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oh my god it's gonna be awesome why are you looking at me like that what are you doing what's in the back oh this cold Zeus welcome to the vlog guys welcome back to Ohio we gotta wear these dogs out they have been cooped up for a few days they have so much energy inside they're like two bears dude so let's wear some dogs if you have a dog a big dog two dogs you definitely know what I'm talking about you ready you want me to get something out I'm gonna get my yellow quad out no we need gloves you want to go get gloves let's go get loves when he glows MA when he gloves MA oh yeah about that hang on just I was just gonna say this isn't from the dogs this is actually from mr. Atwood yeah maybe since I know came in for gloves I could maybe sneak a kiss are you sure you don't want taco I'm good on tacos yeah how you feeling today good good I'm always tired you know what I can't wait I can't wait to have this baby and for you to just say I feel good unless I sleep when the baby sleeps I'll feel good good luck it's so funny cuz when I come out here I usually try to get on my quad and hey no see no ride a dirt bike and I'll try to get on my dirt bike and he says no green one it's cold definitely take care thanks dude let's go Zeus let's go boy [Music] yeah have some fun go boy get out of here get out of here go Kano move he'll move if it was a little muddier you do it hey we're trying to do donuts ready go oh okay ready go [Music] wait till it snows we'll wait till snows then once it's knows what we ought to do tons of donuts free whooped here comes wash are you beat he's trying he's so close yes yes I got an idea what if we took your back tires we wrapped them in duct tape you think you could do dönitz yeah I've never tried this before hey quick question very serious question we have duct tape I mean I know we do but where is it this door can you get it I feel like I should just do it not tell you I'm gonna rap is I'm gonna rap his back tires and duct tape so he can do done us not me yeah you I'll only have this old ammo can I keep all my lithium RC batteries in it's all I got invest into a jack I can put the tape on the tires and then you can you can go and your tires will spin oh that's cool what's it sitting on em okay oh my god it's going to be awesome I wonder if I should go away on the edge is that actually my catch okay let's go again okay let's do this time oh my gosh what are they doing flash what are they doing no matter the nerve he's a little cautious of it did it's just a normal wheel but it's slippery it's like driving in the snow it's just like what it is [Music] Oh [Music] hey mom [Music] thank you maybe a little bit big for that we are out in the mud starting to rain no it's their terrain yeah I'll do it out in the dirt you guys burn some energy huh are you good you still got too much you know how to turn it on that is really cool I don't know how you're gonna hang it up have to call Dale do you get the stockings and I'll get the hoarder things all right I got one I think mine should say dad not Roman you know sometimes I tell you we clean our house before we vlog so it's not like disgusting well today is not cleaned there's two well that's really cool I like that a lot but what are we gonna do next year what do you mean wow we need one woman well wait what if she's in here don't say that oh my gosh don't say that but you know flash is gonna be like that day yeah I found our tree Levellers is it a candy cane this boys still good try it I thought you really were oh I love that he used to light up I should say that wood Smith's thus Matt woods Schmitt was SMAT wood Schmitt wood what then mine you have stuff in there you didn't open your stocking last year what's in there what do you think's in there probably dead rat hahahaha I musta put it in there's a little break bada-bing bada-boom all the stockings are up I love it good job I think it looks great and just for the record you cannot tell the dog's stockings are different at all look at the camera and just look at the camera there's no difference I told Kane to get the Christmas hat and put it on Zeus and we actually got a photo him in front of the fireplace under this I mean opposed to these um I think this is a good one okay so I absolutely love this photo this is Zeus in front of fireplace and you can totally tell he's looking at his ball but I love it and then Kane ran up there and stole the show did this is the greatest look at my boy it's such a great photo buddy is that your funny face be right back boy okay I'll be right back hey I'll be back okay give me five slam my boy I like we match don't have that cool overcoat on what do you mean okay I will be right back be bad good be good so the moment I wait for every single week is here right now Sunday evening I get to go get my boy Noah man it's like the most exciting day of the week just knowing that I get to get him and he's mine for a week is a great I look forward to this week you guys know I have my boy every other week so one week on one week off and the Sunday that I get to go get my boy is the best man it's such a good feeling man I'm sure a lot of you guys can relate to the situation it's just part of my life I stay very positive about it Noah stays very positive about it we're a team and I see it from you guys even all the time you know where's know we miss Noah and believe me nobody misses no one more than I do nobody misses that boy more than I do but it's a circumstances were dealt guys you got to roll with the punches you got to push forward and eventually we'll get through this crappy rain you guys know what's past the rain you know what's beyond the rain and we can always just thank the the corrupted court system of it let's scratch out let's stay positive let's go get my boy y'all I can't wait till this rain turns the snow yo y'all buy some Cheerios as a man good need another yeah cool let's do it okay so the next thing that we absolutely have to do today this is crazy man so you guys remember month I don't remember what month that was months ago it was warm up really warm out we came out with a game called worn pieces it's a board game for your families to play well when that game came out we told you that these would hit you by Chris if you were one of the buyers of this game that you would have it by Christmas that's still happening however just want to take a second to thank my wonderful management for waiting to the very last possible day to next-day air 700 liters I can't imagine what this cost to next-day air 700 of these for Britney and I to sign every single one and they have to be next to aired again tomorrow morning in order for you guys to get them by Christmas so we will be up all night signing 700 up when I was on the tour they had me do 300 posters a night and that with somebody helping me move them that would take just over an hour maybe you could get it done in an hour 300 so this is this is a four hour easily a four-hour project she looks so excited I gotta be honest I'm excited to sign each one of these I'm not excited that my management waited to the very last day that is painful because it's Sunday night I just got my boy Noah and the last thing I want to do is sit for four hours and do signatures I am thankful however to be able to do it it's awesome just bad timing and and then the toff at all there's a hundred more coming in the morning that we have to sign as soon as they come off the truck sign them and then put them back on the truck for next day or how the good thing is it is still on track everybody the order one will have it by Christmas and that's the whole reason we have to do it tonight and so online nice one good one I thought pee these are cool though they came out good I like it my O's are Smiley's here you write your name dude that's awesome you should put it well you can put it wherever you want but maybe right above your name the prints actually really cool oh man that is so awesome buddy only uh like 700 more are you ready we'll make it fun man the good thing is the deal is actually only Roman and Brittany have to sign so if you get one with a cane or know what may sign some that's just a bonus no I get no you must sign some boxes you don't have to but those that get it may be very very thankful for it me marker um right there wrapped that is super cool of you guys man Noah's putting his up here I'm over there Britt's here and Kane's signing all his right there all right we got that one done we're gonna move out to the smile Moore store because I don't feel like it look at all these we have to do holy smokes okay so these are all side we put them right back in the box and came and do this we'll close them up close it back up and it's gonna go next day air right back tomorrow like in out of the box in the box back out so we want for Christmas this year we told me barb eats just Barbies oh and a dollhouse right how big the house is like it I can't thank you osya compilations every time you guys send over your Barbies every what you wish for good job all done we just signed every single one feels awesome have that done [Music] guys warping past a little bit of time we got our work done tonight which was absolutely huge and very stressful because all day I was wondering how the heck we were gonna get that done and the only way to do it we sat down as a family and we cranked it out man thank you for hanging out with us thank you for this is these are honestly something that we didn't want to do on camera but we had no choice it was either that or a really short vlog so thanks for hanging out with us during our some of our business things that we have to get done that all being said I hope you guys are crushing it man I hope you don't hope you're chasing whatever it is you're wanting to be chasing man I hope I hope you're not sitting around and just thinking about it I hope you're getting up today right now saying today I'm gonna do it today let's do it let's go find something that motivates you today man whether it be your favorite song some type of music that you love maybe a YouTube video maybe myself whatever it is find a little motivation put that motivation towards exactly what it is you want do right now use it wisely man and get to it man time is ticking so fast guys I can't even explain it times the only thing we can't get and it is moving man I love you guys thanks for being so patient with me today's four vlogs in a row which is a huge new world record Guinness world we're trying we're trying to get back on track I love you love you so much thanks for everything the support to my family myself everything is surreal we will see you tomorrow guys don't forget how amazing you are you are one-of-a-kind you are everything smile more man you're beautiful you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 7,494,518
Rating: 4.9389119 out of 5
Id: omareqEQIYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2016
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