A-10 Warthog VS Tank - Epic Airsoft Battle

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Hint: For more realistic sounding GAU-8 firing, kick the video speed up to 2x in video options. (too bad it doesn't go to 4x), would be even better! Nice job with the tracers guys!😉

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xmechanic1956 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you guys ready to see us put airsoft on this that's what we're doing today now look at this look how light this thing is we have a few challenges to put airsoft on this one is keeping the weight down this thing is so light because we build it out of foam board foam board like you can get at the dollar store this thing doesn't weigh much at all so Eva cooked us up with these p90 airsoft guns we're gonna be using these on the ground to air stuff we got to figure out how to use this which is the guts of this and mount it inside the plane so I'm gonna take this we're gonna go see Chad and he's gonna figure out how to make this and all of this mount inside the plane things stuff I like [Music] how many airsoft guns a who built built zero I've taken a lot apart they never made it back together okay right now I have a gearbox and a barrel but the downside is they don't actually hold together like by themself it's the whole frame of gun that usually holds it together and we don't have a thing because that's too heavy to go in the plane so I'm gonna 3d like design a little part that goes around it and then gives me a little port where the bb's will go inside up all right so while chad is figuring out the power issue there Josh and I have to figure out the power issue here now we are working on making this a kit for you guys with free downloadable plans so that you can go to the dollar store buy your own foam board a little bit of plywood and build this a-10 yourself which is awesome and we're also working on our own kit so you can buy this pre-cut from us with our own special foam board that is more durable and also water resistant I need to cut the head of this warthog off with a giant razor blade so we can figure out how to put this airsoft gun inside fill that up with these about a thousand rounds in it yeah let's go testing the hopper doesn't actually run like you think it does springfed but the spring has to be constantly restrung as the guns normally firing so there's actually a mechanism that constantly clicks it in normal gun as well this isn't a normal gun so what do you need us to do I need somebody to pull a trigger this could actually like sit right here kind of sorry I did a bad thing there's not a single BB lodged in this they all want clean through that's diabolical [Laughter] what you're looking at I'm taking a nap man the gun can't be up and down because this comes down too far they can't do this because the bb's feet in here so it has to lay flat all right tray for the airsoft game is done this is much more challenging than then the concept may seem lots of things to figure out to see if we can even get this thing to work I'm glad chad is handling all that so in the last date end video you actually used for CPAC motors in the EDF ducts to act as basically a poor man's EDF the plane did fly but it didn't have nearly enough power to have a good flying experience if it wasn't definitely enough power to carry a fourteen pounds of airsoft gun there's no way it would get off the ground we're gonna go to power pod so so that's gonna give us the ability to do is have differential thrust a lot more power to weight ratio and that's gonna give the a-10 plenty of power but also make it much easier for you guys to build the future we're testing things out this is becoming our Franklin playing the odds of this crashing you gets higher and higher every time we don't want to trash our nice gun so the easiest thing to do is make every main component have its own mass and size and then we mock that up in there and that way if we do crash it we're out of a bunch of dummy wing or in this case that matters so this would be completely full up as heavy issues gonna get maybe - couple GoPros alright that's terrible let's on here we go oh my gosh I was no no affecting naughty although not it's flying better look at it it's quite a half throttle now with all that weight we could put an airsoft gun whoa that's a roll did you roll it yeah I was a little worried picking it up that it was gonna get off the ground but it just launched yeah it came out of my hands it's nice landing soft here we come our Arjun - now this is gonna be the mating right I know that's a that's the nerve-wracking thing is like oh there's a lot more right now at this time pardon me I almost feel like we should glue these wings on to not have a catastrophic failure oh yeah you're gonna want to glue put some glue in there it's like a giant water see this okay so this is kinda how it works so BB on one end there's a UV light in the other so as you drop it through you'll see a flash that comes out and really really right that's awesome blowing BB comes out the other snake tracer rounds so this pretty much just gets pushed down to the front when the from the nose is on it'll shoot blowing tracer hose awesome we should just just take a big deep breath we don't have time for that ready ready I take the Iran first pass batteries out here Oh we'll have it back in there in about 30 minutes so now I get to build a third giant a 10 a 10 is done tank is ready we are here 6:00 in the morning if there's ever question by level dedication to blow part of tank with little plastic babies now you know we are at Edgewater air park the future home of flight tests for those of you who don't know with the help of our community we purchased a golf course and that gives us all this space to do crazy projects like this so thank you all for making this possible safety is important ethic has hooked us up they have an incredible selection look at all this stuff they sent us it won't hurt if we get hit they come in all sizes we're about to take the plane up it's just now light enough that we can see but we can see the tracers josh is on the a-10 team and we're on the tank team and we're gonna be trying to shoot Josh down while he's trying to destroy it saying there now do not do this at home we have a disclaimer for you so here it is and we're back I just hit Andrew in the face we're gonna get this thing in the air let's go let's go oh yeah that's cool so it goes beautiful white give me a tank I got you Josh I got you my son [Music] it's a lot harder to hit than I anticipated [Music] Oh fight of your life this is also vis amazing huh I have never seen a fly like this in my entire life tracers make it possible to see those tracers hey Doc Victor bring it on [Applause] all right batteries [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Music] dude my battery's dead that's what happens when you work really hard you make crazy things why what kind of damage did we do we did not hit it much I can see I can see some little here we go right here boom boom on the wingtip here the 810 looks good let's look see what Josh did on this tank oh here's here some right here dude you blew the south I think you might have just been too far away for the BBS to penetrate it's amazing how hard this was to hit even with the tracers you shot the camera over I thought that this video was gonna end with you wrecking in the end of the day putting airsoft in a plane is a huge waste of time but what was not a waste of time was flying this awesome a-10 and hopefully bring it to you guys very soon well this was so much fun thank you guys for watching please subscribe for more videos like this you guys make this possible it's great when we hit a million subscribers if this tank goes in the air yeah see you guys next time you
Channel: FliteTest
Views: 14,599,232
Rating: 4.8846655 out of 5
Keywords: Flite Test, remote controlled, unmanned, drone, rc, uav, rc hobby, rc shop, a-10, warthog, tank, airsoft, battle, tracer, bb
Id: 4BBnYPuM2s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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