The Complete Call of Duty Single Player Campaign Critique (For PC)
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Channel: Noah Caldwell-Gervais
Views: 599,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Of Duty (Video Game), Review, Call Of Duty (Video Game Series), Call Of Duty: Black Ops (Video Game), Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Video Game), Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Video Game), Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Award-Winning Work), Call Of Duty: World At War (Video Game), Call Of Duty: Black Ops II (Video Game), Call Of Duty 2 (Award-Winning Work), Call of Duty: Ghosts, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, United Offensive, Retrospective, Critique, Overview, Campaign
Id: AvN51r1o1Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 53sec (7553 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I LOOOVE these videos.
I get really sick of some of the analysis vids out there that are 5 mins. . I really appreciate this long form approach
Fucking outstanding video.
I hope Noah manages to make a career out of this, because there is only a few other YouTubers who are this good.
Wow. I didn't think I would sit through the whole thing. I did and enjoyed every minute.
"COD is a working class game." Perfect description of the franchise.
This guy is just nailing it. Great video.
I love Call of Duty. I do not play a lot of the multiplayer but I love romping through the single player and spending some time online. I know exactly where the series fits in the grander scheme of things but more importantly the developers understand that better than anybody.
It fits so well into the market, filling a gap with the casual market that had been wide open for many years. It's successful due to it's brilliant formula and constant quality. Even the "bad" CoD games are still mechanically sound and well built.
This was quite a satisfying watch. I highly recommend watching it, especially if you disliked Call of Duty for the last few entries, and had judged them without really playing them like I had.
I really enjoyed how the multi-player was only mentioned in how it affected the single player. I started playing with Modern Warfare, and was young enough to miss the nuance in the plot, but still enjoyed it. When I played World at War and MW2, I never understood why I liked the campaign for Modern Warfare so much more. This video outlines a lot of what happens subconsciously when you play, which helped explain that to me.
The last game I purchased was Black Ops. I remember being so put off of it because it felt very inauthentic. Something about it just felt off, but I could not place my finger on it. The multi-player is the only reason I played that game at all. Then I discovered Battlefield and became completely uninterested in CoD multi-player, leaving me with no reason to care about the franchise. Well, I just might have to pick up Advanced Warfare now; it seems quite interesting.
What I am really surprised about, is that there was 2 hours of things to analyze about Call of Duty. I guess even in the stereotypical "meat-head shooters" there is something to think about.
I have to admit I'm disappointed Big Red One and CoD3 weren't eligible. I really enjoyed both of their campaigns.
I think he nailed exactly why i love Black Ops, CoD1 and CoD4.
I wish that more CoD games are much more critical and self-aware. Black Ops used America's failures in Vietnam and Cuba to drive the plot. CoD1 was about the harshness of war and CoD4 came at a perfect time when public opinion of the Iraq War was going negative.
Self awareness and critiquing itself are one of the reasons why prefer Metal Gear and Arma over recent CoD and Battlefield. I like a bit more satire and critical thinking in a game centered around Americans shooting people. I wish CoD went back to those roots. And of course, i miss modding CoD. CoD4 was a modding heaven and it justified my $60 purchase. The lack of modding in recent CoD really makes the $60 purchase worthless to be honest.
And yet, they are the literal definition of "working class games". CoD is the NCIS/CSI of video gaming. There is a sector of a population that prefers NCIS/CSI to Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. These are the people who CANNOT find any time for emotional and critical investment into pop culture. They can't spend their time binging on House of Cards on Netflix, and they definitely don't have the time to play a 100-hour Witcher game. That's the target audience for games like Call of Duty and Battlefield. And it's a winning strategy.
Another point that i think CoD needs more praise of is basically its success on aiming for the exact technical needs of a gamer. Current-gen CoD games like Ghosts and AW run in 1080p 60fps on all platforms (WiiU version of Ghosts run 720p 60fps) which succeeds in the technical side where games like The Order 1886 and AC Unity failed to do. For a game that is heavily criticized by "hardcore" gamers, it pretty much succeeds in delivering the technical and graphical needs of a hardcore gamer. In fact, sites like /v/ has even commended Activision for delivering 1080p 60fps on the two recent CoD games for ALL platforms where other AAA games have failed, and that is something that i think should be commended on.
The praise and criticism of the series took the words out of my mouth.
I feel Black Ops 2 is definitely trying to be more silly than cynical, but overall my opinions lie in almost identically. I really did enjoy Advanced Warfare.
Never thought I'd randomly click on a 2 hour YouTube video and end up watching the whole thing. Phenomenal.