My abusive babysitter - STORY TIME

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel so today we are doing something slightly different I'm still a bit sick so I'm sorry if I have to pause every so often but today we are going to be talking about my abusive babysitter so if you have seen the Q&A with my mother this babysitter in question was talked about and in case you haven't seen it pretty much when I was a kid my mom would travel sometimes two or three weeks at a time and of course we had a nanny who would live with us who would take care of me whenever my mom was not there so my mom voiced how hard it was to pick someone because of course you never know what someone is really like until after you test them however she went through this international service that pretty much got nannies and had their recommendations did background checks and were very thorough so all the people that my mom was interviewing were people that were the best of the best to begin with however every time there's a system like that there is someone who somehow just gets through so I had this nanny and my mom didn't want to describe her too much in the Q&A I did with her and my mom doesn't even know the extent of the abuse of nature of that nanny however I'm gonna call her Oprah because it's close to her actual name Oprah was a Muslim woman who was recommended to us by that system my mom went through now let us be clear my mom is Christian we never had had a Muslim nanny which is the main reason that I'm bringing it up because that was one big difference that we had with Oprah that she was Muslim she wore a job when she went out and there was no actual problem with that but it was a different thing and it also explains various parts of the story so to begin with everything with Oprah was fine she was taking me to the stop I was around eight or nine and we lived in neon in France and she was taking me to the bus stop picking me up after school making my food you know making sure I took a bath sure whatever everything was fine slowly but surely what happened was that she got another job and I honestly don't know what the other job was I think my mom might know but we haven't really talked about it in depth my mom doesn't like talking about it and she had another job so sometimes instead of taking me to the bus stop she made me go by myself which might not sound like a big deal but when you live in a city and you're asking an eight-year-old kid to go across a bridge at least to go to their bus stop in the morning and walk back in the afternoon it was kind of a big deal especially since considering she was living with us what she made was net you know so it was like everything she was paid she didn't have to pay electricity she didn't have to pay for food she didn't have to pay rent so you understand that considering that everything that she got was money that was net it was especially problematic that she was acting that way anyways I don't really think anything of it because I didn't know that it was something that my mom wouldn't have approved I just assumed my mom told her hey you can let her go to the bus stop by herself so at one point Oprah starts telling me that she has a crush on this other dude this Arabic dude I can't remember what his name was and we had an Arabic I think it was like an Arabic restaurant right around the corner and she didn't have a phone so we gave him one of my old phones one of those old bull kiosk Nokia's that if you drop them the concrete is gonna break so one day when she's actually picking me up from the bus stop she's talking to me about this one Arabic guy and I didn't see him coming but apparently he was coming our way and to shut me up instead saying hey can you please stop talking oh four took her nokia and slammed it up on my teeth to the point where all of my upper gums were bleeding so I get home I'm bleeding she takes care of it and she tells me to not tell my mom or else I will be alone because she was she told me that if she got fired my mom would hire anyone else and I would be alone at home forever which was like my biggest fear she knew I was scared of being home alone so she used that actively against me know most of her abusive behavior and manipulation was mental but there were times when I was physical for example there was another time where she was closing the windows and we had those windows we have to close them kind of together for them to like interlock and she got a piece of skin stuck between and she had to end up getting um sutures because it was a pretty big cut apparently and I was there when it happened but I was just in the room like I didn't really see what happened and she told me that she was gonna go out for a couple of hours and if I told my mom that she had gone out she wouldn't blame her injury on me and I would get into trouble now obviously now I can tell that that's a stupid thing and that my mom wouldn't believe it but at the time I was like eight so I did believe it and that was scared another thing which I think was the most intense thing that happened with Ofra was that so one day we were at home and my mom usually would come back later at night like 8 or 9 she'd work of very long days and we were at home and every so often we'd like to play with makeup especially lipsticks because you know I just had those cheap kind of Clair Z lipsticks and I remember I put on a lipstick and I was like I made a joke along the lines of oh you should wear this for the Arabic guy if you see him you know like you might think you're prettier with it on or some stupid [ __ ] like that and what happened is that Oh forgot pissed and she slapped me across the face of course three minutes later my mom comes home and she's home early and she sees that my face is red and she asks hey like what the [ __ ] is going on did you get hurt what happened did something happen at school blah blah I tell her that I was playing with my makeup I cover for her I say that I made two red marks like an Indian I know that whatever on my face and that I was just dressing up and playing around and that the makeup wasn't getting off and that's why my face was red so my mom at the time believed it because nothing and that she knew of had happened yet because I was so scared of this Oprah that I just didn't want to say anything during this whole time I was getting very badly physically bullied and if you guys want to know about that I can talk about it but that's not in the scope of this video but let's just say since I was getting bullied I was in a very bad mental state so essentially what ended up happening is that I was too scared to tell my mom cuz I always felt like Oprah was around or listening so if you saw the video with my mom you already know this part but when we were going back to Italy for vacation for Christmas I think I started crying uncontrollably in the car and I told my mom a tiny bit of what had been happening and that I told my mom that Oprah had like stopped kind of doing her real job and that a lot of times she wasn't there or like her dad was taking over I was going to the bus stop by myself and I was crying because Oprah had told me that if I told my mom I'd be left alone and she knew that was my biggest fear so when we got back from vacation my mom obviously fired Oprah but I think my mom had an inkling that there was something else going on that I hadn't been telling her so my mom not only fired her but said listen if anything happens to my daughter the police is going to come to you first before anyone else no matter what they're gonna come to you and your family first at the time I think my mom had a couple of friends that were in the police force so she did tell them what the situation was so there was a tiny bit of fear on my end that she would try and like get back at me or something but yeah I know this was a very weird and random story but I figured since my mom brought it up in the Q&A with her I would talk about it let me know what you guys think about all this whether you've had a similar situation with someone who was supposedly there to take care of you and instead just talks with you anyways thank you guys so much for watching and let's get on the better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Views: 178,177
Rating: 4.9472985 out of 5
Keywords: abuse, abusive, babysitter, only child
Id: eoLHSbSNg8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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