Bought The Cheapest Toyota Tacoma. Any Good?

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hey guys how's it going a friend of mine picked up this what year is it 2005. 2005 tacoma that was sitting for five years i think what would you know why they stopped using if you stopped using that all nature went the alternator to me and then a couple other things and he just parked it because he got a company vehicle he stopped using it and you grabbed it for a thousand bucks all right running you dragged it up on your trailer about two weeks ago or so yeah it was about two two weeks ago yeah and you just feel the tired the front tires go flat in a day or two pretty quickly so you just filled them up better hurry up so we're gonna go put it in the garage see what's wrong with it see if we can get it bring it back to life if i show you better in the garage where it's quieter got a bunch of rust on this side but they are decent trucks this is probably about the cheapest tacomas go for good money surprised yeah i mean i they just wanted it out of there and i told them i think awesome and they they really they i just ended up offering that so um i i mean i i don't know what i mean who knows the engine it's not locked up but gotcha toyota's always run right oh now you screwed yourself the stickers uh 2015 the last it was expected so sometime during 2014 is probably when it stopped being driven when it had its issue all right so we got to figure out how to get this thing is the tires locked up no they're not they were they were this front left would you whack it with a sledgehammer yeah gotcha all right so we're gonna go figure out how we have a about an eighth of a mile to drag this thing around to the garage bay and uh we're gonna go figure that out right now so he wanted to push it by hand i find that to be a tad pain the ass i'm gonna try clamping the tire it's my front trailer hitch [Music] well that works out for us splendid and that would have been a really great idea except for the fact that that looks like that trailer hitch is rusted pretty solid so that just kind of screwed up that plan that didn't it would you just call that the new england repair kit yeah i'm giving you about a five percent chance yeah i might give it a seven and and that's i think being very gracious can the pen even come out i don't even think so i think it's all one piece now it is truck was a bargain that was it's uh weight reduction right few more hits the total trailer it should come right off yeah it comes off in a different spot second then you move [Music] so we're just gonna go with the rope pull it around the back and then figure it out as we get closer to the uphill by the door how we're gonna get it in the garage is it neutral [Music] did you drive over the i don't know that's how i ropes probably just drove over the rope did it get that close that's my accelerator to get away from you no i actually have some brakes okay doesn't look like it but that's uphill and around the corner i'm gonna go with that tire against that tire and hopefully it does not slip off and crunch the front of my truck this truck that's fine doesn't matter [Applause] sure yeah it's not bad actually i was i thought it'd be worse [Applause] just keep an eye on it when it turns that's all when you turn the corner i gotta watch i don't rub the mercedes on the other side we're close to it yeah corey just painted it too so don't all right i'll make sure i hit [Music] [Music] hmm will throw a battery charger on it well every second i don't think that battery's going to take anything i can but it sort of started to take a charge but are you already tried yeah i put a charge on it for like six hours nothing it held it for a little while and you pressure washed this already so it's already been cleaned up [Music] let's yeah flip it up in here take a peek underneath i guess yeah well she wrote let's go see what it looks like it's got a new frame six years ago the rest of it not so much limited slip diff it says right on it yeah it's a trv so it's gonna have a lock nice gas tank strap it looks too bad yeah again it's got a new frame the floors you know aren't punky just all the stuff that the rockers over here oh yeah whoops so we're thinking the shifter cable is not doing what it's supposed to be doing where that ends up right there maybe so you see when you go to move the shifter it's really kind of gooey feeling you said it just doesn't seem it's doing anything it's sticky why don't you grab it right there and see if that lever see if the cable is broke that's stuck i didn't do anything did you eat it right in the eyes awesome we're safety glasses kid i mean that doesn't once the cables have broken either the cable or the lever stuck in the transmitter i guess that's where the shift trigger was right huh yeah we could reset up we'll grab some pliers or something let me put it on there see if it'll if it moves at all you know maybe take the nut right off of it the cable off of it we'll see if we can move it yeah spray it because you put power to it it won't crank so that's you know we don't know if it runs but it won't even crank the starter so yeah you just bolt that in i mean the cables in there yeah i mean you wanna i can get up there and see if it i can move it and see if it's moving down here all right you know you're going the wrong way i love going the wrong way well that actually came a lot easier than i thought it was gone so we're thinking it's like partially in park and the fact that the you know it was clicking here the park panel was kind of in but not in you push that cable backwards maybe yeah i'll whack it with him anyway so we're gonna see if it goes all the way in the park and that's possibly why the starter won't crank because he just doesn't think it's a park all the way either way huh that's not good yeah that's not good huh watch that the uh four-wheel drive cable or something it's nothing to do with the trans yeah that's definitely the shifter yeah that's a lot of pressure yeah that's why your shift doesn't feel like it's doing anything you want to lower it back down see how the shifter kind of feels yeah yeah tight squeeze does it feel like it moves normal or still feels stuck you got to hit the brake pedal i wonder if it needs power again it's not looks like it's definitely shifting gears better leave it all the way in uh low and it will see if it's in a different spot down below if the cables broke or not yeah do you want me you want me to go up and with the lift and i can move it around see okay where are we you guys shift it around now go ahead are you going forward and back and it's just yeah yeah you got nothing you got nothing down here that's me moving the cable yeah so it's broke off the top of the shifter probably all right i i want i really like to try and see if we get the trans in neutral and again i wonder if the brake pedal and power needs to be on it to get it to move so maybe we'll throw the jumper pack on it and we'll just see what we get it could be through the jumper pack leads on here you gotta put the window down a little easier you want to try just bumping the key put it in park see what happens yeah it's in park right now i think it just clicks nothing nothing it's like it's neutral safety switches i bet you that cable is kind of like you're pushing it it's clunking over itself maybe going back i don't know yeah it's not it's got plenty of power i hit the brake pedal i am and yeah yeah i wonder if we need i'm going to put you up in the air i stay on the brake pedal yeah and i'm going to see if the lever will move so if it's i don't know if i just don't know i'm just guessing as far as is it internally locked or not okay now you guys can't see that well wow [Music] should be your park now it's in second will it crank in neutral i've never tried it hold on don't do it you got the brake on that was a no that's neutral that's reverse all right so it has to go all the way the top of the lever has to go to the back of the transmission that's neutral i'm gonna be back up i'm gonna let's try to crank it go ahead all right i'm gonna go for park go for broke oh good we're gonna let it back down on the ground now that we have it in park we can figure out what's happening with the rest of it let's see what she's got in her fluids anyway smells a little old yeah it's full plus all the dirt kind of settles let's see as it goes t-shirt over here perfect you got for coolant can't tell it's red it's got the right stuff in it oh yeah it's full yep and you get red coolant in it perfect or it's rusted just like the rest of the truck everything matches everything's red there's no water now there's no belt on the there's no belt on it yeah because the all need is locked up okay hey everything else is clear in here you think we're gonna find out we'll just spin it once you've got oil in it i guess it'll be okay i think it's fine all right i mean i don't see i mean a water pump go for broke if you hear clacking shut it off that's a good idea all right so what do you think your over under is for starting second twice yeah how many percent no do you think it's gonna go yeah um i'm giving it 65 i think it will run but it will run really rough okay because it's really gross all right which is and it has a full tank of 21 gallons given [Music] you know usually it's from venting that gets the moisture go for it that clacked a little you got oil pressure or anything that was easy popping some white smoke though right now yeah might be just stuffing the exhaust i can open the door clearing up oh what's that oh well there's that take the jumper pack off i don't just off boil off the exhaust here it smells like just just hot take it off oh the lights go i got it it's down in there i do have wires off down there the alternator and stuff does that smell like just old mouse poop or something was that clearing up at all back there yeah well it was either clearing up you shut it off but i think it was clearing up you just want to check those alternator wires now i don't see anything really kind of white all right it smells funky you smell it yeah smells like hold on you're not going to get nothing without power how are you how's the view of that light go for it now i don't see anything yeah we also sprayed that wd on it yeah it was popping pretty good do i break the throttle a couple times okay the fan's not spinning right the fan doesn't spin right okay it'll take a little while got cooling in it a surprise with the alternator not turning i think it's smoked is coming around from the front it's just a smoke from the exhaust actually runs really good yeah sounds nice i'm surprised it's settling out [Applause] it's stuttering a little bit but yeah should have checked for a mountain and that's it maybe we uh pop that shifter up see if we can see what's going on the other end of the cable it might just come off yeah maybe we could put the mechanics wire around and just get to work they're moving in and out i'll climb underneath put it in gear for you you can drive it award no balls all right we're going to uh uh broke the throttle couple more times before we shut it off we'll just see if it's looking pretty good grab the throttle a couple turns yeah i think it's just water that's like getting the cat in the muffler heating up and burning true it does make it look like the trucks on fire though it'll be the first time yeah the whole bit everything looks like it's cooking me let's go work on the shifter then we can back it out let it run outside yeah it hasn't run in years day or two definitely funny smells yeah you're right it almost has like a little bit of electrical smell to it it's weird i don't know but it's coming from is that what rust sounds like it smells like when it i think it's heats up rust dust brush testing hey they make some good desserts they're really good all right we got to put a a better shift knob on there right that's hard to get into huh yeah this is tough toyota now you know there's a screw that back there somewhere a little bit screw in here i bet i see the light can you see the light i think it's i think it slides forward is that what you think does that little cup holder come out of the center looks like it's glued in with coffee yeah there we go just pull on it all right what do we got going on in here i see the little knob is not even connected to the yeah it's off it's popped off yeah did it break yeah no it's not even broken good maybe um i wonder if it'd be easier just to pull this whole thing off and just look to get it reconnected can you well grab the cable see if it because it's not connected down below see if it slides you can slide it up and down okay free all right good so the cable's fine um i think we should probably wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did you find money yeah it's pennies pay me back 999.99 let's free up the lever down below let's work the trans part of it yeah and get that freer because that's what caused that i mean i can connect this while i have sorry i'm right here uh yeah okay because we don't have to put the cable on the bottom it's easier to connect it with it like in the lowest look at that key put on brick jesus you got no power i don't know it went in before what was their power the battery connected i think it was oh there you go oh yeah is that what does it yeah yeah so it must connect oh something fell out i think a pin broke or something can you see the light oh it just came off the yeah it just pops on like a yeah it's a socket yeah well that's not bad little ball socket yeah it looks like you got a there's no clip just kind of no it's just a little ball and socket it must have just well yanking on it probably yeah it's back on yeah all right it looks like it should have something holding it but i don't see any parts shouldn't be that much pressure on it you know i think it's just the fact that whatever's in the trans is so stuck yeah it seems like let's go hop out we'll put it up in the air we'll work on them it's amazing how many like old snacks are in here how does all that get in there you're exactly how it gets in there i wonder what my truck looks like all right yeah how many miles are on this thing 210. it's broken in just barely yeah just barely brand new and it it's still gummy feeling but it does go just go for it just go all the way forward it'll go oh yeah i just feel better than it did it wants to go back in there that's hot oh it's going way better now you want to spray it down maybe a little bit more a little more juice in there hold that out of the way not really much better yeah yeah you wouldn't think that the that part would bind up you know i think it's just i think it's on the outside yeah just where the bushing goes in through the trans because it's it's way better there you go high performance new england lube you can see the gut coming out of it oh yeah huge difference there you go there you go now it's butter what beer do you do now you hire you bolt that back up and uh that feels like it should oh yeah problem solved so bolt that back up and then drop her down yep pop her in gear and see what the i'm having a really good time though get the tire spin yeah so we got the cable reconnected down below and put your foot on the brakes yeah how does it feel to go through all the gears yeah it's actually really smooth nice little park see it fires up and then we'll put in gear and see the tires turn is it off the ground yeah it's off the ground reverse hear the rust coming out of the wheels i put it in neutral for a second get it stopped i don't think they're going to work shut it off can't wait for them to stop because if you go to any other gear it's going to grind on you put it back in parking just neutral for drive are you going to drive not showing up go down a little lower go to second or something there it goes i want the cable just whacked out a little bit all the rust and crap kicking out plus it's i put it neutral i think this wheel's stuck it's not moving yeah wheeled the brakes locked up you had the e-brake on nope know what that is that's that's the diff lock [Applause] put it put it in neutral shut it off and put in a park fire up put in full drive see them might get a check engine light because it's uh what's it button control yeah either that or it's just not lined up because nothing's moving [Applause] hey we're not you're not in drive you hear it there you go 041 now now you got nothing because i spun the tire yeah now you kill it nah don't shut it off i told you don't bother because the wheels are spinning no no you can't well at least it goes through the gears the park being hopefully that park fan is so good uh i don't know you want to let it down just kind of see if it'll move yeah and pull the drive might even kick into once everything kind of turns together sometimes it needs to see you know movement of the axles that's why i kicked that tire i wanted to see if it would go yeah it probably solenoids are stuck i think the solenoid is bad because when i had one that when the solenoid went it would just flash for low or sometimes it just doesn't want to move the lever because it hasn't moved in a long time yeah it's just saying that because i think it's got a proximity switch on it that looks for the lever to move all the way over to engage well it's still mechanical internal i know i'm just saying like the solenoid might be bad either either yeah i asked a dropper on the ground and putter around hey turn the lights on you got lights all right road test that sounds good we're gonna throw some air in the tires and then kind of bump it back and forth to see if they get that break to free up you can see the skid marks coming in the garage putting up a little bit of a fight he was caught from complimenting my location of the uh jumper pack that we could actually probably even close the hood someone's got a supercharger or something so we gonna uh test it like top gear did they're uh the ocean's not that big i mean it looks like it was in the ocean not a diesel neither that one wasn't a diesel yeah it was that was a 22rd i think it was a diesel no it was gas okay leave that in the comments below we'll see i do seem to remember him having something out and cranking it over and blowing all the crap out of the cylinder okay if you say i'm right we'll find out it was i'm positive it was 22 are you 99.9 percent sure yes you can give yourself a little bit of room just in case i spent lunch it was 22 i'm going with a diesel okay i think i just got lunch [Laughter] you can close the hood you have to worry about getting in the fan there's no fan connected we don't want to overheat watch that hot doesn't hit the hood though just as you're calling it yeah you're right right there you got paint see how well she drags those tires if i can stop he can go wow [Music] is that you hitting the brakes yeah they're going forward he's good enough for our test drive around the parking lot yo all that rust that's on him it stops real fast if i do a burnout though because you only got front brakes oh that's loud it still smokes pick a gear well that smells delicious you got both of them spinning too yeah you may want to pop it in neutral so it doesn't pull you yeah that brake's still holding it in the back you want to run around front let me hop in the passenger seat didn't drive yeah if you mess with it it goes under you know what i mean the brakes actually work fine as they crunch off all the just gotta watch the temperature hold that and you're running on the jumper pack for your headlights too so yeah so no kids running out in front of us shift second yeah now late things are running pretty good here grinding that rust off the rotors well that was a success good yeah awesome good thousand dollars spent this is called the vw lemon squeeze why don't you uh go up there i'll hop out and do a little external or hop out here either way so i hit my 914 hello [Applause] [Applause] i think it's fine i wonder what they were talking about there's some solenoid what was he talking about in the beginning that it had some issue when they parked it i think you're good i think you got about another five minutes left in that jumper pack before oh it's running wicked hot too let's pull it back around back i don't know if it's gonna make it it's okay it's oh it is in the red i don't want to blow this thing up kill your headlights i'm gonna move it back i'll just leave it here [Music] i just look down yeah it's so i can smell it too turn the headlights off it's got cooling and it's not like it's i know it's not spinning but it's not cool don't want to risk it that's what i need these blow head gaskets pretty easily no i don't want to break it i seem to always break my stuff when you're around oh when i'm around i think you do pretty good on your own we good i think so does pioneer want to turn off [Applause] oh we gotta fix this that's perfect coffee toyota you might need a window regulator i want to put you glad you bought a jumper pack now yeah best investment ever who told me today look at the same one as musty one you got everything out here the inside's pretty decent it's not like actually the seat covers have been on it since noon so you think everyone knew underneath it's crazy nothing anybody can see anyway so dark the camera's picking up so dark yeah it's good things i'm having a bad hair day [Applause] is the hood popped yeah just leave it here all right good with that i'll go with that at least now we can move it well guys i guess we're going to wrap it up right here this is going to be about it i think that worked out pretty good [Applause] okay i just turned the camera on we'll just do a little show and tell see how this one made out see what you did just fine i was hoping for a little bit more of a fight than that but hey yeah we'll take it when you got it it's all right yeah toyota yeah all right guys with that we're gonna sign off and i'll see you soon until then every word wise words of wisdom five thousand dollar toyota all right for sale five grand it's yours yeah for sale five deal and in your upper left hand corner it says killing a toyota part one top gear bbc if you see a right on the side of the pillar on the truck it says 2.4 with a d you know what the d stands for steak dinner i think it's a lunch though win a winner steak dinner what you got hmm so um that's it game over
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 482,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Id: Dw4k2MlCicU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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