want to see from me thanks for watching
Views: 29,449
Rating: 4.9849248 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, creepy, story time, halloween, haunting, ghost
Id: sqlHPkV1-gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2017
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