How's Call of Duty's Single-Player Been Lately? [2015-2017, Spoilers]
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Channel: Noah Caldwell-Gervais
Views: 149,141
Rating: 4.9167848 out of 5
Keywords: Call of Duty, Black Ops 3, Infinite Warfare, World War 2, Review, Critique, Retrospective
Id: kajjU8AbmvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 15sec (3915 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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I enjoyed what Infinite Warfare tried to do so much that I wish it had been held back for two years. I think it could have been a really freaking cool space game.
By no means do i claim its perfect but Infinite Warfare had an engaging as fuck setting. and a decent story. Multiplayer is another story but the campagin was a really enjoyable experience, I actually found myself wanting to see another game set in the same universe just so i could get another 6-8 hour campaign.
Say what you want but it had some cool weapons to fuck around with and mixing things up with dogfight and zero grav combat missions was a really cool touch.
WW2 started off amazing but quickly became terrible.
If you advance to quickly, enemies gain aim hacks and focus you.
I don't mind QTE, but WW2 added the need to move your mouse to the point on the screen and press a button they don't tell you until the last second. I found I regularly failed certain QTE 10 times in a row where in other games I almost never fail it.
Tank handling was the worst I've ever seen, I wanted to uninstall the game so bad during that scene.
Nearly uses all of my 16GB of memory
And much more.
Infinite Warfare has been my favourite single player experience with the franchise since COD2.
It's too bad the multiplayer for that game sucks a huge bag of dicks. Weapons are too powerful, the netcode is atrocious and there's pay to win everywhere.
After NCG video and bunch of comments here... I think I am finally installing that Infinite Warfare copy I bought on the cheap 6 months ago.
I still personally think World at War, Black Ops, and Black Ops II had the best single player campaigns. Modern Warfare 2 as well.
Here's hoping Treyarch make a Call of Duty game this year that actually interests me. Or just make World at War remastered.
I just wish they would release a campaign-only version for $15 every time.
I loved the old Call of Duties' multiplayer (1, 2 and 4), but the modern ones are just the same every year and I really don't care about them at all anymore.
But we all know Activi$ion and that it will never happen.
A lot of people talk shit about Black ops 3 story and call it a mess. But when me and my buddy played through it we had a blast. Boss battles and mind games were all pretty nutty. And at the end of it my buddy goes, "so this is what a 3 year call of duty looks like...pretty good" I guess we're outliers.