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hey guys welcome to the vlog hope you are having an awesome awesome day would you do what did you do did you damn you damn it now I hope you're feeling good today I hope you're thinking positive I hope you're ready to set aside your problems for the next 10 to 20 minutes let's start the vlog let's have some fun today I have will have a really dumb idea but if you watch this channel well that's pretty much all my ideas don't judge I'm Terminator theme whoa I don't even know you gonna lift that thing so my initial thought today was what if I could get one of these mounted to one of these I know what you're thinking that's a great that that's a really good idea what do you think whoo Steven go down the steps yeah I'm ready oh no problem oh you made it I have no idea if this is even possible well what if like look imagine oh jeez just imagine if I could get this on here it's not that bad isn't that your real gun yeah what are you doing I don't know I just had a concept where like what if what if what if here's my actual idea and I know that I can't get the gun to self fire without some type of servo that would actually pull the trigger which I don't think is that impossible definitely above my skill level but if and it's a big if I can get the gun to mount securely I can get one shot off I can cut the body out to accept the magazine and will hold it in more and then I just double loop okay what if we paint the body black to match the gun you think that would be a good idea hey mama what you got this time go Carly whoo you brought lasagna I think I'm just gonna keep you I think you're a keeper I think I think we're just gonna keep her here forever I need to go home and say thank you she don't want to stay we gonna have to keep her we have to figure out a way ah you have to bribe her or something Kane you are gonna wash this and paint it yeah yeah black to match oh we have white towels um okay I'll scrub it whew a little scrubby leave the paint stick a little better buddy look Zeus is like what are you doing with my RC truck these are all teeth marks these are holes from Zeus's teeth I mean he really gets ahold of this thing but the reason I'm doing it with this bodies because Zeus has a brand new body in the garage I'm going to put on after this I've got one really old spray paint can let's take it out in the grass should still be good should be fine totally unnecessary to paint my body but I thought it would be cool too to match the gun basically so everything's black black wheels black frame black gun be cool it's a big frog he's not alive yeah my favourite RC truck man I love this thing you stand back just a little so it doesn't get all wet like runny wet get closer that's good you got it perfect keep going I really should have cut all the holes for the gun before I did this but oh well good job but it looks really good yeah oh yeah let's get this old beat-up thing to dry now looks pretty cool [Music] do-do-do-do-do-do me alright so we got the truck painted looks pretty rad dude actually I love that looks mean I might just leave it like that so I think the first thing I want to do is figure out where I'm gonna mount this now we're not trying to shoot a lot of rounds here we're trying to shoot one bullet Hey that would be really great right there I feel like a lot of my videos should start coming with I do not try this at home look fun this is all just for fun guys I I get these ideas and I'm like what if what if what if I usually just get the ideas that I'm like whoa I gotta try it so bring you guys along I put it on camera so I hope you enjoy this nonsense that's basically what it should be called and instead of just mounting the gun which is what I really wanted to do in this video let's try to actually get at least one bullet to fire while we drive the RC that's the goal so the first thing I did was I cut some holes for this magazine to sit in pretty good here's the crazy thing this guns already mounted pretty steady like I mean it's on there it's not going anywhere but I also think we need a little more security I'm actually trying to figure that out right now I'm using a really good 550 paracord this is 550 pound test this is extremely uh and I used one really good Slipknot so this rope is like a guitar string super tight this is a GAD idea GAD this is that this is uh this is a good a bad and a dad idea all in one a GAD idea what do you think of that is it crazy Oh what you think I just called Dale because I don't like the green paracord I need black paracord like why would I make it all black choking up green of course you called Dale yeah it's because I need the road right has nothing to with his expertise in safety cane help me paint it he's a little pain or dude so you think you can just shoot it like that yeah I mean here's the thing in the perfect world we're just gonna shoot a bullet which is gonna be simple we're gonna have a loop around the trigger pull back the truck will drive forward you'll yank the loop boom this gun shoots you think that's gonna work 100% a thousand percent I have a weird loose women pole baby yeah weird feeling it's not gonna work why wouldn't it work it's so simple don't you come out here with that negativity baby don't you come out here with that negativity yeah I put my twenties away from earlier yeah I see Bill gymnasiums cut into the garage a little bit wait for my brother to get here he's gonna be a huge help no Oh one thing that is killing me is the late starts on the vlogs when I get a late start the Sun Goes Down so quick that I'm chasing the sunset to make this happen back here at the shooting Mound these things are so awesome how they spin like that I know you almost flew I like how there's a seat on it but nobody really uses it things are so dangerous all right Dale just came brought what's up dude good idea or bad idea I'm calling the GAD idea good bad and dad it's good bad bad bad let's do it let's mount it so he brought me some black tactical cord which is gonna look better dude I had this bright green 550 yeah yeah good rope bad color Oh I'll send you a pallet how's that feel oh my god it looks mean dude this is the ultimate ha ha gah gah gah gah gah I can get a fire on this xmax ar-15 how's it feel secure yeah it's good it's not going nowhere I'm confident whoo you mean we think it's gonna work Brit I only I only do smart ideas it's gonna shoot a preserve okay speaking of shooting shooting ideas here's my idea we don't secure it to anything you hold the slack then maybe you drive the RC and I just tug BAM we put it in position so you only have to drive a few feet and I shoot no no not a few feet pattering oh I just really messed up I didn't put the batteries in the truck I really did it there's actually still charging I'm not gonna lie this pretty awesome-looking dude look at that it is pretty badass we just need to serve out one button dude multiple buttons [Music] you know oh yeah yeah you just pull it but then it's like what you know what I mean I I think you should just hold the rope and you drive forward and then when it hits the end of the rope boom but I want the truck to pop up just kind of like although we do have a magazine in the gun we're only gonna shoot one at a time I'm gonna load the just one at a time basically one round one really good thing about this truck is it's heavy so I don't think we have to worry at all about this thing moving at all it's just boom boom boom that would be cool though if you had a gun so powerful you can make it do backflips oh my gosh what would this truck what would this what would this kit be called right here a RC as far as looks goes it's kind of got it all it's like a big boy toy looking thing you know do we need 3d pen print some picatinny rails like this and mount them on the sides of the truck for tact or like flies laser pointers oh yeah laser so we are mounting the trigger right now which is basically just a loop around the trigger we're only gonna drive the truck super straight maybe a few feet we just want to see it shoot on top of the truck so we're not doing anything crazy crazy it just looks really crazy I'm just I'm just tying it to the trigger you're ready to go that's it yeah we got one camera on the truck and I guess maybe it should just roll forward and shoot dude I'm thinking ramp and shoe oh and shoe that's scary awesome she is hot you want to just try the trigger first yeah let's pull it now go ahead and give it a test Pole what's it haha that is rad okay you're hot hahaha here's our first here's our first driving test six feet okay ready set go it worked that's too easy it was too easy well here's the truth it works it works good no problem it has no it's not even issued a gun secure the guns not moving it's just rocking because of the rope I think we should load the mag up see how many shots we can get off on this a I'm with you oh let's turn the red dot on for better accuracy we're going sideways yeah that's fine we did it that's awesome it we did it I mean we did it I don't know what else to say I feel like there's an actual use for this like in the battlefield imagine all right someone's out of ammo you got to get supplies to them now RC truck RC truck there's someone in like a armored truck that the command center they drive the truck through the battlefield man and then I write and they can also pop off handgun rounds or something it gets to the soldier this out of ammo he picks up the X back got got got got got got nails I do we should just keep building this we can keep building it because they all say like you could have mag holders you could have the the tactical flashlights and survival gear to dummy grenades hanging from the back bumper oh I think we just turned this truck into the new defender let's pack it up soldier let's pack it up next time we got a ramp shoot nude we got to do the rap shoot that's mission complete today that seems a really good start and I think you've stumbled upon something ridiculous yeah something to build on for sure we turn this one into our tactical tank right here we got to get the little saddlebags the magazine holders the tactical lights everything all right successful mission and we're eating Momo's lasagne and llama rushed it it is so good without rollerblader changes a food blog oh you know what Kane did today at the start of my vlog he dabbed like completely on his on behind me you don't know what a dab is good for you dude good for you you do it I don't how's the super dad so we're gonna eat enjoy a little dinner and then maybe go play there's VR this one's on me my god person yeah I got I gotta pay for the day you will take all those money I can play a couple times then tell them two four eight two four eight two great yeah it is you guys look like crazy animals dude hey jumpy all right we warped over to uncle Dale's house Noah is playing what is this called job simulator yeah I've always wanted to try this this is like your dream come true so what do you do you're just an office worker what are you I'm gonna do the chef you see you become a chef is so funny that's actually no his hands in the game he paw yeah pour some in the blender it's funny haha Oh spelling oh sorry Mel good we're being back home guys thank you for being here thanks for having fun with me today I know some of the things I do can be a little strange a little edgy a little goofy one of my favorite things about vlogging every day is the very end of the vlogs because I know that you are the ones that are here every single day so thank you thank you thank you for that man I can never stop thanking you guys we are on the road to 10 million subs and we can only get there because of you the only reason I am where I am is because of you guys man Shannon liking the vlogs and just doing so much for us not just me like everything my family everyone in these vlogs is doing so much for us so thank you thank you thank you we will see you tomorrow we're on 20 I think this is 25 vlogs in a row so I feel like I'm a vlogger again I feel like I'm back on track and it feels amazing you guys know how long it's been since I actually blogged 25 days in a row it's been a long time so I'm proud of it feels good like I'm happy hope you guys are just feeling great man I said at the beginning of this why I started this blog with I hope you're thinking positive hope you're being positive man I really do I don't know if I remind you guys enough lately like I've been I've been so like just focused on making vlogs that I haven't stopped and challenged you guys being positive just stomping the negativity man and moving forward I'll tell you this guys we're so close to 10 million I was thinking today had somebody five years ago looked at me and said yo one day you're gonna have are close to 10 million subs on YouTube I look dude I would I would have literally laughed so hard I'd use I would have told him that a lot like I would have called him a liar I would I would have told him straight up that they're out of their minds do what you love to do man don't let nobody stop him and don't let nobody stop you if somebody's telling you they can't do it it's probably because they know they can't do it has nothing to do with you man do what you love and don't expect don't expect for it to happen overnight don't plan to be successful in a week a month a year just do what you love man everything else comes with it and I don't care about everybody says it's easy for you to say cuz you're a liberal dude I've been doing this forever man I was doing this when I was losing money every day I was doing this when I wasn't happy every day I was doing this when I wasn't pushing smile more I was I was as I've done it I've done it when I was broke I'm doing it now and it's the way of life man it's the way I'm living so I push you every day be positive guys I promise you it is the better way thank you for everything thank you for sharing thank you for hanging out and especially being here at the end of these vlogs I love you let's get to ten million push forward be positive you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile one you're beautiful you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 9,661,626
Rating: 4.8595495 out of 5
Keywords: family vlogs, range, noah atwood, .223, best pranks, RC, kane atwood, house, Roman Atwood, shooting, R/C, kid-friendly, smith, ohio, brittney, offroad, roman atwoods, AR15, girlfriend, backyard, noah, atwood vlogs, kane, kid friendly, Remote control, family friendly, youtube pranks, roman atwood vlogs, family fun, kids, Natural Born Pranksters, roman soldiers, family-friendly, roman vlogs, Roman, Atwood, pranks, home, truck, traxxas, daily vlogs 2016
Id: VTS7l4jcis0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2016
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