working on cub cadet tractor w/bad trans

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hey guys how's it going I think uh today's project is going to be U this CubCadet that showed up last week and the scenario is the transmission we believe is kaput it's a hydrostatic um I think it's Peerless the transmissions on all the hydros most of the hydro stuff now is uh they call it non-serviceable they don't have a breakdown of them they don't sell parts for them so you pretty much have to buy the whole unit and uh replace it unfortunately that unit cost more than the whole tractor is worth once it's done or at least what you can sell it for once it's done so uh that's the uh uh story with this guy is that uh the owner just could not afford to or didn't want to put any more money into it instead he bought a new another new uh cup Cadet so I figured it would be a good candidate to uh tear into and see what is going on with it might as well fir it up it's running a it's got a good motor well the motor runs let's put it that way it's a Coler 20 horse single uh I believe it has an exhaust leak it sounds kind of loud or blown head gasket I'm thinking more exhaust leak though just cuz the way it does run let's see if we need choke or not you guys impressed let's try it without the choke sounds like it needs valves adjusted too but it's got um 565 hours on it which is yeah pretty high for like a residential type mower fortunately the new stuff doesn't hold up very well and I I I do know that Transmissions uh have been having an issue I know John Deere runs that same trans and a couple of other others and they've been crapping out at like 2 to 300 hours on them this one again having 500 hours on it makes it uh you know it made it past what most of them most of them are doing so uh without further Ado I'm going to get thing up in the air and we're going to take a a look at this trans and uh maybe and possibly uh take it out and maybe take it apart and see what's making it tick on the inside see what the failure is at least if we even if we can't fix it but uh I might have a spare transfer out back I'm not sure until I get them uh side by side but uh that's getting ahead of ourselves so got up in the air and uh kind of give it a give it a quick look over the first thing I see is um looks like that seal on that axle crapped out see all the dirt stuck to it the dirt stuck to it because the oil was the gear oil was pissing out of that side and then of course now it sticks to the to the gear oil so I would say we got a a leakage issue be nice if it was just um low on fluid but I kind of doubt it I bet it's low on fluid and then the fluid H the transmission out I don't know there's got to be a way to get fluid they got flu in from the factory can't see much though I'm going to go out take a couple of minutes and see if we can try to maybe get some stuff out of the way and get a better access to that trans and uh see see if we can uh look inside it right so I jacked it up I took the uh cage that was on the back for the bagger system out of the way and I kind of want to see if I can get some fluid in it or work with it still in the tractor cuz I want to be able to to run it and see if it has any kind of response I wonder if I can probably snake around the tires take the tires off and kind of sneak our way sneak our way in there and uh pop something off that's heal split unless that's unless that's an oing yeah it might be just an O-ring where somebody was in there and they shoved a couple of O-rings in there and figure it would help seal it up it's got PL it I think I'm going to take an air gun I'm going to blow off a bunch of that crap right there nice if I could pressure wash it but something's got to open up inside there to get to get in there all right let me get some uh air on that clean some of that crap off so I took the tire off the other side and uh there's no r O-rings on that side so that was just someone's feble attempt to try to stop the uh the leak I guess I'm kind of wondering if it might be just easy enough to drop the trans at least enough so that you can kind of like access the top of it see five bolts pretty much holding it two on each side and you got one that kind of stabilizes it from twisting and just looking how the linkage is tied into it for forward and reverse I just see one [Applause] rod I think there would be two I think this be one for breake N Pull five bolts out and let it sag down a little bit and uh see if we can see anything a little bit better than what we're seeing now well it might be a sucky trans but it's definitely easy to drop down yeah those five bolts was it and uh I guess to reinstall I just got to take the uh the neutral lever off of there and we'll just leave that off but I do see what looks like to be a fill right there so I would say that we uh go put a bunch of fluid in there a trans oh guas that's what we're dealing withed under my eyes aren't good enough to read that I'm sure you guys already read it so uh let me blow uh some compressor on the top of this we blow the crap out from around the top of it so we don't have any heebie jeebies go down inside it and then we'll pop that off maybe put some fluid back in it and and uh shove it back up there and see if it recovers before we uh decide to uh chop something up that uh doesn't need to be chopped up off I I'm not quite sure how that drain plug comes out of there or the vent rather comes out of there and uh so we're going to go with the the stab and lift method see how that works for us we're pretty much just going to hammer ourselves a uh little screwdriver down inside there I tried eding the screwdriver along the side of it that wasn't having any part of it there it goes kind of sort [Applause] of [Applause] trying to use it as a dipstick see if I can think it's kind of coming up for us let's get a uh a Q-tip a long Q-tip walk that down inside there I'm not seeing anything you that that's all the way down to the bottom just starting to get a little wet right there so that was all the way down to there that's the bottom of the bolt so I don't think that trans has anything in it and again I don't know whether it's survived or not um so I think I'm going to do a little Google search and see what we're going to go for fluid if not we might just go with it like like a a 30e motor oil and see if that comes back but I want to see if it takes a hydraulic fluid first before I go and do that so I wasn't able to ID what that actual trans is but I brought up their um tough torque website and lays out a bunch of different transmissions and it looks like um I want to say about 80% of them say uh 10w30 so I am going to go with that and just see if we get a response I know it's not ATF cuz it didn't come out red that's grease that's probably going to be a one that says grease is going to be a gearbox so it's not them so it's either going to be that j20c or um 10:30 so let's uh let's go fill that up I don't know maybe halfway probably try filling it up to maybe about right here here with fluid we'll put it back up and we see see if we get a response out of it now we got some in there I think it's coming up to right there on the stick which makes us right about there not quite sure how much it takes but I guess as long as we have a the pump um under the fluid level and there's an air space in it so it doesn't hydrolock should be good so I'm going to uh button this back up we'll take the um the uh neutral lever for rolling it right out of there for now and should be able to shove everything right back up in there and fire the tracker up and see if those little axles turn I fig I'd be smart enough to put the tractor back down on the ground so if it does fall off the lift it's not falling from 4 feet so only falling from a foot and a half but I think we hop up on there and now we fire it up and we see if those back axles uh start moving there we go it's pivoting on the front axle all right right well I don't want to say it too early but maybe we got lucky only thing is we haven't put a load on it yet though you know so I think I'm going to bring it back up in the air I'll bolt up everything that's needs to be bolted up which is just three more two more bolts actually and I will pop the wheels on it and uh drop it on the ground and see if uh it will move the tractor with any kind of vim and vigor and if that's the case then we're going to go work on uh see if we can dig that seal out of there and uh replace that so it does not happen again I got to take a second and make it so I can get the wheel on and off because it's Tad Rusty on this side put a little cocka on there to keep it from getting rusty again and we'll pop the wheels on and else that time see they going to be a very happy moment or a w ww moment right Ain good goes forward all right guys Co a little crop dust [Music] stupid reverse lever the mower deck seems weird seems like it's not getting uh everything it needs all the time so I have a feeling that belt was probably goofy but the trans is good and that's kind of the main issue that we're looking into so good say now need to go pop that uh that left rear tire off and see if we can go find a seal that will fit that and cure that problem of it we'll kind of uh focus on that for now and then we'll jump around to other tractor issues I got the wheel back off of it and it's uh it's actively dripping as you could see right there where am I right there so uh I figured we're going to go and see if we can find a seal before we rip that one out of there and let's see if the hoorde pays off again we might have something that we need right inside there that will fit so I'm going to go poke around this little assortment and see if we can get something that is the correct diameter of that I got real lucky cuz the very first one I picked up seems like it is the the correct one I don't know about the the ID find the OD I'm not quite sure of yet now I did it now I got it stuck in there so uh the fun part is going to be trying to get that old one out of there uh with that axle in the way so I think I'm going to go and probably drive a pick into that uh and see if we can uh do some prying to get that sucker out of there so let me uh let me go look at my assortment of stuff and see if I I could stab that guy well I got ourselves a uh Snap-on pick up sorts and I just kind of ground the end of it so it's got um somewhat of a point on it think we're going to go see if we can just kind of go hammer that sucker in there through it and then fry that rubber's going to come out easy I going to have to get me a draam pan I think she's going to piss and tip whoa want to make sure I don't damage the uh the aluminum the aluminum more than the aluminum can get damaged more than the the shaft you definitely don't want to score the the axle in you're screwed yeah this is not going to be easy so I think I'm going to go try and do is on top I'm going to try driving straight in and see if I can uh kind of collapse it they make pullers too but uh this is kind of small I get in there and I got it here we go here's your problem I would probably want that seal this is not really going to matter I think I'm going to uh try drying that up a little bit and put some sealer around the outside edge here so that um the old one had like a rubber jacket on it you see it this one's more of a that's rubber too never mind I thought it was metal we'll be fine so I'm going to go drive that that in probably going to try to find a piece of pipe that's um as close to the outside diameter as possible I put it right over the axle and I'll tap the whole thing in I got P conduit let's see if uh I can do the trick didn't exactly go in with the the amount of drag I would have liked but um we'll see I think what I'm going to do is it actively actively dripped just sitting here so I'm going to let that ask scw it I'm just going to put it together so I'm going to let it sit for a while see if any moisture comes through but uh we're just going to go for it while I'm waiting I'm going to put the uh the neutral lever back on and uh maybe look at some other stuff I'm under looking at the deck right now and and uh just trying to see what's kind of going on of course it's in the uh the off position at the moment and uh I think I'm about halfway down on the deck height I fig we'll we'll run it motions we'll see what happens put it in the all right so that's Operation and that pulley just looks like hell I thing is really not looking the same direction as everything else is is it so I think that I my belt's not very tight [Applause] either I think this guy needs to be like that so I'm going to probably try and get in there with some kind of something something on this bar with the uh the preload off and see if you can twist that to get that to uh look like it wants to play a little bit better than what it's doing right now probably an adjustable be my best bet hold on guys would you stay right there I don't think I get the Bel we'll drop the deck all the way down give us some more better kind of Dipping down though huh I don't know if that's going to matter yeah it's got to come up some kind of eyeballing the other one I'm kind of guesstimating where it should be big ass pry bar there yeah it looks better you just bolted to the sheet metal of the uh the deck and it that's not very Stout it looks decent watch it's supposed to be that way right I wouldn't say it's all that tight though it seems like it's kind of lame could be that the belt is just done you know doesn't look that terrible though I would think that what I'm talking about is I'm looking at the V of the belt itself and it doesn't look like it's terribly gone on but that could be the issue though yeah that's kind of sloppy it's way sloppy I should have more tension on it than that what happens is you end up fighting they have um brake shoes let me see what's wrong they have brake shoes on it and the so that when you turn the deck off the deck is supposed to stop within 5 Seconds and something like that I'm not sure what the time is but if you can see that Spring right there this Big Spring right here is the one that puts the tension on it and then you can see that long little one is the return for the uh the brake shoes that one right there and the spring I'm not sure if it's showing up for putting the tension on it the belt's been rubbing on it maybe because that pulley's had a whack maybe not but um it's cut into the strength of that belt it's actually worn War the spring down quite a bit right there I don't know if it's showing right there I think that's what's happening so it's not having enough balls to retract it or combination of both could be the belts crappy and the uh spring as no balls so I'm going to go and uh screw around with that a little bit and see if I can try to improve that or possibly see if I have another belt and we'll try that and see if it uh helps out Rectify that situation so I decided to uh uh blame it on the Belt I think that is uh most of our issue because I was looking at the distance that the two pulleys are coming close to each other in the uh in the Run position and uh they're very tight and if I were to try to get them in any closer the um the belt guards would almost be touching the other pulley so I surmise that it's going to be the belt I don't see anything linkage wise on the deck that's causing the deck to be too far forward and everything else looks to uh be okay so uh fortunately this tractor came with the owner's manual and uh I was able to look up on there and it had a part number with the 46 in deck and then I went onto eBay and I punched in that part number of course 71 listings kind of come up and then I just kind of went from that and then I was able to come and get the size of the belt which is half by 103 uh it's cheap enough to get it mailed as you can see it's a you know free shipping it's 17 bucks you go get one um there's an auto part store that I use in town which is a a good uh store they will probably have a uh Power Equipment belt power rated what are they called the green ones uh anyway so they may have that in stock and they're a fairly decent price I'm sure I could probably do Home Depot or Tractor Supply but uh generally with those places the belts are like they're kind of ridiculous they're like 40 and 50 bucks for the same belt so I'll check with them tomorrow and see if they have it if they do not I will probably just order it um on the uh on eBay and kind of go from there you know so anyway I I think I'm probably going to make this the length of one video we're going to chop it off right here we did end up getting a good running tractor anyway let's go see where our how our how our drippy Dew is doing now it's all back together hopefully it's nice and dry I pressure wash the wheel I think we're fine I think that took care of it no problem so it's good got lucky on this one all right guys again thanks for watching comment subscribing at some point I'm going to do a question and answer a lot of guys are asking questions about lifts and car starts and everything else and it's just too much to try to answer uh 10 different people the same thing so I'll make a video uh probably on that at some point in the near future again uh if you would if you like what you see please give me a thumbs up you don't like what you see then give me a thumbs down I guess all right guys later
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 1,089,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cub cadet, john deere, craftsman, ayp, simplicity, ereins, murry, tuff torq, trans, hydro, automatic, repair, fluid, diy, engine, shift, restore, slow
Id: Pfh-HjJX7iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2016
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