The Case of Bardstown

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Kinda hope Mike does some more lengthy videos, honestly can't get enough of his channel.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/guppypink πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Seems odd that the cop had a child with Down Syndrome, the second murder the mom worked with special needs children and the third it looks like the youngest child may have special needs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tater213 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mmmmm long in depth vids . Don’t know what it is aboot this guy , but I cannot get enough .

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-Worst_Person_Ever- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sounds like there is definitely someone/something near that road that wasn't to stay hidden.

What was it that Mike said at the end there, around this time?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ApeshitAsparagus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Haven’t been to your YouTube page in a while but looking forward to catching up on everything I missed soon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/superren81 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video we're going we're going somewhere that's somewhere in bardstown kentucky now this is a story i talked about i talked about it a couple of years ago but it's one i barely scratched the surface of i wanted to do a proper a proper deep dive on this story because you know what it is it's full iguana lads let me tell you from 2013 to 2016 every year something happens but what are the links well they're all unsolved you know which is about like all right here lads come on wake up wakey wakey time so we don't actually know but what we do know is that there is something ugly in the most beautiful small town in america according to ron mcnally in usa today so let's get into it now [Music] so let's go back and begin when and where this all began get out of the banjo because it's on the bluegrass parkway 2013. the bluegrass parkway runs from elizabethtown to lexington kentucky and right smack dab in the middle lies bardstown bardstown is all about the burb and sipping the good stuff you know yourself in fact pretty much all of the um things to do in bardstown revolve around bourbon i wonder most beautiful small town the motors are [ __ ] hammered in fact our story begins uh about a year after it won that coveted title when officer jason ellis was heading home on the 25th of may 2013. jason ellis was 33 years old he'd been a member of the bardstown police department for seven years he was like a uh like a top gun officer guy he had won awards was officer of the year in 2008 and he was the police department's only canine officer had been for five years at this point that day was fairly routine tikity boo you know no major kerfuffles or anything like that and he'd be finishing uh after midnight he finished up his shift at 1 59 am after one final arrest when the the guy became disorderly suburban what what do you expect and jason signed off and began the drive home without beloved figo the service dog he was driving in a pool car he was heading along the bluegrass parkway to get home and as he slowed on his approach to exit 34 he began to follow the circular ramp as he drove up his headlight illuminated something in the middle of the road what it was was cut tree limbs blocking the road he pulled over turned on the overhead lights to warn anyone following him up the ramp and then popped out to clear the tree limbs maybe this is kids or something you know but this could have caused a serious accident it wasn't kids it was there for him as he picked up the tree limbs branches had some of his arm several shotgun blasts running out from the bushes in the darkness jason was struck multiple times the arm the head the face he didn't have a chance he didn't have time to grab his own weapon about five minutes later someone else took the same exit and the police were alerted hello you need to give us a location blue oh blue own blue the police car is sitting in the middle of the road with the lights on and i we didn't know what it was it's a tree across the road and i i didn't know what it was and i got out and i went up there and looked and it's him i believe somebody ellis who was married with two kids had been killed instantly his murder was a well it was a big deal he was the first officer of the bardstown police department ever killed in the line of judy and he'd been ambushed it's believed the shooter was waiting for him on the hill overlooking the road and was waiting for him specifically this was someone that knew his route someone planned this someone planned this and someone planned to shoot somebody at that spot at that location at that time it uh it makes you mad it's an eye for an eye you kill one of my guys i'm not going to rest till i have you in in cuffs or on the front side of a weapon and i mean that [Music] like even the tree that blocked the road that was like the tree wasn't indigenous to the area somebody cut the tree up and brought it there this was like meticulously planned by someone who knew his root home and exactly what time he'd be taking it at you know but who or whom i don't know i don't know so why well i mean again theories but it's largely uh well it's thought that there was probably more than one person involved that night the medical examiner said some wounds were from a distant range others from an intermediate but then again it could have been you know one shooter advancing there have never really been any strong leads that we know of anyway jason he had no secrets well then again we wouldn't know if he did but he wasn't involved in like anything that you would imagine someone who would end up facing the business end of a shotgun would be involved he was clean he was squeaky clean he you know he had no um dark ties or anything like that he was just a regular guy bit of a goopster that liked to turn up the giggle meter but jason was involved in drug enforcement he was the sole canine officer in that police department so well you can see why some people would want him gone some pointed towards the bng that's the bardstown money gang who trafficked drugs though others think they're you know they're kids who wanted to look hard and actually wanted the credit you know for being cop killers one thing is that the words a degree of tactical precision were used which is like not someone you know popping off shots we're talking military or police training probably more than one possibly someone he knew i mean they must have known him if they knew his route or knew somebody who knew him the kentucky state police would take over the investigation and over the years a reward of two hundred thousand dollars would be offered for information but it wouldn't be taken in the early morning hours of may 25th 2013 officer jason ellis a seven-year veteran of the bardstown police department having just completed his shift was returning home to his wife and two children if you have any information in regard to the events on or leading up to the night of may 25th involving the murder of officer jason ellis please contact the kentucky state police post 4 at area code 270 766 there were tips but none ever really panned out or even seemed you know too plausible it just didn't make sense so that takes us to about one year later when sense becomes uh like a distant distant memory because you know you can see why somebody might want a cop kill especially you know a drug drug cop right there you can see there's reasons behind that you can see the logic hard see the logic for this one hey milky way milky way say hi mommy oh she's rubbing the camera i hope you can hear her you're not getting my food now lay down lay down in april 2014 a school teacher and her 16 year old daughter would have the same fate as jason ellis 48 year old kathy nederland and her daughter lived just outside the city limits of bardstown and on the 22nd of april they both failed to show up for school kathy netherland was a special education teacher at bardstown elementary school she had two daughters holly who was a couple years older than samantha and was in college and uh well her older daughter was samantha kathy's husband bob died less than a year prior from cancer in july 2013. if jason ellis was clean then kathy and samantha we're squeaky there's no reason why anybody would want a special education teacher and a high school student brutally murdered there's no reason for them to be targeted in the way that they were kathy was a beloved teacher in school samantha a popular you know student top of her class and had just been accepted into garden academy a a college entrance program after both kathy and samantha failed to show up to their schools us barstown elementary on bardstown high you know people tried to call them to no avail so they eventually contacted cathy's dad who you know lived in town he popped over to their house when he arrived he saw cathy's car in the driveway and upon entering the house kentucky state police have officially ruled the deaths of the nelson county mother and daughter as homicides autopsies were performed today on kathy and samantha netherland but investigators are not saying how they died kathy had been shot several times samantha had been cruelly beaten in the head both had their throats cut a a real violent scene gruesome and with more to violence apparently being directed towards samantha for whatever reason it's believed the attack happened the night before around 8 pm as darkness fell both were in separate rooms when this occurred soda was probably more than one attacker and it probably took place over the course of about 10 minutes pretty quick it didn't seem like anything had been stolen or was missing so you know not a burglary gone wrong or something like that so the why that's pretty unexplainable was it like a random attack that's what most people were thinking i mean you know there's some rumors that it was like um a gang initiation or something you know what i have to do just to prove they were like tough guys which just seems more like an urban legend than base than any fact the only lead or wealth thing the police have released to the public you know in this instance is a car they released this picture to the public it was caught on surveillance leaving the area not long after the attack was believed to have occurred they never found the car though i'd like to thank the kentucky state police and all law enforcement working on this investigation they have worked tirelessly to find kathy and samantha's killer or killers but with all of the days of support and hard work the reality is that a murderer walks free possibly on the same streets as you obviously everybody knows that nelson county's had a rough year we would like to be able to solve this murder as soon as we possibly can just for the well-being of the people over there as well as the family anybody that cared about the netherlands so one piece of information that got a lot of attention was a post kathy put on facebook about about four months prior that's this earlier this afternoon we heard a noise i thought one of our two cats had knocked something over we didn't find anything disturbed so we thought it was nothing boy were we wrong a little while ago holly opens our front door to go outside to pick up the mail and finds both glass panes in our screen door shattered we have taken pics and i've carefully removed loose pieces of glass and the glass frames all these shattered glass pieces have been swept up off the front porch guess i'll be heading to lowe's tomorrow to find replacements crazy how unexpected events happen how right you were that to people seemed to seem very suspicious like someone may have been stalking them watching them or or perhaps even testing you know to see how they would react kathy at the time didn't think much of it but if it was related nobody knows probably just like a weird winky dink but yeah weird now at this point i guess i should mention there was some speculation that the the other daughter holly was involved she wasn't she was two hours away in university it's uh quite a kind of an insulting rumor that went around she always cooperated fully with the police as i don't even understand why maybe as if like an insurance fraud or something it's not that kind of case but anyway i just figured i should mention them a lot of information about this case right it hasn't been released the police kept it you know pretty close to their chest but it seems you know more than likely quite like jason ellises not going anywhere fast a reward of fifty thousand dollars has been offered for information leading to an arrest the bulk of that actually made up of holly netherlands inheritance so that takes us to probably what's like the the most famous case to come out of barnestown around this time it's the disappearance of crystal rogers almost exactly one year separates every every incident it's like just when you think things you know are kind of quieting down something happens because that's what happened [Music] on the 5th of july 2015 crystal rogers car was found abandoned along you guessed it the bluegrass parkway the keys were still inside along with her uncharged cell phone purse and all that one tire was flat but no sign of crystal and hasn't been since crystal rogers was the mother of five 35 years old in 2015. she was a local had been in a few different relationships and married before she ended up with brooks houck crystal would have one child with him they had started dating after she rented a place from him brooks was a polite mannerly fella and he'd owned a number of properties in the area his family were doing well enough he in fact actually ran unsuccessfully for sheriff in 2014. my name is brooks houck and i look forward to becoming your next nelson county sheriff i'm a proud native of nelson county and my family and i are excited about what the future holds for our community in the beginning crystalline brooks you know they got along like a house on fire living together a great time raising kids crystal would actually work for him managing properties and doing rent collection and so on so forth but over the years things started to sour you know as they do between crystal and brooks and crystal's parents tommy and sherry ballard did not think too highly of him it seemed their relationship started to come here stressed fractured crystal mentioned that she might want to leave brooks and this all takes us to the weekend of the 4th of july 2014. now crystal was very close with their parents and so when they couldn't get you know true to her all that weekend that's what raised you know suspicions so they kept trying to you know get true to her and other family members you know did as well everybody was trying to get true to her and when they couldn't they eventually got in touch with brooks brooks told them that she just she's got she's gone i don't know where she's gone she left me that old one he said she upped and left in the middle of the night leaving the kids with him that was a bit like yeah all right try again because she would never leave her goods ever that was on the 5th of july the same day crystal's mother reported her missing and also that same day her car was found along the bluegrass parkway her family immediately began searching the area even before the police did interestingly when the police did get out there and you know we're having a goo uh the police dogs found no sense of crystal at all the family of a bardstown woman reported missing on sunday is searching sunshine through the rain many members of rogers's family are searching numerous locations in nelson county looking for her we were down there in the rain and everything it's muddy it's nasty but any tip we can get where to look we're just pulling straws as to where to go we'll go anywhere anybody has any leads anything you just call us you know we'll be there but she's got little kids you know and they miss their mama the police immediately zoned in on brook's houck um whoo you know weird uh didn't take part in the searches at all either now brooks hogue has a brother nick houck who was a member of the bardstown police department and he had been on the same shift as jason ellis he wasn't too interested in these searches either the last well that we i guess that we know of is that on the third of july crystal texted a friend saying she was happy that she would have some alone time with brooks she had gotten a babysitter the last she was seen was on cctv in the local supermarket so brook's story right is that the last he's seen of crystal is that on the third of july they went out to he's a family farm and the pair of them went out there with their two-year-old son eli to you know go have a bit of a wonder feed the cows you know walk through the fields enjoy the smell of cow [ __ ] now it was apparently lashing rain that weekend crystal's mother said there'd be no way in hell crystal would be out in the middle of a field in the middle of the pouring rain especially with a two-year-old kid then brook said they went home he fell asleep last he saw she was you know playing games on her phone and when he awoke she was gone brooks was then interviewed by the police in question do you know about this on the 8th of july so so we're obviously we're hearing tons and tons of rumors right it's all right um and i know barcelona is the rumor of the world but in a case like this um you know should it turn into a homicide investigation any question that i didn't ask doesn't get asked does that make sense i don't understand what you're saying but if i don't ask you then somebody's going to ask me why i'd advance today sure so when i ask you a question it's not to be offensive it's to get to get the question cleared up so that we can move on to another i understand yeah however i can um have you and crystal ever talked about breaking up i mean obviously we have fought just like any other uh any other any other couple but in the last several years i mean that right there is came up but we've always found ourselves together moving forward well the reason i ask is because there are some people that she's associated with that are telling us that she had made some tentative plans to leave well that's that's moves to me they're on the phone records there appears to be a phone call um around midnight it was a pretty short phone conversation his own reason i asked him kind of unusual to get a 13 second phone conversation at midnight you know it is for me it may not be for you i don't remember getting the phone call so you go to bed she stays up what's what's she doing she's she's just on her phone and so when you wake up he's there but crystal's not she's not okay and so did you um did you try to call her or yes i noticed i mean i noticed that she wasn't there i didn't know what was i didn't know exactly what to think i don't know what time i called her yes i called her that morning on a saturday morning and my wife wasn't with me in the bed as normal which might not be normal for you i don't know but for me it would be normal particularly if my wife's a late sleeper which minus is as well on saturday for her to be there in the bed when i get up so if if she were not probably the first thing i would do would be to call her to find out where she was but what you're what you're not aware of what you're missing is a lot of times that her and brooke or sister or to bring a lot of these girls that they do all these uh they go out and do stuff sometimes i do these uh this is gonna be embarrassing for me to talk to you about but i'm looking to get everything cleared up as quickly as i can they do these uh fantasy parties and all these girls get together they talk about do whatever and it's not uncommon for them when they go out far they stay out the better part of the night if not the whole night so and of course i always have the children you know fair enough they don't take the kids to that matter if i got take care of some of their other children why they're the ones going i'm a man don't get me wrong i understand that a white blooded american male and there's no sense i'm not taking anything different but they they do all these parties and order all this stuff well who gets the kids i'm good enough to get the kids for all this and i'm a good enough person to do that and then when everybody sees a little bit of distress they're gonna throw me under the bus it bothers me because not only have i been a victim i can't even my mind's not even where it should be i want to keep the main focus and emphasis on bringing her back uh safely and as quickly as possible in the middle of the interview of course brooks gets a call a call from him a call from his brother nick nick the cop this call just listen it seems so scripted it's kind of funny well okay so i guess where i go from here um we're still getting video from different places along that route detective snow i've been up here for a good little while is it if you are you tell me that's theory tell me that's what i need to do i know i know i don't i know i i'm not i know that but the way that i look at it is i know you told me innocent people got jammed up but if you're telling me to leave i'll get up and leave if you want me if you want me to i know i'm going to do a lot but i'm trying to get this guy to help i don't think i don't think she's ran off with some other guy i don't believe that you can't make me think that no i'll do exactly what you're telling me to do right now you want me to get up and leave i mean i don't think he's got i don't know i don't think these people have been picked up just to skin me for no reason maybe this is not their family this is hard all right thank you he thinks y'all real [ __ ] is what he thinks i don't know who he is nick just letting them just beat you to death over this right here just ask what you gotta ask and let you know my job is to find her whether i find her hopefully alive and well and safe somewhere or not my job is to find it if i don't find her alive and well my job is to prosecute the person who did something that's right if that turns out to be you my job is to prosecute you anyways nick basically tells him to stop talking and shut up [Music] then after that interview the brothers nick and brooks met up they went out to that farm where crystal was last seen you know apparently and they stayed out there for a few hours what they did that evening out on that farm is unknown but it's definitely thought of as um not perfectly normal this wasn't the first tragedy to affect you know uh crystal's family by the way her dad's sister crystal's aunt sherry ballard barnes had been murdered over 30 years before she disappeared from bardstown in 1979 she was seven and a half months pregnant her husband had wanted a divorce her not so much her car was found in indiana no sign of sherry she was eventually found on a farm having been shot her husband eddie burns was charged with her murder in 1982. he didn't want to pay child support and so he was sentenced to life in prison for what he did and there was like a few similarities between that and what we know what happened to crystal but crystal has never been found joining me right now in addition to her parents uh tom and sherry ballard her boyfriend that she lived with brooks hulk is with us uh some people have accused you of not being involved enough in the search efforts what's your response that is a great question and one i certainly appreciate you asking me and that is uh all of my efforts and searching for her and has been done behind the scenes with the nelson county sheriff's office like what on the 15th of july nick houck sat down with the investigators you know he was acting you know a bit weird uh going out to farms with his brother dune god knows what calling his brother during an interview about his missing partner definitely an odd one nick this is a detective john baldwin all right okay fine how are you sleeping you know what that chair is this chair so that's when she gets reported um and he never called you for any advice on what to do would that be unusual i don't think so um when did so did he ever call you after he reported or missing i'm sure at some point he's called i mean i don't really remember what he asked about but it was that before do you remember when he was interviewed oh yeah what was did you make a phone call to him when the peso was interviewing him yes um he was a couple phone calls and you know kind of got a little little spat on the phone or seemed like that to some people what what what did you call it you know you know obviously at this point you want to be cooperative but you also want to protect yourself and i think at the time like this right here i mean obviously you wouldn't be thinking exactly so i just wanted to make sure that he was kind of you know protecting himself while he cooperated with law enforcement so i didn't want him to it's just easy to get things confused and stuff and you know so they had a few questions for him one being why did he meet his brother after he had his police interview and why did they go out to the firm do you remember going out to the farm the evening the july the eighth not known but our fairies that they've been out there that was that was like incidentally the same night that your brother was saying like brothers interview about the legs yeah wednesday july but uh you said generally you know you would just go out to the farm and you would just meet him there on this occasion usually i don't meet him there i mean you know he's just out there doing his own thing and do my own thing i mean well i mean if that's what happened that night it would have been just perfect timing that you were following right behind you you just so was there a time that you all both went out there at the same time for a specific reason not powerful so it just would have been coincidence that your car was falling right behind his truck when it passed by that camera going to the farm yeah that's happened before so this night in particular it was when you were left after dark you all came together and you were left after garden remember i mean it's just been a week ago driving down basketball you're far behind his truck i mean you got to turn you remember you can can you go back and put that in your head just driving down that road and you see your brother in front of you what happened after that i can't what we need to know is why you all those went down the farm because i know i know it's going to be hard for you to remember a week ago but i can remember a week ago if i'm thinking about the conversation i have with my brother and something like this going on and this doesn't go on all the time so i mean we're going to call it like it is it you don't want to remember or can you remember i i can't remember okay another question was why did the trunk of his police cruiser test positive for bodily fluids is there any reason that there'd be any blood in here in the trunk of your crater no reason at all we got we got some issues okay they they have you ever heard of luminol you haven't been in any kind of kernel all right you know what luminol is used for to find blood okay or other bodily fluids why would why would your trunk look like a smurf if they sprayed it why would it fluoresce there's a couple spots in your trunk in that blanket i mean just with electric why would that there's not going to be any blood to try okay well i did not say blood i'm talking about other bodily fluids i don't have any blood um there shouldn't there shouldn't be anybody bottling fluids in the trunk i mean there's only one way bodily fluids can get into the trunk that's if a body's you know that's what i was saying okay um or unless you know somebody puked in your trunk or something like that i don't think that happened i don't think that's the case i'm a big trunk so why why would that day hit that blanket when they looked at the lab i've got no explanation for that i don't i mean nothing whatsoever nobody has access to that car but you you drive it did your brother ever call you and say that he'd done something to crystal we did not because here's the case cases you know your police officer were police officers we all know how that this job works you know i don't believe in coincidence after having this job i don't know if you still do or not not much i i don't because you know that when somebody is sitting here talking to us and telling us that everything's a coincidence that we have either physical evidence or video or something to to prove that that's not the fact we kind of stopped believing in coincidence now that's the case of where we're at right here you know there's there's there's too much linking you and him leaving the when he leaves the police department going down the road both arriving together both leaving together there is some reason why you all went out to that farm now i'm not a big you know fan of amnesia either because i've heard that 20 or 30 times a week when i'm talking to people so i don't believe people just lose their memory i think people forget what they don't want to talk about they they hide those things and sometimes it's a good person that does that because they're trying to protect their family where they're trying to protect themselves but you know what there's also bad people you know i'm big brother i'm gonna come you know try to prepare i'm not going to cover something like this up for him i'm just not that kind of guy and furthermore i mean there's no way he had anything to do with this if something has happened to her it wasn't it wasn't good something he did again i know you guys have got a job to do let me do it but i mean you're wasting time well who else would be responsible for this i mean i don't have any names to give you if i did what do you think what do you think happened i mean you know i mean she's a nice looking woman i don't know if she got out there on the bluegrass parkway and somebody attacked her you know i don't know what happened but i know brooks didn't have anything to do with it nick was asked to take a polygraph he didn't show up for when it was organized and then he refused to take one until um uh well kind of sorta forced to take one why he didn't want to take one is obvious well nick i've had a chance to review your charts on my test that first test you i did not pass the test it was pretty clear to me that you have totally complete truth today and the questions you're having a problem with that there are questions about crystal and in particular one about whether or not you know where students are i'm no longer asking you if you know you do 100 and then greater than 99 what's greater than 99 100 right what are the questions do you know where crystal is right now are you hiding any information about what happened you didn't tell me the truth on both of those questions i mean i you're talking crazy well i mean you're talking crazy rehearsed response to what was going to happen today because it sure sounds like it i don't know what it sounds like i'm just talking well i'm not working you're talking you're talking crazy what's crazy about explaining the accusations you're making yeah just let you know involved absolutely not well no nobody told me that that's why we did the polygraph to find out well i told you right now you told me before you had nothing to do yes well now we're past that because i've already shown that you didn't have something i don't know what to do i just showed you okay but i'm telling you i do have i'm telling you i mean i can't make it any i'm not trying to hurt you don't know i'm not telling you the truth i can't argue with this i've done over two thousand try something when i put to know what i'm doing you know what i'm doing you must have slipped up today i mean i don't know what do you think the chances are that you slipped out then the truth sucked out here that i slept up you listen to what i'm saying i've been well 100. you're telling me i'm lying and i know i'm not i know the truth you know and i'm not 100 honestly with you the grand jury and everybody else i've spoken here's what i'm getting yes i have no you haven't i most definitely have and if you don't want to believe it that's your issue it's not mine it's not just me i showed you dude i don't give a god damn what your [ __ ] computer said okay i think you do i'm telling you that i have been 100 honest with you is this how you actually just back because you're calling me a [ __ ] liar i don't i don't like it when people call me a liar i'm being a hundred percent truthful with you tell me the truth in my what you said why couldn't you i'd be on transport no polygraphs of course should be taken with you know uh grain assaults but weird huh two months later nick houck was suspended pick any one of the previously mentioned uh reasons for that big one though being the call during the interview i i took the badging gun as as the model would be i took him took his uh authority and those those items when i suspended him and just being generally extremely uh the opposite of cooperative uncooperative i believe the word is during this entire entire investigation a month later in october he was fired at the same time brooks was officially listed as a suspect in the disappearance of crystal rogers safe to say that she's deceased and you can do that because people have certain ways that they do business they have to have income they have to have food they have to have water they have to have shelter they have to have family crystal rogers was extremely close with her family she has had no contact with her family since they named you a suspect i feel like they're working now which i always thought the sheriff's department was doing a good job but it makes me feel a lot better where was crystal though these searches continued you know i mean i would say no one knows but that's not true crystal's parents tom and sherry ballard never gave up looking i just hope something comes out of it you know i hope it's a new lead we get we just keep looking we keep pressing the house to find answers the investigation continued search warrants issued for the firm crystal was last seen on and nick manbrook's houses they were also on the lookout for a white buick which was seen on the farm you know um around the time she disappeared a white buick that just happened to get sold shortly before the police could get it now no hulk was actually ever arrested in uh in this case in the disappearance in fact the only person who was arrested was a guy named danny singleton i know i'll be happy when it's over so we can have some kind of closure i don't mean that in a bad way but it's just hard on everybody tommy ballard reluctantly admits knowing he won't see his daughter again alive still he's desperate to find her and bring her home on wednesday the nelson county sheriff's department announced the arrest of danny singleton after a grand jury indicted him on 38 counts of perjury investigators say singleton lied early on in the investigation when he was questioned about roger's disappearance i hope in a couple weeks that you know they can solve this case i'm hoping danny will tell him something if he knows something he was a longtime friend of brooks he was arrested for lying to police about his whereabouts when crystal disappeared not much came out of that though and he did eight months and so the searches for crystal uh would continue until one last event in 2016. on the 19th of november 2016 it was a saturday 16 months after the disappearance of crystal crystal's father tommy who had you know taken charge of the search effort went out hunting with his 10 year old grandson it was deer hunting season and tommy and the young fellow were out on private land a field once again just off bluegrass parkway it was a bonding time for the granddad and grandson at around 6 50 a.m the grandson began walking back towards the truck to to grab something and tommy who was standing in the field was shot he was shot in the chest the boy ran back and tommy asked him to look through his jacket to find his phone that's that's all he said and by the by the time the paramedics arrived he was gone who shot him nobody knows uh it wasn't self-inflicted neither tommy nor the grandson's rifle had been fired that morning we're just asking anybody whether they think it's important whether it's just something they noticed and it could not be anything to them it may be huge for us monday state police returned to the family farm where tommy ballard was killed he was shot while hunting with his grandson shortly before 7 a.m saturday he is the father of crystal rogers missing since 2015. police investigating his death are specifically looking for people who are driving on nearby bluegrass parkway police are not saying if they know the direction from which the gunshot came they ruled out a self-inflicted wound and say the grandson was not involved the grandson said that the last he saw of his granddad was him looking through the scope of his rifle maybe looking at something or someone in the distance the investigation into who shot him has uh well the police have kept it pretty close to their chests they haven't released a whole lot but it wasn't an accident and once again it seemed like maybe like what happened to jason ellis and ambush so what are the you know connections between between all these cases well other than crystal and tommy i don't think i really need to say what the major connection between that one is and what all the rumors are saying other than that we don't know brooks houck is still uh number one suspects in everybody's eye in crystal's appearance tommy was he was you know totally in charge of the search for her maybe he was getting close to something or and so if something happened to tommy too gee i wonder who but how is what happened to crystal and tommy connected to kathy samantha and jason there's rumors that have gone around the police have said that you know they aren't ruling out the idea of them being connected but it's just hard to see how but at the same time you know the city of bardstown it seems like such a it has a quite low crime rate so if they're not connected that's equally as bizarre the fbi is continuing its investigation into all cases in fact there was a flurry of news back in august 2020 when it was thought that the remains of crystal rogers may have been found near where her car was discovered however it was eventually revealed to to not have been her it is a woman's but they haven't been identified yet there have been a few you know bits and bobs uh since the last uh murder embarrassing unsolved unsolved murder anyway uh brooks's new girlfriend also named crystal she was arrested for stealing a standing with the ballard sign brooks was also arrested for stealing roofing shingles new information tonight on the crystal rogers case the fbi has released released new surveillance photos of possible cars of interest the photos show three cars and two separate pictures all photos taken in bardstown most recently sherry ballard has been denied the right to visit her grandson with the judge saying there is clear and convincing evidence significant hostility exists between the ballard family and houck one person my genuinely my heart really goes out to in this story though is sherry ballard who hasn't given up on finding both finding her daughter and also her husband's killer killers maybe probably i'm hanging in there i know that my daughter is the most important thing in this world to me and tommy so i have to do what i have to do to get justice for them thirty is something uh nasty uh in paratha and very you know something very nefarious for what's you know the most beautiful small town in america it's definitely i'm sure the town definitely doesn't want the story of what happened what has happened there associated with it uh you know and that's this story has been reported on reported on a fair bit but you know at the same time it's like you guys awake or what's going on over there guru mila market august i will see you as always real soon in the next one you know it you know until then you know what you can do for me you can take care of yourself till then mike out
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 2,274,608
Rating: 4.8971982 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, bardstown, officer jason ellis, kathy samantha netherland, crystal rogers, tommy ballard, nick houck, brooks houck
Id: oseqFfGyOG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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