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hey guys it's bella welcome back to my channel i hope you're all having an incredible day today today we're gonna be talking about another mystery monday case and i've researched a lot of cases over the last four years of doing mystery mondays and even before that i would watch documentaries and look into cases because it's just always been something that i'm interested in and out of all those cases today's case is the craziest one i've ever looked into like you guys are gonna be shook it was just blowing my mind when i was looking into it because i don't even have any words honestly like it is just totally ridiculous before we get into it i just want to thank today's sponsor castify i'm obsessed with case to fight we know this already i just think their cases are so cute this is my absolute favorite one i'm sure you guys have seen it a million times on here and on my instagram because it's literally like attached to my phone i never take it off because it just goes with everything it makes my mirror selfie so cute and it always matches my outfit you can customize this as well you can customize case to find cases and honestly they have a million different cases i say there's something for everybody this mirror case is also one of my absolute favorites i think it looks really cute but golly gosh the mirror is amazing i always take this case out when i'm going to dinner or going to a bar or just going out at night because if i need to touch up my lipstick or i need to touch up my powder this mirror case it's incredible i don't even need to go the bathroom on top of being cute cases though they also are really protective which is perfect if you're clumsy like me like literally every time we go into a store and i pick something up kerry will be like okay be careful he doesn't trust me to touch nice things in stores because i mean he has good reason but these cases have a military-grade job protection which saves me from getting my phone fixed every couple of months they are drop proof up to 6.6 feet and despite being so protective they're not bulky at all like a lot of other protective cases the cases also have antimicrobial coating which gets rid of 99 of bacteria and they're also partially made of recycled plastic which is just amazing so if you guys are interested in picking up a new case or you're in need of a new one you can get a cheeky 15 percent off if you go to case defined dot com bella i will leave all of the information for that in the description down below and speaking of cases let's go ahead and get into today's mystery monday case on the morning of the 10th of september in 1999 girly true hossencofft didn't show up for work at the bank of america in uptown albuquerque one of girly's closest friends only johnson had been calling the bank all morning to see if anyone had seen or heard from her if she'd shown up for her shift because she couldn't get a hold of her and they spoke every single night girly and ernie so the night before ernie called girlie as she did every single night girly didn't answer she called multiple times couldn't get a hold of her the next morning she tried again and still couldn't get a hold of her so she was just freaking out after speaking with ernie gurley's boss kathy cermanski tries calling girly's home phone but it rings out and there's no answer she tries calling her cell phone but the same thing happens and girly doesn't answer so by 8 10 am just 10 minutes after girly was supposed to start her shift one of her co-workers named jessie grove decided to go to her apartment and see what was going on while he's on his way there at 8 15 a.m girly's boss kathy decides to call 9-1-1 to report her missing obviously by this point girl is only 15 minutes late for work so the 9-1-1 operator is like yeah look not a lot we can do you're just going to have to call albuquerque's police department's non-emergency number so she calls albuquerque police department's non-emergency number and you know again they're not really interested because girlie has been missing for not even 30 minutes at this point but after kathy calls them four times they finally agree to go and do a welfare check and check out girly's apartment now i know you guys probably think the same thing as the police at this point like she's 15 minutes late for work and they're calling 9-1-1 like relax it's a bit dramatic but not only is girly like a model employee she's never ever late for work she never misses a shift for work she's always the first one to show up but she had actually moved to uptown in january of that year after leaving her crazy and abusive husband who she didn't want to find out her address like so much so that she didn't even tell her closest friend ernie johnson her new address she also told her co-workers and her friends like if i'm ever late for work call the police because he's done something to me so when kathy called police she was telling them you know like she's really scared of her ex-husband everybody at work knows and that's why we need you to do a welfare check which is why they eventually after four calls agreed to do a welfare check and go and check out her apartment so let's take it back a little bit so i can tell you about girlie and the situation so you can kind of understand why everybody was panicking and honestly make sure to pay attention buckle up strap in because it is an absolute roller coaster it is such a crazy case and it's a little all over the place so i'll try my best to make it as least confusing as possible gurley chew hosenkoft was born on the 27th of august in 1963 in malaysia to father chu ching ken and mother chin gyok won and she had two siblings a sister named jun chu and a brother named andrew chu when she was 21 years old she got a job as a marketing rep at the hong kong bank in penang and she became really close friends with one of her co-workers named susan in 1989 susan and gurley decided to take a trip to the us and it ended up becoming an annual trip they went back every single year because they just loved it so much on one of their trips to the us in the early 90s a girly met this guy named diazione hossencofft he was actually born amman chavez in houston texas on the 5th of march in 1965 to yolanda and amano chavez senior when he was around six or eight years old his parents split up and he and his siblings his older sister susan and two younger half-brothers enrico and stanley were removed from their mother and were living with their father and their stepmother and by the time he was 16 he'd actually moved out from his dad's place as well because he really didn't like his stepmom he was described as a really compassionate kid but when he was in high school he played a lot of football and he actually had a pretty severe head injury had to be airlifted to the hospital he stayed there for four days and everybody just says that after this he was never really the same his personality kind of changed he did still go on to attend college he went to the college of notre dame in san francisco and when he was 23 years old he married his first wife rosemary guerrero on the 23rd of february in 1986 at the assemblies of god church in gilroy california and i think this is kind of where his lives began because on his marriage certificate his occupation was listed as a technician for an immunology lab which was just not true he was actually just a college student with a part-time job at a hospital and honestly he wasn't even doing too hot in college like his grades really weren't the best he did however manage to graduate in december of 1987 with a bachelor of science in chemistry soon after the marriage he and his wife rosemary had a baby and things then started to get weird so he was applying to a bunch of different medical schools he was getting rejected from every single one in the late 80s rosemary started seeing him taking his own blood and he also started to like use this random name here and there that he had literally just like plucked out of his butthole and then towards the end of the marriage he made this really weird remark he basically said if i ever killed anybody that no one would ever find the body because i would use chemicals to dissolve it anyway their marriage lasted less than three years because rosemary discovered that he had been cheating on her she said that during their marriage he had some pretty bad anger issues but specifically about three things so he would get really mad if anyone didn't think he was intelligent if people didn't show him enough respect and about the fact that he didn't get into med school eventually in july of 1990 he actually was accepted into med school he was accepted into the university of utah's college of medicine he told his classmates and teachers there that his wife and son had died in a horrible car crash and that it happened as his wife was driving to pick him up so he felt really guilty about it which obviously we know isn't true because rosemary and their child were still very much alive his professor was actually a bit suss on the whole story i don't know why i guess something in the story just wasn't adding up so his professor had a look online for any news articles relating to a horrible cash where a mother and their child died and he found nothing and then one day his professor was looking through a man's textbooks because his name was still amanda at this point i know it's so confusing there's so many names just to clarify amman diazion same person but anyways going through his textbooks and he found some letters from his ex-wife rosemarie asking him to come back to california and they were recent so obviously the whole story was just untrue amand or diazione also started convincing fellow students to allow him to take their blood for like i guess some tests he was doing or said he was doing and then one day he just dropped out his professor had no idea why at the time but as it turns out he was falsifying his lab results he actually falsified his letter of recommendation to even get into the class he also falsified a federal grant application listing himself as married to obtain more funding and he also took advantage of lied to and scammed money from at least two women so of course when the university of utah found all of this out they rescinded his acceptance into their medical school we're gonna get into this more as the video goes on but this guy was just a massive con artist he was a huge conspiracy theorist as well and he was a big fat liar and you guys are going to be shook when i tell you more about him so diazion and gurley met at seaworld in san diego in the early 90s when gurley was visiting the us and after she went back to malaysia they wrote to each other as pen pals eventually in 1992 diazion asked girlie to marry him and she planned to move to the us by the end of that year before she moved diazion wrote a letter to girly's parents saying like sorry i didn't ask you a blessing and asking girlie to marry me but i don't care um he introduced himself said he worked for nasa which has a national defense system subdivision called nds which is where he worked he said he was born in zurich in switzerland which is just a weird lie because he was born in houston and he also signed the letter off as diazion hosncoft which is literally a name that he just plucked out of thin air and decided yep that's gonna be my name and he legally changed his name to that on the 17th of july 1992. so when he and gurley met and when he and gurley had been writing to each other he actually hadn't even changed his name yet but like i said he was a big fat liar so he had created this whole fake world that girly had come to expect so he was trying to set all of that up before gurley actually arrived in summer of 1992 before gully arrived in the us diazion moved to a new place in delmar ave in albuquerque he introduced himself to his neighbors as a scientist he told them he once had a wife who was severely injured in a horrible car crash and that his two young children died in the crash he was a snake oil salesman like literally he claimed to be a geneticist and he sold people these fake cancer treatments he also sold them like anti-aging serums that were also fake of course um for thousands of dollars but we'll get into that a little later on he told people and his neighbors that he had leukemia and that he was going to die in a few months and he actually used this to help sell his fake cancer treatments and to scare people of money because he would be like you know i have cancer i'm going to die soon but there's this treatment that i can get that has three phases the first phase will keep me alive for the next eight years then after that eight years i go back for the second phase and the second phase treatment will keep me alive for another five years and then after those five years i go back for the third phase of the treatment and that'll keep me alive for like another two years so he would scan people with this in two ways the first being selling his fake cancer treatments he would go to them and say i was cured by this and now i have the cure in my blood so i can inject my blood into you for this price and you will also be cured of your cancer and then the other way he would scare people is he would be like oh i'm gonna die soon the next phase costs 90 000 and i don't have the money please give me some money over the years people invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into hispay cancer treatments as well as into his fake research projects like he said that he could create humans from petri dishes and get this right he said he invented a machine that could successfully map out the entire human genome and he was on the cusp of making billions of dollars he said that he had protected his invention by storing it in five separate parts in five separate universities across america like their horcruxes or something he said that the financial return for anybody who invested would just be phenomenal he even had his 70 year old neighbor pedro investing some of his savings as well which is just so sad daisy and also had a seven page cv and in this cv he spoke about the fact that he had numerous academic degrees awards and like over 40 medical research papers that he had written the resume also stated that he worked as a cryogenic laboratory research chemist at stanford it had a bunch of typos and misspellings all throughout the cv and would you have guessed it but all of the accomplishments in that cv were in fact fake and honestly this isn't even everything about this guy like it just gets crazier and crazier anyway on the 28th of december he went out and bought a seven and a half thousand dollar ring for girlie and the very next day she arrived in the us in albuquerque and then a couple of days later on the 8th of january 1993 girly and diazine got married and they lived together in new mexico and albuquerque girly got a job at the bank of new mexico on montgomery boulevard pretty soon after she moved there which is where she met ernie johnson who was one of her closest friends in the us who i already spoke about in april of 1993 they were moved to another branch of the bank on renaissance boulevard and this branch had a really high turnover rate it was just a shitty place to work there weren't a lot of customers and generally the workers slacked off a lot but girlie was a model employee she was one of their best employees especially at this specific branch she was always dressed nicely had her hair done nicely she was amazing with customers she was a hard worker and ernie also said she was an extremely happy person and was always laughing because there weren't a lot of customers at this branch though ernie and gurley spoke a lot they got really close and they spent like every single christmas and thanksgiving together at ernie's place in february of 1996 diazion and gurley moved house not very far away it was just around the corner on moon street and after they moved diazion started going out of town often like for days at a time sometimes over a week he said it was part of his calling that he was blessed with the incredible skill to save lives when he got back he would tell gurley about how he did these 12 to 16 hour life saving surgeries mainly on women and children that have been in horrible car crashes i genuinely don't understand this guy's obsession with women and children dying in horrible car crashes it's so weird the two seem to be doing well financially probably from a mall of diazi and scamming um which girly didn't know about and nobody really knew about at the time gurley drove a 1995 bmw and he drove a jaguar and he would go around telling all of his neighbors i paid for them in cash honey the interior of the house though was pretty modest but there was this one room in the house that he wouldn't let anyone inside he kept it locked all the time not even girly was allowed in it was very very top secret he spent a lot of time in that room he wouldn't tell anybody what was inside but we'll get to that a little later on so diazion and girlie had been trying to get pregnant because diazine really wanted a child but unfortunately they found out that girlie was unable to have children girly really wasn't interested in adopting i mean for a number of reasons but also the fact that her husband had leukemia and all these other illnesses and she didn't know how long she had left with him so with no immediate hope that they could have children they decided to get a dog not long after they get this dog girly shows up at ernie's house at like seven in the morning and immediately as soon as ernie answers the door she knows something's wrong girly is crying and she tells her that the dog died that it just randomly started convulsing and shaking and died right in front of her eyes and honestly based of how crazy diazian is i have no doubt that he had something to do with that but they got another dog and then somehow that one managed to disappear it apparently escaped from their backyard and then one day after that happened diazion randomly shows up with a baby like a literal three-week-old baby named dimitri girly was shook obviously because he just randomly showed up at the house with a baby there was no talk of adopting beside the fact that girlie had specifically said she didn't want to adopt there was no adoption process nothing the baby was actually diazeans that he had had with another woman and the only things he told gurley about this adoption was that the mother was asian and that he had obtained legal soul custody through illegal adoption and that was all he ever said about it but gurley did agree to raise dimitri as her own by january of 1998 girly and diazione had been married for almost six years and girly started to suspect that diazione was talking to a bunch of other women because she would randomly get calls at the home asking about dimitri asking for diazine claiming to be diazione's fiance so one day a girly decides to go and check out that one room in the house that diazione doesn't let anybody into including girly his little top secret room because he had left it unlocked in the room she found this three-page letter from an albuquerque attorney which basically revealed to her all of the lies that diazione had built his life and their marriage on in this letter she found out that he had been ordered by the courts to stay away from another woman she found out his real name was a manchester that he had like four social security numbers that the fbi had visited him about poisoning a woman that he wasn't actually a real scientist and that he had been scamming people of their money also in the room she found romantic papers from other women she also found this document from 1995 that proved that he was impersonating a doctor and that he'd been giving all of these treatments to other women so girly confronted diazion about what she found in the room about these other women and he got really really mad and became physically abusive on the 17th of january 1998 diazion flipped out in this like violent rage against girlie because he found out that she had contacted one of his girlfriends to tell her that he was in fact married he had been drinking and he began pushing her and hitting her in the kitchen of their home he gripped her in a headlock and the grip was so tight around her neck that she nearly passed out and then while he had her in a headlock he just started punching her in the face they had a tendent living with them at the time named shelly abrams she was in her bedroom she came out to the kitchen to get a glass of water and she saw diazione punching girly so diazine grabbed girlie by the hair and dragged her into their bedroom where he pushed her up against a wall i don't know what happened but somehow a bookshelf fell over onto gurley so shelley immediately calls their neighbor pedro if you remember he was the 70 year old man who diazine was scamming he's 75 years old at this point and him and diazine were pretty close and shelley tells pedro that diazione is gonna kill girlie so he really needs to come over and help he comes over to find diazee and holding girly against the wall by her neck repeatedly punching her in the face saying you you liar and just horrible things he kept going once pedro came in the room he didn't care who saw them so pedro threw himself between gurley and diazion like an absolute legend and told girlie run just run over to my house so she ran over there and she called the police from their house when police arrived girly had a blood lip her left eye was bruised and swollen shut she had marks around her neck and a big scrape down her left leg diazione was immediately arrested and charged with domestic violence aggravated battery on a household member and assault on a household member seven hours after being arrested he posted bond and was free to leave and a year later the courts would dismiss all three charges on another occasion on the 24th of january 1999 diazion and gurley were in bed watching tv when diazione randomly turns to curly and goes tomorrow i want you to go and get me a menu from the restaurant at the hyatt hotel and make sure you take the freeway she reluctantly agrees they watch tv for another few minutes until diazine gets up leaves the room and then a few minutes after that girlie hears an alarm going off in the garage so she decides to go and check it out when she gets to the garage she notices that diazione is towards the back of her bmw at the rear tire with some tools and it looks like he was trying to loosen her tire or something she makes a comment like what are you trying to do kill me and then he shoves her onto the carp on it she does manage to open the garage door and she manages to squeeze underneath it and run out while it's still open diazion is chasing her but she makes it to her neighbor pedro's house and his wife and she's banging on the door and they let her in and they're like what's wrong what's wrong and she tells them that diazione is going to kill her they offered her some water but she was shaking so much that she couldn't even drink it she calls the police from their house and then she sits down to tell them what's going on and as she's sitting there telling them what's going on she hears a knock at the door so immediately she runs to hide pedro goes to open the door and as he comes in diazion throws pedro against the wall and is like where is she where's girlie they obviously didn't tell her diazione tells them that he never wants to see girlie again and then he left and went home later when the police arrived they escorted her back to her and diazion's house to grab all of her stuff she immediately got a restraining order and went to see a doctor this is what a court order examination documented her injuries as they said she had numerous cuts abrasions and bruises and the words husband tried to kill her appeared near the top of the medical evaluation she also began looking for a new apartment that day she didn't move far away she moved around two kilometers away to the valley grandi apartment complex but the complex had a massive fence around the whole thing and it also had security there every night and she also got the apartment near the back of the complex because it was more remote and it was harder to find she hardly told anybody where she lived because she didn't want diazione to be able to find her like i mentioned earlier she didn't even tell her closest friend ernie where she lived she did however let her coworker jessie who i mentioned earlier help her move in he was a couple years younger than her but he was very protective of her and kind of acted like her older protective brother by the 9th of february in 1999 girlie had received her temporary restraining order and she gave it to her boss kathy she also told kathy and her co-workers about the situation what was happening and this is when she told them you know if i ever am late for work call the police because he's done something to me and she also told her co-workers about all of his lies and all of these other women that he was seeing which i'll talk about in just a second obviously she had fought for divorce and she was still fighting to be able to see dimitri but by the end of march she signed papers terminating her right to see dimitri which absolutely broke her heart to do but she was hoping that it would save her life in the end she also only earned nineteen thousand dollars a year but she still agreed to pay a hundred dollars a month child support for dimitri despite having a restraining order against diazione gurley still lived in fear of him one time when she left work and went down to her car she saw that her front windscreen had been smashed in and immediately knew that it was diazion who had done it another time when she was driving home from work she was stopped at a red light and diazion just comes out of nowhere and is like yelling and screaming at her he told her she would be killed and that nobody would find the body he called the bank regularly and tried to ask to talk to girlie but like i said girly's co-workers knew the situation so they never transferred the calls but our co-workers did serve as good witnesses because of this and so diazine was actually charged with three counts of violating his restraining order and the trial date was set for the 8th of july in 1999 but for girlie this just could not come soon enough her boss kathy actually ended up temporarily transferring her to a different branch in order to help hide her so let's talk a little bit about all of this stuff that diazione was doing behind girly's back the other women the scamming and all of that other crazy stuff so in 1988 there was this wealthy woman who had hired somebody to balance her checkbooks and cook her meals at home a private chef this person was amanda chavez or diazione but he hadn't changed his name yet so he was still going by amman chavez so for two years he had been balancing this woman's checkbooks and cooking her meals cooking her lunch and dinner and then in may of 1988 she almost died her heart her liver and her kidneys were all damaged and doctors concluded that she had been poisoned with arsenic police obviously came to question her try to get to the bottom of who would have poisoned her and she told them that diazione or amanda at the time her personal chef had brought her a meal the night before and he was acting really funny and like he kept asking her have you eaten your vegetables make sure you eat vegetables why haven't you in your vegetables yet and she thought they tasted funny but she didn't really think anything of it until she found out she had been poisoned obviously police found no evidence at the home that anybody had poisoned her they didn't file charges against anyone and basically said that well maybe she did it to herself in 1993 a 72 year old wealthy woman put an ad in the albuquerque journal saying wealthy woman looking for lover and through that ad she met doctor diazione hosenkoft he told her that he was a geneticist who had invented a serum that could cure her breast cancer and could also reverse her aging he told her that he had taken the original youth serum so that it was now in his blood so he would need to inject her with his own blood and over the next 20 months she paid him 25 000 a month for these treatments he also told this woman that his daughter had died in a car accident but that he was going to use a strand of his dead child's hair to recreate her genetically in a lab and he also said he needed a house to raise his new genetically created daughter in and so this woman bought him a two-story house in albuquerque and then by 1995 this woman's son finally convinced her to see a real oncologist because the breast she had the cancer in had grown to twice its natural size and the oncologist basically told her that she had six to 18 months to live her son was obviously pissed at this guy diazium because he had been feeding her fake promises fake treatments and he'd also been scamming her all of this money and so for the last two years while she thought that he was treating her of his cancer she wasn't getting real treatments so he became his mother's court-appointed temporary guardian and he cut diazium from her life and he also got a restraining order against diazion so that he could have no contact with his mother whatsoever she unfortunately passed away on the 27th of january in 1996 due to complications from her breast cancer in the summer of 1996 diazepam went to get a haircut at supercuts in albuquerque and his hairdresser who we'll call mary said he had a good sense of humor he had a good personality seemed like a nice guy he was a doctor and he was also single seems like a like an awesome catch right not long after his first haircut he came back for another and another and by his third hair card he and mary went on their first date things started off pretty well he liked to whine and die in her he liked to compliment her he was also a doctor so he could do physicals on her 14 year old daughter who needed them for like sports or whatever i mean it was weird though because in these physicals he would just tell her daughter like to take your clothes off he would look at her and then he would be like okay done that's the physical done but quickly mary started to discover all of these weird things about him like for example she noticed that two to three times a day he would inject himself with a needle in his pelvis his wrist or his ankle he told her that it was morphine and that it helped to ease the pain of his leukemia which he had then one day she gets home and her 10 and 12 year old sons tell her that diazion has taken their blood because he had leukemia he was dying and he wanted to see if they were a bone marrow match for him which is just such a crazy thing to do without consulting her at all and he would make these weird comments to her like he would say you know i can get rid of you like i could put acid on your body and you would disappear she kind of blew it all off until 1997 when a woman came into supercars she looked really scared she was desperate to speak to her and she told her that her name was girlie and that she was married to diazion she also told mary that if diazium found out she was talking to her that he would kill her when mary confronted him he said that he wasn't married and he said you know who told you and she said oh just some anonymous person called me and told me over the phone and he said i bet i know who it was and that is when he went home and physically abused girlie there was another woman named julie mcguire and she owned the enchantment lodge in aztec new mexico she turned 50 on the 4th of august in 1998 and in summer of that year she decided to post an ad on a dating service which diazione found he emailed her on the 29th of august and you know introduced himself a little bit let me read you what he told her he said he had a bachelor of science degree in biochemistry from a tokyo university a masters in organometallic chemistry from stanford university a masters in genetic engineering from san francisco's university and an md or phd from cornell he said one of his parents was japanese and the other was german and that he had a japanese accent and he sent her a picture of himself wearing a kimono he said he was born two months premature and said he was born on a swedish ship he said he had a level 22 government security he said he was once married but that his wife had been killed by a drunk driver and he felt responsible because she was on her way to the san francisco hospital where he worked at the time he said that an ambulance brought his dying wife to him in the emergency room and that he started operating and trying to save her but in the end he just couldn't he also told her that he and his wife had a son together named dmitry he was very much alive and he was two years old now he also told her he can manipulate human cells and make people younger eleven days later they decided to meet up and diazion and dimitri made the three-hour drive from albuquerque to aztec where they would stay for three days getting to know julie while he was there he told her that dimitri was one of 12 boys who had been genetically engineered by the nsa he said that his sperm was used to fertilize the eggs of 12 different women that all 12 boys were created in a single month and they were all born at 8am on the 8th of august in 1996. and he also told her that the name of the experiment was girly and that that's why dimitri was always asking for girlie he started telling her about aliens and you know look i believe that there are life forms somewhere out there in this ginormous never-ending universe there has to be another form of life somewhere but he said there are good and bad aliens and that he himself is an alien he said that she had been visited by aliens and that good aliens had put a chip in the bridge of her nose and that meant that she was one of the chosen ones who had to leave the earth before the bad aliens attacked the planet and he said that because of that there would be a time where she would be taken to a space station in colorado springs he also told her about his age reversing serum and he said look i'll give you an incredible deal i'll give you 90 off so normally it's 32 000 per injection but i'll give it to you for 3 200 per injection you need a couple injections a month for the next six years and god knows why but she decided that that sounded legit and she was gonna go ahead with it oh my god and there was this one time when they were laying in bed and she's like about to drift off to sleep and she randomly hears him like whispering to her feel relaxed feel relaxed feel relaxed she looks at him and she's like what the frick are you doing and he's like oh i thought you were asleep haha oopsies like what the so he was there for three days in that trip and then he comes back again to visit her in january of 1999 and he says the nsa is trying to kill him and dimitri apparently they found out that he'd been giving her the serum at such a reduced rate and that it was worth 1.8 million dollars that he'd given her and they wanted him to pay or he was going to die but he didn't have the money of course he also said they wanted to kill the 12 genetically engineered children because they were growing too powerful and they were developing so quickly that soon they were going to be able to take over the world so that nsa wanted them dead he said that he had a plan and that he needed her to get two passports for him and dimitri so that they could flee to china sometimes he would leave dimitri with her and he would tell her you cannot tell anyone of his location especially not the police especially not the social services because they could be the nsa in disguise then randomly he says the nsa has sentenced him to death and injected him with leukemia diazion and dimitri visited her again on the 1st of may 1999 and she said that when they got there dmitry seemed like he'd been drugged a few days later she went to albuquerque to visit him this time and when she got there she had to park at a health clinic a little while away from his house because the nsa was watching his house of course so he drives her to the health clinic and he picks her up and drives her back to his house and this part is just so funny to me so he starts punching in all of these numbers in this electronic panel that he has in his garage and he goes you know the nsa they're listening to me but i know how to scramble their code but the thing he was punching these numbers into was just the garage door remote the amount of secondhand embarrassment that i have for this guy off the charts so by this point she's actually pretty sus on him but she wants to stick around and make sure that dimitri's okay because she thinks that something weird is going on she still did believe that he was a geneticist and a doctor but she was suss on him about dimitri and just thought he was a cheater and a liar so she was only there for the day that time but she goes back seven days later for another visit and when she gets there in the bathroom there's blood everywhere in the bathtub on the countertop there's like blood-filled needles everywhere and like blood-soaked gauze everywhere diazion had these track marks all up and down his arms and he said that he'd been extracting his own blood because it was needed for the 12 genetically engineered children or something for some reason he had been drinking a lot he started telling her that he'd done all these bad things he showed her this 30 inch samurai sword that he had and also three guns that he had one night he went on his computer and she didn't have her glasses so i guess he assumed that she couldn't see what he was doing on the computer but literally right in front of her he was talking to two other women and he was offering one of these women this youth serum and offering her the exact same deal that he had offered to julie as well you know ninety percent off three thousand two hundred dollars per injection instead of thirty two thousand dollars so she left on the 11th of may and then on the 15th of june she gets a call from diazione and he's like i'm really really sick with my leukemia at the moment and she's like okay no worries i will come and i will look after dimitri until you're better diazi and told her amazing you can drive straight to my house this time because the nsa hasn't been around for a while so she leaves that day and she gets to diazion's place at around 1 30 am she gets dimitri she leaves by nine and she tells him you know wave goodbye to your dad say goodbye to your dad and he says no outright refuses to say goodbye or even acknowledge his father and she knew immediately from that that something was just so wrong when she got him home she found that he had bruises on his temples which he said was from daddy's punch his rectum was swollen which i guess she already knew about because apparently diazion had told her his rectum was swollen from falling on it which i don't know sounds weird to me anyway i feel like when you fall on your butt you don't fall on your butthole unless your butt cheeks are like inverted but then julie started to notice more and more things she noticed that his penis was super unclean and that there was a red rash all over it when julie gave him a bath dimitri was complaining about his sword toes so she had a look and she found that there was little tiny holes between each toe like track marks julie thought it may have been from diazi and injecting him with some sort of drug to make him go to sleep so that he could leave him unattended and if you remember one time when diazione and dimitri visited julie she said that he seemed like he had been drugged so she decided to call diazione and confront him about it and he said that dmitry had been playing this new game with a push pin and he would just push the pin in between his toes like this guy is just such a liar right so she decides to call aztec's department of social services to report what was going on and they said because the boy's from albuquerque there's nothing they can do except transfer it over to albuquerque social services she asked one of her friends in local law enforcement to do a background check on darsian and she found out he was married to a woman named gurley he was going through a divorce he had been charged with domestic violence he was actually born in houston not in switzerland like he said and his real name was amman chavez not diazi and hosncoft it was just a crazy situation like imagine finding all of this out about a guy you'd been seeing and then one day diazione shows up at her house takes dimitri back and that was that for a while so about a month after all of this happens with julie in late july or early august of 1999 he meets a woman named linda henning and she is a very important character in this whole thing and this is where things really start to get crazy but i'm actually gonna finish part one here because if i didn't this case is so humongous it would probably be like a two-hour video so tomorrow we'll talk about linda henning their relationship their crazy ridiculous views we'll talk about the crime and so much more crazy stuff so make sure you tune in for part two tomorrow i'll leave the link for it down below when it's uploaded and hopefully i'll see you guys then i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day bye guys
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 770,101
Rating: 4.9390521 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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