The Bizarre Lore of Super Monkey Ball

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Super Monkey Ball is a beloved arcade series that's been around for 20 years yet somehow behind the scenes there has been a story playing out that nobody has taken the time to truly look into so join me today as we look at what's actually been going on in this world hi everybody I'm here at Zoo from 2 Town's over with my dear pal Bobo the ever iconic baboon we aren't welcome at our home Zoo because Bobo used to live there and had like three people fall into his enclosure or something and we can't go to the other one because somebody doesn't realize diping dots cost money so Super Monkey Ball is near and dear to my heart but the story it's definitely not as fun for me I would say our main location in Monkey Ball is Jungle Island also referred to as Monkey Island each of the games will usually start in this location and then Branch to different locations based on the circumstances the biggest challenge from this discussion is namely how information is presented usually it comes from stuff like game manuals and character descriptions the first event in our timeline will take place in June June 23rd of 2001 the first game is a good example of how badly information conveyed this is an arcade game where three of the four most important characters live with each other you got I I the main man pretty normal every monkey Mimi uh uh girl monkey and baby who has the hardest retcons I have ever seen in a few of the early games baby is the baby of the other two characters who are probably married though later on this marriage gets completely ignored and baby is rcon to him instead being a time traveling baby from the future which is a big difference that impacts the other characters so for a minute I thought maybe this game could be later in the timeline but I don't really think that's the case because of our fourth main character gong gone in this game he's technically a bad guy and led his pirate gorillas on a crusade to steal all the bananas II's Village has this is a problem because monkeys only eat bananas in this universe luckily though the main family escapes and sleeps hidden away but while asleep I I receives a monkey message when the grand monkey tells him there's a bunch of of Mazes that leads to a banana sanctuary in the banana realm the grand monkey also bestows II's family with the ability to perform magic through casting the spell e poo so the next day they try the spell and three balls fall from the sky and then they're like oh yeah that's that's probably normal so then they go through the endless mazes which is the rest of the game but little do they know that gongan was following them the whole time and when they reach the sanctuary gongan the gorilla converts his religion upon the site it takes him about 1/5 of a second to recognize the of his ways and joins the main crew I guess it's purely because of the sight of the bananas or something I I I guess religion does that to a guy and despite the sanctuary having access to infinite bananas which could easily end any world hunger issues or any of the plots in the future this is never brought up again I'm going to treat Super Monkey Ball and Monkey Ball as the same game so we're just going to we're just going to get rid of that and move straight to August 25th 2002 Super Monkey Ball 2 this game does actually have a story and opens up with Dr bad Boon stealing all the dull branded bananas of the land he's also from the future so that's cool don't know how else to say it but literally all of these games revolve around bananas time travel or some combination of the two in retaliation to bad Boon's devious activities I I calls him a little Kentucky Fried [ __ ] with no friends except for what I'd assume is his slave the bad Boon puts all the bananas in a bunch of Monkey Ball stages for them to collect so the team is going to have to roll around these giant balls to end their local am I guess the grand monkey spell has been better learned by the main cast because after saying the ever iconic catchphrase hop step jump poo let us cooperate yeah yeah woo magical spell is e poo they allocate the power of levitation I guess but they need to be in the balls and I would assume that the goalpost allow them to continue flying I don't know that makes sense I really I really don't know why they don't just fly through the levels they they totally can but whatever after world one is completed bad Boon reappears and exclaims his motives so long story short short bad Boon is an insecure and horny douchebag who has stolen all the bananas of jungle Islands so that Mimi wants to become his wife then he'll return the bananas this is a problem however because let me remind you I I and Mimi are already in a clearly stable and hopefully non-toxic relationship I would assume I I respects woman and if they don't stay together baby's going to cease to exist because the the time travel shenans yeah it comes back so three of the four characters would not benefit from Mimi hooking up with bad Boon gong is indifferent justifiably she says no bad Boon then responds by threatening to sink their home by bombing the local volcano God gun punches it and it perfectly hits the bad boy blimp I think you get the pattern of this game they go to a place say the magical spell and goof bad Boon's Gunk however it's still too funny to glance over so then the gang catches up with the uncool dude heading to his next Hideout and then a whale shows up and eats everyone again they can fly this city inside the whale can't do that they're they're they're just stupid after being taken they do exactly what Marlin and Dory do in Finding Nemo and go through the blow hole taking everyone to a nice little amusement park town on KiKi Island despite the folks of their home likely starving the monkey Pals go on some rides and accidentally find baboon's secret Factory Hideout where he's producing II robots for some reason he also shrinks the monkeys and takes them to Adventure Forest forcing Mimi to a dinner date I I I don't like this anyway this not so lovable doctor decides he's hungry for boiled baby monkeys and just a viably Mimi is so uncomfortable that she flies up his nose for him to sneeze everyone away and then he decides to take a bath afterwards the tiny monkeys crawl into his clothes tickling him so hard he has a seizure and unshrink ifies the gang I'm honestly kind of interested how this correlates with this but hey you know that's fun right after the i i Bots get destroyed before anything happens with them and bad Boon goes to space which let me say a monkey in space that's a little bit Preposterous if you ask me but who cares he's going to shoot a laser that makes all the bananas taste like Curry that's probably bad if you don't like Curry I I and his Pals fly directly to space and blow up the space Colony all the bananas are saved hooray the bad fellas land directly at the start point and immediately surrender and the bad Boon dies on site presumably killing him off for the rest of the series we we actually do not see him come back and bananas start raining I feel like that would that would be a bad thing if they fell from the sky uh by the way why do they talk like they're in a foreign propaganda movie in this game it feels like a badly dubbed anime November 20th 2002 Monkey Ball Jr is a game that does in fact exist like actually I could not for the life of me find anything other than it looks gross and reuses a lot of levels from previous games December 1st 2005 touch and roll for the DS once again need to note nothing plot relevant here this was the one I played the most growing up and maybe it's because I emulated it and then I played it on my DS but I remember the game being a little bit faster and more fun to control it's it's still an all right time I really like how this one looks just that this is a weird game that does have that good old BS charm June 30th 2006 Super Monkey Ball Adventure first off I thought this was a madeup game I've never heard or seen anyone talk about this one and I can kind of see why so this time around the Super Monkey Ball gangs Adventure revolves around depression and racism no I'm not making this up the monkey ball gang is enjoying a banana Barb Q until they find out royalty from the neighboring monkey countries of monkey tropolis and kunga have gone missing so after investigating they find out the prince and princess of each country has gone hiding in Jungle Island this is a problem because of actual racism these two states despise each other both of these countries are not friends so the monkey Palace need to end the feuds of the two neighboring countries when the prince of monkey tropas and Princess of cona want to get married I I proposes setting up an absolute rager of a wedding and King Jun Jun the ruler of jungle slm Monkey Island is like dude that would freaking Bop do you know how sick that would be so then he lets them go on their Quest across each of the lands and zootopia to stop racism so what the playable monkey crew needs to do again is travel all around and make everyone chill out stop all their problems knock off all the shenanigans along the way there's some depression monsters named naysayers that are created when the monkeys are sad they need to be beaten and they deal eventually seemingly all of these events Happ across one day but it's wild how fast this adventure escalates eventually the wedding does finally happen and the monkeys successfully attain World Peace then it's revealed that one character from before is I I from the future who also casually is the co-inventor of a time machine right alongside future gongan no idea how or why I don't think he's that smart but but he sure is yeah so future I I is objectively the dumbest character in the series after surviving all of the adventures so far plus the ones ahead this dude remember remembers that his future self sent back help so without questioning it I I throws his baby back in time to help his younger self and his girlfriend out instead of oh uh I don't know time traveling his South future I I already knows that he gets help from time traveling and it would be so easy to just like do it yourself and could just go straight to the end of the games and like just knock the guy over kill the bad guy stop baboon you don't have to throw your infant son in some dangerous [ __ ] you goofy goofball after completion he also reveals that he invented the magic balls so I guess he's also the grand monkey I would assume so at least this is the first ever Monkey Ball Theory I've seen I'm going Just Go With It uh also he takes the giant balls back so then the Gang has to invent them and baby decides to return back home with future I I this all gets rad Con in the next game November 19th 2006 banana Blitz we have two new major Pals who join the monkey game yan yan does martial arts and wants to be with the funny big eared i i as more than just friends oh oh oh my Mimi doesn't like that there's there's drama of foot this never matters and neither does Yen Yen if I'm being honest doctor is funny because he randomly showed up with amnesia one day and now he's just a permanent member of the cast he's my favorite in banana Blitz the gang is enjoying the Golden Banana bunch until this new guy Captain kuchin steals it so now they got to go and get the golden bananas back and then they do that but not before fighting some of the most unfun bosses in a game like at some point it's it it's just aw I don't know something about random knockback base bosses the these guys are not fun and at the end it's actually revealed that the golden bananas can turn into a a space boat I guess uh and now and now these guys can travel through space now and maybe they've already been doing it I I wouldn't really know do you think there's any cohesive narrative when one of your characters is named Mimi that's what I thought now why is this important you may be wondering why why is it important that the monkeys can fly through space well it's because of some Sonic the Hedgehog of course there's a pretty sizable amount of crossovers actually and I think these are all part of the story so it seems like I'm going to be going over Sonic now which is good because I would consider myself a Sonic fan I like the music I play a sizable portion of the games I think Shadow is cool both ironically and unironically and like any true fan I can't decide if anything in the franchise has ever been good I'm only kind of familiar with the Sonic story though I know a few tidbits but I'm going to catch up real quick just take a gander at the game plet it all sort it out and yeah you know it'll only take me a second I have changed my mind we're going to go off my memory as much as I would like to talk about Sonic's story I don't actually there's like 15 separate continuities the games alone would take 30 minutes there's really only a few things that are going to impact the remainder of our tale I need to tell you monkey Ballers about our nuisance of a neighbor in the Sega neighborhood that is Sonic the Hedgehog see one happy day the Sonic people said everything is Canon on which wouldn't be a problem if this was a Sega game like wild Woody or vectorman but no this this is Sonic one of the most iconic characters ever who's had dozens of games in crossovers by technicality Monkey Ball is connected to Flow from Progressive what does it really matter well the best way I could describe this monkey ball and Sonic situation would be if a whale of a mother was at their local Mall food court and was entranced by the smell of Panda Express which is a standin for a lot of things and their poor 4-year-old steps son was involuntarily yanked by their leash along for the ride all while not getting anything but some slightly above average orange chicken scraps still though the more you think about it the more you realize this statement is debatably one of the worst things that could happen to anyone making a video about the entire story of a Sega game that was caught in Sonic's silly ass Crossfire and wouldn't you know it there's a monkey ball in Sonic the ank so so you got to talk about it from 2006 to now I guess uh I I and the others can be found in Sonic cross overs I has been grinding on a hoverboard racing racing again playing tennis and doing whatever the hell this is so that's all finding Dandy it might be worse I wouldn't know next game we got is February 9th 2010 which is stepp and roll you know what's better than a gimmicky game on the Wii a gimmicky game on the Wii this is Jam he's an athletic trainer I guess the magical giant energy balls have been making these Homo sapiens rather sluggish so this game's the Monkey Ball equivalent of going to the gym but when failing is set you fall miles from the sky and that's a bummer March 3rd 2011 Super Monkey Ball 3D the first ever 3D game in the series honestly looking at this game I don't know what else to say in eight straight worlds each playable monkey sees a banana and travels to some kind of Realm afterward there's alternate skins of the characters that are supposedly like doppelgangers or something else which is interesting but they don't really seem to be doing much except for a baby he's the secret agent clone of the time traveling baby there's also this new guy jet he's kind of a dick who made himself Rivals with I I not much else to put there October 2011 ticket Blitz this is an arcade exclusive game which is all right I guess not too much I can say here other than it looks fun enough it reuses the Wii game assets if that interests you June 14th 2012 Banana Splits basically the doctor wants to make a time machine of course he does and he's successful all the characters go to try it it turns out it's a toy time machine what that means is that everything's all Arty and Goofy when they go back in time so now they got to go through more maze hellholes to return to normaly you can also unlock like art versions of the characters and if I'm being honest they kind of freak me out I never thought I could throw a cardboard baby monkey into a hellhole death trap of mazes in a capsule but here we are September 4th 2014 monkey ball bounce is the only mobile game with a unique plot and also got delisted one day the pals are looking at bananas like they always do then everyone gets captured by robots except I I then the rest of the game happens there's apparently a professor boscus in this game but from my knowledge literally nobody cared enough to document anything about this game's characters and it may just be lost media wow that was like 4 and a half games in no time at all I need to extend this rambling somehow uh so I'm going to hold this here on the screen for a few seconds so I can make this section a bit longer than 90ish seconds no other reason uh did you know besides potassium bananas also contain a lot of vitamin B C magnesium and fiber I think that's cool once again please excuse me fellas I have to keep this bit going a little bit longer tuition is quite expensive this gamer sub sponsor bit is is for a good cause if you're in college I highly recommend you keep applying for scholarships and meet with the academic advisers believe me it can help in the long run I am really serious about that I I would highly I really do recommend you do that if you're going to college anyway although this is the end this isn't the end on October 29th 2019 we would be blessed with an entirely new adventure one with an in-depth story with lots of love and care it's banana Blitz again it's the same game as the one on the Wii can't complain much otherwise I mean the entire crew is here even they not full members you got yanyan Doctor Sonic Sonic oh no this is bad you guys you have no idea no no no no no no so far the only Sonic we've seen interact with i i is modern Sonic the one with green eyes and whatever this is classic Sonic starting from November 1st 2011 this thing called the Time Eater in Sonic Generations was used by Dr Eggman to bring the past and future together the result of this is that classic versions of Sonic characters meet their modern selves and save the day as a team this is not without consequence unlike Monkey Ball where the characters were aware of time travel and were going to have to time travel back in the future this isn't the case in Generations none of the modern characters whose past selves were in this adventure brought up that they were going to do this adventure the best way I would compare the time travel between these two games would be considering Monkey Ball time travel as deliberate whereas Sonic Generations time travel is forced the results of this is classic Sonic from Generations returns back in time and this is where [ __ ] really falls apart I would assume Classic Sonic returns to the end of the classic Trilogy or at least somewhere between those lines and then the timeline splits post generations and the classic characters who returned to their own world seemingly create new adventures and conflicts via Sonic Mania Sonic Mania plus and I'm guessing Sonic Superstars so that's SW these two were identical but not anymore so that's all fine and dandy but how does this impact the monkeys well I'm going to offer the idea that banana Blitz HD takes place in the classic Sonic timeline as its own separate event now I'm aware this is kind of a weird way to think about it but if the Sonic folks say everything is Cannon and Monkey Ball is part of that this is the only way I could see this making sense in any way I think because of Sonic timeline being altered in a different part of the same universe this adventure changes in such a way where he too gets into a ball after you unlock him in World 8 which is also after they travel through space so the main game stays the same it's just that when the Monkey Ball gang goes to visit Sonic instead of not joining or not meeting them he does because maybe it's a boring Tuesday or something and maybe because the timeline got altered and again he's a completely different character the motives of Captain karbin stay the same and there's still a bad boss fight it's just that his own life is being altered via the course time travel and I believe that these are separate things that very slightly do impact the story and that leaves us with October 5th 2021 in banana mania this game's mostly remade content from the first two games and I would say this is probably the best way to get into the series generally speaking all Sega games seem to exist in a shared world I'm sure it comes to nobody's shock when joining the monkeys there's new Pals including that one guy from Smash Bros uh rollerblade Ricky yellow thing Sonic's yellow thing a Sega Dreamcast and Kazuma kiru from y uza if he was a victim of selective breeding I know that in the other timeline this game takes place before banana Blitz but considering the main conflict revolves around Dr bad Boon time traveling I'm just going to ignore that fact and it's a good reason I am too because these cutscenes suck I don't want to see them dancing and watch I eyes ankle clip after every cut scene this and this aren't the same thing it hurts me it really does these cut scenes are genuinely miserable so with all that being said it seems that like our final timeline is going to look like this almost like some weird figure eight with a good amount of time traveling Shenanigans thanks for that Sonic when looking at the whole series it's it it's weird like I like the games but I'm also pretty sure most of these games are just all right but we can't forget about the party games the other thing Monkey Ball is known for a bunch of different mini games among the already existing game you got stuff like monkey fight a weird little hockey game racing racing but in a car racing in Red Light Green Light Monkey Ball but top down this target game that I can never figure out the physics and monkey boxing I'm going to assume the party games are what the monkeys do in their free time between games it makes sense to me from my knowledge nobody should be upset about that as long as they aren't jumping the Monkey Ball fans hate it when the monkeys can jump and jumping monkeys is a big no no here in terms of a future in this series I quite literally have zero expectations or ideas where they would go from here the only options seem to be either an extreme lack of story or an Expedition that goes longer than the Z Dynasty I could see there being some sort of character development but 90% of these games feel like Developers straight up just forgot to put up a story until the game was finished and then they put them in the manuals whatever happens I'll be awkwardly standing moderately gosh and blurred in the distance while playing Crazy Taxi I Like Crazy Taxi not much to say other than the taxi is pretty dang crazy and that'll do it I hope you had fun I hope you guys fixed this dang statistic it's supposed to be the opposite of this please make sure to change your car's oil don't forget you have an assignment due at midnight hey uh also Spencer uh the there's someone behind you now I'm just messing with you I don't know anyone named Spencer now if you excuse me I'm going to go back to the concession stand I got a soft pra with my name probably on it I hope not though Sharpie does not taste [Music] good [Music]
Channel: choopo
Views: 97,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aiai, Bizarre lore, Choopo, Monkey ball, Sonic monkey ball, Sonic super monkey ball, Sonic the hedgehog, Stop looking at the dang tags, Super monkey ball adventure, The bizarre lore of rabbids, The bizarre lore of super monkey ball, Yakuza, microsoft paint, microsoft paint animation, ms paint, ms paint animation, super monkey ball, super monkey ball 2, super monkey ball banana blitz hd, super monkey ball banana mania, super monkey ball deluxe
Id: uuxKzk97xbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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