The Dark Case of Becky Watts

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Shocking and horrible story, there’s some really broken humanity out there.......

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tigbird007 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That Shannya or whatever is her name couln't help herself smilling and almost laughing while lying, such demential one.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PlayNiceWhooman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Extremely upsetting. Overcoming anorexia and moving on, then ....just horrible.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Winter_Owl6097 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I used to be a police officer in Bristol πŸ˜‡

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HKtechTony πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video what we're going to do is we're going to visit those fine folk over in merry old england i mean most of them are uh in this story maybe not so much and merry oh uh it's one of those things for sure it's bristol we're going to in this whole one city of um this takes us all the way to 2015. when in february becky watts was in her house until she wasn't then the search was on right but as we see you know time and time again the search wouldn't have to go far all right give it a go yes let's bristol is in the south west of england it's actually a place we visited is this visiting uh once before in the story of joanna yates it's pretty famous for its harbor or well i guess kind of was 300 years ago and today it's a pretty safe place to be fair hmm though this is our second time visiting it so it was in the middle of february that it must have seemed like the entirety of bristol a city of half a million was looking friends neighbors flyers hashtags you name it if in bristol you saw it it began in a house in the crown hill area of bristol east bristol on thursday the 19th of february but would soon stretch across the great city and beyond becky watts was 16 years old when what happened happened what do i eat first it could have gone very differently no just have a nice big mouthful of uh [Music] no it's fine dad dude i'm taking half of this [Music] she was born on the 3rd of june 1998. she was a carefree happy person her parents split up when she was three years old and she went to live with her father darren and his new partner angie becky was very close with her dad angie already had a son of her own nathan matthews who was 12 years older than becky becky wasn't always happy though who is when she was 13 she was teased about her weight which led to her developing anorexia and then dropping out of school for a while however things seem to be looking up as she grew into her teenage years and she was excited about the future [Music] at that time she was in a relationship with a fellow named luke oberhansley he was one year older and he was a trainee mechanic he was also the last person becky watts [Music] texted on the 18th of february a wednesday becky had gone to a little party at a local rugby club it was like their midterm break and then stayed that night at a friend's house playing games and watching flicks then on the 19th she returned home and was yapping away with her stepmother angie for a bit until angie had to go for a hospital appointment this was at 11 15 am then when angie returned becky was gone now it was um odd from the start right becky who had struggled she had struggled with bullying with an eating disorder and social anxiety so for her to just you know head off was um her dad would say she's very shy and timid she can't even go up to a till in a shop she's so reserved she couldn't ask for a bus ticket she would rather walk than have to get on a bus and ask a driver for a ticket it was the next day you know after no one had seen her people were texting calling to absolutely no avail that becky was reported missing and the avon and somerset police took on the case ladies and gentlemen um it appears my daughter has gone missing no one has seen her now no now her phone laptop and tablet were missing from the home but no clothing or money was gone so that was i was aw it didn't seem like didn't seem like things she would take calls went straight to voicemail she was tight with her friends and with no contact that's a big all-right flag right there in fact her parents really started to become worried when it was her friends who contacted them asking where she was it was very quickly apparent this was not missing of one's own volition you know case it was uh some scary shite you know and the search was on so i just want to say to uh to becky you're not in any trouble we're all concerned about your well-being we just want to make sure that you're okay if you can call home one of your friends or phone nuts is the police 101 just confirm where you are let us know you're okay and have worked through any issues that you might be facing i would also ask anyone who might have any information about where rebecca is to come forward and talk to us the friday became a monday and then national media were covering the disappearance of becky watts it was it was inexplicable what could have happened to her this was everywhere there was a find becky hashtag darren went on to radio to get the word out searches were organized across bristol the family home was searched a pond in nearby st george's park well someone had to get the snorkel out if you're watching this please come on we love you so much you saw anything just coming and so the police began interviewing those closest to her her family so get this right at that time uh the police learned something new remember how angie said you know she left shortly after 11 a.m becky was in the house and then when she came back no sign of her someone was telling fibs becky wasn't alone in the house when you know she stopped being in the house shawna heard the door go so i she was assuming it was becky going out yeah so i'm assuming it was about going out okay no one saw her okay but yeah just through the door again yeah and the assumption that he had left yes her stepbrother nathan and his partner shawna [ __ ] there's the spelling we're also in the house at that time nathan he had struggled with them well jobs he suffered from rheumatic condition fibromyalgia and he was in pain a lot however he did join the territorial army a weekend warrior so to speak he had been in a relationship with shauna from when he was in his early 20s herself 14. which is like not okay their relationship was uh well you know uh not not quite healthy but that's a whole other kettle fish we will get into the pair lived together and shauna became a carer for angie who had multiple sclerosis that's what her hospital appointment was for they were the last people to see her or actually rather hear her because they said you know they didn't see her at all they just heard you know the door slam and i mean that was it you know apparently they assumed she had left i think we got there about 11ish and the door is locked so obviously we use a key from underneath the recycling bin got in um heard music upstairs machine becky had been in then um i went into the kitchen to get a cigarette and went to go outside have a cigarette my daughter started wounding she wanted to come up with me so i took her down to the garden to help feed the rabbit when a cigarette um probably was about 15-20 minutes um then we came back up i went into the kitchen to get a drink i think i was washing my hands then i heard the front door slam um carried on most of my hands went into the living room and then i think it wasn't until a lot later on that and she asked me if i had gone out and i said yeah i heard the door go she must have gone out earlier really kind of like oh what was that it was just the door sorry becky moved and got out yeah now nathan and shauna you know raised some eyebrows because they were dodging interviews like left and right you know what's going on here it was actually it was literally like it's your it's your step sister you know what's going on here lads and this was brought up to shana in the second interview it's just a minor thing really because i think some of our colleagues were trying to speak to nathan just part of those initial inquiries just a few days ago on tuesday i think it was um and they sort of perceived a bit of reluctance so yeah do you have any knowledge of that not to my knowledge and i wouldn't know now no nathan had any sort of concerns about speaking to us not that he told me now no okay if he does i wouldn't know that yeah how is he finding it i mean he's found it quite hard actually again he's kind of more thinking like god if it was or again knowing how hard it'd be for his mom at the moment you know because becky was almost like her daughters were yeah shawn honestly looked like she was having some crack during these interviews by the way having a great old time during those interviews nathan would mention he wasn't he wasn't becky's biggest fan he thought her self-centered manipulative and he didn't like the way she treated his mother angie or her father darren now shauna and nathan's stories were straight they were too straight they were like almost includes you can get the most reliable witnesses and they won't match up as well as these two it was weird is what i'm trying to say almost rehearsed but you know at that stage other than the police's you know spidey sense being raised wasn't really much to it so they swiftly moved on swiftly moved on back to searching the place where it all began you know where apparently becky watts slammed the door and stormed out you know according to the two people who are acting suspicious and it was at that time searching the home they found blood on the door frame to becky's room on the blood they found a fingerprint and while the folk of bristol kept looking it had been over a week since becky disappeared the labs were working away doing what labs do a lot of work friends family and the people that are really dearest to her that i would expect to have regular contact with at least one of those people we've had no contact with us so we really are very concerned about our well-being and the fingerprint fingered uh nathan what would he be doing with his paws on blood that led to becky's room blood that was also revealed to be becky's which led to the police arresting nathan and shauna at that point they were arrested for kidnapping as they were well they were still hoping becky might be alive the reason i've come here is to make an arrest of yourself okay and what i'm going to do is explain everything here now okay let's put your hands like that for me all right nathan and shauna were once again interviewed by the police you wrote the address at the time that rebecca becky i think most people know that yeah yeah okay do you know where's becky or bex uh usually call her bex is she safe well i didn't know where she is so i meant to know is there anything that happened that could be significant in the disappearance of rebecca you absolutely sure yes i know you've got something to tell us i can see it in your face i was just making sure there was nothing like a weird significant thing that i hadn't thought of um i don't know anything now it was very apparent that shawna was not prepared at all for this interview she was lying like a rug and it was extremely it's extremely obvious right and the police picked up on that straight away and were in there like swimwear nathan not really so much it was at that point the police decided to search the home of nathan and shauna it was a it's a friggin pigsty it's like it's hard to believe one couple could have that much shite and during the search of the home right one thing stuck out to them it stuck out to them how clean it was whoa you know in contrast to the rest of the [ __ ] [ __ ] what gave them away being hygienic it was the bath scrubbed in the house they also found receipts from a homeware store it was dated the 20th of february the day becky was reported missing and purchased was a circular saw gloves goggles and a face mask tracking it down it was whoa unbelievably nathan he certainly wasn't doing any home remodeling nathan and shawna were then both arrested on suspicion of murder they admitted their guilt [Music] kinda this interview is being recorded at uh patchwork police station in bristol it is now tuesday the 3rd of march 2015 and it's exactly 12 midday he admitted right well see it's not an admission if it's a lie what he said was that he had he had planned on kidnapping becky right but during the the kidnapping he accidentally strangled her he wanted to kidnap her to teach her a lesson he didn't like the way she treated her dad and her her stepmother his mother so he's like you know what this is a teachable he was doing her a favor really he said he was going to kidnap her to teach her a lesson because he didn't like the way she treated her parents he said and well he [ __ ] it up and strangled her it was an accident how about if we start with this idea you had about scaring becky i don't know if it was on tv or something like that but obviously i had a couple of dreams prime myself so i got her in the car i'm thinking of like a wooded area whatever obviously take her back out it's obviously still have the mask on scare and you know say some length of you know you gotta start treating people um start treating people better you know not being a [ __ ] or self-centered and then like make a threat of um you know or this could happen again or worse or something like that obviously walk away after without obviously i don't know if she'd try and follow but ultimately the body of becky was was finally discovered avon and somerset police have said that body parts have been found at a property in bristol formal identification has not yet been completed but becky's parents say they are devastated by the news as a result of new information received late last night we attended at a house at barton court in the barton hill area of bristol the information suggested that becky's body had been cut up and a search at the new location resulted in the discovery of body parts [Music] so what happened well nathan he's some bollocks shauna too actually they had some disturbing dark sexual [ __ ] going on they were both obsessed with teenage girls for months they would text each other you know their fantasies of of kidnapping one and doing well yeah no so the first message is 9th 12th 2014 timed at 12 48 and it says to shauna and um it says [ __ ] you bring me back two pretty school girls then d one i think that says tell me about that text message you're coming next message is 9th december 2014 at 1814 it says from shauna just went to costcutters and saw a very big cat's pretty petite girl almost knocked her out to bring her home lol and there's crosses and zeros shauna what can you tell me about that no comment am i right thinking that this girl was similar to becca's aid no comment and eventually their fantasies were not enough they turned their eyes to becky intending to use her as uh quote a sexual play thing i hate that i just said that that day when angie last saw her as she went to her appointment nathan arrived at the house shortly afterwards with a kidnap kit which included stun guns and handcuffs he went to her bedroom where he suffocated her and stabbed her 15 times her body was then moved to the boot of nathan's car and him and shauna hung out in the house as the rest of the family came and went until they took her body back to their house the next day in the bathroom they dismembered her and packed the remains in plastic and salt and hid them in a garden shed a neighbor's shed nathan and shawna's relationship was was messed up hard to believe i know nathan was violent towards sean at choking her dominated her though those closer to nathan would say the same about her that nathan's mental health which was on a bit of a nice edge deteriorated during his relationship with her what kept them together was that that bond you know that bond over uh hmm sick [ __ ] i think just about covers it just so i'm clear as far as the kidnap's concerned you are not aware that nathan was planning to do that on that day okay how do i know that you weren't involved again i shouldn't have any dna reason to be involved in again the fact that as far as i knew he was you know changing he wasn't as violent anymore and you know he was going to sort my house out you know i'm carrying his children i didn't do you think that i would know sorry take a moment that's right because i suppose the thing is from someone outside looking in is that what he's saying is he's gone to the dress with his intent to kidnap her okay and it's been quite convenient that you're the guardian having a cigarette and he's doing what he's doing yes do you see what i mean and someone might say hold on a minute she should chew that tonight yeah there's no way he could do that or take those items take some stuff with him and the intense clothing yeah without you knowing that i'm just trying to make you know again the car i didn't see anything in the car um again like i was saying to my sister and i didn't look in the booth i wouldn't be more unusual for me um at any time were you concerned about leaving him on his own in the house with becky what you've got to do is prove that you're not involved in this so when you're asking when i'm asking these questions always bear that in mind because that's what you know you need to do now okay okay because at this moment in time we've still got this position where you are in the not in the well you are in the house i mean yeah and so there's anything at all that's going to help you you've got you must tell us no um anything at all nathan denied shauna had anything to do with it and shauna denied she had anything to do with it she denied any knowledge of what happened yeah okay the trial began in october 2015. nathan pled guilty to manslaughter not murder continuing his line of you know it was just a just a plot to scare her not harm her and it just happened shauna denied everything said she had nothing to do with it even when even when her dna was found on the bags that contained becky's remains when shawna was asked you know about the texts her and nathan had been sending each other about a kidnapping and torturing a teenage girl for um for i believe it's called what's wrong with uidis shauna had the line of oh yeah when i was texting when we were texting each other that i was being sarcastic jeez it says from shauna just went to costcutters and saw a very big cat's pretty petite girl almost knocked her out to bring her home yes she'd love to torture and kidnap a teenage girl for dark twisted sexual fantasies yeah she said sarcastically of course after a five-week trial and three and a half hours of jury deliberation [ __ ] was called on all their stories nathan was found guilty of murder shauna manslaughter and both of conspiracy to kidnap perverting the course of justice preventing the lawful burial of a body and possession of two stun guns they didn't have their license to stun nathan was sentenced to life with a minimum of 33 years shauna to 17 years and that's the end of that one such a tragic end for uh poor becky watts nathan and shawna were well real monsters both of their appeals were denied happy days on that front there prison life isn't actually suiting you nathan matthews too well he has been attacked with a jug of boiling butter which oh man that's fun becky's father darren when he heard what happened to nathan said that's the best birthday present i'll get all day nathan here's what i like to call a real piece of [ __ ] and shauna who used the line of yeah you know when i was texting uh my partner about torturing and kidnapping a teenage girl and then he went and actually did it i was just being sarcastic when i said a geez it's a joke well it's a real shame she's in prison i said sarcastically of course thank you so much for watching i appreciate it and i appreciate you shall see as always yeah real soon in uh the next one till then go on take care of yourselves mike out [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,533,525
Rating: 4.9137111 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, becky watts, nathan matthews, shauna hoare
Id: odSHFTv7tow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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