The Dan Markel Case

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cliffclavinsocks 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video we're gonna look at the done Markel case 41 year old Dan marquel was a successful lawyer in Tallahassee Florida and wouldn't you know it there be a sinister el+ against dear Dan but who would be involved in this his ex-wife huh what his ex-wife's family who heard tree people to do their dirty work against that well it sure looks like that's what it is this occurred in 2014 and if you can believe it it's still going on today so let's strap on up and get into the case of what happened to Dan marquel and who and why people were out to get him let's go [Music] Don Markel was born in 1972 in Toronto Canada Jesus this case is both Florida and Canada it's hitting all the notes he was a pretty smart guy would attend to various universities University of Jerusalem Cambridge before getting his law degree from Harvard in 2001 he worked as a law clerk and at a law firm before joining the Florida State University College of Law in 2005 there he taught several classes and wrote extensively about well what else criminal law I mean I don't know why I said what else but this is funny in the story we're gonna tell second is Dan marquel Dan graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Law School and he also holds an NFL from Cambridge he clerked for judge Hawkins on the 9th circuit he's now the delhomme Bart a professor of law at Florida State University College of Law greetings everybody thank you very much to to Nick into Eugene and to Todd and all my co-panelists as well as to the wonderful folks at the federal society who have been so exceedingly generous to me over for this last year it's an honor to be here and share some thoughts with you about this big project that I've been working on Wendy Adelson and on mark he'll reportedly met on JDate an online dating site for Jewish singles he was 30 tree she 26 he would marry Wendy Adelson in 2006 Wendy at the time when they met she was studying but she would later teach also in Florida State University disturbingly prophetic was that in 2009 Dan wrote a paper titled privilege or punish criminal justice and the challenge of family ties which according to the older thingy breaks new ground by offering an important synthetic view of the intersection between crime punishment and the family or at least that's what it says I'm just reading it out shockingly I didn't read it together they would have two sons one born in 2009 the other in 2010 however things between Wendy and Dan wouldn't be good for long in 2012 they separated on the divorce was finalized in 2013 the divorce proceedings really show have messy their relationship was in September 2012 dan returned home after a work trip to discover Wendy and their children gone along with much of the furniture one of the few items left behind was a mattress with what else divorce papers on top nice [ __ ] you dad would colorfully described in the subsequent divorce litigation as a Pearl Harbor style separation and Visigoths like sucking of the marital home which which is kind of funny like this it's pretty good Wendy would go on to change the surnames off her children from marquel Todd Olson her maiden name and she would also remove one of the kids middle name which was the same as one of Dan's late relatives she would just remove it it's like she was trying to remove any trace of Dan from her children which is enough shitty I guess you could say what else Wendy would in 2013 publish a book all about human trafficking if you're in the mood for a read though I'm not sure how fun it is one person would call thee it was kind of a semi biography of Wendy actually one person would call it criminally lousy so don't don't race head to the book store just yet so this event brings us to June 18 2014 that morning Dan dropped off his two kids at preschool then he went around did his few bits and bobs went to the gym pump some iron and then at about 11:00 a.m. he was pulling into his driveway and he was on the phone to somebody I could never explain it him and he remarked to this person he was talking to that there was someone in his driveway which is weird and creepy and I suppose I should come to no surprise that this person then shot and killed Dan Markel while he was sitting in his car one bullet true Dan's face a neighbor who heard the gunshot immediately called 911 them know they had seen a silver Toyota Prius fleeing the scene okay tell me exactly what happened we heard a looked in the garage door was up I thought the gentleman was backing out and I went back in my house but he never backed out and I came back over and his wind his a driver's side window was shattered he's battered and can't answer he's inside I don't know somebody tried to shoot him or if he shot himself or what I don't know getting sentimental wants to marry me and he he's still alive he's moving what's going on with him I don't know that the driver's side window was all bashed in and he's got blood all over his head he's not responding to me I think you need to hurry the emergency responders are actually late arriving to the scene because the dispatcher hadn't informed them of how serious this was you know the seriousness of a person getting shot in the face I you know someone's been shot but don't worry about it put to get low they arrived 19 minutes later Dan would be rushed to hospital but passed away 14 hours later in the early hours of the next day investigating a grisly murder committed in broad daylight in a college community just as shocking as the location the victim a professor and family man and now his friends and former students remember this beloved teacher police struggle to piece together a puzzling crime who killed him and what was the motive WX all abc27 s Britney Klein Peter was at today's memorial and shows us how the community is remembering Markel friends and family gathered at concrete chinch Omri torah today to remember FSU law professor dan marquel dan marquel primarily talked criminal law Florida State law school although members about the law and Tallahassee community feel that he left a significant mark behind friends and family were obviously baffled by what happened to Don he was a kind loving father of two who had no enemies to speak of and had just begun a new relationship with a law professor from New York University after the obviously very painful divorce Wendy was brought in the very day Dan was shot by police you know just - hey what you up to what you been up to today I've done anything interesting what you hear is your voice well it's really scary or who I had bond with to find a house she just said she was going driving around town she heard there was a shooting the dress code yeah that's what this is about I'm sorry you had to hear it that way I'm sorry I didn't know if I should that's right just leave it there as they're still on you want to just hit play again for me she actually security it is Friday and I can idiot John that's what I heard there was a shooting a rock has got event I promise I'm not trying to be dramatic reading them see I just wanted there was a shooting at your home or your your ex-husbands home at 21:16 Truscott okay your husband your ex-husband excuse me Daniel alright has been taken to the hospital he's not going to survive well before we get into everything I have to establish where you were and who you were with and so forth okay and then once we established all that I'm seeing more details do you understand why I want you to come here before I can you let me let me get over this hump okay and you do that first all right so you tell me what time you left your house this morning okay oh my god so they tried to drive up John Scott and I saw that it was blocked do you know anybody that would have a beef against your ex-husband he's I hate to ask you now but I have to do it now you understand was it even he had friends he was he always not well but he would sometimes wrote people the wrong way anybody that he owes money to you've been very helpful okay you're doing good you're doing fine it was all the shock at most coming to you all at once okay it appears from from what we've seen so far that someone intentionally hurt him okay intentionally I don't think this I had no indication at this time that that's a threat okay there were no signs of a robbery or burglary this seemed to be a planned execution the day after on July 21st police would say Dan was a quote intended victim tella Hasse police now scrambling to unravel the riddle of who killed Florida State University professor Dan marquel we do believe that this was not a random act where he just surprised somebody what we do believe is that mr. marquel unfortunately was the intended victim he was shot Friday morning at his home in his quiet Benton Hills neighborhood the 41 year old was the father of two boys they were certainly his pride and joy a beloved college professor a legal scholar a Harvard grad published in the New York Times he spoke at this conference in 2012 the sentencing issue is distinct from the criminalization question mark Elle's ex-wife a fellow FSU professor Wendy Jill Adelson said through a lawyer that she was just devastated and scared to death so what this by any chance be due to his I don't know lawyer Inge well no he was a teaching lawyer he taught in university he wasn't actually like a practicing one he wasn't putting people behind bars so there is no there was a real chance that this would be a you know angry ex-con ed for revenge against done that faster to put me off behind bars like nothing like that there was also nothing like a students who maybe pissed off there didn't seem to be anything like that no the police did speak to everybody and just like I said by all accounts Dan was he was well-liked by students he was well liked by everybody seemed to be just a generally a really nice guy via reward to catch whoever did this it was hi you at first it was like 1000 then tree toes and eventually would go up to 25,000 dollars for any tips leading to an arrest and conviction and then also an independent reward was offered of a hundred thousand dollars for you know catching somebody but unfortunately there wasn't much to go on at the beginning a year after the death of Dan Markel the police would hold a press conference showing photos of a car they wanted to locate the one the neighbor had seen they didn't release these images until a year after you tell me why I don't know so they released the image of the Toyota Prius public for help but well they were still twiddling our thumbs it wouldn't be until 2016 almost two years after dan marquel's death that arrests would be made Siegfried Oh Garcia was arrested for first-degree murder in Broward County the police wouldn't say what exactly led them to this but that they believed it to be a case of murder for hire a few days later Luis Rivera would also be behind bars see investigators believe that both sigfredo and Lewis had traveled from Miami to Tallahassee in a rented toyota prius to you know do what they did investigators pulled cameras installed on tallahassee city buses in the search for the prius that was a vehicle of interest this footage found a prius with a dashboard Tolle transponder that would be a very important clue there were very few toll roads in the Tallahassee area so this suggests the two investigators thought the perpetrators they ran from Tallahassee this led the police to pull car rental records for Priuses throughout Florida which in turn led them to Rivera and sigfredo Garcia see that very morning they had followed done all around Tallahassee as he dropped his kids off even as he went to the gym then they went to where they knew he lived and well that was that see the investigators had a teary dad marquel was a victim of murder for hire but who is the hirer well Charles Adelson brother of ex-wife Wendy and also Charles on Wendy's mother Donna who by-the-bye run or well rented a stay if the website is anything to go by the Adelson Institute's a dentistry Charles is a dentist on mama Donna the patient coordinator and the investigators discovered another person implicated in this plot a woman by the name of Katherine Magda Noah I hope I pronounced that right not only was she the mother of secret Oh Garcia's two children but she was also in a relationship with Charles Charlie Adelson seems like she also knew nd neither Charles nor Donna knew Lewis or sigfredo with a new Catherine and it was true her that they hired the killers Catherine was the first person who he's called after the killing and she received a lot of money for us the Adelson's were paying $100,000 the probable cause affidavit in Catherine's case suggested Charlie and Donna were involved in Donna's killing it noted a hell of a lot of phone calls between Charles Donna and Catherine or in the time of the murder it went on to describe cash deposits Catherine had made in her bank accounts over the next year of up to $2,000 at a time that forty four thousand dollars in total Catherine had also begun to receive checks from the Adelson dental practice in September 2014 three months after Dan marquel's death checks are kind of easy to trace because you know tapti signed and guess who they were signed by Donna see the Adelson's they didn't like Dan like at all in the 15 months preceding what investigators say was a murder-for-hire Dawn's ex mother-in-law Donna Adelson had sent her daughter a flurry of emails that were filled with hatred for her son-in-law she called Don an idiot a [ __ ] and a bastard you suffered under his reign Donna wrote to Wendy in May 2013 narcissistic personality disorder causes major problems in a marriage Donna called Dan jibbers for his habit of talking incessantly and Elvis for what she perceived as his swollen self-regard see Dan and Wendy they received fifty-fifty split custody over the two children but when Wendy wanted to move down to Miami to be close to her family and to also as she she'd gotten a job at a law firm been there she was gonna take the kids with her dan was like hell no and he then got an order prohibiting her from moving to Miami with the children in 2014 dan filed a motion that would have prohibited his mother-in-law from being alone and unsupervised with the children due to how much shit-talking she was doing a bear seems like a real [ __ ] Luis would later spill the beans on the entire hair if you intentionally tell a story or you give a statement that you know is not truthful not only will you have committed a crime of perjury which is really the least of your concerns the most important thing is is you will no longer have feel Daniel Markel name I heard about it did you ever hear ago never heard of him never knew anything about it nothing no one's ever mentioned that name before we're about Wendy engleson anybody else find the last emails okay when's the first time she can recall when you first understood that you were going to come to Tallahassee first time back what was coming up here I don't come here awesome you know so when I get in the car that's when Garcia told me well the kind of youth would come to thank you right so before you got in the car you had a conversation with sigfredo Garcia - no yeah at your house and he says he wants you to go within to Tallahassee yeah to do a drug robbery - Tammy was talking to me I thought that was gonna be a corrupt just a Robert I thought I was gonna be simple bro but then that's food I said we can't going on talking about it that's when he told me listen coming I gotta come up here for a job I'll turn you get higher we get it higher quick to kill somebody we're down the quarry he can't quite hear I'm gonna kill this guy you're gonna get paid this much don't need $35,000 Thunder come ask me else until morning but all right go ahead let's try we drive it you showed me a picture my kid that's the first time that's not a picture of it and I heard his name everyone will see it's like a market I don't mean that I'm using a dope name because I'm at my limits but I think you should show me the picture so she freighters supplied you a picture of Mark Hill which is the target he said he he said they gave him $5,000 tell us about that and what did you say where'd you get the money he's saying ever money from the lady he's dead internet named it he said my will come where I got the money from the lady where his white canyon the money so Katie came in the one but he told me about the name he told me oh that lady got her money she won't pay us so you know all this driving around talking about the money I told him we should just go rob her that's my intention well this guy got nothing against the ground even know that guy especially after he told me about what was a call for two kids so I said why don't work any practice then Amy what's your two kids back she went full custody of the kids that was the dumbest plan that was to be that's what I want to do it but she had mentioned before that the first trip was intent that you were issued yeah I only have dinner Forsyth was just some kids you know that day that the murder when I see one that's when I ask them who's that the FBI actually got involved they wiretapped communications between Charles and Catherine and then an undercover cop actually contacted Donna pretending he knew about the entire affair and I was like trying to tell me so just listen oh hello oh la viga a local you guys who who's this who's this someone's been calling my family and try to figure out whose is it in Riggins - what man someone is sandy call Janet even what's what's going on oh it's going on in my brother's battle okay my brother Gatto has not been taken care of defendants not been taken care of I talked to thank you Scott why you called me Lulu you I gave you a number to a lady you know Todd Oh an Aboriginal Katie into law isn't taken care of since family problems been taking care of applause I don't know how a lot you don't well this I'm throwing away my friend because let me tell you something I was deflowered with Otto and he told me the whole story it's only well done he was taking care of him he was taking care of his family the family was taking care of Katie and diesel and nothing's been taken care of thousands so we know we know what's going on I've never met message people but let me call you back okay that's bull man you know exactly what I'm talking guys you know this lady I don't know a relationship lady but we know okay characters I can take care of Katie in Superman let me call you back in 2016 Luisa NC Fredo were both indicted on charges of first-degree murder Lewis was actually already in jail he was well the leader of the North Miami group of the Latin Kings gang and they were up to no good Luisa was sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison for that alone in 2016 Katherine was also arrested for murder Luis Rivera pled guilty after negotiations where his sentence was reduced to second-degree murder and he was sentenced to 19 years in prison which would run concurrently with the other sentence he was already serving the trials of both Katherine Nancy Grado began in 2019 during the trial prosecutors claimed that Charles Addison had arranged to pay Catherine Lewis an sigfredo $100,000 to murder Dan marquel so that Wendy Adelson could get full custody of their two sons I'll tell you that he was hired by his lifelong friend sigfredo Garcia who was hired by his longtime girlfriend and children's mother Katherine McDonald ah aka Katie to come to Tallahassee and to kill Dan marquel manawa had an on-again off-again relationship with mr. Garcia and during one of the off-again periods you will learn prior to the murder during one of these off-again periods with mr. Garcia she was seeing somebody else a wealthy dentist by the name of Charlie Adel s'en Charlie Adelson had a sister in Tallahassee Wendy Adelson and Wendy Adelson had a problem and her problem was named Dan Martell the solution to that problem was Manawa Rivera and Garcia during the trial Wendy's ex-boyfriend Jeffrey takasi testified that Wendy told him her brother looked into hiring a hitman to kill Don Markel I mean she says Christ pray mr. Lacoste when we broke we were talking about statements made to you by Wendy Adelson about her brother considering options to take care of her relocation problem what if any statements did she tell you to that effect yes ma'am on July 13 2014 Wendy and I were speaking and she asked me if she could share something with me confidentially I told her sure she mentioned or she said that Charlie had explored all options to take care of the problem and that he had looked into having professor Markel killed it would cost about $15,000 I later talked to this together I said that could have been $50,000 they sound more like okay so you're not sure she said 15 or 50 that's right but I'm confident she made that statement I just can't member the exact dollar about it and she did state that was during the relocation battle at the previous summer is when that had taken place I see crater would say Lewis who had actually carried out the killing Lewis had said the same of NC Fredo and well a jury fancy Fredo guilty of first-degree murder and conspiracy he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the murder charge plus 30 years for conspiracy he vowed to exhaust every appeal about a month after he was sent in sigfredo Garcia is appealing his first-degree murder conviction Garcia was sentenced to life last month for the death of Dan mark hell right now Garcia does not have an attorney for the appeal process his attorney during the trial had this to say in October I'm not an appellate attorney so you know I have I have thoughts about the the severance issue and there's certain issues that came up in the case but I'm not an appellate attorney and since this is a death-penalty case this is gonna go directly to the Supreme Court the jury weren't able to reach a verdict on Catherine Magma newest her charge was downgraded from first-degree murder to second-degree murder although it's believed it was 10:00 to 2:00 for conviction under unanimous decision on any of the three charges break all right so as to miss McBain OVA I will declare this case miss tried as we discuss set a case management October 22nd at 10:30 see where we go for that you know I know you all worked hard sometimes if this doesn't work out that's nothing to be concerned about as long as everybody in good faith was trying to follow the laws I explained it that's it's just part of the process it happens shouldn't escape the law though she remains in jail with a retrial taking place in April 2020 the Allison's have denied any involvement in this case which I guess is unsurprising in a statement of their lawyer went out they are innocent as [ __ ] okay I didn't exactly say that but you get my drift they've called investigators theories fanciful fiction okay then it's pretty surprising that they haven't been arrested because it seems like there's a lot of information do I think Wendy knew about this honestly I don't well I don't know her interview seems legit to me even though she had an axe to grind against them who knows but I doubt it I have a lot of friends I know you had two of them was there for a last-minute lunch date right well I mean say you you went up there you're sitting with them you have friends I do what I meant by it is that Doody didn't treat me very well maybe someone did this because they are you saying that you think maybe one of your friends would have done it yes I don't know that's why I'm that's why you're here that's why we're talking would you ever ask someone to do something like this okay do you think someone would do this for your benefit without asking them what good is it deserve I made my brother the one who seems Charlie the woman really close to you he makes a lot of jokes about taste it was a joke he made he bought the TV for me this morning that got broken and I was talking to him about it fixed it or whether I should get a new one and it was always this joke that like he knew Danny treated me badly hit him so he says joke he said I you know I looked into hiring a hit man and it was cheaper to get you this TV so instead I got you this TV I mean he would never it's an unusual case surprisingly none are the Adelson's have been charged with anything related to the entire Don Markel case so they are innocent in the eyes of the law if you squint thank you so so much for watching I really really appreciate it if you'd like to watch some more of my videos please work away and I got to give a special thank you to Roberto Lieberman for suggesting this case to me I'd never actually heard of it before if you want to see some more of my videos please check out my patreon where does some exclusive videos ask me any things there's a discord and you get early access to videos they're two for two books in London thank you they really help support the channel a lot I will see you as always real soon in the next video Mike [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 2,021,065
Rating: 4.8728156 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, dan markel, wendi adelson, wendi and dan markel, dan and wendi, katherine magbanua, luis rivera, sigfredo garcia, dan markel attorney, dan markel trial, charlie adelson
Id: 7n8t1e9GEmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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