The Bizarre Lore of Webkinz

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Webkinz is an online series that has been around for nearly 20 years millions of people have played and experienced the best of what this game has to offer however almost nobody who's played it truly has recognized the potentially intense world found in it so join me today as I unravel what Webkinz truly has to offer hi everybody I'm here in an abandoned brick building in the middle of Illinois I had a flee East after the incidents from these past few weeks so of course of course I had to find somewhere else so while I'm here let's truly take a gander at the wonderful world of Webkinz Webkins takes place in the town of kinsville all events buildings games and basically anything that can be found within the town is here what makes webkin specifically unique is what you have to do in order to actually play you see where other games are free to play in order to play Webkinz you actually got to buy a Webkinz and then use the code it comes along with to have it connected to your account so for the sake of this I'll have to grab a goober of my own this isn't my first time having a webkin of my however when I was a really young youngster in elementary school I remember the teachers handing out bikes tree frogs one year and clownfish for another for some event I it was probably for like a box top competition or something but like not every kid got one which gave my first grade self a severe feeling of power against my peers I don't remember why we had them but we had them and then I lost them and I'll never see them again they see smuggle glinder patch he's my new webkin he's blue green and even has hordes technically the game's story starts whenever you adopt your first webkin meaning that the point in this timeline for starting this is between the game's launch and whenever you're seeing this so this event occurs somewhere between April 15 2005 and the heat death of the universe when you start this game Miss Birdie the webkeeper brings you to your house and truly introduces you to your webcam this is where I learned that smool likes to eat strawberries and also even has hair after this Miss birdie gives you three grand and then skedaddles from here you can do virtually whatever you want there's not necessarily an objective or an enemy just buy stuff for your Webkinz and do stuff for your Webkinz like for example immediately apply them for employment like I did with smoogle unfortunately his resume is a bit lackluster and his face isn't doing him any favors so in order to actually be ready for a job I had to take my lovable bastard child to elementary school but you can only take so many classes in a day meaning you have to keep coming back like a school a lot of Webkinz relies on you putting in the daily effort to keep your webkin happy and healthy while also earning more cosmetics and accessing more content and every part of this game takes this approach like the stories with the weird humanoid shopkeepers that make me feel more uncomfortable than they should with their soulless bdis of death for example change what they sell and provide every day encouraging you to keep coming back or you can spend real world money to speed up the wait times within the game plus from where I grew up at the very least Webkinz could be found literally everywhere in retail from the big old Walmart to the smallest of tourist stores Webkinz as a product worked phenomenally for double whammy gifts for kids they worked as toys and as in-game content plus there's over a thousand unique Webkinz and it's encouraged to raise a ton of them on single accounts this isn't even mentioning the sheer amount of playable games in the arcade another great way to make web bucks there's over 70 unique playable games that I personally found myself enjoying while smoogle sat in the corner like the sad lump he is he doesn't just look like he was dropped as a baby he looks like he was football spiked onto tiled floor used as a bowling ball stuck in a washing machine for three hours and shoes on trees for fun I love the guy but I also don't a lot of the arcade games are relatively simple but some of them are very obviously clones they got Frogger you got Pac-Man a puzzle game I forgot the name of an even 2048 though I would be lying if I said I did not unenjoy a lot of these games even with some of their sound effects being super aggressive for no real reason like just imagine playing a quiet game of cash cow and past bedtime and then that happens but there's so many gems here honestly like a really solid collection on top of a solid MMO where else can I save a living tree with green wood from a butterfly allergy where else can I launch smoogle to the moon on the laggiest Doodle Jump game of all time or else can I do whatever this was out of all the games though my personal favorites included this one where you survive as an ant a one where you shoot smoothies and especially the one where you hit this thing what uh what kind of animal is that well that right there my friend is a zingo there's many like it but this one is wacky the Cinco he's not a dingo and he doesn't play Bingo but he loves getting whacked with a baseball bat it's his favorite thing to do in fact and with his palsangos he's always voluntarily getting thrown into space but then there's Zacky zingos his cousin who likes going on adventures the zingos are a weird species that are like the Club Penguin puffle equivalent but I love them even though every time they talk they sound like paint dried in their throats there's so many goobers and critters Googles are these ducks with no arms and they look vaguely like bags of potatoes zombies or webkin pets they seem to be purely cosmetic keychain type fellas this one with what I would assume and hope is a tongue was my favorite Debbie dragon is a dragon who existed until 2012 until she decided not to there's other Medias of Webkinz including trading cards giving you more stuff and also music videos with over 30 of them with hit titles like hug a pug I love being a spotted frog the prettiest pink pony in town and stay away from me the world of Kingsville is on audibly well made with a ton of Love put into it but I'm clearly losing track you came here to learn what's actually going on in the story of Webkinz what makes everything taken this way what are the struggles what's the main course well it all started with with um uh okay so don't get mad this is actually going to sound unbelievable but for once a silly children's online MMO game has almost nothing for a story this is just wedkins who the hell was expecting that here there's only even a couple of actual lore tidbits but all of them are books and I hate reading it's the worst I found five 30ish page books in a library of an online chat room and briefly skimmed through all of them one of them was about an elephant kiddo getting miscolored like a bad Smash Bros alt one of them was about a dog wearing smarty pants like that one episode of Johnny Test one was about a polar bear guess which one was Christmas themed one was about a pirate Pug's little sister being useless until she isn't and then the last one was about a stupid cow finding a medallion losing a medallion meeting fairies and then getting the thingy back speaking of which there's just a magical forest in Kingsville and I'm not kidding there's actually nothing there is no lore there is no story here there's an adventure area as well but I didn't like the gameplay so I hope there's nothing there just like how I hope there's nothing else important in the other in-game books out of curiosity I wanted to check the Webkinz Wiki for any additional info and I found that there wasn't just five books there's 21 and with all due respect they're all one-off stories with cartoon levels of continuity so hopefully No One's Gonna Get too upset when I say I don't want to run through each and every single one if you want to read them go ahead and do that on your own time because that's yeah that's kind of that's kind of that's kind of lame-o sauce Amigo I don't really feel like it I mentioned before but all the shopkeepers are relatively unique and most of them are in at least a few of the stories Amanda Panda lets you spin a wheel uh there's a second cat secretary and a cow teacher good good for them uh this guy this guy he is uh he's happy to be here oh wait there's artifact he's like the webkin equivalent of a Funky Kong he used to be friends with Doug the dog but they got into a tragic ruckus on an adventure for Treasure and now they hate each other and this is unironically the only NPC within Universe conflict that I could find now Ari Spends His Life as a 45 year old caring about his sister and nephew while also working in the curio shop here's a picture of him going at the brunch close dog she sells smuggle-sized pants I guess I seriously dug through as much as I could I I really this was like looking for through the desert for sparkling water totally unrelated this is also where I realize smoogle has bars that go down over time I was really concerned about what they meant but I thought dressing him up would really help right after this I made smoogle compete in the Olympics and that he lost so I don't feel bad about not feeding him because Only Winners can outrun famine as a punishment I took him to quizzy's Discovery Zone a quiz Showplace where you can learn cool facts about the world and stuff I picked a few settings about North American geography quizzy gave me five straight questions in a row about Canada and then I stopped playing I could keep realistically talking about all the little things you could do but if you want to check it out feel free too Webkinz was relatively easy to get into and it's designed for daily effort like a lot of games are to increase the player longevity and you know what it was a fun time though I ran out of things to say about the game in the current moment and normally when I run out of funny things to say I make loud noises and help people laugh about it luckily I don't have to do that just yet believe it or not there's actually two unique entries to the Webkinz franchise I have yet to talk about the first comes from April of 2009 Webkinz Jr is a spin-off game that is meant to Target a slightly younger age group all the contents surrounding the game are meant to represent this with a smaller version of Kingsville compared to the main game one and the actual toys being larger so like little kids could just sleep with them and make them all crusty and stuff there's even some unique NPCs like that moose that just stares and I straight up couldn't find their name they were very close to being lost media actually General gameplay is essentially from the looks of it of baby Webkinz it's a good way to trick young kiddos into thinking they're playing Webkinz just like they're cool older siblings unfortunately on January 31st 2018 the game would shut down and honestly it's better than getting rid of the main game before being totally honest and though it was a bit strange it's also a fairly valid game so I can give it that but that game shutting down is not necessarily A problemo because soon after the next major installment of the Webkinz Universe would come into fruition not even two years later on October 23 2020 the game Webkinz next would be a thing and wouldn't she know it it sure does exist before I could play it though I was hit with a tragic tragedy of not being able to use smoogle in the game for two reasons the first is that Webkinz are locked to a single account on a single game and also probably for reasons like Sprite sheets versus 3D models Webkinz are locked to a single account on a single game meaning that they can't really transfer between the two and also probably for reasons like Sprite sheets versus 3D models the amount of playable Webkinz went from literally thousands to H at the time of launch the only way smoogle species the main night monster is represented as a whole is in this frame picture at the start of the game look look right there there the the the there is with that being said smoogle is officially a liability to me and with that being said I need to make an example out of him anyway I made a free account for this tubular journey and I got a husky named bronze because he's my third favorite webkin I currently take care of and I technically only take care of two and now it's time to play and uh totally unbiased looking into this game but it's genuinely one of the least Pleasant looking games I've ever seen the realistic World clashes way too hard with cartooning world of Kingsville that makes everything looks like it hit an expiration date like three weeks ago apparently this game exists so newer players want to come to this one instead of the older game kind of like what animal jam did with its classic version versus play Wild except unlike those two versions where each game had enough content to where both were decently unique experiences and players could pick one or the other Webkinz next is absolutely inferior in my mind like look at the maps what would you rather eat a delicious yet humble Keebler strawberry sugar wafer or mud none of this really sat well with me and very few if any of the things actually worked for me old content was butchered enough to look like an overall lesser experience in terms of both quantity and quality I would heavily recommend playing what is now Webkinz classic over this because it's overall just a more enjoyable experience with downright just more stuff to do within it the arcade is back though unfortunately a majority of the games are just remasters there's a few remasters that looked and played a bit better there's a few of them that I felt like I should have had pepper spray with me in case they came out of the screen to attack me and wacky zingos is once again the best game because it's funny to hit this scramble creature hundreds of yards but this time in HD once I finished playing the arcade I stopped playing 30 minutes later ending off in the mines where bronze will be spending the rest of his days if he wanted a better life he should have been a better webkin in a better game but with that we have covered everything within the webkin space there's a lot of stuff yet a lot of not conflict if Gans the company behind Webkinz ever wanted to have a major overarching story within the world it would have happened already but when the priorities are over new cosmetics and merch has expansions I don't really think we need to expect anything or really should World building is always important and I think Webkinz is right up there with Club Penguin in that regard I'm kind of glad they didn't and instead kinsville has been and hopefully always will be in this area of peace without much conflict which is also not entirely true see although the lore isn't technically there there is one area that theoretically there could be a plot rumors are a magical thing sometimes they become so big they become real Webkinz is no different I of course am talking about the playground rumors of this game and of all of them only one has remained truly Infamous arguably more impactful than the game itself in some aspects the sheer mention of it puts people and Webkinz alike into a terrible fear with all of that being said have you heard of the Webkinz killer oh man this this right here this is the Webkinz Herobrine in early 2007 the idea that there was some sort of force being capable of killing Webkinz in-game came into fruition though a lot of characters or entities became potential candidates for this creature I believe Dr quack one of the mascot characters was the top pick this guy is the former doctor of kinsville checking on the sick people of town he also has a romantic thing with Miss birdie and became mayor in 2015 if any of that matters in this very specific situation which it does not maybe it's a virus maybe it's an angry ex-employee maybe it's an evil wizard that eats kids that misbehave and play Webkinz past their daily computer time of 45 minutes it could be virtually anything the Webkinz killer is a simple enough idea it's just that stupid kiddos would add their own twist to it and it was merely the idea that Webkinz could die and all the rumors were so different they just all ended with death and stuff things like clicking on Dr quack's poster too much would make him snap a black box could spawn in your house and endanger your poor webcams within it or even a popular competitor game called Neopets was the culprit behind this for the sake of competition eventually it would get so bad the web developers had to step up and say something here's where it was all going to be revealed with the Webkinz in game actually be in danger were the killers actually real no dumbass why would any of that be real this is a game meant for children the only killer was Dr quack's killer drip because he's dripping Swag Like a broken faucet otherwise of course not that's the dumbest playground rumor I've ever heard it's a good thing we have schools because the children who genuinely believe this are probably like a Karen style or something and even then the mere rumor almost ruined the game's momentum like moms hear their kids talking about dead animals from the computer and they're going oh it's from Webkinz that's how Webkinz get banned from your house growing up thankfully it would all eventually wash over with some time and a little sprinkle and dash of common sense with stuff like safe chess and those name maker Wheels among other tools being implemented to emphasize the safe environment for all ages eventually allowing the Webkinz world to eliminate the biggest actual threat found within it I'm just glad that Gans and Webkinz as a whole was actually able to recover from all this otherwise where else was I gonna play booger gets an a the game about helping the dog booger get an A within the world there's no such thing as a Webkinz killer because nobody has deliberately gone out of their way to kill a webkin wait a minute I don't remember why we had them but we had them and then I lost them and I'll never see them again with that being said smuggle is officially a liability to me and with that being said I need to make an example out of him I love killing Webkinz it's my favorite thing to do oh my God I I think I might be the Webkinz killer I don't even think I can forgive myself this time I hate myself now how could I love my webkings and not kill them if I can't even love myself even worse I don't think it's just me part of the problem with Webkinz are the fact that they're digital anyone who lost an account stopped playing or both are responsible for the loss of a life in the Webkinz World although my kill count is three two and a half smuggle's only dead inside plus bronze who I proudly disown in the mine so he doesn't count it's not just me we're all the Webkinz killer you heard me me you the lunatic who drenched their webkin in milk and drank the milk and slammed the webkin against the wall to make a loud thud especially them on one hand we all killed Webkinz on another no we didn't because Webkinz are Immortal they'll just be alone until the end of time which is an equally terrible fate unless they come from a paid account in that case your webkin gets deleted after two years of inactivity it's because of all of this that by all means we're all accountable not for the death of Webkinz but for the death of Webkinz around the world and with the production of Webkinz toys being ended in 2019 the physical copies of webkin companions are officially an endangered species though digital ones can still be purchased it's not quite the same I'm sorry to my dear snoogle for being a bad dude with an attitude I got lucky with my physical Webkinz sooner or later that's gonna be way harder to do how common are they going to be unless Gans the company behind development and production deliberately chooses to restart the making of more of already thousands of available different types of Webkinz if you want to get into the games now is probably the best time to do it if you have an old account see if you can get into it maybe there's some Webkinz on the brink of death waiting to exist again I'm glad this was a nicer game to talk about the story was easier to research because there isn't one and unless it's like super well hidden within the game in that case it's not my fault it never happened but overall I think that's all I can say for today you know it's been a grand Adventure if you look over there you might see a statistic that's important for me subscribe if you want to and I officially ran out of things to say so you know what that means oh foreign
Channel: choopo
Views: 188,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animal jam, Choopo, Club penguin lore, Papas lore, Smoogle, The bizzare lore, The bizzare lore of webkins, The video is over there, WebKins, WebKinz, Webkin, Webkins, Webkins next, Webkinz killer, Webkinz lore, Webkinz next, Webkinz story, club penguin, ganz, microsoft paint, microsoft paint animation, microsoft paint art, ms paint, ms paint animation, webkinz, webkinz 101, webkinz classic, webkinz music video, webkinz world
Id: RpwQ05zHQfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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