The Terrible Teachers of Magic School Bus

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hi everybody I'm here in my house like usual I had a remodel a bit to celebrate the ever iconic bubble that baboon finally coming home ever since I smuggled him out of the zoo he's been quite the Globetrotter all summer long he's been visiting his homeland of Japan and Anna which isn't Japan it's a different country it's a different language he speaks Japan and aninese he's not good at teaching it though I only know a few phrases right now which kind of reminds me of another beloved but questionable teacher in 1986 at wakerville elementary school a class of 20 kids were enrolled into Miss frizzle's class where they participated in fun activities like watching bread mold reading five science books a day and learning about garbage the class openly admits that they don't mind how weird she acts or dresses just said her teaching could be more user-friendly and ordinary especially for nine-year-olds like when each other individual class in the grade goes on cool field trips to the zoo and stuff when in contrast Miss frizzle's class has to learn about how the city gains access to water and nothing else for a straight month only they'll eventually take a weird looking school bus that's probably not Magic on a field trip for this reason but it's magic shockingly enough and of course the main gimmick of the Magic School Bus is the Magic School Bus that needs no introduction but Miss Frizzle is able to use the must emphasize whatever she wants to teach unfortunately due to factors like the kids being unfamiliar with Miss frizzle's capabilities such as turning them to the same size as raindrops there would eventually be a couple of casualties among the students Miss frizzle's class would tragically drop from a class of 20 to just eight and a half Miss Valerie Frizzle is an interesting woman for every silly outfit she owns there's a call to Child Protective Services I feel like there's for sure some legal challenges that the frizz is gonna get all frizzled with her Miss Frizzle Frizzle hair for I'm gonna assume the books games and show are all part of the same continuity to an extent some of the episodes are based off of books some books are based off of the episodes it matters as much as it doesn't all of these Adventures revolve around the same formula the class is learning about something new Brazil takes him on a field trip has some wacky hijinks ensue someone almost dies maybe everyone almost dies and in the end the class truly learns something new episode specifically end with producer segments which follows cartoon characters responsible for this cartoon being yelled at by kids on the phones they basically do my job for me just pointing out all the unrealistic stuff killing off suspension of disbelief like how there's thousands of bad species in this one episode about bats yet the episode featuring them only has one type or how ridiculous it is shrinking them down or how Arnold almost died in space every time I think about this show I think Arnold almost killing himself in front of the class just to prove a point to his shitty cousin just in general the class goes through a lot and nothing bad usually happens like that episode specifically doesn't have Arnold in any danger he just ends the episode with a cold none of the students really recognize the danger they're in sometimes speaking of which who are the lucky gang that survived Miss frizzle's water system field trip of 86 well you got some regular kids like Tim Wanda and Keisha there's Dorothy Anne who's fine I can respect Ralphie for his sheer confidence radiating from wearing a giant neon initial of his name that is a level of power I aspire to be at and he got Carlos how can you hate the pawn Master easily on the top of the tier list and the power ranking he could be on the verge of death and a giant blender and be like fellas can you blind me a hand he's great Phoebe ugh I don't I don't I do not like Phoebe she's the new kid of the class her only character trait is mentioning how this is different from her old school and this never stops across the 52 episodes at my old school we weren't turned into bees yeah I think not you fool and going back to Arnold well Arnold is a bit different unlike the rest of the class he's kind of sort of definitely out of his comfort zones with a lot of these field trips and justifiably so his hobbies are wearing glasses and staring at rocks he's always advocating for more laid-back and normal field trips and as punishment the rest of the class got to check out his vital organs to be fair the same thing happened to Ralphie when he was sick in fact they broadcasted it from his TV ultimately though even ignoring all the times the class gets shrunk down or changed or some other third thing Arnold has grown to love the way the Frizzle teaches as much as everyone else besides Janet this is the half student of the class Arnold's cousin not even in frizzle's class just being taken to some of the adventures sometimes I used to not like Arnold because I confused the two of them with each other she is just a bad person not not blursed with frizzle's fun and freaky field trips easily bottom of the field trip still competitively viable she could beat Ralphie in a fight but who cares about 10 year olds their undeveloped prefrontal cortexes can't even spell refrigerator you came here for the prison probably also her lizard named Liz art what's the point of a class being taught if I don't teach you about the teacher who teaches as simple as frizzle's formula is to comprehend there's some definite Corners cut that would realistically have her fired at the very minimum easiest example over the 50 plus episodes has anyone turned in a permission slip to go on a field trip did any parent give the okay to go to Arnold's circulatory system Yes actually the episode going Baddie is about the parents going to a parent-teacher conference and Ralphie's mom mentions that the boy simply loves the field trip meaning that at minimum Ralphie's family does it and since his mom is a doctor and a doctor is a smart occupation I'm just gonna assume that every family approves except for Carlos he definitely forges his permission slips he's too cool for consent no not that other kind somehow this episode ends with the class believing that Frizzle is a vampire and gonna make their parents vampires which like no she's been in daylight you're stupid and then they turn into bats and do things like drink dirty water and eat bugs typically the class will travel to their given location and then either shrink or transform sometimes both becoming bats is one of the worst offenders but some trips include being turned into all kinds of bugs almost being cooked into a pie potentially breaking and entering to learn about sound lots and lots of shrinking into people to learn about their vital organs and stuff I don't think driving a vehicle reliant on gasoline should be exploring anything inside a child's vital organs but that's fine Ralphie's got an r on his shirt perhaps one of the greatest atrocities committed in the show's classic run was from the episode going Upstream I don't know how much I can show or explain this episode but essentially Frizzle wants to teach the class about salmon migration okay that's pretty normal what else happens you might be scratching your little stubby chinny chin chin well Miss Frizzle turns the bus into a salmon um specifically the a mom's salmon and uh they they um they they play Trivial Pursuit and then she turns the kids into salmon eggs then newborn salmon and casually has the children experience the first few months of salmon life could you imagine explaining that to your parents after school eventually after Miss frizzled had dozens of cool field trips with her class while most of the Lamer classes with normal school buses only got one to two she said to herself alright it's been fun I've had as much Wanda as anyone can handle imma get a PhD and she does just that time skip in the distant future of whenever the hell this takes place year-wise I don't know at least a summer vacation away from the original series cycle my tonsils the frizz has become Professor Frizzle that's good because it is but that also means that she's gonna leave the class this is where we meet the second Frizzle Fiona Frizzle who's taking the mantle of Miss Frizzle and sure is a person with skin and stuff she gets to the bus lays but not the family monkey or motorbike that is only for the profusely in the shizzly with a pH diddly from this point on we follow the class in the Netflix show The Magic School Bus Rides Again and oh boy oh boy this fell off harder than my grandma falling off the stairlift and by that I mean it wasn't a hard fall it was just a clear stumble from its former glory it's passable for Magic School Bus apparently in the frizzled household child neglect is hereditary to an extent this reboot continuation thing is lacking what made the original special but truthfully leads more Magic School Bus they get shrunken down to the size of snowflakes one gust of wind and they become tiny red blood splatters they still endear harsh climates like lava and stuff just your typical class learning opportunities going back to the permission slip talk Arnold actually reveals that in this reboot at minimum riding the snowflakes wasn't really mentioned on the permission slip that his parents needed to sign in overall this time skip doesn't really do any justice to the kids regardless Arnold looks like Alan Gregory Ralphie's ever iconic R is missing Carlos has a rat named ratney but tragically also now wears a red hoodie the change in color has me feeling kinda blue just like Carlos and Phoebe is gone instead she's replaced by Jyoti which is fine I kind of zoned out with this kid I had 15 years to get emotionally attached to the rest of the class with her it's been 15 minutes really the only major difference I could potentially know between the two frizzles when considering teaching is that the new Miss Frizzle seems to be straight up a little less adapted to all the crazy Gunk Professor had the class endure gone are the days of turning the class into salmon fetuses now we learn about things like weather and trees just like in the original series the class kind of redoes a lot of field trips and given this is supposedly supposed to be in the same continuity it's kind of weird at points how they're just going over the same treaded ground at first the class especially Arnold is like damn she kind of sucks but in the end the new Miss Frizzle is about the same slightly wacky deranged science teacher from before funnily enough the final episode at this point sees the principal who by the way has aged a ton between the two shows the children explaining that they went through a chicken ass during one of their field trips is what broke him joining the class on a field trip to the center of the Sun how are you getting away with the permission slips what are you writing on him this episode is especially crazy to me because the idea is that the bus is running low on power and they travel to the sun which is something they establish at the start the heat of the sun has replaced gasoline at this point eventually during the Expedition they run out of power to both recharge and make it home only having enough power to send a single Escape pod to recharge the bus in Arnold the only kid who wanted a normal field trip has grown to really like frizzle's class despite not really showing it sometimes selflessly throwing himself into the center of the Sun so everyone can go home I also want to throw out there that missed Frizzle wasn't even sure they were gonna make it out of this one alive and if I had a nickel for every time Arnold voluntarily nearly killed himself in the depths of space I'd have two nickels this is as much of a coincidence as it is a call for help also instead of the producer segments episodes now end with Frizzle riding a magic motorbike with her pet monkey don't know why this requires a PhD but you know if this is what it's take I'll also get a PhD ultimately when it comes down to it funnily enough I mean the journey to teach for the frizzles is questionable but the destination is always reached and they always manage to get their messages across I don't think we can necessarily say the unique way that frizzle's teach doesn't have results the students within them go on adventures they consider fun and memorable a majority of the time and it's clear that the frizzles are passionate about how they do things it's just like remarkably flawed when you think about it Professor Frizzle throughout the series repeats the phrase take chances make mistakes and get messy and I would say that's the best description of how they do things in frizzle's class in wakerville elementary they want students to learn through their own experience and participation rather than just listening to a lecture and reading books and being expected to memorize it all in this hilarious backward way of teaching ignoring all the child endangerment in whatnot it's effective which is the craziest part but hey the students seem to be doing well in classes they seem to excel compared to their peers they make Janet looked like [ __ ] and in the end isn't that what we all want I think that was part of what made the franchise work as well as it did the point of frizzle's teaching is to show the class rather than tell these experiences despite possibly unexisting roughly 12 to 13 other students are important even though the kids were hesitant about their teachers these lessons are going to stick with the students forever they'll always be able to recite fun facts about the human body because they travel inside their fellow classmates several times over they can easily explain the migration process of salmon because they were part of it they can easily talk about the time they were in a pie because they were in a pie I'm sure a lot of us were alongside the kids and remembered everything in part just from watching it all it's great and if you don't think that Miss Frizzle probably knows where you live I guess what I'm trying to say is the lesson of today's lesson is that don't leave your children unattended with gingers wow that was quite the discussion I hope you enjoyed because you better fee believe that I did just like Carlos does it Bobo I did it again [Music] [Applause] foreign thank you
Channel: choopo
Views: 201,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Choopo, Magic school bus, Magic school bus carlos, Magic school bus lore, Magic school bus rides again, Ms frizzle, Terrible teachers, The terrible teachers of magic school bus, Why are you looking at tags, film theory, magic school bus, magic school bus gets lost in space, microsoft paint animation, ms frizzle theory, ms paint, ms paint animation, teachers, the magic school bus, the magic school bus - inside the haunted house, the magic school bus rides again, worst teachers
Id: sQWxwu6_nn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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