The Bizarre Lore of Rabbids

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the rabbits are an Infamous species of not too smart creatures that exist purely to be silly and cause slapsticky chaos however for thousands of years they as a species have actually been massive threats to the safety of the universe as a whole so join me today as we go through how these creatures have left such a massive impact to everything they touched hi everybody I'm here in my sky bunker a bunker is nice and all but this one is in the sky plus last time I checked you can't have fires in the sky which is a good thing because when it comes to pyrokinesis manhole man I'm worse than Spencer Shea making spaghetti tacos so the rabbits are a bit of a controversial franchise in a lot of aspects though I can respect their Origins but also despise them I felt like deciphering all of this was never meant for a single goon like me this Story begins like any story does in the dawn of time to write before the Ice Age going through all this in chronological order is kinda tricky but I'm gonna try my best and talk about specific entries when they release because it gets really convoluted really fast essentially the Rabbids aren't invasive species that I can best compare to some of the higher end Homo sapiens and intelligence like chamster orangutans but way more chaotic but they weren't always like this see millions of years ago the rabbits achieved a perfect society and were about the same as how we commonly know them now but with facial hair when it comes to looks for potentially millions of years the rabbits were the dominant species of Earth essentially just being better humans and likely traveling through space based on the Rabid UFOs assuming that they originated on Earth to begin with unfortunately the Ice Age gave some brain damage doing them all as a whole and resetting all their brain power progress one extremely important prehistoric rabbit the hibernation rabbit also known as scribbles also known as the Lapin bernatus the red beard and Mr beardy face I'm just gonna call them scribbles because that's the easiest one to say actually survives the brain damage by being frozen for millions of years and maintaining all his smart juices this is by far the most important rabbit in all of existence and now real quick I gotta take a skinny dip into 2013 because in the show Rabbids Invasion I'm going to talk about the show later because it's just not now don't worry about it the episode Jurassic Rabbids sees scribbles getting thought out only to immediately be ashamed by his far-off descendants with the major differences being hype scribbles having a deeper voice and speaking some sort of rabbanese language outside of just Boi which is the only thing rabbits can say in the midst of this depression scribbles would create the most detrimental thing for the Rabbids to gain access to that being the time washing machine and this washing machine is simply put a very special washing machine it's fully capable of time travel and all that shabiz the Rabbids Universe timeline is linear there's only one it's not like you're BS and MCU it's your classic Back to the Future one where any goof of any capacity can and will ruin anything in the timeline and with this wonderful new invention I can take a whole bunch of creative Liberties just like the rabbits can if there's any jumps and logic character traits or Ambitions of the rabbits we're just gonna say the time traveling thing that does laundry did it after 2013 we got September 1st 1995 to November 19 2006. this is Rayman he has no limbs because the nice lady who used magic to make him was overwhelmed by the sheer thought of having to create elbows in the Glade of Dreams ran and exists to protect all its creatures from any and all Darkness alongside his PALS like glow blocks who in this discussion does not matter in the slightest but his Goblin kiddos sure do after leaving the love of his life when a tiny species called the mini villus crawled to his scalp and gives him magic hair Rayman fills that broken heart with a family picnic with glowbox's kids and then rabbits erupt out of the ground he offers food to them only to be captured by who's who's this little guy this is Segway in my opinion one of the most physically threatening rabbits he captures the picnic doers and for the next two weeks along with the rest of the Rabbids indulge in forcing the captured people in slave labor Rayman is forced into a seemingly endless amount of survival games for their entertainment including Hammer throwing a cow doing silly dance-offs and delivering a Time explosive across a beach according to the Game Boy Advance version of this game the rabbits following the Ice Age were a peaceful Bunch only becoming violent and eventually Dumber simply from being bullied by the entire Animal Kingdom long story short they started out perfect and are devolving more and more as time continues basically being the stubby fuzzy cavemen as we know now when first introduced to the Rabbids a lot of them are varying in sizes and body shape at this point there's no real leader but there is another important rabbit by the name of Professor barranco who only exists to get their rocked in minigames yet slowly but surely Rayman rescues the globlings and eventually makes his Escape through the use of a plunger ladder ending this adventure with the realization that all the disgusting frog pals are going to end up taking his place in the survival trials immediately determining that going back is the only option this goes nowhere November 13 2006 Professor barranco makes a clone this clone does not matter but one of the two Barraco's after this makes another clone named Professor barranco three not the third just Professor barranco 3 and they are the closest thing to an autocratic leader from this point on controlling any available rabbits under an aggressive and ambitious monarchy in military within about 30 seconds under Bronco 3's control they have successfully taken over the Earth starting with major worldwide monuments through aggressive use of plungers and their flying yellow submaries the grade of Dreams in this version of Earth are not the same thing however Rayman and the Rabbids can travel between them anyway Rayman disguises himself as a rabbit and successfully infiltrates their evil base of a local mall and once again is part of their goofy Antics in order to defeat the rabbits he fails like actually he just kinda loses there's no ending that confirms Rayman does anything and from this point the rabbits take over the White House in all of the country's resources right under former President George W Bush's nose but they immediately give up after getting a parking ticket because everybody knows submarines aren't allowed on the White House lawn this is an appropriate time to discuss this but another prominent rabid characteristic is when their eyes turn red if this ever happens for any reason run the hell away this means that something has triggered inside the rabbit's head like stress or confusion leading to Violent adrenaline rushes that rely purely on Instinct usually meaning bad things also from this point on the massive Army that barranco 3 held just falls apart like like immediately just for most of them being distracted by the wonders of Earth and life and deciding not to return November 13 2008 exactly two years after their first attack on the Glade of Dreams comes TV party Rayman is running for his limbless little life after goofing up on the Rabid Army infiltration being chased down by a small group to his house because rayman's a homeowner for some goddamn reason but then the rabbits get struck by lightning and traps them in rayman's TV and for the next couple days they basically just annoy Rayman until he damages the TV enough and Rayman has to run away again now I'm not really one to make claims but if Rayman a character who in his second game took down an entire robot pirate Army that kept roughly 50 000 Glade of dreamers as slaves the fact that he runs away in fear from a small horde of Rabbids is definitely a bad sign he has seen some in fact other than some of his own Adventures Rayman is officially basically out of the story occasionally they've shown up in some of his games but otherwise the rabbits have forgotten about their obsession with him November 1st 2009 for this year's November historical event related to these little creatins a small band of rabbits decide that they want to go home now despite the title this isn't necessarily their main home I would argue the earther later dreams are more homey than the moon but whatever this could also just be a reference to East Asian or Chinese coal culture of the Moon rabbit normally I wouldn't point out Chinese folklore but I have a feeling that China is eventually going to get assaulted by rabbits for even remotely vaguely at all associating with rabbits in the moon using human stuff and especially shopping carts these rabbits eventually go home meaning that they have officially reached outer space by blowing up a trash Mountain that they make throughout the entire game with Capri Suns and all that stuff this Victory is the equivalent of chopping down a single tree in a forest for the humans at least as weird as it might seem this game specifically is the one I would argue is the most important or at least one of the most important rabbits lessened in aggression and rarely get red eyes from this point on their body shapes and sizes begin to become more consistent compared to each other and they begin to travel throughout this whole wacky wide universe once again I don't like the idea of them being able to travel across the universe but cool November 10 2010 a single rabbit manages to get its hands on a Time washing machine and eventually causes irreversible damage to all of history it travels based anywhere in the past and eventually ends up in the year 4096 and barranco 3 is back again oh oh golly gee willikers three is planting an assault on space time but the rabbit quite literally pulls the plug and accidentally gets itself caught into a Time Loop we've all been there what are you gonna do about it December 26 2011 for the first time in the past five years the rabbits have decided to not commit war crimes around Thanksgiving instead letting us enjoy Christmas and then be nuisances a bootleg Mafia City character is drinking Sprite and accidentally drops his phone into the super trash can where it's revealed that Barako 3 still has Rabbids under control just all now living underground and plotting world domination once again they've discovered stem but still chew on glass these are the smartest dumb things to ever exist a scientist rabbit is trying to discover sex there is a population shortage in this rabid State and Barako 3 needs to learn where babies come from he Blends a cow and they do it those damned rabbits figure out mitosis and seconds the streets are quite literally flooded with rabbits and all of this is for a connect game by the way this game's on the Xbox Connect and once again there's just nothing that goes on after this population boom there's no ending just preparing the species for an invasion that would not happen for another two years November 13 2012 Rabbids Rumble I'm not kidding this is just a minigame collection there is no story here no introduction no ending no returning rabbits of any kind November 18 2012 Rabbids Land another simplest game to comprehend somehow the rabbits have taken over their very own theme park a lot of the stuff that happens here is about what you would expect at this point one rabbit can't get into the park and also at least one UFO exists outside of barranco's underground country and it's being controlled by a Wii U gamepad nothing bad happens when a large machine is controlled by a game controller nothing nothing surely nothing now here's the real chunky chalupa the real big banana the top tonsil it's time to talk about for all of these stories finally actually Collide only kind of sort of really though from August of 2013 to uh now I guess this might still be running actually here's Rabbit's Invasion and Oh Me Oh My there's four seasons and over 207 minute long segments going through each of them would be a nightmare surely no one would go through each and every single episode just to see if there was anything right right right you'd be right I did however read all their plots hypnosis ccs and at most about a fifth of all the content was worth mentioning if generous in those episodes I did watch most of these Adventures will follow the Rabbids in a given part of the world causing chaos to anyone they meet with anything they obtain Barako 3 has essentially retired occasionally appearing in some episodes with permanent aggression from his red eye but otherwise he's just a dick instead of being silly and wacky we also got a big bunch of new faces for the first time humans start reoccurring between episodes some of them include a character named Zach who likes hunting rabbits a bunch Zoe who does that but again and then Jon who works at this place called nebulous Labs he alongside another worker named Gina study the rabbits further to understand what they're capable of and how they deacons they almost managed to take over the planet several times over some tests go over how they'll segregate each other if they're different colors they can travel through each other's dreams and the dreams of others and they seem to have a stupidly high amount of luck regardless of any situation scribbles is also important again in it's implied that all important technological advances such as the flying submarines UFOs weaponry and any success post Ice Age was because of scribble's totally tubular time traveling time though at some point the original washing machine stops being used somewhere in 2018 so at some point in time scribbles loses the washing machine and it does actually return but not yet we're gonna have to talk about that later one Jolly day this small company called Netflix took away the funny bunnies from the SpongeBob Channel and then they made two things season 4 and a connected movie season 4 specifically follows one larger group of rabbits searching for pretzel Island led by The Mad rabbit who may or may not be the same rabbit as this one who was chewing on glass and Alive and Kicking because of this weird bald spot where a suction thingy was before and both being smart you know it just makes sense to me on their expedition some rabbits speak proper English after accidentally warping themselves into a parallel universe they saved the president and commit several classic traumatic atrocities but in the end they somehow managed to find pretzel Island where it's revealed that scribbles was already there though because earlier the Mad rabbit ruins scribble's research of making a pretzel plant scribbles hates him now and there's a big old Ruckus yet somehow the robot on the submarine named secure X that scribbles created and even though scribbles has priority as the submarine King compared to the other rabbits this robot has a change of heart and accidentally makes Tribble stupid which is seemingly the final point of this rabbit's time traveling Adventures not the timeline just just scribbles his Antics going based on this graying facial hair as tragic as it might be this could be implied to be scribbles last time time traveling or anything just slowly dying around the 2020s and having a grand old time with an acorn brain though even though this is the end of scribbles this isn't the end of scribbles on September 19 2021 is the movie Yes you heard me the movie Mission to Mars So based on the color of scribble's hair he either time traveled again or this movie takes place before the events of season 4 despite being released after I'm gonna assume the former though because explaining that his timeline looks like this is objectively a tad funnier imagine having time travel adventures and deciding that oh yeah I'm gonna retire in the 2020s scribbles is planning an expedition to Mars to go hang out with aliens until his ship gets destroyed and he runs away at nebulous Labs John and the rest of the company is planning an expedition to Mars to make Earth 2 exclusively with a team of Rabbids as astronauts for being able to endure harsh climates and radiation unfortunately throughout the past decade in a totally unrelated mobile game called Rabbids Big Bang they've already been doing that so uh yeah a little bit too late for rabbit space travel nebulous Labs scribbles eventually finds himself on the team which was his goal in part from this tiny rabbit named Minnie who was shrunk in a not time traveling washing machine in the Shell beforehand breaks the airplane window in the middle of a zero gravity test which ends up throwing most of the candidates to their possible demise made Mission it's revealed that Frank nebula the CEO or owner or the very very smart top the headman of the nebulous Labs is quite the dick biscuit and this Mission to Mars is a suicide mission where he's gonna nuke the planet and kill all the aliens to make colonization a bit easier adding that the Rabbids Were Expendable partially chosen to sell merch and could actually survive the radiation they actually had a chance of making it out anyway miraculously the alien leader King Martin eats the bomb he just chops it down and becomes this thing but luckily calms down after watching the hit show Sunny love Beach the gang all goes back to earth makes Frank cut that nonsensical off King Martin turns into the giant thing again but they stop it again freezes Frank AB forever and ever and ever and then all is good and scribbles realizes that he's loved and happy but at that exact same time across the planet there's another slightly older and stupendously stupid scribbles being a lovable little vegetable one thing you may or may not notice about the rabbits throughout all this time is that they have continued to separate further and further apart and just like scribbles emphasized the rabbits have universally continued to get less and less hostile and less intelligent a good amount of rabbits don't even get the red eyes anymore they've split off from any major Empire to something more like less aggressive but durable raccoons ultimately they've reached levels of dangers to like stray dogs yet in most occasions they can still really easily do harm and find their ways into things that they definitely probably shouldn't be a part of they've been stumbling around in stumble guys and Smash Bros one of them gets decapitated to be a hat for Honor they've been around since the start of time is anyone shocked that they're partaking in medieval warfare card games for Psy coding a wild race panicking in a volcano Chi and tiran getting helplessly thrown around in your Wii Remote shockingly enough these are the things that harm the rabbits the most arguably one of the craziest things to be caused by the rabbits has to be on August 29 2017. a genius inventor named Cassidy Vale invents a headset that confused any two things without issues suddenly it has issues and Cassidy takes a break but all those damn rodents in their original time washing machine come back and Destroy Everything fusing most if not all of them together with the most dangerous thing possible Super Mario merch somehow the washing machine riggity wrecks all the rabbits by transforming the washing machine into an also washing machine teleporter to the Mushroom Kingdom and Mario Land by proxy making the Catalyst rabbit who fused anyone whose name is now spawny this freakishly tiny rabbit of Peace flush intentions continuing to fuse the totally neutral rabbits with bad vibes and bad things in scattering Mario and that entire franchise everywhere possible the fusing also permanently enhances certain rabbits specifically the ones dressed like their respective Mario characters as the spin-off of a spin-off continues these rabbits slowly but surely evolve into more or less parodies of their fused characters the remainder of this adventure seeks the 8 Heroes coming back to rebuild this partly destroyed World fighting off corrupted Rabbids and enemies along the way like a rabid Kong a rabid fused with Donkey Kong stuff and the Phantom who absolutely decimates Mario's reputation through singing eventually the rabbit who once managed to tank down Paris in 14 seconds have joined forces with Super Mario to save everything that exists ever defeating Bowser along with the mega bug that spawny created which is like this big bad fusy thing and saving the day and going hip-hop hooray wow this adventure specifically took a long time in fact it took exactly 328 days so now it's June 26 2018. I bet rabbit Peach's phone could go for a recharge oh dang never mind rabbit peach in this Roomba companion thingy named Bebo gets sent to Donkey Kong Island on accident where she gets rescued by cranky rabbit and Donkey Kong whoa yeah Donkey Kong so cool the Donkey Kong the three of them need to save the island by destroying the corrupted bananas found across it ending off by making peace with a depressed rabid Kong and eventually sending rabid Peach and bibo home in June 30th 2022 a large hoarder rabbits travels back to ancient China I told you they were gonna regret even remember vaguely associating with the rabbits the rabbits find themselves in the world of Journey to the West a famous Chinese story and replace major characters and people in the story like The Monkey King in another mini game collection this time with lots of four-way duels to the death as they slowly just find their way rewriting all at Chinese culture due to losing all the sacred books from Paradise as the game puts it at least and eventually Returns the books to the awakened one who is holding their washing machine hostage until then they'll fight over it discovered golden plunger except for one rabbit who they leave behind Okay then honestly I'd make fun of China for getting absolutely decimated by the rabbits but in the 2000s they managed to take over the entire planet so so honestly are we really too shocked and ending off jumping back to the Mario Rabbids we have October 22nd 2018. Mario and his Palace are hanging out until they aren't this is a spark and before you start filing a restraining order at these things specifically at least a couple minutes before the Sparks flew into the Mushroom Kingdom another group of rabbits appeared on another time washing machine machine or the same one I don't know Dave's just washing machine somehow they perfectly recreated a portal to the Mario Universe what are the odds I don't know it's infinite time it doesn't matter no it doesn't it's rabbits it's okay the Mario character Rosalina finds them in the comet observatory with her companions the Lumas and for literally the first time in history of anything ever the rabbits perfectly get along with Rosalina without a single issue they're like they're superpowers but then part of the mega bug from the first game that escaped his space and got space Powers now called cursed tries to Ambush them Rosalina manages to save everyone before being corrupted and all the rabbits in the Lumas present views into Sparks unfortunately the rabbit DNA is too overwhelming and the Sparks have too much power to keep evil things alive so cursa has gotta go all the Mario team except Yoshi traveled a half a dozen planets defeating curses spark Hunters who are exactly what they sound like they they hunt sparks then they go to curse at separating it from Rosalina save the Super Mario Galaxy and then always back to normal for about 15 minutes Madame blastrella summons you to climb the Tower of Boom because spawny is being held hostage again and then all is good again and this time I'm serious because the second DLC takes place mid game so I've already talked about it so uh yeah and here we are now the final DLC of this game is releasing at the end of August of 2023. at this point we don't actually know how it ends we just know that rabbit Peach and rabbit Mario have been sent to a movie set called The Space Opera Network also working along with with Rayman holy what hopefully there's an explanation to him being here which I doubt because Raymond hasn't really been associated with rabbits for a while and I'm just gonna come out and say it I really just want more Rayman stuff dude like all the Rayman games are fun I just wish it balanced out more with the rabbits they they got four seasons of a show Rayman got four episodes these goobers have fibbed up rayman's Legacy but fellas hopefully this DLC is really cool and does well it already seems to be a nice bit of fan service from all three franchises appearing hopefully the Phantom who's the main antagonist makes an entire 40-minute Opera to absolutely obliterate rayman's reputation and hopefully the rabbits come full circle and finally befriend Rayman permanently cause deep down I know Rayman still hasn't forgiven the rabbits look at those eyes I yeah you can tell they are an odd little Bunch aren't they going from the original dominant species of our planet to the dumbest successful Army since Napoleon at Australis to a bunch of goofballs that have a Sprinkle of an idea of the Manifest Destiny to basically large pests that do Tom and Jerry's stuff to friends of Super Mario I can't believe that's all it took to calm down the rabbits it was Luigi they've mostly redeemed their Terrors across the 2000s in all of time but basically these guys have gotten to where they are now because of some unique DNA traits and a lot of luck if there's any continuation seeing Bronco or scribbles especially in another Mario rapidscape would be a really good idea seeing how they could advance to the story that is at this point technically unfinished these guys love cows lingerie especially plungers they love those toilet sticks and now they love Raymond which is good because as much as I like the Rabbids and all the hell that was comprehending how they straight up just have access to an infinite amount of time machines I hope that we can truly go back to Rayman and raymanville and the glated dreams and rayman's house and and these things I guess because rabbits have done quite enough and I love them I love both series but I you know come on some more Rayman would be nice because the rabbits are like if tuck and roll from Bug's Life got their own franchise with an endless amount of them that get harmed and in some cases brutally killed off for nothing more than giggles and tihis hey wait a minute time travel is fun to talk about I'd be okay with talking about it again because I'm officially making a new personal rule where if I ever have to talk about time travel in some sort of deep way I get to make some celebration smoke not like fires are gonna happen in the sky [Music] oh out there oh you thought I was gonna make a campfire and a sky bunker no I'm just gonna smoke with my cigarette that's right I smoke occasionally that's my that's my new character trait of this episode I smoke sometimes you shouldn't but I'm a cartoon so it's fine it's not like that's gonna burn down my sky bunker or anything see what did I tell you thank you
Channel: choopo
Views: 624,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bizarre lore, Choopo, Rabbids go home, Rabbids invasion, Rabbids lore, Rabbids movie, Rabbids smash bros, Rabids, Rayman, Rayman lore, The bizarre lore of rabbids, The bizarre lore of the rabbids, The rabbids lore, lore, mario rabbids, microsoft paint animation, ms paint, ms paint animation, rabbids, rabbids invasion, raving rabbids, rayman raving rabbids, super mario, ubisoft
Id: 8_ton6siKog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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