The Disturbing Case of Sabrina Zunich

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I feel like I'm going a bit crazy... but I don't see how you can convict kevin Knoefel on all charges here. There is no real evidence, it all seems circumstantial. As far as I could tell, the strongest evidence was the video/recording where he didn't deny discussing hiring a hitman.

Dude is creepy as fuck, and likely deserves charges, but I don't know if you can really convict him of conspiracy to murder without reasonable doubt here. I can see a scenario where he has a relationship with Sabrina, it goes south so she murders Lisa out of jealousy, and then over time this story arises to bring down Kevin as revenge. That may not be likely, but with the evidence presented in court I don't see it being all that much less likely than the narrative that the prosecution went with.

I'm sure the dude is not completely innocent here, it just makes me a bit uncomfortable to see someone get a life sentence with so much circumstantial evidence.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Skadwick 📅︎︎ May 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can you do a disturbing case of Jeffery Dahmer or Paul Bernardo ?


a fan

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mr_larry_hyman 📅︎︎ May 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video we're gonna look at a yeah whoa just a pretty messed up one so Kevin and Lisa Knievel that's not how I would have pronounced either took in a foster daughter Sabrina's una CH this is the gross part because I put this Kevin on Sabrina then started a relationship [Music] and then they both decided that Lisa can a thil Kevin's wife would be worth more dead than alive this one is messed up on just so many just just so many levels so let's get into it [Music] on the early morning hours of November 16 2012 in Willoughby Hills Ohio a 9-1-1 call was made it is disturbing so so yeah just just be warned fair warning in the house was 41 year old Lisa Nicole 18 year old Sabrina Zuma CH her foster daughter and Lisa's two biological children 13 year old megan and tree year-old hayley the man of the house Lisa's husband Kevin Conejo was a truck driver and he just happened to be out of town that very night the 911 call was made at about quarter past 1:00 in the a.m. the caller was Lisa's 13 year old daughter Megan when the police rocked up Megan met them at the door frantic crying saying that her sister Sabrina was stabbing her mother to death when the police entered the home Sabrina came out of Lisa's bedroom covered in blood and surrendered to the police handing them a 15 inch knife that was absolutely dripping in blood Sabrina didn't say a word she was crying and in the bedroom they found you know the the the scene of a struggle and Lisa's body stabbed to [ __ ] and then also in the wardrobe they found the tree year-old daughter hailey solving Lisa had been pretty badly you know killed Brina had stabbed her 12 times cuts 178 times severed her carotid artery stabbed in the loan the I almost severed fingers brutal fatality yeah no [ __ ] understatement of the year but what this [ __ ] led to this well there's a bit to go true so let's go through it Sabrina's image had lived with the kanay fools for about a year and a half she was a foster child born in 1994 her parents both suffered health issues her dad dying in 2012 of a drug overdose her mother having drug and alcohol issues and she went to live with her granny at quite a young age however when she was caught stealing money from her granny for drugs and alcohol you guessed it the courts were like yeah you can't take care of her we're sending her to the foster system and she would eventually end up the chemicals Lisa and Kevin chemical have been married for about six years Lisa was a social worker Kevin a truck driver they were a loving couple friends described as destined to be together from the moment they met never heard that one before marrying one year after they met each other both had been married before having children from previous marriages Lisa's 13 year old Meghan was from a previous marriage three year old Hayley was Lisa and Kevin's Lisa however felt she had so much more love to give so two years after Hayley was born Sabrina's soonish came to live with them anyways Sabrina fits in the Canadian family like a glove for a bit I mean she would eventually end up murdering brutally murdering her foster mother for apparently just no reason whatsoever when the police investigation began the who was pretty obvious hey maybe it's the teenage girl walking out of the murdered woman's room covered in blood with a knife who else could it be I'm scratching my head that's a real we don't know why no one knew Sabrina first told the police when she was brought in that she woke up that night two had a migraine and she went to the master bathroom to get some painkillers for her noodle then oof she blacked out couldn't remember a thing J's decides what happened I missed it I missed that part yeah that old one the police called [ __ ] are not pretty quickly but Sabrina attorney DUP zip dollop and that was that for nine months she wouldn't give the police anything a Willoughby mother murdered in her own home tonight police say the woman's foster child is to blame authorities say Lisa canna Phil was stabbed to death her 18 year old foster daughter is in custody tonight but it was her 13 year old biological daughter who tried to save her life News Channel five Shane Harris is live on time in the newsroom with these details new at 5:30 Shea well Lee Willoughby police say 18 year olds Sabrina's una CH had been with a victim and her family for about a year and a half neighbors say they never would have suspected soon it would do something like this they described her as a bubbly girl who was always happy and well it turned out that Sabrina was not alone in this scene nine months after Lisa's murder Kevin Cole was arrested Kevin was charged with conspiring with Sabrina to murder his wife and that he had been having an affair with his foster daughter when she was 17 years old starting about nine months after she moved in with the family about eight months before Sabrina killed Lisa what a creep this guy [ __ ] sucks how did they know what happened to Lisa Knievel well straight from the horse's mouth Sabrina told them everything maybe you know conscience guilt or big old prison sentence will open you up real good it turned out that Sabrina got along very well with Kevin maybe a little too well but did not get along at all well with Lisa across her mother Lisa had become frustrated with how flirty Sabrina was with Kevin and this began to impact the canals marriage with Kevin giving Sabrina all the attention she wanted Sabrina came from a broken home she had a rough upbringing I mean to remember she would steal money from her granny for drugs and alcohol she just wanted some attention attention from a parental figure and well she got it but I think it was that kind of attention she needed but they ain't banging your foster dad that's one way to get it god that's a sermon in fact less than a week before Lisa's death she had texted Kevin cut the down cord spending too much time with her and less with your real family thanks a lot Lisa was also really uncomfortable with Sabrina's relationship weds her three-year-old daughter Haley Sabrina kind of sounded almost treating Haley like it was her own daughter and as if Sabrina was now the head of the Papa mama alpha mama now it's important to note at this point Lisa was a social worker she worked with dysfunctional families and you know according to her friends and family she never never once mentioned that she might be suspicious of something going on when Kevin and Sabrina though that doesn't mean she wasn't it just maybe she just knows too to disturbing to vocalize maybe however she was obviously concerned about Sabrina's relationship with three year old hailey and maybe with Megan too and her relationship with the family as a whole not kidding Kevin so a few weeks before what happened to Lisa happened Lisa told Sabrina pack your [ __ ] and get the [ __ ] out of her house that didn't end well for Lisa obviously Sabrina then told police that Kevin had coerced her into doing it that he too had grown to hate his wife he told Sabrina he loved her he was promising her that you know they would be a happy little family once Lisa was added a picture and of course as they always do didn't at Lisa have a big ol life insurance policy seven hundred and eighty five thousand dollars be exact something Kevin applied for hours after Lisa was pronounced dead what a guy did not waste much time on that Sabrina told the police her and Kevin had been plotting getting rid of Lisa for months you know first of all thinking about shooting her then second of all thinking about maybe getting a hitman a hitman to do it for them we'll come back to that and then thirdly and finally deciding on stabbing Lisa to death in her sleep which honestly seems honestly seems like the worst option out of the tree of them let me come on Kevin would also just so happen to be out of ten that night so he wouldn't be you know implicated in the brutal murder of his wife who slept beside him also because he was a cowardly manipulative piece of [ __ ] who wanted Sabrina to do his dirty work for him what a real piece of work what a guy so when they decided on they originally wanted to make it look like a burglary gone wrong a robbery Sabrina was supposed to you know take some jewelry mess up the place like somebody had broken in and killed her you know Iran dumbest hacker whatever which is incredibly stupid not bright sparks eater now everything I just mentioned came from the mouth of Sabrina and the prosecution took her word for it all but when this would come to trial what was fact and what was fiction however there were some facts as to what Kevin was doing after Lisa died in the months that followed before Kevin was arrested he started buying cars campers remodeling spending like he had a hole in his pocket so once Kevin was arrested Sabrina agreed to testify against him in return for a reduced sentence Kevin was charged with conspiracy to commit aggravated murder on sexual battery relating to Sabrina that is the court that the defendant was entrusted the care of a foster child abused that trust by engaging in illicit sexual relationship with that foster child conspired and acted in complicity with his foster child to murder its wife a weapon was used during the murder of Lisa Knable and that was a knife several firearms were found during the execution of a search warrant the time of the defendants arrest last Friday and through that painful residents will chose the major and circumstances of the crime that thus offended engaged in discussions subpoenas soonish divides multiple plans the mercury emkin a corner bedroom walls used to sleep the Bennett told Sabrina's unit ship he said maple is worth more dead than alive Kevin beacon April and Sabrina's going to feed that's been assuage he'll be sucking Abel by stabbing murder that depended directly Sabinas image is a specific night to use staff Lisa Knievel defendant demonstrated how Sabrina spinach should stab Lisa cable how to twist the knife if ELISA can April 5 Sun indeed Sabrina's image specific instructions staff music navel either in-between Lisa's shoulder blades or in her neck area this defendant discussed and Sabrina's une inch think without the visa Knable looked like a burglary specifically his plan it's putting a Sunnah to acknowledge the jewelry and leave is more partially open the Benning instructed Sabrina's units to cut her own lights to make it look like Sabrina students acted self-defense its defendant in Sabrina's unas agreed that it Sabrina soonish with apprehended by the police Sabrina soonish let's say she did not remember what happened but would claim insanity Sabrina's Oona's his plan stabbed he's sick naval to that the entire trial was based around you know she never ever would have done you know murdered Lisa if she hadn't been manipulated by Kevin she was bewitched by him Kevin denied everything because of course he did Kevin chemical didn't know anything fellatio and the digital penetration to you until they reach the next age 41 year old defendant and the 17 year old girl planner that was the bestest cellphones the standardise where's the Brina your job must evaluate the evidence and determining voice back and what is fiction from our standpoint the state's entire case is fish ate left no stone unturned now all this was coming at many friends and family were absolutely shocked you know there was an inappropriate relationship between Kevin and Sarina they said you know they've never seen anything that looked even remotely like that but when it came to trial a few people came forward saying they'd seen a couple of things which made them raise their eyebrows just at odd she moved towards sitting in his lap inside his legs I did a double-take kind of really the cell phone activity showed Kevin was texting Sabrina a hell of a lot more than he was with his wife and that Kevin was desperate to visit Sabrina in prison just days after his wife was murdered the real punch though against Kevin's defense that he had nothing to do with anything was a friend of Sabrina's named autumn Pavlik see the problem with this case is that there was a huge amount of he-said she-said I mean the prosecution was mainly relying on Sabrina the word of a killer who brutally murdered someone and said she was manipulated into doing it well there wasn't much evidence that Kevin was involved at all other than him acting just a little bit weird and his wife died and he didn't really seem to care that's what the defense was saying anyway while the prosecution was saying Kevin he manipulated this this troubled girl into doing his dirty work for him to get his greasy paws on life insurance Mulla I started to stand there just raised the knife up and went down on her why is it I was manipulated to do it by who Kevin but there wasn't really that much in the way of evidence other than Kevin just being weird after the death of his wife he apparently loved so much the behavior of 43 year-old Kevin Knievel before and after his wife was murdered was a subject of testimony on the third day of Kannapolis murder conspiracy trial a corrections officer at the Lake County Jail testified that Kevin Knievel showed up at the jail on the day after his wife 41 year old Lisa Knable was stabbed 178 times in the couple's home by their foster daughter 19 year-old Sabrina's unik the corrections officer says kanae phul wanted to visit Sabrina's unik and seemed irritated when he was told he could not seize unik there was a little counter on the top and he did for his hands on to talk to me so you do not understand I need to see her everyone from our agency and Children Services came in met together Nicole Corbett was devastated when she learned that Lisa Knievel had been murdered by Sabrina zooni Corbett was Sabrina's caseworker and had recommended that the troubled teen be placed in the Conejo despite a history of psychiatric problems after the murder of Lisa coneja investigators discovered evidence that Kevin Knievel seduced Sabrina's unik and was having a sexual relationship with his foster daughter the affair was a secret before the murder and that's why the caseworker did not give it a second thought when she approved Sabrina's request to take a modeling class recommended by her foster father who had been taking photos of the girl so remember that hit my employee Sabrina told the police her and Kevin had talked about well hadn't Sabrina had gone to a friend of hers named autumn Pavlik whose rena thought ran with a rough tough crowd of ruffians and what asked maybe you know you know any people around here who might bang man for Dola Dola autumn and Sabrina talked over the phone I've been paying the hit man by delivering drugs for him and then Kevin came on the phone there was a phone call that we'd had she had asked me if I was able to get her a hitman could you tell if there were any other people in the room at the time yes yeah how could you tell that I could hear the defendant in the background talking what did he ask you at that time do you need me to take you to go run drugs okay and what was that in reference to the hit finally I said sorry I can't help you I don't want anything to do with it after the murder autumn went to the cops to tell them about this and she then recorded a conversation with Kevin after Lisa's death she also talked with him while wearing a hidden camera but nothing came of that whatever because you're worth more the question she asked he didn't answer nothing isn't there's been no evidence there's nothing is happening status had been in possession of the alleged co-conspirator for seven months they had plenty of time to put their case together whatever it may be but the reality is they have not presented any of this at this point Lisa herself was a social worker dealing with sex crimes on troubled kids and she never saw anything or at the very least never said anything kevin was innocent they said well they're ten cents they've got set up there was no manipulation Sabrina just hated Lisa and when Lisa tried to kick her out of the house Sabrina went nuts however Sabrina never ever changed her story cannot express remorse because it wasn't her fault the there are three victims in this case the victims are Hayley and Kevin connect if the people at jewelr court and the social workers were upset with themselves had they done their job Sabrina zona never would been placed in anyone's home the Canadians or anyone elses and there was adequate information in the record that all of those people had to have them reach that conclusion and the rough upbringing for Sabrina I think it was obvious throughout the testimony is this case unfolded that there were some some problems that were exacerbated by the actions of Kevin tomato so that's one factor that's clear the second is the defenders relationship with the event don't facilitated the best along those same lines judge is the defendant it was the it's a foster father of Sabrina he began right from the start it's a player I eventually went in this sexual relationship to his role and Berta the jury took 10 hours to deliberate and after they convicted Kevin on all counts mr. Knievel I have to tell you that I have had great difficulty in this case I realized that throughout this process as your attorney has indicated you have indicated you have done nothing wrong your attorney has indicated that was champion that cause for you the jury listened to that the jury did not agree jury's verdict on the case that they believed that this murder would not have happened but not your involvement without your encouragement without directions about your directions clearly the Sexual Offences mythographers maturities mine without your involvement your actions direction and your participation as such you stand before me convicted of 11 offences ivan them dealing with the murder of lisa can equal six of them dealing with the sexual battery of sabrina cynic before the court has no choice in this matter but to begin sentencing he was sentenced to life in prison without parole at sentencing lisa Knievel's ex-husband the father of their 13 year old daughter megan he had some choice words for kevin Conejo i think we can all agree with them i'd like to say these that we miss you and you Kevin what a piece of crap yes mr. zanuck I realize your emotions are great but I would ask that you please restrain yourself and just confess you are a weak interaction Your Honor mr. no if they think someone who thought it could be a man in a man's world connection you had the purpose of sentencing hearing from the pigment Trier it's not the political ended I understand we're gonna limit sterzin Ellis and mr. Dahle I would just ask if you would just try to restrain yourself please you thought you could do something heinous act that but take someone's life away two little girls and I hope judge that you will give him the maximum sentence because my daughter my daughter sister they drop their mother every day I sure hope did you think about what you did Jill I hope you rot in jail trust your life Sabrina also received a life sentence but will be eligible for parole after 30 years in February 2017 a judge awarded Lisa's two daughters who witnessed the murder 6.2 million dollars in damages wow what a budget stirring story that is what a karat heaviness manipulating troubled teenager that is messed up already with what he was doing with her into doing his dirty work Kevin can a fool getting his foster daughter to kill his wife would aconite Kevin today still protests his innocence he did not have inappropriate relations with his foster daughter he didn't coerce this troubled girl into killing his wife but it certainly seems like he did and the jury seemed pretty confident of this to Neda story it's pretty weird it's got like a movie like it seems based or inspired by that movie sound kind of iffy if you can think of the movie let me know it's just really kind of sounds kind of familiar but if it is a movie it's not a good one like thank you so so much for watching I really appreciate it I will see you as always real soon in the next video take care of yourselves my go [Music] [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 2,176,370
Rating: 4.833693 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, sabrina zunich, lisa knoefel, kevin knoefel, Sabrina zunich case, lisa knoefel 911
Id: nhGalVmlpTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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