The Bizarre Lore of My Singing Monsters

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My Singing Monsters is a PC and mobile game series and for the past decade it has been beloved by millions of players in that time though there's actually been an extensive and shockingly intense timeline with dozens of crucial events so join me today as we take a look at what this Series has been hiding all of this time hi everybody I'm here in my music room I don't know why I have this room because to be honest I don't really have any musical Talent don't believe me watch this I'm more impressed than I am bothered by that hopefully since today's discussion is about music hey maybe I can learn some music thingies make this music stuff sound less bad so My Singing Monsters has a few places in the timeline that we could start but I'm in a bit of a goofy mood so we're gonna start at the widest scope and get more specific the further we go everything in this universe takes place within the super duper world tree more commonly known as the bubble tree or the stablo maricha and that one sounds like a Harry Potter spell who's gonna come out and say this is a Multiverse tree that has existed for all of time and everything talked about today in any regard or any aspect exists somewhere on the tree every time a creature travels between worlds here they adapt to appear not elderichi in whatever place they go to and just like a lot of trees and plants the bubble tree is always expanding the tree produces sap which ends up becoming Amber this has no right to be important but it is in more and more universes and highways are being created As Time continues by pollinating the flowers in the tree in part from the help of some monsters like this mythical one called the boyzynga this has a right to be important but it isn't like a guy revealed about two weeks ago but that's another fun part of this game's stuff there's a lot of it a very large amount of the storyline is discovered and hidden in between the two biggest games My Singing Monsters the big old boy game that any fan knows about and then Dawn of Fire which deliberately exists to be a prequel of the main game with an emphasis on fire because there's a lot of fire it burns lots and lots of hot stuff if you're a firefighter hell and arsonist this video is for you guys a majority of this content takes place in the main World we'll be looking at today known as The Monster World Universe dimension thing and our first period in our timeline is the primordial Cosmic hush aka before the Big Bang with an emphasis of no sound being produced because there was nothing no big bang means there's not even colors empty for a good while without a big old bang then there is one cool it makes a whole lot of sound yet also creates the 12 celestials that are as far as I'm concerned basically like the gods or the Greek mythology like the ones in Disney's Hercules as their beings that would further establish the world like adding a thing called the life court and June began to travel across the land and eventually hang out with the Stars over time the Big Bang clang would eventually come to a stop only to be replaced by the colossals in their voices and these guys are where the monsters are gonna start singing but not yet rest your raspberries it'll show up soon these creatures with names that up until recently you could not stay with your human tongue like that's really what you you would die if you try to pronounce them they go damn this world kind of sucks let's make it not do that so they taught the celestials how to sing built the starhenge and created the first mice singing monster singing monsters that can sing even though the celestials came first the colossals are probably more powerful soon they all dipped into a pocket dimension of the Monster Roll then pulled a Minecraft Creative Mode just seeing what kind of they can make eventually making some monsters on accident and then they went back to their Prime reality using this element that they made called crystallium as their base resource then they make and sing a great song a song so great that it can make stuff do just that they make grassland Iceland AirLand and maybe even Fireland that happens to be right next to the Monster World course since it's the most important and most powerful slowly but surely this early period would see the establishment of common monsters the whole crew well well maybe not quite I think I can't guarantee any monster just yet see like a lot of things that exist My Singing Monsters has one important prequel and now I'm gonna very possibly be wrong about some of the stuff that takes place in this game that takes place hundreds of years before the main one really the most important things to add here is that the fire element has struggled far more in contrast to the other monsters and other elements that they possess but it won't matter until it does we also learned that at the current point the world is connected via a single continent among the outer Islands which are very special islands for very special monsters also a lot of keywords or memorable locations start showing up at this point like the living ocean it's an ocean that may or may not be living the Golden Age not too much to go over just the monsters are like dang this box is rocks we we love it here as they travel across the available realities and find their forever homes and Technology booms making all the stuff we see in the modern game there's a trade system teleporters love machines basically this is the Fertile Crescent of the funny clicky clacky Penguins the prism Gates start to appear as well just give the Monsters new resources and a bunch of small extra stuff and they can change how they look and and that's that's pretty cool until it wasn't because then in the cataclysm colossals begin to realize oh geez the apocalypse is gonna happen soon that fights but then a couple of them are like oh you guys are idiots have fun being idiots you idiots soon all the colossals get into such a Ruckus they forget how to be friends and cause super earthquakes across the monster continent which really just screwed over the fire monsters specifically mostly just going extinct with a few exceptions a few of the survivors were trapped in the Amber which is the bubble tree tree sap but it's okay they decided they would sacrifice themselves if needed and some of them would buy proxy turn into statues which would reset their life cycles by the way I don't think I mentioned this some a lot of a lot of monsters can just turn into statues and if you do that you don't die but like your your life resets I get it's like a reincarnation thing it's I don't it doesn't make sense to me so I'm not gonna try explaining sorry fortunately one of those celestials the electric one named galvana who's also the most powerful and important because their electric and electric is the strongest element in this universe deciding to be a Chum and made some emergency generators and that would become monsters known as the Wabash on each island and then the celestials also turn into stone and then get reincarnated later but only sort of kind of really not really but hold on fellas there's some goofy stuff that happens here too because of the continent being split up the planet becomes a donut yes this is real this was just revealed in the 11th year anniversary but apparently it was foreshadowed in the original Island select the thought of a planet being a donut makes my little chipmunk brain overheat so I'm just gonna move along just just think just think for a future reference this guy this guy right here this one where you're looking at with your eyeballs this lives on a donut following this would be the great pause which I'm not kidding lasted so long the humans straight up cannot comprehend how long of a pause this was nothing really happened other than fires and was entirely forgotten the sleeping colossals would create mythical things in their sleep and any outer Island fell into some prison Gates but not Party Island party island is still chilling in the living ocean the 20th century like like our 20th century on Earth on another side of the Multiverse tree during the Great Depression a guy named Dr Warden e Spirit somehow manages to reach the Monster World and notes the five natural Islands the repercussions of this discovery are absolutely insane monsters begin to visit the human world as exchanged students one Mammoth permanently turns into this guy named Bill and then a big company called big blue bubble approached Dr spurt and made a game called My Singing Monsters that's right I've been going off the game that's supposed to be based off of our fictional non-fictional discoveries of the Monster World all content found in the games is based off of a fictional or non-fictional source of material based on how you want to look at it either this is based on a true story or everything is Canon this is technically a paradox I feel like no matter how you look at it my brain veins are hurting at the thought of it I I'm not doing this on one hand this means that the discussion could technically be classified as a history lesson in Universe yet that also means that the developers could retcon anything in game and chart it as a discovery that was incorrect beforehand it's more or less optional if you want to consider yourself Canon to the universe I'm going to just be warned that if you do you have to recognize that you're a dimension hop away from being next to this the Contemporary era basically when the game released back in 2012 lots of stuff happens here after all that crazy business and splitting of the main continent we have five major natural islands and elements those being plant cold air water and Earth there's also the gold Island but that's only for Monsters who have become cool and mature enough to be the best monster seasonal monsters are also discovered these guys only show up at certain times of the year though because of the fear of the environment the islands begin to use diamonds as the main source of power the wall boxes on respective islands are also revived and released overall just a ton of monsters come back at once some of these include the ethereal monsters like the ones at Sugarbush Island we get introduced to the shugabush monsters these goobers are a consequence of humanity interacting with the Monster World the concept of an entire subspecies of Ed Sheeran gives me the same negative impact as seasonal depression the big boob bubblers wanted to see if they could do it rather than if they should also the wordos I think that's how you pronounce it these monsters sing and I don't really like them they're named after the developers of the game which yeah I guess that makes sense if they were discovered myth development but you know I don't I don't care I I really don't I I don't care I don't I do not care I do not care anyway going back to the normal talk all monsters across this Multiverse come together and sing what yeah what are they gonna do it's not called my rock climbing Monsters of course they sing but that's a good thing because they're free of fire monster that survived the dawn of fire apocalypse being trapped in Amber once they're freed they talk about their old life which isn't fully remembered but starts the monsters wanting to discover the ruins of their past meanwhile the wall box and other monsters have been hopping between the human world creating a rare Wubbox from the stuff from the 80s but it's lonely and wants to create Pals so it makes the wublins and the wobblins are superpowers of the wall box so it moves away to a pocket Dimension and hang out with them right after that surprise the celestials are back this does not matter but but they're backed and celestially as ever then right after the fire monster they they freed I think it's same as Kaya leads the monsters into a volcano where they discover the fire Haven well Jolly Jumping Jelly Beans that's just swell here there's been a ton of fire monsters chilling in the Refuge since the dawn of fire and they want to make an island using fire and whatever they make the fire Oasis Island at a brown glass in like a week thanks to the power of friendship hey remember the colossals well now there's colossals too the Titans are here the only major difference is that they aren't as magic and they're just big old dudes so never mind they're probably worse and again looking at the fire monsters they have now found the fire Frontier and discover the psychic elements so that's great from here A bunch of islands are discovered a lot of them being implied to be connected if not the same Islands as the ones found in Dawn of Fire Bone Island magic Island some third one uh what what that it's time for a housing crisis a bunch of ideas are presented for fixing this housing crisis crystals seem to be the top choice but a totally unrelated event happens somewhere in the ocean where a Coliseum Rises up and the Monsters can fight if fighting meant seeing each other to sleep that's neat magic time baby it's the magical era lots of magical Gunk happens for a while of the magical Islands there's the light Island and new elements found one of the Titans here moves wherever it wants just like Party Island which might still be chilling in the living ocean wow Lee that sure is a whole lot of info about one part of the world but fellas there's a whole multiversal tree and a good amount of spin-offs to take a gander at so let's go ahead and do that or whatever in terms of time points we have no time points so I'm just gonna throw in an order that feels right first off the thumpy burst this is technically a prequel a spin-off and the first installment just all at the same time so I think that's fun these guys are your typical monsters in a rhythm juggling game and I'm gonna be frank this game is very scary and I have to finally bring it up but wow this this franchise is ugly this would legitimately scare me if I was younger like like right now I recommend washing your hands after looking at these fuzzy kickballs there's also one game called fling the thing that takes place in the world of thingia still kind of ugly but you know the bubble tree loves all and I feel like the fling a thing Community hasn't gotten enough love so you know what this is for the firefighters arsonists and the fling of thingers love you guys you guys are doing great my Mamet and my Pom-Pom are talking tom type games and once again I feel like I need an exorcist like a majority of these games are 2D for a reason I understand the art style but it feels like the colors and the emphasis on the gross eyes and mouth you know you know it just it feels off if you're catching my croutons for a corn jelly dream and Jammer Splash both of these games are puzzle games where you do puzzles it's as easy to understand as the My Singing Monsters coloring book coloring the PS Vita version of the original game has stopped being updated meaning that this is considered in fact Another Universe entirely basically the bad ending to this world because I don't know the monsters got sad and decided not to keep updating my singing monsters composer is an interesting one the original game has a composer Island which I would say is one of if not the most important aspect of the original game at a game perspective allowing players to create songs using whatever monsters and sounds accessible I think this is the best feature of it this game is meant to mainly be an extension of that like most of the monsters are here from the get-go and you don't need a grind it's really a convenience tool more than anything but it's still pretty dang Neato and I like seeing the people who are good at music stuff being good at music stuff there's as much charm as there is cool points truly the crown of this semi-niche PC and mobile game franchise available on IOS and Android and steam and any additional platforms via the given spin-offs and last of the spin-offs there's my singing monsters playground this is more or less a mini game collection that feels like it would be around during the Wii shovelware era it looks better than the previous 3D games that's for sure I think it's Pleasant for what it is but you have have seven playable characters that's that's pretty lame I mean they got costumes or whatever but like come on Hell remove someone even six feels better than seven that's yeah despicable it's this no thank you now besides all these games BBB have made some non-micing monsters games as indicated with the characters designs that don't make my eyes frown but uh yep yep these are all Canon thank you a big tree it all matters to some extent the only two games I want to call by name are foregone which is like a really cool looking 2D platformer I haven't played this the fact this and this correlate in the slightest is kind of funny actually and super dinosaur the name says it all the dinosaurs friggin super once again all Cannon all important to a weird tiny grain of an extent this is a very special case where everything discussed Matters by technicality so uh yeah yeah so where are we now we've still got a lot of questions and while I'm losing my mind over the funny cartoon Musical monsters that are somehow scarier than the ones in the live action Where the Wild Things Are movie like this alone scares me more than the reoccurring dream I had in 2008 where I believe Scrat from Ice Age lived in my house and would scream at me in the face but nobody believed me this is a repeated nightmare I had this is what made me want to own a dog My Singing Monsters is far from complete in any aspect there's seasonal events the team is providing new lore incredibly often so much in fact that this felt like learning about the world of a made-up country it was a master of deception I thought this was going to be easy to handle but no it tricked me like that's not a baby that's the population of Rome this isn't a game this is a college major if you want to learn everything at this moment there's over 360 unique monsters that make me wanna 360 into a coffin because the mere thought of becoming a walking talking Pokedex of The Singing Monsters realistically would make a lot of people want to do that it feels like I'm holding in a lot of powerful emotions about this specific topic but that's okay because you know what I've served my time in this game I've been a fan of it for a good while like I got wobblins on my account I got wublins I sure do and as a game I think this is a cool concept and it works though to be fair especially recently there is some ways the story can go the colossals are starting to wake up and we're giving them actual names new stuff is consistently being added and big blue bubble is still big blue bubbling they have a few monsters hired in their company and working for them the developers and or Monster handlers seem to be hopping between the worlds so we can learn more about the multiversal treat it seems like the monsters become 3D when they come to our own universe and I know I joked about this earlier but if I see one of these guys come up to me it's on site okay we're fighting to the death even I will not tolerate a fur corn entering my comfort zone and really all there is to do now is wait like this is history history becomes history when we wait after a while and something crazy happens which when it comes to conflict there is no conflict in fact a majority of these events are about the monsters discovering or rediscovering things there's never been like an evil monster dictator or a My Singing Monsters World War well not yet at least so that's about all I'm sure not everything important has been uncovered but ideally if any fan wants to use this rambling as a start point for further discussion or want to bully the hell out of me because I fibbed up somewhere along this timeline and goofed up highly encourage you to do so and do that the games are cool this series is probably good in Monster Handler hands they made research as easy as it was long and painful and I'll only go to therapy when I find a way to make an attacks write-off I found a 50-page document that cites most if not all of My Singing Monsters history that's where I found a lot of this info and it was it was connected to this video specifically so never mind if anything is wrong that's not my fault I'm not accountable for it this video I was kidding it would be my fault if anything of this video is wrong no it's not yes it is joking again no I wasn't but that's whatever I got a lovely tune for y o u check this out here's an obligatory statistic make it not do that if I wrote a song it'll go a little something like this oh carpal tunnel [Music] thank you
Channel: choopo
Views: 549,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bizarre lore, Choopo, Dawn of fire lore, Msm, Msm lore, My singing monsters funny, My singing monsters playground, My singing monsters plot, My singing monsters timeline, Papa's games lore, Papas games lore, Stop looking at the tags, The bizarre lore of my singing monsters, dawn of fire, microsoft paint animation, ms paint, ms paint animation, msm, msm dawn of fire, msm dof, my singing monsters, my singing monsters dawn of fire, my singing monsters dof, papa louie games
Id: DJStfcYizaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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