The Strange Story of Pam Hupp

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She is an absolute Karen.

I also hope Mike washes that shirt.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/StingsRideOrDie 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and this is the story of Pamela hook where to begin with this one well how about the time she posed as an NBC Dateline producer so she could lure a homeless man to her home so she could frame her friend's husband for crimes she had committed I hope that made sense because none of this story does yeah I'm not just scratching the surface that's how nuts Pamela hop on this story that's how nuts there we're gonna need to get into this one so let's [Music] on August 16 to 20 1633 year-old Louie jumpin burger a homeless man who suffered from severe physical and mental disabilities after a car crash entered the property of 58 year-old Pamela Hulk in O'Fallon Missouri according to Pam he ran at her while she was sitting in an SUV in her garage armed with a knife demanding that she drive herself and himself to the bank to get quote Russ's money Pam then knocked the knife out of his hands ran into her home and after Louie followed her like a madman she said she picked up the gun that was sitting on her nightstand and shot him five times she then called 911 time I I want to play the 9-1-1 call for you because I think the public should hear this when I heard this two hours after it was it was made or recorded I should say it just didn't sound right to me and I thought we had something unusual [Music] [Music] [Music] oh damn can you hear me Oh what we cut the recording off right there because in the next second you could hear five gunshots ring out in succession by her own admission to the officers who arrived at the scene just a few minutes after this she discharged her weapon until she had it quote no more bullets and her story was that she had been running some errands and she was going back out to her car to run some more errands and a silver car pulled up a gentleman jumped out of the car it jumped in her front seat with a knife she said there was a struggle and as soon as she was able to knock the knife out of this guy's hand she jumped out of her car she runs through her garage while he pursued her and then she further said she was able to get inside the home get inside her bedroom would barricade herself while the suspects followed her inside that's what you heard right there we became to find out that that was a lie that never happened that way not happened but it was scripted when the police arrived they found on Louie's body a note the note contained instructions to kidnap hook guess Russ's money from hook on her bank and kill hook and to take her back to the house and get rid of her make it look like Ross's wife make sure knife sticking out of neck in return for a reward of $10,000 so who was Russ you asked well he was the husband of Betsy Faria who was a Tom's best friend who was killed back in 2011 Rastafarian he was arrested for his wife's murder and it seems like well maybe he had a grudge against dear old after thee I guess attack Pam was questioned and she was then released released for seven days until she was arrested and charged with first-degree murder but before being booked Hubb asked if she could use the restroom but she didn't go in there to take a whiz she went in there took out a ballpoint pen and stabbed herself and the wrists and in the neck about five minutes past when you can hear officers yelling she survived so what this [ __ ] was all that about well to find that out we're gonna have to go back in time a couple years born in 1958 Tom Newman grew up in delwood Missouri she got married straight after senior prom shotgun wedding and had a daughter six years later she divorced her first husband and married at mark ho where they had a son Pam got a job as a clerical officer in State Farm where she met Betsy Faria they developed a close relationship all living in O'Fallon Missouri however as the years went by Pam and Betsy Durkin lost touch as people do and by 2010 Pam she'd stopped working on was claiming disability she also had been fired a couple of times for forging signatures in her insurance job but we're not gonna get into that anyway in 2010 Betsy and Pam they reconnected see Betsy had been diagnosed with breast cancer and it wasn't looking great Pam would become her rock through all of this and she kind of became just everything else as well in 2011 Betsy learned that her cancer had spread to her liver she wasn't going to make it and she began to think about her life insurance policy worried that her husband Russ Feria would quote piss it away and her daughters well they were too young she changed the policy and made Pam the sole beneficiary on December 22nd 2011 $150,000 Pam would receive which which wasn't free money Betsy asked Pam to hold onto it until her daughter's they are of age put in a trust fund for them she trusted Pam more than her husband Russ who as I said she thought would quote piss it away now Betsy was diagnosed with terminal cancer but it wouldn't be the cancer that would get her on Tuesday December 27th 2011 Rosario was working from home until 5:00 p.m. he called Betsy who was getting chemotherapy got gas and call his mother at 5:22 to say he wouldn't be swinging by for dinner at 5:56 he stopped off at a merit and bought two bottles of Snapple Russ and his friends then met up at one of their friends houses watched movies on Russ left at 9:00 p.m. on the way home he got some sandwiches and arrived in the door at about 9:40 p.m. inside he found Betsy she was lying on the floor just covered in blood her wrists they were slashed open and she had a kitchen knife sticking out of her neck she had been stabbed 55 times wrists then calls 911 Lincoln County 9-1-1 what is the location of your emergency ma'am hello yes I need you to take a couple feet for us so I can see what's going on Russell what's going on there okay Russell I need you to count down honey okay I need you to calm down take a couple deep breaths we're going to get somebody on the way there okay what what did she do do you know okay calm down honey [Music] earlier that day Tom showed up at Betsy's mother's apartment to take that seat to chemo after learning Betsy had already left with a family friend which by the way Pam already knew as Betsy texts that are saying someone else was taking her palm drove to the Cancer Center anyway even though Betsy had texted Pam saying somebody else was taking me and you know it was family friend she wanted some one-on-one time with this person I'm just showed up anyway apparently Betsy was very surprised when she did show Tom then drove Betsy back home and was the last person to see her alive when first responders arrived at the scene they concluded that Betsy had been killed over an hour before and well Russ became suspicious from the very GetGo he was actually arrested the next day you see on that 9-1-1 call he made when he found Betsy he claimed she had killed herself which seemed ridiculous to the first responders but it is worth noting that Betsy had attempted to kill herself before and a lot of those knife wounds fifty-five they were hidden under her clothing so that's kind of probably what he thought as he walked in the door the police also took his demeanor to be suspicious as sometimes he would be just shot normally and then other times he would be as the police would say over-the-top with emotion he also failed a polygraph I did not do this she had believed me scare me she's never been scared fact of the matter is it's a sloppy product scene there's blood on your clothes and your residence in your bedroom I didn't even go to my stranger doesn't do that somebody's in love that person does that somebody who's good blind rage does that have any kind of motive monetary or primal passion I can't tell you what I don't know I don't know the police also spoke with Pam who cooperated fully by the way and she painted a dark picture of Russ a man with a violent temper she said Betsy was planning on moving into her mother's house to be closer to her friends and Pam knew this would make Russ furious he makes comments about how much money he'll have after she's gone because he's got this is what she said I don't know for sure I've never seen their financials but he's got life insurance on or at work and she goes okay well him but I'm telling you right now he's gonna get very angry she said he's tired of moving he is staying in his house and that's it so she already approached him with the idea she was gonna approach him okay when he came home he start playing this game of putting a pillow over her face to see what it would feel like I don't know if she said this is what its gonna feel like when you die or whatever and then act like he was kidding she's very upset yeah I sound scared oh yeah palmwood anguish over her guilt at allowing her her dear friends to be alone with this dangerous violent man she also asked the police to check Betsy's laptop on which they found a document where Betsy was writing about her fears that her husband well he might kill her something's strange though although it wasn't picked up at the time was that the document was written in word 97 software that wasn't installed on the laptop and this document was the only document on the laptop with author unknown Tom also initially agreed to take a polygraph test would then hired a lawyer who postponed it her lawyer said that she was unable to take the test because she previously sustained head injuries authorities requested that she obtained clearance from a doctor to take a polygraph but she asked instead for her doctor to write a note claiming she couldn't take the polygraph not all right anyway this whole thing seemed pretty open-and-shut to the prosecutor and on January 4th 2012 Russ Faria he was charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action Ross hired Joel Schwartz a defense attorney and versus defense pretty quickly had a number of questions namely it strange that the last person to see Betsy alive was also the beneficiary of her life insurance policy something which changed five days before Betsy's death Tom also didn't have much of an alibi she just said she went home while Russ he had a hell of an alibi he had multiple friends saying where he was on he had surveillance footage of him you know shopping Doon bits and bobs getting sandwiches getting snapples that kind of thing but the prosecutors actually took the CCTV footage of Bruce traveling around and doing these things they took that as more suspicious as if he was making sure he was seen around town doing these things to make sure he had no ABAI but also another thing is that the clothes Russ was seen wearing in this CCTV footage of him going around fine bits and bobs it's the same clothes he was wearing when the first responders arrived and there was no blood on onions and it was pretty bloody scene 55 stab wounds so the strongest evidence in the prosecutor's case was the presence of blood on Russ's slippers but the defense attorney felt sure they'd been bloodied and tossed in his closets to frame up Bruce parry his murder trial it began on November 18 to 2013 it didn't go well for Russ he was sentenced to life in prison no parole so what about that $150,000 well towards the end ah Bruce's trial she was asked you know why haven't you set up the trust fund that Betsey asked you to for Betsy's children why do you still have the money she said I can't right now my mother just died how did palms mother die Alzheimer's Oh actually no second let me rephrase she had Alzheimer's and she fell from detered story third floor balcony to her death she also had eight times the typical dose of ambien in her system Tom had been there that day and she had quite the life insurance policy also half a million books Pam's mother name of Shirley the balcony she fell off had railings six were bent or broken a structural engineer would later say there's no way an old woman could have broken them she wouldn't have had the force the cops investigated but well they didn't think it was suspicious case closed accident did she really have dementia I just found out last week she really didn't have dementia before she went into the song we had to have her tested so her doctor said my brother get excited enough to a neurologist to do the Alzheimer's dementia test so you know what hope I put her in he did it and the doctor said his pillow the problems whatever she suddenly said whatever did she have dementia no do we say that in our family yeah because to us I was like oh there goes weary monk and that all play roles hurt we can do all the jobs people ask yes me she had dementia right by a neurologist she didn't nuts that's why she was placed at home and that's why it was nuts right but did everybody else on this planet I took a 210-pound woman and threw her through a wait how do you do that I just want me to do that mm-hmm well should everyone well yeah I don't know stories do have anything in 2014 pound was sued in a civil trial by Betsy's daughters for the money she did eventually you relent she set up a trust hundred thousand dollars though not full event although they Iran the police would find out she emptied its Hamid empty debt and just took all the money back in February 2015 russ berrie he was granted a new trial after a successful appeal and wouldn't you know it Pam she just got a new memory from four years earlier she had seen respire that night at the crime scene whoa you know when Russ was still lettuce friend says that a memory didn't really fly for very long Pam would be brought up as a person of interest in this crime but that was that was really that and Russ he would be exonerated using using all of the stuff I talked about that really made it seem that Russ didn't kill his wife he would eventually be released on November 7th 2015 Russ Faria almost didn't believe in walking out to the lobby of the Lincoln County Jail to see his family he hugged his mom while he seemed to cry and laugh at the same time he walked out to a continuous stream of relatives and friends I was surprised I knew everybody was trying to get me out but I didn't know it would be this soon you know they come back and told me to pack my stuff so I kind of figured I was going I was just golf phone trying to call my moms and less than a year later Pam would kill Lois Gump and burger as I said she was arrested seven days after doing this see Pam she was not happy that Russ was released from prison and although Pam said she never met Louie before in her life her phone had been pinged at less than an error before the instance in Louie's neighborhood on August 23rd the st. Charles County Prosecuting Attorney and the O'Fallon Chief of Police and as their theory of the case they believed Pam had lured the man to her house by saying she was a date line producer and offering to pay him to reenact a 9-1-1 scenario for the show she then murdered him the reason being to set up Russ again Russ must-have ingredient pissed off at this stage now here was hop again pointing the finger at Russ she claimed Gump and burger was dropped off by a squealing car she described the driver when he started whip-around I always thought it was like a dart don't the short hair like you write maybe not quite as short but it was dark it appeared to us that she was trying to describe rust-free as being the driver the reason the police on the prosecuting attorney came to this theory is that six days earlier a woman had filed a police report she said a blonde woman had introduced herself as Kathy a Dateline producer and offered her $1,000 to reenact a nine one one call scenario for the show this woman said yes then became suspicious as she didn't have a business card a camera crew just generally didn't look legit at all she changed her mind on this blonde woman drove off security footage would reveal this woman had been driving palms car the police spoke to us about this incident and in the note it says leave it in the woodpile at roses house when you note a neighbor of roses saw her drive by Rose's house not long before Gump and Berger's death where the woodpile was main.lua gum and burgers pockets police said they found $900 in cash double bagged and plastic in Pam's dresser was a $100 bill that was a sequential match to four of the bills in Louie's pockets investigators also discovered she had purchased the knife and wrote a note on paper she'd also bought how maintains her innocence in well pretty much everything pretty damning what they have I don't know how she can do with a straight face the murder investigation into Betsy Farias death has been reopened the investigation intercoms mother surely that hasn't been reopened but the medical examiner did change the manner of Shirley's death from accidental to undetermined County will reopen the murder investigation for Betsy Faria the reason Pam Hub and her plea deal in the murder of a st. Charles County man Fox 2 investigator Chris Hayes is live with an exclusive interview with Russ Faria Betsy frías widower Chris sandy bombshell news out of Lincoln County because of a new prosecutor there so I called up Russ I said hey I got to get your reaction he said come on over to where I work it all lubed up cycles in st. Charles I got to know you've been dying for this for a long time did you think this would ever come I had my doubts you know and especially after yesterday's proceedings I didn't know that it would ever come at all you know but I was satisfied with the fact that Pam hub would be locked up for the rest of her life it's been eight years since the murder and I remember when you were acquitted about four years ago you told me you wanted this reopen and if you've told me that repeatedly so is it too late no I don't think it's ever too late I know there's no statute of limitations on murder and my attorney Joel Schwartz has even told the US Attorney's to appoint him a special prosecutor and he Darrin came a conviction on June 19 2019 Tom entered an Alford guilty plea to the charges of first-degree murder and armed criminal action waiving her rights to a jury trial as a condition of the deal struck she won't face the death penalty she was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole on August 12th 2019 huh what a story seems like calm is just one of those people who was absolutely mad for those life insurance policies it's bizarre especially how she just kept on trying to frame Russ she wasn't gonna stop until he was back in jail [Music] thank you so so much for watching I really really appreciate it if you'd like to watch some more of my videos please work away on you can check out my patreon for early access to videos q and A's some exclusive videos and there's a patreon discord as well so check it out if you want to I'm not holding a gun tear it thanks again I will see you as always real soon in the next video take care of yourselves my gift [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,638,004
Rating: 4.9035921 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, pam hupp, pamela hupp, russ faria, pam hupp russ faria, pam hupp betsy faria, pam hupp 2019
Id: 5wABtBcJDjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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