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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime kiss today is part two of the jasmine fiora case if you haven't caught part one you kind of need to watch that one before you can watch this one otherwise this one won't make any sense i'll link it up here in the eye i believe it was called the reality show murder or something along those lines it's linked up here go watch that one first but if we're all caught up then i just want to thank our sponsor for making this video possible before we get into it skillshare if you follow me on my second channel if you don't there'll be a link in the description you'll know that i just moved house and i've moved out of my own home for the first time and now i'm in the process of decorating and something that's helped me so much through this process is skillshare i've watched so many different classes on like styling and interior decorating and just finding my styles skillshare if you don't know already is an online learning community with thousands of different online classes in a range of different subjects from like business and productivity all the way to creative things like photography video editing art and then even just like lifestyle stuff like interior decorating and cooking classes and pretty much everything the most recent class that i loved was called style your space creative tips and techniques for interior design by emily henderson this class really helped me to identify the style that i wanted with my apartment it even had like a little quiz in there to help you figure out your own style i really liked it and then emily goes into detail about how you can implement your style into your home and make your decoration a reflection of your personality i've loved skillshare classes for so long especially during the lockdowns and stuff that we've been having in the uk i've found it so useful to help me feel productive even though we can't really do much at the moment i have used it for productivity but i've also used it for self-care as well i've watched classes on like journaling and it's really helped me in that way as well honestly skillshare classes can help you in like every aspect of your life i swear from self-care to business productivity learning new hobbies and skills and they're very kindly offering the first 1 000 of you guys to click the link down below in the description a free trial of premium membership after that it's only around 10 a month but like i said only 1 000 of you will get this offer so quick go down to the link in the description thanks again to skillshare for sponsoring this video now let's get into the case i'm just gonna give a little bit of a summary of what happened in part one before we get into part two just a jogging memory so jasmine fiore was a 28 year old model living in california with her husband 32 year old ryan jenkins jasmine and jenkins had met in march of 2009 in a casino in las vegas and from that moment on the two of them had this whirlwind romance they were married literally within three days they got married in a las vegas chapel brian jenkins was a canadian real estate investor he was worth like 2.5 million dollars he was a millionaire that had been on a reality show or just finished recording a reality show for millionaires it was called megan once a millionaire it was like a dating show for this girl called megan hausermann to find herself a millionaire boyfriend ryan jenkins didn't win which meant that he was single in time for him to go to this vegas casino and meet jasmine fiore they fell in love they got married now the two of them seemed to have the most amazing relationship in the beginning like he was rich she was an it girl they would throw all these parties on the beach and on boards and they just had the best time together but then rather suddenly a couple of months into this relationship the parties stopped and their relationship suddenly became very very toxic jasmine and jenkins were both bad for each other they were both cheating on each other jasmine stayed in contact with her ex-boyfriends and would see them regularly and jenkins to retaliate to his wife cheating on him he would cheat on her but he would bring these women back to the house and do it in front of jasmine and it was just it was so toxic literally the meaning of toxic but this progressed way further than just you know arguments fighting them cheating on each other when one day they were at a pool party jasmine cheated on jenkins once again with a random guy that she met at this party and he got physical with her he pushed her in the pool and she pressed charges on him he had a year of probation their marriage was really on the ropes in the summer of 2009 they'd been together what like four months and they were already looking at getting an annulment one thing that was driving a wedge between their relationship was the fact that jenkins seemed to have no money anymore like the party stopped he stopped spending money on jasmine he stopped all of that and now he paid for nothing anymore he would say that all of his money is wrapped up in canadian bank accounts because that's where he's from or he couldn't get it converted to dollars you know excuse after excuse he had no money and he'd actually promised jasmine ten thousand dollars a month you know just as kind of like wife pocket money i don't know pocket money ten thousand dollars you know what i mean though he promised his wife ten thousand dollars a month and he was not bringing it and jasmine was not having this so jenkins decided he needed to do something to win his wife back over like to stop her from leaving him and so he decided to go on yet another reality tv show called i love money in this he competed for a quarter of a million dollar grand prize and won it he took that 250 000 back home to jasmine and from that point on their relationship seemed perfect again suddenly they were happy they were all over each other again it was like they just met each other for the first time they were going on weekends away this this and that they were so happy but then something happened that would change all of that jasmine fiore disappeared completely jenkins text around all jasmine's friends asking if they'd seen her if they'd heard from her but no one had she'd gone out to run errands one night in her car and just never returned home so ryan jenkins got in contact with the police and reported his wife as missing but as all of this had been going on police had actually been responding to a completely separate incident miles away that took place that same morning around 7am a man had been walking his dog just outside of l.a and he'd walked up to this dumpster opened it gone to throw something in but inside he saw a suitcase and this suitcase seemed to be leaking some kind of fluid so he pulled it out of the dumpster and tried to get inside of this suitcase and when he did he found something horrifying there's a big suitcase so i took my middle finger and i just lift it up and sure enough it looks like a body it's for sure a body yeah i mean yeah inside that suitcase was the beaten up dead body of a young woman and the man said that when he'd found that suitcase that day the fluid that it was leaking seemed to have been this woman's blood the woman inside was found completely naked she was curled up in the fetal position and her body had been mutilated parts of her were missing entirely her teeth had been pulled out her fingers had been cut off it seemed as though whoever had done this was removing any possible way of identifying this woman's dead body so already we have someone trying to cover their tracks this was absolutely without a doubt a murder that someone was trying to get away with the body was taken for an autopsy and like i say it was going to be so so hard to identify this woman so that wasn't one of the initial findings but what was the initial finding was that her cause of death wasn't actually from the bludgeoning and being completely beaten up which was exactly what it looked like but her cause of death was actually strangulation although she had been severely beaten beforehand her nose was broken just every part of her body was just black and blue and covered in blood but no matter what pathologist did no matter what techniques they tried to use dna everything like that they just could not identify this poor victim that was until one of the pathologists that was carrying out this autopsy noticed some scarring on this woman's breasts it seemed as though she'd had like a breast augmentation like a boob job upon this realization the pathologists knew exactly what to do they opened up this woman her breasts and they removed the implant from inside and luckily for this investigation those breast implants had a serial number on them and with this they were able to track down the exact manufacturer of these breast implants so then they could find out which hospital that exact batch of implants had been given to her and then the hospital could determine which doctor had performed the surgery and most importantly which patient this surgery had been performed on and so finally with this information two days after this body was found so this whole time it had just been in the morgue unidentified finally they were able to give a name to this victim it was 28 year old jasmine fiore and now this missing persons investigation suddenly turned into a murder inquiry who had done this to jasmine fiore who had beaten her up strangled her mutilated her pulled off parts of her body and then stuffed her in a suitcase and thrown her in the garbage as with every single murder of any young woman police look straight to their partner or their ex-partners ex-boyfriends of course this included ryan jenkins and so they called him up and asked to speak with him after all he was the one that reported her missing so he must have been on the edge of his seat he must have not been able to sleep for the last few days however when police got in contact with him they actually couldn't locate him he wasn't answering his phone he wasn't at home in his la apartment that he shared with jasmine fiore and so police looked into this a little bit further because they had been speaking with jenkins for the last few days regarding his wife's disappearance so they looked into the phone call records that they'd had with jenkins and they found that the last time they'd been in contact with him was actually that exact morning of course at that point they hadn't identified this body as jasmine fiore so this was still a missing person's investigation and they'd asked ryan jenkins over the phone if he could come down to the police station they could ask him some more questions about his missing wife but on that phone call ryan jenkins said that he couldn't actually do that he couldn't actually come into the office because he was going back to canada that day his visa was about to run out and so he was he was going back home he was leaving l.a which is horrifically suspicious for police i mean it was suspicious in the first place that his wife has gone missing and now he's suddenly leaving the country but now his wife has been found murdered and he already had a plan to escape the country at this point i mean it was the exact same day that they identified her body and they weren't looking for any other suspects they were 100 sure that this had to be ryan jenkins that had killed his wife so police put out an alert for ryan jenkins card you know they phoned up all the border control of canada to the us and they said look out for this car this man now has a warrant out for his arrest they knew that he was heading to canada but police had a theory that he wasn't even gonna stop there because like i said jenkins had a very very wealthy family he himself not so much but his family had properties all over the world they had land they had you know they had so much so many different places for him to go on the run luckily police knew exactly where each one of these properties were so i mean they could check them all but it was a matter of finding him he was now what police believe to be a very very dangerous individual they believe that he'd murdered one woman and tried to cover it up who's to say that he wasn't going to do it again police needed to find him very very quickly but three days later they still hadn't found jenkins they had no news of him crossing over into the border he could have already been in canada at this point or he could still be in the states every single police station in that kind of general area was informed that they were looking for him there were thousands of officers specifically put on this case within just three days to try and locate this man around this same time jasmine's white mercedes was actually found about a mile away from where she lived in her la apartment with jenkins this was the car that jasmine had supposedly gone out in that night to run errands and then just never returned that's what jenkins said anyway it seemed as though it was just abandoned in a car park it was literally just left hidden in plain sight and inside this car the amount of evidence pertaining to jasmine's murder was incredible there was blood all over this car jasmine's blood there were clumps of her hair as if her hair had just been pulled out of her head it seemed as though the attack had if not fully taken place in this car it certainly started in this car there was a high level of violence in this car towards jasmine fiore police believe it was then later ditched by ryan jenkins you know they don't think that the attack happened in that car park a mile away from their home they believed that this happened and then if jenkins did kill fiore he then drove her car out and just kind of hid it in plain sight in the car they also found a letter in the glove box like a handwritten letter from ryan jenkins to jasmine fiore his wife and while i couldn't find exactly what was written in this letter i could definitely find the general vibe of the letter i believe it was like an apology letter or something like that and it clearly showed the state of their relationship and how tumultuous it is police learned a lot from this letter it was it was proof it was confirmation that he was angry and violent towards his wife and now his wife has turned up dead and he's on the run so it's only further evidence so by now police had been able to pinpoint a timeline of events that ran up to the murder kind of of course the couple attended that charity polka tournament in san diego they booked the hotel for the full weekend they did attend that event together they were seen there they were photographed there they had friends there and one friend could actually give police the name of the hotel that the couple stared at so police went straight down to that hotel in san diego and asked if they'd seen anything weird if they'd heard anything weird from the couple and hotel staff didn't really know anything but they did offer to give police cctv footage from outside the couple's room of course they don't have cctv inside the actual hotel rooms but they did have it from the corridor outside so police took it they looked through it at the police station and of course something did come up on these tips you see the couple heading out together at around 2 30 a.m so i believe this was after the polka tournament they came back got changed and then headed out to the nightclub potentially but then two hours later ryan jenkins is seen returning to the hotel room alone and he's running so he runs back to the hotel room and then a little later he's seen coming out of the hotel room again alone this time he's holding the hotel room phone in his hand you know the phone that is provided by the hotel he's taken it out of the room with him he goes and gets some ice from the little ice bucket thing at the end of the hotel corridor and then he returns to the room the whole time the phone's still in his hand but he's not on the phone he's just like holding it by his side jasmine doesn't return to the hotel room at all on this cctv footage not that night not the next morning and then at 9 30 a.m the following morning so technically the same day because half of this was happening at like 5am at 9 30 ryan jenkins leaves the hotel room for the last time and goes and checks out there's no sign of jasmine fiore this whole time but what police were very interested to find out was that there was actually two entrances to their hotel room they had the one entrance through the hotel that this cctv was catching but they also had an outside entrance they had like patio doors on their hotel room so there was a way to get in that didn't have cameras so there's no way of knowing if or when jasmine returned to the hotel room that night what the circumstances were police theorize that jasmine did actually return to the hotel room that night but through the outside door they believe at this point the attack had already begun they think that an argument sparked in jasmine's car when the couple were in there and that is where ryan jenkins began beating jasmine fiore after that they believed that jasmine was so weak and so injured that she could barely walk and so ryan jenkins didn't want to take her through the main entrance of the hotel through all the corridors just in case someone saw her and so they believe he kind of carried her to the patio door and then realized he couldn't actually open the patio door from the outside so he leaves her on the floor outside their hotel room by herself weak bleeding as he runs inside the hotel runs past the cameras and into their room so that would explain why he was running through the hotel at five in the morning they then believe he brought jasmine in from outside and that was when this attack just snowballed and there is physical evidence to back up this theory because police went out onto the patio outside that hotel room and they found spots of blood on the ground and it was later found to be jasmine fiore's blood they also once again found clumps of hair strands of jasmine's hair as if her hair had been pulled out or as if she'd been dragged by her hair going back to the middle of the attack actually when ryan jenkins is seen leaving the hotel room with the phone set in his hand this would explain why if jasmine is still inside that hotel room beaten but still alive he wouldn't want her to call for help he wouldn't want her to call 9-1-1 or call a friend to come and get her or he just wouldn't want her saying anything so that explains why maybe he took the phone out of the room when he went to get ice but why was he getting ice was it for himself or was it for jasmine a lot of people have looked at this and theorized that maybe ryan jenkins realized what he'd done and how brutal he'd been and maybe it freaked him out because he realized that he'd gone past a point that he'd ever gone before and he was gonna be in serious trouble for literally beating up his wife so a lot of people think that this was ryan jenkins attempt at apologizing going to get her some ice to take away some of the pain that he just inflicted on her obviously there were quite a few hours of the couple just being in the hotel room if this theory is correct that means they entered the hotel room around 5am and ryan jenkins didn't check out until 9 30 a.m it's believed that jasmine was already dead at 9 30 a.m but at what point in that four and a half hour gap was she killed psychologists believe that at least an hour probably two of that time was spent ryan jenkins apologizing and begging jasmine fiore to not call anyone and to not you know press charges but they believe that jasmine you know she was standing up for herself she was saying no of course i'm gonna call the police of course i'm gonna you know tell people that you've done this to me and they believe that once ryan jenkins realized that he wasn't gonna get away with this he knew he had to silence jasmine and then at some point before 9 30 a.m he decides to strangle her to death and then he begins mutilating her body and stuffing her into her own suitcase we never actually see him leave the hotel room with the suitcase so it's believed that he took it out of the back entrance and then he gets in the car that still had all the blood and all the hair in and then he drives off to go and disperse of jasmine's body so anyway time is going by in this case and police still can't find ryan jenkins anywhere it's been like five days at this point and more and more information is being revealed to police about their relationship and about jasmine's murder and every single hour that goes by police have more and more reason to believe that this was ryan jenkins i mean they were fully convinced they couldn't be more sure that it was ryan jenkins that murdered jasmine fiore and so on august 20th five days after her disappearance they charged him with her murder without him even being there without him being arrested without them even having to see him in person they charged him with murder meaning no matter what happened when they found him he was 100 percent going to face trial they didn't even need to question him interview him arrest him nothing on-site he is charged with her murder which is something i've never in all of the cases that i've covered i've never heard of police doing that before i've never heard of police being so sure of a suspect that they don't even need to question them they've just already charged them without even seeing them but right now in this case ryan jenkins is dangerous and he's on the loose police have no idea where he is that was until august 23rd a full eight days after jasmine's body was found in this eight days that jenkins had kind of been on the run there'd been so many believed sightings of him of his car there were even some people that contacted police saying they thought they'd seen him driving aboard none of these were really confirmed um police were just really confused at this point they were getting so many different inputs from so many different people they had no idea where he could be they had no idea what to believe that was until police in british columbia in canada received a particular phone call this phone call was from a man that owned a local motel named the thunderbird motel and he called police to say that he had just found a dead body in one of his motel rooms this man said that the motel room where he found this dead body had actually been paired for three days prior by an attractive young woman she appeared for three days up front and one of the people in another motel room actually watched her enter her room which was room number two with a man they said that the woman was in there for about 20 minutes and then she left the man never left so they believed that the man like maybe the room was for the man like i said she paid three days up front and now was three days later it was the end of that three days but the motel owner hadn't received the keys back the person that was in room number two hadn't checked out and so he decided to go and knock on the door see if everything was okay and you know kick these people out if they weren't gonna appear so he went and knocked on the door and no one answered so he went to push the door open a little bit he pushed it open a crack and just said are you okay in there no response so he pushed the door open a little bit further and that was when he discovered a dead body in this motel room and this body was that of ryan jenkins he'd committed suicide in that motel room hanging himself from a clothing rack with his own belt it's unclear how long he'd actually been dead in that hotel room for if he'd killed himself on the first day or if he'd been sat in that hotel room thinking about his life and what he'd done for three whole days before finally doing this there wasn't necessarily a suicide note found in the room well there was nothing really found in the room however on ryan jenkins laptop police actually found a document that was titled last will and testament which you know you would think is his will but it was a lot more informal and it kind of was like a suicide note it was kind of just talking about his life and where things went wrong he said in this note that he blamed jasmine fiore for always making him jealous you know sleeping with her ex-boyfriends kissing boys at parties and things like that he said that he blamed her for his emotions and his actions in the last few months but in this note no matter how much he talks about jasmine fiore he doesn't mention once anything about her murder her disappearance there's no mention of her loss in his life like he's not upset about losing his wife he doesn't say anything like that and we know that he actually knew that she was found that her body was found because his father called him to say that jasmine had been found murdered so he knew that police had found the body that was probably why he did this because he knew that they'd be on to him by now but still there was no mention at all of his beloved wife's untimely death so there was also no mention of him being responsible at all there was no confession literally no hint to anything at all so police looked further into this you know like how it got to this point how we'd got to canada stuff like that they also looked into who was that woman that checked him into the motel and they believe it to be his half-sister again it's not confirmed exactly what she knew about this whole thing did she know that her brother was a murderer and was she intentionally trying to help him run away or was she completely clueless had her brother just come to her in canada for the first time in six months and said oh my god i really need a motel will you pay for it for me and maybe she was just being a good sister who knows i couldn't find any information as to like a charge you know if she'd been charged with being an accessory to murder or or anything maybe the police do believe that she's entirely innocent and that she just kind of got swept up in this and she had no idea what was going on when she paid for that motel room so there's really not much closure in this case at all there's there's no justice that can be served because the person that so brutally took her life took his own so that he wouldn't have to pay for what he did but what was ryan jenkins motive i mean i'm sure you've all probably guessed by now that it was his extreme jealousy and his power complex and everything he believed that jasmine was his property but what was it specifically on that night that made him snap and lead to murder because as far as everyone in their lives was aware they were the best they'd ever been they were all over each other at the dinner table they were throwing parties again they were posting videos on myspace all loved up so this seemingly came out of nowhere well police actually managed to get a hold of jasmine fiore's mobile phone history i don't know if they ever actually found her mobile phone but at least they could access her history and her text message history from that night they could read the text that she was sending and receiving and on there they found a lot of evidence that jasmine was clearly very uncomfortable and maybe even scared that night she was trying to get away from ryan jenkins so this was the night of the polka tournament the charity polka match thing and jasmine had been on her phone all night texting her ex-boyfriend robert hazman remember the one that was like her soul mate the one that she always saw herself ending up with they were on and off but they would always find their way back to each other she was texting him all night she was begging him she was begging hezman to come and get her she was saying she didn't feel comfortable she didn't want to be with jenkins anymore and she just wanted to leave she was saying in these texts please will you just send the private jet to come and pick me up because i don't want to be here anymore i mean you can just like go off somewhere in his private jet so police theorized that this could have been jenkins triggered that night maybe he found out that she was texting her ex again and that she wanted to leave him and she wanted to go off with this guy that was way richer than him and they think this triggered his jealousy once again that this guy has everything that jenkins doesn't have jenkins doesn't have the money and he doesn't have a private jet and his wife would rather be with this man that has it all it still doesn't make full entire sense to me i mean this is the believed theory but i mean he watched his wife cheat on him like he watched her kiss other men in front of him and he knew that she'd slept with her ex-boyfriends before like while they were married so why were a bunch of texts his breaking point i believe that there has to be something more to it a lot of people believe that that's just it though that that's just that that was just it and he just was very easily triggered that night and of course we don't know police believe that he found out about these texts to robert hazman in the car on the way home from the polka tournament and that was when he attacked jasmine fiore in her car as they were driving back to the hotel and then that was when he dragged her body back inside the hotel room to finish her off police also found out that after jenkins had done all of this after he'd murdered jasmine mutilated her shoved her body in a suitcase and then thrown that suitcase in a dumpster he then went back home with her mobile phone and his and he began texting himself off her phone so it looked like she was still alive she was still talking to him as normal he was texting himself off jasmine's phone saying things like oh i'm gonna go out to lunch in santa barbara with some friends today and then i'm gonna go get my nails done so i might be late home tonight he's literally trying to cover his tracks a couple of hours after he committed the murder he's trying to cover his tracks give himself an alibi so that when he went to the police and said oh my god my girlfriend's gone missing when she was running errands they'll be able to look at his phone and see that she seemed to have been running errands that day when she went missing of course it didn't work but so as the news broke of this horrific crime you know jasmine fiore's body has been found this this supermodel this woman that everyone admired you know women wanted to be her men wanted to be with her everyone loved jasmine fiore and the news broke that she was found murdered and then very shortly after that the news broke that the person that murdered her was beloved reality star ryan jenkins from mega monster millionaire of course this is the absolute worst publicity for megan wants a millionaire that you could possibly imagine having a murderer on the show that murdered his wife and so vh1 immediately pulled the show only three episodes had aired at this point literally just three and they pulled it all no one's ever seen the rest of it of course i love money the show that ryan jenkins was in and one that never read either you know people didn't even know that jenkins won for a very long time until someone actually leaked that information megan hausermann from megan wants a millionaire actually stayed silent on this whole case for a very long time and i mean i don't blame her i bet it's absolutely terrifying to know that a man that you were interested in and that you had a connection with and you were going to pick as the winner for your show and you were gonna start a relationship with that he is capable of of insane violence and murder against women i bet that was traumatizing for her to even think about she never wanted to give interviews or anything like that until eventually years and years later she finally gave her first interview in which she said that there were a bunch of red flags about ryan jenkins that she didn't realize at the time but now looking back they were definitely red flags she ignored them at the time because he was so charming and after all it was just a reality show so like you know maybe it was a bit weird but that's the whole point of the show is to be you know interesting and dramatic but she said that you know she obviously had this connection with him through the filming and so outside of filming hours she would go back to her hotel and she actually sent ryan jenkins a friend request on facebook so that they could talk out of filming hours now this isn't really allowed i definitely wouldn't be allowed these days but you know they started talking outside of the show she said that they would message each other for hours every single night after filming wrapped and she really really liked him but he seemed to really really really like her he was saying things like i can imagine my life with you like i want to be with you for the rest of my life bear in mind they've known each other for like two weeks on a reality show of all things they literally went on fake dates every single week fake dates with cameras in front of them it was all being orchestrated by producers and things like that but he seemed to genuinely be in love with her and megan kind of liked it because she kind of liked him right in the beginning megan said that she was actually going to choose ryan jenkins to win megan wants a millionaire and he was gonna be her boyfriend when they finished filming however as time went on these messages were weirding her out a little bit but at the same time she was flattered and you know she told the producers she was like look i think i'm gonna pick this guy to win and they said don't do that well i mean they didn't say don't do that but they they sat her down and they kind of spoke to her and they said look we want to do this show for three seasons this is the first season of mega monster millionaire we've signed a contract for three seasons and ryan jenkins is not exactly the fan favorite right now and basically they wanted her to pick someone that the public would like they wanted her to end up with someone that the public wanted her to end up with so that people were happy with the ending of the show and they would come back for a season too and they said ryan jenkins ain't it so it wasn't like they forced her not to pick him but she eventually decided you know for the sake of the show i'm gonna pick someone else but then after the show she was gonna get in contact with jenkins again and say look i'm sorry you know i did it for the show but i actually want to be with you but by then when she got back in touch with him after the show she called him and he was like oh um yeah i got married like two days ago and she was like what what you were telling me you saw a future with me two weeks ago and now you're married to a woman that you met three days ago but anyway luckily for megan houseman that was where that relationship ended with ryan jenkins also this is slightly unrelated and i've briefly covered this at points in the case but it also came out later on that ryan jenkins you probably guessed it was not a millionaire he scammed his whole personality he said that he was worth 2.5 million dollars he was on freaking megan wants a millionaire and he was not a millionaire his money wasn't tied up in canada he wasn't having issues converting it to dollars he just didn't have it he didn't have money the reason that he was able to throw parties at the start you know when him and jasmine first got together he was a big spender he spent a lot in casinos he threw these beach cabana parties but that was actually all his family's money his family was rich he didn't earn a penny he didn't have a job he didn't have an income he didn't have literally like anything his family earned so much so much property so much real estate so much freaking business and he had nothing he had so much anxiety and stress over money in his life and like one week he would have a lot of money and then the next week he would have absolutely nothing and i think this all contributed to his insecurity in his relationship with jasmine fiore because that was really all he had going for him was the fact that he had a lot of money and he didn't even have that but like that was what he used to get women he was like i can take care of you i can give you ten thousand dollars a month i can buy you this i can take you there but he couldn't even do that and jasmine being you know the celebrity that she was she'd been with rich men before robert hazman had a freaking private jet and i think ryan jenkins just felt very inferior to all of jasmine's ex-boyfriends that she was clearly still in contact with but yeah i just kind of wanted to straighten that out at the end because i said so many times that he was a millionaire he was with this this and that that's just the story that he told people and we only found out that he wasn't a millionaire once this whole thing had come out and both him and jasmine were gone so in the aftermath of this murder there was absolute outrage from the public at how this man who was clearly very narcissistic to a dangerous degree to the point where he was committing severe violence and murder people were just outraged at how he managed to get on these shows on dating shows literally vh1 were giving him access or a platform or the opportunity to meet a woman that does not look good for vh1 the fact that they managed to get this violent man on a dating shirt and he was on two as well it wasn't just one that he slipped through the cracks on it was two megan wants a millionaire i love money how did this man get through background checks how because background checks were run on him he did have background checks that's the thing but they just didn't find all of these things all these concerning traits and not only that it was later revealed that he actually had a previous criminal record for violence against women but somehow these background checks they didn't find that and somehow he was just put on the show in 2007 ryan jenkins was arrested for domestic violence against his then girlfriend for this he was given a year of probation and he was put through therapy and counseling and stuff to try to target the root of why this happened so that this kind of thing doesn't happen again obviously not very successful but how did these background checks not find that he had a criminal record surely that's the most important thing that a background check is supposed to do well it turns out that viacom sir these are the big people behind these reality shows megan wants a millionaire i love monet they use the same company for every single background check that they do on their contestants and this is through a company called collective intelligence but the problem was collective intelligence is a u.s company that only does us citizen background checks and ryan jenkins was not a us citizen he was a canadian citizen so collective intelligence viacom still gave them this this work they said you know i know is not a us citizen but find someone to do it for us please and so collective intelligence outsourced ryan jenkins background check to a canadian company called straight line international so straight line international run the checks and they come back and they say all good he's good to go no issues here which is just insane that they were able to do that but anyway this company straight line international that somehow brought back this this all good report on ryan jenkins they were looked into and it was found that they just didn't even do it they didn't even do the check they didn't even look him up on you know criminal history database whatever it is they just didn't do it they just didn't do it and they just went back to collective intelligence and they just said yeah fine let him on of course they've been sued left right and center for this because that's so dangerous clearly so bloody dangerous i think they were sued by vh1 or viacom they were also sued by collective intelligence because you know it made them look so bad that they'd outsourced to straight line international and somehow they mess it up so bad this then looks bad on collective intelligence it's all a big mess but that is all i have on this case thank you so so much for watching thanks again to skillshare for sponsoring this video remember the first 1 000 of you guys to click the link down below in the description it gets one month free of premium membership and trust me it's worth it so go down there click the link in the description huge thank you to all of my channel members for helping me decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the join button on a desktop or there'll be a link in the description of this video but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up on this video that would really help me out if you want to subscribe you can subscribe right here using this link if you want to subscribe to my second channel you can click this link over here there'll be some fun stuff coming on there very soon and if you want to watch another video another true crime video then there's a playlist on screen right now bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,789,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, 2020, dateline, interview, news, reality show, reality tv, reality, gossip, megan wants a millionaire, rock of love, flavor of love, new york, jasmine fiore, fiore, jasmine, ryan jenkins, jenkins, ryan, suitcase, 2021, true crime daily, vegas, hollywood, california, celebrity, playboy, famous, model, i love money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 4sec (2764 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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