Sitting 20+ years, Will this MASSIVE Wheel Loader Run and Drive home?!?! (Cummins Power!)

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[Music] what's up guys welcome back to diesel creek my name is matt if this is your first time joining us and this big uncle ugly orange behemoth behind me is a clark 125 c model wheel loader and i have the opportunity to buy this thing for a very reasonable price trouble is there's no way to get it out of here currently it's not running and there's no way to get a truck in where we're at so pretty much me and my buddy are out here today and we're gonna see if we can't get this thing fired up and drive it out of here because that's the only way i'm buying it it has been sitting at least 10 plus years i really don't know anything about it the people that are trying to sell it it belonged to a past family member and the thing is it's been sitting here for all this time i don't know if you can see that with no oil in it the plug's out the filters are off of it it's almost like he just started to change the oil one day and quit uh exhaust seen better days the turbo's not stuck but it is tight and the engine is very tight but not stuck and this gets worse it is the dreaded triple nickel 555 cummins but it does turn so there is hope basically i don't need a machine this size it weighs about 43 000 pounds which is far more than i really need in a wheel loader i would like to get a wheel loader but this is really just too much for me so what i'm thinking i want to do if i can get this thing running for the price i'm getting it at i'll clean it up put some lipstick on it and flip this thing hopefully make a couple bucks off of it as you can see we've got some triage it's not really any good unless it's got a tree in it right so she's a pretty tough big old girl hopefully we'll be able to get it out of here you can see it's been sitting so long the hillsides kind of slid down to the tire i just hope it wasn't sitting for some special reason so there you can see it's a clark michigan 125 c there's the serial number if you can make that out i don't know what year that makes it but i believe these to be an early 80s machine in the cab here the seat is in miraculous condition amazingly i think that's the gear shift and this is forward in reverse so the gear shift appears to be stuck at the moment but that might just need the machine to move back and forth a little bit to make that easier for us we've got moss this is authentic it's got moss got some starting fluid that's a good sign the control valves still move they're a little stiff but they move all the glass glasses in it oh we got snakeskin we've got snakes so yeah let's tear into this thing all right we just cleared some brush away from it here and i'm going to say that this thing has definitely been here longer than 10 years because look at this tree stump you make that out that's about a well might be even a closer to a six inch tree stump that's cut down and grown right up against the tire and another one a little bit smaller right here by the loader frame that's been cut down so long ago that it's rotted this thing's been here a while the frame frame of the loader is sitting about four or five inches off the ground now i think we're gonna go ahead and throw some air in the tires now because that's another deal breaker you know even if it runs if all four tires need replaced i'm not going to sink that kind of money into this thing those tires are liable to be a couple grand a piece so hopefully they hold air all right well i'm not real up on my giant loader tires but i know that they take the bigger large bore valve stem if you see this guy here that's it's not the same type that's on your car or your skid loader or anything like that it's like quarter inch pipe so i got the special adapter here but there's two of them on these tires and that's what's throwing me here i pulled this cap off and it just started dumping what little air is in this thing out so i stopped that and this one doesn't even have a core in it it's empty and i can't get the pick all the way up in there so it's either clogged or not in use or i don't know but i'm gonna attempt to just throw the old chuck on this thing and overcome the air coming out of it and hope for the best so do well three out of four tires blew right up no problem but unfortunately number four here we've got uh two valves like every tire had and neither one of them will take a drop of air so i'm not sure what to do about that right now i tried cleaning out the hole i don't have a tool proper size to get the valve core out of that one to try and probe it out but i think what we're going to have to do is hope it runs and then if it does we'll pull it forward just enough to get the valve stem up and hopefully we can do something with it there and that changes the situation a bit trying to get this stinking hydraulic cap off here hear the pressure there we go oh yeah everything looks pretty clean that's a good sign nothing on the dipstick but that's not surprising so we got all kind of big access ports here on top i might go ahead and zip one of those off and just have a little look down the tank see what we got going on there the hydraulic capacity on this machine is like 65 gallons [Music] [Music] that's what i'm talking about they'll come out [Music] oh yeah not too shabby so i don't know if you guys can see down inside of here what the fluid that i can see doesn't look too bad there's a little bit of cloudy stuff right on top of that filter we're only like an inch below the bottom of the dipstick there if you can see that what i'm going to do because if there is moisture in here the oil the water is going to be all at the bottom and these big tanks tend to sweat when they sit a long time so i'm going to stick my siphon pump all the way down to the bottom and try to draw a little bit out and see what we're pulling up uh if we're pulling out water we'll just keep pumping until we get clean fluid because it holds 65 gallons of hydraulic fluid so i'm trying not to not to replace 65 gallons of hydraulic fluid all right that looks like slightly dirty but no moisture in it looks like hydraulic to me i think we're in business there all right while i was doing that stuff buddy here took the oil line off the turbo dumped some marvel magic in there oh she spins like a dream now i was really worried about that well i found the oil plug laying on the dirt there so i cleaned it off and zipped it back in i think we were about ready to throw some oil with this thing moving on to the engine this baby of course is in unknown condition so you know it holds about eight or nine gallons of oil and you really hate to go spending 170 on oil to put in an engine just to find out the engine's no good so this is a oil out of my dump truck that i changed the oil on it is good and clean still i mean it's black it's used but it's good enough to throw in here and test this engine out i'll pour a little bit of oil in over here through the breather on the valve cover just to get some top end lubrication going we just talked to the lady that owns it she said 01 when she met her former husband he passed away now but it was sitting here in 01 so the date has changed a bit [Music] made in england it's a bit odd isn't it all right we've established that there is cooling in it because you can crack the petcock on the oil cooler and some coolant comes out but you can't see it in the radiator so we'll go ahead and start filling it up now oh yeah you got that steady pour going on there you guys got to pee pause the video now's the time put in one straight water one gallon of concentrate no uh clamps and on everything no i didn't notice anything i'm done so after the third gallon we got it right there i think we're really close to starting this thing up time to connect the batteries and hope nothing catches on fire it takes two of these big boy 4d batteries i actually could have got 8d batteries but who wants to spend a thousand dollars on batteries all right we primed the fuel line up to the housing here for the fuel filters due to an oversight on my end i didn't realize that there was two fuel filters so i've got one new one that i'm going to put as the secondary filter and one of the ones that was laying here is going to be the first uh it does look clean in there it's not like it's full of junk or anything it was laying here you know face down for 20 years well it's the best care she's had in a long time all right with that we're just about ready to crank this thing we have siphoned out a good chunk of the fuel that was in the tank i didn't want to pull it all out because i mean it is like 40 50 gallon of fuel so we cut it down to less than half of what was in there and then diluted it with a good bit of fresh fuel uh what would we do antifreeze oil fuel filters we're just about there we gotta connect the batteries now and hope this thing doesn't burn to the ground we're taking bets on whether the key is gonna actually crank this thing over or not my money's on no good enough when the bowl actually turns it might actually tighten that's rare that's a good connection it's rusty i get yelled at for that it's drawing power here it's good anything on fire sending smoke signals [Music] nothing yep i know you all love seeing me tap on battery terminals i get lots of love for that so oh oh it wasn't even tight and it just exploded uh there there might actually be one on my dashboard but it's honestly it's still kind of tight yeah if it works it's gonna mess up that terminal that's what happened on batteries on that d2 all right we got everything hooked up finally we're gonna go ahead and bump the key and see what happens i got a dollar on the line here guys hit it ah that i think i hear the starter actually clicking so that might not be good that could mean that the starter isn't working that's real good try it again oh boy i think she'll start i think she will too it almost sounded like it wanted to yeah well what's uh what's crack cat fuel on again yeah i'll pressurize it yeah that's good all right we're gonna make sure we got all the air out up to this point uh still trying to figure out how to completely bleed it all the way to the injection pump neither one of us are very familiar with this engine um which is another way of saying we've never even touched one just figuring out as we go ready born ready [Music] hold it try it again [Music] finally got fluid coming out over here all right that took a while [Music] i think we're about ready all right so the first time since 2001 hopefully this baby pops off i'm gonna probably have to use some ether because we can't figure out how to bleed the fuel system thoroughly so just doing the best we know how got the throttle pulled up actually you should probably hold it down yeah all right yep contact oh yeah baby not oil pressure we're looking good oh and it even shuts off with the key what are the odds so hey [Music] yeah we got a little hydraulic leak going here so we shut her down we're gonna figure out what's going on there maybe it's just an o-ring or something we'll get lucky that way what do you guys think about that after 20-some years sitting here asleep she actually fired up really easy i barely used any ether i mean a couple little and it just popped right off incredibly not even too smoky all right well i'm back up here a couple days later come to troubleshoot our hydraulic issues we got mighty hungry the other day and had to call it what i know for sure is this line here blue which is the line that feeds the lift cylinder for the boom uh buddy attempted to start raising the boom up and it couldn't handle the pressure so that one's gone i don't know if you can see up in there it's all bulged out and deformed there's another valve block right around here which is directly underneath the operator's cab and it's really wet it definitely leaked pretty good i can't tell exactly where the fluid is coming from though and if we try to start it we're going to lose so much out of this one that uh i won't even have the time to look underneath there and see where it's coming from so i got a i wanted to block this one off because i'm still not committed to buying this machine you know to replace this hose it's probably going to be 80 or 100 bucks they sell block off slugs that you can just put in place of this hose flange and that'll cap the line and you can still run the machine and not lose any fluid which would give me time to investigate the leak up there and there was also a third leak pretty much directly across from this one but up in there a bit more it didn't look like it was leaking too awful bad but definitely squirting a bit um i found a fitting that i was able to get some turns out of with a wrench i did tighten it up so hopefully that takes care of that one but i'm not feeling super confident on it but i guess what we need to do at the current moment we'll go ahead and unbolt this hose up there and down here and uh see about getting that hose re redone or put one of those block off slugs in it if you're ever undoing hydraulic lines like this in my case right here i know there's no pressure because the line is blown but if you're ever just start breaking loose hydraulic lines be sure all the system pressure is off of it because you can wind up with a face full of hydraulic fluid or worse uh hydraulic injection is no joke that can kill you real quick there is an unfathomable amount of pressure stored in these lines there we go see the flange will come off in two pieces just like so and now the hose is basically just butted up there there we go don't worry i've got a catch pan they really shouldn't have to take the top half off yep hinge it out of the way cat makes theirs a little bit different there's don't have a full bolt hole here and they're kind of split across this direction and that way you can just take two bolts out the other pieces will hinge out of the way which i think is a little bit better system but this is the old school methodology here oh yeah boys can you see why it blew wow that thing was rotten that's probably the uh the worst line i've ever seen there's just nothing left of it no wonder the thing blew that's insane wow i mean it's just wow that's all i can say about that that's that's crazy i've never seen one deteriorate to that level no wonder it didn't hold any pressure well i just got back from the hydraulic shop and like i said i still haven't committed to buying this thing because i don't know if it moves yet and to replace that line and its twin on the other side is 530 some dollars so i got these little slugs and we're just going to block that line off for now that way i can start it up and try to see if this thing will move all right i think i have our leak figured out here the last one i sneak in behind the back tire here and see this hose right here this is connected right here and that hose all i can tell it did it ran down here and along and up right into the bottom of the cab it's kind of right behind that orange thing ran right into the bottom of the cab right there and all that did was have a sample drawing poured on it so i should be able to just put this jic cap over that fitting block that off and we should be good all right i think i got all the leaks fixed go ahead and try and start this thing back up again today it's been a couple days sitting here so we'll see how it starts and hopefully nothing leaks seems like we're losing our prime hey up thank you [Music] [Music] boy guys you can really tell how long that bucket's been sitting in there look we got tree roots grown over top of the arms and everything man look at the size of that tree in there [Music] well i think that's a no-go on the will it move today i know part of the reason why you know it might not be moving is because the line that was leaking all the fluid up into the cab was the transmission not hydraulic so we're really low on transmission fluid right now which is another reason we're not going to sit here and run it for very long the other reason we might not be getting any movement is because i was reading around online apparently there's some sort of valving in this thing that requires it to have x amount of air pressure to allow it to disengage the brakes which uh the gauge is only reading 30 but i'm not sure i trust that so that might be the next place to look we might have to override that valve or something all right well the old girl at least runs we don't have it driving quite yet but that is in the future still haven't committed to buying this thing if you guys think it's a good purchase let me know down below uh i'll say i'm getting it cheap enough if it moves but that remains to be seen so stick around if you want to see this thing move that'll be in the next video have to work on uh figuring out why we can't get it to go forward or reverse so until the next time guys thanks for watching i'll see you there [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 713,514
Rating: 4.9325628 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, loader, highlift, heavy, equipment, clark, Michigan, articulated, cummins, triple Nickle, 555, v8, diesel, volvo, international, john deere, detroit, fiat, allis, chalmers, caterpillar, 125c, 125b, trojan, front, hydraulic, repair, antique, revival, will it run, will it start, will it move
Id: JlGXKit7mmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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