The Bizarre Case of Leon Jacob and Valerie McDaniel

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this is not my shining moment in the spotlight it's very embarrassing what's happening to me and the situation I find myself in however innocent I tell people I am I can't disclose why I'm innocent because I have a trial to go through hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this video what we're going to look at is a truly bizarre case because what happened was in 2017 Leon Jacob and his partner Valerie McDaniel hired a hitman to take out both of their exes and they didn't know the Hitman was an undercover cop and then after that the story takes a tragic turn what we're gonna do in this video is look at the lead-up to Leon and Valerie's Just's batshit plot and the aftermath so let's do this [Music] in 2017 48 year-old Valerie McDaniel was doing pretty well as veterinarian living in a pretty well-to-do wealthy Houston neighborhood she had a pretty decent practice healing animals and owned a beach house on Tiki island she had been married to her husband Marion Matt McDaniel who was also her partner into veterinary practice they had been married for 17 years they had divorced not so long ago but shared custody of their nine-year-old daughter according to those who knew them their marriage I wasn't the best is pretty Rocky I mean obviously they got divorced seemingly stemming from him just never being around allegedly he was also cheating on her too so yeah yeah that'll that'll do it and so she wasn't in the best form after the divorce until she met good ol Leon Jacob Leon he was the son of her neighbor and also a divorce attorney I'm sure Leon got all the juicy details he was nine years younger than her attorney nine years old sparks flew and the two began living together in early 2017 they would cook together share bank accounts and were allegedly planning on getting married but uh Valerie's friends they had a bad feeling about a Liam in 2005 at age 25 Leon graduated from medical school in Grenada the Caribbean island afterwards he had surgical training in a series of residency programs at different hospitals but never quite got there and never received a medical license eventually he was let go from his last program in Texas he then moved to Ohio and entered another residency program there but a manager said he lied about patient care following surgery and he also locked medical knowledge overall which is which I kind of would think is pretty important for a doctor but what do I know he was eventually terminated from that program in 2012 Leon was arrested after robbing the house of a hospital administrator in Ohio and like a Leon's medical career some of his past relationships they are weren't the best he too had been previously married with his ex-wife divorcing him after eleven years and then later pressing charges against him for aggravated stalking and intimidation he would call text email threatening to well uh threatening to beat the bejesus out of her he would eventually serve probation for cyber harassment and the other charges would be dismissed nice guy we haven't even started yet in 2016 Leon moved to Houston and began dating Meghan marecus in January 2017 police were called to their home after an argument in which Leon grabbed her face and wounded her lip that assault charge would eventually be dropped but in February 2017 Leon was charged with stalking Meghan at her workplace after she ended their relationship yeah Leon was also living with Valerie at the time while he was still stuck in his ex-girlfriend and so even though his medical skills we're shite LeAnn was like bollocks if I get convicted of stalking there goes my shitty medical career better do something better do something drastic and so Leon he came up with a little old plot it was like Megan might be better if she you know wasn't around wink wink and so Leon gave $5,000 to cartier watches and a laptop to a former US Army sergeant and Purple Heart recipient who went by the alias Zack real name Mota's aza I know that I butchered that but he gave them to Zack as payment to take her out and not to dinner Zack he took this payments and just did a leg er when Leon couldn't find Zack Leon then reached out to a bail bondsman to help find him this guy had gotten Leon out of jail on bond for the stalking charge and he'd also put a bond for Zack on an unrelated matter and so Leon thought he might know where to find him and so upon hearing of the plots and Wiley are needed to find Zack he immediately contacted the police and Meagan was taken to a safe house police were then able to track down Zack and they convinced him to play along maybe with their investigation just a little bit and so with police listening in and telling him what to say Zack called Leon and told him he had outsourced the job to another hit man by the name of Xavier Xavier he was a UH he was an undercover cop in the Houston Police Department now this is when things get interesting because during a phone call when Zack called Leon to tell him that he'd outsource the job to Xavier Leon said will he take care of both issues a second hit was being requested whom well Valerie's ex-husband Mac and solely on Valerie Xavier and Zack they went for a lovely L dinner at Olive Garden to chat a bit about um assassination apparently Valerie's ex-husband Mac was trying to take their daughter away so he needed to be taken out of the picture too Valerie told Xavier she wanted him gone and told him what kind of car he drives where he can be found where he lives and other personal information so friggin agent 47 over here can give him the old piano wire another $10,000 was requested and promised by Valerie and so this is when the story takes kind of a a comedic turn but not wrong don't worry so the police decided to work with both Mac and Megan we've supposed targets of this assassination plot so to kind of continue this along the police got Mac to pose like he'd been killed in a carjacking gone wrong and that Megan had been kidnapped they took pictures so they would have proof to bring to Leon on Valerie these are those pictures [Music] Xavier then popped over with the pictures taken to prove they were sleeping with the fish and received another $1,800 on Friday March 10th 2017 I I guess the police felt like they had enough of messing around with a couple and so that night officers arrived at the home to inform Leon and Valerie that Mac McDaniel had been found dead [Music] some judges paternity rather than trying to tell you [Music] [Music] your boyfriend is he awake No right here all day watching movies I never met him except the ones which is Leon J go 540 wants to do is an establish an alibi that you know right away it's not him you know and then feigning that surprise it was all rehearsed and my opinion Leon and valerie they were shocked to hear this and the police as you can imagine they were like yeah your arrest [Music] and while they were being arrested Valerie's daughter was in the apartment at the time so before the police took Valerie into custody they allowed Valerie to get her daughter and hand her off to her ex-husband Mac who's standing outside in the hallway the entire time now to the latest on that murder-for-hire plot involving a couple and their exes thanks for joining us i'm jonathan martinez and i'm c on roads forty eight-year-old valerie mcdaniel and her boyfriend 39 year old Leon Jacob are accused of trying to hire a hitman to kill both of their exes the couple now charged with soliciting capital murder and today we're learning more about their background channel twos bill Spencer is live with all the latest developments bill what have we learned Jonathon ancien we are learning brand new details all about this case including some very interesting information about how the police actually managed to capture these two people who again are accused of wanting to pay big money to have their exes killed veterinarian Valerie McDaniel and her live-in boyfriend Leon Jacob facing serious charges right now after investigators say they plotted to kill McDaniels ex-husband and Jacobs ex-girlfriend it was determined the witness planted now according to the District Attorney's Office the pair tried to hire an undercover Houston police officer who's posing as a hit man the price ten thousand dollars apiece and two cartier watches police then went to work getting the two targets to pose for photos showing a realistic crime scene one deadly carjacking the other a kidnapping with a victim available to be killed detectives say the photos were then used to convince Jacobs and McDaniel that the targets were dead and when money finally exchanged hands the two were then arrested three days after she was arrested Valerie McDaniel was released on $50,000 bond Valerie would record her final thoughts on her iPod okay March 20th it's been a few days I hope I don't repeat myself that told me later that he was gonna try to help me that he would try to get Mac to leave me alone and the same time he was was working to try to get to it's weird things it wasn't like Bam Bam Bam and progression things just gradually happened there was talk all the time about this and it just one wise things so strange it's hard to explain but talking about somebody trying to took quiet not make him leave me alone just became like oh okay that's normal in retrospect not so normal and it just progressed it's terrible and the one thing I help people [Music] at one point when I was talking to the officer I said can't you just talk to him and make him Jane make him be nice to me and he cut me off walk with me and said no no no no he wasn't gonna give me a chance to go to back down so I wouldn't if he'd said that I didn't know but no I never did so sorry about everything just me okay thank you for listening two days later on March 27 to 2017 she jumped off her seventh floor balcony to her death leaving Leon to face a trial by jury alone but we're learning a brand new information this coming to us from the medical examiner just now officially ruling this a suicide yellow crime scene tape surrounded the gates of his high-rise in River Oaks where veterinarian dr. Valerie McDaniel took her life this morning by jumping from the building onto a courtyard police do not suspect foul play there was no money home mister report II was someone that had worked at the inside the apartment complex or condominium complex and they reported to police that they were the body laying out there they didn't know if she was asleep or what until they all came out and found the Hertz County District Attorney's Office says her fingerprints helped to positively identify her this afternoon just two weeks ago she walked out of jail free on bond she and live-in boyfriend Leon Jacobs are charged with soliciting capital murder they were accused of one valerie's friends would say that during the only eight weeks actually Leon and Valerie were together he had completely changed her they rarely saw her and it was really him that was kind of responsible for the entire tank Leon was charged with two counts of solicitation of capital murder relating to the plus he pled not guilty first of all tell me how you are how you're doing I'm good okay I've been here 95 days it's been a long haul so far I'm awaiting bonds to it I'm not this you know greatest personal role but I certainly am NOT a villain mm-hmm they made me out to be I'm a very driven type-a alpha personality male but I have a heart of gold I would get my last dollar to someone if they needed it if you interview the people upstairs I have a lot more than a lot of people that are here I order a tremendous amount of commissary I think this morning I had three full bags show and I usually just give it away I don't even notice it I love to work I like to play I'm an avid golfer and skier and I work out a lot leon's court case then began in 2018 and then Leon's attorneys get this they argued that what Leon thought he was doing was hiring a private investigator to help him get back with Meg and not kill her I mean come on simple mistake to make though really killing her get back together with her easy mistake a jury found Leon guilty of both counts of solicitation of capital murder after deliberating for less than two hours he was sentenced to life in prison in order to pay a $10,000 fine he will not be eligible for parole for 30 years we the jury having found the defendant Leon Phillip Jacobs guilty of solicitation of capital murder assesses punishment of confinement in the institutional division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for life assess a fine in the amount of 1000 on $10,000 thank you maybe since you have anything to say mr. Decker before I can now sleep sentences that's okay the art of the court didn't mr. Jacob that you haven't been found guilty of two cases of solicitation of capital murder we now deliver by the sheriff of Harris County to the director of the institutional division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice we're on both cases you shall serve a life sentence and be fully credited with all the times you've already served on this case thank you you convinced me to leave my life I had a Pittsburgh and you convinced me it was awful you manipulated me to leave my family in your life I had I believe everything happens for a reason while you sitting yeah I hope you think me the girl you called porn uneducated because it's because of me you will be in prison for life you will never see your children grow up you will not be a part of their lives and they will be fed better for it Leon's defense attorney said they plan on filing an appeal so good luck with that weird case definitely one of the more bizarre ones I've covered kind of funny but ultimately tragic and that Valerie would rather take her own life then live with the plot sheer plans leaving her child alone and facing prison oh well at least leonianas at least 30 years in prison to go through all the mistakes he made in this plus of which there were many thank you so so much for watching I really really appreciate it if you'd like to watch some more of my videos please work away and I also have a patreon where they're some exclusive videos ask me any things and I put videos up there a little bit earlier as well take care of yourselves I will see you as always real soon in the next video all the best Mike [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,764,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mystery, leon jacob, valerie mcdaniel, leon jacob houston, valerie mcdaniel houston, valerie mcdaniel recording, leon jacob appeal
Id: 1ZxLEIgab6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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