backhoe thumb rebuilding.

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let's wondering what's gonna do for a project today and Brian helped me out that used to be the thumb on the back of the tractor the pin broke and there's a little cattywampus in the middle apologize for the wind that mounted there and there so it was good for like picking logs up and stacking them where you wanted to kind of move them but somebody got a little overzealous it was a deacon stump out of the ground with it and she went kaput so I figured be a good opportunity to do some welding I feel like doing welding so he just so helped me out with that so let's get this thing back to my house and see if it fix it up cold start alright give her some of that [Music] [Music] yeah well you may have to visualize this a little bit because it's all so tore up but essentially the way it was set up before was that pain went in through there and it was a fixed thumb but you had three different positions you can kind of put it in each one a lot of to be you know compared to the bucket a different you know ratcheted location and still use the the bucket part of it to go pick stuff up and move it away or some a lot of times you'll have a thumb that's got a hydraulic cylinder behind it this will be a hydraulic cylinder and it moves independently well I'm not gonna get into all that me want to get into all that then putting another cylinder on another circuit on maybe someday that can happen but for now I just like the fact that you were able to pick stuff up with it moving around so I'm gonna try building it back into that operation this was just too weak to begin with the crossmember so I think what happened was that that has a lot of power so if you're pushing against it you're getting overzealous it's gonna Bend these two arms when these two arms bent now all the stress was on where that pin was so that's why that failed I knew it I just told them you be gentle with it it is what it is I think this is a gym equipment I used that from so I'm gonna go think about this for a little bit you guys can go out and do the same I think I may try to change it up a little bit if I can't find stuff to fix that with and maybe we'll go with a single blade in the center and get rid of that double eat setup and one other thing that was set up on it before was you were able to take this rod out you pulled this pin out that pin out and then this was able to flip right up and you would put the pin back in in that location the jaw would just stay right here on the side of the machine when you didn't use it so that's the next thing to also keep in consideration is can we have a position where it's tucked away where it's not being in use all right so I decided to try and reuse what I had I think the geometry of everything that I had was decent I just think that the bridge between these two needs to be much stronger than what I had in there which looks like it was probably a worn a hat one and a half my 1 and a half tubing and then I was like I played it with something because the rest of it seemed like it didn't take any any damage to it other than you know that getting tweaked so I measured these guys out and got a dimension from there this bushing looks like it's the bushing from here I may take the bushings right out completely and maybe try to go with a thicker diameter all depends on what I can go find for that and plus they're gonna be a hard time trying to get those guys out of there anyway I have a feeling that those bushings maybe got tweaked and got old so again it's it's not like this is gonna pivot this pretty much just stays fixed in one position we do have grease fittings in there so as long as you keep it pumped with grease it may be alright I'm walking around my hoard and see for some kind of tubing that's gonna be a little larger than the one that's on it this looks like it's probably from a weight bench or a weightlifting bar maybe we can use that I look a little bit more see if I have anything a little bit more stout if not well dig that out that pin out of there let's get a fake meeting a little you can get a rotation on it enough to just cut that right off and we're gonna slice it will just slice this mess off right here and this mess off right here and uh see if we can get the two arms and the pain kind of squared away on the tractor and then we'll start rebuilding from there [Music] got the positive kind of fire it up and I think we're gonna be kind of maxing it out but let's go see if we can go sever this thing in half make four new step over here get a better look see [Applause] okay who's on you guys [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well Nexus I want to drive those pins out of there but they're pretty peened over on the side so I want to take a minute take a flat for disk to them and see if we can bring it down to a taper [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so sure don't figure that sides gonna want to come out very easy looks like that really spread open on us let's go grab a big oil hammer and beat on that see if we can get her to evacuate they could go even if it takes the bushing that's fine people moved up so bad look the second one is that easy hopefully gonna use a luck up on the first one and one looks like good could be an issue clean up the tip pushing down do the same thing that's the bushing I supposed to be in the other piece anyway [Applause] good going dry make it some sprayed up move that thing up and again [Music] I said this pizza I think it's axle is what it is it's about one and a quarter maybe and there's the bushing that was in there and the bushing is larger the hair larger and that Michael excellent that'll work out just fine just punch out the bushings and we'll go over the larger pan I'd rather have the pin on the beefier side anyway see the slop that's in it that's the problem that goes in that far and camera is not gonna pick it up but there's a ridge right there and probably what that was for he saw that the bushing only went in so far and stopped but I don't think that is a separate piece I don't know it kinda you whack it with a hammer it starts to go in there you put the camera on it kind of tight so I don't know if I will be able to get that I might chuck this thing up in the lathe and we'll just kind of grab some Emery and we'll just kind of polish it up somewhat and it may go or I may try going with some kind of reamer inside of here I would think that that would just be like a spacer that would float in there but again as you see it really doesn't seem like it's moving all that much so I can take a minute I'll Drive this back out and maybe we see if we can punch the bushing out of the other side and see if that center section will slide out if not I'll have to get along the fancy side well I drove the one out of the other side and I figured what we'll try and do maybe we'll hit it with a break cone and see if that's just a a small lip that stopping it or if it goes all the way across again I wasn't able to drive that out of there let's see if cleaning it up will do anything deal with as tight as we can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's gonna take a while that's gonna take forever a little better we'll do that we'll flip it over and get the other side pardon me you need to flip it over because this end will be in that outer sleep which has plenty of room it's always gonna ask you why didn't I just take it down on the leaf I don't know do not have the tooling to grab the center of it on this lathe and that's why so I don't I can't pin the backside of this with what I have and the other lay that I have I just don't have enough room between centers to get that in there so someday when I hit the lottery they get a big garage that can get a bigger lathe but for now you work with what you get let's see if that brought us any closer to victory not sex whack it with a hammer a little bit mmm crazy now that's not let's leave that's in there I think they just kind of bored it to make it fit yeah I'll get it hey it's getting personal you know I made the mistake of trying to drive it in I went I brought it back over on the sander and I tried knocking it down some more and it went in probably about that far enough by name I can we just try to draw it right through there I have a feeling that this might be a little bit of a bend to it so I'm gonna try driving it back out again so I think my next plan of attack is I'm going to come with a cutting wheel I'm gonna cut it right here and see if we get this thing to open up a little bit and if we can open it up and I'll weld it let's see if that works [Music] get some wedges drive them in there ah the struggle is real so I cut that one free to give someplace for something to move so that got cut free from there then I took the original axle that I had and drove that in there you see how much it opened up the gap and it's tight but this is larger and when I turn down so I'm gonna go and do some beatings around it here and there a little bit more freed up where I can come back with the welder we'll put a tack there maybe attack there and attack there I'll Drive this guy out of there and there should be enough room hopefully take that finally you got it I'm not gonna weld it up yet will do this will probably like grind that flat or I'll take a nail long man I'll cut the head off and we'll lay it in the gap well till well till his last thing I want to do is have well penetrate the inside of that and cause a problem all over again so I think as you continue building the rest of it make it all mocked up make sure we got exactly what we want and then we can come back and buzz everything that was easy did you say punching those bushings out that's a lot easier alright so now we got some custom slop in them and now we got to rebuild jumping across I'll probably go I got some more that I think of this plate may be a little bit larger I'll do the same while scab right across it and make this bridge first it's kind of square them up we'll clamp them together get some tacks on I'm actually probably going to do is I'm going to take take them back off well clean all this crap off of it first with the flapper disc get them a little more squared up get some paint off of it and then we'll lay a piece going across here tack them and then swing it up and see how it's going to line up we want to line up again so that the hole that's going to be here holding the arm when it swings up can line up into one of these so that it can have its stored position and then the rest of it probably should fall back in into place where it was so I got that plate cut out and mocked it up see you blast it around these guys gave us just clean material to work with and quickly clamped it we need to get it so that we can grab somewhere on there that one of those three holes and then no one that and then that should keep it tucked and up up out of the way where when the boom curls all the way this stays out of harm's way not that you can't just pull the pinion get rid of it altogether but I want to be able to function that all the way so that that does not hit into into that when it's curl so I think we're gonna throw a tack on each side of that just to kind of keep it squared for now that's square yeah well throw a couple tacks on that and keep it locked in and then we'll start boxing in the rest of it and we'll make this much this because this was able to collapse is why that failed so if we can make this where it takes all the strength and not having one try to rock from the other that these are really tied together well here not relying on the pin so much I think we'll have much better results like again it's just trying to get the the arm location in the right spot so you'll work on that a little bit and don't figure everything all the geometry figure it out then we can buzz it all together that held up in the place and the yang got attacked let's curl that assembly up and make sure that we don't have any clearance issues I'm gonna give it a little bit yes it's a curling fairly tight I kind of want some space there you dropped this a little bit slack a lot of like will that be okay so I think we got to come up with how we are going to mount I could probably grab this one but you gotta be able to get your hand in there to get the pin in there anyway hmm yeah think about that I wouldn't mind putting another one of these plates parallel wasn't going to be hitting here that's probably why I mean we did that that one on a quarter the first time try to keep room down I gotta go look at that other piece that we took off and yeah so let's visualize where that was on the frame and then where this was actually think this was standing up as it was this was actually standing straight up against those two so it was the bar came across and it stood right up did it catch this one yeah because it was flush it was flush with that so it would have caught that one right there yeah that that pin stood up right there and then I leave room for square channel I wonder if I come up instead of trying to square it off or one if I come up on an angle right across in a triangle make a triangle and then come back and then we put the mounting point on there now we got to go the other way and make sure that we have enough room so when it's in an extended position that the bar will fit let's see if all of us could fit in here at the same time so the bar is on there that's how it hangs from the topic I'm going with the middle position for now and by looking at that guy and kind of guesstimating where this was bent hopefully you guys can see so that guy was roughly right about there in the center point so we're gonna need to be given out something like that so we need to come up with wonderful she just try torching that guy out of there and we can use that over again let me see if I have any thicker material we're going to try to make something roughly like that shape so that we can build from there we'll find out the location we need to be in the up position that's the most important one and then fabricate around it to support it afterwards yeah we got a plan you guys agree yeah one he is not okay function check I got it tact location pull the pin swing it down dammit you worked in his rehearsal is that one where's the other thing what did you do with the other pin [Applause] anyway the other pin will go in there there we're there that should be just fine and then they actually give the best as far as a capacity of grabbing the larger stuff so I think meow whoops make sure we're still good yeah so now we can go I do have it lifted off the plate you see the gap that's in there but I prefer that then having to shift this thing up or down a little bit and I think we can plate it here and plate it right across the back again with more of this I think that will really make it stop and this I'm not too concerned about will run a well down there and fill that up but that's the position it needs to be other thing I could do is remove this plate move it down but we can tired I said was that nothing's gonna move me out there there and there and now I want to come back and put a brace going across here put a tee and then we're gonna do the same on the other side so this one I can't come up that far because where the bar is but this guy should be fine so I'm gonna Whittle that guy down to the right width will tap that into place and stiffen that all up that'll also help these guys this way too and something like that both plates are in the paint is in it's got a little bit of play but what I like the fact that if something does crush up against this or Orphic rolls to work crushes against the boom this plate will hit this bracket won't all be on the pin kind of force the pin that'll hit cuz you see the size holes difference between the two of them there's some room in there see if we could do this without things are still hot although their tax right now and pull that out of there that's what we're gonna have now I just gotta do a bunch of welding box all that in and I think that will be much stronger all the way around and be for a much better project arm still fits from there to wherever when we decided to go pick there I'm a happy camper so now I need about 15 20 minutes of welding and she'd be strong like Buddha [Applause] [Music] [Music] a wire hey right now two bullets in again write a new one in my merry way yeah let's give that guy to go [Applause] strip backing on there feel [Music] rock'n'roll you that's a little better tad warm but that should definitely hold us together a lot better and the piece of crap that was in there before now we got to close up this guy again I'm gonna go try to see if I have some metal rod I can lay over the top of this or even just a piece of pipe and they grind those welds flush maybe I can get a piece of metal so that piece of black iron pipe take a little just section that little piece out of there we'll make that to cap to go over the top clean that up before we get get out of there easier to hold [Applause] mr. Spock [Applause] [Applause] you know all our patch fits up here my hand out it was it's a little warm I think if it cut off a little bit of length other than that we're good and we knock off a quarter inch that should make that hole again I'm go get tacky tacky tacky tacky buzz it buzz it and see if the pencil comes out Oh weld it up what do you think the chances are still moves good take that apart we're gonna go pack that sucker with grease that's already welded what else do I have to do right throw some black paint on on it after it cools down here with a flap reduce knock some of the turds off of it I think we tried crushing something oh I got a drill oh no well the big washer on one end and I go Boyd a clevis pin on the other side so I got to drill a hole yet yeah little bit more drilling a little bit more paint hit it with the grease gun all the points on the tractor got all of them lubed up and also where the pin is pins a little on the long side boom and leave it like that possibly can can cause an issue with you know getting hit hitting rocks and stuff but I rather have myself a fudge factor if something happens I can kind of clean up the end of it whereas if I'm real close to the end biggest pain he asked was the what I used I think was from my Kubota this was three-point hitch stuff from a Kubota burned up tractor all this pivot point stuff so it's metric and of course now I'm trying to use a standard size ping cuz they don't have a metric axle or shaft or whatever you want to call it so that's what made everything a mess I say we fire it up and run it into itself and see what it does not that that would be the normal but I guess you could put all the pressure against it and see if anything decides to want to fatigue its fire up with that it might be time I change the fuel filter to what do you think we got our money's worth out of that one new filter one other thing I added to it which was awesome is this guy right here put trailer hitches in it and with a drop down one screech with just picking trailers up moving them around and then for whatever adaption you want along with the three hooks for kicking stuff and dropping it might be too far away a one-handed I wonder one lever at a time I'd say that works pretty good go take the chainsaw go cut that guy up that's what I wanted to do five well guys are gonna call it right here I think we have a fairly long video as it is without project in point well and this tracker is gonna get a lot of work done this summer because the woods out back here who are doing a bunch of trails the big storm came through about two years ago took a couple hundred trees down so Brian's been cleaning all that up on his property before that happened we planned on doing some trails in the woods and now we're gonna do some trails so so woods kind of open woods well we have to put a bunch of logs down where the wet spots aren't kind of you know stack them make little landings or supports for the the really mucky sections we could ride the toys around so that is why the tractor is over his house he's been doing a bunch of cleaning up with it not that I don't need to do something also but with that guys I'm gonna go shut it down like a Bigfoot thanks you all for kind of hanging out and watching us welcomed drunk back together so with that I'll catch you in the next one yeah and one of the other attachments before that tractor is there's days your Creek and then I adapt it also a two inch receiver onto that and you hang that on the front of the bucket and you can adjust by angling the bucket how aggressive you want to get you just back drag with it you could almost pick stuff up with it if you want or if you want to level things out and kind of curl the bucket down and drag it that way no that's a good tool to clean it up [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 345,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, weld, repair, tractor, thumb, diy, custom, backhoe, terramite backhoe, terramite t5c, welding projects, welding, fabricate, shop, garage, howto, engine, hydrolic, dig, trench, damage, best of, number one, first, last, t5c, dirt, broken, busted, miller, lincoln, plasma cutter how it works, plasma cutter review, plasma cutter art
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 18sec (2778 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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