The Bizarre Lore of Papa's Games

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the papa's game series has been a beloved collection of flash games for millions of players since the mid-2000s yet for years nobody has tried to figure out how or why these games have the major events they do through over a decade of games i believe that i have found an inescapable rabbit hole of plot that all trickles down into an ever-growing corrupt monopoly led by papa louie a criminal mastermind who single-handedly took control of his country to his benefit in this universe he is either the most dangerous man alive or the most oblivious this series takes place in the fictional world called the flip first now the flip first is a land mass of unknown size yeah it's large enough to have at least three time zones i was initially considering the idea of the map being one thousand by a thousand miles the island is definitely large enough for a modernized society with multiple towns as every game tends to be in a different major location a more similar comparison would be the largest island of hawaii for example which would be slightly larger than 10 000 square miles also assuming that the release date of each game is considered the point the opening cutscene plays at each game we can assume that at some point likely years before the first game in the town of tastyville papa louie opens a pizzeria he names this pizzeria papa's pizzeria at some point papa louie decides to host a free pizza day like the nice guy he is which leads us to november 6 2006 free pizza day has arrived it's pretty nice of him to do this for the community but louis and roy have a ton of work to make up for it and as a result louie makes sentient pizzas on accident as punishment louis roy and over a dozen innocent customers are sent to munchmore a hell dimension which forces louis to save all of his customers at the end of this adventure it's actually revealed that a sentient and evil onion named sarge created the enemies with evil pepper in order to ruin free pizza day for his mischievous reasons papa louie then beats sarge and then actually gives out the free pizzas as promised at the start of the game louie is praised and probably regarded as a hero which would definitely lead to the rise of his power but canonically his flip that card by the way there's like a card series for like every character in the in these games papa louise reads he's a lovable italian chef who got his start selling delicious pizzas he has a legion of fanatic customers who are willing to try anything papa louie has to offer whether it's free pizza parties or the keys to his latest restaurant papa louie is always trying to reward his customers the worst thing he does in this series is probably nine months later in august seventh 7 2007 louis basically gives roy a card and says okay good luck bozo and abandons him to solo the entire restaurant along with every single responsibility it holds for an undetermined amount of time this includes cooking serving being in charge of the front and probably pizza delivery still but he's only paying tips and that is bad papa louie only returns when roy receives all the gold medals in the pizzeria during his time missing papa louie is off doing stuff i guess and wouldn't expand his empire further for another three years three years later december 6 2007 this is the legacy of papa's burgheria in the neighboring town of tastyville in burgherber rita slash marty find a golden ticket in their mail which is also a map for a scavenger hunt when your character reaches the burgheria louis makes his grand return with roy also being there i guess who's running the pizzeria nobody knows wacky hijinks ensue he gives you the entire restaurant maybe you own it now maybe you only work for him it's not really explained he just gives you the keys you still get paid in tips still bad may 20th 2011 papa's taco mia taking place in the far southwest of the flip first in taco dale louis still considers employment at its restaurants as prizes this time the keys to the restaurant are given to whoever can win a taco eating contest mitch or maggie end up winning the contest after hours and hours and hours of painful taco consumption this is revealed where the trophy is actually ownership to the taco meal otherwise you make food get wages that are definitely not going to keep the business afloat and louis returns with the milk once you learn how to make mexican cuisine hooray august 5th 2011 is when papa's friseria takes place for the first time in papa's history your character decides to find a job instead of being a victim of peer pressure or getting ownership alberto or penny apply for a job on a deserted island the manual they're seen reading promises stress-free work and has a solid population of 12 but right right after you start your first date louie comes in with a cruise ship named the ss louis for what i would assume is for vacations or visiting or this is something else i don't really know everything else is the exact same but one more thing is added to the formula which is decorations on the bottom of the poster your character looks at they fail to read that employees are expected to use their earned tips on decoration which by the way these decorations are worth a lot there is no way papa louie is deliberately forcing his employees to only get paid in tips and then buy decorations that that that's probably illegal like how does it how like how did the next game is papa's pancake area in march 5th of 2012 you play as prudence and the other guy i forgot his name your pet jumps out of a car and goes missing oh no louie finds your dog and takes care of it until you pick it up and here he pulls a worse version of what he did to roy in the pizzeria and he just goes hey your dog legs are here uh can you work for me for a little bit bye june 13th 2012. truck slash mandy went a free trip to starlight city they get dropped off next to a giant roulette wheel where he's just watching you get a spin that may or may not have been rigged but who cares you just won papa's ring area but if starlight city is far enough to warrant a free trip how would this make it remotely tolerable for you to work there if you need a free trip to get to starlight city that's like living in ohio and then winning a free trip to seattle and then being told to work that that's you can't do that louie what is wrong with you that doesn't make sense it's rigged for the stop from this point on louis doesn't end up giving away restaurants or anything he just does some pretty nice things and there's definitely a shift in his actions at this point most of these are just him hiring people that are in a bad situation or need assistance he's a little confused but he's definitely got the spirit november 19 2012 taylor and peggy love baseball and tastyville everyone loves baseball and tastyville they love pizza and baseball like all flip variants these silly billies fail to get a seasonal kick in and decide to work at papa's hot dog area in order to watch the games for free so everyone's shocked they actually have to work and make the hot dogs while watching the baseball games otherwise what's the point june 5th 2013 it's free burger day hey wait a minute june 13 2013 it's free burger day life in papa's burgaria has massively improved for everyone there are two whole employees now that's double the staff that we saw in 2010 one of them even has a car the restaurant is full of free fellows on burger day until a strange shadowy man wearing a thick jacket and fedora throws a warp coin by the way keep track of the warp coin this is gonna be pretty important later on they throw it into the tape jar which brings back sarge and all of the evil food from munchmore oh no the strange man is actually radley maddish who is he i don't know what does he want to do i don't know but he sure is bad and we gotta beat the burger zillas to save the day eventually same thing as before everyone is saved and the employees rescue louis who was a war prisoner at the moment because i guess he was too strong in the first game and then everyone moves on because there's no reason at all to be sad on free burger day of all days august 7 2013 louie and roy get the approval to make a cupcake bakery in frostfield which is pretty dang far away from everyone else and everything else your stupid character drives into roy's cart and louis says don't worry you can pay it off by working for me and he lets you work at the bakery to pay it off and then you do that's it that's that that's the entire that that's all of cupcake area december 9 2013 things get bananas this game's plot is a love story following the elderly and the man of class edorado as he engages to olga doan in utah these names are awful they get wedding invitations to portolini but they can't get any hotel reservations for a single week and three months in advance oh no but wouldn't like every other character have this issue too like wouldn't anyone wouldn't everyone just failed to get hotel reserve edoordo you doofus nobody's gonna be able to make it to the wedding so you decide in order to get to portolini you buy the employee package and then immediately get a delivery with a pastoria uniform and an airline ticket from burgerberg to pornollini with a date time of immediately which is kind of uncool three months later when you hit rank 65 the wedding actually happens and papa louie officiates which implies that along with giving away three restaurants owning at least six other ones and having a cruise ship he is canonically a registered priest june 14 2014 you apply at a donut place in an amusement park you want to get a free fast pass through the iconic roller coaster the sky ninja i guess assuming your character is only doing this for a fast test they are a massive dumbo and totally deserve to watch the sky ninja get delayed for another year which means that your little goon is now part of papa lou's empire but eventually the sky ninja does work which is cool on march 4th 2015 the sunday's attack this follows the ss louie we saw back in papa's freezer the cruise is filled to the brim with people with over a dozen guests and they're all celebrating the seaside frieza rio which is like a freezer real but on a cruise ship radish guy does an evil and does the hell dimension thing and sends everyone to munchmore again which is not cool but it doesn't matter because bad gets no win he doesn't win because he's a bad guy and bad guys don't win everyone celebrates their victory by running off the ship as fast as possible the next game takes place on june 10th of 2015. if you are lactose intolerant please cover your ears because i'm talking about papa's cheese area in toastwood the iconic band scarlett and the shakers are gonna perform on opening night but right after checking in with louie all the equipment is stolen because of the situation scarlett and or rudy have to work and earn money to get new equipment honestly good job louie that's pretty dang respectful you understood the situation and you try to help after months of working you reach rank 65 the cool man policeman hank arrest wrestling guy mortadello but all the equipment is returned and they have a concert at the grilled cheese restaurant hooray march 14 2016 cecilia or tim with two m's instead of one find a dream job working at a dance studio in their local wisc view mall [Music] really uh really shooting for the stars there you apply and get the job woohoo but the store is closed for lease when you arrive oh no then louis skedaddles to your devastated character and offers you the chance to work at his bakery in my opinion that seems better than a dance studio you work there same old same old but at the ending of the game this is probably the nicest thing papa louie does after nine months of working papa louie gives you a christmas present he buys the clothes dance studio for your character that's a pretty expensive and nice thing to do for an employee so i gotta give props to him for that even though he doesn't have knees the next game in the timeline is slider scouts it was released in october 4th of 2016. it's a mobile game december 13 2016 it is officially been one whole decade since the pizzas have attacked and louis opens the sushi place which is literally on the opposite side of the pizzeria and everything else but that's okay matt or clover win a trip to sakura bay but not to get a new restaurant just get an early tour yes you of all people get to go across the country to get a sneak peek of that sushi fast food place from papa louie but you being the silly character you are knock over a lucky cat statue and louis decides it's no big deal nothing can go wrong the next day everything goes wrong nobody comes to the grand opening and louie blames it on the cat statue not because you're in a deserted area across the entire country it's just because of you so as punishment louis decides that you can work for him and eventually he'll use those tips to buy a giant cat statue which he does he buys a giant golden cat statue and a ton of customers show up which is cool and awesome year and a half later it's july 24th 2018 and carlo romano and or coyly go to the big city to celebrate the fact that they all have weird names they go to onion town a town with that name because apparently onions fell into the ocean at some point you do stuff you go shopping and you even take a picture next to onion jenny whoa tubular but just like pastoria but objectively dumber you can't find a hotel a very kind hotel worker offers you a room for rent but then it's revealed that this kind gentleman is actually guy mortadello oh no he's back for vengeance he's out of jail now and he steals your things oh great heavens what are you to do now next day july 25th 2018 you wake up and you find out that your room was actually the scuberia under construction and louis employs you after realizing you don't have any money to get home or get your things or some sort of third thing same old game same old stuff and eventually guy mortadello gets arrested again papa louie hands you back all the things you were stolen and even gets you a golden ice cream scoop large time gap two and a half years later it's march 2nd of 2021 your character applies for a job and is hired at the mocheria and new pepperton there's no twist this time that that's the entire thing but you do have to work in a documentary that will premiere at the sugarplex film fest that happens and you get awards customers are also being credited for being customers good job wally and this brings us to the most recent point in the timeline it is february 22nd 2022 which is actually 2 22 22 and it's on a tuesday this does not matter to the plot just wanted to throw that out olivia and wylan b are looking for a job at oil seed springs they apply and get hired at papa's cluckeria and three weeks later you get a notification that the cluckeria is competing against other chicken places and other unassorted restaurants nearby papa louie responds by abandoning you that's right the current most recent event in this series is a war arc one by one each enemy falls mortadello is back just kidding he's gone now because of health violations he was serving pigeon meat as valentine's day approaches which would mean that we're currently in february of 2023. new cube closes because investors like cluckeria slushies more i guess that's it that's their entire thing summer of 2023 the crumpled sisters have a new recipe of the crumple family chicken restaurant place and it's actually the secret formula that was stolen from papa louie papa louie returns and the crumple sisters are questioned for stealing papa louie's krabby patty secret formula and as a punishment they are thrown into a maximum security prison with no chance of escape the chicken sandwich wars are over and papa is victorious but just kidding the following day it's revealed that the crumple sisters used the warp coin from when the burgers attacked all the way back in 2013 at this point and that's from what i can tell everything that's gone on i have no idea how papa louie is such a tyrant he is i have no idea what all of these customers do in their free time besides eat food at unassorted restaurants across the country and i have no idea how large the actual country is is it even a country is it an island is it the entire planet i don't care i don't think you should care either this is a silly cartoon series about cooking food the characters don't even have knees i want to see roy be successful i want to see redemption arc for guy mortadello i want to see what the crumple sisters are up to but maybe just maybe we'll find out what all of these characters have in store in the next installment or at least what i think the next installment will be papa stir fry area okay but seriously how did we afford the ss louis [Music]
Channel: choopo
Views: 6,262,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Choopo, Flipverse, Game lore, Guy mortadello, Papa louie, Papa louie lore, Papa louie timeline, Papa's bakeria, Papa's burgeria, Papa's cluckeria, Papa's cupcakeria, Papa's games, Papa's mocharia, Papa's pizzeria, Papa's scooperia, Papa's taco mia, Papas games timeline, Papas pastaria, flash games, flipline studios, lore, papa louie games, papa's bakeria to go, papa's cheeseria game, papa's freezeria hd, papa's mocharia to go, papas pancakeria, weird history timeline
Id: 5e8rA9vL3Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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