The Bizarre Case of Kimberly Kessler

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we also have recovered your shoes that adds trimmings blood on your shoes I just want you to something happen that you didn't tend to happen I want to talk to you about it I don't think you're evil person I think you're mean person I think you have done want to have a job getting through the last 25 years so let me reply it this way you may not like the answer I would like legal counsel hey you unwelcome my name is Mike and in this old video we're gonna take a look at the bizarre case of Kimberly Kessler really this story begins with a completely different woman however Jolene Cummings who went missing in May 2018 but don't worry we'll get into that the bizarreness of this story centers around a woman with the most mysterious past possible on purpose if that makes sense all right that's enough dilly-dallying let's get into it you in the small town of Yulee Florida 34 year old mother of tree Jolene Cummings went missing Jolene Cummings was last seen Saturday May 12th 2018 when she was leaving her shift at tangulls hair salad she was supposed to be with her ex-husband the next day which would have been Mother's Day and her birthday to pick up her children but she never showed she was officially reported missing the following Monday the 14th of May by her mother huh when I step outside the shot you can see right behind me as the search continues for Jolene Cummings body a makeshift memorial continues to grow right outside the tangled hair salon shop you can see many people have come to stop by and lay plans flowers balloons and hand written letters to Jolene now we've also been hearing from those who knew Jolene best her best friends from high school they say they describe her as just being an all-around great person they say she was an inspiration she was vibrant and she loved being a mother the County Police Department they searched the nearby woods they put out as much information as they could trying to see if anybody knew where she was or what happened to her the last person she was known to be with was her co-worker entangles Jennifer Seibert in a huge coinkidink Jennifer Seibert missed her next shift at the hair salon rather she didn't just miss it you see when the detectives who were investigating whatever happened to Jolene they went to tangulls to speak to the owner and you know to do detective work while they were there the owner was on the phone to jennifer while she was in to start her shift in tangles the owner was chatting away over there and he was there oh hey detectives are here they want to they want to speak to you you were the last person you know to see her or wouldn't last people to see her she was working with you the day she disappeared maybe he can you know let that know what you know while the owner was telling her this that d detectives they wanted to speak with her Jennifer was pulling into the tangulls parking lot she then pulled the hell back out I booked it on Monday May 14th we received a report of a missing person Jolene Rebecca Cummings aged 34 from her mother and Johnson Jolene worked at tangulls hair salon she worked all day Saturday May the 12th and was supposed to get off work around 5:00 p.m. no one has seen or heard from her since the last person who had supposedly seen Jolene was another hairstylist he also worked on Saturday May the 12th this hairstylist had only worked at tangles around a month or so the salon was closed on Sunday and Monday the salon was supposed to open back up on Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m. so in CSO investigators were there to talk to this person to see if she had any information as to the whereabouts of Jolene she failed to show up for work and the address that she gave the owner of the shop where she was supposed to be living was a bogus address Jolene's vehicle was then found parked in the local Home Depot on the 16th of May but no sign of jolene jolene jolene jolene there were no fingerprints or blood found inside the car either then the police reviewed the security footage that showed where the car was parked maybe they could see who left it there and they did it was someone else not Jolene who left the car there at 1:00 a.m. and walked off this person was dressed in all black covert like we found some camera footage that showed Jolene's vehicle being parked around 117 a.m. Sunday morning the video showed the driver sit there for a few minutes and then get out we were hoping to see Jolene get out of that vehicle but who do you think it was the tangles hairstylist who was supposedly the last person to see Jolene during an investigation of the sullen a large amount of blood was found including on the walls chairs cabinets and sink drain blood was also found on a bleach bottle and mop a piece Allen [Music] they discovered us of course using luminol it wasn't readily visible Jennifer was later found three counties away hiding out a truck stop living in her car and was brought in for questioning they ended up arresting her based upon the surveillance video they deemed it was her that drove on parked Jolene's car outside the Home Depot and she was arrested for grand theft auto and they transported her back to Nassau County where the case had taken place when Jennifer was arrested she had injuries on her face scratches but she said it was from a motorcycle accident not like somebody had clawed on her face or anything or that the area where she and Jolene were last working together was covered in blood nothing to do with that it was a motorcycle accident of course two days later the police held a press conference saying that they believe that Jolene was she wasn't alive anymore wherever she was through our investigation we have obtained evidence which we are not releasing at this time which leads us to believe Julie it's not a lot so at this point we have a missing mother of tree the last person who was working with her went on the run after the police started investigating her disappearance and the place those two people were working on the day Jolene vanished was covered in blood I wonder what happened so pretty straightforward right wrong this is where things get whacky Jennifer Seibert never heard of her she's not who she says she is a chilling premonition from Nassau from a Nassau County mother Jolene Cummings who went missing last May the woman Cummings was talking about is Kimberly Kessler also known by her fake name Jennifer cybers Kessler has been charged with Cummings murder and has pleaded not guilty her real name is Kimberly Kessler born in 1968 I'm from Butler Pennsylvania she had also been using a fake social security number and the police solved a mystery when they found out who Jennifer Rudy was they solved a missing-persons case Kimberly Kessler was reported missing in 2012 by her mother however according to the report maid Kimberly was last seen on July 4th 2004 in Butler Pennsylvania her mom waited eight years to report her missing guy you know how it is you know got it oh snaa shops he's gotta cook the dinner take out the trash busy woman I'm sure she if she got to it eventually that's the important thing so Kimberly Kessler aka Jennifer Seibert aka 24 other names she also lived in dirty tree cities across 14 states and center paths this one so just so we're on the same page Kimberly Kessler was reported missing in Pennsylvania eight years after she did go missing she lived in Florida under the name Jennifer Seibert she had lived all across America in that period from 2004 when she zoomed Lee did actually go missing and had two dozen other names that she lived under what was she running from what was she trying to hide from there's a reason that they are trying to hide what exactly did they do were they involved in other crimes been involved in other crimes you know where they've stolen actual papers of someone else they have corrupted someone within a system somewhere or they have been able to talk their way around having to provide the necessary documentation to obtain you different aliases you have the ID fraud with that number of aliases means that somebody has been doing this for a while and the question that come to mind for me you know where have they been what have they been doing you know when were they there and really trying to link all of these aliases together huh that's kind of weird kind of suspicious a fugitive involved with a missing person how many other missing people is she involved which she was a chameleon what name Johnson tell you when you wanna bring my finger comes through they come up this Kimberly Li Kessler it's about it so I would prefer to be called Kim that's what make sure I'll call you by direct I think you bring them through I think the last time I got picked up was back in 1999 in I bonded out and it took them out remember it was a couple weeks off enough it was two and a half weeks for three and a half weeks before they actually you know matched impossible yeah it didn't like but that was 1999 so maybe it was a little bit slower than well put on there there's like lots of people on the face of the planet so maybe it still takes time on my shirt and then it maybe to the truth since you've had this egg this bird for so long you know that it probably you've probably done a lot of stuff since that time and so you've actually kind of got a you got a history of that name so it probably shows up in different databases and stuff like that legend suggests maybe there that's why since there's video to you dropping her car off at the Home Depot parking lot there in yulie and walking across and going into the engage station and getting a taxicab that's why you and you're charged with a grant that daughter and I'm not trying to trick you I'm not trying to fool you you're opening up to me and I'll open it up to you okay that's the reason you're charged with that you're not charged with anything else okay but something happened the jury and you know we actually saw someone Krause and need about to process Tango's and it was soon evident say ok we have also in an auto ship that got been fooling you know you know I just wanna talk to you get to Millie a little bit because I think something well something something that you didn't plan let me tell you what I just want to be honest with you cuz I think something bad happening that tend to happen but when Kimberly was locked up she made a number of calls to her mother she also is not a fan of the Illuminati I'm sure that would be disappointed I don't think I want to know and then tell you bad news but I thought someone said they weren't doing Natalie rock they shouldn't do it anymore keep the dumbasses get everything wrong the prosecutors of just a giant weenie and I'm not gonna say well maybe there's some that are good no cuz it all oh we need you put on a suit and you turn into a weenie too trusting or something on that like I just thought that their BS was ever good mom told me today that like I was the front page newspaper I'm all over the news he said today they had a bunch of people calling the public defender's office Newsline or Dateline called and just a bunch of entities or whatever like news channels and like we're really calling or whatever today like really cuz you know you were all over the newspaper you're all over the news like really I thought things I mean I thought it I know you were saying it quieted down upset her I was just assuming it quieted down down here but I guess I'm still like the talk of the town or something Oh somebody told bodies that you were in the newspaper and I might even say I just assumed it was maybe an old newspaper he said the Sunday paper and I wondered why the heck why does that be starting up again that's it nothing going on in the world um I say it's because it's the Illuminati I think that her people definitely are [ __ ] seriously involved in it so that's what I'm thinking because just I mean again I can't prove it it's just my opinion and what a little bit I've seen on YouTube without some of the research I was doing on these secret societies is they nobody gets even 5 minutes worth or 5 seconds worth of airtime unless they're they have some sort of connection so during the subsequent investigation into what happened to Jolin the blood that was found in the salon it matched both Jolin and Kimberly so there was definitely a fight a struggle DNA analysis then found Jolene Cummings blood on a boots suck pair of scissors on storage locker that belonged to Kimberly Kessler former FBI agent Tony crabbit says this evidence is key for investigators to build a timeline every piece of that will be an important piece of putting the story together but they will need a mountain of physical evidence because they don't have a body new documents show Cummings blood was found on Kessler sock and boot in her storage unit detectives also located Cummings fingernail inside a blue bin more of Cummings blood was found on a pair of scissors inside kessler's car according to investigators surveillance video from behind Dick's wings shows Kessler struggling to throw out two white trash bags indicating that the bags were heavy crabbit says this new evidence shows there was likely an altercation between Cummings and Kessler oh to me that's a huge indicator of a very violent event once the case goes to trial Crabb it fills a time line investigators will have created will be shocking analyzing Kimberly's phone they fan searches like co-worker guilty of murder missing person body not found murderer pedia list of female serial killers florida female murderers no body no crime postmortem changes thought that was my search history for a second and also in Kimberly storage locker they found oh what a no wigs six to be exact and also a number of cell phones Kimberly would later say she would wear wigs as disguises and change how she walked and talked to hide her identity so interesting woman and we don't know what happened to Jolene her body has never been found and Kimberly has admitted to jack-shit but a Nassau County grand jury indicted Kimberly before her arrest for first-degree murder based the evidence investigators were able to find in the case part of that evidence included a walmart receipt documenting the purchases of 30 gallon trash bags an electric knife when a regular knife won't do to job on a large bottle of ammonia dead giveaway when will criminals learn never keep the receipts ever however during Kimberly's trial just this year mind you in 2019 the judge determined that Kimberly Kessler was incompetent to stand trial after having doctors examiner a couple of weeks ago I covered the Nikko Jenkins case and he was found competent and he's budget so I don't know how she's dodging it Don and vil she said she felt the judge had no choice but to find her incompetent after evaluations by two different doctors she wasn't angry more sad as she explained that she understands sometimes justice takes time and Johnson was feet away from her daughter's accused killer in court today this is new video of Kimberly Kessler apparently a psychiatrist who interviewed Kimberly Kessler wrote he believes she is suffering from delusion on personality disorders and he only spoke to her for 30 minutes before she ended the session and he wasn't the first doctor to examiner he was the second one supposedly she became somewhat irate and critical of the first psychiatrists who found her not competent she want to be found competent during the session she ignored the psychiatrist and continued talking with her attorneys the subjects she wanted to talk about you noticed the usual George Washington mason seeker keys and religious scriptures and most recently she was moved to a psychiatric hospital she's not you to have her next hearing until January this is truly a bizarre case and the fact that she was found not competent I mean she already admitted she was like a chameleon who could she had you know over two dozen other names you traveled America taking on new identities so how truly competent is she maybe it's a ploy to get out of whatever happened to Jolene which he has said nothing about so we don't know what happened to the missing letter tree hopefully we will but this is a bizarre case suspect really incompetent or is a suspect which is very intelligent she will be found confident I arrest you she will she'll be found confident can't believe in the judicial system you know she may be intelligent you got a higher power we got people that are fighting fighting to him working very diligently for this case and finally thank you so so much for watching I really really appreciate it if you'd like to see some more of my videos please subscribe if you want to and you know there are other videos there you can watch also if you'd like to whatever you're in the mood for yeah you do you and I will see you as always real soon in the next video take care of yourselves [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 3,230,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mystery, the case of kimberly kessler, kimberly kessler jennifer sybert, joleen cummings missing, joleen cummings nassau county, kimberly kessler interview, kimberly kessler footage
Id: xRk8ULS_4wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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