The Case of Heather Elvis

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hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video what we're gonna do is we're gonna look at the solved kinda not really though more unsolved disappearance of Heather Elvis Heather Elvis went missing on the early morning of December 18 to 2013 in South Carolina leading up to her disappearance she was having an affair with a married man Sydney Moore but the relationship ended a couple of months before she went missing and when Sydney's wife found out Sydney's wife Tammy Moore man she's a crazy person and the day Heather went missing she was due to meet up with Sydney in this case there is some very interesting footage interviews and texts so let's hit the bricks hether Rachel Elvis was born on June 24th 1993 in Horry County South Carolina growing up she was a generally very artsy person as we will see from her Twitter annum honestly just generally a people person after graduating high school in 2011 she worked as a waitress at the Tilted Kilt in Myrtle Beach and also the House of Blues in North Myrtle Beach while studying cosmetology and she moved into an apartment in Carolina Forest with her roommate Brianna wahrman who also worked Abby Tilted Kilt so the trouble starts in June 2013 when Heather was working the Tilted Kilt in Myrtle Beach when a man by the name of Sydney Moore comes in to repair some of the bollixed of kitchen equipment Sydney was a Myrtle Beach native who owned his own business called Palmetto maintenance which provided maintenance and repair services on industrial equipment at restaurants in the area now he was 18 years older than Heather he was 38 at the time but it seems that Heather she had a bit of a taste for the older man an Infernus even though Sydney was married his wife seemed like a real [ __ ] anyway according to her Twitter Heather was she was real smitten with him from the very GetGo though she uses different language [Music] they begin flirting and unsurprisingly it escalates into something more serious as the week's go by yeah so as the week's go by and the affair seems to heat up they weren't exactly hush-hush about the entire tang Sydney would pop by when Heather was working bringing bagels and coffee he even talked to his friends about bringing her on as a nanny for Sydney and Tommy's kids however by mid-september it seems that the relationship came to a close ooh cringe but it didn't end there because in October Sidney's why Tammy she learns a little some some I'm actually genuinely surprised it took her this long to learn about the affair because Sidney and Heather were not keeping it hush-hush like at all so Tommy when she learns of this she loses the rag and begins harassing the [ __ ] out of Heather she forced Sidney to call Heather while she listened in on posture Heather's roommate Briana was there for the call and he reportedly said such things as she was nothing to him just someone who spread their legs lovely stuff Tammy would also send Heather texts on pictures of herself and Sidney having sex nobody needs to see that come on Tommy would password-protect Sidney's phone so only she could use it she hun cooked him to de couples bed every night unaccompanied him wherever he went outside the house Tommy also made Sidney get her name tattooed on his stomach which is totally normal behavior and Tommy just continued to harass Heather even though their relationship was ended I mean I suppose she's right to be pissed just all around Randa o'clock sending just awful awful messages Tommy tried to get Heather fired from her job at the Tilted Kilt calling the restaurant regularly and telling them her husband would stop repairing their equipment as long as she continued working there which resulted in Heather losing errors on November 5th the last time Heather saw Sidney well that we can confirm Heather retweeted this joke and I guess Tammy who she didn't like that on November 19 to Sydney Tammy and their kids they left South Carolina to go to Disneyland for a vacation Tammy just loved Mickey Mouse all that [ __ ] they are turned on December 11th now around this time Heather seemed to be doing really well seems like she had finally kind of gotten over her lay she would Sydney she had just gotten a new job working in a beauty parlor she has started going to church regularly with her best friend and roommate Brianna things were looking up one thing though she was putting on weight like baby weights coworkers IV Tilted Kilt noted her uniforms had gone up Shree bra sizes heather was concerned she'd become pregnant possibly by Sydney her manager at the Tilted Kilt said she had taken one pregnancy test which came back as error either the pregnancy test was broken or more likely she was gonna have a robot baby as you can imagine when the rumors started spreading around on Tommy may have learned of them oh man oh just drive her even more crazy so horrendous time ur n mid-december Brianna left to go and spend the holidays with her family's down in Florida so Heather was left alone in Carolina on December 17 - Heather texted Brianna told her she was going out on a first date with a man she had met named Steven Schiraldi all right so listen up folks now we're gonna talk about the night she disappeared I will go through a rough timeline of what happened so according to Briana this was Heather's first official date since she ended her relationship with Sydney and Heather was excited to go at 10 p.m. that night he drove her around in his car looking at residential Christmas lights in the area they later drove to a parking lot where he taught her how to drive his manual transmission vehicle and she sent this picture to her dad Steven then dropped Heather off at her apartment about 1:15 a.m. at 1:19 a.m. that night or rather that early morning Sydney was seen on surveillance video at a local Walmart buying a pregnancy test I wonder for whom 20 minutes later a call was placed from a pay phone to Heather's cell phone lasting five minutes Heather then called Brianna in Florida saying Sydney had just called he was planning to leave Tommy and wanted to meet with her I'm Brianna said rightly don't go to him what do you do apparently Heather was like extremely upset during this call as you can imagine then at 229 a.m. Heather's phone attempted to call the payphone that Sydney had used but no answer it seems that Heather or at least Heather's phone was pinged at longbeards bar and restaurant in Carolina forest within next half error at 2:57 a.m. her phone headed to a gusta plantation drive where then turns around and she returns to longbeards burr props she was going somewhere but changed her mind a tree 16 am Heather cellphone attempted to call Sydney cell phone as she was leaving long beers got no answer she then went back to her apartment she tried to call Sydney again and this time she got an answer the call lasted about four minutes Heather at her apartment Sydney in his own house then at Abbott ha shreya Heather's phone moved to a secluded wooded area at Myrtle Beach called peachtree boats landing iran this time a surveillance camera captured a dark-colored f150 coming from the direction of the moor home headed towards the boat landing this was later confirmed to be Sydney's vehicle 3:30 a.m. Heather's phone attempted to call Sydney's phone but there's no answer she tried a few times that at 3:42 a.m. no more activity comes from Heather's phone at SRI 47 am the same camera captured a truck coming from the direction of the boat landing unhide it back towards the moor house now Tommy and Sydney would later claim that they were out that night because they're just banging in their car you know go around his crew to parts of Myrtle Beach and it just so happened to me what a coincidence but they were at the same place peachtree boat landing the heather was at the same time she was there in the middle of the night while heather was alone just weird you know running into people like this what are the odds yeah the next morning Heather's dad Terry started to become worried after not hearing from her he calls the police and they find Heather's car abandoned a peachtree boat landing they see it's pretty messy inside but nothing out of the ordinary i'm terry having an extra set of keys drives Heather's car home kind of destroying any potential evidence or fingerprints maybe that could have been in the car now we never see Heather again after this and I've never really been able to find out much information about Heather's car if there was more information in it it's really all we know so then as the errors go by Heather is still nowhere to be found still to this day a missing persons case was opened day 20 in the search for missing 20 year-old Heather Elvis on Saturday dozens of cars and horse trailers lined the heavily wooded area around Ronald McNair Boulevard just off highway 501 in Myrtle Beach groups of volunteers continued to help in the search heather's date that night Stephen Schiraldi was quickly cleared a search of the area around the boat landing found no sign on searches of the riverbed also found nothing as I said Stephen and time you were questioned completely like changing your story every time oh yeah did color all wait no I didn't your phone records are [ __ ] I've no idea what's going on who's Heather never met her and the search for Heather Elvis would continue but nothing would be found no leads no traces of her when was the last time you talked to her before that three or four minutes probably ended October beginning a November right in there somewhere yeah doctor her oh no it was like well before because we went on vacation it was well before we went on vacation and there was nothing the last thing I'm carrying yeah there was the last thing that was soon or anything was she still a period to me and that was it and that was through text messages yeah she normally texts her fall news lives text did you delete them well no that's just usually the way we talk cuz what did your wife find out that that was October okay now um she asked what do you want I mean at first I didn't tell her what was going on and she ever met her no never seen her never met her no and then the following day that's what my wife was going on and my wife actually talked to her and they had planned a meeting and she didn't show up for meeting how she start relationship just a couple of girls that says hey you know Heather had a dream about you look a nasty dream or something and I'm like okay good like two or three times that kind of happened and then you know we just kind of sorted out we would talk a little more every time in person and then she started calling me and I still don't know how she got a phone number but she started calling me summer mid-september baby okay so she started texting her calling in you could blow her back I mean she's young pretty girl yeah you know and she was interested in there was a phone call made to Heather that night from a payphone at the gas station on tap tap now let me a video okay did you try calling her just a minute in a second you sure maybe I did I called her from the start again because I know I don't know everything's legit okay Harper's stop being legit okay no I didn't call her on the phone okay and what did you say I asked her to please leave me alone because she had been leaving notes on her car well I would be near that was that worth to toe and saying leave me alone - well yeah you can you start over yeah let's start over this is that ain't off about a flying boss but you don't need to understand I had boyfriends we had the marriage of this okay oh I could care less if he had sex with a hundred people okay all right I mean definitely it doesn't bother me so I mean this thorough I can tell you just what as an outsider looking at the Twitter which I didn't know existed until all this went down she's not right she's not normal other 20 operated with bands constantly I wasn't that kind of girl and believe me I had the friend to make me that kind of girl and I didn't do it so there's something not right with her you know I'm not assuming that anything's happened to this girl she could be running around that's what I'm thinking too she could just be like that in February two months after heathered was last seen Sydney would file multiple complaints that people were harassing him he said that people shot at him his family on his vehicle and the family pets were mutilated and killed however there was no proof of anything happening to the family Tom you would also take to social media claiming her and her family were being harassed by unknown people and on her Facebook she wrote about how corrupt the police in the area are then also in February police executed a search warrant of the Moores house the house it was a mess and they had quite a lot of guns they also did get this surveillance footage of Sidney on tummy cleaning their brand-new truck just a few days after Heather disappeared interesting after an 11 error search both Sidney and Tommy were arrested and charged with murder kidnapping obstruction of justice and two counts each of indecent exposure these coming from the sexually explicit images found under phones that were taken in public places the obstruction of justice charges were against Sidney for denying using the pay phone to call Heather that night I mean they had footage um use now in early 2015 the couple were released from jail after paying bond Heather's family they weren't best pleased about that because they said they should be kept in jail because they had started to receive like death threats and stuff from the people who supported the Moores claims that they were completely innocent and that there was some kind of conspiracy going on you see a lot of people in the community actually stuck by Tammy and Sidney due to the way they were able to portray Heather on social media you know kind of slandering her saying she was a crazy stalking man-stealer of a woman and that they were completely innocent they were just trying to be a family and it Heather comes in and and and then you know they would say she got what she deserved that kind of [ __ ] the course required Sydney on Tammy to agree to GPS monitoring of their whereabouts and to stay five miles away from the Elvis family home at all times and to avoid interacting with any of them on social media in September 2015 the court allowed the Mohr's to move to Florida were Sydney at found a job while the case was still pending first talking about the last day Heather Elvis was seen a day when he says she left notes on his car at work so I called her as told her say hey look I don't know if it's notes neutral you know whatever enough sit up stop calling me stop texting me she says I don't know why it has to be like this or something like that look this you just need to stop it wasn't what you think it was it was just more says he stopped the relationship months before after his wife Tammy found out he says Tammy only spoke with Heather on the phone and that conversation was about leaving him she started talking to her about hey will you go to an attorney with me to get a divorce and she said sure no problem back to the day Elvis's car was found at Peachtree Landing Moore says he started receiving phone calls one from Terry Elvis Heather's father the next from detectives he told them he had talked to Heather the day before but had not seen her since October did you know what they said that they hadn't heard from her but I had been told by friends and stuff that it happened a lot I cooperated from the very first time anyone contacted me I never said call my attorney I'm not talking to you none of that do you feel like people know that no I don't think they do when they came and asked to look in our house we let them look in our house with no warrant look around do what you want to do and then six months later the charges of murder against Sydney on tummy were drunk why did they drop that murder charge against this couple a good morning Brad well the media reached out to officials and they couldn't give a comment as to why the charges have been dropped however Sydney and Tammy Moore are still being charged with kidnapping now they are connected to the disappearance of Heather Elvis but police say even though they have never found a body they still believe that she was killed and it seemed at a time that was that not really though you see a year on three months later in June 2016 the trial for kidnapping began this was against Sydney and during the trial the jury heard all the dirty details after deliberating for 11 errors the jury was home 10 to 2 with 10 of them wanting to convict unto not now allegedly one of the jurors was friends with Sydney's lawyer so anyway the judge called it a mistrial Sydney would also continue to spout shite on Facebook in July 2017 an obstruction of justice trial against the Moors began this was well essentially due to Sydney's early denial about making the pay phone calls and I mean the reason he had made because on the pay phone to Heather rather than using his cell phone was that he removed all the carrots from a cell phone so he couldn't be tracked Sydney was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison the maximum for the offense in April 2018 a crown jury indicted Sydney and Tommy on a single count of conspiracy to kidnap as the first trial was a mistrial essentially it started up again in October 2018 Tommy went on trial for the charges after the 11 day trial the jury convicted Tommy after four hours of deliberations she was sentenced to 60 years in prison and then in September 2019 Sydney Moore was convicted in the kidnapping of Heather Elvis just like his wife I mean anything I tell them to be a lot of nothing I could help you get many plugins understand have children get it there's nothing I can give them or poetry my cancer had no big suffer problem or time nothing like you sorry Becky but neither Sidney nor Tammy have ever said what actually happened to have their Elvis that night and they both continued to maintain their innocence saying never had anything to do with it don't know what happened to her and unfortunately no one has any idea what happened to you Heather has never been any leads or traces or evidence or anything really I mean we obviously suspect Tammy and Sidney but yes get back in the back room and Terry open his hands on my shoulders and he said know what I'm gonna said exactly because this is over but we saw it happen and it's like I was full of judge there has to be something more there has to be something more that we could hold over their head to become Todd there's got to be some kind of an incentive it it was so hard to walk out of the courtroom doing that that might be the last time we get to do anything that way it's scary though apparently the Morris lawyer is filing a lawsuit against the police department as the defense claimed they know what happened and that the wrong people are in jail I find that highly unlikely thank you so so much for watching I really really appreciate if you'd like to watch some more of my videos please work away and I will see you as always real soon in the next video thanks again take care of yourselves Mike
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 2,414,529
Rating: 4.8428984 out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mystery, heather elvis, sidney moorer, tammy moorer, heather elvis 2019, heather elvis disappearance, heather elvis case
Id: jW1hEQ0BI4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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