The Bizarre Lore of Poptropica

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for the past 15 years Pop Tropica has existed as an MMO revolving around solving problems across dozens of Island and even learning new things along the way however beneath all of that there has existed a massive and kind of convoluted story that almost nobody has seemed to look into so let's go right in and find out what's been going on in this world throughout all of this time hi everybody I'm here in the Oval Office I've become president there's been a lot going on in the past couple weeks even I don't know how I got here but I sure am and I'm ready to do president stuff like declare Wars and make laws or at least that's I'm pretty sure that's what I do so pop Tropa has been on my mind for quite some time now it definitely gave me the vibe of something deeper going on as a story behind the scenes and boy howdy there sure was and I don't know how I feel about that our story today takes place primarily between two locations or planets whatever you want to call them at least one of the two are called Pop Tropica for the sake of this I'm going to call the one that is for sure Pop Tropica Pop Tropica the second one is basically Earth not our exact one for one world just one world where Adam and Eve were replaced by Mr Pringle and an oyster because all the people look like this I'll be dubbing this not earth as Harrison because I'd rather call it Harrison than not earth supposedly the same stuff plays out in Harrison as it did for Earth pretty much one for one but only kind of and only sometimes every once in a while a random part of the world becomes accessible by pop tropicans or pop trops I'm I'm I'm going to say one or the other you just got to accept it and by that I mean at random points in time at random parts of Harrison sections of the world will appear in pop Tropa planet as Islands they basically act as portals when this is the case very rarely will Islands stop acting as portals but if they close they remain closed regardless of what side the portal people are on I would best describe it like a game of whack-a-mole imagine that on the game cabinet we're looking at where the moles actually pop out and get hit and treat this like the portal the exterior of that is the pop Tropa plane where we can use our external forces I.E in this case the hammer to hit the moles which I would consider exploring the islands when they show up imagine also that if in this case the hammer doesn't lower the moles but if hit wrong it can alter the timeline of whacka mole which by proxy messes up all of reality eventually if you hit the mole with a hammer or not the mole should be expected to return back into the hole and away from Crossing between planes one tiny problem with this though because all of the islands are from separate times in history the timeline is fundamentally flawed dumb and stupid and the Butterfly Effects that can happen here run so rampid and it's it's this unpredictable hellscape but that's great to get out of the way in this game it's good to know that time as a whole in this universe is as sturdy as a chief stick there are multiple ways to decipher this story for the sake of this I'm going to assume the release stes of these things are when they happen in pop Tropa time but I'll use our own history to determine when Harrison Islands take place in their time points in my eyes the best place to start has to be in the books more specifically the four graphic novels that take place in 2015 on both timelines and you know me I love reading so this will be fun so in the books we got three kids that are important there's Oliver who is in fact a main character uh his dad left the family and divorced because of him by the way his mom remarries to the dad of one of the other kids Maya and they hate each other at the time being and Maya is still a little salty of her mom dying on a random Christmas morning honestly fair you can't you can't be too upset about that and then there's also George he's the fat one that's his character trait you know the meme about like pizza and Friends equaling fun that that's their Dynamic basically just more divorc than usual this story is an isekai for people who don't have a BMI higher than their IQ or you're fortunate enough to not watch anime in isekai is when characters or several characters are brought into a new world unlike anything they've ever seen wow one day the children go on a hot air balloon until their pilot of the balloon sees a storm and flies into it causing the four characters to be sent to pop Tropa this is Octavian he's a bad guy he's got a map that lets him travel between all the Pop Tropica Islands instead of regular non-ear Harrison islands and for the moment that's really all you got to know anyway the hot air balloon crashes on the The Mystery of the map Island that takes place in 2015 and between 1950 to a000 see what I mean this is this is going to be convoluted the times aren't going to make sense but it's going to be fun we're fine in this book the three main Pals all get captured by Vikings while Octavian is stuck in a tree and being uncool you can play through this book in the game version but otherwise everything plays out about the same the kids Escape while Octavian gets captured by the Vikings this immediately gets undone in the second book when Octavian cleaves the skull of a Viking King there is a kill count in pop Tropa it will go up the trio goes to a few islands and just get absolutely curb stomped everywhere they just cause a lot of riots they almost die in the Arctic to a snowstorm and polar bear but don't thanks to a crash ship dealing with scurvy and meet Lieutenant Rogers in Captain Franklin they all quickly become Pals after feeding the crew oranges then they try to find an escape only for the boat to get destroyed by the same polar bear from before they return and a few things happen namely that Octavian shows up again and steals the magic map back from the kids tenant Rogers has like a tribal tattoo a lot of characters do in fact oh and a magical spaceship flies in and abducts the children we got a new character now Spencer Albright he's the leader of the secret society and these guys are important to this story specifically see because of how everything works in the world you know that existence itself is about as stable as a St Twizzler and there's bad Antics everywhere and whatnot there's got to be some precautions in Pop Tropica the secret society and members of this group do everything they have to to make sure the portals through time don't get tampered with and change the timeline Octavian originally was a member until he met this one woman named Paula and they started a relationship one problem though she lives on Harrison specifically in a small European town around August in the year of 79 do you know anything that happens in any small European town around August in the year 79 Pompei Paula dies in a volcano eruption and Octavian is bummed the flip out initially he tries reverting it so Paula is alive again but then the secret society is like dude we didn't do [ __ ] during the Titanic when it showed up you're out of your gosh didly darn mind if you think we're going to save Pompei so then after she gets thrown back into Pompei and gets brutally killed by a volcano they just drag her back in he decides to take over Pop Tropa and B proxy all of time of harison which is exactly what he's doing with the map we also find out that the tribal tattoo specifically is this thing called the agis which is capable of rewinding small periods of time so now the entire secrets Society is freaking out and losing to this single dude our group goes to Egypt during the construction of the pyramids right as the portal is starting to close just in time to watch Octavian bomb the Great Pyramids of Giza which makes all of Egyptian history disappear this event kills at least a few people and at least one of them was needed in Spencer's family tree erasing him and basically anyone with ancestry relating to this moment from history as a result so now things aren't looking too good the secret society is gone everything sucks and the Gang goes down to a submarine to find the heart of Pop Tropa and the Nexus and they do and when they do this is when I realized how futile the efforts of making a pop Tropa timeline was Spencer Albright still alive because there's multiple timelines do you remember when I said the timeline looks like this well actually it looks more like this supposedly there's millions and millions of timelines there are so many timelines that the screen is just black with time points and there is really just so much to deal with but really treat this like the MCU after Avengers endgame where there suddenly becomes way less stakes and the series is ruined when you overthink it because instead of the universe being at risk only a universe is at risk do you see the problem there's there's not much intensity now so then each character sees himself in a different timeline and the Octavian of our timeline we've been following dies trying to hop between realities to see his girlfriend he dies because he's horny long story short Oliver and friends all can finally go home and just in case pop Tropa needs more help they get time crystals so they can hop back I should also add that There's a comic strip following Oliver and George without Maya and they play out about the same but without an extensive story these are two entirely different characters from these two I don't know what to do with them so we're just going to sweep sweep this under the rug we're going to entire entirely ignore it this is not real we're not going to acknowledge this but we are going to acknowledge this 10sec long bit this little talk by little old me was brought to you by gamer Subs they they didn't edit or script anything that was that was all me though this thing full of powder stuff is the only the only vitamin powder that your lovable president uses to play pop Tropa that's a true story and make sure to use code chupo next time you buy some and I'll get free stuff and I like free stuff and you should like that I like free stuff also in some exciting news excuse me Mr TR president sir what what are you what are you doing in my new safe space why are you interrupting my sponsor segment well sir I'm your secretary Jake Miller seen on my glamorous name tag and you got to knock your lawmaking Antics to flip off what well you see you're making laws and you actually can't no no no no no no no no stop talking why does your name have three separate vowels that's that's too many you should be ashamed of yourself I'm making a new law where your name's now milk how's that sound milk I'm also making it illegal for you to disagree and not sit down in that chair and wait until my more important Affairs are done wait your turn I'm the president anyway that's about all there is in the Pop Tropica graphic novels meant for children but there's still an entire game to look at but honestly I don't think the rest of this will be that complicated more so just elaborating on things we already oh ew there is a lot of Pop Tropa content to say the least versions alone make this kind of complicated I mean there's already five versions of the game there's the steam version the browser version you can find on Cool Math and& mobile the DS version the 3DS version and the shutdown flash version and all of them have different Islands a few Islands appear on mulp M versions but if you want to beat Pop Tropica you'll have to buy it three separate times and then find a way to play the old flash One browser one's free though so yeah that's a that's a good place to start here's the thing though most of this stuff is independent to respective islands and most of these events are just actual events in history but pop trop azed like the mystery of the map island is a good example we don't need to go over that again and from what I could gather that seems like the second island in terms of Harrison chronological order but it's the 44th in pop tropas one so it sucks and it makes me sad and I don't have seasonal depression but if it feels anything like how I do now let me tell you I don't want it so what we're going to do is we're going to specifically base this off of Harrison's timeline because that's the more complicated one and I just like making things more complicated I think it's fun let's start off at Mythology Island 2010 and ancient Greek Mythos time yeah this sucks Zeus is a dick biscuit final boss of this island and will return that is everything I need to say for over 30 minutes of gameplay on this island that is the only plot relevant thing worth a note skipping a couple Islands let's take a look at astron's island in 2009 and the 1400s is this is basically the first major split in history between Earth and Harrison but the sky MD brought technology to the kingdom arteris he then gets banished and locked into a dungeon for this specific activity so that's a bomber for about 15 minutes until he escapes on a rocket and goes to space in the 1400s so then the medieval Kingdom thinks he died in space but the princess isn't so sure so she investigates gets abducted by aliens led by mrid who has turned himself into a cyborg by the name of binary Bard so then after a fun space adventure that doesn't happen and he presumably gets killed by a space chandelier 2010 in the 17th century probably Pirates wowe Captain Crawfish he's a captain and not a crawfish he's a bad guy stop the bad guy uh he's bad and a pirate 2011 and whenever Thomas Edison specifically was on a train on Mystery Train Island I'm sure this is going to shock you Thomas Edison is on a train and then a lady does train crimes and then she's arrested for doing such there's about 20 to 30 villains in this series not all of them got cooked properly 2012 and 1912 the Titanic sinks and just need to emphasize this once again the secret society just let it happen my com is a shocked for some but usually I lose my cool near the end of our lovely discussions but the implication that every single tragedy event and disaster that happened on Earth happened in pop Tropa is too much do you have any idea how many tragedies that would include we already saw Pompei we already saw the Titanic do you know what else is all but confirmed in Pop tropical land slavery communism Crusades plagues hurricanes both world wars and everything surrounding them the Salem Witch Trials assassinations stranger things you name it the Pringle people have done it all bad things I have limits I wanted to take this seriously but this is too much and my little ship brain can't handle it so let's just move R Mo mosy right over to 24 Karat Island in 2009 and I want to say somewhere around the Great Depression this is Dr hair for some reason he's one of the most popular characters in the series initially he was just a dude studying at the National Institute of silly Sciences until an experiment went horribly wrong and exposed him with rabbits or gamma radiation or something and gadzooks now he's a rabbit person goodness gravy so now the Rabbit part of his brain is apparently evil and because of that he wants to rule all of Pop Tropica his plans start with him stealing all the carrots and then abducting some children big Ambitions poor execution he's flying in space for the time being because he failed that a spaceship blew up early 2010 and probably the80s counterfeit Island I was told this is a pretty popular island with lots of stuff in it I only want to talk about balloon boy this is the greatest character in this series no competition in this island you give him a counterfeit balloon that takes him into the sky forever I'm not even joking about this you can just see him in the background of a lot of random areas in the game existing in his own Silly world with nothing but him and a green balloon I love this guy mainly because he reminds me of cliffhanger from between the lines and I like between the lines and with that we have finished everything you need to know with the first part of this timeline yeah I hate to be the bearer of news it's I wouldn't say it's bad but from the looks of it some of the islands take place in the future or at least that's what it seems like I wouldn't know there's this one Island I'm putting here but I guess it could be anywhere in the timeline in 2008 there was Time Tangled Island you know what's better than a game about time travel an island about time travel inside the game that's about time travel in my opinion this is the best normal Island to introduce players into the game just an easy time travel Adventure it was the one where I said a lot of fun stuff to myself like why do I need to go into two inventories when attempting to use an Islander why is this game considered educational I would say like 4% of this game was even remotely educational and why are all the controls in this game only using a computer mouse you got over 12 fun buttons on a keyboard it might just be me but some of my fingers on my right hand cramp really quickly from excessive clicking so this is more of a personal problem than anything but uh if you want to avoid my terrible fate word of advice if a friend challenges you to punch a saw blade don't punch a saw blade especially when it's running anyway this island involves you saving the future by going back in time and fixing a dozen points in time does this pop Tropa Island remind you of anything uh uh uh uh it's pop Tropa there's a Pop Tropica inside a pop Tropa this is a planet model versus the actual solar system next Island the near future we're in the future now Mission Atlantis seems to have really Advanced submarines and Aliens lunar Colony island is based on a moon base and crypted island has Cryptids I put all of them in the near future because of crypted Island specifically a big part of the island Falls the Jersey devil which in this situation is 300 years old the Jersey Devil was born in 1735 in the original story so just add 300 to it and now we got the year 2035 now these islands could be interchangeable in order but a Moonbase and more advanced submarine see plausible enough to hover around 2035 but I mean come back in 12 years and let me know I'll give you a high five if I'm Not Dead the nearest Future I suppose I it's slightly more in the future virus Hunter Island superpower Island and spy Island are all in this kind of weird limbo they most likely take place in the future and respectively they have shrinking technology devices and nanotech superpowers available to the public and spy technology so really it would more so be based on when these things show up in the world they might already exist I wouldn't know you think I care about nanotech no I'm just a stupid cartoon on the internet my favorite color is purple do you think I care about your stupid nanotech no I don't I care about Pop Tropica my favorite game called pop Tropa and again you could treat this like this as a part of a different timeline which I won't be doing but please consider these can go a few places the not as nearest Future here we have the latest Islands in my eyes at least game show Island follows a world that faces an AI takeover I'm pretty sure this might be a plot hole though Mainely because of Time Tangled Island having both a good future and a bad future this just feels odd to me for some reason like I can't put my finger on it your character is in the future in this one and then after whatever that nightmare was is Steamworks Island not much to add here it's steampunk it's in the name and finally with that we have finished talking about all the islands connected to Harrison I really thought that would be it but nope we got two special types of islands that need to be added to the discussion both of them are completely separate to our lovable little Earth equivalent but they happen to be existing in separate ways the first type is the sponsor Islands one of the most beloved parts of Pop Tropa happens to be the Crossovers usually the Crossovers being from stuff you would expect me to talk about on this channel Crossovers and ads typically consist of promotions between between rooms in this case when I was playing I saw Paw Patrol characters throughout the browser version and they do that and in special cases there's entire Islands dedicated to certain series like the King Big Nate Island which you currently can't play on any available versions of the game to my knowledge at least I spent $20 on pop Tropa on Steam why can't I play Big Nate Island in fact why can't I even play whippy kid Island the author of the books Jeff Kenny created the game I just want to see rodri in the funny point and click platformer game but yo we got Timmy Failure and that's great know but I just want to hang out with Big Nate I just want to hang out with Big Nate so you should know the drill by now I'm going to play the Multiverse card try and stop me you can't the last type of islands are the ones that I believe exist exclusively within the pop tropical realm there are five of these islands let's start off with the first ever added Island to pop Tropa in 2007 early pop Tropa from the vibe of it early pop trop is basically Pilgrim stuff the characters here are pixelated and really all they're doing here is colonizing because this is technically the start of the pop Tropa timeline spoilers from like the past 15 minutes I'm guessing they've already succeeded I'm sure you're shocked that pop Tropa exists 2010 reality TV Island this one is only important because of the fact characters throughout a few of the islands return here to compete like Dr hair for example he's in this one as a contestant and this is important because of the next Island released in 20 2012 super villain island and this is probably what I would consider the climax of a good amount of these characters in Islands basically every other important villain in the pop Tropa timeline up to this point returns here Captain Crawfish Dr hair binary Bard uh that one lady from counterfeit Island that I ignored because the balloon boy is so much cooler uh and and the the rest of them like that one guy who shrunk himself in shrink ray Island he he's also here I forgot to talk about him friendly reminder that Octavian isn't here because one that Island takes place 3 years from now and two he's dead anyway it doesn't matter a scientist named Dr Jupiter hires you and you specifically to go in the minds of some of the villains in the super prison to extract their evil this is kind of where we get to see why some of these characters act in these ways as well Dr hair for example had the rabbit section of his brain bullied when it was young and that is why he abducts children and try to take over the world but eventually you find all the totems of evil that makes the evil dudes evil and you give them to Dr Jupiter and that's all pretty good until he lashes out he's kind of a dick biscuit about it hey wait a minute I only know one dick biscuit in pop Tropa that's Zeus now you got to fight him to save the day and then you do that 2013 Mach Tropa AKA this island is stupid and makes my head hurt too much this adventure is about pop Tropa headquarters being Under New Management and repairing this mess of an island this is an island about making the game that made this island that's one of infinite timelines I'm just going to call it Canon but if we're beinging being honest that's more of an opinion than anything like friendly reminder the timeline looks like this it's just so many time points it does it doesn't matter nothing matters does it matter no it doesn't because I just said it doesn't matter 2014 pop Tropic con an in Universe ComicCon that's a lot of fun makes everyone Jolly until this one guy omegon who's supposedly a villain from a movie in the Pop Tropical World takes over the convention and ins slaves everyone who didn't Escape it in time the finale of this little island sees his ass being beat the absolute dick in out of so much that he falls off and starts appearing in reality TV with the Grim Reaper and Bob Ross so there you have it that is everything there is to know about pop trop's World Oh wait [ __ ] 2017 pop Tropa worlds this is a sequel spin-off thingy it's the same thing I don't care yada yada yada it got shut down now we're caught up that is everything here's an official chupo timeline of the islands again I skipped and trimed through the islands but if I were to guess it looks something like this don't take this as fact but more so like a template of my own version of the order of events you know there's a good chance some of this is wronger than wrong but going by Pop tropical logic there's a timeline where I was entirely right so you can't argue with this this is fact I'm smarter and cooler than you even though I didn't ackowledge all of the islands I still liked a good amount of them I enjoyed Pelican Rock and Monster Carnival specifically a lot of these stories are really secluded and limited so there's not much to say and when it comes to most of the islands I didn't even talk about they mostly just have a formula of something being missing or not being how it's supposed to then you do puzzles until you confront the person who's responsible fix everything and then get a medal that's about all I can say with them there's stuff that happens between that stuff of course but it's just like I I don't need to add that much and the same applies with Realms I don't even know what Realms are dude I played one and I was like okay that's enough for me I'm not I'm putting a restraining order on that really though the future of Pop Tropa is kind of weird you know there's there's so many versions it it is kind of a bummer the version with the most content had to be shut down hey Pop Tropa people if you're watching this I had a pretty neat time I had a lot of fun there was a lot of charm very witty it's a good game it still is a good game your timeline sucks hate to say it that's that's both of our bads I I I could maybe explain it better but to be fair like do you see what I'm working with also if you could please bring back Big Nate Island on every version that that would be that would be really cool maybe even the controls I I I I would like to use my controls or more that's more of an option than anything otherwise yeah good job sorry I called you poop Tropa that one time on I had a bad day involving a saw blade in my fist I hope you understand but this was as complicated as it was fun I hope you enjoyed learning about pop Tropa and by proxy Harrison I hope you stick around for some more of my funny ramblings there's already ton that exists and I hope you guys fix this gosh digly darn statistic it's been upside down for months now this and this should be the opposite if you guys want to fix it feel free to you know I'm not your mom I'm not your mom but I am president so actually no you might have to subscribe I could make horses illegal if I wanted to I'm the godamn president of the United States of do you even know what the president does yeah you make laws and you declare war on people when you when you're like really when you don't like their Foods or something no no there's like a whole system behind it all right all right let me list what you can do that's what the president does that's so lame I'm changing the laws of that chupo bu did you not just hear me for the past 47 minutes you literally can't make laws for millions of people to follow on a whim I'm also making it illegal for you to exist you're hurting my feelings so have fun not existing anyway
Channel: choopo
Views: 349,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Astro knights island, Bizarre lore, Choopo, Choopo poptropica, Jake miller, Jake miller poptropica, Mocktropica, Mythology island, Papa louie games, Papa's games lore, Poptropica, Poptropica lore, Poptropica timeline, Poptropica worlds, Poptropicon, Super villain island, The bizarre lore of poptropica, Thinknoodles poptropica, Time tangled island, microsoft paint animation, ms paint, ms paint animation, papa louie, poptropica gameplay, poptropica lets play
Id: t3AZTffrku8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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