Lets Not Meet Compilation | Best True Scary Stories of May

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this occurred the last day of spring break it was around 3:00 in the morning and I was sitting in my living room I was eating and watching where my favorite shows Supernatural when I heard something at the back door someone or something was tapping on our sliding glass door not quite a knock but a very harsh tap at first I was furious because I thought my brother had somehow locked himself out and I wasn't about to get up and help him a few moments later my dog started growling and barking which scared me because he would never bark her growl at any family members when he ran to the back door I was thrown into a panic attack I had no idea what to do because my parents were asleep and was completely unaware of what was happening in their home my mind flooded with the worst-case scenarios and all the different ways someone could kill me or kidnapped me I realized that if I didn't do anything somebody might just waltz right into the house so I grabbed the poker from the fireplace and slowly made my way to the back doors I walked over the sliding glass doors where I heard the tapping come from I tried to look outside to see if anyone was there but it was too dark I couldn't see anything I then used the flashlight on my phone and I attempt to see out the window but it didn't work so then I turned to look out the actual back door and it was open I was petrified I had never been that scared in my entire life even more worst-case scenarios started cramming themselves into my mind like he's already inside or he's right behind me I immediately spun around and swung the poker making myself look like an idiot when there wasn't anybody behind me I then realized that someone had opened the door and that they might be out there waiting for me to investigate after I thought that I knew I wasn't going anywhere near that door instead I threw the poker at the door in order to get close enough that I felt comfortable closing and locking it I ran over the door and locked it as quickly as I could before picking up the poker off the ground I tried once again to look out the window I could barely faintly make out something or someone moving a tarp while rushing away I immediately ran to my parents room to tell them that someone had just tried to break into our house and they completely ignored me I told them that someone had opened the back door and I saw someone running away my mother responded with did you lock the back door she wasn't even a slightest bit worried which scared me even more for the next two weeks I refused to go anywhere near that back doors after it got dark this is the most horrifying experience of my life I don't think anything will ever compare to those four minutes so whoever was outside my house let's not meet so there was this guy in my closet I'd like to not meet again but I'll start from the beginning maybe we can go from there the first time I came face-to-face with this strange man was about seven years ago it was a normal summer day now I didn't have a terrible childhood but I didn't have a great one either my mother was struggling to make ends meet and we lived in a really crappy two-bedroom house it was my mother her boyfriend my two younger brothers and myself my mom worked nights and so did her boyfriend so it was up to me to watch my two brothers in the evening it was just like any other normal summer day at first my friends and I hung out during the day walk around our small town and enjoyed the warm weather now for being a small town there's still plenty to do walk through the woods go to the park all of the typical kids things we decide to waste time at the park he tried to go home and watch my brothers it was normal boring stuff we walked around played with a basketball that someone left behind sat on the swings and talked about our lives and what we were gonna do when we got old it was nearing 3 p.m. when I noticed the guys sitting on the bench over by the basketball court now it was nearing the time for me to go home anyways and as the man was giving me and my friend both the odd vibe we decide to leave as we neared Main Street which my house also happened to be on we parted ways I got home and my mother lets me know that there's leftovers for the boys and myself and then she's on her way to work we spent most of the days indoors watching TV or playing video games around 7:30 my brother's wanted to go outside to ride their bikes it's just now getting dark so I agree they ride their bikes for a half hour I'm sitting on the curb looking at my phone texting my friend about how bored I am when my youngest brother who must have been around 7 at the time comes up to me and points over towards our house I look just in time to see what looked like a man walk inside I immediately tell my brother's not to worry and continue riding their bikes as I call my mother letting her know what just happened she calls the police and they show up within five minutes seeing at the police station there's only a few blocks away they do a full search of the home but find nothing they speak to my mother on the phone and tell her there's nothing there and it must have just been our imaginations tentatively my brothers and I go back into the house so I set them down and turn on the TV time flies and I look up and it's already 9:30 and I really got to get them to bed soon I head upstairs to go into our closet all three of us share one bedroom so all of our clothes are in one closet I turned the closet light on and start digging through a pile of clothes on the floor that we never got around to putting away I hear noise that sounds like a deep breath thinking it was just my imagination I continued to pull out pajamas for my brothers I grabbed their PJs and go to pull the string to turn off the lights out of the corner of my eye I see movement I look over and see a face peering out of the large pile of clothes there's a man hiding under our clothes in the closet he made a sudden movement and I booked it I take off running I can hear him struggling to get out of the and I didn't stop running down the hallway down the stairs knocking anything over in the process in hopes of slowing him down a person to the living room and grab my brother's arms practically pulling them out of the sockets and attempt to drag them out of the house we were outside and three blocks away before I quit dragging them behind me I reached for my phone to call the police but it's not in my pocket I must have left it on the couch so we hooked it I drag my brother's behind me in the middle of the night they are tired and they don't know what happened and I won't tell them they didn't need to know they would never want to go into that closet ever again I get to the police station and they call our mother then they drive us home and she leaves work early they do another full search but once again find nothing but the mess I made in my attempt to leave no evidence nothing they basically told me to stop wasting their time and they left my mother says she believed me but of course I knew it was just something she would say to consoled me she says I could stay the night at a friend's if I can get a hold of someone just to make me feel better we all go inside and my mom says my brother's to get cleaned up for bed I walk over to the couch where I left my phone it wasn't there though it was on the floor smashed to pieces it was very obvious that it was smashed by a hammer seen as the hammer was sitting right next to it I called my mother over I show her the mess of my phone on the ground she walks over to the storage cabinet and pulls down the toolbox we have she opens it and our hammer is still inside I didn't realize what they meant at the time but now that I think about it that man was in our home in my closet in my room with a hammer just waiting and hoping for me and my brothers to fall asleep let's not meet again please I've just recently moved into a decent sized two-bedroom house with a full basement where a lot of my family's not so important belongings are still stored in boxes to be sorted through our house resides in the quiet neighborhood but our elderly neighbors have advised us on some sketchy figures wandering about late at night as there's a section of neighborhood two or so blocks away that houses those who have no place to go fast forward maybe two weeks I had gone down to the basement to sit through my items and had noticed a few random things on our tables a toolkit binders family pictures etc they had been opened and strewn about carelessly thinking another family member was sorting as well I picked them up and went about my tasks over the fall in week I would hear strange banging coming from the basement sort of like our washing machine lid being shut now I'm a I'm skittish my mind sometimes jumps to the worst possible outcome so I became worried at the time I was the only person home so I grabbed the pepper spray I went to go check stupidly I might add our Baker has two full rooms plus two adjoining smaller rooms one of which had a door that I had not opened myself it is also barred by a beam of some sort but the door stands slightly ajar I assume it's just a small storage area upon turning on all the lights and cautiously looking around I saw that a few more of our belongings and boxes that we had an impact yet had been opened and laid on the floor what concerned me most was that the basement door that leads to the outside on the side of our house was unlocked that is not something my family would forget about further inspecting the basement proved that there was no one inside though I did not pry open the barred door telling my father about this he said that the noises were probably the heater popping and perhaps he forgot to lock the side door after taking out the trash I'm not so convinced about his theory but I really hope I'm not correct in thinking that someone may have found their way into our home and I've been scavenging through our stuff in the basement as I'm writing this nothing has happened but hearing people walk the streets shouting on some nights has me uneasy I make sure that the doors are locked every night now and on a free day I'll have my dad opened that door in the basement to put my mind at rest this past September in a road trip to Myrtle Beach where my family it was myself my mother my sister her husband and their two kids we had to use the car and both my sisters and husband's car to transport everything and all of us we rented a beach house for a little over a week and we had a pretty great time I was in the middle of a difficult point in my life struggling with my employment and being between two jobs and just had started two new jobs I was low on funds and was really worried about making my car payment so I opted to head home two days earlier with my car so I could try to get a few more hours at work my family expressed being nervous as I plan to leave after dinner and drive through the night to get home I could sold them I told him that I would be okay to be up all night and I head straight home and only stop for gas and food as needed I'm an excellent driver a tad impatient and I tend to go until I absolutely had to stop and take a break however this would be a 12 hour trip and I knew I need breaks so I made the point to stop at every rest stop to at least get out and stretch so I'll stay awake and not get too sore going through West Virginia I'm sure you guys know how secluded the rest stops at visitor centers can be especially when you're heading north from the south going through the mountains I stopped at the visitor center you see advertised having that fast-food joint and I had to piss like a racehorse this was sometime very late at night maybe 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. sidenote that sent shivers down my spine after what happens I like to drive barefoot so I pulled in and noticed that the buildings with the fast food were closed so I drove around a lot and parked under a streetlight in front of the visitor center so I could use the restroom lean out my car door I took my time putting my shoes on to walk inside having looked around and not seeing anything out of the ordinary I checked my phone and grabbed my wallet before standing up to walk in making sure my car horn beep Shiseido my doors were locked walking towards the center I saw a man in a white hoodie standing at the edge of the sidewalk leading them to the center I didn't think much of it until I passed him and got it off five I glanced over my shoulder and he was watching me walk in for some reason I glanced to my left as I turned back to face forward and noted another man sitting on the benches there were on the other side of the tall thin bushes easily I thought nope I went in and peed and before I walked out the bathroom I called my roommate as dumb as it was because he was four to six hours away I just felt safer I gave him a quick rundown on my situation it made him stay on the phone with me I started to walk out and I couldn't see the man at the front of the sidewalk anymore I glanced in my now right and saw both man standing next to the bench facing forward I saw a couple walking in to use the restrooms as well I had an impulse to ask him to walk with me but my paranoia kicked in because I knew something was wrong somewhere in my situation and I didn't ask thinking they might know the man I walked briskly to my car I explained to my roommate that the men were by the benches I peek over my shoulder again I saw the man with the white hoodie walking towards me and I told my roommate walking a few more steps forward I looked back again and saw that his pace had quickened at this point I told my roommate he's following me to my car and I booked it I think fully had a key fob I got my Kia and ready and unlocked my car and practically threw myself inside of it not daring it glanced back I threw my car in reverse and gunned it backwards before going back into drive and sped off and didn't even stop to put my seatbelt on till I was at the exit to leave the parking lot I didn't look back once the next stop I made was at the toll road and I filled out a report and the workers called the state troopers to head over there to check things out I couldn't stop shakey for hours and I refused to get out of my car until I was home I terrorized myself at the thought of if these guys paid attention and to move more quickly they could have got me at my car while I was facing the ground putting my shoes on and I would have absolutely had no defense I closed a lot of nights at work so that means late night at the train station I remember this like it was yesterday even though it happened about two years ago I had a late clothes at work so I missed the bus I usually take and had to walk home fine I booked home several times before but there's this man it gave me a weird vibe he was staring at me with that stare now not sure how to describe in words as I checked the schedule on the wall for another bus going in the direction I realized that there was not another one for an hour I wasn't about to sit around the train station where junkies like to hang out going back to the weird man I try to ignore him but when I ex to the station I noticed he happened to go to the same door as me I tried to brush it off as maybe he had a car in the parking lot or was waiting for someone in the pickup or drop-off Lane but I had a gut feeling that wasn't the case because as soon as I stepped into the parking lot he started to follow me my brain and body started to panic and I had to think on the fly what to do I never had anyone following me before and I surely didn't want this guy knowing where I lived even though my house was a half an hour walk from the station despite being on edge I still kept walking and once I got to the fire station at the other side of the parking lot I turned back there was the man still approaching me and quickly I feel it as important to point out that the man was very tall so he crossed the parking lot and half the time it took me to cross now you're probably thinking why not stop at the fire station and ask to wait for the guy to pass you there wasn't anyone sitting at the desk in the window like usual and the place was darker than a bat cave since it was 11:45 at night trying to ignore the man approaching across the street and make it past a dimly lit Church and an empty elementary school I walked at an above-average pace not looking back since the fire station about 7 minutes past for me to walk from the other end of the elementary school where I had to wait for the walk light my body wanted me to keep walking but my brain made me do that and thinkable and turn to look back to see him walking towards me on the sidewalk he was at the playground next to the school and in a few long strides he could have easily caught up to me but at this point my brain decided to take an alternate route home in the back of my mind I still was thinking it was simply a coincidence but it was almost midnight on a Wednesday and there was no way this man lives in the same direction I do and what had happened to take the exact same route as to me eating home instead of crossing the street I turned right and go up next to a duck pond by my house even though I would still be climbing the same Hill home when I get to the next traffic light and I usually quiet suburb I have an urge to look back again and thought to myself maybe he will just cross the street and not turn right he was still there almost like he was walking faster to catch up with me I said I was panicked before but now it's worse I didn't even wait for the walk light and took off across the street sadly for me the man also across the street I went from speed walking to brisk jogging at this point as I reached the end of the street I turned left and continued to jog the edge of the duck pond on my route when I got to the other side of the duck pond I looked back and the man was again about 30 feet away I ran faster I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me up the hill and didn't look back until I walked into my house lock the door and locked the front window I was finally able to put my guard down and didn't see him follow me up the hill and I don't think he found out where I lived I slept under the blankets that night and never told anyone what happened in short let's never ever meet again this all happened when I was about 16 I was in high school and working on my first part-time job at a fast food restaurant it was located off a highway and wasn't uncommon to get a lot of crazy customers I arrived at work one day and was surprised to see that my schedule that week had changed giving me a graveyard shift on Friday night the thought of being at this place overnight gave me the creeps and I thought my manager was insane by making the youngest employee take that night shift but it wasn't a school night and I didn't want to seem like a baby so I just accepted it when the night came it was just me and another co-worker who was a larger man and was very friendly so it made me feel safe and comfortable with him there before leaving my manager gave me a rundown on how the night was supposed to go at 11 o'clock I was to lock the doors and we would only be taking drive-through orders but on this particular night Just My Luck one of the main door had been broken and wouldn't lock properly if anyone comes in just tell them they can't be in the lobby and they have to order through the drive-through after these words of wisdom my manager went home for the comfort of his bed and I started my long night being slightly paranoid and not used to the news shift every noise I heard outside made me jump a few times some customers came in through the unlocked door but quickly and politely left after being asked to go through the drive-through when it reached 1:00 a.m. in the morning I was in the back of the store organizing boxes when I heard the slam of the heavy door closed I ran to the front tell whoever it was that they needed to leave but I saw no one I walked into the lobby and looked all around but didn't see anyone did you hear someone come in I asked my coworker as he also came to investigate maybe they left I'll check the bathroom to be safe he said as he opened the men's bathroom then quickly came out nope no one in here you should go check the girls bathroom I agreed and opened the door to the woman's bathroom at first I didn't see anything so I called out anyone in here no response to double-check I needed to take a few steps into the bathroom and at this time I was able to see some feet behind the stall the stall door was wide open and as I got closer I was able to see inside my stomach instantly sank I caught the eye of a woman with long tangled brown hair crouched next to the toilet with a needle in her arm she jumped up out of surprise and I ripped the need out of her arm for squirting blood all over the floor she raised to eat over her head and started to move towards me I let out a scream and ran out as fast as I could pass my coworker I've lived around to sometime to see you running out the front door my heart was racing and I was scared to death and ended up going home right after I quit the next day so ladies shooting up in the bathroom at 1:00 a.m. that's not meat again so to get into the neighborhood I grew up in you have to drive down this old dirt road for a couple of miles to pass some small farms right outside of our neighborhood entrance was a spooky house that was surrounded by a cluster of giant oak trees a red and white Jeep from the 1960s sat outside and there were never any lights on and the blinds were always closed well I ended up meeting the guy that lived there several times sometimes he slowly followed me in his Jeep while I was on my bike one time he showed up at my house to watch me jump on my mini trampoline in my front yard and grabbed me by my arm other times he was sitting his Jeep at 6:00 a.m. he stare at me while I stood at the bus stop my Uncle Dave is super awesome in a really goofy sort of way he's always playing pranks on me he wants to convince me that hot pepper was a pickle and got me to chow down on one of the chilies which prompted me to wash my own mouth out with soap in the restroom he lived in Connecticut and when my family moved down south through this neighborhood we didn't see him much one weekend after several encounters with that creepy guy Uncle Dave announced that he was coming over to visit and would be staying in our guest room my mom let me stay up and wait for him to arrive however see me fall asleep on the couch several times she ordered me to go to bed and said I could see Uncle Dave when I woke up in the middle of the night I woke up with the eerie feeling the hair on the back of my neck stood up and in goosebumps covered my body I had just an easy feeling of being watched stiff as a board not trying to move my head I announced to the watcher that I am awake and aware of its existence I move my eyes around the room to look for anything out of the ordinary my nightlight was in the court of the room which created a pretty decent glow in the room it was really easy to make out my beanie baby collection my desk my dresser and the man crouched next to my dresser okay what the hell my little my thought I could see a guy with dark hair sitting with his back against the wall and his right side leaning against my dresser his knees were pulled close to his body and I could see his teeth and the whites of his eyes gleaming he was facing me I stared at him for a long time and he didn't move and at first I was terrified then I remember Uncle Dave of course he always plays pranks on me it's his life mission he's probably trying to trick me again if I cry or scream he'll jump up laughing and will shout gotcha I can't let Uncle Dave win I stare at him for a while and he didn't move a muscle he never gave up the game it felt like hours and I felt the sense of dread fill me as much as Uncle Dave loves pranking me I can't picture him staying up all night to do this weird creepy prank a small voice in my head tried to convince me that it was someone else not awful Dave I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep I peek consulted the man was still there he wasn't a figment of my imagination I closed my eyes and imagined myself shouting for my mom and how she dashed to rescue me even if it was my Uncle Dave I want to know part of this prank at some point after hours of adrenaline I crashed and fell asleep when I woke up in the morning I immediately checked my dresser no one field relief wash over me I felt fully convinced it was Uncle Dave being dumb again leaving out of bed and rushing out my room I ran in the living room we fully shouting ha ha Uncle Dave you didn't get me that was a dumbest prank ever my mom turned to me with a weird look on her face and told me that Uncle Dave was still in Connecticut because his flight was delayed I figured my mom was just in on the prank and told her what happened insisting that Uncle Dave was there when she shook her head no I felt a wave of horror flash over me as I tried to figure out who that was in my room my mom told me I was just imagining things and she wouldn't entertain me plus forward a bit later I'm again in bed my night lights on I somehow forgot about the creepy man and was more focused on stuff like Captain Planet in game boy I woke up in the middle of night with the same eerie feeling I checked by the dresser but didn't see anything feeling relieved I settled back into bed and counted sheep while laying there I saw a slender hand creep up the side of my comforter from under the bed it felt around looking for something to grab onto at that second every alarm system my body was screaming except for my mouth I tried so many times of our mouth and shout but nothing would come out I felt paralyzed the hand was on my bed for probably five minutes but it felt like the longest five minutes of my life I laid there petrified and fantasizing about running out of my room or calling for my mom but I couldn't get my mouth or legs to work instead I laid there frozen like it was I was eventually able to call for my mom but in the middle of me shouting mom my nightlight turned off I don't remember what happened after that but I think I fainted from fright when I woke up I stood up on my bed and took a flying leap then ran out of my room tell my mom what happened my dad checked on the right bed and again told me it was just my imagination despite my mom trying to convince me I was crazy I was firmly convinced that the man had in my room not once but twice after that I would start springing for my bedroom door I take a fine leave mid room landing with a thud on my bed I was convinced if I did not do this if I walked up to my bed like a normal person someone hiding under my bed we've grabbed my ankles I had a bed skirt on my bed so it was impossible to look underneath for any creepy lurkers as time went on other things happened some person stood in the pitch black of my backyard one night and made human meowing noises at my window someone tapped on my window the screen right window had been pried open and I saw the red Jeep parked in front of my house several times when I finally told my mom about the red Jeep she went white and started making all these phone calls apparently the guy who lived in the dark house had previously been accused of raping a child but was never convicted but was convicted of indecent exposure the court took away his driver's license and had him register as a sex offender when my mom heard that he was violating his conditions and following me kids in the neighborhood in his car she called the cops the cops went in his house and ended up searching it inside they found this weird wooden chair with a large hole on the seat allegedly the guy would ask the neighborhood farm girls to sit on the chair and he would just lay on the ground underneath the chair looking up their dresses sometimes he would ask farm children to defecate through the hole and would promised gifts one kid got a new bike out of it apparently all of the kids from the farms knew about this guy and his chair but never reported him because I like getting free stuff I don't know what his name is or where he is now I tried googling some keywords with my old neighborhood to see if anything pops up but could never find anything I also have no idea if he was a guy in my room but after hearing about him and remembering how he would follow me to my house in his Jeep I became pretty convinced he was a guy who had hid in my room twice [Music] a few years ago my roommate and I lived on the third floor on the backside of an apartment building she was in the process of moving out though so it wasn't mostly just my dog George Washington and I I knew just about every neighbor from my building and from what I know they were all super chill in order to understand this story I need to explain the way my apartment is set up in order to get to the door to enter our apartment you will pass by my window which was a very long window in my bedroom I had never had any issues until about 2:00 a.m. on a Saturday night I heard footsteps on the walkway I saw my window it's all a shadow pass it I'm usually a groggy person when I first wake up but ever since it's just been me I became more aware of my surroundings so it jolted me awake I had a nice stick under my bed so I grabbed it and debate about what I'm gonna do for about 30 seconds I opened my bedroom door quietly and I started to notice the front door handle jiggles never so slightly clearly at this point I can either my pants get attacked or scare the person off but I chose to scare the person off I turned on the light outside and kicked out side door as loud as I could and screamed a string of words that would make a sailor blush then I heard footsteps turn and quickly walk the other way I called my stepdad who thankfully lives close by he came by to check up on me and wanted me to stay with them but I said I'd be fine and off you wanted the next morning I got up ready for church not really thinking about the night before I returned home shortly after and was texting on my phone as I reached to get my keys and put them into the lock on my front door I couldn't find the keyhole though so I looked up I noticed my entire lock had been bashed in it hadn't really said in what happened yet so I opened my door and looked in a lot of stuff was gone television computer jewelry luckily left my dog there and unharmed the irony is I gotta do my best friend and a guard dog he fills one of those rolls all you figure out which my brain finally caught up to my surroundings so I grab George and ran outside to call the police they come out guns drawn as they cleared my apartment it felt so unreal to talk to forensics in your own residence they never found out who did it and in the end it worked out ok a lot of the jewelry they stole was from an ex that I had intentions upon in any way and the renter's insurance covered that so I got some sweet new technology upgrades however I'm still very unsettled internally about that night and day particularly about the night I replay it often and wonder what would have happened if I had not woken up or if the person hadn't been so easily turned away it's also very unsettling to know that they were watching me waiting for me to leave for church so they could break in ever since that day I keep my head on a swivel and pay extremely close attention to my surroundings particularly when I get home so to the thieving households who scared me and stole my stuff let's not meet so about three years ago when I was 18 or so I was on Grindr and someone messaged me this lovely gentleman shall be referred to as Rando so we start talking and we asked how we were and what we were up to the usual conversation starter shortly after beginning the conversation Rando began to sound rather depressing be moaning about his insecurities and how everyone hates him occasionally talking about how he should just kill himself so being a nice person I am I tried to find something to compliment him on trying to make him feel better that sort of thing or bring a smile to his face at least and that's where things began to get heavy Rando begins deflecting my compliments calling me a liar or a user or saying I'm just trying to make fun of him I try my best to reassure him that my compliments were genuine because I hate seeing people who depressed her down it's just my nature to bring joy to people now I've been in his shoes before with the severe insecurity thing so I know how it felt after you finally begin to believe my compliments are real he began to get very attached to me he started sending me over 20 messages at once and if I didn't reply to him within five seconds he'd start to be like oh I guess he found someone better to talk to you then you're just like the rest and it began to get frustrated at this point now I could have just blocked him and saved me the headache but I have anxiety and feared that he would just turn up at my door some day and do something drastic if I blocked him he also tried to send me news to grab my attention when I didn't reply literally instantly to his messages and it got worse and worse from there eventually he told me that he was in my town over the weekend and began to get very pushy about meeting up somewhere when I didn't reply he flips out and starts fighting me on different social medias to keep tabs on me Facebook messages friend requests Instagram follows etc I went on a night out with some friends of mine at the time forgetting that he was in my town over the weekend and he saw me walking down the street and ran up to me bawling his eyes out about me trying to avoid him and then he began begging me for my phone number and my house address and whether he could join us for the night out and when we politely refused he followed us further and tried forcing drinks into my hand when we got to the bar infuriated by how cringy he was being I went home to just realized he boarded the same bus as me and followed me back to my place before he finally disappeared he started messaging me on Grindr about visiting my home sometime or trying to find my friends to get my phone number I finally snapped at this point and finally blocked him I thought that was that only to discover the next day he was trying to catfish me with my own pictures to get my attention and screaming to know why it blocked him at this point things had got way too heavy and I did lead grind it from my phone changed my number and move just to avoid him the whole experience really puts me off dating people with severe insecurities out of fear that something like this will occur again and I've been trying against my nature to avoid complimenting people too much three years later and I haven't seen him since so Rando let's not meet this happened May of last year I was staying with my ex-mother-in-law for the past year while my son and I got back on our feet after leaving my piece of X she lives in a fairly decent neighborhood not one of those rich ones with HOA but not one of the crackhead ones either just a simple mid class neighborhood back in March and April there had been reports on our neighborhood site about some cars being broken into presumably by kids not a huge deal and after not keeping anything important in my car anyways we all kind of brushed it off one night I was feeling pretty sick and she offered to watch my son if I wanted to go downstairs for the night grateful for the offer I accepted it made my way downstairs at this point I feel like I should explain more about the layout upstairs is a finished three bedrooms two baths style house the downstairs is a garage that was finished and turned into the three extra bedrooms two of the bedrooms are off to the left side and the other one is on the other side you have to pass the laundry room in a storage room to the other one which is the one I slept in this room is completely closed off from the rest of the house in the storage room there's a door that leads outside this doors kept dead-bolted and change out all times keep this in mind so I climb in bed it's probably nine ish and I fall asleep fairly quickly the rest of this is kind of blur at some point of the night I start hearing noises which I brush off as someone walking around upstairs and go back to sleep the noises wake me up a few more times before I realize that they're in the room at this point I think a cat must have gotten into the room so I didn't get up but I glanced around the room and I could see almost the entire room from where I was laying over by the window I see white thing moving I realized that the cat just followed me down without me noticing aggravated I go to get up and I realized what I'm seeing it's not our white cat it's not even a cat at all it's the curtain and something coming through the window at this point I froze I didn't know what to do I just laid there and watched someone climb through the window and stand up he was wearing a hat and stood an average male height I could tell he was looking my way but I couldn't make any features out he walked over to my bed and leaned over till we were face-to-face I didn't know if he could see my eyes open I wanted to scream and say something but I knew nobody could hear me upstairs my heart was pounding and it took everything I had to stay still and not scream I didn't know what to do the man was less than a foot away from my face as he leaned over my bed I thought about making a move or saying something but I couldn't make my mouth or body move I was just paralyzed he then turned and walked away out of the room I heard the deadbolt the door outside click and the door opened and he left I heard him thank come and close the window I realized the noises I heard earlier was him prying the window opened I called my ex-mother-in-law as I was hysterical and so scared to move she didn't believe me she told me everything was locked up and it was just a nightmare I got up a check the window to find it hadn't been pried open she finally came downstairs and the door that leads to the outside was unlocked all three locks were undone this is the point that she realized that I wasn't making this up we never figured out who it was or what they wanted and we haven't had any issue since then so middle of the ninth Reuter let's not meet again this happened very recently only about four days ago while I was camping with my best friend we were both seniors in high school and we were on a road trip for Spring Break we live in Oregon and drove down the coast in Northern California we had a late start leaving our houses and arrived at a little beach south of the redwoods just after 9 p.m. it was pouring rain and dark out so he parked on the dirt road they had access to the beach and decided against walking down in the sand to set up camp my friend drives our toyota pickup with a camper shell covering the bed which has a mattress in the back so we decided to just sleep there the beach area where we were was very secluded and belonged to a local Native American tribe that didn't mind visitors using the site as long as they were respectful after talking for a while in the shelter of the truck my friend falls asleep before drifted off myself I realized I had forgot to lock the passenger door of the truck all of our valuables were stored in the cab so I hope nobody would come along and rob us in our sleep after a dreamless few hours of sleep I heard the sound of the driver's-side door handle of my friend's truck began to live the door happened to be locked and I was awake at this point terrified whoever had been trying to open the door would go around to the unlock side or try to get into the bed where they likely had no idea we were sleeping it was still dark out at this time but I heard footsteps start to walk around the back of the truck I grabbed a flashlight and signed it through the back of the window of the camper shell in hopes of alerting the intruder that people were in the vehicle I heard footsteps get a little farther away then I heard the sound of sticks snapping and something heavy being thrown then the man let out a long guttural yell a few moments passed and more things were thrown and more general yells mixed with the occasional f-bomb at the top of his lungs he didn't take more than two or three yells before I woke up my friend dude there's a crazy man outside he tried to get in the truck now he's walking around yelling as I shook his shoulder my friend sat upright and tried to peer out the window but it was still pitch black out I checked my phone and he was 5 a.m. the sounds of the man walking around the woods near our truck didn't let up neither did the frequent yells and sounds of him throwing and smashing what I could only guess were logs or large rocks occasionally we would hear yells from farther away and we thought he was leaving only to have him returned yelling right by our truck only moments later we sat huddled in fear for a good hour unsure what to do he shout sounded as though he was full of Rage but never attempted to get into the truck again eventually the owners of the other car that was parked on the dirt road came up to the vehicle and drove off as the sky started to lighten we didn't hear any more yelling or log throwing after that we eventually were both able to fall back asleep for a few hours waking up around 10 a.m. it was hard to believe that the terrifying hour at the crack of dawn even happened but both of us remember it too vividly to dispute we still have no idea what the man was doing or why he sounded so angry but to the guy screaming profanities in the dark by our truck let's not mean I'm a 27 year old male and I live in the UK with my fiance I currently work as a teaching assistant for teenagers with special education needs in a school not far from the Bradgate Park I have worked in a number of schools and children's homes and now these buildings especially in children's homes this particular story happened in 2013 when I just started working as a support worker at a care home for teenagers and young adults 18 to 30 with autism brain damage and challenging behavior the house I worked in was pretty big there were two living rooms a large kitchen a game room a study and five bedrooms there was also a huge garden with a summer house slash activity room that led on two acres of fields and woodlands I've been working there for about three weeks and primarily worked the waking night shift this shift ran from 12 p.m. until 8 a.m. and it was my duty to make sure all the residents were settled in for the night and to get all the cleaning done before the next day staff come in to take over I would usually get all my jobs done around 1:00 a.m. and spent the rest of the night listening for anyone that woke up I'd watch TV or sometimes just play games on my phone once I was finished the residents usually slept all night one particular night a young man named James was particularly Restless he was not very big but he had a lot of strength behind him and when he got into one of his bad moods the slightest thing could set him off he wants to a member of the staff through the patio door because she had forgotten to put cold water and his tea before he drank it he could not form sentences and will communicate with fairly simple words put together in a way that he understood for example he would say something like James make breakfast when he was ready for breakfast or James go outside if he wanted to play outside he was generally well-behaved and could be quite funny when he wanted to be but he was well known for his temper around 11:00 p.m. James got up and came downstairs to make a drink I stood in the doorway and watched to make sure he didn't break anything or hurt himself and he eventually went back upstairs well and you real bother I sat on the top step and kept my eye on his door for maybe fifteen minutes or so to make sure he didn't wake up any other residents once he has settled in I went back to my cleaning the room beneath James bedroom was a communal living area with board games a TV sofas books and stuff like that I was in there dusting and mopping the floor when I heard something heavy dropped to the floor in the room above I knew James was prone to temper tantrums if he got frustrated so I went upstairs and knocked on this door as I reached for the key to open it myself he opened the door and looked at me he seemed perfectly calm and his eyes were almost half shut like he had been asleep I asked him if he was okay and he said yes and put his thumb up this was something he did when he was in a good mood and not stressed out so I left him to it and told him to be careful thinking that he had just knocked something over an hour or so past and by now I was in the kitchen cleaning the sink I heard another bang above me like something had been dropped then I realized that the room above the kitchen is currently empty house was set up to house five residents but we currently only had four and the room above me was a spare empty bedroom I immediately went to go check it out but the room was empty I stood there for a while and as far as I could tell everyone was asleep due to the nature of the conditions and behaviors each resident has alarm fitted to the door that's activated at night so if anyone leaves a bedroom a small receiver box at night staff carries will make a noise and light up for a few seconds to indicate that door had been opened and is numbered one through five the lahrman not gone off so I knew that the noise did not come from any of the residents I got back to cleaning and didn't hear anything else for the rest of the night the following night I got to work just before 10:00 and as I entered the hallway I could tell something was wrong James was at the bottom of the stairs covering his ears and humming loudly as three members of staff were with him after a few minutes he was escorted to a sitting room and a house manager gave me a rundown of what had been going on apparently for the last few hours James had been quite agitated and kept repeating the phrase Sara little girl this is something we had never experienced with him before and the general conclusion was that he saw something on TV or in a movie that stuck in his head and made him repeat the phrase once James had settled in bed the night staff left and the other member of the staff that was sleeping in went to the staff bedroom I got on with my tasks as usual and finished around 1:00 a.m. so after that I went upstairs to do a quick check on all the residents but as I got onto the first floor landing I noticed the light had been turned off there are two small corridors leading to the bedrooms on the left and right hand sides of the staircase James room was on the left and the light switch was just outside his room I turned the corner and flicked the switch and there in the darkness and complete silence was James he stood in the corner completely naked and his eyes as wide as he could possibly hold them I'm a big guy six foot three and weigh about 220 pounds but at that moment I felt really creeped out I spoke calmly to James and asked him what was going on and for a while he said nothing at all then as to turn the light back on he went into ear piercing scream and started slapping himself around the phase the sleeping staff woke up at this point and helped me calm down the situation and get James back into bed before reassuring the other residents that everything was fine after that I had four days off my shift patterns for seven days on two days off followed by eight days on and four days off and I was relieved that this incident happened just before my time off began I got back to work the following week and was told that the situation with James talking about the little girl had got worse he would spend hours staring out the window that overlooked the garden saying little girl where are you little girl and no one knew where he got that phrase from that night around 3:00 a.m. the alarm went off to say that door five the spare room had been opened now this instantly seemed a bit weird as a door to the spare room was always kept locked because it was being used as storage at the time I went up to investigate and found Jane standing in the room in the dark he didn't seem to notice me enter and he just stood there whispering where are you over and over again I gently touched him on the shoulder I said something like come on me let's go back to bed it's late James turned around and started heading back to his room and for a second I was relieved I still locked the door to the spare room he screamed out oh no and started slamming the door with both fists as he did this the alarm went off to indicate that the front door had been opened the only people have a key to the front door where myself and the house manager the door has four locks on it to the required key and two others that require electric ID cards now it's 3:25 a.m. and the manager never came in before 8:00 so I presumed that there must be some kind of mistake and continued to defuse the situation with James he finally calmed down I went back to his room so then I went downstairs to check on the front door to my surprise it was wide open I shut it immediately I started to check every room in the house in case someone had got in I then checked each of the residents to make sure they were still in that house everything was fine the next night everything was calm around 2 a.m. when one of the other residents Connor got up and said someone was tapping on his window I guess that he must have been dreaming since his window was on the third floor of the house and at least 25 feet off the ground I went back up to his room with him to reassure and check his window sure enough it was shut and securely locked as he got back in bed I heard footsteps on the stairs outside his room he froze for a second and looked at me with an expression of pure panic on his face I opened the door to see who it was but no one was there he was clearly scared by this and said is he back my blood ran cold and asked his who back what do you mean Conner looked over my shoulder and then sink back into bed pulling the duvet up to his mouth I turned around to see what he was looking at but there's still no one there tell tell him to go away Connor said in a hushed scared voice I tried to reassure him that there was no one there and I left the bedside lay upon before leaving this room I went downstairs and sat outside on the patio with a cup of coffee it was the middle of January and was about negative to outside but I felt like I had to get out of the house for a while after about 40 minutes I went back inside and washed my cup in the sink dried and put it back in the cupboard beneath the cupboard was a lock secured drawer where we kept all the sharp knives until needed the door was slightly open this was obviously a major issue as none of the residents were allowed to access the night drawer without supervision I counted all the knives and realized that there was one missing so woke up the sleeping staff and told her the situation and we began a search nearly two hours later we still hadn't found the missing knife so we decided to keep up our guard and make sure none of the residents were hiding it two hours later at 5:30 the alarm sounded it was a door to the spare room again I wanted to check it and found that the door was locked how could the alarm have been activated by the door opening if the door still locked I went inside and turned the light on to this day I still have no explanation for what I found and I often think about this incident the bed had been pushed from its usual place and was against the wall and the Wardrobe doors were open there were screws and nails all over the floor but nothing was broken but the most disturbing part in the middle of the room there was a child's doll a gold bracelet and the missing knife from the kitchen the doll was the old-style baby doll my guess that was made in the 50s from the style of clothes and the overall look of the doll the bracelet was simple but old looking I left everything as it was and reported to the manager as soon as she arrived no one ever claimed the bracelet belonging to them and it was taken to a charity shop soon after along with the doll after the doll bracelet were moved from the house James seemed to calm down and never mentioned the little girl we're stood in the dark again I still have an explanation for everything and sometimes I think that the combination of strange behavior from a young autistic guy and the fact that the house was old but on the other hand a lot of stuff happened that I can't really explain my only regret now is that the Dolan bracelets are gone it could never be examined or identified maybe it was paranormal who knows but now I work days shifts and do not plan on working night shifts anytime soon [Music] this happened last night and really freaked me out I broke my foot a few weeks ago and I'm using crutches even though it takes a lot out of me I still have to use public transportation most of the days because I live in Tokyo and calves are too slow and expensive so far this has just been an inconvenience because Japan is pretty safe last night a guy approached me when I was coming downstairs at my local station asking me if I was okay I sure did that I was and he started asking me questions they are pretty innocent at first just like where are you from how did you break your foot I honestly didn't think much of it because people here are fascinated with foreigners but then it escalated to where do you live let's get a drink I told him that I didn't want to because I don't drink and I just wanted to go home and sleep I had just finished work and I was tired but he didn't wanna take no for an answer and he kept following me once we left the gate he puts his arm on my shoulder and tries to physically move me in the direction of the restaurant going see it's just right there get a beer with me this happened a few times and I kept saying no and he just followed me I won't point you try to remove my glasses saying you're so pretty I probably should have smacked him with one of my crutches or yelled at him at that point but I was so freaked out that all I could think was I couldn't land followed me home fortunately there's always a taxi waiting outside of the station late at night for people that are too drunk to get home on their own I made my way over to one creepy guy at my side with his arm around me he was so close that one of my crutches got caught on his leg and I nearly fell I waited til I was right next to a taxi before waving at the driver to get his attention creepy guy did not like that do you mean II didn't know what I was doing and I just shrugged taxi and I got in for a moment I was worried that he would try to get in after me well he just stood there watching me drive off from his reaction and I'm fairly certain that he did plan to follow me I'm not sure how I feel I'm glad nothing worse happened but I felt so powerless and scared a part of me still does it was the first time anything like this had ever happened to me it's hard not to beat myself up for not doing more and for not standing up for myself so dear creepy guy at the train station let's not me this isn't your typical scary story it's not about ghosts creepy mountain men in the woods or strange creatures lurking in the shadows this is about the worst dating experience I've had so far and hopefully we'll ever have I'm a 30 year old male I recently had a long-term relationship fall apart and I moved to a new city I've been trying my luck in online dating for a while and while I hadn't had a whole lot of actual luck I still managed to meet some women who were fun to text here and there and occasionally hang out with at the bar but since meeting this woman I've been very hesitant to ever go back on those sites for the stories sake I'll call her Allie our first date went all right we went to a rock club and then went down to the river to talk it's smoke some cigarettes she was quite a bit younger than me 21 or 22 I definitely acted like it most of the jokes and references I made were too obscure for her over way before her time movies and TV shows that are drilled into my head growing up were completely unknown to her and she didn't even listen to much of any classic rock I grew up with bands like the Grateful Dead Jefferson Airplane and Fleetwood Mac were all brand new to her despite that she insisted that we still have tons of stuff in common I wasn't sure about that I still had a fun time and we decided we would hang out again sometime the next day Ellie calls me ask you what I had planned for the day I remember thinking at the time that that was classy of her to prefer calling over text I told her I was gonna go visit my parents and I was gonna be out of town for at least the next two days which was 100% true she told me have fun and I proceeded to prepare for the visit and make my two-hour drive to my hometown pretty much as soon as I get to my parents house the rest of the world disappears beer and wine were flowing the pool was at perfect temperature the grill was fired up and we just couldn't stop telling goofy stories and laughing my fault was the last thing on my mind the day came to a close and I started getting ready for bed this is when I noticed my phone had been going off all day Allie called me six or seven times left two voicemails and left me at least 10 text messages the missus started out like hey hope you're having fun and when do you think he'll be back but quickly turned more disturbing she started talking about her drug habits and committing suicide her last text was about 15 minutes earlier the red call me time is a factor being pretty alarmed about the whole situation I hesitated but eventually called her back she answered with a creepy voice hey you said you're in this town right I'm here to want to hang out she followed me two hours and had spammed my phone hoping that dropped my plans to hang out with her and if that wasn't bad enough she was trying to use guilt as a weapon against someone that she met just a day earlier I told her I was too drunk to go anywhere and that I needed to sleep I hope that would be the end of it but it sure wasn't through the rest of the night and all the next day she tried to contact me same stuff as before I had a lot of things to do that day plus I had a long drive ahead of me so I wasn't really interested in being on my phone I got home exhausted from the active weekend and was really looking forward to a peaceful night home alone I dozed off early in the evening and when I woke up Allie had blown up my phone yet again she told me that she didn't have enough gas to get home from my hometown and she had no money she wanted me to drive all the way back put gas in her tank and then hang out with her more I told her no flat out she continued to guilt me and like an idiot I agreed that if she could make her own way back we would hang out that night so a couple hours later she told me that she made it home and asked me to pick her up I should have listened to my brain screaming that it was a bad idea but I picked her up and halfway back to the house he pops literally handful of pills when I asked her what she is doing she replied I'm coming down too hard I have struggled with substance abuse in the past and I told her I didn't care what she did on her own time but I didn't want that thing happening anywhere near me she sort of apologized but mostly pride to hear about my past of which I told her very little we got to my house we smoked cigarettes before going to my room not even ten minutes later she started to look extremely sick I asked her if she was okay and she responded with a lot of vomit all over my bedroom floor and collapsing onto my bed taking up the whole mattress I rolled her on her side and started cleaning up by the time I was done it was after midnight and I was too angry to go to sleep I stayed up watching TV hoping that it would stir her awake and make some room for me to lay on my bed after a while my eyes grew tired and I decided it was time to go to sleep this is when I noticed that she rolled on her back then I noticed she wasn't breathing I lost my I started shaking her and screaming in her face she wouldn't stir i tilted her head back and open her mouth to check her airway still nothing and I couldn't detect any obstruction I had a brief moment of panic I am fully trained to deal with these situations but for the life of me I didn't know what to do all I could think about was that there would be a good chance I'd have to explain to her family why she died in my bed after what felt like an eternity was probably only thirty seconds I regain enough of my composure to take action I checked her pulse and it was eerily slow in week I shook her and checked her airway one more time before getting on the phone when I know one as I'm about to push the call button on my phone she coughed it started snoring at this point I was beyond livid I shoved her over to make room for myself halfway hoping to roll off the bed and wake up the next morning I told her everything I told her that I needed to get her home and I had a lot of things to do that day even after making up with some story about an emergency at work she persisted if I wanted to hang out that afternoon I should have been honest with her and say hell no later that night I got two more voicemails from her both almost identical she said she was checking herself into rehab and that she wanted to hang out one more time before she left I ignored them and blocked her number a few months past I was finally able to laugh about the whole thing then just last night actually I got a text at 3:00 a.m. from an unknown number hey it's Ali I got a new phone want to hang out it was really July I just began my senior year of college but was home for the summer while at home I met Lisa on tinder Lisa lived in the same town as my college and invited me to come stay with her for the weekend I happily obliged because that booty the weekend with Lisa went great we started dating I returned a couple weeks later it's now late July or early August 2012 my housing for the upcoming year was gonna be in our fraternity housing off campus we had a main house the big house and a smaller house in the backyard the little house I needed to clean up the little house as I was gonna move into it since it was left pretty filthy by the previous tenants Lisa offered to help so we spent most of our time in there the little houses stock piled with furniture that people had left for the summer instead of taking home there were probably six or seven couches stuffed into a teeny living room so you literally had a hop from one to another to navigate the room which we made a game of it and made great use of them during the weekend sorry Bros to give you an idea of the layout the little house was a ranch-style brick home with three adjacent bedrooms at the back of the house and a kitchen a living room at the front the front door entered directly into the living room the side door if entering the home was off to the right on the far side of the kitchen in the living room was one large 6 by 8 glass window covered with blackout curtains at the front of the house ok so here's a story it's late probably around 11:00 p.m. Lisa and I were tuckered out and we cuddled up on one of the couches to watch the London Olympics she dozed off head on my chest and I'm left there happily pinned down suddenly the front door knob starts to shake I'm caught off guard because it's summer in an empty college town and we weren't expecting anyone it stops for a moment then the doorknob shakes more violently at this time thankfully it's locked as I prepare to slide out from under Lisa to investigate three loud bangs against the door as if someone was trying to kick it open their attempt failed I'm partially relieved but I'm still aware that there are two doors that they could enter Lisa is awake now delirious and frantic what's going on what was that a hushed her and told her to get up and go to the back of the house and to go into the bedroom and lock the door until I personally came to get her she refused but I demanded she scurried across the couches and locked herself in the back room I ran to the far side of the kitchen to make sure the side door was locked it is okay we're all right for now thinking to myself weapon what can I use I wish I had a gun maybe the brothers left something shotgun would be ideal I see a hunting bow with a few arrows no that's too cumbersome keep looking golf club 6-iron perfect everything is silent aside from the pounding heartbeat and the faint sound at least I calling the cops from the back room I'm standing in the kitchen and have a view of the front door and the side door while clutching the golf club when suddenly the side door knob starts shaking and there's a couple of bangs at the door Lisa screams from the back of the house and I yelled the intruder we're in here we called the cops they'll be here any second leave us alone the banging stops it's silent dead silent we wait for the cops to come Lisa and I are in the living room full of couches 2-4 hours pass it's now something like 2:30 and still no signs of the cops I'm both exhausted from the adrenaline crash and angry that the cops had come we call them again and I won't warn what's your emergency hi we called about two hours ago to report an intruder but no cops ever came are you still in the home the treaters make it inside yes we're inside they didn't get in but I'm scared that they're gonna come back the operator asked me for my address I'm literally spelling out my address the front door gets slammed kicked again I holler at the 9-1-1 operator they're back please help hurry officers are on the way stay on the phone keep away from the windows and doors Lisa is freaking out I'm freaking out will in a golf club again and suddenly the entire front window all 6x8 shatters to pieces the glass is mostly contained by the black curtains and I screamed the girliest most blood-curdling scream I could imagine I stood up and started swinging the golf club wildly hoping to make contact with whatever whoever was coming into the house moments later we hear sirens and I could faintly see the blue light swirling outside through the split in the curtains a megaphone announces the police presence they scour the area and eventually knock on the door apparently someone did try to kick down both doors and their boot prints to prove it the window was shattered by a malt liquor bottle the ended of finding a drunk dude from the trailer park nearby who had been roaming the area I bought a gun next day [Music] so this has happened today against my better judgment at the beginning of the month I got a tinder I match with a few guys one of them was named James we ended up texting each other and he seemed pretty chill and he was pretty into me he was a decent looking guy and we seemed to click he had apparently been in a relatively abusive relationship and he was looking to start over according to him she hit him with a frying pan and pepper sprayed him once he kept going on and on about crazy she was we went out of the movies this past Friday and I had a great time we ended up talking for a few hours and when he did off pretty well I asked him about his ex because I was a bit curious to why he would stay with someone like that he didn't say anything positive about her just that she was crazy and had mental illnesses and didn't take her meds she had tried to baby trap him but she ended up having a miscarriage he expressed relief that she didn't end up with his kid in all I had a good time though this morning rolls around and he tells me that he had hooked up with his ex last night and that he was gonna try to work things out with her mildly is salted that lost out on a piece of chick but whatever I tell him is cool a few hours later he texts me you say that she was crazy and he thought that she was changing but she wasn't blahblah he had kept asking if he could see me he was being very pushy about wanting to see me today he begged me for just five minutes of my time so he could explain to me I politely told him that I didn't want to be involved with someone that was so clearly hung up on his ex this is where it gets nuts he made that he still was but that he wanted to see me today so I could meet her and she could determine if I was better for him than she was and that she wanted him to be happy because he and I had a connection I could Polly flipped out after that told him that the fact that he needed his ex to determine who was right for him was absolutely nuts and that is not what love is and I want to know part of it his ex started texting me after that and it was non-stop insults and that made no sense she also dropped the bomb that was actually his wife I basically told her to piss off and I blocked the number I went on tinder to message him where I called him a piece of and if he was intelligent he should leave her and never message me again he started to harass me saying I was miserable because they had a beautiful love together and all this other crazy stuff then went on to say my wife knows where you work I hope she doesn't do anything rash and I told him if that was a threat I'll gladly go to the police he said that she had been to jail before and she's not afraid and that she loves him so much a student mess anyone up even if it meant going to jail for him that she would kill my friends if they tried to protect me and that she was also armed and dangerous I told him goodbye reported him and to leave my tinder account I did go to the police tonight but since it wasn't a direct threat they couldn't do much the cop sticks that James was more or less full of and just trying to scare me so some people love getting off on that they said I did the right thing by blocking him and reporting him and said I should just keep my eyes open and alert people out my job a scary thing is James seemed perfectly normal but he lied about being married how he felt towards his wife and he flipped like a switch his excuse for not being upfront about being married was that they were gonna get a divorce I honestly wonder what would happen to me if I had gone to talk to him for five minutes I'm kind of concerned since they do know where I work but if you do them to try anything again the cops can actually nail them what a weekend so I'm a 16 year old girl who takes the train every day to and from school I've had my fair share of weird encounters with strangers on the train but there is one that stands out I was on my way home from school and I'm sitting on the train with my friends like any other day to stop I get off at is after my friends stop so I have to ride by myself for a couple of stops everyday on this day after all my friends had gotten off I was sitting alone this man was walking through the aisle looking for a seat and as soon as he sees me he says oh what a pretty young lady you are it was clear that this dude was a junkie and that he was on something and as soon as I saw him now I live in Finland and if you take the train home everyday then it's not very rare to come across junkies so anyways this two comes and sits right in front of me it looks about 25 to 30 years old he's wearing dirty clothes his hair is long and greasy and he was missing some teeth and overall looks a bit rough I've come across junkies on the train and usually if you just mind your own business they would not make any contact with you but this man is just staring right at me and trying my best not to make eye contact with him because I don't want him to talk to me despite not giving him any attention he still goes on to compliment me and ask me questions like where I was going or where I came from I simply tell this man that I'm going home and I keep looking out the window instead of looking at him then he goes and asked me out on a date and suggests a coffee shop I just say no and keep looking away at this point there's still about eight minutes left until my stop and I think the man is gonna stop talking to me cuz I already declined his offer of the date but boy I was wrong the things he had said up to this point were pretty harmless and I was not particularly uncomfortable yet it was about 5:00 p.m. and there were other people on the train so I didn't feel like I should move because I was getting off soon anyways then after some silence this man goes on to compliment my eyes and asked me if he wasn't good enough for me because he was a junkie and I simply shook my head no Denny says I've got a perfect idea for a date just me and you in a dark room with some drugs and a bed his suggestion made me very uncomfortable I gave him a stern look then he asked me if I ever tried the drugs he mentioned and I just ignore him the next few things he says disgusts me to this day he says we could spend a week in bed together and only get up to shower and then he smirks at me and says we would have so much fun but you'd be so sore when I would be done with you he was looking at me with the most disgusting grin and I immediately understood what he meant and I got up to walk away to the other side of the train thankfully the train was just at my stop so I got off and made sure he didn't get off as well he didn't get off at my stop but for the rest of my journey home I felt grossed out so to the junkie on the train let's never meet again this happened to my wife say Aunt Sarah I apologize I can't relay her emotions and at times I have to skip over a few details as this is a secondhand account as told by my wife this was 10 to 15 years ago and Sarah had been recently divorced her husband moved out and Sarah continue living in the house by herself for some time after that the house was in a typical neighborhood it wasn't secluded or off by itself or anything like that as Sarah became used to living alone she felt like she kept hearing things in her attic and begin to wonder what was making the noise as she heard she called the police and have them come sweep her attic looking for traces of anyone living up there but they found nothing I told her it was probably just a raccoon or squirrel and the days after the cops came to her house she felt like the noises were getting louder and there's no way it was a small animal she called the police again about a week later and the same thing happened they didn't find anything yet again a few days after she called the police the second time Sarah came home from work earlier than usual fortunately for her she had been dating during that time and her boyfriend was with her when she came home that day as she got out of her car in her garage she noticed something was out of place in scary as hell at the door a pair of muddy boots I'd like to think that if she had been alone she would have had enough sense not to enter the house at that point but luckily her boyfriend was with her they cautiously entered a house and discover a pond opening the door a man standing naked in the laundry room doing his laundry Sarah went to call the police but the phone wasn't working and she ended up going to the next door to use the phone I'm a little fuzzy on the details here but they managed to keep him in a place until the police arrived and they took him away turns out this guy had access to the house somehow and he had indeed been spending time in the Attic the cops found a small hole in the attic above her bedroom where he had been watching her and on that day he cut the phone lines and put a knife under her pillow god only knows what would have happened had she come home by herself but thankfully that didn't happen I don't know any more details about the guy other than the fact that the cops took him away and he presumably spent some time in jail for clarity I'm a straight 21 year old female so in November of 2016 I went through a pretty bad breakup fast forward to October 2017 I finally felt comfortable enough to try to get back out in the dating world so like a I got on tinder so towards the end of October I met a guy named Dave on tinder and for the looks of it he was an okay guy he was funny and a gentleman didn't ask for anything appropriate and seemed fine we talked for about two weeks and set up a time to go on a date we decided to meet where he had recently moved to which was about 35 minutes away from my house I got to the bar to wait for him and he was 15 minutes late he walked in and looked relatively similar to his pictures which I was really happy about and then he opened his mouth to talk and had a very strange voice like he was on the verge of crying it was very weird he has some tattoos on his arm including the all-seeing eye Illuminati symbol trying to break the tension I totally said Illuminati confirmed tell me all your secrets he responds with what the hell are you talking about don't say that kind of stuff in public I kind of just laughed it off but he was being real weird he then says you know that people that pry are people who died I just looked at him and I generally did not know how to respond fast for 20 minutes and a couple of my friends come to the bar after me urging them to the minute I sit down he puts his hand on my knee and squeezes and not like oh I'm interested but a hard squeeze I looked at him to stop and he leans over and whispers you have lovely kneecaps by the time my friends left which was about an hour into the date he had seven beers and it was a Tuesday as I go to close my tab he stands behind me and he had a boner full mass boner I very quickly signed my receipt and stepped away it starts raining and he informs me that he walked to the bar from his house and asked me for a ride reluctantly I agreed and on the very short drive to his house he informs me that's not actually his house and he's living in his sister's when I finally park in front of his house he leans over to kiss me and I try to give him the cheek and he physically turns my head and puts his entire tongue in my mouth as I pull away this guy did it again get the hell out of my car and he responds with I'm in love with you I knew from the minute I saw your pictures you have to come inside and meet my sister and her husband I told him that if he didn't get on my car I was gonna call the police he started to tear up as he got out of my car so weird boner Illuminati guy let's never meet again so this didn't happen to me recently in fact it was quite some time ago I was around nine or ten years old I was with my best friend and our parents we were on our way to the nearest shopping town we live in a rural area with not many shops and probably finished looking around in about ten minutes so we traveled by train to our nearest large city it was easier probably cheaper and definitely quicker so when the train arrived me and my friend quickly run on to secure our table seat those ones that have fork seats with a table in the middle pretty self-explanatory the Train was pretty empty and with us being kids we wanted our own table seat and I decided to take one on opposite sides of the aisle and that left our parents across from us I noticed that guy a couple rows down in the normal seats he was on his phone in a really strange position it looked like he was taking photos of me this was back in the day when selfies didn't really exist so it was more than likely that he was through there taking a photo of me or he was using his phone weirdly anyway I pulled the color of my coat over my face and looked the other way as I shrunk it to my seat I didn't mention anything because to be honest I thought I was being outrageous a couple minutes later a lady who I remember being tall slim and blond with the wavy bob and glasses the one over to my mom she crashed down next to her and spoke very quietly I really couldn't hear well enough to know what she was saying to my mom but my mom's face told the whole story my mom asked me to come sit with her and my friend's mom and the lady went over to the conductor of the train when we got to the next station there were groups of police officers and security waiting on the platform the train pulled up and the weird guy was taken off we heard later that he did in fact take pictures of me and they found hundreds of photos of other children on his phone and computer they didn't go into detail but I didn't ride the train for a very long time after worst thing is I'm sure I saw him walking past my house a week later so first of all let me tell you how the story began in March of 2017 I am in nineteen year old male my family and I moved to new house in March 2017 I was really excited because this house was huge and had a beautiful garden with a pool and a hot tub I'm not bragging about this information it will be important later when we moved in the real estate agent told my parents but there had been a series of home evasions in our street and that our house and our neighbor's house were the only ones which hadn't been broken in yet the first weird thing started to happen in May 2017 my room is at the patio so when I look out my window I can see the patio and the hot tub at first I could hear the gate of our garden being opened at night this continued for the next ten weeks sometimes we would go outside in the morning and all the lamps were bashed in it's like our property is haunted by a poltergeist since we haven't seen anybody do these things at first we thought some burglars are opening our garden gate at night because every morning my parents open the patio door so doc can go outside and pee one of my parents would get dressed to go for a morning walk so I guess the burglars were hoping that our dog would run off so they would have it easy to enter your home all of these incidents made my mom feel really unsafe in our own house all of a sudden has stopped so we thought the person who did this moved on or got bored but after five months everything started over again but worse it's November and I wake up to hear footsteps outside my window so I opened my eyes and wish I wouldn't have done that the moment I was so scared of actually happened what I saw was a 6-3 man standing outside my window watching me while I was asleep he looked so old yet so young he had this young face but his haircut made him look 25 years older at least that's what I could see in the dark I was frozen I couldn't move so we just looked each other in the eyes for what felt like an eternity suddenly he ran off so I took my chance and ran to my parents room and told them everything my dad grabbed his gun which he is keeping at home now because he got worried over the last few months he used a police officer he ran outside but couldn't find the man but found a broken gate so he called the police the police came but they couldn't do much and he left rather quickly two months later I woke up to swashing sounds I got up and looked outside my window I noticed the sounds were coming from the pool but I couldn't see it due to the trees blocking my view so I shrugged it off because I thought there was just something wrong with a pump which wasn't a rare thing so I went back to bed but I had a hard time falling back to sleep the sound screw louder and more intense so I got up and went into the living room which allows me to see the entire garden when I look outside I got the same feeling which I had two months ago when I spotted the guy outside my window anyway I looked outside I saw the same man standing in our pool draining the pool with a small cup and I mean how I said it he was standing in our pool with a cup throwing water onto the grass he had a dead stare in his eyes like he didn't even know what he was doing he knows me watching and just smiled at me I woke up my dad up immediately and we called the police they left as fast as they came since I didn't find anything but our empty pool they said it was probably a homeless guy and he was washing himself but I'm certain that he was not just washing himself it's now August 2018 I've noticed weird cars in front of her house lately and if someone would spot them they would drive off my parents left me alone this weekend since it was my uncle's birthday I didn't want to come along so I decided to stay home I got bored all alone in this big home so I called a couple friends of mine to come hang out on my play they came around 7 p.m. we started drinking some wine and listening to music time passes and it was now 11:00 p.m. we heard someone knocking on our window of our living room I thought I was imagining the knocks but my friend looked at me like they were about to ask if I was expecting someone else I turned off the music and listened but all we heard was silence I turned on the patio lights when a girlfriend of mine yelled hey there's someone running I didn't see anyone but I heard the gate slams shut I was worried but decided not to call the cops since they couldn't do anything anyway I was really glad that my friend drank something and had to crash on my place so I wouldn't be a home alone that night today's Saturday and my friends left around 5:00 p.m. I was in my room when I heard something fall in my bathroom so I got up to see what it was when I walked with my bathroom I could see a person right behind the door this person didn't know I spotted him so I walked back into my room got my phone and called the police and my parents when I passed the bathroom door I saw the person was still in there so I opened my camera took a picture as proof for my family and friends when I took the photo my dumb ass didn't think about the flash so I took the pic the light illuminated the entire bathroom and the door slammed shut I thought this was my chance to abandon the house completely so I ran out of the house and called the police they arrived about 10 minutes later they went inside and came out with the same man who was terrorizing my family for over a year now half-naked the police said he was in the bathroom just staring at the drain he was constantly saying the call elderly will eliminate you right now I'm sitting in my room writing this story and worrying about the cult he was talking about where the suspicious cars in the front of my house part of the cult or was he just a sane man the entire vent doesn't seem to make much sense and I don't know what is yet to come but my family and I will be moving again in just thank God I was on a road trip with my aunt she isn't my really aunt but she and my mom are best friends so I call her that so we are driving back from Michigan to North Carolina we drove up there so we could see her family and so I could see my girlfriend at the time I must have been 18 or 19 now some background on us I'm 6-1 and I'm in pretty good shape my aunt is about five seven and we are both black now I don't remember what state we were in but I remember we have been driving for a couple of hours we were getting dangerously low on gas and we needed to stop so we pulled off of the highway and after driving through a town we found a gas station my aunt got out to pump gas and I went to go use the restroom now I've always been super cautious and inside this gas station had that horror movie energy I walked into the bathroom and it seemed like I was the only one there I stood at the urinal I looked down at the top of the urinal was a card and I remember thinking that's a pretty weird place to put it it was some sort of doomsday message type of thing so I just ignored it as I'm zipping up my pants and turning around I could feel someone looking at me you know how you can just tell I turned around and I have never felt so small this manner was at least six eight he was just huge the scariest thing about this was I didn't hear him come in there's no way he came to that door without me hearing him he had to have been there already I tried to get around him but he stopped me this is the conversation we had can I get past you please I saw you read the card how about I take you to my house so I can teach you what it really means now I'm good I tried to push past him but he followed me out and started yelling at me your kind is gonna be the first race to die out and how he was gonna enjoy watching y'all die I ran back to the car it screamed at my aunt to get him the car god I love black auntie's because she didn't even question it she just got in the car and started it and we sped off luckily she had already paid we tell the story from time to time now laughing about how crazy the guy was I met in the bathroom but to this day I always check to see if I'm alone in the public bathroom the way the man stared at me gives me chills so creepy huge guy in the gas station bathroom let's not meet again I've just recently moved into a decent sized two-bedroom house with a full basement where a lot of my family's not so important belongings are still stored in boxes to be sorted through our house resides in the quiet neighborhood but our elderly neighbors have advised us on some sketchy figures wandering about late at night as there's a section of neighborhood 2 or so blocks away that houses those who have no place to go fast forward maybe two weeks I had gone down to the basement to sit through my items and had noticed a few random things on our tables a toolkit binders family pictures etc they had been opened and strewn about carelessly thinking another family member was sorting as well I picked them up and went about my tasks over the fall in week I would hear strange banging coming from the basement sort of like our washing machine lid being shut now I'm a I'm skittish my mind sometimes jumps to the worst possible outcome so I became worried at the time I was the only person home so I grabbed the pepper spray and went to go check stupidly I might add our Baker has two full rooms plus two adjoining smaller rooms one of which had a door that I had not opened myself it is also barred by a beam of some sort but the door stands slightly ajar I assume it's just a small storage area upon turning on all the lights and cautiously looking around I saw that a few more of our belongings and boxes that we had in unpacked yet had been opened and laid on the floor what concerned me most was that the basement door that leads to the outside on the side of our house was unlocked that is not something my family would forget about further inspecting the basement proved that there was no one inside though I did not pry open the barred door telling my father about this he said that the noises were probably the heater popping and perhaps he forgot to lock the side door after taking out the trash I'm not so convinced about his theory but I really hope I'm not correct in thinking that someone may have found their way into our home and I've been scavenging through our stuff in the basement as I'm writing this nothing has happened but hearing people walk the streets shouting on some nights has me uneasy I make sure that the doors are locked every night now and on a free day I will have my dad opened that door in the basement to put my mind at rest I grew up in a very small Wisconsin town with a lot of strange folk I'm a petite female I was living with my father and my younger sibling in an average home in town at the time my grandparents frequently came over for shared dinners I was a senior in high school and for my final semester I was able to leave school an hour and a half earlier than usual twice a week I relished this time home alone and went off to use it to take long hot showers since no one could scold me for using all the hot water one day I arrived home early as usual even though it's a small town I'm always very careful about locking the doors because at the time we had a young neighborhood boy who thought my dad was really cool since he always worked on cars and would occasionally just walk into our house and asked my dad questions about cars weird yes but I knew he was still in school at this point and I was just being proactive so I get home go upstairs to my room and go into my walk-in closet this is important get into my robe and go back downstairs to the shower mid shower I hear what sounded like someone walking down the stairs very loudly we have pretty thin walls and the stairs on the other side of one of the bathroom walls I knew that there was no way anyone was home because my dad always worked late and my sibling was still at school and my grandparents only come around for dinner but in an effort to try not to freak myself out I just convinced myself that the clear footsteps were most certainly the house settling no this was helped by the fact that our bathroom didn't have a functional lock and anyone could have burst in I searched the shower for the sharpest most weapon like shampoo bottle and quickly finish up still uncomfortably moist in a flimsy old bathrobe I decided to search the house despite the creepy feeling that practically everyone on let's not me has experienced I quickly ran out over to our knife block and snatched up the meat cleaver and proceeded to ninja my way through the house with the full logical intention of hacking the intruder I searched every nook and cranny and didn't find anything downstairs the doors were still locked and since I didn't hear anyone go back upstairs I figured the footsteps were just a figment of my imagination and I calmed down a bit when I got back in my room upstairs and I'm about to walk into the closet when I see something that immediately catches my eye there's something white in the doorway something that could not possibly have been there before the crisp white gently placed flattened pair of men's underwear someone had been and may still be in the house never in my life have I had sister pure flood of fear earlier I mentioned that I had walked into my closet to change into my bathrobe so I would have noticed a pair of men's underwear in the doorway I booked it downstairs sat in the corner with a knife and a phone until my siblings and grandparents came a short while later they were freaked out but not too worried since we couldn't find anything else and then it gets weirder later that night I told my father about the answer day and we decided to search the house for anything else out of the ordinary while searching my dad's room we noticed one of his dresser drawers was open and this is unusual to see he's very neat and in this dresser drawer we found a newly opened multi pack of men's underwear with one missing he had gotten his pack a few years ago but they weren't quite what he wanted so instead of returning them he just left him in the bottom back of his dresser completely forgetting about them so someone got in or already was in our house open the pack of men's underwear that was in the back of my dad's bottom dresser drawer took one of the pairs of underwear out and gently placed him on my closet doorway while I was showering it's a weird underwear closet guy in my house let's not mean about five years ago or so I was 23 at the time and I just got out my first serious relationship a year prior that guy was the first love and the first sexual experience so needless to say when things ended and he had zero interest in trying to make things work out I was heartbroken after about a year moping around and being stupidly sexually promiscuous I decided to try actual dating I met this guy named brick on a dating website he was a couple years older than me was an ex-marine cute and couldn't making conversation after a few days of talking online he asked me for my number and we decided to meet up I drove to his house and come to find out that he lives with a few other guys who looked rather shady now he actually lived in a good neighborhood but the way they kept their home and the way his roommates looked at me was my first red flag that an experienced naive girl would not fit in this crowd but I decided to stay and give it a chance once he saw me he came up gave me a hug and handed me a helmet to his motorcycle now I have never in my life rode on a motorcycle before but I've always wanted to so I thought why not and I hopped on the street that he decides to take me down it's known as a very long and windy road that is pretty secluded it's also important to note that it is springtime and it's about 5:00 p.m. when we go on the ride I didn't realize at the time he had decided to take me on the specific road but once we got on it my red flag started to kick in I began to realize instead of silent out here and there are no other cars on the road right now it's starting to get dark and I don't know this guy so what the hell am i doing my alarm bells start ringing now I will say that while I made tons of mistakes within the story this instance is where I am proud of myself of how I reacted once my anxiety kicked in I told him that we should turn around and go home he started laughing asked if I was scared and I said no I needed to go home because my parents were expecting me for dinner he kept writing forward more alarm bells ringing pictures of me being raped or left in the dish came to mind I kept asking him if we could just turn around and can we please go back and he finally gave in and turned around the next day comes I tell myself maybe I was overreacting and he was harmless and I decided to go on a second date a few days later we met up at a sports bar for dinner I had a couple of beers while watching the hockey game the whole entire time we were sitting there Rick has his arm around me and has me literally attached to his hip constantly trying to make out with me and acting extremely possessive at this point I completely freaked out he's I barely know this guy and all he's talking about is our future and how he'd be such a protective boyfriend since he is ex-marine I knew I was done with him at this point but unfortunately my car was at his house when we were done and headed home he insists that I come inside and hang out for a bit I decide to walk in and stay about five minutes yeah I don't know what I was thinking we walk into his room and it immediately pounces on me making out with me and trying to fill me up I kept pushing his hands away and kept telling him that I needed to get going but I could tell he wasn't gonna give up until I gave him what he wanted especially after I realized his little friend was aroused he told me that he wouldn't let me leave until we did something I have no idea what he would have forced me to do if I kept rejecting his advances so I decided my only way out was to finish him off so I did and then entire time I was trying to act like I was enjoying it while dying inside and hoping he would hurry up and finish so I can leave luckily only use my two hands and luckily he only took up a few minutes to finish once he was done I literally ran out the door and sped home after that night he tried to ask me to hang out again I told me that I think it was best if we stayed friends this guy became relentless calling me and texting me and begging me to see him then he proceeded to call me a because I was ignoring him then would apologize for calling me a and it was only because he liked me so much so I blocked him then he tried to message me on a gram so I blocked them there and then on Facebook and finally on snapchat so Rick please let's not me ever again when I was younger me and my family went on a road trip to Wyoming to see Yellowstone National Park it was a beautiful place and if you hadn't seen it yet I'd recommend it anyways so from our home in California it was about a 17 hour drive in our Yukon XL the largest most comfortable road trip SUV you can imagine it took us several days worth of on and off driving to get there and during the nights we would try to find a little motel to rest at one of the Nights due to being behind schedule my dad attempted to drive through the night to get us there sooner he made it probably into the wee hours of the night before he deemed it a save and parked us in a little unlit rest stop in the middle of the woods with some flyover State me and my brothers had fallen asleep in the car several hours before he had stopped so for the last couple hours we were all sleeping in the car in this dark little parking lot surrounded by forests having got a couple hours of sleep and being in a pretty uncomfortable position I woke up in the middle of the night pretty disoriented but not really scared I look around to see everyone's fast asleep in a pitch-black car and naturally I feel pretty alone I tried to fall back asleep but it's just not working so I just sit there for a while boredom begins to set in I began to look out my window to see where we were and it's just pitch black so I couldn't see jack luckily I wasn't until I tried a couple of flashlights in my bag being careful not to disturb my sleeping family I reached into the back seat and unzipped my bag I pulled out a little plastic yellow flashlight it wasn't the brightest but it was enough to see the foreground and the general surroundings I put up to the glass making sure not to make a noise and I push the little switch into position I pressed my face onto the glass and looked out at first it was a normal tree line with some bushes and trees but as I scanned the darkness looking for animals buildings anything I noticed a dark shape standing between these two trees in the distance it looked like the shape of a man but it wasn't moving just standing there after watching it for a good while and seeing no real signs of movement I just assumed it was a bush of some kind just when I was about to turn off the light and reattempt sleep I saw the shadow turn ninety degrees and move behind the tree disappearing from sight this scared the out of me and I immediately turn off the flashlight and threw my sweater turned blanket over my head shutting my eyes tightly covering my ears I was paralyzed with fear too full of adrenaline to get any sleep I started to send my fetal position clutching my flashlight for the rest of the night I wait till the Sun came up we were back on the road before I got any sleep I didn't tell anyone about the man that I saw in the woods a few years ago I was living alone in a little house which had a heavy back door that would swallow up some after I got rained on it got really tough to open it would make a lot of noise late one night I passed out on the sofa in the living room on the opposite side of the house but I woke up to something which I now assume was a back door being opened I'm an idiot by the way I never used to lock the back door Netflix was billion away on my laptop as I slowly squinted my eyes open and realized there's a black outline of something standing in my hallway looking down on me weren't very large at all based on how much space it took up in the doorframe being completely disoriented in my waking State my mind last onto the first thought that came to my mind which was it must be my girlfriend I was naked at the time and pulled back my blanket with my legs sprawl and junk hanging out and called to her in my best deep sexy voice c'mere baby Pond seen a naked 6-foot 200-pound man beckoning them to him with his genitalia did not my girlfriend person immediately turned on their heel revealing a large backpack and booked it out the back door by time I stumbled up to the door aaaghh here was them taking off into the darkness full sprint I could only guess that it didn't come there with the bold attention that being the little spoon this happened late last year I stick the train to and from college and I would get off in not such a great part of town in order to take the bus home well my fiance was picking me up and he was late I decided to wait and smoke a cigarette the one guy walks up next to me and asked me for our cigarette which wasn't too weird until he said you never had one and then he gave me twenty dollars for a single cigarette that was a little odd especially since he was kind of forceful about giving me the money I just kept offer me more and more after that he introduced himself and would keep coming up with some excuse to hold my hand I started to get quiet cuz it was getting a bit weird then he started to get closer to me touching my butt gently I moved further away this is the part that freaked me out the most he offered me tons of money to come into his car he just kept offering it trying as hard as he could before I finally told him that if he kept talking to me I would scream I've never been good in these types of scenarios and I wish I would have taken down his license-plate number but I was frozen so creepy train man let's not meet again my friend and I were driving for three hours to visit some friends at a different University for a party it was a January night in Michigan so below freezing temperatures and at least a foot of snow we were about an hour or so into the trip and having a very in-depth discussion about a certain fantasy book series it was very in-depth to the point that the low gas light came on I noticed and then promptly forgot about it so the next thing I know we lost power steering and we're quickly slowing down I pull over to the shoulder and realize that I'm a dumbass and we ran out of gas we checked Google Maps and it shows that there's a gas station less than a half mile away near a road on the other side of the field it's cold and we were poorly equipped for the cold only having one pair of boots and one pair of gloves between the two of us but it's only half a mile so we decided we'll go for it not much choice anyway so we make it across the field to the road and there's nothing there we figured maybe the GPS was off a little bit so we start heading down the road towards some lights we make it maybe 1/4 of a mile before noticing there's some flashing lights over where we had left our car a state trooper is checking the car out so we immediately start making a beeline for the car sprinting and shouting hoping that he'll see us but it's dark and he doesn't and just pulls away my friend is a bit more out of shape than I am and he falls behind and uses the opportunity to call 9-1-1 asking them if they could send the trooper back they say yes but we have to be there when he arrives so I take off sprinting again my friend a little ways behind we're both a bit past our prime cross country days so now the path that we're taking cuts through a small stand of trees maybe a hundred feet across I opted to go through it thinking it would be faster and a more direct option my friend decides he doesn't like the look of it and it's going around I make it a good 30 feet or so before realizing these trees are actually some little swamp and I am now standing at 6 feet of freezing water I'm also the one the gloves but not the boots I shout it to my friend I've stepped in a pond somehow he hears me help I've stepped in the trap he's kind of freaked and thinks it's some farmer has set up one of those bear traps and I've gotten stuck in it he asked if I need help to which of course I say no I often continue trying to make it through the pond I'm cold and wet anyways hopping from tree to tree as I can and hoping it doesn't get any deeper meanwhile my friend is still running around the side of the trees apparently I don't need assistance with my leg stuck in a bear trap so he continues on his way Danny he falls into a hole like there was just a three-foot hole in the ground they didn't see in the dark and he falls into it he makes that okay but it's now also very covered in snow and of course without gloves we both make it back cold wet and freezing about a minute before the officer shows up we get in give him our story and he laughs and says yeah there's no gas station out there I just take this to the next exit where there was one he also told us that we're in the ninth car that had to run at ICAST that day so I felt marginally less stupid last July I was home alone and my family was in Riverside visiting my aunt I live in a high crime rate neighborhood in Los Angelos it was 4:00 in the morning and I just got back for a friend's birthday party so I decided to watch some television in hopes that it would make me a little sleepy halfway through watching Hellboy I hear the side door to the kitchen open at first I thought my family had just decided to come home instead of staying at my hands I hear someone walked through the kitchen the dining room and the footsteps stopped as they reached the beginning of the living room I was laying down on the couch furthest from the entrance of the living room it could not tell who was I try sitting up to see who it was but I didn't get a glimpse thought my little brother was the one that walked in the living room and so I get up to see what's taking my family so long to get inside the house I hear footsteps quickly leaving back out the side door and I was shocked to realize that the family car was not in the driveway I get extremely nervous I decide to call my dad to see what's going on my heart sank when I found out the family was still in Riverside I turned outside light on and I checked how it was possible for someone to get in the door spotless and I couldn't find any signs that someone forced open the door I checked my pockets to see if I had dropped the house key but it was still on my jacket I checked the whole house and make sure all the doors and windows were properly closed I didn't think to call the police because as long as nothing was missing I was fine even if I did call up please they probably would not have caught the crazy guy because it's not common to find the junkies gangsters and common thief hanging around my neighborhood the next day my family shows up and I tell them what happened my parents were shocked at first but quickly got over it sometimes I still wonder how that person opened the door to my house now why none of the house keys were missing and the whole house was sealed up the worst part though has to be that the person walked into my living room and I did not realize someone had broken in I've always been addicted to online surveys that was the only reason why I made an account on OkCupid they had some really fun surveys so I made an incomplete sarcastic profile to be able to answer the surveys after a while I got a message from a dude that I started to plight lis chat with I warned him that I wasn't there to flirt and only there to do surveys then we started to be pals pretty soon we discovered how much anime each of us watched in life and this was the main topic of our conversations I'm not sure how it happened but we started to see each other a lot he seemed fun but he always had a crazy look in his eyes like you don't know what's gonna happen he used to give me tons of attention convention tickets food we didn't alcohol often you would hit on me but then I would have to go back and start talking about the fact that I wasn't interested so there was one night I was in college back then and one of my classes ended at 11:50 p.m. this guy called me earlier in the evening saying that he had a lot of weed and alcohol and that we should hang out together that night he said he would even pick me up at my uni my class is over and he's taking this time to get there I decided to invite him to an elderly gym close to my house so we could smoke and drink together there honestly wasn't that much leader alcohol anyway so soon I said I need to go home because I have classes in the morning now I live in a neighborhood that there's nothing else other than big houses nothing not a drug store Hospital school nothing it usually takes me 20 minutes to go from the bus stop to my residence and I don't walk slow we were in the middle of this course so about 10 minutes away from getting home by walking from where we were he offered me a ride and I accepted as soon as we get into the car he starts moving close to me touching my thighs and asking me for oral I get really annoyed after telling him so many times and I told him I just needed to get home soon that's when he starts to undo his pants I freaked out a little bit but then after a few seconds a jump out of the car and start walking towards my house I shouldn't have done that of course because until then he didn't know my address completely but I was very tired after a calculus three lesson that ended close to midnight and after spending the entire day at night at uni he shouted something that couldn't understand and I started to walk even faster as he turns the car and starts following me very slowly that's when I start to run I could already see my house from afar he accelerated a bit more but I was quicker and jumped a fence and ran to my house locking all the doors and windows when I woke up the next day I had a message from OkCupid dude which said I know where you live I know who your friends are and I know what uni you attend by the way I love the picture of yours with long ears and the hi sock stockings thing is I never posted that picture anywhere online and I've never given to my phone to use I deleted my account after that of course so screw you creepy enemy dude let's not meet this didn't happen directly to me but was one of the things that freak and still freaks me out the most so this happened about six years ago in my freshman year of college I was an inexperienced eighteen year old male and came from a small town with virtually no crime from the suburbs to the suburbs of a big city I lived right near my University in a neighborhood that wasn't very bad most students lived there and I felt kind of safe about two miles away there's quite a dangerous neighborhood filled with crime and drugs I had even her stories about students being kidnapped and held hostage while I was there I'd gone to spend the weekend at my hometown so I got on the bus and it was about 7:00 p.m. since it was around November it was already getting dark out I was took the train from the bus stop to the University Station and then took a 15 minute walk to my house through the campus where I felt safe because campus security sometimes I would take the bus was one or two hometown friends that went to the same university as me but this particular weekend I was alone so I got on the train I saw another freshman that was taking a class with me I didn't know him very well but we had talked a couple of times well in the class that we were taking together I greeted him and says he was focused on his phone I didn't want to disturb him so I said a couple seats away from him this next part is an important detail this guy was carrying a rectangular shoulder computer case which really screams there's a computer in here since it was 7 p.m. there was still a decent amount of people on the train however University's terminal station so most of the students go there when we were about to stations before there were about 10 people spread all over the five or six carriages this all happened very quickly the doors opened and no one left at that station suddenly two huge black guys burst in and grabbed my class buddy another huge guy that was inside the train grabbed him too when I say huge I mean literally like Dwayne the rock Johnson I'm not exaggerating so the dude grabbed him and took him off the train with his phone and shoulder bag they punched him once took the bag and we're grabbing at him luckily he managed to get his coat off and get back on the train just in time for the doors to close nobody in the train reacted because people were spread out and it happened so very fast my buddy was pale and very scared I went to him and asked him if he was okay and comforted him if not for a matter of seconds those guys would have beaten him and sent him to the hospital both of us were scared to death after that I took him home and he used my phone to call his roommates because they had taken away his phone and his keys I was totally scared and freaked out too this was the first time I witnessed a robbery and that kind of violence it really changed the way I look at the train rides and I never took one alone again when I'm alone I take the taxi home and don't take any chances so huge guy that robbed my buddy that's not mean in the 1980s my aunt used to volunteer at a prison teaching inmates how to read she was an elementary school teacher and cared a lot about education she did it for a long time until one of the prisoners became infatuated with her it started out small by complimenting her but then he began to tell her how much in love with her he was and how he was planning a life for them outside of prison my aunt told the guards about this and they suggested she stopped volunteering at the prison on occasion she would get phone calls from the prison and love letters she never accepted any of the calls that didn't return his letters either she went on with her life ignoring him because he was behind bars and couldn't hurt her until he escaped from prison my aunt was out of town when she got a call that he had escaped she called the local police immediately and asked them to check the house with her when she got back my aunt lives alone in a ranch-style house so the police surveyed outside checked the basement in the main floor and found nothing her home security system was intact as well so she had a friend stay the night and everything seemed okay around 1:00 a.m. they hear scratching noises and called the police they thought the noises were coming from her mother's empty bedroom the police came and they searched the outside of the house and the bedroom and found nothing around 2:30 they heard scratching noises again they also heard what sounded like footsteps then police then checked the Attic which was more like a crawl space that my aunt used for storage when they checked the Attic they found the prisoner crouched behind a box with a screwdriver a hacksaw blade and two blades from a pair of hedge cutters he had gone to the house by slitting the window that gave him access to the attic and he's still currently in prison and will be until he dies I'm not much of a writer but I wanted to share this so if you had something similar going on you don't feel crazy I moved away from home about two years ago but before then I was living in an old house with my family I want to preface this with that no one believed me until there was evidence but my family still lives in that house is right next to an old church that isn't banned 'end so it was pretty creepy when we first bought it the washer and dryer were in the basement so ultimately I couldn't avoid it like I really wanted to it was always creepy even when you were down there with someone else like eyes were burning into you odd things did happen from time to time food would disappear doors had been left open that we knew had been to closed before clothes went missing as well at times footsteps were audible from the basement so when I moved out you can't imagine how happy I was I need to tell you a little bit about the layout of the basement so this all makes sense there's a garage door and a normal door right next to it the washer and dryer were on the opposite side of the door for the garage the stairs were right next to the doors and there was a giant hole in one of the walls my mom told me about what she had found in the hole about a month after I moved out a pile of old clothes and cotton matted down as if someone had been sleeping on it there were clothes there that had been missing and empty food containers with broken markers to use as some utensils but whoever it was grew ballsy and started taking fork spoons and actual plates we figured that they were going through the garage door since it had been broken he did not lock so to avoid this from happening again my stepfather boarded up the garage door flash-forward about two months time my mom was about to give birth to my little brother who was 20 years younger than me anyway I was laying on the couch watching TV my stepfather had boarded up the garage door like I said I heard something like someone trying to yank the garage door open violently at the time I was not sure what was going on so naturally I was screaming because I didn't know what else to do I called my stepfather then I called the police and when they got there they searched around the house but found nothing the dryer was not on at the time so it wasn't that after that night I haven't felt the same about the house but we haven't had too much happen sentence so to end a long story person creeping around my mom's basement let's never ever meet so my dad has always been that type of guy who doesn't believe in anything unless he witnesses himself he was a pretty macho guy and isn't into all the fairy tale and ghost nonsense yet that all changed for him one day it was about 2:30 in the afternoon when my dad came home he works a night shift at the old El Reno prison he says that is pretty laid-back job for the most part he usually drives around the prison and one of the guards trucks or keeps watching the tower but one night he was sent to do a sweep of the chapel as to make sure no one was in there that shouldn't be his boss let's call him jack told him to come back and check in with him after he had done so my dad walked through the yard out to the chapel and as soon as he walked in he said he felt a wave of nervousness come over him he flicked on the old lights and walked in and began to check around the room after a couple of minutes he saw a man dressed in the same uniform as him walk out of one of the little offices in the back my dad asked the man if he was already doing a sweep of the chapel and the man replied yes I'll take it from here so it confused as to why he was sent out there to check the chapel my dad just gave a little oh okay I'll let Jack know my dad returned to his boss about 15 minutes later after he had sent him Jack looked at him and asked how did he get done so fast you couldn't have properly checked the whole place in such a short amount of time another guard was there he said he checked it my dad said and I guess Jack didn't know anything in it as long as the chapel was checked everything was fine with him well this is where it gets creepy about three days later my dad said he was walking down the halls of the prison and stopped to look at the display case of all the old photos of the guards in the past as he was browsing the photos his heart sank and his blood froze one of the pictures he came across was the very same guard he encountered at the chapel only the guard was dead apparently about four years before my dad started working there a riot broke out in the middle of the chapel and the guard was stabbed to death and that guard was a same man my dad saw in the whole chapel but out of the 12 years of working there not once had you ever heard about the riot until now I don't know if they just don't talk about it scared it might run off some newbies all I can say is my dad is now a firm believer of the paranormal and not once has he ever been back to that creepy chapel you
Channel: Bad Vibes StoryTelling
Views: 136,449
Rating: 4.6462727 out of 5
Keywords: lets not meet, true scary stories, true scary stories reddit lets not meet, scary stories, scary true stories, reddit lets not meet, true scary stories lets read, real scary stories, true scary, true scary stories from reddit, true scary stories reddit, lets not meet stories, reddit, horror, intruder horror stories, break in stories, online dating horror stories, lets not meet comp, lets not meet reddit, ambient water sounds
Id: zp6D9DS-KzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 16sec (8296 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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